15.01.2019 Aufrufe

Noire Magazine

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WRITE<br />

Abigail Anderson<br />

PHOTO<br />

Charles Cameron<br />

Fashion trends and forecasting, consumer is king.<br />

What does a consumer really want? Understanding<br />

the consumer is a vital part of the fashion world,<br />

without them products cannot be sold. First, it is important<br />

to note the difference between a consumer’s<br />

needs and a consumer’s wants. A need of a consumer<br />

is a desire to obtain a product or service, that is either for an<br />

emotional or functional reason. A ‘want’ differs from a consumer’s<br />

‘need’ by the consumer’s desire to have a product<br />

or service that is not necessary, the consumer just wishes<br />

they had it.[41] The success of a fashion company and the<br />

prediction of future trends is dependent on addressing its<br />

consumers’ needs.<br />

Consumers all have different needs and demands that have<br />

to be suited. A person’s needs change frequently, which is<br />

why fashion trends even exist. An important factor to take<br />

into consideration when thinking of consumers’ needs is the<br />

key demographics of the customer. Gender, age, income,<br />

and even profession can help a company better understand<br />

the needs of their customers. For example, a woman who<br />

is pregnant could be looking for diapers, baby strollers, and<br />

maternity clothes. Her needs would differ greatly from a<br />

woman with children that just went off to college or a teen<br />

entering high school.<br />

Often consumers need to be told what they want. Fashion<br />

companies have to do their research to ensure they know<br />

its customers’ needs before developing solutions. Steve Jobs<br />

said, “You’ve got to Consumers all have different needs and<br />

demands that have to be suited. A person’s needs change<br />

frequently, which is why fashion trends even exist. An important<br />

factor to take into consideration when thinking of<br />

consumers’ needs is the key demographics of the customer.<br />

Gender, age, income, and even profession can help a company<br />

better understand the needs of their customers. For<br />

example, a woman who is pregnant could be looking for diapers,<br />

baby strollers, and maternity clothes. Her needs would<br />

differ greatly from a woman with children that just went off<br />

to college or a teen entering high school.<br />

Often consumers need to be told what they want. Fashion<br />

companies have to do their research to ensure they know<br />

its customers’ needs Consumers all have different needs and<br />

demands that have to be suited. A person’s needs change<br />

frequently, which is why fashion trends even exist. An important<br />

factor to take into consideration when thinking of<br />

consumers’ needs is the key demographics of the customer.<br />

Gender, age, income, and even profession can help a company<br />

better understand the needs of their customers. For<br />

example, a woman who is pregnant could be looking for diapers,<br />

baby strollers, and maternity clothes. Her needs would<br />

differ greatly from a woman with children that just went off<br />

to college or a teen entering high school.<br />

Often consumers need to be told what they want. Fashion<br />

companies have to do their research to ensure they know its<br />

customers’ needs before developing solutions.<br />

www.noirmag.com<br />


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