16.08.2020 Aufrufe

The Score 1-20 #74

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WTC Wr. Neustadt, H&D Schulz

August 19-22, 2020



# 74




Willkommen zur Austrian

Reining Futurity 2020!

Liebe Pferdebesitzer, liebe Reiter,

seit 2007 treffen sich hier in Wiener Neustadt die europäischen

Reiner zur ersten Futurity des Jahres. Doch in

diesem Jahr ist es mir eine ganz besondere Freude, Sie

alle hier begrüßen zu dürfen! Durch COVID-19 ist 2020

kein Jahr wie jedes andere. Monatelang gab es keine

Shows, und auch wir haben gebangt und gehofft… Und

nun ist es soweit: Das erste top Ereignis des Jahres im

Reiningsport findet statt! Wie sehr Sie alle darauf gewartet

haben, sehen wir an den enormen Starterzahlen

nicht nur aus Österreich, sondern aus ganz Europa.

Unser Showteam hat alles getan, um Ihnen Ihren Aufenthalt

hier in Wiener Neustadt so angenehm wie immer

zu machen. Aufgrund der offenen Hallen auf unserer

Anlage und des großzügigen Geländes, fällt es ja nicht

schwer die Abstandsregeln einzuhalten. Besucher von

außen sind angehalten, die Anlage nicht zu betreten.

Natürlich ist auch diesmal wieder alles bereit für den

Reiningsport vom Feinsten. Wir haben den Boden der

Showarena wie immer aufbereitet, so dass die Teilnehmer

wieder optimale Bedingungen für ihre Pferde vorfinden.

Unser internationales, erfahrenes Richterteam

steht zu Ihrer Verfügung. Wie immer soll auch das gesellige

Beisammensein unter Reining-Freunden neben

allem Sport nicht zu kurz kommen. Daher laden wir

Sie ganz herzlich zu unseren Partys ein.

Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich bei meinem engagierten

Team, auf das ich mich seit vielen Jahren verlassen

kann, und allen, die dazu beigetragen haben, die Austrian

Reining Futurity zu dem zu machen, was sie heute

ist – allen voran unseren Sponsoren. Allen Reitern und

Pferden wünsche ich viel Erfolg und uns allen spannende

Reining-Tage hier in Wiener Neustadt. Genießen

Sie es, endlich wieder auf großem Parkett showen

zu können!

Ihr Helmut Schulz

Welcome to the 2020 Austrian

Reining Futurity!

Dear horse owners, dear riders,

since 2007, European reiners meet here in Wiener Neustadt for the

first Futurity of the year. This year, it is a very special pleasure for

me to welcome you all here! Due to COVID-19, 2020 is not a year

like any other. For months there were no shows, and we too were

worried and hoped... And now it‘s time: The first top event of the

year in reining will take place! We can see from the enormous number

of entries not only from Austria, but from all over Europe, how

much you all have been waiting for this.

Our show team has done everything to make your stay here in Wiener

Neustadt as pleasant as always. Due to the open arenas on our

premises and the spacious area, it is not difficult to keep the distance

rules. Visitors from outside are not allowed to enter the grounds.

Of course, everything is ready for reining of the finest. We have prepared

the ground of the show arena as usual, so that participants

will again find optimal conditions for their horses. Our international,

experienced team of judges is at your disposal. As always, the

social gathering among reining friends should not be neglected beside

all sport. Therefore, we invite you cordially to our parties.

I would like to thank my dedicated team, on whom I have been able

to rely for many years, and all those who have contributed to making

Austrian Reining Futurity what it is today – above all our sponsors.

I wish all riders and horses much success and to all of us exciting

reining days here in Wiener Neustadt. Enjoy being able to show on

the big stage again!

Yours, Helmut Schulz







Welcome Party Tuesday, 18.08.2020/19:30

Welcome Party Tuesday, 18.08.2020/19:30

Welcome Party Tuesday, 18.08.2020/19:30

Tuesday 18.08.2020/16:00

Tuesday 18.08.2020/16:00

Tuesday 5310 18.08.2020/16:00

R Rookie Level 2 #11 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

5310 Rookie Level #11 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

5310 5300 R Rookie Level 21 #11 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

5300 Rookie Level #11 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

5300 R Rookie Level 1 #11 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

Wednesday, 19.08.2020

Wednesday, 19.08.2020

Wednesday, 1200 IO 19.08.2020 Interm. Open #10 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1200 IO Interm. Open #10 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1200 1301 IO LO Interm. Limited Open #10 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1301 LO Limited Open #10 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1-4 1301 LO NP Limited 3-year Level Open 1-4 #10#8 NRHA Futurity Ancillary Go Class Class in Class in Class - 1-4 NRHA

1-4 NP 3-year Level 1-4 #8 Futurity Go Class in Class 1-4 NRHA

1-4 5-8 NP O 3-year Level 1-4 #8 Futurity Go Class in Class - 1-4 5-8 NRHA

5-8 3-year Level 1-4 #8 Futurity Go Class in Class 5-8 NRHA

5-8 O 3-year Level 1-4 #8 Futurity Go Class in Class - 5-8 NRHA

Thursday, 20.08.2020

Thursday, 20.08.2020

Thursday, 1500 INP 20.08.2020 Intermed. Non Pro #6 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1500 INP Intermed. Non Pro #6 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1500 1600 INP LNP Intermed. Lim. Non Non Pro #6 Pro #6 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

1600 LNP Lim. Non Pro #6 NRHA Ancillary Class in Class NRHA

9-12 1600 LNP O Lim. 4-year Non Level Pro 1-4 #6 #6 NRHA Futurity Ancillary Go Class Class in Class in Class - 9-12 NRHA

9-12 4-year Level 1-4 #6 Futurity Go Class in Class 9-12 NRHA

9-12 13-16 O NP 4-year Level 1-4 #6 Futurity Go Class in Class - 9-12 13-16 NRHA

13-16 NP 4-year Level 1-4 #6 Futurity Go Class in Class 13-16 NRHA

2930 13-16 NP O 4-year S/H 5&under Level 1-4 #6 #6 Futurity NRHA Ancillary Go Class in Class - 13-16 NRHA

2930 S/H 5&under #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

2930 O S/H 5&under #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

Draw Party Thursday, 20.08.2020/20:00

Draw Party Thursday, 20.08.2020/20:00

Draw Party Thursday, 20.08.2020/20:00

Friday, 21.08.2020

Friday, 21.08.2020

Friday, 3100 21.08.2020 Y Youth 13&under #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

3100 Youth 13&under #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

3100 3200 Y Youth 13&under 14-18 #6 #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

3200 Youth 14-18 #6 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

3200 2960 Y NP Youth S/H 5&under 14-18 #6 #5 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

2960 NP S/H 5&under #5 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

17-18 2960 NP S/H 3-year 5&under Level 1-2 #5 #5 NRHA Futurity Ancillary Final – Class in Class - 17-18 NRHA

