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<strong>Clevland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Architects Database<br />
The following is a listing of architects and master builders that have worked in <strong>Cleveland</strong>, from the 1820’s until the<br />
1930’s. Discovering which architects designed certain buildings was determined by utilizing several sources, including<br />
the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong> Building Permits, and publications that included American Architect and Builder News, Inland<br />
Architect, Interstate Architect, the Ohio Architect and Builder, the Annals of <strong>Cleveland</strong>, the Plain Dealer, the Leader, the<br />
Press, Material Facts, the Bystander, and <strong>Cleveland</strong> Town Topics. The <strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Library card index for<br />
Architect’s in the Fine Arts Department was used. Books on <strong>Cleveland</strong> Architecture that were consulted included<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Architecture 1876 – 1976, and the American Institute of Architects Guide to <strong>Cleveland</strong> Architecture were<br />
consulted. A catalogue of architectural drawings maintained by the Western Reserve Historical Society was consulted.<br />
The <strong>Cleveland</strong> Necrology file maintained by the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Library, the United States Census, and <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
Directories were consulted in compiling this database.<br />
For the purposes of this database an architect was defined as anyone that called himself or herself as an architect. Robert<br />
Keiser compiled the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Architects as a hobby in after work hours over several years. This project terminates with<br />
1930. Local building activity was severely curtailed by the Great Depression, and did not recover until the 1950’s. Many<br />
of the references in the database have not been researched. Craig Bobby has researched many of the references and has<br />
provided the <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> with photographs.<br />
The following are abbreviations used throughout the database<br />
AABN – American Architect and Builders News (1876 – 1909)<br />
bp – <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong> Building Permits (1889 – present)<br />
cd – <strong>City</strong> Directories<br />
mps – Mary Peale Schofield files – Western Reserve Historical Society<br />
Inland – Inland Architect<br />
Intestate – Interstate Architect and Builder (1899 – 1902)<br />
nd – no date<br />
NRHP – National Register of Historic Places<br />
OAB – Ohio Architect and Builder (1903 – 1909)<br />
OAEB – Ohio Architect, Engineer and Builder (1910 – 1919)<br />
ohi – Ohio Historical Inventory form<br />
PD – Plain Dealer<br />
The following people have contributed to the completion of this project.<br />
Tim Barrett, Craig Bobby, Scott Frantz, Karla Kaulfuss, Walter Leedy, Tim<br />
McGuire, Daniel Musson, Donald Petit, Ray Pianka, Frank Picarillo, Drew Rolik, Maurie Ruelens, Richard<br />
Sicha, and Ann Marie Wieland<br />
Architects on the front cover.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio,44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
Rev. June 2011
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong><br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Architects<br />
Herman Albrecht<br />
Birth/Established: March 26, 1885 Death/Disolved: January 9, 1961<br />
Biography: Herman Albrecht worked as a draftsman for the firm of Howell & Thomas. He formed the firm of Albrecht, Wilhelm &<br />
Kelly 1918 with Karl Wilhelm of Massillon and John S. Kelly of <strong>Cleveland</strong>. John Kelly left the firm in 1925 and it was<br />
knwon Albrecht & Wilhelm from 1925 until 1933. It was later known Albrecht, Wilhelm, Nosek & Frazen. Herman<br />
Albrecht was a native of Massillon. The firm, which maintained offices in both <strong>Cleveland</strong> and Massillon and was<br />
responsible for 700 commissions that are found in <strong>Cleveland</strong> suburbs of Lakewood, Rocky River, Shaker Heights; and in<br />
Massillon, Canton, Alliance, Dover, New Philadelphia, Mansfield, Wooster, Alliance and Warren, Ohio.<br />
Albrecht, Wilhelm & Kelly<br />
Birth/Established: 1918 Death/Disolved: 1925<br />
Biography: The firm Albrecht, Wilhelm & Kelly was formed in 1918 with Herman Albrecht of <strong>Cleveland</strong>, Karl Wilhelm of Massillon<br />
and John S. Kelly of <strong>Cleveland</strong>. John Kelly left the firm in 1925 and it was knwon Albrecht & Wilhelm from 1925 until<br />
1933. It was later known Albrecht, Wilhelm, Nosek & Frazen. The firm, which maintained offices in both <strong>Cleveland</strong> and<br />
Massillon.<br />
Meyer Altschuld<br />
Birth/Established: 1879 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Koch Building unk Alliance OH<br />
Quinn Residence 1925 Canton OH Standing<br />
T.K. Harris Residence 1926 Canton OH Standing<br />
William H. Pacell Residence 1919 Alliance OH Standing<br />
Biography: Meyer Altschuld was Polish-born, Yiddish speaking, and came to the United States in 1904. He was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
architect from 1914 to 1951. He is listed as a carpenter in city directories beginning in 1909. Originally he lived in the<br />
Central neighborhood, moving to 10914 Grantwood Avenue in Glenville, and maintained an office at 750 Prospect. He<br />
designed two synagogues on the city's southeast side and was the architect of several apartment buildings in that area. He<br />
last appears in the 1951 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory. He died in Baltimore, Maryland.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building 1917 955-61 Lakeview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 3141 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 1321 Barrett Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 1622 East 78th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 11806 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 3421 East 119th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1918 934 Lakeview Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building 1918 3364 East 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment building for M. Lifshitz 1917 10900 Earle Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment building for M. Lifshitz 1917 10900 Gooding Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building for M. Walensky 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment building for Rosen Alpiner 1917 1844 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment building for W. Gross 1914 5808 Linwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Earl John Andrews<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment building for W. Gross 1914 5812 Linwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building for W. Yelsky 1923 15610 Pythias Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment for M. Walinsky 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartments for H.N. Fine 1920 12400 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Santonocito 1925 3412 East 147th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
J. Novograder<br />
Birth/Established: November 16, 1879 Death/Disolved: January 12, 1938<br />
1917 594 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial - Residential Building 1918 10320 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Joseph Schmulowitz<br />
1925 7934 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial Building for Forman &<br />
Wilkosky<br />
Commercial Building for Max Kuskin<br />
and Morris Levine<br />
Commercial Building for West Side<br />
Realty<br />
1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
1926 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1923 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Four family apartment building 1917 3377 East 117th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mt. Pleasant Niveh Zedek Synagogue 1920 11901 Union <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Porches and alteration to dwelling 1917 2210 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1917 3299 East 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1917 3446 East 118th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for B. Benjamin 1918 2355 East 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for B. Benjamin 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for B. Benjamin 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Celia Adams 1918 3597 East 118th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Congregation Chibas 1918 8324 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for D. Winikur 1918 9305 Pierpont <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for H. Kaplan 1918 3464 East 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Isaac Shendaroff 1918 3655 East 131st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Israel Weinburg 1925 3581 East 153rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for J. Roodman 1919 11200 Earle Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for J. Shenderoff 1918 3598 East 138th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for M. Dunner 1918 869 Royal Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for M. Goldstein 1915 2422 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residences for N. Sablowsky 1918 3068 West 112th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Sophia Beman Residence 1918 13202 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Two dwellings for J. Welensky 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Uzel Jacob Temple 1925 3487 East 140th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Earl John Andrews was born in Wilmington, Ohio on November 16, 1882. A Quaker, he was a graduate of Wilmington<br />
High School and Ohio State University class of 1904. While at Ohio State he spent summers apprenticing as a carpenter.<br />
He then went on to New York Technical School. He worked for the firm of Andrews and White in New York <strong>City</strong> for<br />
eighteen months. In late 1905 he established a business in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. According to his biography in "Avery", he was the<br />
first <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect to dispense with sub-contractors. He built 100 high-grade homes in the Wade Park allotment. He<br />
was a member of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Chamber of Commerce, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Builder's Exchange, the Civic League, the Shaker<br />
Heights Country Club, the Willowick Country Club, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Athletic Club, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Manufacturer's Club, and<br />
the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Automobile Club, and was an honorary member of the Tippecanoe Club. He was also a member of the<br />
Woodward Lodge of the Masons. He lived at 2170 South Overlook in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights, and later, at 1878 East 90th<br />
Street. He died on January 12, 1938 and is buried at Acadia Park Cemetery in Mayfield Heights.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Clarence O Arey<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building 1911 1337 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1911 1341 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
E.W. Biggs Residence 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hascal Residence 1920 2215 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry C. Wick Residence 1919 2221 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1908 1492 East 107th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1908 1496 East 107th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1908 1522 East 107th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1908 1477 East 106th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1910 10824 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1910 11107 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1913 2916 Fairmount <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1914 11201 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 11015 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 10903 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 11115 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 11125 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1923 2241 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1917 2159 Delaware <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2171 Delaware <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2215 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2169 South Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1917 2185 South Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1919 2805 Fairmount <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1919 16980 South Park Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1922 10610 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1923 2241 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2275 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2550 North Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2517 North Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2531 North Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 2920 Broxton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2733 Endicott Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for D.T. Perry 1918 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F. Weinhauser 1918 2340 Tudor Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henrietta Orthoff 1911 1563 East 115th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Nellie M. Raxeler 1918 2222 Delaware <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Second United Presbyterian Church 1911 10917 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: 1896<br />
Biography: Clarence O. Arey was a Victorian - era architect born in Buffalo, New York who had sucessful careers in both architecture<br />
and medicine. He graduated from the University of Michigan in Civil Engineering and settled in <strong>Cleveland</strong> as an architect<br />
by 1881, with an office in the Blackstone Block. He lived at a home he designed at 1854 East 79th Street. As an architect<br />
he had several major commissions including the Case School Gymnasium and School of Applied Science. He also<br />
designed two Euclid Avenue mansions. Three of his commissions were featured in the "Inland Architect", a notable<br />
architectural periodical of the time. His career occurred prior to the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong> issuance of building permits, thus<br />
much of his work remains unidentified. Upon the death of a son from diphtheria, he pursued a course in medicine at the<br />
University of Pennsylvania. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong>, studying the different forms and causes of diptheria. He died at the<br />
age of thirty-nine, leaving a widow and two small children. He is buried in Lakeview Cemetery.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Samuel J. Austin<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Case School Gymnasium 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for James Tracy 1892 305 West Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Congregational Church on Franklin 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D. Leuty Residence 1890 3900 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Henry Wick 1883 1529 - 37 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Eben J. Cutler Residence 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
F.J. Duty Residence 1889 2407 East 49th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George H. Taylor Residence 1889 1588 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Gladstone Flats 1888 1833 East 12th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.C. Fields Residence 1884 - 5 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.W. Cobb Residence 1890 1819 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James H. Worley Residence 1889 1928 East 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jimmel Building 1883 1221 West 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Burry Residence 1891 1910 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joseph Shields Residence 1884 - 5 11210 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
O.A. Meech Residence 1884 - 5 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeling of Case School of Applied<br />
Science<br />
Birth/Established: June 16, 1850 Death/Disolved: May 23, 1936<br />
Biography: Samuel Austin was the founder of the Austin Company. He was born in the village of Orton, England where he became a<br />
carpenter and joiner. He immigrated to the United States and to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1872, where he became an independent<br />
carpenter - contractor. He became a naturalized American citizen in 1880. He lived and worked at 4401 Broadway later<br />
moving to Willoughby.<br />
Austin Company<br />
Birth/Established: 1861 Death/Disolved: present<br />
1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for C.A. Preston 1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Clarence O. Arey 1888 1845 East 79th Street) <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Frederick Haines 1889 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for G.H. Taylor 1889 3231 West 25th Street (altered) <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henry Wick 1884 - 5 1604 - 12 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Irving Baldwin 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Jane Reyan 1890 2170 Eat 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. Cole 1885 1880 East 18th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mrs. Galbraith 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. W.M. Johnston 1888 2025 East 81st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for O.A. Coltman 1888 11415 Mayfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Valentine Morris 1888 7307 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Van Tine Residence 1889 8114 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse on Huron Street for Mr.<br />
Foster<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William L. Rice Reisdence 1890 7503 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: The Austin Company was founded by English - born Samuel J. Austin (1850-1936). Samuel Austin finished his<br />
apprenticeship in 1871 settling in <strong>Cleveland</strong> where he became a house carpenter. The company started as Samuel Austin -<br />
Carpenter contactor with offices at 4401 Broadway. The company would later become Samuel Austin and Son Company<br />
when son Wilbert Austin (1878 - 1940) joined the company. The company would move its operations to 14230 Euclid in<br />
East <strong>Cleveland</strong>. The company expanded into one of the nation's largest building concerns, designing and constructing huge<br />
industrial buildings. They brought important energy-saving innovations into factory plans. Austin Company was hired by<br />
the Soviet government to build a large industrial plant and housing for the Nijni auto plant in Novogorod, Russia. By 1931<br />
the company had designed over 5,000 industrial plants and had over 17 branch offices. The company remains based in<br />
Metropolitan <strong>Cleveland</strong>, with offices in Mayfield Heights. It became a part of Kajima USA Group in 2005.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Sidney R Badgley<br />
Birth/Established: 1850 Death/Disolved: 1917<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: Sidney R. Badgley was born in Earnstown, Ontario. His family later moved to the Niagara region of Ontario. His father<br />
was engaged in the lumber, general manufacturing and building business. Sidney Badgley began his career by making<br />
construction plans for his father's business. The family later moved to St. Catharines, Ontario, where he attended the<br />
Grantham Academy. He was married twice. He went to work in the office of Toronto architect R.C. Windeyer where he<br />
designed Massey Hall, a major Toronto concert hall. He later moved back to St. Catharines, where he served two terms as<br />
an alterman. After extensive travel in the United States and Canada he settled in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1887. Although he designed<br />
single-family residences, apartment buildings, libraries, and commercial structures he was mainly recognized as a church<br />
architect. In <strong>Cleveland</strong> he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce and the Civil Engineer's Club. He was a firm<br />
believer in the union of Canada and the United States. In <strong>Cleveland</strong> he designed numerous churches including St. Timothy<br />
Missionary Baptist Church - 7101 Carnegie Avenue (1891), Pilgrim Congregational Church (1893), Scranton Avenue<br />
