21.01.2015 Aufrufe

Ablaufplan STF10

Ablaufplan STF10

Ablaufplan STF10


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Freeheeler presents the<br />

10th Stubaier Telemark Festival 2010<br />

19.– 21.11.2010 at the Gamsgarten 2600m<br />

Testarea at the Gamsgarten<br />

Friday, Nov. 19th. 2010<br />

ca. 9:00 h<br />

at 12:00 h<br />

at 13:00 h<br />

at 15.45 h<br />

Handing out of the voucher for 2 ½ day skipass (Vaild 10 min.<br />

before 12h), workshop voucher and gifts at the telemarkworks<br />

booth at the base of the Stubai glacier cable car.<br />

Start testival at Gamsgarten<br />

Workshops at the Telemarkfriends tent<br />

End of the testival.<br />

Saturday, Nov. 20th. 2010<br />

at. 8:30 h<br />

at 9:00 h<br />

at 9:30h +13:00 h<br />

at 10:00 h<br />

at 11:00 h<br />

at 12:00 h<br />

at 14:30 h<br />

at 15.45 h<br />

Handing out of the voucher for 1 ½ day skipass (Vaild 10 min.<br />

before 12h), workshop voucher and gifts at the telemarkworks<br />

booth at the base of the Stubai glacier cable car.<br />

Start of the testival at Gamsgarten<br />

Workshops at the Telemarkfriends tent<br />

Registration for the<br />

Freeheel Austrian<br />

Masters in the race office at Telemarkfriends tent<br />

Checking the race course<br />

Start of the<br />

Freeheel Austrian Masters<br />

Winners ceremony at the Gamsgarten<br />

End of the testival<br />

Sunday, Nov. 21st. 2010<br />

at 9:00 h<br />

Start of the Testival at the Gamsgarten<br />

at 9:30 h<br />

Workshops at the Telemarkfriends tent<br />

at 14:00 h<br />

Freeheeler Raffle at the Telemarkfriends tent.<br />

at 15:45 h<br />

End of the the 10th Stubaier Telemark Festival<br />


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