17-18 NP 3-year Level 1-2 #5 Futurity Final Class in Class 17-18 NRHA

17-18 19-20 NP O 3-year Level 1-2 #5 #6 Futurity Final – Class in in Class - 19-20 - 17-18 NRHA

19-20 3-year Level 1-2 #6 Futurity Final Class in Class 19-20 NRHA

19-20 21-22 O NP 3-year 4-year Level 1-2 #6 #12 Futurity Final Class – Class in in Class Class - 19-20 - 21-22 NRHA

21-22 NP 4-year Level 1-2 #12 Futurity Final Class in Class 21-22 NRHA

21-22 23-24 NP O 4-year Level 1-2 #12 #10 Futurity Final – Class in in Class - 23-24 - 21-22 NRHA

23-24 4-year Level 1-2 #10 Futurity Final Class in Class 23-24 NRHA

23-24 1400 O NP 4-year Non Pro Level #12 1-2 #10 Futurity NRHA Ancillary Final Class in Class - 23-24 NRHA

1400 NP Non Pro #12 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

1400 1100 NP O Non Open Pro #12 #12 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

1100 Open #12 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

1100 O Open #12 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

Saturday, 22.08.2020

Saturday, 22.08.2020

Saturday, 3400 Y 22.08.2020 Youth Unrestricted #8 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

3400 Youth Unrestricted #8 NRHA Ancillary NRHA

25-26 3400 Y NP Youth 3-year Unrestricted Level 3-4 #5#8 NRHA Futurity Ancillary Final Class in Class - 25-26 NRHA

25-26 NP 3-year Level 3-4 #5 Futurity Final Class in Class 25-26 NRHA

25-26 27-28 NP O 3-year Level 3-4 #5 #6 Futurity Final Class in Class - 25-26 27-28 NRHA

27-28 3-year Level 3-4 #6 Futurity Final Class in Class 27-28 NRHA

27-28 29-30 O NP 3-year 4-year Level 3-4 #6 #12 Futurity Final Class in Class - 27-28 29-30 NRHA

29-30 NP 4-year Level 3-4 #12 Futurity Final Class in Class 29-30 NRHA

29-30 31-32 NP O 4-year Level 3-4 #12 #10 Futurity Final Class in Class - 29-30 31-32 NRHA

31-32 4-year Level 3-4 #10 Futurity Final Class in Class 31-32 NRHA

31-32 O 4-year Level 3-4 #10 Futurity Final Class in Class - 31-32 NRHA

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Schilder & Tafeln




AustrianRHA Futurity & NRHA Show 2020:

das erste wirklich große Reining Event des Jahres

Seit ihrer Premiere 2007 ist die Austrian

Reining Futurity & NRHA Show eine

Besonderheit. Sie eröffnet traditionell die

Futurity-Saison und bietet damit einen

ersten Einblick in den jeweiligen 3-jährigen

Jahrgang. In diesem Jahr nimmt sie

eine Sonderstellung ein. Die mit 57.000

$ added dotierte Show, die seit Jahren

zu den Top 20 NRHA Events der Welt

zählt, ist die erste wirklich große Reining

Show des Jahres. Entsprechend groß

ist der Andrang der europäischen Reiner.

So hatte die Meldestelle in den vergangenen

Wochen einiges zu tun, um die

zahlreichen Nennungen zu bewältigen.

Neben Österreich sind Deutschland, Italien,

Belgien, Schweiz, Ungarn, Polen,

Slowakei und Ungarn am Start. Zahlenmäßig

sehr stark vertreten sind die Reiter

Since its premiere in 2007, the Austrian Reining Futurity &

NRHA Show is a special event. It traditionally opens the Futurity

season and offers a first insight into the quality of the respective

3-year-old horses. This year, the event takes a special

position. The $ 57.000-added show, which has been one of the

top 20 NRHA events in the world for years, is the first really

big Reining Show of the year. Accordingly, the interest of European

Reiners is huge. So the registration office had a lot to

do in the past weeks to cope with the numerous entries. Apart

from Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Hungary,

Poland, Slovakia and Hungary are at the start. The riders from

Germany are very strongly represented, but Italy is also present

with many horses.

In addition to the prize money, there will be eight Lawson Trophies,

six Morrison, two Morgan Trophies and 16 Silversmith

Champion Buckles, as well as 16 Reserve Champion Buckles

and numerous non-cash prizes. The show is also a qualifier for

the NRHA European Championship 2021.

aus Deutschland, aber auch Italien ist mit

vielen Pferden vor Ort.

Insgesamt geht es neben dem Preisgeld

um acht Lawson Trophies, sechs Morrison,

zwei Morgan Trophies und 16

Silversmith Champion Buckles sowie

16 Reserve Champion Buckles und zahlreiche

Sachpreise. Zudem ist die Show

Qualifikationsturnier für die NRHA European

Championship 2021.

Auch sonst haben wir uns wieder einiges

einfallen lassen, um dieses Turnier

nicht nur zu einem Spitzenevent, sondern

auch zu einem sozialen Treffpunkt für

die Reiningszene zu machen. Am Dienstag,

dem 18. August, heißen Gastgeber

Helmut Schulz und sein Team alle Reiner

in der nun schon traditionellen Welcome

Party willkommen. Am Donnerstag, dem

20. August, werden während der Draw

Party wieder die heißbegehrten Futurity

T-Shirts und die Finalisten-Halfter

vergeben. Die Country Night muss diesmal

aufgrund der Corona-Situation entfallen,

auch die beiden Partys sind der

Situation angepasst.

Für den reibungslosen Ablauf ebenso wie

für die tägliche Turnierzeitung The Score

sorgt ein bewährtes und überaus engagiertes

Team rund um Gerda Langer. The

Score liegt nicht nur täglich zum Mitnehmen

aus, sondern geht selbstverständlich

auch online – natürlich auch an die

internationalen Fachmedien. Und für all

jene, die wegen Corona nicht nach Wiener

Neustadt kommen können, wird das

Turnier wie immer per Livestream und

Livescore übertragen.

AustrianRHA Futurity & NRHA Show 2020

the first big European Reining Event

Besides all this top sport, the Austrian Reining Futurity is also

special as a social event for reiners. The team of H&D Schulz

will do its best to make your stay at Wiener Neustadt a unique experience

in every way. All participants will get a free photo. On

Tuesday, August 18th, Helmut Schulz and his team welcome all

participants to the traditional Welcome Party. On Thursday, there

will be the Draw Party with the distribution of the sought-after

Futurity T-shirts and finalist halters. Due to Corona, there will

be no Country Night this year. Both parties are slightly adapted.

