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1983 "Assessment of childhood depression : Correspondence ofchild and parent ratings." Journal of the American Academy ofChild Psychiatry, 22, : 157­164.­ Lefkowitz, M. & Tesiny, E.1980 "Assessment of childhood depression" Journal of Consultingand Clinical Psychology, 48: 43­50­ Long, V.O.1986 "Relationship of masculinity to self­esteem and selfacceptancein female professionals, college students, clients, andvictims of domestic violence" Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology, 54: 323­327.­ Markus, M., Nurius, P.1980 "Possible selves" American Psychologist, 41: 954­969.­ Nolen­Hoeksema, S.1987 "Sex differences in unipolar depression, evidence and theory"Psychological Bulletin, 101: 259­282.­ Parker, G.1979 "Sex differences in non­clinical depression." Australian andNew Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 13: 127­132.­ Parker, G.1980 "Vulnerability factors to normal depression ." Journal ofPsychosomatic Research., 24 : 67­74.­ Piers, E.V., & Harris, D. A.1964 "Age and other correlates of self­concept in children." Journalof Educational Psychology. 55 : 91­95 .­ Proefrock, D.1981 "Adolescence : Social fact and psychological concept"Adolescence, 16: 851­858­ Reck, U.1980 "Self­concept, school, and social setting : A comparison ofrural and appalachian and urban non­appalachian sixth graders" .Journal of Educational Research. 74: 49­ 54.٤۰

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