Stephanie Marie Kuehn
Stephanie Marie Kuehn is a mental health counselor in California. She gained a deep understanding of the complexities of the human psyche. She utilizes techniques such as EMDR to help clients overcome trauma-induced disorders. Get connected now to know more about it!
Stephanie Marie Kuehn is a mental health counselor in California. She gained a deep understanding of the complexities of the human psyche. She utilizes techniques such as EMDR to help clients overcome trauma-induced disorders. Get connected now to know more about it!
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Stephanie Marie Kuehn
Neurofeedback Therapist
As a mental health counselor, I am dedicated to helping
people feel at home in their bodies and live fulfilling lives. I
understand that this can be a difficult journey, as many of us
carry the weight of intergenerational trauma, past
experiences, and other challenges that can impact our sense
of safety and well-being. That is why I offer a range of
services and techniques designed to support healing and
Stephanie Marie Kuehn is a mental health counselor in California. She
gained a deep understanding of the complexities of the human psyche. She
utilizes techniques such as EMDR to help clients overcome trauma-induced
disorders. She is also a certified micro-current neurofeedback clinician and
received specialized training in using micro-current technology to help
clients improve their brain function and reduce symptoms of various
conditions, including anxiety, depression, and ADHD. To get more
information about Stephanie Marie Kuehn please visit our website.
A Few Words on Advocacy
Throughout the years, I have contributed to advocacy projects focused on
providing women and sex workers with platforms through which to share
their perspectives while developing infrastructures to create safer and
more supportive working environments. I feel passionate about this and
can say with sincerity that service work has enriched my life.
I offer a handful of free services every year to those in underserved
communities. If what I have said resonates, but you can't yet afford my
services, please send me an email to request a scholarship application.
Santa Monica, CA 90401, United States