Meanwhile the proven and dedicated team around Gerda Langer

takes care of the entry formalities and all the big and small

things necessary to organize a huge NRHA event like this, as

well as the daily Show Magazine The Score. By the way: The

Score is not only available in a printed version at Wiener Neustadt,

but also goes online – on our Futurity website as well as to

international horse media. And for all those who cannot attend

the event due to Corona, there will be our well-known livestream

and livescore.

Meet The Judges

Ricky Bordignon (ITA)

Ricky Bordignon kommt aus Vicenza, Italien. Der AQHA Professional Horseman hat selbst viele

Pferde zum internationalen Erfolg geführt, darunter 15 European Champions in Reining, Cutting,

Working Cowhorse und Western Pleasure. Futurity und Derby Champions Ltd Champion in Italien,

AQHA Italian Champion Jr. und Sr. Reining, Finalist Italian Reining Futurity 2007 und Italian Reined

Cow Horse Futurity Open 2007 und AMERICANA 2010 Reserve Champion NRHA Ltd Open

und European Champion NRHA Freestyle Open. Ricky Bordignon hat die Richterkarten der AQHA,


Ricky Bordignon operates the Ongaresca Ranch in Vicenza, Italy. He is an AQHA Professional

Horseman with a lot of international accomplishments including 15 European Champions in Reining,

Cutting, Working Cowhorse and Western Pleasure, Italian Futurity und Derby Champions Ltd

Champion, AQHA Italian Champion Jr. and Sr. Reining, Italian Reining Futurity and Italian Reined

Cow Horse Futurity Open finalist 2007 and AMERICANA 2010 Reserve Champion NRHA Ltd Open

and European Champion NRHA Freestyle Open. Ricky Bordignon is an AQHA, NRCHA A1, NSBA,

NRHA, FEI and NCHA AA judge.

Eugenio Latorre (ITA)

Eugenio ist NRHA, NRCHA und FEI Richter mit weltweiter Erfahrung. Unter anderem hat er mehrfach

die NRHA Futurity und das NRHA Derby gerichtet und viele Futuritys und Derbys in Italien,

Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweiz und Österreich sowie die FEI Weltreiterspiele in Kentucky, die

FEI European Championships und NRHA Affiliate Championships. Er ist Board Member der Italian

Reining Horse Asscoiation und arbeitet im Judge‘s Committee in Italien sowie bei der NRHA. Eugenio

selbst hat unter anderem die Italian Reining Horse Association Futurity, das Derby und die Maturity

gewonnen und war European Reined Cow Horse Association Futurity und Derby Champion.

Eugenio is an NRHA, NRCHA and FEI judge with experience in major shows worldwide. He has

judged multiple Futurities and Derbies in America, Italy, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria

as well as the FEI World Reining Masters, EquitaLyon, Swiss Slide, the FEI World Equestrian

Games in Kentucky in 2010, FEI European Championships and NRHA Affiliate Championships. He

is an active member of the Italian Reining Horse Association where he is a board member and part

of the Judge‘s Committee. He is also a member of the NRHA Judge‘s Committee, where he is on the

teaching panel, as well as the FEI Reining Department. Eugenio has won numerous titles including

the Italian Reining Horse Association Futurity, Derby and Maturity champion and European Reined

Cow Horse Association Futurity and Derby Champion.

Markus Morawitz (AUT)

Markus lebt seit seiner Kindheit mit Pferden. Zurzeit lebt er in Mattersburg. Seit 2004 züchtet er

gemeinsam mit Sandra Friesenbiller Pferde und trainiert seine Pferde im High Class Horse Center

in Weikersdorf. Seit 2001 ist er professioneller Reining-Horse-Coach. Seine Erfolge: Italian Futurity

Champion International Open, Italian Derby Reserve Champion International Open, Austrian Futurity

Champion 3yo, Open Lev 4, Austrian Futurity Champion4yo, Open Lev 4, Austrian Maturity

Champion, Open Lev 4, WEG 2014 Frankreich, Team Bronze Medaille. Er ist offizieller NRHA und

FEI Richter.

Markus used to live with horses since childhood. He currently lives in Mattersburg. Since 2004 he is

breeding horses together with Sandra Friesenbiller and is training his horses at High Class Horse

Center in Weikersdorf. Since 2001 he is a professional Reining-Horse-Coach. His achievements:

Italian Futurity Champion International Open, Italian Derby Reserve Champion International Open,

Austrian Futurity Champion 3yo, Open Lev 4, Austrian Futurity Champion4yo, Open Lev 4, Austrian

Maturity Champion, Open Lev 4, WEG 2014 France, Team Bronze Medal. He ist official judge for


Weather forecast for the next days

Meet The Judges

Lara Maiocchi (ITA)

Lara Maiocchi und ihre Familie betreiben eine Hengststation mit einem Bed & Breakfast Betrieb in

Pavia in der Nähe von Mailand. Sie trainiert seit vielen Jahren All Around Pferde und hat seit 2002 die

NRHA Richterkarte. Zudem trainiert und coacht Lara Jugendliche und Amateure für AQHA Events.

Lara Maiocchi is from Pavia in Italy where she and her family manage a little farm with stallion

station and a bed & breakfast place. Lara has been an all around horse trainer and an NRHA judge

since 2002. She is also teaching and coaching groups of youth and amateur for AQHA events.

Adi Wagner (GER)

Adi Wagner betreibt zusammen mit seiner Familie einen Zucht- und Trainingsstall im bayerischen

Gaimersheim. Der Profitrainer, der seit vielen Jahren sehr erfolgreich showt, hat sich vor allem dem

Training von jungen Pferden verschrieben. Seit 1991 ist er NRHA Judge und war u.a. auf der European

Futurity, dem Italian Derby sowie der Belgischen und Österreichischen Futurity als Richter tätig.

Adi Wagner and his family operate a breeding and training facility in Gaimersheim close to Ingolstadt.

The NRHA Professional has been an NRHA Judge since 1991. His major shows include the

NRHA European Futurity, the Italian Derby as well as the Belgian and the Austrian Futurity.

Bit Judge: Laura Faris (ITA)

Laura ist dem Reiningsport seit 2001 verbunden, als sie für Jim Dudley auf der Green Valley Ranch in

Aubrey, Texas, arbeitete. 2002 ging sie zurück nach Oklahoma, um ihren Bachelor an der Oklahoma

State University zu machen. Während dieser Zeit arbeitete sie als Assistant Trainer bei Jody Brainard.

Seit 2008 lebt sie in Deutschland, wo sie als Assistant Trainer arbeitete und u.a. ins NRHA Breeders

Futurity Finale kam. Sie hat die NRHA Richterkarte seit 2011 und war auf einer Vielzahl europäischer

Turniere als Richter tätig, darunter den British Reining Championships, dem Scandinavian

Derby, dem NRHA Breeders Derby und Futurity sowie der AMERICANA.

