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After registering online or at the reception in Aachen you will receive the
registration confirmation online and in Aachen your registration card and
the bidder no. which entitles you to participate in both auctions.
Nach der Anmeldung online oder an der Rezeption in Aachen erhalten Sie
online die Anmeldebestätigung und in Aachen Ihre Anmeldekarte und die
Bieter Nr. die Sie zur Teilnahme an beiden Auktionen berechtigt.
The select sale will begin for all lots on September 23rd at 12 p.m. On
September 24 at 8 p.m., each lot will be called and auctioned individually
in the arena in the order set forth in the catalogue, with the starting bid
being the bid established at that time. The winning bid will be the highest
bid, whether online or live, provided it is accepted by the auctioneer.
Online participants have access to the livestream in addition to placing
bids. The auction ends for the respective lots and all bidders live and online
at the moment the auctioneer drops the hammer.
The silent sale will begin for all lots at 12:00 p.m. on September 23rd and will generally end for all lots at 12:45 p.m. on
September 25th. The highest bidder of the online and live bids will be awarded the auction lot if the bid amount is accepted.
The closing time will be automatically extended by 1 minute if a higher bid is placed for the lot in the last minute
before the respective lot expires. This will set a new closing time for all participants. For the participants on site in Aachen
there is a bidding box in the reception where the bids can be placed. These bids are immediately processed in the system and
can be seen by all bidders online and in Aachen on the screens with the bid amount and the bidder‘s number.
Das Select Sale beginnt für alle Lots am 23. September um 12 Uhr mittags. Am 24. September um 20 Uhr wird jedes Lot
einzeln in der Arena in der im Katalog festgelegten Reihenfolge aufgerufen und versteigert, wobei das Startgebot das zu
diesem Zeitpunkt festgestellte Gebot ist. Der Zuschlag erfolgt auf das höchste Gebot, egal ob online oder Live, sofern es vom
Auktionator akzeptiert wird. Online-Teilnehmer haben neben der Abgabe von Geboten auch Zugang zum Livestream.
Die Auktion endet für die jeweiligen Lose und alle Bieter live und online in dem Moment, in dem der Auktionator den
Hammer fallen lässt.
Das Silent Sale beginnt für alle Lots am 23. September um 12:00 Uhr und endet grundsätzlich für alle Lots am
25. September um 12:45 Uhr. Der Höchstbietende der Online- und Live-Gebote erhält den Zuschlag für das Auktionslos,
sofern die Höhe des Gebots akzeptiert wird. Die Schlusszeit wird automatisch um 1 Minute verlängert, wenn in der letzten
Minute vor Ablauf des jeweiligen Lots ein höheres Gebot für das Lot abgegeben wird. Dadurch wird eine neue Schlusszeit
für alle Teilnehmer gesetzt. Für die Teilnehmer Vorort in Aachen steht in der Rezeption eine Bieterbox in dem die Gebote
abgegeben werden können zu Verfügung. Diese Gebote werden unmittelbar im System verarbeitet und sind für alle Bieter
Online und in Aachen an den Bildschirmen mit dem Gebotenen Betrag und der Bieternummer des Bieters zu sehen.
Immediate full mortality insurance coverage is effective upon the fall of the hammer, for the amount
of the total purchase price. The insurance arranged by sale management, European Breeders Trust,
with C. Jarvis International GmbH, will remain in effect until the purchaser signs the contract, or
until midnight of the first business day after the sale, whichever occurs first, by which time it is the
obligation of the new owner to arrange permanent insurance if desired.
You are invited to discuss specific coverage details with Kimberly Jarvis or Corinne Schroeder present
at the auction or contact the office at:
+1-440-248-5330/ email
All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the actual policy issued.
Mit dem Zuschlag wird eine sofortige Lebensversicherung in Höhe des Gesamtkaufpreises wirksam.
Die von der Geschäftsleitung der European Breeders Trust AG, mit der C. Jarvis International GmbH
abgeschlossene Versicherung bleibt bis zur Unterzeichnung des Vertrags durch den Käufer oder bis
Mitternacht des ersten Werktags nach dem Verkauf in Kraft, je nachdem, was zuerst eintritt; bis dahin
ist der neue Eigentümer verpflichtet, auf Wunsch eine dauerhafte Versicherung abzuschließen.
