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152<br />

Tabel 135. Vareomsætningen mellem Danmark og udlandet, efter varegrupper, 1971. Foreløbige tal.<br />

(s. 143-169)<br />

Denmark's imports and exports exporu 1971. Preliminary figures<br />

Generalindførsel<br />

Generaludførsel<br />

Bruxefle, Bruxelles<br />

v*re-nr. vare-nr.<br />

Mængde<br />

Værdi<br />

Mængde Vrdi Værdi<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

tons 1000kr. tons 1000kr.<br />

17.11, 12<br />

21, 22<br />

19<br />

20.20<br />

30<br />

22.10<br />

23<br />

27.10<br />

28.10<br />

20<br />

17.11, 12 Natriumhydroxid (kaust. natron) 48084 19690 2 318 2 126 Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)<br />

21, 22 Kaliumhydroxid (kaustisk kali) 1413 1513 113 118 Potassium hydr. (caust. potash)<br />

19 Zinkoxid, -peroxid (zinkhvidt) 2113 4808 28 76 Zinc oxide, perox. (zinc white)<br />

20.20 Aluminiumhydroxid Aluminiurnhydroxid 387 534 36 315 Aluminium hydroxide<br />

30 Kunstig korund 472 1014 3 6 Artificial corundum<br />

22.10 Mangandioxid 2091 4690 1 3 Manganese dioxide<br />

23 Jernoxid, -hydroxid 3913 5866 70 110 Iron oxides and hydroxide9 hydroxides<br />

27.10 Mønje 910 2243 28 74 Lead oxides<br />

28.10 Kobberforbindelser 294 2816 8 89 Copper compounds<br />

20 Kviksølvforbindelser 5 127 0 22 Mercury compounds<br />

IV. rest<br />

Andre oxider, baser m.v. 9583 29989 140 636 Other oxides, bases, etc.<br />

V. Metalsalte m.v. ai' uorganiske V. Metallic salts,etc. of inorganic<br />

syrer (29-48) acids (29-48)<br />

29<br />

Fluorider, fluorkomplexe salte 84 467 2914 2357 Fluorides; compl. fluorine salts<br />

30.10 Ammoniumchlorid (salmiak) 1875 1292 24 20 Ammon. chloride (sal ammoniac)<br />

20<br />

Calciumchlorid 3409 1432 37 44 Calcium chloride<br />

32.11<br />

Natriumchlorat 531 600 - - Sodium chlorate<br />

36<br />

Dithioniter, sulfoxylater 312 986 1 5 Dithionites; sulphoxylates<br />

37.10<br />

Natriumsulfiter 4002 1979 14 14 Sodium sulphitcs sulphites<br />

90<br />

Andre sulfiter, thiosulfater 269 362 20 16 Other sulphites; thiosulphates<br />

38.10<br />

Natriumsulfat (glaubersalt). 13341 4466 36 18 Neutral sulphate (Glauber's salt)<br />

25<br />

Bariumsulfat 429 348 15 12 Barium sulphate<br />

40<br />

Aluminiumsulfat 5403 2068 12 10 Aluminium sulphate<br />

50<br />

Mangansulfat 1793 1789 44 56 Manganese sulphate<br />

65<br />

Kobbersulfat (blåsten) 3792 9552 0 2 Cupric sulphate<br />

90,2<br />

Natriumhydrogensulfat 2 218 1 256 167 344 Sodium hydrogen sulphate<br />

39.30<br />

Kaliumnitrat 1387 1453 19 28 Potassium nitrate<br />

40.24,29<br />

Natriumphosphater 28516 36094 22 46 Sodium phosphates<br />

40<br />

Calciumphosphater 43695 29892 40 164 Calcium phosphates<br />

42.20<br />

Natriumcarbonat (soda) 68970 24303 61 33 Sodium carbonate<br />

40<br />

Kaliumcarbonat (potaske) 537 669 3 6 Potassium carbonate<br />

45<br />

Silicater (vandglas m.v.) 72337 52485 59 106 Silicates (water-glass, etc.)<br />

46.20<br />

Natriumperoxyborat 6377 8925 40 70 Sodium perborate<br />

47.10.1 Natriumchromat, -dichromat 2697 3644 2 5 Sodium chromate, -dichromates<br />

V. rest<br />

Andre metalsalte af uorg. syrer 28 836 40 779 1 873 3 860 Other salts of inorganic acids<br />

VI. Diverse (49-58) VI. Miscell. inorg. comp. (49.-58) (49-58)<br />

56.10<br />

Siliciumcarbid 351 957 1 4 Silicon carbide<br />

20 Calciumcarbid 9575 7169 - - Calcium carbide<br />

VI. rest<br />

Andre uorg. kemikalier 1122 26562 20 1 408 Other inorganic compounds<br />

29<br />

Organiske kemikalier 139678 494615 68254 535018 OrganIc Organic chemicals<br />

01<br />

Carbonhydrider 9270 6019 31504 8211 Hydrocarbons<br />

02.14 Trichlorethylen Trichlorethylcn 3877 4643 8 15 Trichloroethylene<br />

Trichloroethylenc<br />

rest<br />

Andre halogenderivater ai at car-Other halogenated derivatives of<br />

bonhydrider. 11593 23940 175 955 hydrocarbons<br />

03<br />

Sulfo-, nitroderivater al ai carbon-Sulphonated, carbon-Suiphonated, nitrated derivatives<br />

hydrider 4466 11131 3 11 of hydrocarbons<br />

04,0505 Alkoholer og derivater heraf 28 586 39 730 1 957 9 595 Alcohols and derivatives<br />

06, 07<br />

Phenoler, phenolalkofioler, deny. 5115 12996 243 1559 Phenols, phenolalcohols, deny.<br />

08.12 Glycolethere... 1 009 1 855 168 319 Glycolethers<br />

08.rest )<br />

j 1 09, 10<br />

Andre ethere, epoxider m.v 1371 4813 158 1044 Other ethers, epoxides, etc.<br />

}<br />

11, 12<br />

Aldehyder (formaldehyd etc.) 7 490 7 364 49 570 Aldehydes (formaldehydes, etc.)<br />

13<br />

Ketoner, quinoner og -forb 9 543 10 588 545 1 009 Ketones, quinones and comp.<br />

14<br />

Enbasiske syrer og forb. 15795 35064 3058 13331 Monoacids and compounds<br />

15<br />

Flerbasiske syrer og forbindelser 11017 16470 9024 15684 Polyacids and compounds<br />

16.14,1<br />

Citronsyre 1 977 96939 355 1 737 Citric acid<br />

rest Andre organiske syrer og forb. 25472 15066 1 527 96219 Other organic acids and comp.<br />

17-21<br />

Estere ai at uorg. syrer; derivater 949 6 660 5 989 42 862 Esters of inorg. acids; derivat.<br />

22-30<br />

Nitrogenforbindelser 19612 76870 2758 39565 Nitrogen-function compounds<br />

31-373 Uorg.-organiske forb. m.v 3238 63924 1 713 72 751 Organo-inorganic compounds

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