Laura has been involved in Reining since 2001 when she began as an assistant for Jim Dudley at

Green Valley Ranch in Aubrey, Texas. She moved back to Oklahoma in 2002 to complete her Bachelors

degree at Oklahoma State University. During this time she worked as assistant trainer for long

time Judge and Reining trainer Jody Brainard. After 4 years she moved to Germany in 2008. There

she worked for a few years as an assistant, showing, and making the finals of the German Futurity,

she decided to pursue her interest in judging and received her NRHA judges card in 2011. Over the

last few years she has had the pleasure to judge a variety of European Shows such as the British

Reining Championships, Scandinavian Derby, as well as at the German Breeders Derby and Futurity




A-4702 Wallern • Bergern Straße 1

Tel. 07249/43013 • Fax 07249/43018

Mobil 0664/432 88 89

Mail: office@om-reitsport.com

Öffnungszeiten: Montag geschlossen!

Di. bis Fr.: 9.00 – 12.00 und 15.00 – 18.00 Uhr, Sa.: 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr

Level 1, 3, 4 Non Pro - 3 Years Old

B# Horse Sex Br Rider Nat. Owner Sire x Dam Breeder Division

4 CC Holly Jaba Gun M QH Veit Ostermaier GER Cecini Cristian Hollywood Gun Dunnit

SM Lil Jabalina

8 Diamondsrforgirls M QH Julia Gaupmann-Lechner AUT LG Quarter Horses Tinseltownsmokingun

JK Charleys Diamant

10 Guns Are For Ladies M QH Julia Gaupmann-Lechner AUT LG Quarter Horses Tinseltownsmokingun

LV One Smart Lady

12 Gunlover S QH Julia Knapp AUT Julia Knapp Tinseltownsmokingun

Ruf Lil Scamp

14 Spook By Hollywood S QH Richard Hagl GER Richard Hagl Best Spook

Gunnin In Hollywood

32 Arizona Rein M QH Krisztina Nagy HUN Krisztina Nagy Colonel Remi

Sarah Oak

49 Shine Chic Whiz S QH Ferruccio Bucci ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Shine Chic Shine

Topsail Hollywood

54 KB Dreaminbout Jen S QH Bo Brutsaert BEL Koen Brutsaert CJ Whiz

Smart Whizzin Jenny

58 Shine Wave Shine M QH Franziska Wallner GER Franziska Wallner Shine Chic Shine

Waving Lil Gun

70 Topsail Step M QH Viktor Van Wijngaarden POL Gerrit Van Wijngaarden Mr Sparkle Joe

OT Stepin Closer

71 Spark In The Night G QH Viktor Van Wijngaarden POL Gerrit Van Wijngaarden Mr Sparkle Joe

Frozen Nightmare

75 Iam A Wishmob M QH Anna-Lena Riedel GER Anna-Lena Riedel HF Mobster

Banjo Baby

83 ND Special Nitter S QH Lena Schmidl GER Lena Schmidl Gunners Special Nite

Dun Step N Out

99 Foxy MC Cloud G PH Eleonora Biasutti ITA Filippo Masi VQH Foxy Cat

SLJ Smart Doc

115 Amazing Like Gun M QH Tamara Kroselj SLO Tamara Kroselj Colonels Shining Gun

Miss Alex Cody

135 FB Dr Jekyll S QH Piet Mestdagh BEL Piet Mestdagh Spat A Blue

Max Chic RM

139 Top Jac 86 S QH Matteo DI Gameradino ITA Matteo DI Gameradino LMC Im Topsail Dunit

Holly De Jac

185 Frooster S QH Simone Eitzinger AUT Hannes Kirchberger SG Frozen Enterprize

GH Redskin Lady

198 SL Steppin On Wild M QH Ulrike Krueger AUT Ulrike Krueger Steppin On Sparks

Wild Sister

199 Hang Ten Gun S QH Pavel Slabik CZE Pavel Slabik Hang Ten Surprize

PC Senorita Spooks

Christian Cecini L3 L2 L1

LG Quarter Horses

L4 L3

LG Quarter Horses L3

Julia Gaupmann-Lechner L3 L2 L1

Richard Hagl

L4 L3 L2

Phil and Barb Heidebrecht L3 L2 L1

Quarter Dream SRL L3 L2 L1

Bruko Reining Horses L4 L3 L2

Torsten Tieman


Gerrit Van Wijngaarden L4 L3 L2 L1

Gerrit Van Wijngaarden L3 L2 L1

Andrea Krauthäuser L2 L1

Nathalie Derua

L4 L3 L2

Filippo Masi L3 L2 L1

Tamara Kroselj

L4 L3 L2 L1

Claudio Risso

L4 L3 L2

Tony Amadio L3 L2 L1

Hannes Kirchberger L4 L3 L2 L1

Sandra Linnig-Foehl L4 L3

Pavel Slabik L2 L1

Level 1-4 Open - 3 Years Old

B# Horse Sex Br Rider Nat. Owner Sire x Dam Breeder Division

9 Broadish Tinsel Gun S QH Klaus Lechner AUT LG Quarter Horses Tinseltownsmokingun

Dun It Broadish

20 OT Guntofire S QH Michael Saupe GER Cornelia Valentin Gunnatrashya

OT Spark To Fire

21 Ruf N Lil Joe S QH Michael Saupe GER Peter Strey Lil Joe Cash

Shes A Lil Showgirl

34 A Shine Chic Whiz G QH Berni Ostermaier GER Katia Binder Shine Chic Shine

A Stylish Whiz

35 SJR Gunnarock S QH Berni Ostermaier GER San Juan Ranch Gunnatrashya

Shiners Sulena

44 Digger Sparks S QH Nico Sicuro ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Gunners Enterprise

Shine Like A Babe

46 Dance Wimpy Spook M QH Nico Sicuro ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Wimpys Little Step

Dance Little Spook

47 Duninachictinseltown S QH Nico Sicuro ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Hollywoodstinseltown

Chic Olena Shine

52 CD Hollywood Berry M QH Damiano Dream Candita ITA Francesco Candita ML Hollywood Smart

The Berry Of Miki

60 BA Superchic M QH Jasmin Andersdotter GER H A (Renate) Duijnkerke BA Superjac

BFR Whiz I Had a Gun

62 Xtra Pirates Voody M QH Patrick Goeschl GER Silver Spurs Equine Shiners Voodoo Dr

Always Sailing Smart

66 Just On Sparks S QH Grischa Ludwig GER Margot Van Doorne Steppin On Sparks

Justa Little Tag

67 Dun Gotta Wine G QH Grischa Ludwig GER Fabienne Kuratli-Suter Dun Gotta Gun

