15.04.2020 Aufrufe

Police Mobil 03

Vereinsmagazin der International Police Motor Corporation zur internationalen Polizeisternfahrt 2015 nach Hemer, NRW, Deutschland.

Vereinsmagazin der International Police Motor Corporation zur internationalen Polizeisternfahrt 2015 nach Hemer, NRW, Deutschland.

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Dear participants of Polizeisternfahrt 2016!

I am really glad that I will be able to welcome you at the 69 th international rally of

the Police in Łódź.

Łódź, being associated with textiles, became the main textile industry centre in 19 th

and 20 th centuries. Talented and brave people from the whole Europe were coming

right here to build their big enterprises. They left enormous factories, beautiful

mansions, palaces and townhouses, temples and cemeteries and traces of multiculture.

Local architecture, not being destroyed by the war, attracts a lof of filmmakers

from the whole world, who also started their careers in the Film School in Łódź. Working-class style

of the city initiated modern art and this resulted in locating in our city the biggest and oldest in this part of

Europe collection of avant-garde. So it is not a coincidence that I am inviting you to Łódź and other important

places, together with the beautiful, eclectic Piotrkowska Street, modern Atlas Arena and Expo trade

fair area and carbon sinks of the city – the Łagiewnicki Forest. Located in the centre of Poland and having

great and convenient transportation facilities with the most of European cities (both by car and train) Łódź

is a nice destination for your future journey. I encourage bikers and drivers from the whole Europe to discover

this amazing spot on the map. I am sure that you will also like travelling along the roads of our city

and region, discovering interesting infrastructure solutions connecting the most attractive touristic spots

and visiting unforgettable green areas characteristic for the city and the neighbourhood. The Uniejów Park

Health Resort, Zoo Safari in Borysew, Blue Springs Nature Reserve in the forests of Spała near the Zalew

Sulejowski and the European bison reserve in Smardzewice – these are only some of the attractions that

organizers of the 69 th police rally have chosen for you. The programme is also filled with the absolute „must“

in Łódź – walks with guides who will present you Łódź as the city of textile, movie and four cultures. And

we also have an attraction for the youngest – a city game

with fairy-tale trail of characters from Se-Ma-For, famous

for producing the most of animated films for children.

So I am inviting you to Łódź, the city which has been

known among German speaking European citizens since

1974 (thanks to Vicky Leondros‘s hit „Theo – wir fahren

nach Łódź“). All routes of the curious of the world lead to


Have a safe and happy journey and interesting and nice

time spent in our city.

Hanna Zdanowska – the President of Łódź


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