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Physical Review B, 70 (2004), 041401-1 - 041401-4<br />

M02<br />

Schönhals A.*,Goering H.*,Schick Ch.*,Frick B.*,Zorn R.<br />

Glass transition of polymers confined to nanoporous glasses<br />

Colloid and Polymer Science, 282 (2004), 882 - 891<br />

M02<br />

Schönherr G.,Schütz G. M.<br />

Exclusion process for particles of arbitrary extension: Hydrodynamic limit and algebraic properties<br />

Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), 8215 - 8231<br />

M02<br />

Schütz G. M.,Trimper S.<br />

Elephants can always remember: Exact long-range memory effects in a non-Markovian random walk<br />

Physical Review E, 70 (2004), 045101(R)<br />

M02<br />

Shiratori Y.,Magrez A.,Pithan C.<br />

Phase transformation of KNaNb2O6 induced by size effect<br />

Chemical Physics Letters, 391 (2004), 288<br />

M02<br />

Shirotov V. V.,Divin Y. Y.<br />

A Frequency-Selective Josephson Detector of Pulsed Subterahertz Radiation<br />

Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, 49 (2004), 9, 1066 - 1069<br />

M02<br />

Stasevich T. J.*,Einstein T. L.*,Zia R. K. P.*,Giesen M.,Ibach H.,Szalma F.*<br />

Effects of next-nearest-neighbor interactions on the orientation dependence of step stiffness: Reconciling theory with<br />

experiment for Cu(001)<br />

Physical Review B, 70 (2004), 245404<br />

M02<br />

Stasevich T. J.*,Einstein T. L.*,Zia R. K. P.*,Giesen M.,Ibach H.,Szalma F.*<br />

Effects on next-nearest-neighbor interactions on the orientation dependence of step stiffness: Reconciling theory with<br />

experiment for Cu(001)<br />

Physical Review B, 70 (2004), 245404<br />

M02<br />

Stellbrink J.,Rother G.,Laurati M.,Lund R.,Willner L.,Richter D.<br />

Poly(ethylene-alt-propylene)-poly(ethylene oxide) diblock copolymer micelles: a colloidal model system with tunable softness<br />

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 16 (2004), s3821 - s3834<br />

M02<br />

Strempfer J.*,Rütt U.*,Bayrakci S. P.*,Brückel Th.,Jauch W.*<br />

Magnetic properties of transition metal fluorides MF2 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) via high-energy photon diffraction<br />

Physical Review B, 69 (2004), 014417-1 - 014417-9<br />

M02<br />

Su Y.,Istomin K.,Wermeille D.*,Fattah A.,Foucart P.,Meuffels P.,Hupfeld D.,Brückel Th.<br />

Re-examination of charge and orbital ordering in lightly doped La1-xSrxMnO3 by X-ray scattering<br />

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 272-276 (2004), Suppl. 1, e291 - e292<br />

M02<br />

Tillmann K.,Hüging N.,Trinkaus H.,Luysberg M.,Urban K.<br />

Quantitative Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of the Pressure of Helium-Filled Cracks in Implanted Silicon<br />

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10 (2004), 199 - 214<br />

M02<br />

Tillmann K.,Thust A.,Urban K.<br />

Spherical Aberration Correction in Tandem with Exit-Plane Wave Function Reconstruction: Interlocking Tools for the Atomic<br />

Scale Imaging of Lattice Defects in GaAs<br />

Microscopy and Microanalysis, 10 (2004), 185 - 198<br />

M02<br />

Tuinier R.,Fleer G. J.*<br />

Concentration and Solvency Effects on the Excess Amount and Surface Free Energy of a Colloidal Particle in a Solution of<br />

Nonadsorbing Polymer<br />

Macromolecules, 37 (2004), 8754 - 8763<br />

M02<br />

Tuinier R.,Fleer G. J.*<br />

Concentration and Solvency Effects on the Pair Interaction between Colloidal Particles in a Solution of Nonadsorbing Polymer<br />

Macromolecules, 37 (2004), 8764 - 8772<br />

M02<br />


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