Dolly Jac Olena

84 Jacs Electric Spook S QH Dominik Reminder GER Martin Bachmann Jacs Electric Spark

Dance Little Spook

86 Lil Mob Boss S QH Mona Dorr GER Martin Bachmann HF Mobster

Alena Rooster

88 Magic Bo Sun M QH Daniele Giacchè ITA Daniele Giacchè Magical Snapper

Barby Bo Sun

Daniela Fuith

Appaloosa SRL

Vincent Miot

L4 L3

L4 L3 L2

L4 L3 L2

Adeline Caron L3 L2 L1

San Juan Ranch L2 L1

Quarter Dream SRL

Quarter Dream SRL

Quarter Dream SRL




Valeria Masanotti L2 L1

H. (Renate) A. Dujnkerke L2 L1

Silver Spurs Equine L3 L2 L1

LQH Quarter Horses

Luigi Parise




Gray-Leigh Wilson L3 L2

Shenandoah Ranch SAS L3 L2 L1

91 OT Magical Spat M QH Daniele Giacchè ITA Jacopo Ragazzini L3 L2 L1

100 Gunners Princess 66 M QH Giovanni Masi De Vargas ITA Federico Lucchieri Inferno Sixty Six

Princess Sand

102 La La Boom G QH Giovanni Masi De Vargas ITA Filippo Masi Remins Remedy

Boomax RM

107 PL Not Trashy M QH Jonas Bujnoch CZE Petr Julina Gunnatrashya

Nu Chex Donna

Markus Perathoner

Mauro Scotti



Luigi Parise L3 L2 L1

108 Wimpy N Mercedes M QH Jonas Bujnoch CZE Jana Bujnochova L2 L1

109 LV Pistol Great Pine G QH Jonas Bujnoch CZE Petr Julina Custom Rooster

Majors Queen Mary

113 Duns Electric Star S QH Ferdinand Skerget AUT Ferdinand Skerget Steppin On Sparks

Dis Duns A Star

114 HR Roselys Genetics G QH Ferdinand Skerget AUT Robert Josef Hoedl Chex N Go

HR Dorn Rosely

122 Miss Shine Out M QH Gal Grahelj SLO Misel Gungl Shine Chic Shine

Chex Out West

123 Twister Revolution G QH Aljaz Urbiha SLO Tjaša Koselj Einsteins Revolution

GFC Okie Doc

130 SZ Trash For Cash M QH Gabriela Wendlinger AUT Stefanie Zotti Gunnatrashya

Nu Smokin Crome

136 AS Daisy Flash M QH Andrea Manucci ITA Alfio Sagripanti LMC Im Topsail Dunit

RS Margaritas Jac

Petra Julina Simproval L2 L1

Andreas Kaiser L2 L1

Robert Josef Hoedl L2 L1

Alessandro Cazzaniga

L4 L3

Spela Jovan L2 L1

Stefanie Zotti L3 L2 L1

Alfio Sagripanti L3 L2

138 AS Taris Snappy QH Andrea Manucci ITA Alessandro Sivo L2

140 Splendore A Cowgirl Andrea Manucci ITA Lino Ciarrocchi L3 L2

152 Split A Little M QH Pavel Orel CZE Rybarstvo Stupava/A Spat Split And White Lucia Lajprikova L2


RR Rising Star

156 Gun Wood Face S QH Gennaro Lendi ITA Cisal/Arcese Pale Face Dunnit L4

159 OT Taris Great Gun S QH Gennaro Lendi ITA Appaloosa S R L Yankee Gun

Ot Taris Great Pine

162 Valentino Spark S QH Sebastiano Valtorta ITA Giovanni Cioli Sailin Ruf


166 Wimpy Walla Whiz S QH Sylvia Rzepka GER Zsolt Méder Wimpys Little Step

Memorable Walla Whiz

173 Ima Doctress M QH Marco Moriello ITA Schlager & Nestelberger


Shiners Voodoo Dr

Im A Classy Whiz

Appaloosa SRL

Giovanni Cioli

Christina J Riley

Schlager & Nestelberger



L4 L3 L2

L4 L3

L3 L2 L1

159 OT Taris Great Gun S QH Gennaro Lendi ITA Appaloosa S R L Yankee Gun

Ot Taris Great Pine

162 Valentino Spark S QH Sebastiano Valtorta ITA Giovanni Cioli Sailin Ruf


166 Wimpy Walla Whiz S QH Sylvia Rzepka GER Zsolt Méder Wimpys Little Step

Memorable Walla Whiz

173 Ima Doctress M QH Marco Moriello ITA Schlager & Nestelberger


Shiners Voodoo Dr

Im A Classy Whiz

174 One Vintage Gun S QH Marco Moriello ITA Frenkenberger Reinhold One Gun

Venus Vintage

179 Dr Lee Jolena M QH June Alustiza ESP Harald Gassler Dr Lee Hook

Mr Rietta Lady

180 Cromatrushya S QH Rudi Kronsteiner AUT Quarter Dream S.r.l. Gunnatrashya


181 Voodoo Majestic Gun S QH Rudi Kronsteiner AUT Quarter Dream S.r.l. Shiners Voodoo Dr

Gunna Be Majestic

182 Arnels Spat Olena S QH Rudi Kronsteiner AUT Sabrina Adam Spat Olena

RS Arnels Feo Jac

189 CSG Colonels Feisam S QH Rafal Dolata POL Sacha Darmon Colonels Shining Gun

Wishin Smart

193 Pale Face Enterprise S QH Kevin Paquet FRA Birgit Schaefer Pale Face Dunnit

Poco Lena Enterprise

194 Grays Melisa Whiz M QH Kevin Paquet FRA Helmut Schulz Laredo Whiz

Grays Bar Girl

195 Whiz Mardigras S QH Dennis Schulz AUT Helmut Schulz Laredo Whiz

HS Smartessa

196 Maroon Whiz S QH Dennis Schulz AUT Helmut Schulz Laredo Whiz

Nabs Freckles

197 Laredos Whiz Orima S QH Valentina Sagmeister AUT Helmut Schulz Laredo Whiz

Smart Evita O Rima

202 Whiz Smart Molly M QH Paquet Kevin AUT Helmut Schulz Laredo Whiz

Smart Obsession

Appaloosa SRL

Giovanni Cioli

Christina J Riley

Schlager & Nestelberger



L4 L3 L2

L4 L3

L3 L2 L1

Milani Erika L2 L1

Glis Ranch L2 L1

Quarter Dream SRL

Quarter Dream SRL

Sabrina Adam




Katarzyna Roleska L2

Sabine Ehrenreich L2 L1

Helmut Schulz L2 L1

Helmut Schulz

Helmut Schulz

L4 L3 L2

L4 L3 L2

Helmut Schulz L3 L2

Helmut Schulz L3 L2 L1

ShowmanagerINFO V 1.29.01 13.08.2020 08:40:27 Page 1 of 1


S C H I L C H E R & S O H N GmbH &

A-8020 Graz-Austria, Herrgottwiesgasse 31-Zufahrt über Viehm

Telefon: ++43(0)316 / 581253 Fax: DW 20 e-mail: office@schilc



S C H I L C H E R & S O H N GmbH & CO KG

A-8020 Graz-Austria, Herrgottwiesgasse 31-Zufahrt über Viehmarktgasse 15

STelefon: C H++43(0)316 I L C H / E581253 R & Fax: SDW O20H e-mail: N GmbH office@schilcherschilder.at & CO KG