Baptist Church (1893), and St. John's Presbyterian Church on Murray Hill Road (1893). He was also the architect of the<br />
Georgian Revival style Jones Home for Children (1902) - 3518 W. 25th Street. From 1903 to 1913 he formed a partnership<br />
with William H. Nicklas. His buildings are found throughout the United States and Canada. In 1907 he visited Athens,<br />
Naples, Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan, Geneva, Cologne, Berlin, Paris and the British Isles. While he was abroad he<br />
made a special study of Old World Cathedrals. He was a member of the Methodist Church. He died at his home at<br />
Springbrook Farm in Willoughby in 1917 and was buried in Victoria Cemetery in St. Catharines, Ontario.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Addition to Commercial Building for<br />
W.H. Quimby<br />
Canton Steel Foundry nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
Cape Town Explosives nd Cape Town OH Unknown<br />
CAS Products 1918 Columbus OH Unknown<br />
Chase Brass and Copper 1929 Euclid OH Unknown<br />
Chase Brass and Copper nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Automoatic Machine<br />
Company<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Dayton Metal Pro Ducts 1918 Dayton OH Unknown<br />
Edgewater Steel Company nd Oakmont PA Unknown<br />
Engine Machine Company 1918 Matoon IL Unknown<br />
Factory 1918 Buffalo NY Unknown<br />
Frantz - Permier Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Geometric Stamping nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Geometric Stamping Company 1929 Euclid OH Unknown<br />
Gram - Bernstein Company Factory nd Lima OH Unknown<br />
Laidlow Works 1917 Cincinnati OH Unknown<br />
Musterole Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Nela Park nd East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Nijni Auto Plant nd Novgorod Russia Unknown<br />
Ordinance Engineering Company nd Baldwin NY Unknown<br />
Reliance Manufacturing 1917 Massillon OH Unknown<br />
Standard Equipment 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Sunny Point Packing Company nd Ketchikan AK Unknown<br />
United States Automatic 1918 Amherst OH Unknown<br />
W.F. Schlothan Shipyards nd Ketchikan AK Unknown<br />
West End Chemical Company nd Death Valley CA Unknown<br />
1901 500 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Andrus Apartments 1893 -4 2520-4 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1903 8417 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for Milton Day 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment House 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment house for Jane Carter 1898 2520 - 4 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Arthur Garford Residence 1893 509 Washington Street Elyria OH Standing<br />
Baptist Church 1893 Gouverneur NY Unknown<br />
Barn for William Beckenbach 2900 2043 - 5 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Becker Residence nd 12547 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Boarding and Livery Barn 1900 2043 - 5 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bolton Avenue Presbyterian Chapel 1890 2114 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bolton Street Presbyterian Chapel 1890 2114 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Buena Vista Apartments for J.M.<br />
Schreiber & C.H. Judkins<br />
1901 2071 East 88th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Calvary Baptist Church 1897 747 Broad Street Providence RI Standing<br />
Carnegie Library nd St. Catharines Ontario, Canada Demolished<br />
Cedar Avenue Baptist Church 1893 10302 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Centenary Methodist Church 1891 Montreal Quebec, Canada Demolished<br />
Charles Babcock Residence 1894 8705 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Babcock Residence 1896 8705 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Elson Residence 1900 1762 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Charles Mills Residence 1895 2905 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Church for South Presbyterian<br />
Congregation<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> College of Physicians and<br />
Surgeons<br />
1891 3162 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 1353 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Ida May Turner<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
P.L. Coblitz<br />
1898 1480 - 6 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1902 6004-10 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for A.M. Murphy 1901 2160-6 Ontario Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for T.H. Brooks 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for W.H. Doane<br />
$3000<br />
1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for W.H. Quimby 1898 500-2 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cornelius Sherman Residence 1891 3302 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D.H. Muller Residence 1892 1816 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D.J. Rocks Residence 1890 2879 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Deering Memorial Methodist Episcopal<br />
Church<br />
1909 South Paris ME Standing<br />
Doan Palace Baths & Natatorium 1889 1780 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dominion Methodist Church nd Montreal OH Demolished<br />
Double Dwelling for Frederick W.<br />
Bruch<br />
1891 5218 - 24 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Frederick Bruch 1891 5218 - 21 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Mrs. F.R.<br />
Berhard<br />
1889 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dunham Apartments 1899 1907 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Elizabeth Warner Residence 1889 2262 East 73rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Epworth Memorial Methodist Church 1893 5420 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church nd South Bend IN Unknown<br />
Euclid Avenue M.E. Church 1897 2013 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Buckeye Electric Company 1891 6565 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Taylor, Strong and<br />
Company<br />
1896 8410 Madison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fidelity Baptist Church 1891 8402 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
First Christian Church nd 700 South 6th Street Springfield IL Unknown<br />
First Congregational Church 1895 431 Columbus Street Sandusky OH Standing<br />
First Congregational Church 1895 140 South Main Street Wellington OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
First Congregational Church 1900 3232 Pearl Avenue Lorain OH Standing<br />
First German Methodist Episcopal<br />
Church<br />
1893 2394 East 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First M.E. Church 1899 Austin IL Unknown<br />
First M.E. Church 1899 104 West Franklin Troy OH Unknown<br />
First M.E. Church 1901 Matoon IL Demolished<br />
First Methodist Church 1888 -9 123 West Church Barnesville OH Standing<br />
First Methodist Episcopal Church 1894 - 5 60 West Main Street Norwalk OH Standing<br />
First Methodist Episcopal Church 1914 501 Main Street Wellsville OH Unknown<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1894 300 Market Street Warren PA Standing<br />
Foundry and manufacturing building<br />
for Dippo Manufacturing<br />
1893 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank Kitzsteiner Residence 1889 2075 Fairview Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Frank Morrow Residence 1894 10210 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Free Will Baptist Church 1891 8402 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George Mitchell Reisdence 1890 2168 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Glenwood Methodist Episcopal Church 1894 - 5 Buffalo NY Unknown<br />
Gordon Avenue Methodist Church 1893 6515 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Grace M.E. Church 1890 2408 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church 1894 Washington Court House OH Demolished<br />
H. R. Newcomb Residence 1888 12048 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Henry Hammersley House 1888 1849 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Herbert Lee Residence 1892 1935 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Herman Foote Residence 1895 2335 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Herman Foote Residence 1895 2335 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Horace Kendall Residence 1894 1899 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hough Avenue Baptist Church 1891 1650 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hough Avenue Congregational Church 1890 8520 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James H. Clark Jr. Residence 1892 6806 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James H. Paine Residence 1890 6816 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jane Mix Reisdnece 1892 2083 East 102nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jennings Avenue Methodist Episcopal<br />
Church<br />
1892 2587 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Brown Residence 1899 2041 Adelbert Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Grant Residence 1895 2203 Cornell Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Malpas Residence 1892 7306 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jones Home for Children 1902 3518 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Joseph Fritz Reisdence 1895 2134 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kinsman Street Congregational Church 1901 5719 Kinsman <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ludwig Herman Reisdence 1889 2196 East 87th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ludwig Herman Residence 1888 2196 East 87th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mark Thompson Residence nd 680 East 85th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Massey Hall 1889-94 15 Shutter Street Toronto Ontario, Canada Standing<br />
Medina County Infirmary 1894 6144 Wedgewood Road Medina OH Standing<br />
Medina Opera House 1899 216 - 8 Washington Street Medina OH Demolished<br />
Methodist Church 1899 Mercer OH Demolished<br />
Methodist Episcopal Church 1896 Foochow China Unknown<br />
Methodist Episcopal Church 1896 121 Wood Street Malvern OH Demolished<br />
Millburn Memorial M.E. Church 1900 South Bend OH Standing<br />
Mott Avenue Methodist Episcopal<br />
Church<br />
1896 New York <strong>City</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mt. Union Methodist Episcopal Church 1893 1849 South Union Alliance OH Standing<br />
Niles Methodist Church 1899 1214 North Mechanic Street Niles OH Unknown<br />
P.D. Biggs Residence 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Perkins Observatory nd Delaware OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Permanent Block 1893 738-746 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pilgrim Congregational Church 1893 2592 W. 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Point St. Charles Methodist Church nd Montreal Quebec, Canada Demolished<br />
Presbyterian Church 1897 Pakenham Ontario, Canada Demolished<br />
Redeemer Missionary Baptist Church<br />
(Grace Protestant Episcopal Church)<br />
1891 9028 Harvard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Reisdence for Elmer E. Northway 1890 1519 East 78th Place <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Reisdence for Levi H. Malone 1891 2162 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeling of South <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Banking Company<br />
1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Arthur May 1889 1871 East 89th Streeet <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Benjamin Dimmick 1889 5818 Thackery Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Delphia Day 1889 2220 Ashland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Edward W. Moore 1892 2053 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Edward W. Moore 1892 2059 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Edward W. Moore 1892 2063 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Elmer E. Northway 1890 1527 East 78th Place <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for F.W. Robinson 1900 1793 East 60th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Frank Adams 1888 1761 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Richardson 1888 9307 Hough Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Richardson 1888 9332 Hough Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for H.W. Robinson 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henry Kessler 1889 2245 Ashland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henry Newcomb 1895 1756 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for James C. Reid 1889 6003-5 Curtiss Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for James Kyser 1889 2175 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for James Kyser 1889 2179 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Henderson 1894 1886 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Park Realty 1900 119 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Pierson D. Briggs 1889 2149 East 107th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for R.K. Pelton 1889 2077 Cornell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for W.R. Sterling 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Will P. Todd 1891 1921 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William McFarland 1898 1876 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William McFarland 1898 1880 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rev. J.W. Malone Residence 1893 6917 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Richard Richards Residence 1890 1965 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Scranton Avenue Baptist Church 1893 3095 Scranton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Second Methodist Church nd Kingston Ontario, Canada Unknown<br />
Slocam Library for Ohio Wesleyan<br />
University<br />
1894 - 5 Delaware OH Unknown<br />
St. Clair Methodist Episcopal Church 1894 10503 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Paul's AME Zion Church 1899 2093 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Paul's M.E. Church nd Danville PA Standing<br />
St. Paul's Presbyterian Church 1888-9 473 Cumberland Street Ottawa Ontario, Canada Standing<br />
St. Pauls Methodist Episcopal Church 1901 933 West Colfax South Bend IN Standing<br />
St. Timothy Missionary Baptist Church 1891 7101 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Stamping Works for H.B. Hunt 1890 2069 East 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Steel and brick addition for W.H.<br />
Quimby<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and tenement 1888 8601-3 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and Apartments for Oliver<br />
Dubroy<br />
1891 7501 - 7 Kinsman Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Superior Street Baptist Church 1891 2445-51 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Tenement for W.H. Doan 1888 2121 East 100th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
The Alda Apartments for Nathan<br />
Possons<br />
The Sawyer Apartments for Nathan<br />
Possons<br />
Badgley and Nicklas<br />
Birth/Established: 1904 Death/Disolved: 1913<br />
1899 4022-4106 Perkins <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 4022-4106 Perkins Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Trinity Methodist Church 1894 9900 Madison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Two - Three story brick apartment for<br />
the Milton Building<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union Congregational Church 1891 9128 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
United Missionary Baptist Church 1891 9312 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.H. Doane Residence 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wade Park Avenue Methodist<br />
Episcopal Church<br />
1892 - 3 8520 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Welland Avenue United Church 1877 5 Henry Street St. St. Catharines Ontario, Canada Standing<br />
William Folson Residence and Store 1889 8916 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Sayle Residence 1890 10022 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Willson United Methodist Church 1893 1561 East 55th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Woodland Avenue Methodist Church 1895 6010 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Badgley and Nicklas specialized in the design of churches. The principles were Sidney Badgley and William H. Nicklas. It<br />
was in existence between 1904 and 1913. An article in the July 1912 Ohio Architect, Engineer and Builder highlighted the<br />
firms work.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Boulevard Presbyterian Church 1911 1319 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Broadway M.E. Church 1904 Logansport IN Unkown<br />
Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church<br />
(Grace Apostolic Church)<br />
1907 Indianapolis IN Standing<br />
Brooks Building 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building (Kindergarten) 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.V. Cable Residence 1908 419 North Broadway New Philadelphia OH Standing<br />
Calvary Presbyterian Church Chapel 1906 15509 MacCauley <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Central Methodist Church 1905 131 7th Avenue SW Calgary Alberta, Canada Standing<br />
Church 1904 Freeport IL Unknown<br />
Church at 1904 Wausau WI Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Day Nursery 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Eberhart Memorial Methodist<br />
Episcopal Church (now First United<br />
Methodist Church)<br />
1912 201 East 3rd Street Mishawaka IN Standing<br />
Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church 1910 2404 Lincolnway South Bend IN Standing<br />
Fairmount Methodist Church 1904 14284 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
First Baptist Church 1907 216 East 2nd Street Wichita KA Standing<br />
First Christian Church 1904 Jacksonville IL Unknown<br />
First M.E. Church 1904 Decatur IL Standing<br />
First M.E. Church 1904 Logansport IN Demolished<br />
First M.E. Church 1906 -8 2 South College Street Athens OH Demolished<br />
First Methodis.Episcopalian Church 1904 301-3 Wooster Avenue Dover OH Standing<br />
First Methodist Church 1904 203 North Washington Street Yazoo <strong>City</strong> MP Standing<br />
First Methodist Church 1915 310 South 4th Street Clinton Indiana Standing<br />
First Methodist Episcopal Church 1909 St. Joseph MO Standing<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1904 142 North 4th Street Coshocton OH Standing<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1906 608 Nebraska Street Sioux <strong>City</strong> IA Standing<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1910 Wichita KA Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1914 323 West Grand River Howell MI Standing<br />
First United Methodist Episcopal<br />
Church<br />
Frank Wooster Bail<br />
Birth/Established: July 3, 1891 Death/Disolved: April 1964<br />
1913 325 North Main Street South Bend IN Standing<br />
Fourth Reformed Church 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fourth United Presbyterian Church 1907-8 1055 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George M. Skiles Residence 1907 Shelby OH Demolished<br />
George W. Schryver Residence 1906 1877 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church 1907 - 8 168 North 5th Street Zanesville OH Standing<br />
Highland Park Presbyterian Church 1910-1- 14 Cortland Street Highland Park MI Standing<br />
John Hadlow Residence 1904 2950-2 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lakewood First Congregational Church 1913 18000 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Lakewood M.E. Church 1904 15700 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Lakewood Methodist Episcopal Church 1913 15700 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Light Manufacturing for T.H. Brooks 1911 5215 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
M.E. Church 1904 Winchester IL Demolished<br />
Manuel Evangelical Church 1908 2536 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Methodist Church 1907 Carthage IL Unknown<br />
Michigan Avenue Baptist Church 1907 203 South Michigan Avenue Saginaw MI Standing<br />
Morgenthaller Double House 1904 1510-2 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Record Memorial Chapel 1907 Conneaut OH Standing<br />
Reid Memorial Presbyterian Church 1904 1004 North A Street Richmond IN Standing<br />
Residence 1907 10822 Ashbury <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Arthur and Allen Odell 1906 13231-3 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Clarence and Floyd<br />
Shook<br />
1906 1910 E. 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for F.W. Robinson 1905 6002 Belvidere <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Second Street M.E. Church 1906 Zanesville OH Demolished<br />
