12.01.2017 Aufrufe

vhs Aschaffenburg Programmheft Frühjahr 2017

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Sprachen | Englisch<br />

434406 <br />

Let`s speak<br />

Basic Conversation B1 + B2<br />

Anja Rung-Schmitt<br />

Practise your communication skills and improve your uency in<br />

English. Topics are of general interest and may be chosen by<br />

you.<br />

ab Mi 15.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 15 Termine<br />

FOS / BOS; Raum 0.10<br />

84,00 €, Gebührengruppe 2, 9 bis 11 Personen<br />

434407<br />

Conversation B1 + B2<br />

Diana Taras<br />

Englisch Conversation auf B1 + B2 Niveau.<br />

Lehrbuch wird im Kurs bekanngegeben<br />

Kein Unterricht am 09.03.<strong>2017</strong><br />

ab Do 16.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 15 Termine<br />

Brentanoschule; Raum 205<br />

117,00 €, Gebührengruppe 3, 6 bis 8 Personen<br />

GR<br />

433350<br />

Let's Talk<br />

Basic Conversation B1 + B2<br />

Christl Gegerle<br />

Join our course if you want to talk in English. Our topics will be<br />

every-day-situations, holidays, anything that interests you.<br />

(Voraussetzung: Englischkenntnisse, die dem Stand der Mittleren<br />

Reife entsprechen).<br />

Lehrbuch, evtl. auch Lektüre wird im Kurs bekannt gegeben.<br />

ab Mo 13.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 12 Termine<br />

Mittelschule Großostheim, Dellweg 10<br />

54,00 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

C1<br />

C1 Grammatik und Konversation<br />

435301<br />

Englisch C1<br />

English Conversation with Grammar<br />

William Hosey<br />

You are a fairly condent speaker of English but would like to<br />

improve your conversation and grammar. In this class you help<br />

to chose the topics that interest you and we will discuss them<br />

in small groups.<br />

ab Mo 13.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 15 Termine<br />

Brentanoschule; Raum 204<br />

67,20 €, Gebührengruppe 2, 9 bis 11 Personen<br />

435302<br />

Englisch C1<br />

Grammar + Conversation<br />

William Hosey<br />

This course is about improving your oral English skills without<br />

the pressure of an examination. We read current new articles,<br />

listen to podcasts, watch lms and discuss our opinions afterwards.<br />

A regular review of grammar, new vocab and games are<br />

built into the sessions as well as there is an easy-going atmosphere.<br />

ab Do 16.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 15 Termine<br />

FOS / BOS; Raum 2.08<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

C1 und C2 Konversationskurse<br />

435401 <br />

English after Breakfast<br />

Advanced Conversation C1 + C2<br />

Ann Albertz<br />

Wake up and start the new day by talking, reading and hearing<br />

about a variety of interesting topics from all over the world.<br />

ab Mo 13.2.17, 8:30-10:00, 15 Termine<br />

<strong>vhs</strong>-Haus, Luitpoldstr. 2, Raum 304<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

435402 <br />

Fun with English<br />

Advanced Conversation C1 + C2<br />

Ann Albertz<br />

Participants who nd it difcult to speak English uently are given<br />

the chance to discuss interesting themes with a friendly<br />

group of people.<br />

ab Di 14.2.17, 8:30-10:00, 15 Termine<br />

<strong>vhs</strong>-Haus, Luitpoldstr. 2, Raum 104<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

435403 <br />

New Horizons<br />

Advanced Conversation C1 + C2<br />

Joe Ginnane<br />

If you enjoy speaking English and would like to improve your<br />

uency and widen your vocabulary, this is the course for you!<br />

We will discuss a wide range of interesting topics, use short<br />

newspaper articles, poems, songs and many activities to keep<br />

us talking.<br />

ab Di 14.2.17, 18:30-20:00, 15 Termine<br />

<strong>vhs</strong>-Haus, Luitpoldstr. 2, Raum 202<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

435404 <br />

Early Morning English<br />

Advanced Conversation C1 + C2<br />

Ann Albertz<br />

Wake up and start the new day by talking, reading and hearing<br />

about a variety of interesting topics from all over the world.<br />

ab Mi 15.2.17, 8:30-10:00, 15 Termine<br />

<strong>vhs</strong>-Haus, Luitpoldstr. 2, Raum 104<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

435405 <br />

Enjoying English Literature!<br />

English Advanced Conversation C1 + C2<br />

Anne Brühl<br />

If you want to nd out what "John Green" meant - Every reading<br />

of a book is a collaboration between the reader and the<br />

writer who are making the story up together - you are welcome<br />

to join in!<br />

ab Mi 15.2.17, 20:00-21:30, 15 Termine<br />

<strong>vhs</strong>-Haus, Luitpoldstr. 2, Raum 103<br />

67,50 €, Gebührengruppe 1, 12 bis 16 Personen<br />

Gesundheit Kultur Gesellchaft<br />

<strong>vhs</strong> Landkreis junge <strong>vhs</strong> Grundbildung Beruf Sprachen<br />


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