11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Highlights - Märchenland - Deutsches Zentrum für Märchenkultur

Highlights - Märchenland - Deutsches Zentrum für Märchenkultur

Highlights - Märchenland - Deutsches Zentrum für Märchenkultur


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4.9 SENCO (SEN Co-ordinator)The SENCO is responsible for the following areas throughout theschool:-· Forming and updating lists of children with SEN (SEN Register).· To monitor the progress of all children with SEN.· Liaising with staff and outside agencies for children at School ActionPlus.· Ensure relevant background information for children with SEN iscollected, recorded and updated.· Sharing concern over children as they start in the nursery orreception classes.· Reviewing policy documents for SEN.· Attending appropriate SEN training sessions.· Liaising with other teachers and helping, as necessary, with IEP’s,interviews etc.· Liaising with all staff about children entering Infant School with SEN(Headteacher, teachers, midday assistants etc).· Monitoring and tracking the progress of all children with SEN toensure they are making adequate progress.· Liaising with all LSAs and TAs.· The SENCO is also the INCO (see Inclusing Policy).· Giving appropriate advice for calling in outside agencies at EarlyYears Action Plus and School Action Plus.· Assisting staff when completing forms requesting advice fromoutside agencies.· Liaising with outside agencies and health authority.· Ensuring that relevant resources are available.· Liaise with appropriate SENCO as children transfer schools.· To liaise with governors on CSN committee regarding SEN.· To liaise with staff responsible for working with children for whomEnglish is not their first language to obtain objective informationabout language proficiency in their first/home language and thestages in acquisition of language, if relevant.· Ensuring that a representative attends cluster group meetings forclaiming ‘Exceptional Funding’.4.9 To update the ‘Provision Mapping’ document to ensure that variousneeds of the children are met.4.10 Numeracy and Literacy Co-ordinators· To give advice on approaches, equipment, strategies and teachingmaterials appropriate for SEN.4.11 Class TeachersThe responsibilities of classroom teachers are:-· Early identification of any pupil with SEN.· To carry out informal and formal assessments where appropriate tohelp identify SEN.· To provide evidence which may help with assessments.· To liaise with parents, SENCO, Headteacher, outside agencies asnecessary.B u i l d i n g G o d ’ s C o m m u n i t y o f L o v e a n d L e a r n i n g

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