09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...


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WIDLOWSKY et al., 2003, and for spruce trees as in KURTH AND SLOBODA (1999, Fig. 2). The<br />

spectral properties of phytoelements at this stage were used: a) for spruce trees - as mean sun<br />

twig for upper crown part and as a mean shade twig for lower crown part, the age differences<br />

were nor considered; b) for all deciduous species the spectral properties of average sun and<br />

average shade leave of beech as measured in Solling, B1 were used.<br />

3. Results<br />

3.1 Model validation<br />

The model was validated for different forest stands (KNYAZIKHIN et al., 1997, PANFEROV,<br />

2005) and showed a very good agreement with observations. In present study only the additional<br />

validation for a gap and forest edge was carried out. The results have shown a very<br />

good agreement between modelled and measured radiation for typical meteorological situations.<br />

In Fig. 3 the comparison between measured and modelled fluxes of short-wave radiation<br />

is presented for central (“gap”) and western (“edge”) meteostations.<br />

Abb. 3: Vergleich eines gemessenen und modellierten Tagesgangs der kurzwelligen Strahlung<br />

an der zentralen Messstation (links) und am Westrand der Freifläche (rechts)<br />

Fig. 3: Comparison of measured and modeled daily course of global short-wave radiation at<br />

central meteostation (left panel) and at western border of the clear cut (right panel)<br />

3.2 Effect of inclination<br />

Preliminary results – the radiation distribution within the studied area of Otterbach clear-cut -<br />

were already presented in (PANFEROV et al., 2006). Therefore, we would like to focus here on<br />

the effects of northern slope especially within the forest – clear-cut transition zones as compared<br />

to the horizontal stand.<br />

As expected even the very gentle inclination with northern exposition decreases considerably<br />

in general the intensity of radiation at soil surface. To characterize the changes we used the<br />

normalized difference δ(r)=(Ih(r)-Is(rs))/Ih,(r). Ih(r) is the intensity of radiation at horizontal<br />

surface in the point r(x,y,z) of model domain and Is(rs) is the intensity of radiation at the sloping<br />

surface at the point rs (x,y,z+Δz) with the same horizontal coordinates (x,y) as the point r,<br />

at same moment of time (time period) and under the same illumination conditions. Considering<br />

the “time period” as an entire vegetation period the estimated δ was on average about 0.1<br />

(Fig. 4), i. e. the northern slope was “underilluminated” by about 10% comparing to horizontal<br />

surface. The result is completely in accordance with a theory predicting the alteration of<br />

radiation incoming to the bare slopes (e.g. KONDRATYEV, 1969). However, the presence of<br />

rather complicated vegetation – forest stands with a clear-cut - changes that simple theoretical<br />

distribution pattern considerably. Fig. 4 illustrates the frequency distribution of δ�for different<br />


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