A-8020 Graz-Austria, Herrgottwiesgasse 31-Zufahrt über Viehmarktgasse 15

Telefon: ++43(0)316 / 581253 Fax: DW 20 e-mail: office@schilcherschilder.at

Level 1-4 Open - 4 Years Old

B# Horse Sex Br Rider Nat. Owner Sire x Dam Breeding Division

6 BHB Diamondsffreedom G QH Jana Wenk GER Jana Wenk BHB Mr Wimpys Royal

Okies Little Diamond

15 Hollys Shiny Shine S QH Klaus Lechner AUT Richard Hagl Shine Chic Shine

Gunnin In Hollywood

16 Jersey Deluxe S QH Klaus Lechner AUT Karoline Wesely Yellow Jersey

Ruf Lil Scamp

18 Jabadabadu G QH Patrick Goeschl GER Jessica Barth Jaba Oak

Du It Broadish

22 Elta Custumgun Grace M QH Simon Bilger GER Miriam Fleig Shotgunner

Custum Elta Remedy

23 Gini Crashed Ice M QH Simon Bilger GER Simon Bilger Wimpy Crashed Ice

Midsummer Night Glo

26 Keens Special Whiz G QH Simon Bilger GER Nicole Baumann Little Whiz Chic

Keens Big Splash

28 Dothatvudooudosowell G QH Lena Felder GER Sonja Zietlow Shiners Voodoo Dr

Gunners Sweet Maggie

29 Tooclosetospookyou M QH Lena Felder GER Lena Felder Spooks Gotta Gun

Step A Little Closer

31 PL Magnum Chic Chex S QH Gennaro Lendi ITA Marco Mele Magnum Chic Dream

Nu Dynamite Chex

37 Whizgunnarockya G QH Berni Ostermaier GER Katia Binder Gunnatrashya

Easter Isa Whiz

38 Whoa Whata Nite M QH Berni Ostermaier GER Doug Milholland Gunners Special Nite


Fontaine and Charles Jean L3 L2 L1

Richard Hagl

L4 L3

Julia Gaupmann-Lechner L3

Daniela Fuith L3 L2 L1

Anke Waizenegger-Merkt L2 L1

Simon Bilger L2 L1

Hans Jaekle L2 L1

Mike Or Kelly Warner L3 L2

Franz Lechner L2

Luigi Parise


Laurent Ferret L3 L2 L1

W T Waggoner Estate L2 L1

39 My Dirty Jersey S QH Berni Ostermaier GER Berni Ostermaier L3 L2 L1

41 Captain Spook S QH Nico Sicuro ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Smart Spook

Mizzen Captain

42 Spook Gotta Dance S QH Nico Sicuro ITA Quarter Dream S.r.l. Spooks Gotta Gun

Dance Little Spook

51 Da Magnetic R Solve G QH Lena Marie Maas GER Marco Antonio Dell'Atti Chic Magnetic

Double R Solve

61 Voodoos Smart Chic M QH Jasmin Andersdotter GER Melanie Eckel Shiners Voodoo Dr

Playgirls Slik Chic

63 Miss Shinestein M QH Patrick Goeschl GER Stefan Ratsch Sharp Dressed Shiner

Baby Einstein

64 Spooks Of Genius S QH Grischa Ludwig GER Margot Van Doorne Spooks Gotta Whiz

A Spark Of Genius

65 West Coast Trash S QH Grischa Ludwig GER Uta Moll Gunnatrashya

Miss Cody Whiz It

69 Shine Lady Gun M QH Uli Kofler GER Monika Starzner Shine My Gun

Lady Buena Freckles

76 Gunnachicolena M QH Julia Schumacher GER Grischa Ludwig Gunnatrashya

Smart Chic Ohoney

80 Gunnachexya S QH Sabrina Ludwig GER Sabrina Ludwig Gunnatrashya

Chex Miami Vice

81 Shine Boom Shine G QH Dominik Reminder GER Ulrike Giacalone Shine Chic Shine

Josena La Boom

87 Frq Jes A Tinselgun S QH Mona Dorr GER Martin Bachmann Gunners Tinseltown

Jaynes Electric

94 UG Boogies Qt Chex S QH Uli Kofler GER Ulrich Handermann Dun It On The QT

KHM Boogie Jane Chex

97 Miss Gunnatrashya M QH Riccardo Pupella ITA Gerhard Pfau Gunnatrashya

OT Miss Melody

101 Boom Bay Mountain G QH Giovanni Masi De Vargas ITA Lorenzo Drauli Smart Whiz Delmaso

Boomax RM

106 CSG Colonels Bouncy M QH Jonas Bujnoch CZE Paulina Lesniak Colonels Shining Gun

BRS Freckles Payday

111 Why Are You Sleeping M QH Bogdan Czarnik POL Katarzyna Kaczmarek Yellow Jersey

Spooks Rooster

124 PS Tinker Toy M QH Gal Grahelj SLO Futuris d.o.o. Tinker With Guns

Smart Chic Toy

125 Sun Is Comin M QH Aljaz Urbiha SLO Tajda Marenk SDP Justice Is Comin

AR Boneta Jacson Sun

127 Great Dolomythic S QH Mattia Nadalini ITA Mattia Nadalini RS Great Jac Feona


131 No Gun No Fun G QH Gabriela Wendlinger AUT Alexandra Wagner Wimpys Smoking Gun

AJ Miss Whizador

132 KB Yellow Juice S QH Kim Obenhaus GER Kathrin Bruemmer Yellow Jersey

Juicy Doll

133 PM One Step To Cash S PH Quentin Galliere FRA Piet Mestdagh One Gun

ND Jazzy Step On It

137 Ls Dun Blue Berry S QH Andrea Manucci ITA Impr Agr La Selvetta Spat A Blue

Hollywood Greatberry

Quarter Dream SRL L4

Quarter Dream SRL L4

DellÀtti Marco Antonio L2 L1

Joroen Bakker L3 L2 L1

Stefan Ratsch

L4 L3 L2 L1



Uta Moll


Grischa Ludwig LQH L4 L3 L2

Sylvia Maile L3 L2

Fulvia Bonera


Torsten Tiemann


Franziska Reiff-Kaltenegger L3 L2

Ulrich Handermann L2

Gerhard Pfau L2 L1

Mauro Scotti


Katarzyna Roleska L2 L1

Josh Rosentrater L3 L2

Patsy Shelton Schutz L4 L3

Stojan Nemanic L2 L1

Alois Kompatcher

L4 L3

Eva Metelkova/Jiri Kasparek L2 L1

Kathrin Brümmer L3 L2

Piet Mestagh L3 L2

Impr AGR La Selvetta L4 L3

131 No Gun No Fun G QH Gabriela Wendlinger AUT Alexandra Wagner Wimpys Smoking Gun

AJ Miss Whizador

