06.01.2014 Aufrufe

Prüfbericht - Handicare AS

Prüfbericht - Handicare AS

Prüfbericht - Handicare AS


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TÜV SÜD AUTOMOTIVE GMBH Phone: +49 (0)89 5791 – 1393<br />

Ridlerstr. 57 Facsimile: +49 (0)89 5791 – 4438<br />

80339 München / Munich<br />

Germany<br />

Audit report no.:<br />

377‐0023‐07‐TAES‐A<br />

Manufacturer: Paravan GmbH, 72539 Pfrontstetten‐Aichelau, Germany<br />

Model: Space Drive Page 4 of 19<br />

• The Dual Potentiometer of the motor supplies two<br />

signals that signal the position of the output shaft<br />

of the engine / gearbox.<br />

RS 422 interface between the Drive Module (steering) and<br />

the Steering Motor:<br />

• The Resolver of the motor supplies a signal that<br />

signals the position of the output shaft proper.<br />

Discrete line between the Steering Motor Engage Switch<br />

and the Vehicle Interface Module:<br />

• The motion tracker supplies a signal to signal<br />

whether the steering motor is engaged or<br />

disengaged.<br />

Power interface between the Drive Module (steering) and<br />

the Steering Motor:<br />

• Redundant design to select two separate windings<br />

in the motor.<br />

Unidirectional analog interface from the Input Device to<br />

the Drive Module (gas / brake):<br />

• The lever / joystick supplies three signals (three<br />

potentiometers) for position monitoring.<br />

Unidirectional analog interface from the Input Device to<br />

the Drive Module (steering):<br />

• The steering wheel / joystick supplies three signals<br />

(three potentiometers) for position monitoring,<br />

Accredited under DAR registration no. KBA‐P‐00001‐95 by the Akkreditierungsstelle Kraftfahrt‐Bundesamt / accreditation<br />

agency of the (German) Federal Motor Transport Authority<br />

Federal Republic of Germany.

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