1998-1999 Rothberg Yearbook

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Sinai<br />

by Jerem y G oldm an<br />

A hhhh, Sinai! Hopefully you h ad th e m agnificent o p p o rtu n ity to<br />

check out th e w o n d e rs of this desert p en in su la d u rin g your stay. I've<br />

learn ed th e re are tw o p ath s you can take w h e n you visit this region. You<br />

can explore th e g rea t desert once w a n d e re d by the ancient Israelites,<br />

gazing u p o n colored canyons an d aw esom e m o u n ta in s via jeep ride or<br />

camel. This is o n e of th e m o re a m azin g places to hike in the M iddle East<br />

... or so I’ve h e ard . See, I always opted to take the second option con cern ­<br />

ing Sinai — EXTREME RELAXATION. M an, w hat a place... Chilling takes on<br />

a n ew elevation as your body n u m b s to th e effects of the desert sun,<br />

B edouin hospitality (" ch y a a fa " in Arabic — I learn ed it in Ze’ev M ag h en 's<br />

class), cheap a n d often delicious food (especially w h en you’ve got the<br />

m unchies), com fortable lo u n g in g areas, skunky schwigity schw ag (also<br />

k n o w n as " b a n g a ” by the local E gyptians and " t r e n n a by the Bedouins)<br />

and friendly people (m ost of th e m are n a m e d M o h am m ed w hich m akes<br />

your life a lot easier).<br />

On m y first trip to Sinai I h ad an experience l will never forget. 1<br />

was in T arabin looking for som e e n te rta in m e n t and 1 was referred to,<br />

you'll n e v er guess, a B edouin n a m e d M o h am m ed . He guided m e out of<br />

the city, across th e h ighw ay (m ore like deathw ay... Egypt has the n u m b e r<br />

o ne death rate o n th e roads), an d up tow ards the distant m o u n tain s. We<br />

chatted alo n g th e way an d finally reached a small te n t nestled in the foothills<br />

of th e Sinai M o u n tain s. The view from w ith in the ten t was spectacular.<br />

You could see all of T arabin an d N uw eiba City lying beside the glorious<br />

Red Sea w hich stretched across to Saudi Arabia. In w o n d e rm e n t, T<br />

w aited in com plete silence w hile Asus, m y soon to be B edouin friend,<br />

en tered . He knew n o English b u t w as fluent in H ebrew for he had lived in<br />

Israel for seven years after 1967. We chatted for a long tim e as he m ade<br />

m e au th en tic tea (this is th e real stuff) and rolled joints of the local to ­<br />

bacco (yeah, right) w hich w ould have im pressed Willie Nelson. He told<br />

m e to com e back w ith friends - to leave m y wallet b e h in d - and he w ould<br />

take us o n a "tiyul" w e w ould n ev er forget. The next day T re tu rn e d and<br />

he w as rig h t. A fter a lo n g hike w e re tu rn e d to his te n t w h ere his servants<br />

(?) h ad p re p a re d for us a hearty m eal of fresh fish, rice, an d potatoes. We<br />

keep in touch.

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