Frenet-Serret Fram e (M oving trihedron)

Frenet-Serret Fram e (M oving trihedron)

Frenet-Serret Fram e (M oving trihedron)


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<strong>Frenet</strong>-<strong>Serret</strong> <strong>Fram</strong>e<br />

(M<strong>oving</strong> <strong>trihedron</strong>)<br />

Dr. Cengiz ERDÖNMEZ<br />


M<strong>oving</strong> Trihedron<br />


Parametric Curves: A Review<br />

• A parametric curve in space has the following form:<br />

• f: [0,1] -> ( f(u), g(u), h(u) ) where f(), g() and h() are three<br />

real-valued functions. Thus, f(u) maps a real value u in the<br />

closed interval [0,1] to a point in space. The domain of<br />

these real functions and vector-valued function f() does not<br />

have to be [0,1]. It can be any closed interval; but, for<br />

simplicity, we restrict the domain to [0,1]. Thus, for<br />

each u in [0,1], there corresponds to a point ( f(u),g(u),h(u))<br />

in space. In this course, functions f(), g() and h() are always<br />

polynomials.<br />

• Note that if function h() is removed from the definition<br />

of f(), f() has two coordinate components and becomes a<br />

curve in the coordinate plane.<br />


Examples<br />

• We have seen that a straight line is defined as B+td,<br />

where B is a base point and d is a direction vector. Thus, if f()<br />

is defined as<br />

f(u) = b1 + ud1 g(u) = b2 + ud2 h(u) = b3 + ud3 where B = < b1, b2, b3 >, d = < d1, d2, d3 >, and f() is a<br />

parametric curve that maps [0,1] to the line segment<br />

between B and B+d, inclusive.<br />

• A circle has the following non-polynomial form:<br />

x(u) = rcos(2*PI*u) + p<br />

y(u) = rsin(2*PI*u) + q<br />

It has center (p, q) and radius r. Since the parameter u is in<br />

[0,1], the value of 2*PI*u is in [0,2*PI] (i.e., from 0 degree to<br />

360 degree).<br />


• Let us eliminate u. First, change the above<br />

equations to the following. For convenience, we<br />

drop (u) from x(u) and y(u).<br />

x - p = rcos(2*PI*u)<br />

y - q = rsin(2*PI*u)<br />

Then, squaring both equations and adding them<br />

together yields(x - p) 2 + (y - q) 2 = r2Thus, it shows<br />

that the given parametric curve is indeed a circle<br />

with center at (p, q) and radius r.<br />


• A space cubic curve has the following form:<br />

f(u) = u<br />

g(u) = u2 h(u) = u3 The following figure shows this curve in the range of<br />

[-1,1]. It is contained in the box (in white) defined by<br />

( -1, 0, -1 ) and (1, 1, 1)<br />


• The circular helix is defined as follows:<br />

f(u) = ( acos(u), asin(u), bu )<br />

The following figure shows the curve in [0,<br />

4*PI]. The initial point is (a, 0, 0) and the<br />

endpoint is (a, 0, b*4*PI). Note that this curve<br />

lies on the cylinder of radius a and axis the zaxis.<br />


Normal Vector and Curvature<br />

• Consider a fixed point f(u) and two m<strong>oving</strong><br />

points P and Q on a parametric curve. These three points<br />

determine a plane. As P and Q moves toward f(u), this<br />

plane approaches a limiting position. This is<br />

the osculating plane at f(u). Obviously, the osculating<br />

plane at f(u) contains the tangent line at f(u). It can be<br />

shown that the osculating plane is the plane that passes<br />

through f(u) and contains both f'(u) and f''(u). More<br />

precisely, any point on this plane has an equation as<br />

follows, where p and q are parameters:<br />

f(u) + pf'(u) + qf''(u)<br />


• The binormal vector b(u) is the unit-length<br />

vector of the cross-product of f'(u) and f''(u):<br />

b(u) = (f'(u) × f''(u)) / | (f'(u) × f''(u)) |<br />

• Thus, the binormal vector b(u) is<br />

perpendicular to both f'(u) and f''(u) and<br />

hence perpendicular to the osculating plane.<br />

The line f(u)+tb(u) is the binormal line at f(u).<br />


• The normal vector is the vector perpendicular<br />

to both tangent and binormal vectors with its<br />

direction determined by the right-handed<br />

system. That is, the unit-length normal<br />

vector n(u) is defined to be<br />

n(u) = ( b(u) × f'(u) ) / | b(u) × f'(u) |<br />


• The line f(u)+tn(u) is the normal line at f(u). Therefore,<br />

tangent vector f'(u), normal vector n(u) and binormal<br />

vector b(u) form a coordinate system with origin f(u).<br />

The tangent line, binormal line and normal line are the<br />

three coordinate axes with positive directions given by<br />

the tangent vector, binormal vector and normal vector,<br />

respectively. These three vectors are usually referred to<br />

as the m<strong>oving</strong> triad or triad at point f(u). M<strong>oving</strong> triad<br />