St. John's AME Church 1908 2261 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John's Presbyterian Church 1906 2062 Murray Hill <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 1907 42 East Main Street Salem VA Standing<br />
St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church 1912 - 4 1620 Monroe Street North Spokane WA Standing<br />
Terrace for Charles Elston 1906 10411 Westchester <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Trinity M.E. Church 1906 701 Main Street Chillicothe OH Standing<br />
Tuscarawas County Infirmary 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wade Park Methodist Episcopal Church 1907 8520 Wade Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Willson Avenue Boys Club 1904 1523 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church 1908 8501 Woodward Avenue Detroit MI Standing<br />
Biography: Frank W. Bail was born in Wellsville, Ohio in 1891. He attended Glenville High School and graduated from East Tech<br />
High School. He received a Bachelor of Architecture from Columbia University in 1917. He served in the army as a<br />
lieutenant during World War I, where he was wounded. He spent the next two years in army hospitals. After the war, he<br />
settled in <strong>Cleveland</strong> where he was employed as assistant <strong>City</strong> architect. In 1922 he established the Frank W. Bail Company,<br />
architect. He is best known as the architect of the Neo-Classical Fifth Church of Christian Science and the Cuyahoga<br />
County Juvenile Court Building. He left <strong>Cleveland</strong> during the depression in the 1930's, moving to Fort Myers, Florida.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
B.P.O. Elks Temple 1929 1762 East 17th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1927 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court 1930 2165 East 22nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fifth Church of Christian Science 1926 11625 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Florida State University Master Plan 1947 Gainesville FL Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Frederick Baird<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Ivanhoe Square Block and Theatre 1926 16341-7 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lake Shore Hotel 1925 Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Lorain County Tuberculosis Hospital Nd Amherst OH Demolished<br />
Navy Carrier Base 1950 FL Demolished<br />
Oakcrest 1928 12506 Edgewater Drive Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Ohio Courts Building with Harry Hake 1933 65 Front Street Columbus OH Standing<br />
Packard Dealership for Clint Fisk nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union Trust Building 1926 11703 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
VA-NP Hospital 1951 FL Demolished<br />
Birth/Established: September 23, 1867 Death/Disolved: 1920<br />
Biography: Frederick Baird was born in Bangor, Maine, but came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> with his family at the age of three. He was a graduate<br />
of West High School in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. After graduation he went to work in the office of Charles Schweinfurth, as he pursued<br />
his studies for three and a half years. He later went to work for Coburn & Barnum and then became foreman and designer<br />
for Lehman and Schmitt. While with that firm he designed many residences, courthouses and other buildings throughout<br />
the country. His wife was Mamie Zangerle Baird, the sister of county auditor John A. Zangerle. In 1898 he set up an office<br />
in the American Trust Building. A motto taken from Longfellow hung over his desk:<br />
"In the older days of art. Builders wrought with greatest care, Each minute and unseen part, For the gods see everywhere."<br />
He designed a wide variety of structures, including houses, terraces, apartments, and commercial buildings. He designed the<br />
Salvation Army Citadel Building; the first reinforced concrete constructed building in Ohio. He submitted two drawings<br />
for the proposed Forest <strong>City</strong> Savings Bank Building on the corner of West 25th Street and Detroit Avenue, although neither<br />
of his designs was chosen. Steffens, Searles & Hirsh eventually won the contract. His most famous building is St.<br />
Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Tremont. He was a member of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Architectural Club. In 1917 he<br />
made a trip to Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea and Manchuria. He died on February 16, 1920 of cancer and is buried in<br />
Lake View Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for D.C. Tuck 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Fred Axel 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for Ingram Realty 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for P.F. Kinney 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Augustus Loew Residence 1903- 12598 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Biscuit Factory for Robinson Bros. 1899 9 & 11 9 & 11 Carroll Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bolton Manor Apartments 1905 1779-81 E.89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brick addition for D.C. Dellenger<br />
Residence<br />
C.H. Jaite Country Residence - Hines<br />
Hill Road<br />
1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1904 Boston Mills OH Standing<br />
Charles Polster Building 1905 7528 Harvard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Church of the Ascension expansion 1904 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> & Sandusky Brewery 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> & Sandusky Brewing 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial bldg for J.H. DeCrumbe 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Jacob Vidmar 1902 3830 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for John Cain 1899 5800 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Concrete Terrace for M.F. Bramley 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Detroit M.E. Church 1905 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Eastman Apartments 1902 11014-11024 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
F.M. Leick Residence 1899 1457 Clarence Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
F.W. Gehring Residence 1903 8358 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Frank Mares Residence 1904 1440 Cohassett Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Frederick Baird Residence 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G.W. Gehring Residence 1902 -3 Orange Township OH Demolished<br />
Helen Starke Residence 1902 7206 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Born Residence 1905 12902 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Inverness Apartment House 1907 1523 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Isaac Leisy Brewing Company Barley<br />
Storage House<br />
1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J. Sullivan Residence Addition 1916 1947 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.F. Doyle Residence 1901 1901 West 58th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J.W. Juenglin Residence 1906-7 14213 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Jay Curran Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Gehring Residence 1900 32972 Lake Avenue Avon Lake OH Standing<br />
Leo Mayer Residence 1901 8806 Detroit Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
McGuire Residence nd 16125 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Newburgh Heights Public Hall and<br />
Police Station<br />
1905 Newburgh Heights OH Standing<br />
Pollner Residence 1900 1823 West 50th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1907 1508 East 106th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1914 3090 Fairmount <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Carl Schuele 1903 1485-7 Clarence Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for D.R. Davies 1909 1567 East 108th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for E.H. Putt 1903 1548 Clarence Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for Fred W. Gehring 1896-7 1437 West 114th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Fred W. Gehring 1896-7 1299 West 111th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.B. Townsend 1904 1351 Beach Street Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for J.K. Webster 1907 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.R. Ingram 1898 1798 West 47th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Doe 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Louis Koehl 1907 1497 East 108th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Martha Robinson 1901 7312 West Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mathilde Junge 1897 1437 West 81st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.F. Gehring 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.H. Blank 1901 7316 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.J Krause 1898 7320 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for William Kuehny 1900 1283 West 112th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for William Kuehny 1900 1303 West 112th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Salvation Army Citadel 1902 - 2300-6 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Salvation Army Rescue Home 1905 5905 Kinsman Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Samuel Mintz Residence 1899 1479 Clarence Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Sargent Residence 1898 10021 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Seager Residence 1901 3002 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox<br />
Cathedral<br />
Store and apartment for Dr. Ethel<br />
Weideman<br />
1911 733 Starkweather Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1906 10409-17 Westchester <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Turnbull Terraces 1902 7702-12 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.J. Ingram Residence 1902 1422 Grace Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
W.J. Ingram Residence nd 1422 Grace Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
West Side Turn Hall 1900 3907 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West Steel Casting 1915 811 East 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Schiffel Residence 1897 1990 West 54th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Wooters Residence 1907-8 1241 Thoreau Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Wilmer A. Neill Residence 1899 1490 Grace Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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George Barber<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
YMCA Addition 1901 3204 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Birth/Established: 1854 Death/Disolved: 1915<br />
Biography: George Barber was based in Knoxville, Tennessee. He was active in the late Victorian era, and designed houses throughout<br />
the country. The bulk of his business was through catalogue sales. He was the publisher of "American Home" magazine.<br />
Frank Seymour Barnum<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Charles Rush 1903 880 East 150th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Corwin Payne 1904 850 East 146th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: November 25, 1850 Death/Disolved: December 17, 1927<br />
Biography: Frank Seymour Barnum was born in Norwalk, Ohio, and educated in Norwalk public schools. He was the assistant<br />
engineer with the Morris Run Coal Company in Pennsylvania. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1871. He worked in the office of<br />
Joseph Ireland for four years prior to entering into a partnership with Forrest A. Coburn in 1877. After Coburn's death in<br />
1897 the firm became known as the F.S. Barnum Company. He became Superintendent of Buildings for the <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Board of Education in 1895. During his twenty years at the school board he designed forty-five schools and forty-nine<br />
annexes or additions. Barnum was also the architect of the Commercial style Caxton and Park Buildings, several churches<br />
and houses. In 1904 Briggs and Nelson purchased Frank Barnum's interest in the firm and formed the firm of Briggs and<br />
Nelson. Barnum was a Charter member of the American Institute of Architects. He retired as architect for the school board<br />
in 1914. He continued to act as a consultant for <strong>Cleveland</strong> and for any school. He died in Miami, Florida and is buried in<br />
Lakeview Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
A.M. Ford Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
A.W. Barber Store and Apt nd 334 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
A.W. Chamberlain Residence Nd 196 South Broadway Geneva OH Standing<br />
A.W. Kilbourne Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
All Souls Universalist Church Addition 1898 5605 Thackery Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments fo Alfred Arther 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
August Schuyle Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barkwill School 1896 5215 Barkwill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barkwill School Annex 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bartlett Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bolton School 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bolton School Annex 1895 2101 E. 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bolton School Annex 1896 2101 E. 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Boulevard School 1911 9700 Kinsman Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brainard Block nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brandon (Murray Hill) School 1895 12015 Paul Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brandon (Murray Hill) School 1903 2036 Murray Hill Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brooks Company nd 715 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brownell School annex 1903 1308 Sumner Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Buhrer School 1907-9 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Buhrer School Annex 1897 1610 Buhrer Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case School 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case Woodland School c 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Caxton Building 1901-2 812 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Central (John Burroughs) School 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Central Friendly Inn 1906 -7 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cherry Street School ca 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Claflin Building nd 191 9 Seneca <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clara Morris School 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clara Morris School addition 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clark School addition c 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clark School Annex 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trade West 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trade West addition 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Collinwood High School 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Collinwood Memorial School 1909 10 410 East 152nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Comey and Johnson Building nd 1426 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Louis Pollock 1901 7735 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Walton<br />
Brothers<br />
1902 215-23 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cooke Hubbard Building 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cora Gayer and Julia Silcox Residence 1899 9419 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Corwin Building nd 157 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Crittenden Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dawning School Annex 1913 4430 State Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Denison School Annex 1901 3100 Denison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Detroit School addition 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dike School 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dike School Annex 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E. H. Baker Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.J. Holmden Apartment nd 868 Scranton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Eagle Avenue Storage ca 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East Denison School 1902 1700 Denison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East Denison School 1911 1700 Denison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
East High of Commerce nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East High School 1900 1380 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East Tech 1907 8 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Avenue Congregational Church 1900 2 9610 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Joseph Perkings 1901 1450 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fairmount Junior High School Annex 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Baptist Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First German Baptist Church (Iglesia<br />
De Dios Pentacostal)<br />
1898 2379 Tremont Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
First Presbyterian Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Forman Bassett Hatch Co nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frame addition for Frederick Albrecht 1901 36 Merkel <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frame residence for H.A. Watterson 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank S. Barnum Residence 1898 1873 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank S. Barnum Residence 1891 1905 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Franklin D. Roosevelt School 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fruitland School 1903 1441 West 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fullerton School 1897 5810 Fullerton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G.A. Dodge Residence 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Geneva Savings Bank 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Fischer Hotel 1903 Vermilion OH Demolished<br />
George Hoyt Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Gilbert School 1898 3288 West 58th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Glenville Country Club nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Glenville High School 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Glenville High School Annex 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Goodrich Farm nd Summit County OH Demolished<br />
Grace Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Granger Methodist Episcopal Church 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Granger Township School 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.F. Lyman Residence 1902 11427 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Halle School 1904 7901 Halle Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harmon School c1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Harriet Turreff Residence 1899 1903 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harvard School 1903 6900 Harvard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harvard School Annex 1908 6900 Harvard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harvey Rice School 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Harvey Rice School Annex 1908 11529 Buckeye Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hicks School c1899 1900 W. 24th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hiram House Camp nd Chagrin Falls OH Demolished<br />
Hodge School 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hodge School Annex 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hough School 1887 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Imperial Hotel 1898 1449 - 51 W.3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Independence School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.J. Date Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.J. Sheppard Residence 1898 6203 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
JJ Date Residence nd - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Glenn Residence 1902 572 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Glenn Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Glenn Residence 1899 1572 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Hay High School 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Mathews Residence 1900 7617 Worley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Kentucky School Remodelling 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kinsman School Addition 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lake School 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Landon School Annex 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lawn School 1902 7412 Lawn Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lincoln High School 1899 3001 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lincoln School 1900 1380 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Longwood School 1909 2525 East 35th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Manufacturing building fro H.B.<br />
