14.10.2018 Aufrufe

CT_Broschüre_2018 17.23.18

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Centropa Trophy <strong>2018</strong><br />

The third edition of this tournament dedicated<br />

to female teams U20 and younger is done and<br />

history. And it came out to be a good piece of<br />

history, a history of success. This time we hosted<br />

8 teams from 6 nations and three referee<br />

couples coming from Slovakia on short notice<br />

and making the event a 7-nations-tournament.<br />

With the support of the city of Vienna and the<br />

local district of Favoriten we made the Kurt-<br />

Kucera-hall a real stronghold of handball for<br />

three days. We had quite a number of high<br />

quality games with the participating teams<br />

rectifying their sounding names. And after all<br />

we had a climax in the extremely thrilling final<br />

match that was decided in the second round of<br />

the penalty shoot-out only.<br />

As the director of the tournament I want to underline<br />

the spirit of fair play and sportsmanship<br />

in all the matches and express my thanks<br />

to all the coaches and the referees who contributed<br />

the most to this fact. Also I owe a big<br />

hand to the table team solving the gigantic<br />

mission of noting 20 matches in less than three<br />

days in great style; a big hand to all the staff<br />

and the attendants of the sports hall.<br />

With the help of all our supporters, may it be<br />

companies, private people or political persons<br />

we will do the utmost to surpass the great tournament<br />

of this year. Let us cross fingers that<br />

in this case the embarrassing neglecting and<br />

ignorance by the big media and the handball<br />

federations we will achieve to overcome.<br />

Thank you all and see you in 2019<br />

Dr. Wolfgang Pollany, MSc<br />

Tournament director<br />


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