24.06.2021 Aufrufe

Erste Hilfe für Hunde und Katzen

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Heat stroke<br />

Leaving the pet in the car in summer can easily cause overheating or, in the most<br />

serious cases, heat stroke because of the high air temperature.<br />

Indications:<br />

• lethargy up to unconsciousness of the pet<br />

• irregular and shallow respiration<br />

• high but weak pulse rate<br />

• mucous membranes are dry<br />

• gums and lips are dark red<br />

• body surface feels warm<br />

• diarrhoea and vomiting can occur<br />

E<br />

What to do:<br />

1. Take your pet to a cool place immediately.<br />

2. Check breathing, pulse and body temperature (rectally).<br />

3. Lay your pet in a position which allows the pet to breathe easily.<br />

4. Start by cooling down the pet slowly beginning at the extremities. To do so you<br />

can either use a cool and damp cloth or carefully give your pet a shower with cool<br />

water (do not rush since it could be too much for the weak circulation).<br />

5. In case your pet has thick fur, make sure the cooling water reaches the skin.<br />

6. Check the success of your <strong>und</strong>ertakings by taking the body temperature again<br />

(thermometer, rectally).<br />

7. Offer water to drink in small sips.<br />

Insect bites or stings<br />

Normally single bee or wasp stings are not very dangerous for the pet. They might<br />

lead to reddening and swelling possibly accompanied by itchiness. Multiple bites<br />

or stings might become dangerous because of the added toxic effect. If the sting is<br />

in the area of mouth or throat, this can hinder breathing fast. Allergic reactions are<br />

also possible. Watch your pet carefully after an insect bite or sting and contact a<br />

veterinarian if this should become necessary.<br />

What to do:<br />

Remove the sting with tweezers as soon as possible to stop further toxin entering<br />

the body. Cool the bite or sting with an ice pack and place an insect bite pad on it.<br />

Make sure the pet does not lick the sting or bite continuously.<br />

Ticks<br />

What to do:<br />

Push away the fur aro<strong>und</strong> the tick. Grip the tick’s head with the tweezer hook<br />

without squeezing the tick’s body (see picture page 8). Draw or twist out the tick<br />

carefully but fast. The disinfect the skin area thoroughly with alcohol pads. If the tick<br />

cannot be removed completely, please consult a veterinarian.<br />


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