07.05.2018 Aufrufe

»feine adressen – finest« – Hannover 1 18

Event: Feuerwerkswettbewerb · News: GOP Varieté · Business: Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V. (VdU)

Event: Feuerwerkswettbewerb · News: GOP Varieté · Business: Verband deutscher Unternehmerinnen e.V. (VdU)


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6 b | finest event<br />

Chocolate Fashion Show<br />

Christof R.Sage, Caroline Bosbach, Reiner Calmund,<br />

Wolfgang Bosbach, Christoph Daum<br />

Gaby und Sven Ottke<br />

On 29th January, the traditional company Lambertz celebrated<br />

two anniversaries in style. This is because the 20th legendary<br />

Lambertz Monday Night coincided with the 330th anniversary<br />

of the company. Lambertz’ founding Prof. Hermann<br />

Bühlbecker, the ninth-generation sole owner of the Lambertz<br />

Group, welcomed more than 900 guests to the Alte Wartesaal in<br />

Cologne. Highlights included the unique chocolate fashion and<br />

dance show, which saw ten designers let their creativity run wild<br />

with one-of-a-kind chocolate dresses. Amongst the cast of guests<br />

were countless international stars and big names from the worlds of<br />

German show business, sport, politics and industry.<br />

Simone Ballack,<br />

Britta Heidemann<br />

Annette und Wolfgang Kubicki<br />

Christof R.Sage, Saskia Valencia, Wolfram Kons<br />

und Ehefrau Alexa Apermann<br />

© Fotos: Christof R. Sage<br />

Ilka Eßmüller<br />

Lilly Becker und<br />

Rosanna Davison<br />

Chocolate Fashion Show

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