07.01.2013 Aufrufe

Resilient durch interpersonelle Kommunikation - Komunariko

Resilient durch interpersonelle Kommunikation - Komunariko

Resilient durch interpersonelle Kommunikation - Komunariko


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Abstract English<br />

„Is interpersonal communication recognized as an aspect of resilience in compa-<br />

nies?" is the lead question in the first part of the paper. Chapter 1 sheds light on the dif-<br />

ferent uses of the term "resilience". The author cites key studies on resilience and estab-<br />

lishes a connection between resilience and interpersonal communication.<br />

Forms of interpersonal communication relevant for resilience of organizations are<br />

illustrated in demonstrating interpersonal communication in the context of corporate<br />

communication (Chapter 1.6.-1.8.5). Three theoretical concepts are also used to stress<br />

the idea, i.e. symbolic interactionism, the theory of communicative action and dialogue<br />

(Chapter 1.7.1.-1.7.3.) After having examined and combined aspects of resilience both for<br />

people as well as for organizations in Chapter 2, the author establishes links with inter-<br />

personal communication.<br />

The paper examines the question: What options do companies have to increase their<br />

own resilience and that of their employees? (Chapter 3) The link to interpersonal<br />

communication was established through key factors identified above. Chapter 4 describes<br />

the methodolocial approach and compares factors of resilience on personal and organiza-<br />

tional levels and the respective conclusion. Chapter 5 shows examples of how to increase<br />

the resilience of employees and companies. The author transfers programmes from other<br />

sciences to the business context and proposes training options. She presents tools, best<br />

practices from a convention on resilience are presented and the interrelation with inter-<br />

personal communication is established. Chapter 6 is the final conclusion, answering the<br />

hypothesis and giving a future perspective.<br />


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