06.08.2017 Aufrufe

Freies Kurdistan Buch

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336<br />

presence of his Excellency Bernard Dorin, Chancellor of State and Ambassador of France,<br />

and Mr. Kendal Nezan, President of Kurdish Institute of Paris, Mr. Fuad Hussein and Mr.<br />

Abbas Vali vice-presidents of the Kurdish Institute of Paris and Dr. Najmaddin Karim, the<br />

President of KNC, are true originals.<br />

A monitoring and arbitration committee composed of Kurdish and foreign personalities<br />

and advisors shall be put in place in order to arbitrate in cases of possible conflicts of<br />

opinion in matters related to the interpretation and implementation of this agreement. The<br />

composition of this committee shall be specified before the final signing of the agreement<br />

by the two Kurdish leaders, and after consultation with the parties concerned.<br />

Mr. Sami Rahman<br />

Head of the KDP delegation<br />

Mr. Nausherwan Amin<br />

Head of PUK delegation<br />

Quelle: Internet, http://www.kdp.pp.se (26.12.2002)<br />


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