12.07.2015 Aufrufe

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio

The World is Changing - Liceo Sesto Properzio


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Weronika DYRAS, Monika ŻABA, Michał DĘBICKI (8LO): In den PRL Zeiten 93Marta TOMCZYK (1995), Patrycja PLUTA (8LO): How did the Pol<strong>is</strong>h people fight with government and howwas it affected of life in Poland and other countries? 94Monika ŻABA (8LO): Ist die Emigration ein guter Ausweg? 95Deividas RIMKUS , Roberta STIRBYTĖ (SPG): Emigration from Lithuania + 2 comments 96V. Media of communications 97Herman HAUSSMAN (HPS): Introduction 98Jan Malte SCHRÖDER (HPS): A debate about social network sites 98Halime DOGAN (TAOL): Social Media and Its Impact on Youth 98Jlenia FAMIANI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> positive sides of the Internet + 3 comments 99Monika ŠIMKUTĖ (SPG): Internet safety + 4 comments 100Gabriele VAGNETTI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> Internet and social networks: Italian young people are the mostvulnerable ones! + 1 comment 101Ipek YAHSI (TAOL): Youth and Internet Usage + 1 comment 102Elif Guleçoğlu (TAOL): Be Yourself! + 1 comment 102Aleksandra CIOŚ (8LO): Ein Interview mit der Klassenlehrerin 103Leif-Erik VON BORSTEL (HPS): Das Internet und seine Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft + 1 comments 104Lu<strong>is</strong>e KAMPS, Svenja HENNING (HPS): Kommunikationsmedien der Wirtschaft + 1 comments 105Paula GORROCHATEGUI (DSB): Everybody <strong>is</strong> connected 106Gabrielė MACIJAUSKAITĖ (SPG): <strong>The</strong> oldest communication way <strong>is</strong> the ship 106Marcel KNEBEL, Jan Malte SCHRÖDER (HPS): Vom Brief zur SMS 107Eleonora PANNACCI (LSP): Mobile phones: two generations now and then 108Deividas RIMKUS (SPG): Communication 109Patryk JANCZUR,Tomasz KOZIEŁ, Mateusz LEPA (8LO): Text messages in our lives + 6 comments 109Jacqueline CLEVER (HPS): How do you feel, my dearest Smartphone? 110Marcel KNEBEL (HPS): Die “Smartphone-Gesellschaft” – was kommt danach? + 1 comment 111Jan Malte SCHRÖDER (HPS): Die Zukunft 112VI. A sound mind in a sound body 113Sophia MEYER (HPS): Naturkost: Der Trend geht zu glücklichen Kühen + 3 comments 114Dario SANTUCCI, Beatrice BIANCARDI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> Mediterranean Diet, an Interview 115Annika WALKENHORST (HPS): Sport im Wandel der Jahre + 3 comments 116Gozewien DE WEKKER (HPS): Vergessenes Obst und Gemüse + 2 comments 117Andrius SKIRKEVIČIUS (SPG): Lithuanian youth and their favourite kinds of sport 118Martynas JAKAS (SPG): A sound mind in a sound body 119Laura SALDAUSKAITĖ (SPG): Food and health 119Mintare NORKUTĖ (SPG): Eating D<strong>is</strong>orders: Anorexia and Bulimia 120Andrius SKIRKEVIČIUS, Marius KMITAS (SPG): <strong>The</strong> importance of music styles 121Agnė RADZIVLAVIČIŪTĖ (SPG): Coping with stress 122Deividas RIMKUS (SPG): Active le<strong>is</strong>ure time in Lithuania 1222012/20131. Current affairs and trends are changing the world 123Francesca PREZIOTTI Elena TARDIOLI (LSP): Emigration: past and present 124Martynas JAKAS (SPG): <strong>The</strong> world <strong>is</strong> changing: Cyber relationships + 3 comments 125Erica BECCHETTI (LSP): Technologie heutzutage 126Elena TARDIOLI (LSP): Technologie dominiert das Leben der Jugendlichen 126Annika WALKENHORST, Marc WENIGMANN, Henning LÜTJE, (HPS): Economic D<strong>is</strong>pute in Europe 126Marta ZERBINI, Giulia BOTTOLONI (LSP): Emigranten 128El<strong>is</strong>a HERNANI, Pablo IZARRA, Daniel ARRIAGA, Ion GOIRI, Elena HERNÁNDEZ, Elena SANCHEZ (DSB): Wird eseines Tages selbst-bewusste Roboter (Androiden) geben? 128Sara BRUNOZZI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> future <strong>is</strong>… 130Stefania RONCI (LSP): Wie kann man Rass<strong>is</strong>mus vermeiden? + 1 comment 131Deborah CIOCCOLONI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> Right to Integrate/Das Recht sich zu integrieren 132Jlenia FAMIANI (LSP): Rass<strong>is</strong>mus: die Geißel der modernen Gesellschaft 133Guillermo REBOLLO DE GARAY (DSB): Bietet change.org einen Weg zu mehr Bürgerbeteiligung an derPolitik in der Zukunft? 133Agnė VALANČIŪTė (SPG): Technology that changed our lives + 4 comments 1342. <strong>The</strong>se events and trends are changing my life 136Deividas RIMKUS (SPG): <strong>The</strong> future might bring… 137Franz<strong>is</strong>ka GRAF (HPS): <strong>The</strong> permanent fight between animal and human being 137Aneta MACIJAUSKAITĖ (SPG): Technologies can improve education system + 3 comments 138Margherita TIRIDUZZI (LSP): Stay slowly connected 139Jlenia FAMIANI (LSP): Do we really understand what <strong>is</strong> changing our lives? + 1 comment 140Jessica REINHARDT (HPS): “I’m going to Hogwarts to prepare myself for the Hunger Games” – Howfictional stories influence our lives + 2 comments 140Giuliapaola FAGIOLI (LSP): Die Arbeitswelt: ein Markt, der immer anders wird 142Margot MASCI (LSP): <strong>The</strong> vote: our voice 142Giulia MANINI (LSP): Education: one of the most powerful weapons you can use to change the world 143n° 9/2013, page 5

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