132 KB Yellow Juice S QH Kim Obenhaus GER Kathrin Bruemmer Yellow Jersey

Juicy Doll

133 PM One Step To Cash S PH Quentin Galliere FRA Piet Mestdagh One Gun

ND Jazzy Step On It

137 Ls Dun Blue Berry S QH Andrea Manucci ITA Impr Agr La Selvetta Spat A Blue

Hollywood Greatberry

143 Smart Nuzzle Nabs M QH Sylvia Rzepka GER Helmut Schulz Smartin

Nabs Freckles

144 CSG Top Sail Gun M QH Gerald Freitag AUT Katarzyna Roleska Colonels Shining Gun

HB Pebbles Sail On

148 Manni Maker M QH Sebastian Eisler AUT Sebastian Eisler Manngun

BR Paddywood

151 Girlsanguns M QH Marianne Drexler GER Claudia J Haselsteiner Smart Little Flo

Stylish Guns

153 Dunnit With The Luis G QH Rafal Dolata POL Peter Simek Double Delmaso

Dunits Diamond

154 CSG Dream N Gun G QH Adrian Motyka POL Katarzyna Roleska Colonels Shining Gun

Dream N Nicki

Eva Metelkova/Jiri Kasparek L2 L1

Kathrin Brümmer L3 L2

Piet Mestagh L3 L2

Impr AGR La Selvetta

Helmut Schulz

Katarzyna Roleska

155 Frozen Shining Gun S QH Lukasz Czechowicz POL Katarzyna Roleska Colonels Shining Gun Andrzej Ciok


ShowmanagerINFO V 1.29.01 13.08.2020 08:43:15 Frozen Slide

Page 1 of 4

157 Ot Magnum Taris S QH Andrea Napolitano ITA Appaloosa S R L Magnum Chic Dream

OT Taris Wish Miss

161 I Spring For Chicks S QH Gennaro Lendi ITA Eyal Carmon Magnum Chic Dream

Spring Dun It

163 PL Lil Jo Gun S QH Sebastiano Valtorta ITA Gaia Casolino Lil Joe Cash

Shesa Cute Gun

165 Reds Rocking Cash M QH Sylvia Rzepka GER Daniel Geiger Lil Joe Cash

Reds Rocking Girl

167 Yellow Jersey Girl M QH Johannes Hasenauer AUT Christine Rippel Yellow Jersey

Chocolate De Leche

168 Yelling In The Rayn S QH Johannes Hasenauer AUT Ruth Hackmack-Eder Yellow Jersey

Whiz Wilma Ray

177 Gunnatrash Mi M QH Janusz Milek POL Jack (John) L. Covington Gunnatrashya

Mi Mega

178 Chicntrashya S QH Giovanni Masi De Vargas ITA Beate Ooris Plueckhan Gunnatrashya

MV Miss Chocolatekid

186 Dancing Step S QH Rudi Kronsteiner AUT Jennifer Nixdorf Wimpys Little Step

Dance Little Spook

200 Lil Joes Boggie M QH Valentina Sagmeister AUT Celina Kollar Lil Joe Cash

Bonnie Olenas Jacs

201 RS Harlem Jac S QH Riccardo Pupella ITA Claudio Risso RS Great Jac Feona

Db Olena Day

203 Whiz O Lita M QH Michela Bergamaschi ITA Zdravko Kruzic Laredo Whiz

Darlalita O Rima

119 Banana Gun M QH Lukas Brucek POL Patrycja Jurasz Tinker With Guns

PC Lady Rooster

149 Gunnys Hollywood M QH Sebastian Eisler AUT Norbert Nestelberger Hollywoodstinseltown

MRS Gun Runner

L4 L3

L4 L3

L4 L3 L2

Sebastian Eisler L2 L1

Claudia Haselsteiner L2 L1

Peter Simek L3 L2

Katarzyna Roleska L2

Appaloosa SRL L2 L1

Lewisville Development LP

Luigi Parise

Daniel Geiger


L4 L3 L2

L4 L3

Sabine Ehrenreich L3

Dr. Ruth Hackmack-Eder L3

John L Covington L2 L1

Kimbery Wegner

Quarter Dream SRL

Kerstin Bauer



L4 L3 L2

Claudio Risso L2 L1

Zdravko Kruzic L2 L1

Alessandro Maioli

L2 L3

Norbert Nestelberger L2 L1

Level 1, 3, 4 Non Pro - 4 Years Old

B# Horse Sex Br Rider Nat. Owner Breeding Breeder Division

1 ND Shining Diamond M QH Celine Beisel GER Celine Beisel Colonels Shining Gun

Codys Diamond Dun It

2 Super Little Taylor M QH Johanna Raab GER Johanna Raab Super Little Chic

Taylors Buckie

5 Quixotes Boggiereina G QH Franziska Reischl GER Franziska Reischl Tom Tom Quixote

Docs Boggielena

7 PP Nu Gun Jay G QH Selina Pernsteiner AUT Selina Pernsteiner Nu Tangy Chex

Peppy Gotta Gun

19 Whiz Ninja Orima S QH Jana Vondrak AUT Jana Vondrak Laredo Whiz


30 Shesa Special Shiner M QH Sarah Ehrenreich GER McQuay Stables Inc. Gunners Special Nite

Shiner Light

53 KB Young Whiz Dream M QH Olivier Duhot BEL Olivier Duhot CJ Whiz

Young N Rosie

55 KB CJ Gun M QH Bo Brutsaert BEL Koen Brutsaert CJ Whiz

KB Jenny Whiz A Gun

56 Joe Gun Dee G QH Anna-Maria Zehetbauer AUT Richard Or Melanie Zehetbauer Mr Gun Dee

Fancy My Sail

59 Shes Jerseylicious M QH Franziska Wallner GER Franziska Wallner Yellow Jersey

Shiney Enterprise

73 JP Hang Ten Rebel S QH Tina Kuenstner-Mantl AUT Jac Point QH Hang Ten Surprize

Fancy Bingo Star

74 Cash That Whiz M QH Lydia CAPKOVA SVK Lydia CAPKOVA Lil Joe Cash

Oh That Whiz

77 Jac Out Gun M QH Antonina Zarnawska POL Antonina Zarnawska Colonels Shining Gun

Jac Out Freckles

79 Hot Washed Jersey G QH Sabrina Ludwig GER Sabrina Ludwig Yellow Jersey

Innlicent Revolution

90 Goldmines Gunshine M QH Johan Gudmundsson SWE Johan Gudmundsson Colonels Shining Gun

Sommers Goldmine

92 Spark Of My Life S QH Paula-Marie Dorn GER Paula-Marie Dorn Smart N Sparkin

Custom Night Life

95 SB Topgun Rose M QH Sabrina Baumgaertner GER Sabrina Baumgaertner Topgun Whiz

Top On Cutier

96 Kam Little Delmaso S QH Alois Neuherz AUT Alois Neuherz Double Delmaso

