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auditorium - DEKRA Certification

auditorium - DEKRA Certification

auditorium - DEKRA Certification


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COVER STORYProgramm/ScheduleLudwigsburg, Forum am Schlosspark, 31.03.200416.30 Stehempfang/Standing reception17.00 Begrüßung/Welcome speechProf. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Zeidler, Vorsitzender/Chairman of the Board <strong>DEKRA</strong> e. V.17.15 Eine Definition der ethischen Basisim täglichen Leben/A definition offundamental ethics in everyday lifeStephan Baus,Leiter/Head of Business Unit Industrial,Geschäftsführer/Managing Director<strong>DEKRA</strong>-ITS <strong>Certification</strong> Services GmbH17.45 Wege zu nachhaltigemUnternehmenserfolg/The road to sustainablestakeholder valueHans-Joachim Schneider,Vorstand/Chairman QMS AG18.15 Zukunft für Kinder –die Strahlemann-Initiative/A future for children –the ‘Strahlemann’ initiativeFranz-Josef Fischer, Geschäftsführer /Managing Director „gut drauf“-Gruppe18.30 Pause/Break18.45 Wie entstand das ModellUnternehmerEnergie?/How was the „UnternehmerEnergie“model created?Josef Schmidt,Gründer/Founder of Schmidt Colleg19.15 Ethik für langfristigenUnternehmenserfolg/Ethics for the long-term successof a companyDr. Dr. Cay von Fournier,Inhaber/Owner of Schmidt Colleg19.45 <strong>DEKRA</strong> Award 2003 –Bewertungsmodell und Ergebnisse/Assessment model and resultsAnuschirawan Adel,Leiter der Zertifizierungsstelle/Head of the <strong>Certification</strong> Body,<strong>DEKRA</strong>-ITS <strong>Certification</strong> Services GmbH20.15 Bekanntgabe des Siegersund Preisverleihung/Announcement of the winnerand award ceremonyProf. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Zeidler, Vorsitzender/Chairman of the Board <strong>DEKRA</strong> e.V.20.30 Festbankett/BanquetWho’s going to win the<strong>DEKRA</strong> Award 2003?On Wednesday 31 March 2004 the<strong>DEKRA</strong> Award will be presented for thefifth time in Ludwigsburg. As every yearthis international, cross-industry awardwill be presented to a company whichhas attained outstanding results in the implementationof a management system.Visitors are warmly welcome at theawards ceremony.Suspense right until the endThe jury will decide who has picked upthe <strong>DEKRA</strong> Award 2003 shortly beforethe announcement of the winner at theawards ceremony in the LudwigsburgForum am Schlosspark. Right until thevery end there will be lots of suspense forthe applicants and visitors alike therefore.Who came off best in the five evaluationareas Management & Strategy, StaffOrientation, Management System &Processes, Staff Satisfaction, and CustomerSatisfaction? And will the decision be asclose as it has been in past years?One thing has been confirmed time andtime again however: All the winnersand finalists are highly successful companies.Those who introduce a managementsystem not simply because theyfeel obliged to do so, but who activelyuse and further develop such a system,seemingly create a clear advantage forthemselves in their industry. Thus the<strong>DEKRA</strong> Award lives up to its claim ofbeing “the future standard”.Ethical models for the futureIt is not by chance that the topic of thefuture is also a point of focus at theawards ceremony. The host StephanBaus will make it clear that a sustainableand healthy development can onlytake place if the personal and entrepreneurialethics of the individual coincideto a significant degree. In “stakeholdervalue”, the well-being of those who contributemost to the company, managementconsultant Hans-Joachim Schneideralso sees a decisive driving force behindsustainable success.Franz-Josef Fischer has for many yearsbeen working on behalf of the youngeststakeholders in society, children andyoung people. He is presenting hisaward-winning “Strahlemann” project,which brokers apprenticeships andtraining courses (see page 24). A quitedifferent meeting of differing generationsis that between Josef Schmidt andDr. Dr. Cay von Fournier. The founderof the eponymous Schmidt Colleg andinventor of the successful managementmodel UnternehmerEnergie (“entrepreneurialenergy”) looks back at itsorigins before his successor offers anoverview of the ethical basis for futureentrepreneurial viability, thus bringingus full circles to the opening speech byStephan Baus.The full schedule of the award ceremonycan be found on the left. (Please notethat all speeches will be held in German.)Register in goodtime!Are you interested in valuablesuggestions for your company? Andwould you like to be present whenthe chairman of <strong>DEKRA</strong>, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Zeidler, announces thewinner of the <strong>DEKRA</strong> Award 2003?Then simply register as a visitor by19 March 2004 – using your replysheet or by calling <strong>DEKRA</strong>-ITS:+49.711.78 61-25 66.

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