Sie sind eingeladen, die Einzelheiten des Versicherungsschutzes mit Kimberly Jarvis oder Corinne
Schroeder zu besprechen, die bei der Auktion anwesend sind, oder das Büro zu kontaktieren:
+1-440-248-5330/ E-Mail
Alle Versicherungsleistungen unterliegen den Bedingungen und Ausschlüssen der jeweils
ausgestellten Police.
2020 - Gold Champion Senior Mare & Best in Show at Menton Show
2020 - Gold Champion Senior Mare at Dubai Arabian Horse Show
2017 - Gold Champion Junior Filly at Paris Arabian Horse World Championship
2017 - Gold Champion Junior Filly at Menton Show
2015 - Gold Champion Yearling Filly at Chantilly AHO World Cup
2015 - Gold Champion Yearling Filly at Dubai Arabian Horse Show
Proud Owner AL WAJBA STUD - Qatar
Wajana L
Dominic M | Washa by Kahil Al Shaqab
Created for, by, photos by Alessio Azzali
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2 - Spring Issue | Dubai
3 - Summer Issue | Menton
4 - Autumn Issue |Aachen
5 - Winter Issue |Paris
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1. The European Breeders Trust AG is the organizer of the online and live auction and sells the horses in
the name and to the account of the seller. Purchase contracts are valid exclusively between the seller and
the highest bidder. By participating in the auction, no matter whether bids are placed at the event or via
internet, the bidder declares his acceptance of the regulations of auction. All information about the auction
horses is given to the best of our knowledge. However, the organizer does not take over any responsibility for
the correctness and accuracy of the descriptions on the internet (e. g. our websites) or for other information
offered. Possible mistakes do not entitle the highest bidder to withdraw from his or her obligation to buy the
offered horse and pay the full purchase price, as the buyer had sufficient time to inform himself or herself
about the type and condition of the horses.
2. The organizer guarantees that all offered horses comply with the registration criteria of the World Arabian
Horse Organisation (WAHO). The costs of the export certificate for the horse in the buyer‘s country have to
be paid by the buyer.
3. Each horse which is offered for sale will have been examined by a veterinarian and received a health
certificate. For each mare which is offered ln foal, an ultrasonic examination is made by a veterinarian. The
result will be noted in the health certificate. A copy of the health certificate is available prior to the auction.
Each horse will obtain the veterinary certificate necessary for the country of destination on the day the
horse is handed over. The costs of this certificate as well as the transportation from Aachen, Germany to the
specified destination have to be paid by the buyer. A later resorption, dead-born foal or miscarriages do
not entitle the buyer to claim for damages, for a reduction of purchase price, or for a repeat covering. The
auctioneer and European Breeders Trust AG shall be not responsible for the correct description, authenticity,
genuineness of, or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. All lots to be sold AS
4. The bid currency is € (Euro).
5. European Breeders Trust AG is not responsible for ERRORS in bidding. Doubts concerning the validity
of the highest bid are to be declared immediately. The bidding can be reopened and continued at the decision
of the organizer. This is permissible even if the notice of sale has already been signed. Any disputes occurring
during the auction will be decided by the organizer. This decision is binding for all parties and does
not entitle to any claims for damages and/or costs. Examples for these disputes are: 2 or more bids are made
for the assignment of a horse: misunderstandings concerning allocation of the horse or country customs and
conditions, obvious mistakes made by the organizer, technical problems during bidding over the internet/
using the controller. The auctioneer has the right at his absolute discretion to refuse any bid. If any dispute
arises between 2 or more bidders, the auctioneer may decide the same or immediately put the lot for sale
again and resell to the highest bidder. The decision of the auctioneer shall be final and absolute.
6. Should the buyer not sign the sale notice (or in case of online-bidding, failure to confirm sale per e-mail),
the horse can be auctioned a second time. ln this case, the first buyer will be held responsible for possible
loss of proceeds.
