17.10.2012 Aufrufe

Ermittlung der flächendifferenzierten Grundwasserneubildungsrate ...

Ermittlung der flächendifferenzierten Grundwasserneubildungsrate ...

Ermittlung der flächendifferenzierten Grundwasserneubildungsrate ...


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Summary<br />

Determination of the spatially variable groundwater recharge by using different<br />

methods and a geographic information system (GIS) in Südost-Holstein<br />

The investigation was incorporated in a hydrogeological investigation programme<br />

conducted by the Department of Nature and Environment of the state Schleswig-<br />

Holstein (LANU). The objective of the research was to determine the rate of groundwater<br />

recharge and its spatial variability for an area of 1290 km 2 .<br />

For the reliable calculation of the groundwater recharge different methods were applied.<br />

Only methods were used, which allowed a spatially variable determination of<br />

recharge for a long-term average, as the results of the calculation will be used for<br />

future groundwater management. The choice of methods was determined by the<br />

studies objectives, the initial data sets and their supplement. Following methods<br />

suited un<strong>der</strong> the given climatic and geological conditions:<br />

1. Bagrov/Glugla (in GRUNSKE, 1975)<br />

2. JOSOPAIT & LILLICH (1975)<br />

3. DÖRHÖFER & JOSOPAIT (1980)<br />

4. PROKSCH (1990)<br />

5. RENGER & WESSOLEK (1990)<br />

6. SCHROEDER & WYRWICH (1990)<br />

7. VEKOS (in KLÄMT (1988)<br />

Data sets variable in space and time, like precipitation and evapotranspiration, were<br />

collected for the period of 1961-1990, interpreted and then regionalized by kriging or<br />

the polygon method. Furthermore runoff data were evaluated by using different approaches.<br />

Data variable in space, like geological maps, landuse, morphology were transformed<br />

into digital data sets, evaluated and then imported into the GIS ARC/INFO.<br />

All data sets were prepared, interpreted and analysed in ARC/INFO to build the necessary<br />

database for the calculations, which were performed for the methods mentioned<br />

above. Besides of the analysis, comparison and interpretation of the results, thematic<br />

maps were created using ARC/V IEW.

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