is also calledm<strong>oving</strong> <strong>trihedron</strong>. The following figure<br />

shows their relationship. Note that the tangent, normal<br />

and f''(u) vectors are on the same plane.<br />


Example<br />

• Let us compute the tangent, binormal and normal<br />

vectors of the circular helix curve:<br />

f(u) = ( acos(u), asin(u), bu )<br />

• The first and second derivatives are as follows:<br />

f'(u) = ( -asin(u), acos(u), b )<br />

f''(u) = ( -acos(u), -asin(u), 0 )<br />

• The non-unit-length binormal vector is the crossproduct<br />

of f'(u) and f''(u), in this order:<br />

b(u) = f'(u) × f''(u) = ( absin(u), -abcos(u), a2 )<br />


• The non-unit-length normal vector is the cross-product<br />

of the binormal vector and the tangent vector, in this<br />

order:<br />

n(u) = b(u) × f'(u) = ( -a(a2 + b2 )cos(u), -a(a2 + b2 )sin(u), 0 )<br />

• If you compare n(u) and f''(u), you will see that these<br />

vectors are parallel to each other (i.e., coefficients are<br />

proportional) and are both parallel to the xy-plane. As<br />

a result, after normalizing all involving vectors, the<br />

normal and the second derivative vectors are identical.<br />

This is shown by the following figure. It is computed<br />

at u = 1.<br />


Curvature<br />

• As we all know, the tangent vector measures the change of<br />

"distance" and thus gives the speed of a m<strong>oving</strong> point. The<br />

speed change, or acceleration, is measured by the derivative<br />

of the tangent vector, which is the second derivative. In fact,<br />

there is one more interesting interpretation. Take X as a fixed<br />

point and P and Q two m<strong>oving</strong> points. As long as not all of<br />

these three points lie on a line, they uniquely determine a<br />

circle. As both P and Q moves toward X, the circle they<br />

determine approaches a limiting position as shown with dotline<br />

below. This limiting circle is called the circle of<br />

curvature at X and its center and radius, O and r, are<br />

the center and radius of circle of curvature, respectively. More<br />

importantly, 1/r is the curvature at X. Therefore, the larger the<br />

circle of curvature, the smaller the curvature.<br />


• From the definition of osculating plane, we know that this circle of<br />

curvature must be on the osculating plane. Since the circle of<br />

curvature is tangent to the curve and hence the tangent line, the<br />

center of curvature lies on the normal line.<br />

• The curvature at u, k(u), can be computed as follows:<br />

k(u) = | f'(u) × f''(u) | / | f'(u) | 3<br />

• Let us continue with the previous example of the circular helix<br />

curve. From the computations of f'(u) and f''(u), we have<br />

f'(u) = ( -asin(u), acos(u), b )<br />

f'(u) × f''(u) = ( absin(u), -abcos(u), a2 )<br />

| f'(u) | = SQRT(a2 + b2 )<br />

| f'(u) × f''(u) | = aSQRT(a2 + b2 )<br />

k(u) = a / (a2 + b2 )<br />

• Therefore, the curvature at any point on the curve is a<br />

constant a/(a2 + b2 ).<br />

• Since the radius of the circle of curvature is 1/k, we see that the<br />

center of circle of curvature is located at a distance of<br />

(a2 + b2 )/a from f(u) in the normal direction n(u). 20

Examples<br />

• Consider a straight line:<br />

• f(u) = ( a + up, b + uq, c + ur )<br />

• We have the following:<br />

f'(u) = ( p, q, r )<br />

| f'(u) | = SQRT(p2 + q2 + r2 )<br />

f''(u) = ( 0, 0, 0 )<br />

f'(u) × f''(u) = ( 0, 0, 0 )<br />

k(u) = 0<br />

• Therefore, the curvature of a straight line is zero<br />

everywhere. Note that none of the binormal and<br />

normal vectors is well-defined because f''(u) is a zero<br />

vector.<br />


• Consider a circle on the xy-plane:<br />

• f(u) = ( rcos(u) + p, rsin(u) + q, 0 )<br />

• Since it is on the xy-plane, the third coordinate function is<br />

always 0. From the given circle's equation we have the<br />

following:<br />

f'(u) = ( -rsin(u), rcos(u), 0 )<br />

f''(u) = ( -rcos(u), -rsin(u), 0 )<br />

f'(u) × f''(u) = ( 0, 0, r2 )<br />

| f'(u) | = r<br />

| f'(u) × f''(u) | = r2 b(u) = (f'(u) × f''(u)) / | f'(u) × f''(u) | = ( 0, 0, 1 )<br />

