09.01.2013 Aufrufe

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...

Proceedings zur 6. Fachtagung BIOMET - Deutsche ...


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To study climate and land-use effects separately the watershed model BROOK90 (FEDERER,<br />

1995) was used. It was parameterised by objectively derived areal parameters; no specific<br />

calibration was done to fit observed and modelled runoff or ET (SEEGERT, 1998). In the period<br />

1968 to 1995 a very good resemblance between measured and modelled ET was found<br />

(Fig.3). Since about 1996 a clear change in this relationship is observed: The measured watershed<br />

ET is typically larger than the modelled ET by up to 30%. Several hypotheses have been<br />

tested for this surprisingly large difference including measurement insufficiencies (i) of the<br />

runoff measurements or (ii) the meteorological input to BROOK90. A proof of such a large<br />

change was not detected, neither in the stream gauge records nor in the meteorological records,<br />

despite several inhomogenieties in those data (Wollner, pers. communication). Alternatively<br />

land-use change was tested. Here, the most pronounced change is at one hand the reduction<br />

of clear cuts (until 1990 about 1-2% of the area of the catchment annually) and on the<br />

other hand the planting of beech in the under storey of the spruce canopy (about 10% of the<br />

area of the catchment since mid of the 1990ies). Other possible influences are a change in the<br />

draining of the catchment, especially the change in the maintenance of artificial drainage<br />

which would lead to a change in the runoff coefficient of the catchment.<br />

4 Discussions and Conclusions<br />

Actual evapotranspiration (ETa) showed a very distinct behaviour after 1995. While potential<br />

ET increased only marginally, runoff statistics show a significant change which lead to a<br />

much higher actual ET of the watershed. However, changes in land-use point toward a possible<br />

influence of recent changes in forest management. It is not clear yet whether those<br />

changes can be attributed to changes in land-use alone or a combination of measurement insufficiencies,<br />

changes in run-off characteristics due to less artificial drainage or changes in<br />

land-use. Additional modelling with adapted parameters needs to be done to isolate these effects.<br />

If correct, the consequences of those changes might be severe and should be part of the<br />

risk analysis both in forestry and water issues.<br />

Acknowledgement<br />

The authors are grateful to the German tax payers, the Saxonian Ministry of Science and Art<br />

(as the major supporters of TU Dresden) and many projects that helped to continue those<br />

measurements over so many years, as well as to many students from undergradutae to graduate<br />

and PhD level for their enthusiasm and help.<br />

References<br />

ATV-DVWK-Merkblatt M 504 (BERNHOFER, C., GUGLA, G., GOLF, W., GÜNTHER, R.,<br />


2002: Verdunstung in Bezug zu Landnutzung, Bewuchs und Boden. - ATV-DVWK-<br />

Regelwerk. 144pp.<br />

FEDERER, C. A., 1995: BROOK90: A Simulation Model for Evaporation, Soil Water and<br />

Straemflow, Version 3.1ff bzw. 4.0, Computer Freeware and Documentation – USDA<br />

Forest Service, Durham, USA.<br />

FRANKE, J., GOLDBERG, V., EICHELMANN, U., FREYDANK, E. & C. BERNHOFER, 2004: Statistical<br />

analysis of regional climate trends in Saxony. - Climate Research. 27:145-150.<br />


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