23.11.2013 Aufrufe

flucht und verwandlung nelly sachs, schriftstellerin, berlin / stockholm

flucht und verwandlung nelly sachs, schriftstellerin, berlin / stockholm

flucht und verwandlung nelly sachs, schriftstellerin, berlin / stockholm


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In May 1940, Nelly Sachs fled from Berlin on one of the last passenger<br />

aircraft to leave the city. Behind her lay more than half a life, now <strong>und</strong>er<br />

threat after the 1933 Nazi takeover. Ahead of her lay thirty years in<br />

exile, as well as the significant part of a literary œuvre for which she was<br />

awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1966.<br />

For the first time, Sachs’ life and work is now being explored in a<br />

large travelling exhibition. Against a backgro<strong>und</strong> of numerous hitherto<br />

unknown photographs, texts, and witness accounts, the growing<br />

radicality of her poetry emerges along with the cultural and historic<br />

context in which it came about. Who was the unknown lover of the Berlin<br />

years, who would later become known as »the dead bridegroom«? What<br />

happened in the »cuddy,« measuring four square metres, that Sachs<br />

regarded as the centre of her poetic universe? What happened when<br />

her friend Paul Celan visited Stockholm in the autumn of 1960 to offer<br />

his support in connection with the mental illness which marked the last<br />

years of her life?<br />

»Flight and Metamorphosis« shows the circumstances in which<br />

Sachs’ writing developed: in remembrance of a familiar but lost world,<br />

in contact with a new but foreign culture. In short: in a time of crisis<br />

and upheaval. With the help of so far unknown documents, the<br />

coordinates of Sachs’ »invisible universe« can be traced for the first<br />

time. The ab<strong>und</strong>ant material, as well as insights into important friendships<br />

with Paul Celan and Gunnar Ekelöf, Margaretha Holmqvist and<br />

Rosi Wosk, paint the portrait of one of the twentieth century’s most<br />

important poets.

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