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Další literatura k tématu:<br />

Ayers, B. Deaf diaspora: The third wave of Deaf ministry. ISBN: 0595335411.<br />

Bearden, C. (1975). A handbook for religious interpreters for the Deaf.<br />

Atlanta: Home Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.<br />

Bearden, C. and J. Potter (1973). Manual of religious signs. Silver Spring, MD: National<br />

Association of the Deaf. Collins, S. C., Schneider, J. (Illustrator),<br />

Kifer. K. (Illustrator), & Frasnik, M. (Illustrator) (1998, November).<br />

Signing at Church: For adults and young adults. Garlic Pr; ISBN: 0931993989<br />

Costello, E. & Lehman, L. (illustrator) (1986, April). Religious signing:<br />

The new comprehensive guide for all faiths. New York: Bantam Doubleday<br />

Dell Pub; ISBN: 0553342444<br />

Douglas, J. D. (Ed.) (1982, April). The new Bible dictionary.<br />

Tyndale House Pub. ISBN: 0842346678.<br />

Flegal, D., (ed.) and Jones, R. S. (ill.) (2000, August). More sign &amp; say: Bible verses for<br />

children. Abingdon Press; ISBN: 0687014573.<br />

Flegal, D. (1999, January). Sign & say: Bible verses for children.<br />

Abingdon Press; ISBN: 0687074428.<br />

Oglia, D., F. Caccamise, D. Pocobello, W. Newell, K. Cagle, and M. Mitchell (1985).<br />

TECHNICAL SIGNS MANUAL 7: Religion/Catholic. St. Petersburg, FL: MTPS.<br />

Dictionary of sign language terms for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt<br />

Lake City, UT: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.<br />

Schneider, J., Kifer, K., Frasnik, M. (ills.) and Collins, S. H. (1998, November). Signing at<br />

Church: For adults and young adults. Garlic Pr; ISBN: 0931993989.<br />

Sign to the Lord a new song. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Northwestern Publishing House. This<br />

279 page book describes the signs for hundreds of words and phrases used in the worship<br />

setting. It <strong>pro</strong>vides alternate signs for words that have multiple meanings. Clear, sharp pictures<br />

enhance the understanding of many of the signs.<br />

Yates, L. (January 10, 2007). Interpreting at Church: A Paradigm for Sign Language Interpreters.<br />

BookSurge Publishing. ISBN-10: 1419653180, ISBN-13: 978-1419653186.<br />

Yount, W. R. (1976, June). Be opened!: An introduction to ministry with the deaf. Baptist<br />

Sunday School Board. ISBN-10: 0805432167, ISBN-13: 978-0805432169.<br />

Hollis, M. (1988, June). Signs for Catholic liturgy and education. Silver Spring,<br />

MD: NAD. ISBN: 0318168871<br />

Levicoff, S. (1991). Christian counseling and the law. Chicago: Moody Press. [out of print]<br />

There is a large section on confidentiality and privileged communication in which Levicoff<br />

describes confession and the degree of confidentiality of the priest.<br />

Magida, A. J. & Matlins, S. (Editors) (1999, April). How to be a perfect stranger: A guide to<br />

etiquette in other people & religious ceremonies, volume 1 (and there is also a volume 2).<br />

SkyLight Paths Publishing. ISBN: 1893361012.<br />

Sections: History and beliefs, The basic service, Holy days and festivals, Life cycle events,<br />

Home celebrations. Martin, W. The laymen’s Bible encyclopedia. The Southwestern Company.<br />

Maxwell, M. and S. Boster (1982). Interpreting hymns for Deaf worshipers. In Sign Language<br />

Studies,36, 217-226.<br />

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