16.06.2022 Aufrufe

Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee Information Guide 2022

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Wherever you are drawn to, your corporeal well­being

is well catered for. In more than 30 Alpine inns you enjoy

a genuinely hospitable Tyrolean welcome. Traditional

Tyrolean delicacies and organic produce from regional

Alpine dairies provide unforgettable treats for your palate.

In many Alpine inns, butter and raw milk cheese are still

made using traditional methods. These are best sampled

while enjoying the sensational views across the valley. And

don't forget, the best souvenirs from the Kaiserwinkl are

and remain, farmhouse bacon and mountain cheese.



AUTO BERNHARD ist offizieller Mobilitätspartner

der Challenge Kaiserwinkl-Walchsee.

Schwemm is North Tyrol's biggest area of moorland.

The natural surroundings and the moor can still be enjoyed

here in their original state.Did you know that 33 of the 70

dragonfly species in North Tyrol are found here?

Our insider tip: head out on a guided tour of the moor through

Schwemm, observe and find out out about the rare plant

and animal species that there are here! The viewing tower

which is close to the 'Moarwirt' is especially lovely. Let your

gaze be drawn across the incomparable moor landscape

and you will immediately realise why this natural gem has

been a Natura 2000 area since 2003.

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