06.08.2018 Aufrufe


DAS unabhängige, rassespezifische ONLINE MAGAZIN für ALLE Sheltieliebhaber.

DAS unabhängige, rassespezifische ONLINE MAGAZIN für ALLE Sheltieliebhaber.


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Sheltie News Informationen | Ausgabe 3 ~ 20<strong>18</strong> 11<br />

Registration Certificate<br />

The Kennel Club to<br />

ESSC<br />

and was the founder of family 8<br />

in the Charts. According to<br />

Rogers, most black & tan had<br />

more tan than the tricolours,<br />

and the tan was always golden<br />

red.<br />

The sable color is also a color<br />

likely to have disappeared. Today<br />

we register sable/white,<br />

but it must not be confused<br />

with the old sables, which actually<br />

did not have any white.<br />

The only winning sable Sheltie<br />

was Honey of Crawleyridge,<br />

who won a CC.<br />

Another color that also appears<br />

in the A-book is brown, but it<br />

was not common. Black was<br />

no common color of Shelties in<br />

the early years, and Felicity<br />

Rogers writes in her article that<br />

she once owned one, but it<br />

died. She also writes that it<br />

was not any loss, because the<br />

black Shelties were not very<br />

be quite sure that it is now extinct.<br />

Felicity Rogers wrote in<br />

her article that the color is not<br />

been seen since World War II.<br />

Chocolate and Brindle are also<br />

colors which today does not<br />

exist, and should they appear,<br />

they would be illegal.<br />

As a small digression, it actually<br />

popped up a picture of a<br />

brindle Sheltie puppy on an internet<br />

list some years ago, but<br />

it was sold as a pet and was<br />

not bred from (and could most<br />

likely have been a mongrel).<br />

The most famous black & tan<br />

Sheltie was Tango of Houghton<br />

Hill, according to Felicity<br />

Rogers. Tango had one CC<br />

old photo album ESSC

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