vDh7EnCB - VUC Skive-Viborg

vDh7EnCB - VUC Skive-Viborg

vDh7EnCB - VUC Skive-Viborg


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Titel 4<br />

Aspects of India (eksamen)<br />

Indhold kernestof:<br />

1. Khushwat Singh The Mark of Vishnu 1983 (Bühlmann et al Departures<br />

Systime 1998) novelle<br />

2. Rachel Barton The Scarlet Thread 1986 (Damskier og Weidick Crossroads 1:<br />

Turkey or Tenerife Systime 2003) biografi, side 30-37,19<br />

3. R.K. Narayan The Missing Mail (Henneberg Gateway to India Systime 1992)<br />

romanuddrag<br />

4. Anita Desai A Devoted Son (ibid) novelle<br />

5. Indira Sant Household Fires 1975 (Frederiksen og Madelung Images of India<br />

Munksgaard 1998) digt<br />

6. Kamala Das An Introduction (ibid) digt<br />

7. Tabish Khair What Did I Do 1993 (ibid) digt<br />

8. Jawaharlal Nehru Tryst with Destiny 1947 (Rushdie and West (eds) The<br />

Vintage Book of Indian Writing Vintage 1997) tale<br />

Omfang<br />

Særlige<br />

fokuspunkter<br />

Væsentligste<br />

arbejdsformer<br />

supplerende stof:<br />

9. Danny Boyle Slumdog Millionaire 2008, film<br />

10. Sekvens fra Richard Attenborough Gandhi 1982, film<br />

11. Clips fra internettet: India Independence Day I, Tryst with Destiny, India<br />

takes over 1947<br />

12. Internetsider ifm. med ”Presentations of India”<br />

13. David Crystal South Asian English The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the<br />

English Language, 2nd ed., CUP (1995) 2005, pp 101+360, sagprosa<br />

Anvendt uddannelsestid: 40 lektioner à 50 minutter<br />

Kompetencer, læreplanens mål, progression<br />

introduktion til læsning af digte<br />

family, gender roles, arranged marriage (2,3,4,5,6,9)<br />

transition from traditional lifestyle to modernity; western influence (1,4,6,9)<br />

fokus på geografi, historie, samfundsforhold<br />

samme emne behandlet i hhv. digt og roman samt biografi (traditional<br />

woman’s role 2,3,5) og i digt og novelle (tradition versus modernity 1, 4,6)<br />

→ genrebevidsthed<br />

independence in 1947, partition, race riots and religious violence (8,11,7,9,10)<br />

sproglig variation: South Asian English (13)<br />

images of India<br />

quizz: What do you know about India?<br />

mundtlige og skriftlige (powerpoint) oplæg ifm. internetsøgning. Oplæggene<br />

lægges i klassens rum: terrorism in Mumbai, Bollywood, Mahatma Gandhi,<br />

Hinduism, The India-Pakistan conflict, Independence 1947, Tranquebar the<br />

old Danish colony<br />

eksamensopgave: sommer 2012 Automatic Upgrade<br />

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