Kam Smart Carmen

103 Run Down Enterprise S QH Michael Hemmer AUT Michael Hemmer SG Frozen Enterprize

Miss Scooten Badger

104 Playin For Big Guns G QH Thea Karasova CZE Thea Karasova Tinseltownsmokingun

Playin For Big Chex

117 Shine In Darkness G QH Marketa Slabikova CZE Pavel Slabik Walla Walla Whiz

Shine On Princess

118 Gun Secorima S QH Kristyna Kleiblova CZE Christian Baldelli Hollywood Gun Dunnit

Miss Secorima

120 HH Genuine Oscar S QH David Zdrahal CZE Genuine Oscar Delmas

Twisted Slipper

121 Sparkling Ruf Party M QH Katarzyna Baurska POL Vittorio Rabboni A Sparkling Vintage

Whatta Ruf Party

126 Ot Great Skeet M QH Ursa Kepa SLO Ursa Kepa Skeets Dun

Ot Taris Great Pine

129 Gunfighting Smurf G QH Rudolf Maurer AUT Gabriela Wendlinger Gunners Smokin Oak

A Fancy Misty Glo

141 Wimpy N Dunit S QH Alessio Pizzuti ITA Nicola Pulcini & Giovanni


176 Mr Peaceplease S QH Alexander Nestelberger AUT Schlager & Nestelberger Colonels Shining Gun


Miss Dizzy Whiz

183 Just Smokingit S QH Jennifer Nixdorf AUT Jennifer Nixdorf Smoking Whiz

Wimpys Lil Diva

184 Memory Of QT S QH Katja Jungfer GER Michael Jungfer-Schubert Dun It On The QT

Moms Lil Ruffian

187 Mob Star M QH Simone Eitzinger AUT Hannes Kirchberger HF Mobster

GH Redskin Lady

188 Gunna Miss Ya MH S QH Wolfgang Hammer AUT Wolfgang Hammer Gunnatrashya

Miss Rosey Step

190 Baddestchicintown M QH Wolfgang Hammer AUT Wolfgang Hammer Hollywoodstinseltown

Smart Chicody Sue

191 Piccolo Principe S QH Manuela Wegerer AUT Manuela Wegerer Piccolo Span+K1:K38m:

Frosty Millennium

Nathalie Derua

Christian Mueller

Barbara Siegfried

Michael Pupacher

Helmut Schulz

Theresa Wynn

Bruko Reining Horses

Bruko Reining Horses

Richard or Melanie


Mc Quay Stables INC

Jacpoint QH

Milan Orel

Katarzyna Roleska

Sabrina Ludwig

Evelyn Rois

Henry Kuehnel

Sabrina Baumgaertner

Juraj Kamaras

Michael Hemmer

Sabine Ehrenreich

Pavel Slabik

Gian Luigi Pasini

Miroslav Dolezal

Cecilia Frediani

Appaloosa S R L

Sonja Mammel

Nicola Pulcini

Schlager & Nestelberger


Karin and Ruggero Prevedel

Michael Junfger-Schubert

Hannes Kirchberger

Martina Hable

Tanya Jenkins

Rachele Vangi

L4 L3 L1

L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2

L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2



L4 L3

L2 L1

L3 L2 L1

L3 L2 L1

L2 L1

L3 L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L3 L1

L2 L1

L4 L3 L2 L1

L2 L1

L2 L1

L3 L2 L1

L2 L1

L3 L2 L1

L3 L2

L4 L3

L4 L3 L2

L2 L1






l i f e r e s o r t

Hotel MOHR life resort GmbH & Co KG & JACPOINT Quarters · A-6631 Lermoos / Tirol

willkommen@mohr-life-resort.at · www.mohr-life-resort.at


Show Manager

Show Secretary






Equipment Judge


NRHA Representative




Press Office

Grafic Design




Helmut Schulz/AUT

Gerda Langer/AUT

Eugenio Latorre/ITA

Lara Maiocchi/ITA

Adi Wagner/GER

Ricardo Bordignon/ITA

Markus Morawitz/AUT

Laura Faris/ITA

Irene Bürkner/AUT

Edeltraud Drimmel/AUT

Ivonne Stückler/AUT

Edeltraud Drimmel/AUT

Aleksandra Switalski/AUT

Ramona Billing/GER

Birgit Promreiter/AUT

Boris Kook/GER

Tom Hautmann Team/GER

RHV TV & Video Produktion

Roland Hahn/GER


RHV TV & Video Assistenz

Matthias Janeczek/GER


RHV TV & Video Assistenz

Susanne Lhotka/AUT


Gebhard Schroffenegger/ITA

Show Veterinarian Mag. Florian Kainz/AUT

Official Veterinarian Dr. Andrea Hruby/AUT

IT Management/

Ribbon Ceremony Eva Fröschl/AUT

Judge Care



Thomas Promberger/AUT


Karin Bauer/AUT


Michele Mempör/AUT


Alessandra Bevilacqua/ITA


Ramona Levai/SVK


Dr. Helga Hampel/AUT

PWC Doping Control Dr. Christian Spies/GER

Organising Committee Austrian Reining Futurity Assoc./AUT

Shop Service Elfriede Schaur/AUT

To the Futurity Finals:

70% + Ties

Livestream & Livescore:


Barbara Hengge

KLAUS: +43 676 4312275

JULIA: +43 680 2474487


• Staatlich gepr. Reitlehrerin

• FENA und NRHA Judge

• NonPro Coaching

• Horsetraining

• Training, Showing, Clinics & Lessons

WesternReitCenter Lobau

+43 664 373 20 21, barbara.hengge@a1.net


HB_Inserat_60x35.indd 1 29.05.18 10:05

+43(0)664-150 45 73 • www.sr-horse-training.com

Barbara Hengge

• Staatlich gepr. Reitlehrerin

• FENA und NRHA Judge

• NonPro Coaching

• Horsetraining

• Training, Showing, Clinics & Lessons

WesternReitCenter Lobau

+43 664 373 20 21, barbara.hengge@a1.net



HB_Inserat_60x35.indd 1 29.05.18 10:05

Welcome Party






S C H I L C H E R & S O H N GmbH & CO KG

A-8020 Graz-Austria, Herrgottwiesgasse 31-Zufahrt über Viehmarktgasse 15

Telefon: ++43(0)316 / 581253 Fax: DW 20 e-mail: office@schilcherschilder.at


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