7. The sale amount will be charged to the buyer in the auction office as follows: Knock down price additional
7% commission, the price will be increased by VAT (SALES TAX) 19 %. The VAT will be reimbursed to
the buyer who: possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the intra-community
delivery of the collected horse(s). - will submit exportation documents, confirming exportation of the
purchased horses of the territory of European Union, under the condition, that the costumes export procedure
was started in the territory of Germany and will be completed within 3 months from the date of
making full payment for the purchased horse(s).
8. With the knock-down, all risks are transferred to the buyer. The right of complaint is out of validity. The horses
are sold in the condition in which they are presented at the auction. Possible arising claims are to be made directly
to the previous owner offering the horse for auction. The organizer cannot be held responsible under any circumstances
whatsoever. The bidder places bids to his own account if he/she does not declare name and address of his
client. The change of ownership occurs after complete payment of the sale price only. No claims whatsoever entitle
the buyer to retain the sale price or a part of it.
9. From the knock-down onwards, all fees such as delivery, care, possible vets‘ fees, farrier etc. are charged to the
buyer‘s account. Buyer will be responsible for any costs of stabling and supplies for the horse between this period
and delivery. The buyer will be charged for boarding and or other expenses that European Breeders Trust AG and/or
seller may incur.
10. The payment is to be paid after sale in cash, or per bank transfer. The organizer is authorized to receive the
payment, and to take action against the buyer for the sale price plus additional fees. The organizer can only be held
responsible in case of intent or extreme carelessness. No guarantee for the functionality of the technical equipment.
11. Purchased horses are to be picked up the latest by the 30.10.2022.
No horse will be handed over before the payment has been settled.
12. Transports of purchased horses may be negotiated upon request. All horses will be transported back to their
origin stable unless the new owner asked for own transportation after full payment was settled. In this case the horse
must be removed from the show stable latest till 12.00 am, 27.09.2022.
13. The organizer reserves the right to change the course of the programme. This includes the right to offer horses
for auction together, separately, or not at all.
14. Horses are not insured after the knockdown. Life insurance can be arranged on request. Our insurance partner
Jarvis Insurance will be on site to advise buyers on the possibility of insurance for the purchased horse.
15. These terms and conditions, and all lawsuits or actions under it, shall be construed in accordance with and
under and pursuant to the laws of Germany, and in any lawsuit or any action that may be brought arising out of,
in connection with, or by reason of these terms and conditions, the laws of Germany shall be applicable and shall
govern of the law of any forum, without regard to the jurisdiction in which any such lawsuit or action may be instituted.
Venue shall be in Kempten Germany, with the prevailing party entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees
and costs.
1. The European Breeders Trust AG is the organizer of the online and live auction and sells the horses in
the name and to the account of the seller. Purchase contracts are valid exclusively between the seller and
the highest bidder. By participating in the auction, no matter whether bids are placed at the event or via
internet, the bidder declares his acceptance of the regulations of auction. All information about the auction
horses is given to the best of our knowledge. However, the organizer does not take over any responsibility for
the correctness and accuracy of the descriptions on the internet (e. g. our websites) or for other information
offered. Possible mistakes do not entitle the highest bidder to withdraw from his or her obligation to buy the
offered horse and pay the full purchase price, as the buyer had sufficient time to inform himself or herself
about the type and condition of the horses.
2. The organizer guarantees that all offered horses comply with the registration criteria of the World Arabian
Horse Organisation (WAHO). The costs of the export certificate for the horse in the buyer‘s country have to
be paid by the buyer.
3. Each horse which is offered for sale will have been examined by a veterinarian and received a health
certificate. For each mare which is offered ln foal, an ultrasonic examination is made by a veterinarian. The
result will be noted in the health certificate. A copy of the health certificate is available prior to the auction.
