25.05.2016 Aufrufe

LB PLUS - stark vernetztes Familienunternehmen

LB PLUS - das Magazin der LB Gruppe

LB PLUS - das Magazin der LB Gruppe


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36 37<br />

« Lanfer Automation Performance Partner<br />

for System Integration at Lenze »<br />

« Further training: Lanfer Automation »<br />

Never stand still, continuously develop further<br />

and use synergies through partnerships. The<br />

company Lanfer Automation expands its partner<br />

programme by: Lenze “Performance Partner<br />

for System Integration”. As a global specialist for the automation<br />

of machines, Lenze support their customers in all<br />

stages of the development process – ranging from the idea<br />

through to after-sales, in the optimization of an existing or<br />

the development of a new machine.<br />

the use of a robot is efficient,” Mathias Barbett explains. With<br />

the knowledge acquired, the programmers can now also<br />

provide their colleagues with technical support.<br />

Further training: SPS programmers<br />

of Lanfer Automation participate in an<br />

RSLogix 5000 programming<br />

refresher training<br />

Drive and Automation Solutions<br />

Lenze describes this as Motion Centric Automation and is<br />

one of only a few suppliers on the market that offer an extensive<br />

product and service portfolio, ranging from control<br />

and visualisation via electric drives and electromechanics<br />

through to software and engineering services from one single<br />

source. Together with the customers, Lenze experts develop<br />

continuous drive and automation solutions that facilitate<br />

the implementation, production and servicing of machines.<br />

Lanfer Automation<br />

Performance Partner 2016<br />

Lanfer Automation now actively supports the Lenze group<br />

as a Performance Partner for System Integration in the areas<br />

of automation technology, industrial automation, intralogistics<br />

and switchboard production.<br />

Mathias Barbett and Dominik Papenberg of<br />

Lanfer Automation have completed a oneweek<br />

basic training for the programming of<br />

Kawasaki robots.<br />

Thanks to the training, both of them are now able to implement<br />

Kawasaki robots and to optimize robot processes.<br />

“In addition, the training provided basic knowledge of robots<br />

so that the participants are able to better estimate whether<br />

Lanfer Automation expands its engineering and service<br />

portfolio by the current control system from Rockwell Automation<br />

that is called the Allen-Bradley system. SPS programming<br />

team manager Peter Sieverding and SPS programmer Martin<br />

Nürenberg have now completed a training of the VDT Engineering<br />

& Service GmbH Institute. The training provided tools<br />

(programming software) and handling skills (components) for<br />

the new control platform. Moreover, the participants also used<br />

the skills acquired in different test exercises. This knowledge<br />

can now be put into practice in customer-specific projects.<br />

Photo credits: Lanfer Automation GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Contact<br />

www.google.de/maps<br />

Lanfer Automation GmbH & Co. KG<br />

Managing director: Guido Faßbender<br />

Hoher Weg 13 ∙ 46325 Borken-Weseke ∙ Germany<br />

Tel.: +49 28 62 / 91 31 19<br />

Fax: +49 28 62 / 91 36 00<br />

Email: automation@lanfer.de<br />


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