n(u) = (b(u) × f'(u)) / | b(u) × f'(u) | = (-cos(u),-sin(u),0 )<br />

k(u) = 1/r<br />


• Thus, the unit-length tangent vector is (-sin(u),<br />

cos(u), 0), the binormal vector is ( 0, 0, 1), and<br />

the normal vector is ( -cos(u), sin(u), 0). The<br />

binormal vector is always perpendicular to<br />

the xy-plane while both the tangent and<br />

normal vectors lie on the xy-plane. The<br />

curvature of a circle is a constant 1/r. As a<br />

result, the radius of the circle of curvature<br />

is r and the circle of curvature is the given<br />

circle itself.<br />


• Consider the space cubic defines as follows:<br />

• f(u) = ( u, u2 , u3 )<br />

• The following are the computation of<br />

curvature k(u):<br />

f'(u) = ( 1, 2u, 3u2 )<br />

| f'(u) | = SQRT(1 + 4u2 + 9u4 )<br />

f''(u) = ( 0, 2, 6u)<br />

f'(u) × f''(u) = ( 6u2 , -6u, 2 )<br />

| f'(u) × f''(u) | = 2SQRT(1 + 9u2 + 9u4 )<br />

k(u) = 2SQRT(1 + 9u2 + 9u4 ) / (SQRT(1 + 4u2 +<br />

9u4 )) 3<br />


Why Is the M<strong>oving</strong> Triad Important?<br />

• The m<strong>oving</strong> triad is not only a mathematical concept. It also<br />

provides vital information of the characteristics of a m<strong>oving</strong><br />

object. For example, if you are on a airplane or a rollercoaster,<br />

as you are "flying" you are following a curve.<br />

Therefore, you are m<strong>oving</strong> in the direction of the tangent<br />

vector, your "up" vector is in the direction of the binormal<br />

vector and the rate of turning and turning direction are<br />

given by the curvature and the direction of the normal<br />

vector, respectively. That is, while you are rolling or<br />

tumbling, this triad always provides you with the forward,<br />

up and turning directions. Therefore, to correctly animate a<br />

m<strong>oving</strong> object, you need to know the geometric<br />

characteristics of the m<strong>oving</strong> triad.<br />


s<br />

N<br />

T<br />

�<br />

B<br />

dα<br />

dα<br />

= ( − sinα i + cosα<br />

j) = n = N<br />

ds ds<br />

ds<br />

ds<br />

Bir önceki slide’dan ödünç alınan bağıntıdaki s, şekildeki T nin dengidir. s birim<br />

vektörünün eğri boyunca alınan uzay türevi N normal vektörünü tanımlar. N<br />

vektörünün uzay türevi de B binormal vektörü tanımlar.<br />


in astronomy/rpekunlu/MHD II/<strong>Frenet</strong><strong>Serret</strong>DifGeoCurves.pdf<br />


<strong>Frenet</strong> – <strong>Serret</strong> Vektör Tabanındaki birim vektörleri<br />

T,N,B olarak gösterelim.<br />

B = T × N<br />

dT<br />

ds<br />

dT<br />

ds<br />

=<br />

N<br />

d<br />

=<br />

ds<br />

r<br />

T<br />

<strong>Frenet</strong> – <strong>Serret</strong> Formülleri<br />

dT<br />

= κ N<br />

ds<br />

dN<br />

= − κT + τ B<br />

ds<br />

dB<br />

κ - Eğrilik = −τ<br />

N<br />

ds<br />

τ - Burulma 29

<strong>Frenet</strong>-<strong>Serret</strong> Formülleri matris gösterimle aşağıdaki gibidir<br />

⎡T ′ ⎤ ⎡ 0 κ 0⎤<br />

⎡T ⎤<br />

⎢<br />

′<br />

⎥ ⎢<br />

κ 0<br />

⎥ ⎢ ⎥<br />

⎢<br />

N<br />

⎥<br />

=<br />

⎢<br />

− τ<br />

⎥ ⎢<br />

N<br />

⎥<br />

⎢ ⎣ B′ ⎥ ⎦ ⎢ ⎣ 0 −τ<br />

0⎥<br />

⎦ ⎢ ⎣ B ⎥ ⎦<br />

<strong>Serret</strong>-<strong>Frenet</strong> Equations<br />

κ (s ) N (s )<br />

�<br />

=<br />

d �<br />

T<br />

ds<br />

+ τ (s ) (s )<br />

B �<br />

= - κ (s ) T (s )<br />

�<br />

dN ds<br />

�<br />

= - τ (s ) N (s )<br />

�<br />

30<br />

dB ds<br />

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