09.04.2018 Aufrufe


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Distinctive Feature of Literature in Luxembourg, 2013), and “On<br />

Small Literatures and their Location in World Literature: A Case<br />

Study on Luxembourgish Literature” (2012).<br />

_______________<br />

Marko Juvan je predstojnik Inštituta za slovensko literaturo in literarne<br />

vede ZRC SAZU. Bil je član odborov mednarodnih združenj<br />

REELC/ENCLS, ICLA/AILC (za literarno teorijo) in Academia<br />

Europaea (za literarno vedo in teatrologijo). Je v uredništvih revij<br />

Primerjalna književnost, CLCWeb in arcadia. Piše o medbesedilnosti,<br />

literarnem diskurzu in žanrih, svetovni literaturi in prostorski<br />

humanistiki.<br />

Njegove novejše knjige: History and Poetics of Intertextuality (Zgodovina<br />

in poetika medbesedilnosti, 2008), Literary Studies in Reconstruction<br />

(Literarna veda v rekonstrukciji, 2011), Prešernovska<br />

struktura in svetovni literarni sistem (2012), Hibridni žanri (2017).<br />

Marko Juvan heads the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature<br />

and Literary Studies and teaches literary theory at the University<br />

of Ljubljana. He has served as a committee member of<br />

REELC/ENCLS, ICLA/AILC (Literary Theory), and Academia<br />

Europaea (Literary and Theatrical Studies). He is on the editorial<br />

boards of Primerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature),<br />

CLCWeb, and arcadia. He writes on intertextuality, literary<br />

discourse and genres, world literature, and spatial humanities. His<br />

recent books include History and Poetics of Intertextuality (2008),<br />

Literary Studies in Reconstruction (2011), Prešernovska struktura in<br />

svetovni literarni sistem (Prešeren Structure and the World Literary<br />

System, 2012), and Hibridni žanri (Hybrid Genres, 2017).<br />

_______________<br />

Konstantin Kaiser, geb. 1947 in Innsbruck. Studium Jus, Psychologie,<br />

Kunstgeschichte und Philosophie in Innsbruck und Wien (Dissertation:<br />

Zur Weltanschauung Heinrich Heines). Seit 1983 freischaffender<br />

Literaturwissenschaftler, Lektor und Schriftsteller in Wien.<br />

1983 Mitbegründer und später Sekretär der Theodor Kramer<br />

Gesellschaft sowie Mitherausgeber und Redakteur der Zeitschrift<br />

Zwischenwelt (vormals Mit der Ziehharmonika) und des Jahrbuchs der<br />

Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft. Redakteur der Buchreihe Anti-<br />


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