Informationsmappe Hospital - Kendan

Informationsmappe Hospital - Kendan

Informationsmappe Hospital - Kendan


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Klinisk Referenceliste<br />

1985 Wille-Jørgensen P, et al<br />

Graded compression stockings with and without Heparin-dihydroergotermine in<br />

prevention of thromboembolic complications of major abdominal surgery.<br />

British Journal of Surgery 1985;72:579-581<br />

1984 Turner G, et al<br />

The ecacy of graduated compression stockings in the prevention of<br />

DVT after major gynaecological surgery. British Journal of Obstetrics<br />

and Gynaecology 1984 91;588-591<br />

1983 Nicolaides A, et al<br />

Intermittent Sequential Pneumatic compression of the legs and<br />

thromboembolism - Detterent stockings in the prevention of postoperative<br />

deep venous thrombosis.<br />

Surgery 1983;94:21-25<br />

1983 Havig Ø, et al<br />

Comparison TED versus Control (no prophylaxis)<br />

Presentation at the Annual General Meeting of Norwegian Surgeons,<br />

Oslo 1983<br />

1983 Borow M. and Goldson H.<br />

Prevention of postoperative Deep Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary<br />

Emboli with combined modalities. Amer. Surg. 1983;49:599<br />

1983 Caprini J A, et al<br />

Thrombosis prophylaxis using external compression.<br />

Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics,1983;156:599-604<br />

1983 Inada K, et al<br />

Post-operative Deep Venous Thrombosis in Japan<br />

American Journal of Surgery 1983;145:775-779<br />

1983 Fasting H, et al<br />

The eciency of graduated compression stockings compared with<br />

low-dose Heparin in the prevention of deep vein thrombosis.<br />

Presented at the World Congress of Thrombosis and Haemostasis in<br />

Stockholm July 7th 1983<br />

1983 Allan A, et al<br />

The use of graduated compression stockings in the prevention of<br />

postoperative deep vein thrombosis.<br />

British Journal of Surgery 1983;70:172-174<br />

1982 Hartman J, et al<br />

Cyclic sequential compression of the lower limb in prevention of DVT<br />

Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 1982;64A:1059-1062<br />

1982 Holford C.<br />

Gradient compression stocking for the prevention of DVT.<br />

Presented at the Surgical Meeting, Basle, April 1982

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