09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...


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only to a short increase of water in the upper soil layer) after the precipitation event on 20th<br />

August (DOY 232) the high LE differences between the two simulations remain.<br />

The course of these differences can be explained by the reaction of the vegetation over the<br />

day. The increasing smaller water content of the soil leads to closing of the stomata and thus<br />

to a decrease of the transpiration. In combination with high solar radiation (fig. 2) and high<br />

values of vpd (not depicted here) it results in an increasing water stress in the period from 8th<br />

to 14th August (DOY 220 – 226) which is described by the model comparison of the two soil<br />

moisture regimes (constantly wet and increasingly dry).<br />

modelled LE (PSN6)<br />

400 Y=1.115*X<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

R²=0.24<br />

0<br />

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400<br />

measured LE<br />

Fig. 4: Comparison between measured<br />

and modelled LE (half-hour<br />

means for irradiation > 0)<br />

Abb. 4: Vergleich zwischen gemessenem<br />

und modelliertem LE<br />

(Halbstundenwerte für Globalstrahlung<br />

> 0)<br />

Water content [%]<br />

16<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

2<br />

210 213 216 219 222 225 228 231 234<br />

Day of Year<br />

4 Conclusions<br />

The results of this study clearly show that the upgraded model HIRVAC is able to simulate<br />

the coupling between soil moisture and evapotranspiration in a dry period. The modified<br />

parameterisation of the stomatal resistance in the sub model PSN6 reflects the link between<br />

soil moisture, atmospheric humidity and ET via stomatal control fairly well. This simple<br />

modification leads to a noticeable improvement of the simulated canopy air moisture regime.<br />

It allows to “reproduce” measurement of turbulent fluxes without the use of new “tuning”<br />

parameters. The reduction of ET by dryer soil ranges between 30 to 150 W/m² in the forest<br />

Tharandter Wald. This leads to a new partition of modelled water budget components of forested<br />

catchments and has possible consequences for runoff simulations.<br />

Several SVAT models (e.g. SIB2, SELLERS et al. 1996) consider the effect of soil water on ET<br />

in a simple form. But they are usually not able to simulate feedback effects between vegetated<br />

surface and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) because of the lack in vertical resolution<br />

and physical description of ABL.<br />

Results of this study identify several problems which must be examined in further investigations.<br />

One problem is the nocturnal offset of LE of the forest stand using FGRS (flux gradient<br />

relationships) for calculation. Here the values do not decline under 50 W/m² at night which<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

115<br />

measured water content<br />

modelled water content for a dry soil<br />

modelled water content for a moist soil<br />

ΔLE between moist and dry soil<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

Fig. 5: Difference of LE between model runs with<br />

moist and dry soil (solid line), compared<br />

with modelled (moist soil: dashed line, dry<br />

soil: dots) and measured (triangle) soil water<br />

content<br />

Abb. 5: LE-Differenz zwischen Modellläufen mit<br />

feuchtem und trockenem Boden (durchgezogene<br />

Linie), verglichen mit simuliertem<br />

(feuchter Boden: gestrichelte Linie, trockener<br />

Boden: Punkte) und gemessenem<br />

Bodenwassergehalt<br />

50<br />

0<br />

Δ LE between moist and dry soil [W/m²]

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