Perkins<br />
1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Margaret Beavis Residence 1898 767 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Marion School 1896 2525 Marion Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Marion School c 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mayflower School addition 1909 2640 East 31st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Memphis School 1913 4103 Memphis Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Milford School 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Milford School Annex 1908 - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mound School 1904 5405 Mound Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mrs Crowell Residence nd 2626 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. Hubbard Cooke Residence nd - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. O.F. Gordon Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Mt. Pleasant School 1913 11617 Union <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Murray Hill School Annex 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
N.S. Keller Residence 1903 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Oak School Annex 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Oakland School 1895 1414 East 120th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Old Miles School 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Old Miles School Annex 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Orchard School Annex 1901 4115 Orchard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Otto Miller Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Otto Mueller Residence 1904 6916 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Outhwaite School Annex 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
P.S. Jennings Residence 1877 2163 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Park Building 1904 140 Public Square <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Parkwood School Annex 1911 1171 Parkwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Plymouth School ca 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Quincy School 1897 7612 Quincy Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Quincy School Annex 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
R.K. Beach Residence 1901 1797 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
R.P Cattral Residence 1877 2172 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Reginald Phillips Residence 1898 1858 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Glenn 1899 1572 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Rockefeller Park Stables nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rockwell Headquarters Annex 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rosedale Relief School 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S.P. Fenn Residence Addition nd 2061 E. 89th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sackett School addition 1903 3349 Sackett Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Scranton School Annex 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Shilo Baptist Church 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sibley (Jane Addams) School Annex 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
South Presbyterian Church 1904 3170 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Sowinski School 1895 8005 Sowinski Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sowinski School Annex 1899 7927 Sowinski Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. James Church addition 1900 1673 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Summer Residence of Dr. L.B. Millikin 1908 Cedar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Three sty addition to Plain Dealer<br />
Publishing<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tod School 1901 3028 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tod School Annex 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tremont School 1910 3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Tremont School Annex 1906 2455 West 10th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Trinity Baptist Church 1900 7440 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union School 1897 6701 Union Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Unity Church 1904 8125 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.F. Gage Residence 1904 2472 Kenilworth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
W.F. Turreff Residence 1899 1961 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.H. Huntington Residence 1877 2163 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wade Park School Annex 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse Annex c 1911 3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Waring School 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Waring School 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warner School 1902 4455 Warner Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warner School Annex 1912 4433 Warner Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warner School Annex 1921 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warren School 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warren School Rebuild 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Washington Park School 1913 4000 Washington Park Boulevard Newburgh Heights OH Standing<br />
Watterson School 1906 1422 West 74th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
West High School 1902 6807 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West Manual School c1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Fenimore C Bate<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
West Tech High School 1912 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
White Tool rebuilding 1899 1236 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Willard School 1895 2220 West 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Willard School Annex 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Beasden Residence 1904 1947 E. 70th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Willson School 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Woodland Avenue Presbyterian Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland Hills School Annex 1898 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland School Annex 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wooldridge School 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: 1903<br />
Biography: Fenimore C. Bate was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He first appears in the 1876-7 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory as a draftsman for<br />
architect Walter Blythe. He then went to work with Lyman, Strong and Son marble dealers. In 1883, he was a draftsman<br />
and, the following year, an architect for the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Water Works Department. By 1885 he was in business for himself<br />
as an architect. He was the architect of numerous houses for the middle and upper middle classes as well as of commercial<br />
buildings at a time when <strong>Cleveland</strong>'s population was booming. His works were well documented in the architectural<br />
journals of the time. Several significant examples of Bate-designed Queen Anne houses survive. These include the<br />
Schellentrager House (built 1893), 690 Lakeview Road; the Henry Trenkamp House (1894-5), 1905 East 89th Street; and<br />
the Latham Brightman House, now the Holmes County Historical Society (1901) in Millersburg, Ohio. His houses<br />
appeared throughout <strong>Cleveland</strong>, northeast Ohio cities and towns, including Fremont and Toledo, and Indianapolis, Indiana.<br />
An article in the March 17, 1888 "<strong>Cleveland</strong> Town Topics" magazine said that Bate-designed homes "all show a refreshing<br />
departure from the stereotyped styles of a few years ago". He is best known as the architect of the Romanesque Revivalstyle<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Grays Armory (1893), 1234 Bolivar Road. He was also a member of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Grays.<br />
Later in his career he designed more tenement or apartment buildings, a popular building type in turn-of-the-century<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong>. Architect Edward E. Smith, who is also remembered for specializing in apartment building design, was a<br />
draftsman who worked for Fenimore Bate from 1889 until 1894. Throughout Bate's career he designed commercial and<br />
industrial buildings. The Megerth Block (1892-3), 8620 - 6 Cedar Avenue, and the addition to the Standard Lighting<br />
Building (1895), 4419-37 Perkins Avenue, are two extant commercial-industrial use buildings designed by Bate. He was<br />
also the architect of several hotels and hotel additions, though apparently none of those survive. There is an article in the<br />
September 22, 1900 issue of the "Interstate Archtiect" that states that Bate was injured in an accident in his office where he<br />
dropped a battery with acid striking him in the face and neck causing him temporary blindness. After a period of failing<br />
health, Fenimore Bate died on June 27, 1903 at the age of forty six of apoplexy at home in his New Amsterdam apartment.<br />
He was buried in Lake View Cemetery. He left his estate to his wife Helen, including property that he owned on East 20th<br />
Street occupied by the Fenimore Apartments.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
A.R. Duncan Residence 1891 2337 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Abbie Pettengill and Henry A. Everett<br />
Residence<br />
1887 2927 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Acid Works for Hayes & Co 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Addition for American Wire Company 1885 1220 Marquette <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Addition to <strong>Cleveland</strong> Press Building 1895 1297-9 West 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Addition to Henry Shafer Residence 1894 8504 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Addition to Parish & Bingham<br />
Company Factory<br />
Additions (side, entrance, elevators,<br />
store windows) and alterations<br />
(miscellaneous on upper suites)<br />
1902 5363 Hamilton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1902 340 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Albert House Residence 1886 2422 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Alexander Marshall Residence 1886 2366 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Alteration to Residence of Thomas and<br />
John Mooney<br />
1895 1773 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Alterations and additions to American<br />
House Hotel for Putt & Reynolds<br />
1893 631-51 W. Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Alterations to Forest <strong>City</strong> House Hotel 1890 225-01 Public Square and 201-25 West Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Alterations to James Sprankle<br />
Residence<br />
1883 3601 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Anneston Apartments for Charles Stein 1899 1945 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for George Tipling 1898 1850 8 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Henry<br />
Newcomb<br />
1900 1894 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment house for Adolph Friedman 1903 1464 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Arthur Block 1890 5013-27 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Arthur S. Gilman Residence 1889 1817 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ben Salberg Residence 1889 2559 East 37th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bethel House Hotel 1890-1 1468 West 10th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bishop & Babcock 1888 4901-15 Hamilton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bishop and Babcock Factory 1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bradley Block 1886 2179 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brick wire mill for Otis and Company 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.C. Morse Residence 1885 2054 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.R. Swetland Residence and Barn 1892 1916 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cerilla Apartments for Charles Stein 1899 1933 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Chelsea Apartment House for Harry<br />
Vail<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Forge & Iron Company<br />
Works<br />
1898 6401 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1883 4411 Lakeside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Grays Armory 1893 1234 Bolivar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Storage Company Warehouse 1884 1944 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Water Works Boiler House<br />
(demolished)<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cohn, Goodman and Co. Factory 1902-3 1140 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Adam Kunz<br />
1890 1307 - 13 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1880 Buffalo NY Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Alfred Arthur 1888 5013-27 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for Cohen &<br />
Drucker<br />
1890 500-2 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for D.L. Scheirer 1898 1737 East 12th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for David Hawley 1894 424 - 8 Central <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial reisdential building for Jno<br />
Sheehan<br />
Commerical - residential building for<br />
Alfred Arthur<br />
1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1890 5013-7 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D.A. Dangler Residence 1885 3010 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D.E. Dangler Residence 1888 3224 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dangler Store & Manufacturing 1890 5017 Perkins Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dewey Theatre for Martin Manning 1899 1882 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
DeWitt Calkins Residence 1895 8520 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Ben Salberg 1889 2553-5 East 37th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Charles Heller 1892 2331-3 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. James Stotter Residence 1897 2708 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
E.J. Lobdell Residence 1889 21 Baldwin Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
E.S. Isom Residence 1894 2170-2 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.W. Reaugh Residence 1900 1826 Idlewood East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Edvardus Apartments for John Edwards 1897 1833 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edward L. Patterson Residence 1889 5612 Quincy Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Engine House #17 1890 5305 Chester Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ernest Schellentrager Residence 1893 690 Lakeview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Evelyn Apartments for Herschel<br />
Silberman<br />
1900 - 1 1857-65 East 75th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.A. Glidden Residence 1891 6719 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Standard Tool 1888 6900 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fairfax Apartments 1902 1845-53 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fairmount Pumping Station 1885 2304 Woodhill <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fenimore Apartments for F.C. Bate 1897 1863 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fenimore Bate Residence 1885 2416 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fenimore Bate Residence 1890 4802 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Evangelical Reformed Church 1889 1944 W. 32nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Frank K. Glidden Residence 1891 2233 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fred Keppler Residence 1886 2483 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G. A. Craig Residence 1889 1417 West 58th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George H. Baker Residence 1884 2265 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George L. Schryver Residence 1883 3714 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George W. Smith Residence 1896 2738 Noble Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
George Walker Residence 1888 8714 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Gilbert Barnes Residence 1882 1427 West 57th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Glenville High School (later Oliver<br />
Wendall Homes School)<br />
1890 635 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Griffith Barnes Residence 1898 1431 West 57th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
H.A. Fuller Residence 1886 1899 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.Hine Residence 1893 4624 West Prospect Mantua OH Standing<br />
Harry Avery Residence 1888 2097 East 21st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Harry Dorner Residence 1884 1444 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hastings Apartments for Alfred Arthur 1901-2 1773 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hawthorne Apartments for John<br />
Frawley<br />
1897 - 8 1818 East 17th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Boyer Residence 1886 1669 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Schafer Residence 1894 8504 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Shafer Residence 1891 8504 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Trenkamp Residence 1894-5 1905 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hotel and commercial building for<br />
L.M. Sigler<br />
1901 3523 - 27 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hotel St. Clair for Lucius Sigler 1902 3523-37 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.C. Trask Residence 1892 1916 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.S. Malone Residence 1893 2061 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James Mansur Residence 1886 2426 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joseph Habson Residence 1894 1721 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kennard Block (factories) 1888 1144 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L.A. Roby Residence 1889 1906 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Latham Brightman Residence 1901 484 Wooster Millersburg OH Standing<br />
Laurel Block and apartments for M.<br />
Herskovitz<br />
1899 2915 Woodland & 2565 E. 29th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lemuel Rawson Residence 1885 2356-8 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lobdell Apartments for F.C. Bate 1898 9 1893 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lorenzo .D. Dodge Residence 1889 1824 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Louis Schellentrager Residnece 1890 3525 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Louis Winch Residence 1887 2047 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Malone Residence 1898 2160 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Martha Apartments for F.C. Bate 1897 1851 East 20th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Megerth Block (store and tenements) 1892-3 8620-6 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mehnard Block 1886 1685-95 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Offices for Herbert Wright and<br />
Company (Interior)<br />
1897 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
R.H. Fetterman Residence 1893 7911 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Rental residences for Helen (Mrs. F.C.)<br />
Bate<br />
Rental residences for Helen (Mrs. F.C.)<br />
Bate<br />
Rental residences for Helen (Mrs. F.C.)<br />
Bate<br />
Rental residences for Helen (Mrs. F.C.)<br />
Bate<br />