Each horse will obtain the veterinary certificate necessary for the country of destination on the day
the horse is handed over. The costs of this certificate as well as the transportation from Aachen, Germany to
the specified destination have to be paid by the buyer. A later resorption, dead-born foal or miscarriages do
not entitle the buyer to claim for damages, for a reduction of purchase price, or for a repeat covering. The
auctioneer and European Breeders Trust AG shall be not responsible for the correct description, authenticity,
genuineness of, or defect in any lot, and makes no warranty in connection therewith. All lots to be sold AS
4. The bid currency is € (Euro).
5. European Breeders Trust AG is not responsible for ERRORS in bidding. Doubts concerning the validity
of the highest bid are to be declared immediately. The bidding can be reopened and continued at the decision
of the organizer. This is permissible even if the notice of sale has already been signed. Any disputes occurring
during the auction will be decided by the organizer. This decision is binding for all parties and does
not entitle to any claims for damages and/or costs. Examples for these disputes are: 2 or more bids are made
for the assignment of a horse: misunderstandings concerning allocation of the horse or country customs and
conditions, obvious mistakes made by the organizer, technical problems during bidding over the internet/
using the controller. The auctioneer has the right at his absolute discretion to refuse any bid. If any dispute
arises between 2 or more bidders, the auctioneer may decide the same or immediately put the lot for sale
again and resell to the highest bidder. The decision of the auctioneer shall be final and absolute.
6. Should the buyer not sign the sale notice (or in case of online-bidding, failure to confirm sale per e-mail),
the horse can be auctioned a second time. ln this case, the first buyer will be held responsible for possible
loss of proceeds.
7. The highest bidder from online and live bids will win the lot. For each lot, the final remaining indicative
time to Bid is displayed on their website and also live in Aachen. The closing time is automatically extended
by 1 minute if a higher bid is placed for the lot in question within the last minute before the end of the
auction. As a result, a new closing time will be set which will be valid online and live and will also be visible
live in Aachen via the screens.
8. The sale amount will be charged to the buyer in the auction office as follows: Knock down price additional 7%
commission, the price will be increased by VAT (SALES TAX) 19 %. The VAT will be reimbursed to the buyer who:
possess a European Union VAT registration number and will confirm the intra-community delivery of the collected
horse(s). - will submit exportation documents, confirming exportation of the purchased horses of the territory of
European Union, under the condition, that the costumes export procedure was started in the territory of Germany
and will be completed within 3 months from the date of making full payment for the purchased horse(s).
9. With the knock-down, all risks are transferred to the buyer. The right of complaint is out of validity. The horses
are sold in the condition in which they are presented at the auction. Possible arising claims are to be made directly
to the previous owner offering the horse for auction. The organizer cannot be held responsible under any circumstances
whatsoever. The bidder places bids to his own account if he/she does not declare name and address of his
client. The change of ownership occurs after complete payment of the sale price only. No claims whatsoever entitle
the buyer to retain the sale price or a part of it.
10. From the knock-down onwards, all fees such as delivery, care, possible vets‘ fees, farrier etc. are charged to the
buyer‘s account. Buyer will be responsible for any costs of stabling and supplies for the horse between this period
and delivery. The buyer will be charged for boarding and or other expenses that European Breeders Trust AG and/or
seller may incur.
11. The payment is to be paid after sale in cash, or per bank transfer. The organizer is authorized to receive the
payment, and to take action against the buyer for the sale price plus additional fees. The organizer can only be held
responsible in case of intent or extreme carelessness. No guarantee for the functionality of the technical equipment.
12. Purchased horses are to be picked up the latest by the 30.10.2022.
13. No horse will be handed over before the payment has been settled.
14. Transports of purchased horses may be negotiated upon request. All horses will be transported back to their
origin stable unless the new owner asked for own transportation after full payment was settled. In this case the horse
must be removed from the show stable latest till 12.00 am, 26.09.2022.
15. The organizer reserves the right to change the course of the programme. This includes the right to offer horses
for auction together, separately, or not at all.
16. Horses are not insured after the knockdown. Life insurance can be arranged on request. Our insurance partner
Jarvis Insurance will be on site to advise buyers on the possibility of insurance for the purchased horse.
17. These terms and conditions, and all lawsuits or actions under it, shall be construed in accordance with and
under and pursuant to the laws of Germany, and in any lawsuit or any action that may be brought arising out of,
in connection with, or by reason of these terms and conditions, the laws of Germany shall be applicable and shall
govern of the law of any forum, without regard to the jurisdiction in which any such lawsuit or action may be instituted.
Venue shall be in Kempten Germany, with the prevailing party entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees
and costs.
