Weissenhäuser Strand Informationen von A-Z Broschüre
In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.
In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.
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Good to know from A-Z<br />
Doctor/Pharmacy: Pharmacies are located in Oldenburg in Holstein; pharmaceutical products/services<br />
available through reception desk in Dünenbad, Telephone: +49 4361 55 27 75.<br />
Prescriptions: We will settle your prescriptions. Please contact the reception at Dünenbad;<br />
Telephone: +49 4361 55 27 75.<br />
House rules:<br />
• Smoking is strictly prohibited in all apartments and holiday homes.<br />
• All guests are expected to behave in such a manner that they do not disturb other guests.<br />
• Radios and loudspeakers must be kept at an acceptable volume.<br />
• Respect your neighbours, particularly during the following times: 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.<br />
and 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.<br />
• Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. Please remove all droppings. You will find the<br />
appropriate bags located at various spots throughout the park. Note: the dog beach is<br />
located to the right of the pier.<br />
• Barbecuing is prohibited in the lodgings as well as on the balconies and terraces of the<br />
bungalows, holiday homes and penthouses.<br />
• Supplied towels may only be used in the apartment or holiday home. Towels are not<br />
permitted on the beach or in the Subtropical Aqua Park/Dünenbad<br />
• In case of severe violations of the house rules and in respect for other guests, we reserve<br />
the right to cancel the relevant tenancy without further notice.<br />
• In case you are unsatisfied with anything during your stay, please report this immediately<br />
to the reception desk. Complaints filed after your departure cannot be considered. Our<br />
Customer Satisfaction Hotline can be reached at: +49 4361 55 27 77.<br />
Phone calls/important numbers<br />
Alarm/emergency: The switchboard: Dial »9« or the reception at ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel (24<br />
hours a day), telephone: +49 4361 55 37 71. In case of emergency, call: 0-112. Always remember<br />
to provide precise information: who, where and what has happened.<br />