1892 5914 Utica <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 5916 Utica <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 5912 Utica <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1892 5910 Utica <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence built for Wm Bingham 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for A.R. Duncan 1894 2332-4 East 57th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Anna & Charles Stein 1891 2567-9 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Anna & Charles Stein 1891 2571-5 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Anna & Charles Stein 1891 2577-9 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Captain Wilson 1901 12629 Euclid Avenue East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charles S. Paddock 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charlotte Evans 1889 2571 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charlotte Evans 1889 2573 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charlotte Evans 1889 2575 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for E.R. Hull & Company 1883 1454 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for F.H. Penfield 1889 2633-5 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Hiram Aiken 1889 - 90 2420 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Residence for James Rochford 1889 1565 East 22nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mary Heisley 1890 1833 Dodge Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mary Heisley 1890 1839 Dodge Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Thomas Quintrell 1887 5817 Longfellow <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for W.J. Kelley 1891 1835 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Clements 1890 1795 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for William Clements 1890 1793 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for William J. Gawne 1891 2389 East 43rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Wilson Dodge 1889 1617 Chester Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S.A.E. Lyman Residence 1888 2910 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Samuel Croxton Residence 1888 5802 Longfellow <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sipe and Sigler Block 1892 1232 East 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Standard Lighting Company Building 1895 3-story addition 4419-37 Perkins <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Standard Stove Company Addition 1891 4601 - 31 Perkins Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Standard Tool 1893 6900-18 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stephen Morris Summer Residence 1893 321 East 185th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Storage house for Glidden and Joy<br />
Varnish Company<br />
Store and flat building for Charlotte<br />
Evans<br />
Store and tenemenet for Thomas<br />
Brothers<br />
1890-1 2686 Lisbon <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1889 7901-7 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and tenement for L.A. Johnson 1899 1221 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store building for Henry Laub 1885 3503-9 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and tenements for Fred Keppler 1889 3703-9 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for Jarvis Adams 1886 2073-85 East 36th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Mierke (store and apartments) 1895 8517-27 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Morgan Apartment Building for<br />
William Mogan<br />
1889 2022 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Towers Apartments 1902-3 6104-6 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Theatre for the Gehring Brewing<br />
Company<br />
1892 1258 - 62 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Three dwellings for Charles French 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tower Addition to First Reformed<br />
Church<br />
1889 1944 West 32nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Transfer Building 1897 623-633 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Two dwellings for Fred Keppler 1884 2684 and 2688 East 48th Place <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two story frame barn for J.C. Trask 1901 1916 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Valentine Hausmann Residence 1902 3188 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Vernon Arms for Herschel Silberman 1900 7515 LaGrange Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Viola Flats for J.J. O'Donnell 1897 810 Summit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.D.B. Alexander Residence 1892 1936 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.J. Hayes Summer Residence 1887 4655 Hayes Road Ravenna OH Standing<br />
Warehouse and stable for East Ohio Gas 1903 2298 Ashland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Warehouse for Koblitz Brothers 1899 213-21 Howe <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William A. Banks Residence 1892 8420 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Beaumont Residence 1891 1810 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William H. Flood Residence 1887 8109 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Ludlum Residence 1890 1856 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Miller Residence 1891 7335 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Willis Holden Residence 1886 8409 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland Hotel 1889 7909 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Zebulon Davis Residence 1893-6 352 North Market Canton OH Demolished<br />
Charles Bates<br />
Birth/Established: 1879 Death/Disolved: 1931<br />
Biography: Charles Bates was a Wheeling, West Virginia-based architect with a <strong>Cleveland</strong> office. He was a native of Wheeling,<br />
attended Wheeling public schools, the Linly Military Institute, and studied architecture at the Armour Institute of<br />
Technology in Chicago. He began practicing architecture in 1904, working in both Chicago and Pittsburgh. He established<br />
a Wheeling office in 1909, with offices in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and Youngstown. He designed several of the Shaker Heights city<br />
schools. He was architect and construction engineer for scores of high schools in Ohio and West Virginia.<br />
George William Beer<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Capitol Theatre 1928 1015 Main Street Wheeling WV Standing<br />
Colson Hall 1919-23 Morgantown WV Standing<br />
Lomond School 1928 17917 Lomond Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Metropolitan Theater 1921-4 Morgantown WV Standing<br />
Moreland School 1924 16500 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
National Bank of West Virginia 1914-5 Wheeling WV Standing<br />
Onaway School 1923 3115 Woodbury Roady Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Shaker Heights Library 1925 16500 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Stifel Fine Arts Center 1910-2 1330 National Road Wheeling WV Standing<br />
Sussex Elementary School (Shaker<br />
Family Center)<br />
Birth/Established: November 23, 1880 Death/Disolved: May 21, 1929<br />
Biography: George William Beer was born in Ashland, Ohio. He graduated from Cornell University in 1902. He worked in New York<br />
<strong>City</strong> for McKim, Mead and White from 1902 to 1904, and Hornblower and Marshall from 1904 to 1906. He moved to<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1906 and worked briefly with Hubbell and Benes. He died during an operation at St. Luke's Hospital on May<br />
21, 1929. He was buried in Ashland. (See Dercum & Beer)<br />
Edward Beier<br />
Birth/Established: 1862 Death/Disolved: January 1917<br />
1922 19824 Sussex Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Wheeling Public Library 1910-1 2100 Market Wheeling WV Standing<br />
Woodbury School 1918 15800 South Woodland Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Biography: Edward Beier was initially a draftsman in the office of Bernard VanDeVelde in the 1890 -7 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories.<br />
The 1909-1916 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory identifies him as an architect. He lived at 3017 Chatham in Ohio <strong>City</strong> with his<br />
sister and brother-in-law. In 1905, he was a <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect working in the Parks Department<br />
W Dominick Benes<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: 1935<br />
Biography: W. Dominick Benes was born in Prague, Austrian Empire and was ethnically Bohemian. His family immigrated to<br />
America in 1866, first settling in Chicago and then moving to <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was educated in the public schools of Prague<br />
and <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He went to work for his uncle architect John V. Benes of Chicago. After returning to <strong>Cleveland</strong> he worked<br />
for Andrew Mitermiler from 1873 to 1876. He went on to work for the firm of Coburn and Barnum. He later became a<br />
partner in the firm of Coburn, Barnum and Benes that eventually became Coburn, Barnum, Benes and Hubbell. After<br />
Forrest Coburn's death, Hubbell and Benes formed their own partnership. He was Jeptha H. Wade III's personal architect.<br />
He had designed the interior of the Wade yacht, and the music room of the Wade home at Euclid and East 40th Street. That<br />
relationship eventually led to the commissions for the Wade Memorial Chapel at Lakeview Cemetery, the Wade Residences<br />
in the Wade Allotment and Gates Mills, and the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Museum of Art. (see Hubbell & Benes)<br />
Karl Best<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: April 10, 1879 Death/Disolved: 1945<br />
Biography: Karl Best was listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories beginning in 1919. He was a member of the firm of Best & Hoefler from<br />
1920 until 1929. He died in Mount Dora, Florida.<br />
Best and Hoefler<br />
Birth/Established: 1920 Death/Disolved: 1927<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: <strong>Cleveland</strong> architectural firm that had Karl Best and Edward G. Hoefler as its principals.<br />
Fred Betker<br />
Two story frame dwelling for Clara and<br />
Fred Eyers<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1893 Death/Disolved: 1961<br />
1901 7016 West Clinton Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Finley Building 1899 1133 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
James Cole Residence 1894 2221 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Philip Ziska Residence 1894 - 5 1674 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for James Cole 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. M. Karda 1894 4919 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two frame residences 1894 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1922 2646 Endicott Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 2720 Wicklow Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 3675 Rawnsdale Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Templar Farrell Motor Sales 1921 3134 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Biography: Fred Betker was Polish-born. He was identified as both architect and general contractor in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories. He<br />
lived at 907 Cambridge in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights.<br />
Frederic H Betz<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: December 10, 1930<br />
Biography: Frederic H. Betz was appointed the city's first architect. He had worked for Hubbell & Benes for twenty years, where he<br />
worked on the design of the West Side Market. As <strong>City</strong> architect he designed the original plans for Public Hall and later<br />
additions. He resigned because of poor health before Public Hall was completed. He lived in Bay Village and was buried<br />
in Riverside Cemetery.<br />
Riley Austin Bissell<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: April 19, 1862 Death/Disolved: May 5, 1945<br />
Biography: Riley Austin Bissell was raised in Medina County, Ohio. He was listed as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
Directories from 1893 to 1901. In the 1910 census he was living in Tacoma, Washington where he was employed as a<br />
contractor. In 1920 he had moved to Oakland, California where he was employed at a shipyard. He died in Oakland in<br />
1945.<br />
Clarence H Blackall<br />
Residence 1931 907 Cambridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights Ohio Standing<br />
Residence 1928 911 Cambridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 915 Cambridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 917 Cambridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 923 Cambridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1947 13427 Cedar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 1024 Nelaview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1926 2590 Shaker Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Edgewater Bathhouse nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Im Evangelical Lutheran Church 1925 2325 Forestdale Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Public Auditorium nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wade Park Boat House nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland Hills Park Comfort Station 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Lillian Towslee Residence 1895 8118 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Lillian Towslee 1899 7417 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Lillian Towslee 1899 1431 East 85th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: 1942<br />
Biography: Clarence H. Blackall of Boston, Massachusetts was in partnerhip with local architect George M. Page from 1903 to 1908 in<br />
the firm Blackall & Page, but never lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was chairman of the Boston Chamber of Commerce. In Boston<br />
he was the architect of Bowdoin Square Theatre, Scolley Square Theatre, the Wilbur Theatre, and the U.S. Trust Company.<br />
His firm also designed the Alpha Tau Omega house, the University of Illinois Auditorium, and completed the campus plan<br />
for the University of Illinois at Champaign -Urbana.<br />
Blackall and Page<br />
Birth/Established: 1902 Death/Disolved: 1913<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Biography: This firm was opened in 1902 with offices in the Scofield Building. It is listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories until 1913.<br />
Clarence Blackall remained in Boston while George Page lived and worked in <strong>Cleveland</strong>.<br />
Joseph M Blackburn<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Antioch Baptist Church 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Baptist Publication Society 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ben T. Quilling Residence 1908 1575 East 108th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Keemar Terrace 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Office building for Ohio Ceramic<br />
Engineering<br />
Birth/Established: 1820 Death/Disolved: 1891<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second German Baptist Church 1904 1643 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> NY Standing<br />
Terrace for C.E. Adams 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for H.S. Janes 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two residences on 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Joseph M. Blackburn was born in Cudworth, Yorkshire, England. In England he served as a seven year apprentice to<br />
William and Thomas Topam at Ackworth, Yorkshire. Blackburn worked as an architect at Ackworth for an additional four<br />
years. He came to the United States and to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1850. As an architect from 1850 to 1891, he worked in <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
throughout the Victorian era in the Second Empire, Gothic and Italianate styles of his day. He received many significant<br />
commissions during his career including the St. Vincent's Charity Hospital, the Ohio Deaf and Dumb Asylum in Columbus,<br />
the Central Ohio Insane Asylum in Columbus, and the remodeling of Presidential candidate James Garfield's Mentor home.<br />
He was the architect of private and public buildings in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and the District of<br />
Columbia. During his career he formed many partnerships. From 1861 to 1864 he was a member of the firm of Blackburn<br />
and Fuller. About 1865 he moved to 471 Euclid Avenue. From 1866 to 1868 he was a member of the firm of Blackburn<br />
and Koehler, from 1879 to 1880 he was a member of the firm of Blackburn and Charlot, and finally he was with the firm of<br />
Blackburn and Daniels. When not in partnership he was listed as working alone. J.N. Richardson and Andrew Mitermiler<br />
worked in his office before they went into business in their own firms. Most of his buildings were constructed before<br />
building permits were required in <strong>Cleveland</strong> (1888) and remain unidentified. He was a member of the Euclid Avenue<br />
Baptist Church. He is buried in Woodland Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Brush Electric Light Company 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Caine Miller House 1878 9135 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Chester Bullock Residence 1868 571 Chestnut Street Meadville PA Demolished<br />
Clement Apartment House for M.B.<br />
Clark<br />
1890 500 Rockwell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Baking Company 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Prison and Police Court 1860 420 Champlain Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Provision Company 1880 2130 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clinton French Building 1855 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1880 3 story block on Pearl Street 30 x 90 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for Benjamin<br />
Rose<br />
1889 2074-60 East 9th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. Joseph Lewis Residence 1883 2340 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. Worthy S. Streator Residence 1864 9803 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dwelling for Isaac Reynolds 1880 3522 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Erie Street Baptist Church 1868 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1866-8 201 Wick Avenue Youngstown OH Demolished<br />
Four dwellings for Price Brothers 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frame dwelling on Sibley for C.B.<br />
Couch<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Franklin Methodist Episcopal Church 1867 3116 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
G.H. Chandler Residence 1883 2230 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Garfield Residence Remodeling 1880 8095 Mentor Avenue Mentor OH Standing<br />
Gideon Mosier Residence 1868 557 Chestnut Street Meadville PA Demolished<br />
Gordon School 1889 2136 West 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jacob Steinfeld Barn 1889 2357 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James Pashall Residence nd Titusville PA Demolished<br />
Leader Sewing Machine Factory 1883 1791-1807 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Norman Chamberlain Residence 1880 1936 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Parshall Opera House 1870 201 - 7 West Spring Street Titusville PA Demolished<br />
Remington Arnold Residence 1883 1646 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for McFarland 1888 1877 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for McFarland 1888 1881 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Travis Dempsey 1890 1674 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second Baptist Church 1871 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second National Bank Enlargement 1871 202-8 Spring Street Titusville PA Standing<br />
Southworth Building 1882 2013-9 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Vincent's Charity Hospital 1865 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stephen Howland Residence 1881 5815 Longfellow Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two houses for Thomas Axworthy on 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
University Heights Congregational<br />
Church (St. Augustine Roman Catholic<br />
Church)<br />
Blackburn and Charlot<br />
Birth/Established: 1879 Death/Disolved: 1880<br />
Biography: This architectural firm included Joseph Blackburn and Nevins Charlot. It was in existence between 1879 and 1880 with<br />
offices in the Perkins Building.<br />
Blackburn and Koehler<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: 1868<br />
Biography: The principles of this architectural firm were Joseph Blackburn and Alexander Koehler. It was in existence between 1866<br />
and 1868.<br />
Walter Blythe<br />
Birth/Established: 1826 Death/Disolved: 1884<br />
1865 2486 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Sprague Residence 1889 2025 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Stanley Residnece 1880 4208 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Winslow Block 1872 1228 - 44 Old River Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Chisholm Steel Shovel Building 1880 1580 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Cummins Block 1880 143 - 5 South Main Street Marion OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Walter Blythe was an active <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect and resident in the nineteenth century. He was born in Leeds, England.<br />
He came to America at the age of thirteen in 1849 and located in <strong>Cleveland</strong> one year later. He married Florida Geneva<br />
Heard, the daughter of architect Charles Heard. He learned the avocation of stone-cutter from his father-in-law. He later<br />