The European Breeders Trust AG is the organizer of the auction and sells the embryos or Embryo rights
(or horse) in its own name and to the account of the seller. Purchase contracts are valid exclusively between
the seller and the highest bidder. By participating in the auction the bidder declares his acceptance of the
auction rules. All information about the auction embryos (and related horses) is given to the best of our
knowledge. However, the organizer does not take over any responsibility for the correctness and accuracy
of the descriptions on the internet (e. g. our websites)or for other information offered. Possible mistakes do
not entitle the highest bidder to withdraw from his or her obligation to buy the embryo and pay the full
purchase price, as the buyer had sufficient time to inform himself or herself about the offered lot.
The organizer guarantees that all embryos offered for sale meet the registration criteria of the World Arabian
Horse Organisation (WAHO). The total costs of obtaining the embryo, the transport and accommodation of
the donor mare and recipient mare as well as the registration of the embryo including the export certificate
to the respective country of the buyer must be paid by the buyer himself. The currency in the bids is always
EURO. The European Breeders Trust AG is not responsible for errors during the bidding process. Any
doubts about the validity of the highest bid must be mentioned/explained immediately. The auction can be
reopened and continued at the organizer‘s discretion. This is permissible even if the declaration of sale has
already been signed. All disputes arising during the auction will be settled by the organizer. This decision is
binding to all parties and does not entitle them to claim damages and/or compensation for costs.
Examples of these disputes are: 2 or more bids are made for the purchase of an embryo (rights) (or horse);
misunderstandings about the distribution of horse or land duty fees and conditions; obvious mistakes made
by the organizer; technical problems when bidding over the internet / with the controller. The auctioneer
has the right to reject a bid at his own discretion. If a dispute arises between 2 or more bidders, the auctioneer
may decide equally or immediately put the lot up for sale again and sell it to the highest bidder. The
auctioneer‘s decision is final and binding. Should the buyer contradict to the announcement of sale, the
horse can be auctioned a second time. In this case the first buyer will be held responsible for any loss of
The purchase amount will be charged to the buyer after the end of the online auction. There are no additional
fees from EBT to the hammer price, but all the cost of producing the embryo has to be covered by
the purchaser. In addition to the knock-down price, the price will be increased by the currently valid value
added tax (VAT) of 19 %. The VAT will be refunded to the purchaser who is in possession of a VAT identification
number of the European Union and confirms the intra-community delivery of the embryo purchased
at auction. Anyone who can present export documents confirming the export of the purchased embryo from
the territory of the European Union is exempt from paying the value added tax (VAT), currently 19 %.
The bidder places bids on his own account if he/she does not indicate the name and address of his/her client.
The change of ownership takes place after full payment of the sales price. No claims shall entitle the buyer to
retain the sales price or part thereof. If the seller sells an embryo, younger than 42 days, the seller is obliged
to refund 66% of the purchase price paid until the embryo is confirmed by a veterinarian after 42 days in
the recipient mare. If the seller sells an embryo right or a frozen Embryo and is not able to create the embryo
within 12 months, the seller will refund 66% of the purchase price paid. The guarantee that the embryo is
confirmed by a veterinarian in the recipient mare after 42 days is also valid in this case.
Payment is made after the sale in cash or by bank transfer. The organizer is entitled to accept the payment and if necessary
to sue the buyer with regard to the sales price plus fees. The organizer is only liable in case of intent or extreme
negligence. The organizer reserves the right to change the course of the program. This includes the right to offer
individual lots for auction together, individually or not at all. Every buyer of embryos or embryo rights is strongly
recommended to insure the purchased embryo after 42 days confirmed in the recipient mare, as any guarantee of the
seller expires at this point of time.
These terms and conditions and any lawsuit or action subject to them shall be construed in accordance with German
law and any lawsuit or action arising out of or in connection with or arising out of these terms and conditions shall
be governed by and construed in accordance with German law and the law of each jurisdiction without regard to
the jurisdiction in which such lawsuit or action is brought. The place of jurisdiction is Kempten, Germany, with the
right of the prevailing party to receive reimbursement of the incurred attorney fees, charges and costs.
for the offered breeding rights the stallion owner‘s mating conditions are valid, which can be found on the EBT
website on the respective stallion page.