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Derry, S and Schunn, C. 2005. Interdisciplinarity. A beautiful but Dangerous Beast. In Interdisciplinary<br />

Collaboration. An emerging cognitive Science. Eds. Derry, Schunn, Gernsbacher. Lawrence Erlblaum<br />

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Bucchi, M. 2004. Science in Society. An Introduction to Social Studies of Science. Routledge: New York.<br />

Haviland and Mulin 2009 Introduction: Connecting Plagiarism, Intellectual Property and Disciplinary Habits.<br />

In Plagiarism, Authorship and Disciplinary Cultures. Ed. Havliand and Mulin. Utah State University Press.<br />

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Zimitat, C. 2008. A student perspective of plagiarism. In Student Plagiarism in an Online World. Problems<br />

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Henning, Guarrett and Van Rensburgh. 2005. Finding your way in Academic Writing. Van Schaik: Pretoria.<br />

Fulwiler. 2002. College Writing. A Personal Approach to Academic Writing. Boynton/Cook<br />

Henning, Guarrett and Van Rensburgh. 2005. Finding your way in Academic Writing. Van Schaik: Pretoria.<br />

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Van Leeuwen, T. 2005. Three modes of interdisciplinarity. In A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis.<br />

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Fulwiler. 2002. College Writing. A Personal Approach to Academic Writing. Boynton/Cook<br />

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Writing in European Higher Education. Eds. Bjork, Brauer, Rienecker and Jorgensen. Kluwer: New York<br />

Richards and Miller. 2008. Types and Purposes of Academic Writing. In Doing Academic writing in<br />

Murray, S. 2001. 2001. Does Editing a Journal Increase One’s citations In It? Anthropology News<br />

Scollon, R. 1995. Coercive citation. Anthropology Newsletter<br />

Zimitat, C. 2008. A student perspective of plagiarism. In Student Plagiarism in an Online World. Problems<br />

and Solutions. Ed, Roberts, T. IGI Global.<br />

Haviland and Mulin 2009 Introduction: Connecting Plagiarism, Intellectual Property and Disciplinary Habits.<br />

In Plagiarism, Authorship and Disciplinary Cultures. Ed. Havliand and Mulin. Utah State University Press.<br />

Sutherland-Smith, W. 2008. Plagiarism and the Internet. In Plagiarism, the Internet and Student Learning.<br />

Improving Academic Integrity. Routledge.<br />



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