13.07.2015 Aufrufe

Pistole P2000 SK P2000 SK Pistol - Waffen Braun

Pistole P2000 SK P2000 SK Pistol - Waffen Braun

Pistole P2000 SK P2000 SK Pistol - Waffen Braun

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The <strong>P2000</strong> <strong>SK</strong> is equipped witha drop safety in order to preventaccidental shots when the pistolis dropped or receives a blow.This provides an utmost degreeof drop safety.- Extraordinary conditions ase.g. bad shocks or heavydrops may adversely affect thesafety. After such events thepistol must be checked by themanufacturers.- Heckler & Koch do not assumeany liability for eventsdue to disregarding this manual,wrong handling, negligence,improper treatment,unauthorized part exchangeand other manipulations onthe pistol.- This operator’s manual is includedin the scope of supply ofthe pistol and always has to bepassed on along with the pistol.holster with your hand whenyou have to run or in case youcarry out fast and uncontrolledmovements. The pistol’s massis relatively high as comparedto the holster mass, whichmight cause the pistol to dropout of the holster in such cases.Accessories:- If you use holsters, mind thatthe holster must suit the pistoland not vice versa.- Mind that at all times the pistolis secured in the holster insuch a way that it will not dropout under any circumstances.- Always check your holster, asageing material, weapon oil,body temperature or extendeduse of the holster may adverselyaffect its characteristics.- Always secure the pistol in the39

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