30.01.2013 Aufrufe

Einführung - KOPS - Universität Konstanz

Einführung - KOPS - Universität Konstanz

Einführung - KOPS - Universität Konstanz


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206<br />

• Description Of The Compliance Scale<br />

1.0 Description of the Levels on the Compliance Scale<br />

2.0 Assessing Compliance<br />

• Survey Report And Evaluation Of The Accreditation Process<br />

1.0 Survey Report<br />

2.0 Evaluation After the Survey<br />

• Glossary Of Terms<br />

• Standards<br />

I. Establishing the Strategic Directions ESD-1<br />

II. Community Services:<br />

Individual Client Services ICS-1<br />

Population-focused Services POP-1<br />

Home Care Services HOM-1<br />

III. Pre-hospital Emergency Care PEC-1<br />

IV. In-patient Care and Service Delivery:<br />

Cancer Patient Care CPC-1<br />

Continuing Care and Specialized Geriatrics CCS-1<br />

Emergency/Trauma Care EMR-1<br />

Maternal/Newborn Care MAT-1<br />

Medical Care MED-1<br />

Mental Health Services MTL-1<br />

Other Client/Patient Care Group OTH-1<br />

Rehabilitation REH-1<br />

Specialized/Intensive Care SPI-1<br />

Surgical Care SRG-1<br />

V. Implementing the Strategic Directions ISD-1<br />

VI. Information Management<br />

VII. Human Resources Development and Management HRD-1<br />

VIII. Management of the Physical Environment MPE-1<br />

• Overall Graphic Profile<br />

• Profile And Planning Guide For Comprehensive Health Services<br />

Die 8 Standardsektionen enthalten neben den Standards auch Kriterien, deren Zahl zwischen 1<br />

und 7 Kriterien liegt. Insbesondere im Bereich „Quality Monitoring and Improvement,“ der<br />

Bestandteil jeder Sektion ist, wird in den Kriterien auf Indikatoren zur Leistungsbewertung<br />

Bezug genommen.

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