26.04.2024 Aufrufe

Weissenhäuser Strand Informationen von A-Z Broschüre

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

In dieser Broschüre finden Sie alles rund um Ihren Urlaub an der Ostsee, wenn Sie den Ferien- und Freizeitpark Weissenhäuser Strand besuchen. Von A wie Anreise, über wichtige Telefonnummern, bis hin zu Wellness.

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Good to know from A-Z<br />

lifts is strictly prohibited!<br />

Responsibility/Liability: Our company is not liable for your valuables. However, you can<br />

deposit them free of charge in the safe located in your apartment or holiday home. We ask<br />

you to take care of your holiday home and the inventory. Please report any damage caused<br />

or discovered by you to the reception desk in the information building.<br />

Safe: See liability.<br />

Valuables: See liability<br />

Service<br />

Beauty clinic: Various cosmetic treatments and applications such as anti-aging, Rich Care<br />

Concept, brilliant eye treatments, and lots more. In Dünenbad. Telephone: +49 4361 55 27 75.<br />

Bread roll ordering service: Benefit from our on-site service and conveniently collect the<br />

bread rolls you ordered at our EDEKA supermarket. This saves you long waiting times in the<br />

morning and allows you to have more time for your holidays.<br />

Car hire: Please contact the reception in the information building for phone numbers, telephone:<br />

+49 4361 55 40.<br />

Fax: Please ask at the reception or inquire at the ****<strong>Strand</strong>hotel.<br />

Feedback Point: Do you have any suggestions or praise? Give us the opportunity to make<br />

your next Baltic Sea holiday with us even more unforgettable. The Feedback Point is located<br />

right next to the Service Point.<br />

Information: In the information building, Telephone: +49 4361 55 40.<br />

Lost and found: Please return any found item to the Guest Services office or at the main reception.<br />

The Holiday and Resort Park <strong>Weissenhäuser</strong> <strong>Strand</strong> cannot take responsibility for<br />

the safekeeping or forwarding of personal items left behind. If we ship any personal items<br />

found, we will charge a fee of € 10.00 for domestic delivery and € 20.00 for international<br />

delivery; any other extra costs will be charged separately!<br />

Luggage: Luggage trolley stations located on site. Deposit: € 2.00.<br />

Newspapers, magazines, tobacco: Available at the Service Point.<br />


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