17.10.2018 Aufrufe

Decopoint Katalog Moebel + Mehr 2018

Decopoint Möbel & Mehr, Brunnenstr. 9 - 53840 Troisdorf, Tel: 02241 12 62770 - info@decopoint-troisdorf.de - www.decopoint-troisdorf.de

Decopoint Möbel & Mehr, Brunnenstr. 9 - 53840 Troisdorf, Tel: 02241 12 62770 - info@decopoint-troisdorf.de - www.decopoint-troisdorf.de


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FORTEZZA – the name of the once most powerful fortress in Europe, and the city by the same name located in South Tyrol. Our<br />

furniture in this series is inspired by the bronze of this bastion. Made of solid recycled wood and hand-forged iron, skilled craftsmen<br />

recreate the elaborate detail work just like centuries ago, without the help of commonly used modern tools. The surfaces, made to look<br />

old, transport you immediately to the past. You can almost envision history as it actually occurred 100 years ago. From over 10 different<br />

types, you can choose the furniture that suits you, and that stand apart from the humdrum of mass produced goods.<br />


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