became a draftsman and then an architect. He was a veteran of the Forty-first Ohio Volunteers regiment during the Civil<br />
War. Immediately after the war, from 1866 to 1871, he was a partner in the firm of Heard and Blythe. In 1871 he went into<br />
business for himself. He was the president of the Board of Water Works. All of his work was built before the issuance of<br />
building permits by the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong> (1888), thus making it unidentifiable. He lived at the edge of the city at Kinsman<br />
Road and East 40th Street. He was the architect of many important commercial and governmental buildings built during<br />
the High Victorian era.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Gustave B Bohm<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Block for Oscar Townsend 1881 721-711 West St. Clair <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Block of Blair and Bros. on Public<br />
Square<br />
Birth/Established: July 31, 1874 Death/Disolved: April 1934<br />
1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Block of stores 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brainard Block 1876 322-6 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building for Jno Vincent 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Business block on Ontario for E.M.<br />
McGillin<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clark Block nd 331-3 West Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Station #11 1876 4090 East 91st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Station #4 1874 1455 West 29th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Station #9 1873 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Colonel Frank Lynch Residence 1872 2913 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1882 Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Council Hall 1871-4 Oberlin OH Demolished<br />
E.M. McMillan Store 1880 210 Federal Street Youngstown OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Avenue Block nd 206-16 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Evangelical Association Building 1884 1903-23 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fred Dieboldt Residence 1881 2429 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Warrington House 1881 2613 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.P. McIntosh Residence 1881 1071 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hoyt Block 1874 700 St. Clair Avenue NW <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lewis Kies Residence 1872 4208 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Marsh and Harwood Acid Works<br />
factory addition<br />
1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Masonic Temple 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Monroe Street Cemetery Gatehouse nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Oberlin College <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Outhwaite School 1874 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Paine Block nd 1350-98 Ontario Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Payne Building 1884 701-33 St. Clair NW <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Phil Morris Residence 1883 2075 East 96th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pipe foundry for Silas Merchant 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S. Brainard and Sons 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Standard Oil Block 1873 43-55 Euclid (1885) <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Striebinger House 1873 62 Michigan Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tremont School 1872 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union School House 1874 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
White Elephant Building 1884 2303-7 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Windsor Block 1876 340 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Gustave B. Bohm attended West High School in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and graduated from Columbia University. His brother Max<br />
Bohm was a well-known artist who lived in Paris. He was mostly noted as a residential architect with most commissions on<br />
the west side of <strong>Cleveland</strong> and Lakewood. He lived at 8912 Detroit Avenue, where his parents had lived, later moving to<br />
19429 Frazier in Rocky River. He wrote the article "The American Adaption of A Swiss Chalet" for the September 1908<br />
Ohio Architect and Builder, and "How the Architect Helps the Home Builder" in Material Facts, May 1915. He is buried in<br />
Lakeview Cemetery.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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William A Bohnard<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: July 2, 1877 Death/Disolved: November 1945<br />
Biography: William A. Bohnard was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong>, educated in the public schools, and attended the <strong>Cleveland</strong> School of Art. In<br />
1896 he completed the illustrations for the Century Architectural Company's Modern Homes publication. He formed his<br />
own architectural firm at the age of twenty-two in 1899 and was later joined by Raymond Parsson. Their office was in the<br />
1900 Euclid Building. The firm's business was largely residential, but they had also designed some downtown commercial<br />
buildings and Lake Avenue apartment buildings. Bohnard was one of the founders of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> School of Architecture,<br />
later associated with Western Reserve University. He was a long time resident of 9815 Newton Avenue. He is buried in<br />
Acacia Park Cemetery.<br />
Bohnard and Parsson<br />
Albert Junge Residence 1908 6905 West Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment house for Jesse Nichol 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House for the Verne<br />
Apartment House Company<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1905 Death/Disolved: 1932<br />
1902 - 3 7905 - 13 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Christian Schuele Residence 1914 10498 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1926 9334 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Depositors Savings and Loan 1920 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edward H. Bohm Residence 1897 1345 West 91st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Federal Knitting Mill 1906 2888 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George Bruechler Residence 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Ellsasser Residence 1904 16715 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
George Faerber Residence 1911 13405 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Henry Slatmyer Residence 1910 11005 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Krause Building 1912-3 2042 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Murlan Murphy Residence c1916 2243 Tudor Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
R. Hassler Residence 1905 - 6 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Albert Junge 1908 6905 West Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.B. Votteler 1905 2801 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. Frederick Baird 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Wm. Votteler 1905 9919 South Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.H. Ford Residence 1901 10017 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William C. Fischer Residence 1916 11605 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.R. McQuigg Residence 1904 1901 Idlewood Street East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Southworth Residence 1904 11901 Carlton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Bohnard and Parsson was active between 1905 and 1932, with principles William A. Bohnard and Raymond Parsson.<br />
Initially there offices were in the Chamber of Commerce Building, later moving to 1900 Euclid. The firm was mainly<br />
known for residential architecture in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> suburbs of Lakewood and <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
2799 Courtland Road nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
A.S. Ingalls Residence nd Bratenahl OH Unknown<br />
A.W. Foote Residence nd Gates Mills OH Unknown<br />
A.W. Murfey Residence 1913 2239 Elandon Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Adella Hughes Residence 1910 2400 Kenilworth <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Frederick F Book<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Allen Electric Building 1906 2120 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for Peter Hamilton 1914 5703 Diamond <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartments for Harry Lallen and D.<br />
Hinslea<br />
Birth/Established: February 3, 1874 Death/Disolved: December 1955<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.E. Stamp Residence nd 2301 Kenilworth <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
C.J. Rainey Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Canterbury Club House Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Claiborne Pritle Residence - nd 298 Corning Bratenahl OH Standing<br />
CW Gradin Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
D.Upson Residence Nd Gates Mills OH Unknown<br />
Delrose Brockley Residence 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.V. Hale Residence 1905 Willoughby OH Demolished<br />
George Canfield Residence 1913-4 2232 Elandon Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
George Holloway Residence 1905 715 East Main Street Ravenna OH Standing<br />
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church 1907 1754 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Grandin Residence 1907 10723 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Halfrad Farms Nd Hunting Valley OH Unknown<br />
Hamilton Lindsay Residence 1923 16210 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Hamilton Lindsay Residence nd 1055 E. 98th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
James E. Plant Residence 1927 1050 Homewood Drive Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Kendal Building 1918 222 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Liberty Holden Residence nd Bratenahl OH Unknown<br />
Louis Englander Residence 1915 2289 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
M.B. Villas Residence 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Mary Goldman Residence 1911 2283 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mary H. Duncan Residence 1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Milo Evans Residence 1911 13932 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Morton Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Office addition 1917 14025 Aspinwall <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
P.B. Fisher Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Paul Lamperly Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1908 1490 East 108th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1918 2481 Stratford <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 Parma OH Standing<br />
Residence for D.W. Teachout 1917 2465 Arlington Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for I. Grossman 1917 2431 Statford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mrs. George Strauss 1907 1406 East 109th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence of C.C. Shanklin nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Rockport Village School addition 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Soldiers and Sailor"s Memorial 1920 Lakewood OH Never built<br />
Stable, Garage, Quarters for E.V. Hale<br />
Country Residence<br />
nd Willougby OH Unknown<br />
Swathwont Residence 1919 11401 Harborview Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.H. Marlatt Residence 1910 3052 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.P. Wightman Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
West Park Town Hall 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Spang Residence 1921 10309 Edgewater Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Zahnheiser Residence 1911 11801 West Clifton Lakewood OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Biography: Frederick F. Book was a Canadian-born architect. He came to the United States in 1903 and was naturalized as a citizen in<br />
1905. He was active as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1908 throughout the 1920's according to <strong>City</strong> Directories. In 1909<br />
he lived in the Tremont neighborhood. The 1910 Census lists him as a farmer in Hartsgrove Township, Ashtabula County.<br />
He is buried in Calvary Cemetery.<br />
James M Bostick<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1870 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: James M. Bostick was listed as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1914 to 1917, when he was a partner in the<br />
firm Kaufmann-Bostick. In 1901 he opened an office in Massillon.<br />
Sigmund Braverman<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: May 22, 1894 Death/Disolved: March 27, 1960<br />
Biography: Sigmund Braverman was a prominent Jewish architect who designed forty synagogues in the United States and Canada. He<br />
was born in Csepe, Austria-Hungary and came to the United States at age ten, settling in Pittsburgh. He became a<br />
naturalized citizen in 1915. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1917<br />
and served in the military in World War I. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1920 and opened an architectural practice. His work<br />
included shopping centers, schools, and hospitals. From 1932 to 1935, he was assistant, then acting <strong>Cleveland</strong> city<br />
architect. He was a leader in <strong>Cleveland</strong>'s Zionist movement. He was the director of the Bureau of Jewish Education,<br />
trustee of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Jewish Fund, and vice president and director of the Jewish Community Center.<br />
Herbert Bruce Briggs<br />
Commercial - residential building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential for Samuel<br />
Gurss building<br />
1917 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1918 12401-5 Detroit Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Hotel 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1912 9708-10 Parkgate <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Koslen 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Samuel Koslen 1917 1077 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Thompson Block 1908 3101-7 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for M.M. Scott 1917 7709 Vineyard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for M.S. Sammons 1918 Silver Lake OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Michael Austgen 1918 Silver Lake OH Unknown<br />
Residence P.H. Schneider 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Theatre, store and apartments for the<br />
Opera House Company<br />
1907 Lorain OH Unknown<br />
William A. Rose Residence c. 1919 2737 Endicott Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Brantley Apartments 1937 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Bureau of Jewish Education 1952 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Hebrew Schools <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Fairmount Temple 1957 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Muriel Apartments 1924 7001 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Shaker Kinsman Branch 1951 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Warrensville Center Synagogue 1958 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: 1936<br />
Biography: Herbert Bruce Briggs was raised on a farm in Sharon Township, Medina County, Ohio. He graduated from Buchtel<br />
College in Akron in 1889 with a Bachelor of Science degree. In 1889 he entered the <strong>Cleveland</strong> office of Coburn and<br />
Barnum as a student draftsman and superintendent of construction. He worked for that firm until the death of Forrest<br />
Coburn in 1897. As superintendent in the office of Coburn and Barnum, Briggs was in charge of construction of the<br />
Goodrich House and the original Western Reserve Historical Society Building.<br />
He was a member of the firm of Briggs & Nelson from 1904 until 1923. Herbert Briggs was a member of the <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of the Cuyahoga County Board of Visitors, and a member of the board of management<br />
of the Central Friendly Inn. He was an instructor of architectural drawings in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Central Young Men's Christian<br />
Association's Institute, chairman of its education committee and a member of committee management. In 1923 he was<br />
appointed to the office of the Ohio State architect in Columbus, where he remained until 1929. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
where he worked in the office of J.W. Thomas. He then went to Cincinnati to work with the Home Owners Loan<br />
Corporation. Upon returning to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in August 1935 he worked as an architectural inspector for the Federal Housing<br />
Authority. He died of a heart attack in the office of the Federal Housing Authority in the Bulkley Building.<br />
Briggs and Nelson<br />
Birth/Established: 1904 Death/Disolved: 1923<br />
Biography: Briggs and Nelson existed between 1904 and 1923. This principles were by Herbert Briggs and Harry S. Nelson. They<br />
purchased Frank S. Barnum's interest in the F.S. Barnum Company, changing its name to Briggs and Nelson. The firm<br />
designed several buildings for the Ohio Farmers Insurance Company in Le Roy (now Westfield), Ohio; several projects for<br />
the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad, and numerous YMCA's. The Western Reserve Historical Society has<br />
many of the firm's architectural drawings.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
A.A. Stearns Garage 1905 1697 E. 105th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
A.B. Stewart Residence nd 3035 Lincoln Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
A.L Boyden Garage 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
A.M. Ford Residence 1917 Geneva OH Demolished<br />
All Souls Universalist Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building for Dr. Wilbur<br />
Crowell<br />
1908 1809 Fulton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bethany Baptist Church 1920 334 17th Street Elyria OH Unknown<br />
Bijou Dream Theatre nd 410-2 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Britton Power Block 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brooks Company 1918 715 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Capt. R.E. Burdick Residence 1907 1945 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Central Patrol Barn 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Century Building 1914 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Potter Residence 1903 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Press Buidling 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Climax Buidling nd 1440 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Columbus Citizen Building 1910 Columbus OH Demolished<br />
Comey & Johnson 1913 1426 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1907 Ashtabula OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for A.A. Kalish 1923 2612 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Coyne Furniture alterations nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Cresswell Building 1922 3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Crockett and Diag 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cuyahoga Falls Library 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Diamond Glass Company alterations 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. A.L. Parsons Residence 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. and Mrs. G.C. Lathrop Residence nd Dover Center OH Unknown<br />
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Upson Residence 1908 10908 Magnolia <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.H. Wetzell Residence 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.T. Scovill Factory and Office 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
E.T. Scovill Residence 1911- 3 10528 Park Lane <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.W. Haines Residence 1907 1567 Mistletoe Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
E.W. Haines Residence nd 1567 Mistletoe <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Euclid Avenue Trust Building 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.V. Whiting Residence nd. Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
F.W. Whiting Residence 1907 11209 Clifton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fine Arts Building and Annex 1921 2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
First Baptist Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
