26.08.2022 Aufrufe

GET (️PDF️) DOWNLOAD New York City NEW SHSAT Test Prep, Specialized High School Admissions Test (Argo Brothers)

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD: https://isbooktoday.com/freedom/0692686835 IMPORTANT: THIS IS AN OLD EDITION! Please check out our new SHSAT workbook 2018 - 2019 which reflects the latest changes! (ISBN-13: 978-1946755247 )At ArgoPrep, we believe that every student should attend a school that reflects their abilities and sets them up for a bright future. 150,000 + educators, parents and students use ArgoPrep

COPY LINK DOWNLOAD: https://isbooktoday.com/freedom/0692686835

IMPORTANT: THIS IS AN OLD EDITION! Please check out our new SHSAT workbook 2018 - 2019 which reflects the latest changes! (ISBN-13: 978-1946755247 )At ArgoPrep, we believe that every student should attend a school that reflects their abilities and sets them up for a bright future. 150,000 + educators, parents and students use ArgoPrep


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New York City NEW SHSAT Test Prep,

Specialized High School Admissions Test (Argo


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IMPORTANT: THIS IS AN OLD EDITION! Please check out our new SHSAT workbook 2018 -

2019 which reflects the latest changes! (ISBN-13: 978-1946755247 )At ArgoPrep, we believe that

every student should attend a school that reflects their abilities and sets them up for a bright

future. 150,000 + educators, parents and students use ArgoPrep to help prepare students for

exams. Join the family at www.argoprep/shsatReady for the NEW redesigned Specialized High

Schools Admissions Test?IMPORTANT: Watch overview of the SHSAT changes on:

YouTube.com/ArgoBrothersPerfect your score with our Specialized High Schools Admissions Test

(SHSAT) prep book. Our workbook reflects the latest changes and includes revising/editing

questions along with math grid-in questions. Argo Brothers SHSAT test prep book offers 5 fulllength

exams, along with a grammar and mathematics overview. More importantly, our workbook

comes equipped with video explanations and includes OVER 12 hours of video!Argo Brothers

New Redesigned SHSAT Test Prep 2017 Book Includes:&#82265 full-length practice exams with

answer explanations&#8226An advanced test with more in depth and challenging

problems&#8226500 + questions and 12+ hours online video explanations&#8226Free support

from expert tutorsSpecialized High Schools Admissions Test (SHSAT) TEST CHANGES:The

SHSAT is changing! If you are taking the Fall 2017 SHSAT Exam, you should be aware of the

following changes so you can properly prepare for the exam. The old SHSAT test comprised of

two sections: verbal and math. The verbal section included five scrambled paragraphs, followed by

ten logical reasoning questions followed by 5 reading comprehension passages. The math section

included 50 multiple choice questions. The time limit for the exam was 150 minutes.So... what are

the new changes you should be aware of?&#8226The new time limit for the SHSAT exam is now

180 minutes. (30 minutes more than the old SHSAT exam)&#8226NO MORE SCRAMBLED


renamed to the English Language Arts (ELA) section.&#8226There are 57 questions per section

and only 47 out of 57 questions in each section will be scored. 10 questions are field test items

which will not count toward the students score.&#8226The ELA section will include 20 revising and

editing questions along with 6 reading passages.&#8226The math section will include 5 grid-in

questions&#8226All multiple choice questions will have 4 answer choices instead of 5.Our SHSAT

test prep book will help you prepare for the new Specialized High Schools Admissions Test

(SHSAT)! Study with confidence, with Argo Brothers!

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