14.01.2014 Aufrufe

Publikationsverzeichnis 2005 - Alexandria - Universität St.Gallen

Publikationsverzeichnis 2005 - Alexandria - Universität St.Gallen

Publikationsverzeichnis 2005 - Alexandria - Universität St.Gallen


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(FBM)<br />

Mark Heitmann<br />

School<br />

Forschungsgebiet<br />

SoM - School of Management<br />

Consumer Research, Behavioral Decision Theory,<br />

Social Buying Behavior, Path Modelling<br />

Artikel (wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift)<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark: Den Kaufrausch nutzen. In: Harvard Business Manager<br />

(<strong>2005</strong>), S. 16-17.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Algesheimer, René ; Heitmann, Mark: Brand Community Management -<br />

Ansatz für eine netzwerkorientierte Perspektive im Marketing. In: Thexis (<strong>2005</strong>), S. 6-10.<br />

Konferenzpapier<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Befurt, Rene ; Heitmann, Mark ; Kaiser, Christian: Everything for the Brand?<br />

Conflicts between Brand Conformity and Independent Product Lines. <strong>2005</strong>. - Proceedings of<br />

the Conference of the European Marketing Association, S. CDrom.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark ; Levav, J. ; Iyengar, S.: The Effect of Variety on sequential<br />

Choice. <strong>2005</strong>. - Conference of the Institute on Emotions and Decision Making, S. CDrom.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark ; Levav, J. ; Iyengar, S.: The Effect of Attribute Order and<br />

Variety on Choice Demotivation: A Field Experiment on German Car Buyers. <strong>2005</strong>. - Annual<br />

Conference of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, S. CDrom.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark ; Prykop, Catja: Communities of Interest and Perceived<br />

Brand Value - a latent Variable structural Equation Model. <strong>2005</strong>. - Proceedings of the<br />

Conference of the European Marketing Association, S. CDrom.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark ; Prykop, Catja: The Impact of Social-Identification on<br />

Perceived Brand Value. Results of a Causal-Analytic <strong>St</strong>udy. In: Proceedings of the<br />

Conference of the American Marketing Association, <strong>2005</strong>. - American Marketing Association. -<br />

Tampa.<br />

Herrmann, Andreas ; Heitmann, Mark ; Prykop, Catja: Community of Interest and Perceived Brand<br />

Value. A Latent Variable <strong>St</strong>ructural Equation Model. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the<br />

European Marketing Academy, <strong>2005</strong>. - Conference of the European Marketing Academy. -<br />

Mailand.<br />


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