09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...


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Besides the quantitative changes, i.e. changes in the magnitude of radiation fluxes, the Nslope<br />

induce also the qualitative changes - the changes in the spectral composition radiation.<br />

Within the central zone of clear-cut and small gaps in a canopy app. 6% increase of the blue<br />

part of spectrum (400-450 nm) is observed for the northern slope comparatively to horizontal<br />

surface. The N-corner clear shows in contrast a strong decrease of blue part (up to 20%). The<br />

N-borders generally show the increment of green (525-575 nm) part of solar spectrum.<br />

4. Conclusion<br />

The clear-cut of a medium size (150m×150m) within a mixed forest stand produced a complex<br />

effect on the radiation distribution at soil surface and was additionally complicated by its<br />

location on a northern slope. The slope effect was a simultaneous decrease (10% in average)<br />

of radiation input on the most (especially southern) part of studied site and a strong increase<br />

(up to 166%) within the northern parts. The decrease of radiation on northern slope is more<br />

pronounced in spring and autumn. The magnitude of the effect indicates strongly that even the<br />

effects a very gentle slope could not be neglected in ecological studies. Besides that the slopeinduced<br />

“blue shift” of the radiation spectrum at the clear-cut, as well as the green one at the<br />

northern edges should be taken into account.<br />

Abb. 5: Räumliche Verteilung der Unterschiede zwischen horizontaler Approximation und<br />

der tatsächlichen Geländeneigung: 1) absolute Werte (links) und 2) normalisierte<br />

Differenzen (rechts). Schwarze Kreise im rechten Bild markieren die Projektion der<br />

Baumkronen auf der Bodenoberfläche<br />

Fig. 5: Spatial distribution of differences between horizontal approximation and real slope:<br />

1) absolute values (left panel) and 2) normalized difference (right panel). Black circles<br />

at right panel represent projections of tree crowns on soil surface<br />

References<br />

KNYAZIKHIN YU., G. MIESSEN, O. PANFEROV, G. GRAVENHORST, 1998a: Small-scale study of<br />

three-dimensional distribution of photosynthetically active radiation in a forest. - Agr. For.<br />

Meteor. 88, 215--239.<br />

KONDRATYEV K.YA., 1969: Radiation in the atmosphere. – Acad. Press, New York, 912 pp.<br />

KURTH, W., B. SLOBODA, 1999: Tree and stand architecture and growth described by formal<br />

grammars – I. Non-sensitive trees. - J. For. Sci. 45, 16--30.<br />


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