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2003<br />

Schäler B.,Riese M.<br />

Retrieval of Upper Tropospheric H2O from CRISTA-2 Oberservations<br />

Sounding the Troposphere from Space : a New Era for Atmospheric Chemistry / ed. P. Borell ... - Berlin, Springer, 2003. - 3-<br />

540-40873-8. - S. 149<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Smit H. G. J.,Helten M.<br />

Climatology of upper tropospheric humidity over the North Atlantic: Seasonal and inter annual variations<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003), 12299<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Stein O.,Rohrer F.,Toenges N.,Schultz M.<br />

Use of GOME measurements for the examination of the nitrogen oxide budget in the troposphere<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003), 10853<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Thompson A. E.*,Rudolph J.*,Anderson R. S.*,Rohrer F.,Stein O.,Huang L.*<br />

Using stable carbon isotope ratios to determine mean photochemical ages of ethane and benzene in the Arctic troposphere<br />

Eos : Transactions ; the Newspaper of the Geophysical Sciences, 84 (2003), 46, A52A-0777<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Volz-Thomas A.,EUROTRAC-S&I Team .*<br />

Tropospheric ozone: What have we learned in fifteen years of EUROTRAC?<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003), 13624<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Wildt J.,Folkers A.,Koch N.,Kleist E.<br />

VOC emission from beech, birch, and oak<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003), 04910<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Wisthaler A.*,Hansel A.*,Kleffmann J.*,Brauers T.,Rohrer F.,Wahner A.<br />

Real-time detection of nitrous acid (HONO) by PTR-MS Ü a comparison with LOPAP measurements in the atmosphere<br />

simulation chamber SAPHIR<br />

Geophysical Research Abstracts, 5 (2003), 00402<br />

U01<br />

2003<br />

Witte J. C.*,Thompson A. M.*,Schmidlin F. J.*,Oltmans S. J.*,McPeters R. D.*,Smit H.<br />

Accuracy and Precision in the 1998-2000 Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) Dataset in Light of the<br />

JOSIE-2000 Results<br />

Eos : Transactions ; the Newspaper of the Geophysical Sciences, 84 (2003), 46, A21D-0999<br />

U01<br />

2004<br />

Engel A.*,Brunner D.*,Boenisch H.*,Fischer H.*,Hegglin M.*,Hoor P.*,Maser R.*,Peter Th.*,Schiller C.,Schmidt U.,Szabo<br />

T.*,Wernli H.*,Wirth V.*<br />

Trace gas transport in the tropopause region (SPURT)<br />

AFO 2000 Newsletter, 9 (2004), 11 - 14<br />

U01<br />

2004<br />

Hoffmann L.,Spang R.,Riese M.<br />

Retrieval of chlorofluorocarbon distributions from Envisat MIPAS measurements<br />

Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere IX / ed.: A. Comeron ... - Bellingham, WA, 2004. - (Proceedings of the SPIE ;<br />

5571). - S. 193 - 204<br />

U01<br />

2004<br />

Pithan C.,Shiratori Y.,Magrez A.,Dornseiffer J.,Haegel F.-H.<br />

Nanocrystalline lead free piezoceramic (Kx, Na1-x)Nb03 derived from microemulsion mediated synthesis<br />

Ceramic Transactions, 167 (2004), 41<br />

M02,U01<br />

2004<br />

Pithan C.,Shiratori Y.,Magrez A.,Dornseiffer J.,Haegel F.-H.<br />

Nanocrystalline lead free piezoceramic (Kx, Na1-x)Nb03 derived from microemulsion mediated synthesis<br />

Ceramic Transactions, 167 (2004), 41<br />

M02,U01<br />


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