First Presbyterian Parsonnage 1914 109 Mahoning Avenue Warren OH Demolished<br />
Frank McNeil Residence 1905 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Fred Schweitzer Store Building 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Geneva Commercial Association 1919 20 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Geneva Hospital 1917 Geneva OH Demolished<br />
Goodrich Farm Farmers Cottage, Girls<br />
Cottage, Stone House, Water and Pump<br />
House<br />
1913 Summit County OH Demolished<br />
Goodrich House 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Goodrich Settlement House 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.B. Perkins Estate nd Warren OH Unknown<br />
H.G. Rowe Bungalow 1911 Medina OH Demolished<br />
Hall – Vargorder Company nd 1382 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Hinckley School 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hiram School Gym 1906 2801 Orange <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hudson Youth Developement nd Hudson OH Unknown<br />
Imperial Hotel 1914 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Irving Metcalf Residence 1912 Oberlin OH Demolished<br />
J.E. McClure Residence 1908 Warren OH Demolished<br />
Knight Chemical Lavratory nd Akron OH Unknown<br />
KSU Normal School 1919 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
L S & Michigan Railway Laboratory 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L.W. Boyden Cottage 1920 Chippewa Lake OH Unknown<br />
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern<br />
Railroad Association<br />
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern<br />
Railroad Association<br />
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern<br />
Railroad Association<br />
Lake Shore and Michigan Southern<br />
Railroad Laboratory Buildings<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
nd Ashtabula OH Unknown<br />
nd Steubenville OH Unknown<br />
1906-7 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Le Roy Board of Education Auditorium 1915 Leroy OH Demolished<br />
Louis A. Moses Residence 1919 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Louis Moses 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Malcolm L. McBride Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Malcolm McBride Residence 1909 1583 Mistletoe Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
McClellan Tile Company 1917 3444 Hamilton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
McClymonds Residence 1909 8510 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Monroe School nd Monroe MI Unknown<br />
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Humphrey<br />
Residence<br />
1911 1592 Arthur <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. A.S. Parsons Residence 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. Jennie Poehl Residence 1912 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. L.W. Brown Residence 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. W.A. Jenkins Residence nd Ravenna OH Unknown<br />
Nickoldeon Theatre nd Oakland CA Unknown<br />
Nile Opera House 1915 90 State Street Niles OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran<br />
Young Peoples Society Hall<br />
Ohio Farmers Insurance Company<br />
Garage, House #1, House #3, House<br />
#4, Print shop and office<br />
Leonard Broida<br />
Birth/Established: Feb 26, 1901 Death/Disolved: October 1977<br />
1909 1433 W. 57th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1918 Leroy OH Unknown<br />
Otto Miller Residence 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Parsch Lumber Company 1916 Elyria OH Demolished<br />
Pentecostal Church of Christ 1918 10515 Chester Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Perkins Memorial 1923 Warren OH Unknown<br />
Railroad and <strong>City</strong> Mens Association nd Bellevue OH Unknown<br />
Rainbow Cottage 1905 South Euclid OH Demolished<br />
Riverside Cemetery Office Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
S.P. Fenn Garage alterations 1913 2061 E.89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S.S. Searles Residence 1, 2, 3 1916 Geneva OH Demolished<br />
S.S. Wilson Residence nd Willoughby OH Unknown<br />
Samuel C. Bailey Residence 1917 1567 Mistletoe <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Shaker Heights Grammar School (with<br />
Fox & Gale<br />
1912 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
St. John’s Church Rectory 1911-2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
T.C. Briggs Residence 1899 Sharon PA Unknown<br />
Thomas Howell Residence 1909 Bratenahl OH Demolished<br />
Universalist Church Parsonnage 1907 Bryan OH Demolished<br />
University of Akron Chem Lab (with<br />
F.S. Barnum)<br />
1908 Akron OH Demolished<br />
W.H. Albro Storefront nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
William Hilton Residence 1914 1486 Waterbury Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1905 617 East 185th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1906 -8 214 N. 4th Street Steubenville OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1910 Marion OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1910 Franklin PA Demolished<br />
YMCA 1911 Parkersburg WV Demolished<br />
YMCA 1918 Washington CH OH Demolished<br />
YMCA alterations 1910 Marietta OH Demolished<br />
YMCA Painesville, Ohio 1905 Painesville OH Unknown<br />
Biography: Broida was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He first appears as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories in 1932. In<br />
1959 his office was located at 1749 East 23rd Street. He designed numerous homes throughout <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights and<br />
Shaker Heights. He lived in Shaker Heights. He died in Sarasota, Florida.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1934 3626 Rawnsdale Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1936 3572 Ingleside Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1937 3164 Ludlow Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for 1937 3499 Edison Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Arthur Leiner 1940 3655 Grosvenor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for A.D. Banfield 1933 1036 Helmdale Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Abe Sukenik 1939 2190 Overlook Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Adelbert Pew 1936 3417 Woodbrige Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Alla Myers 1935 3419 Thorne Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Aug Ericson 1936 1000 Rushleigh Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Ben Spaeth 1939 3558 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Brookdale Building 1937 3651 Grosvenor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Brookdale Building 1938 3483 Northcliffe Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Brookdale Building<br />
Company<br />
1934 1068 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Bruno Dicasah 1935 3707 Blanche Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for C. Pfahal 1934 1021 Helmsdale Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Dr. Watson 1935 1035 Helmsdale Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Dr. William Sirak 1941 3061 North Park Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for E.F. Sitz 1941 3416 Superior Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Economy Building 1936 3589 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Edward Eckstein 1932 3394 Blanche Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Edward Olson 1936 1031 Oxford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Elop Burgesan 1935 3497 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Frank Pfeiffer 1934 1915 Compton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Fride Kitner 1937 3648 Harvey Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for G.L. Honegsfeld 1938 3664 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Meissner 1940 1088 Elbon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Meissner 1937 3407 Hartwood Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Meissner 1936 1055 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Meissner 1940 3558 Radcliffe Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Gerson Construction 1938 3535 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Harold Levine 1945 3689 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Harry Markowitz 1938 3608 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1936 3528 Severn Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1937 1060 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1937 1056 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1937 1052 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1937 990 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1937 986 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1936 982 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Henry Chadford 1936 978 Woodview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Homer and Ruth<br />
Sarmerhorn<br />
Residence for Homer and Ruth<br />
Sarmerhorn<br />
1935 1051 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1936 1051 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Hyman Allenick 1937 3645 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Ida Harris 1936 3488 Woodbrige Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for J.A. Widing 1937 859 Roanoke Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Joseph Kelman 1935 3513 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Karl Roth 1939 2716 Edgehill Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Louis Epstein 1934 3495 Blanche Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Louis Epstein 1936 1232 Yellowstone Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Louis Epstein 1936 1228 Yellowstone Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for M.A. Harris 1940 3521 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for M.A. Harris 1937 3577 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Marvin Jacobs 1935 3540 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Max Mikelman 1932 1932 Powell Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Max Relman 1935 3505 Bainbridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Olson & Johnson 1932 3607 Antisdale Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Olson & Johnson 1934 2603 Canterbury Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Olson & Johnson 1932 3598 Harvey Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for P.D. Banks 1936 3576 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Practical Builders 1940 3699 Bainbridge Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Practical Builders 1941 3548 Berkeley Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Philo R Brooke<br />
Birth/Established: July 3, 1877 Death/Disolved: July 14, 1954<br />
Biography: Philo R. Brooke was born in Fairfield County, Ohio. He is listed as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1925 to<br />
1939. He was a partner in the architectural firm of Brooke and Burrows from 1925 to 1927. In 1942 he was living in<br />
Alexandria, Virginia and was employed by the War Department. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington,<br />
Virginia.<br />
Brooke and Burrows<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Rose Rein 1937 3619 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.G. Heath 1931 1008 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.G. Heath 1935 1052 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.G. Heath 1933 1060 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Sam Felman 1939 3504 Severn Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Aron 1940 14811 Superior Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1936 3526 Cummings Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1936 3534 Cummings Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1937 3538 Cummings Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1939 3494 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1937 3565 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1936 3571 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1935 3543 Washington Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1934 3547 Washington Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Samuel Feiner 1936 3633 Washington Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Sidney Aehman 1938 3500 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Sidney Zehman 1939 3497 Bendemeer Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Sidney Zehman 1937 3594 Shannon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Sol Burstein 1936 3530 Cummings Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Superior Home Builders 1932 3589 Grosvenor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Superior Home Builders 1932 3602 Grosvenor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Superior Home Builders 1937 3602 Grosvenor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Superior Home Builders 1932 3610 Harvey Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for the Akel Building<br />
Company<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1925 Death/Disolved: 1926<br />
1937 3971 Navahoe Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Theodore Swanson 1939 1420 Blackmore Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Theodore Swanson 1938 16923 Glynn Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Thomas Hazel 1935 1028 Pennfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 Parma Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1929 1924 Seneca Road Euclid OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1924 19020 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Biography: This architectural firm existed in 1925 and 1926. It was formed by Philo S. Brooke and George S. Burrows.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1927 Euclid OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1925 18431 Lynton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Harold Burdick<br />
Birth/Established: October 5, 1895 Death/Disolved: 1947<br />
Biography: Harold Burdick worked for the firm of Hubbell & Benes. He was listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1924 until his<br />
death in 1947. He was the architect of several houses in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights and Shaker Heights. He lived at 2424 Stratford<br />
Road in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights.<br />
George H Burrows<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1927 3520 Lynnfield Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1926 3560 Avalon Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 3592 Normandy Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1926 2896 Claremont Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1923 19909 Marchmont Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Clifford Dangler Residence c 1927 2942 Fontenay Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
David Teachout Residence c1925 2889 North Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
John P. Cochran Residence 1924 2978 Courtland Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
John Wilson Residence 1928 19601 Shelburne Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2942 Fontenay <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2949 Manchester Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 19200 Shaker Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 18420 Shelburne Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 19000 South Woodland Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 19701 Shelburne Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 19615 Shelburne Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2710 Chesterton Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2676 Eaton Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 22449 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Sheldon Kline Residence 1927 19600 Shelburne Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: April 25, 1893 Death/Disolved: August 10, 1970<br />
Biography: George H. Burrows was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> after 1924. He was a partner in the firm of Brooke & Burrows in 1925 and<br />
1926, He graduated from the University of Michigan School of Architecture in 1920 and started an architectural practice<br />
in 1922. He belonged to the University Club, the American Institute of Architects, and the Ohio Society of Architects. He<br />
designed nearly one-thousand homes in Shaker Heights, <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights, and other eastern suburbs. He designed a<br />
number of apartment buildings in the Shaker Square neighborhood and along Van Aken Boulevard.<br />
See also Brooke & Burrows<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2861 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2877 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2895 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2911 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2931 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1943 2941 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1935 6808-14 Chagrin Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
G.H. McIntyre Residence 1941 1350 Inglewood <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
James W. Corey Residence 1930 22276 Parnell Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Paul Tresler Cahill<br />
Birth/Established: March 8, 1888 Death/Disolved: October 28, 1954<br />
Biography: Paul T. Cahill took over the architectural practice of Fountain and Moratz. He was born in Tennessee. His work included<br />
churches, schools, hospitals and libraries. He was a graduate of the Dayton School of Art and received a Bachelor of<br />
Science degree from Hiram College. For two years he was an instructor in mechanical and architectural drawing at the<br />
Stivers Manual Training High School in Dayton. He later went to Cornell College. He received early training in the offices<br />
of Schenk and Williams and Albert Pretzinger in Dayton. From 1921 until 1935 he was member of the firm of Fulton,<br />
Taylor and Cahill. He later moved to Fort Worth, Texas.<br />
Walter G Caldwell<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence nd 20926 Brantley Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2746 Claythorne Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 21031 Syndenham Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 3661 Traver Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 3329 Clayton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 16810 Kenyon Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 3255 Dorchester Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 18701 Newell Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Shaker Garden Apartments 1945 3058 Livingston Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Theodore L. Bailey Residence 1928 3255 Dorchester Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
See also Fulton, Taylor & Cahill<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Central Christian Church 1913 Warren OH Standing<br />
Centralized School 1913 Mantua OH Standing<br />
Christian Church nd East Liberty OH Unknown<br />
Christian Church nd McConnelsville OH Unknown<br />
Church of Christ 1917 Middletown OH Unknown<br />
Church of the Disciples Union nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Fifteen residences 1917 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
First Presbyterian Church nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
First Reformed Church addition 1917 New Philadelphia OH Unknown<br />
Hiram School 1913 Hiram OH Unknown<br />
Hospital nd Fort Madison OH Unknown<br />
Lakewood Hospital 1914 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Dr. Neff 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Dr.R.D. Clippinger nd East Liberty OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Julia Pagenstecher nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for O.V. Cahill 1917 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
School 1917 North Fairfield (Huron County) OH Unknown<br />
St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church nd Dayton OH Unknown<br />
Stores and apartments for Weader and<br />
Benfer<br />
Birth/Established: May 1, 1891 Death/Disolved: August 9, 1971<br />
nd Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Biography: Walter G. Caldwell was a Michigan-born architect who was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1917 until his death. He lived at 1347<br />
Hall Avenue in Lakewood and had an office in the Engineers Building.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
36 of 210
James Love Cameron<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Custodian Loan Company 1924 15619 Waterloo Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dance Hall for the Aeroplane<br />
Amusement Company<br />
Birth/Established: January 30, 1881 Death/Disolved: October 26, 1963<br />
1917 Rocky River OH Unknown<br />
Double residence for E. B. Caldwell 1917 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
