29.01.2014 Aufrufe

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analysis.<br />

The zooplankton material used for this thesis was sampled between the<br />

2nd and the 6th of February in the equatorial Atlantic at 15 stations<br />

located on a profile, which ran along from 3° N to 2° S at a longitude<br />

of 22° W. At all stations five standard depth intervals (300m to 200m,<br />

200m to 100m, 100m to 50m, 50m to 25m and 25m to the surface) were<br />

vertically sampled with a multiple opening and closing net of lOOym<br />

mesh size.<br />

The fixed sample material was size- fractioned for image analysis and<br />

the largest fraction was pre- sorted under a stereomicroscope to<br />

dissemble aggregates of organisms.<br />

The vertical distribution of copepods reflects water column stratification<br />

caused by a strongly marked thermocline that was located between<br />

50m and 100m. The bulk of copepods is situated in the mixed upper<br />

layer with a clear maximum in the region between 25m and the surface.<br />

Below the thermocline the numbers of copepods are comparatively low<br />

with a slight increase in the region between 200m and 300m.<br />

The mean biomass of 23 10^ ppm and the structure of the vertical<br />

distribution of copepods in the upper 100m are comparable with findings<br />

from the oligotrophic regions of the anti cyclonic gyres on both<br />

sides of the equator. This conformity meets the expectations of a normal<br />

seasonal development in the investigation area.<br />

The slight increase in copepods between 200m and 300m is attributed<br />

to an active transport by meridional ciculation cells as indicated by<br />

the distribution of the total amount of copepods and the structure of<br />

the size- frequency- distributions. However the influence of seasonal<br />

vertical migration cannot be excluded.<br />

The vertical distribution of copepods does not indicate changes that<br />

can be explained by diurnal vertical migrations.<br />

Accounting for 17% of the total abundance nauplii occur in negligible<br />

number. It is assumed that reproduction is limited by the poor food<br />

suppley. On the other hand it is possible that the meshsize of lOOyra<br />

is not sufficiently fine for a quantitative collection of nauplii.<br />

The wrigglers are represented by Hicrosetella sp..The composition of<br />

the samples indicates that the harpacticoid copepod uses aggregates

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