27.10.2022 Aufrufe

[Read] The Cuckoo's Calling

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/B00CTQ2ZS8 ===========================*=========================== Published under a pseudonym, J. K. Rowling&#8217 brilliant debut mystery introduces Detective Cormoran Strike as he investigates a supermodel's suicide in &#8220one of the best books of the year&#8221 (USA Today). After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, creditors are calling, and

Copy Link : https://getpdf.readbooks.link/yp/B00CTQ2ZS8

Published under a pseudonym, J. K. Rowling&#8217 brilliant debut mystery introduces Detective Cormoran Strike as he investigates a supermodel's suicide in &#8220one of the best books of the year&#8221 (USA Today). After losing his leg to a land mine in Afghanistan, Cormoran Strike is barely scraping by as a private investigator. Strike is down to one client, creditors are calling, and

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