East View Church 1927 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Grace Congregational Church 1917 6501 Colgate Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hotel 1917 Berea OH Unknown<br />
Pearl Road Methodist Church 1927 4198 Pearl Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 285 Hall Avenue Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1918 15043 Hilliard Road Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Residence fir Wel - Bilt Homes 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Clemenet Wiemeis 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for George A. Jones 1918 Lakewood OH Unkown<br />
Residence for George A. Jones 1918 Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for Jerome Pasch 1928 1405 Yellowstone <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for R.H. Smith 1917 Kent OH Unknown<br />
Residence for S.T. Soros 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Wel - Bilt Homes 1917 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Riverside Pythian Temple 1929 2411 Forestdale Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Two family house 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Woodhill Building Company 1918 3030 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: James L. Cameron was born in Augusta, Carroll County, Ohio. He graduated from Malvern High School and Ohio State<br />
University. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1905 and entered into architectural practice. In 1907 he had a partnership with<br />
William S. Ferguson that lasted one year. He was employed as an instructor for the Case School of Science in 1918. He<br />
was one of the organizers of the Murray Hill Building Company and was the director of the Buckeye Building Company.<br />
He specialized in the design of apartment buildings. He lived at 10326 Ashbury Avenue from the 1920?s until his death in<br />
1963. His office was in the Schofield Building. He was on the 1940 list of registered architects.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building for B.Van Meter 1911 592 East 110th Street c <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for Charles Boyer 1914 1576 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment for Salvatore Cardinale 1914 2406 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Associated Savings and Loan 1927 3496 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bowling Alley addition for Wm Harter 1917 6808 Woodland Ave <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cermak Building 1909 3503 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Comercial building A.p. Herr 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
M. Wiedler<br />
Commercial building for Solomon<br />
Seifer<br />
1917 12530-2 Buckeye Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1913 10038 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial/ residential building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial/residential building 1912 7003-5 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial/residential Building 1917 12901 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double residence for Miss Midnight 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Harley E. Abbey Residence 1920 17903 Rosecliff Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Kola Building 1927 633 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lakewood Hospital 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lemko Hall 1910 2335 West 11th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
37 of 210
William J Carter<br />
Birth/Established: 1870 Death/Disolved: 1948<br />
Biography: William J. Carter was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was a descendent of Lorenzo Carter, the first permanent <strong>Cleveland</strong> settler. He<br />
graduated from Case School of Applied Science in 1891. He was a civil engineer with the Pennsylvania Railroad, west of<br />
Pittsburgh, from 1891 to 1892. He then worked for F.C. Osborn, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Electric Illuminating Company, Brown<br />
Hoisting Company, Osborn Engineering, and <strong>Cleveland</strong> Electric Railway. He was appointed the U.S. Government<br />
Quartermaster's Department Superintendant of Construction in Portland, Maine. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> and was<br />
appointed <strong>City</strong> Engineer. He served as the President of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Engineering Society from 1920 to 1921.<br />
Edson A Cass<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Motion picture theatre for John Profant 1915 11507 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Polish National Church of the Sacred<br />
Heart of Jesus<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: April 10, 1912<br />
1917 2810 West 14th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Remodeled A.S. Gilman Printing plant 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1918 2684 Leighton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Francisco Mandello 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for G.C. Hanen 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Joseph Laronge 1909 10714 Drexel Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Michael Lukak 1917 10014 Hilgert Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. May Smith 1911 10115 North Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for S. Tentmiler 1915 244 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residential Building 1924 11623 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Six-suite apartment building 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union Congregational Church 1913 3158 East 94th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1923 2932 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1923 2910 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Foundry Addition 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Glenville Masonic Temple 1922 10609 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lorain Avenue Savings Bank - 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Miles Park Masonic Temple 1917 8910 Miles Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Salt Storage, packing 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Edson A. Cass was born in Littleton, New Hampshire. He was a member of the county building commission. He entered<br />
the contracting business as a young man. His father Moses Cass was a carpenter. He became a member of the contracting<br />
firm of Cass & Stevens. He purchased large tracts of land on the East Side and laid out many streets and built many homes.<br />
He died in a cab on a visit to Washington, D.C. He lived in Parkside Dwelling at the time of his death.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Louis H. Winch Residence 1900 9907 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Parkside Dwelling 1907 2040 Stearns Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1891 1865 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1891 1760 East 68th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Edson Cass 1889 1837 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Edson Cass 1890 1768 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Edson Cass 1890 6616 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Edson Cass 1890 1772 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
38 of 210
Century Architectural Company<br />
Birth/Established: 1897 Death/Disolved: 1903<br />
Biography: Century Architectural Company was listed as an architectural firm in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1897 until 1903. The<br />
company published a catalogue of house designs. Edward Schellentrager (1870 -1955) was the President and General<br />
Manager. He later became the President of the Savings and Sensible Architectural Bureau.<br />
Thomas Cerny<br />
See Ernest J. Schellentrager<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: January 3, 1887 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Thomas Cerny was a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect in the early 20th century. He had a strong clientele in the Polish and Czech<br />
communities. He designed several houses in the Broadway and Fleet neighborhoods. He lived at 3905 E. 55th Street.<br />
Oliver N Chamberlin<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Widlar Building 1902 724 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Dr. W.L. Rayl 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.B. Cowle Residence 1899 4101 - 3 Clinton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1901 1205 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence nd 906 E. 150th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for A.S. Miller 1901 Massillon OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1940 West 77th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 7715 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1350 West 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1327 West 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1294 West 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour nd 1318 West 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 3008 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1942 West 77th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1856 West 50th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1856 West 50th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1940 Weast 44th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Belden Seymour 1898 1942 West 44th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for D.P. Black 1901 Freeport PA Unknown<br />
Residence for Edmund Hitchings 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Jesse Pitts 1901 Pittsburgh PA Unknown<br />
Richard Carpenter Residence 1899 1519 Kenilworth <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Adam Pokropski 1918 11504 Dove Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for August Janka 1912 3971 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for F. Orenski 1918 6910 Indiana Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Frank Kempkowski 1918 3968 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Stanislaw Osecki 1918 6907 Indiana Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Wadislaw 1918 6828 Indiana Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Z. Kowalewski 1918 3915 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
39 of 210
Birth/Established: October 10, 1882 Death/Disolved: December 26, 1954<br />
Biography: Oliver N. Chamberlin was born in Portsmouth, Ohio and was educated in Portsmouth schools. He had ten years of practical<br />
construction work and two years of general contracting experience. He was employed in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> office of Graham,<br />
Anderson, Probst and White when he registered for the draft during World War I. He was a member of the Lakewood<br />
Chamber of Commerce.<br />
Emilius R Chapman<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1870 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Emilius R. Chapman worked in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> and Canton areas. He opened an architectural practice with his brother<br />
Ernest in the Caxton Building in 1906. The firm was known as Chapman and Chapman. They were later known as the<br />
Chapman Architectural Company. In the 1930 Census he lived in Akron and worked for a rubber company.<br />
Ernest K Chapman<br />
Birth/Established: 1870 Death/Disolved: 1936<br />
Biography: Ernest K. Chapman formed an architectural office with his brother Emilius Chapman. The firm that was known as<br />
Chapman and Chapman, later as the Chapman Architectural Company had offices in the Caxton Building. In the 1930<br />
Census he was living in Akron, working for a rubber company.<br />
Chapman and Chapman<br />
Birth/Established: 1906 Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography: Emilius R. Chapman, and Ernest K. Chapman worked in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> and Canton areas. They opened an office in the<br />
Caxton Building in 1906 and were known as the firm of Chapman and Chapman. They were later known as the Chapman<br />
Architectural Company.<br />
Nevins P Charlot<br />
C.M Mohring Residence 1931 18801 Oxford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial Building for Perry<br />
McCaskey<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1852 Death/Disolved: November 1, 1884<br />
1911 11607-9 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. S.C. Lind Residence 1925 11511 Harborview Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J.W. Willson Residence 1914 1836 West 104th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1914 1099 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Andrew Krause 1911 1144 West 99th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for C.W. Ramp 1912 1074 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for O.N. Chamberlin 1917 1922 Van Buren East <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH unknown<br />
Residences for O.N. Chamerlin 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH unknown<br />
IOOF Building 1907 Alliance OH Unknown<br />
Lakewood Church of Christ 1908 17513 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
West Madison Avenue Christian<br />
Church<br />
1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Nevins P. Charlot was born in Texas and was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect from 1878 until his death. Originally he was<br />
a member of the firm of Blackburn and Charlot. After that partnership ended he was in business for himself. He lived at<br />
1520 Clark Avenue and was elected to <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Council in 1883. He died of a heart attack at the age of 31.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
40 of 210
William R. Chestney<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: June 1866 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Chestney was born in Ohio of English-born parents. He was listed as a partner with Morris Gleichman then moved to Sault<br />
Ste. Marie, Michigan. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> and is listed in the 1900-2 city directories, living at 119 Arlington. He is<br />
not listed in city directories after that time.<br />
James W Chrisford<br />
A.S. Guich Residence 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
B. Harris Residence 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
B. McCue Residence 1883 Massillon OH Unknown<br />
Brooklyn Street Railway buildings,<br />
offices, waiting room, stables, car barns<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: February 4, 1929<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: James W. Chrisford was born in England, coming to the United States in 1884. He served in the Spanish American War<br />
with Battery A. He was a member of Lakewood Village Council from 1909 to 1911 and the director of public service for<br />
the city of Lakewood. He was a charter member of the Kiwanis of Lakewood and the masons.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Christian, Schwarzenburg and Gaede<br />
Birth/Established: 1910 Death/Disolved: present<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four family residence 1884 1431- 43 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G.B. Solders Residence 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.M. Brainard Residence 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
High School 1883 Warren OH Demolished<br />
J.K. Russel Residence 1883 Massillon OH Unknown<br />
M.J. Lawrence Residence 1882 4414 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Miller Block 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Shaw Academy 1883 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Glidden Varnish Company Addition 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lakewood Bakery Building 1925 11717 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Lakewood Masonic Temple 1916 15300 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Lakewood Methodist Church 1918 Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Lincoln Theater 1923 15408-15508 Madison Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Park Towers Apartment Building 1909 1415 West 112th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Peter's Episcopal Church 1928 18001 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Upson Block 1908 11606-12 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Warehouse for the W.G. Smith<br />
Company<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Christian, Schwarzenburg and Gaede was founded in 1913. The firm specialized in warehouse and industrial structures.<br />
The partners were Charles Christian (1884 - 1968), Louis Schwarzenburg (1888 - 1954), and Oscar Gaede (1885 - 1933).<br />
The business became Christian & Klopper in 1970. The name of the firm was recently changed in 2010 to Neville<br />
Architects.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Forrest Amos Coburn<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Atlas Brass Manufacturing Company 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Bamberger Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Crown Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for <strong>City</strong> Machine 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Federal Knitting Mill Addition 1915-7 2860-2894 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Federal Knitting Mills Company Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Grabler Manufacturing Building #9 1917 6585 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Heller Building 1916 2216 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hiram Rivittz Company nd 1614 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.L Goodman Furniture Addition 1924 8538 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.Weiskorf Warehouse 1913 1575 Merwin Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L.N. Gross Building 1917 1220 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lion Knitting Mills 1920 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Milk Plant for <strong>Cleveland</strong> Retail Grocers 1918 1827 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Monarch Brass 1918 1621 East 45th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Neal Storage 1928 3256 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Neal Storage 1925 9800 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Neal Storage addition 1918 7208 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Ohio Box Board Company 1910 1390 East 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Rayon Factory <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Richman Brothers Company 1916 1600 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Rose Iron Works 1949 1100 Old River Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Samsel Rope 1916 1235 Old River Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Standard Envelope 1929 1600 East 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Standard Oil Plant 1917 Cincinnati OH Unknown<br />
Warehouse and office building for C.H.<br />
Rivitz<br />
Birth/Established: April 27, 1848 Death/Disolved: 1897<br />
Biography: Forrest Amos Coburn was born in Lowell, Massachusetts. He moved to <strong>Cleveland</strong>'s West Side with his parents at the age<br />
of fourteen. He worked as a bookkeeper for the firm of Woods, Perry and Company lumber dealers after high school. He<br />
developed a talent for architecture while working for that firm. From 1868 to 1871 he worked for architect Joseph Ireland,<br />
then in the office of architect Walter Blythe. He then went to New York to complete his study of architecture where he<br />
worked in the office of Richard Morris Hunt. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1877 and went into partnership with Frank S.<br />
Barnum in 1878. They were a very successful firm; the vast majority of their work was residential. They were also the<br />
architects of several churches in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and surrounding communities, including a large number of Congregational<br />
Churches. These included the Euclid Avenue Congregational Church at 9606 Euclid Avenue (1887), the Franklin Avenue<br />
Congregational Church at 5720 Franklin Boulevard (1883), and the Olivet Baptist Church, as well as several buildings for<br />
Case Tech and Western Reserve University, and commercial buildings. He was secretary of the Civil Engineer's club and a<br />
member of the veteran's society of Troop A. His death was brought on by over work. He was sick the last four months of<br />
his life. At the time of his death he lived at 6016 Franklin.<br />
Coburn and Barnum<br />
Birth/Established: 1878 Death/Disolved: 1897<br />
1917 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Western Machine Products Addition 1918 7215 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Wolf Envelope Building 1917 1765 East 22nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
42 of 210
Biography: Coburn and Barnum was one of the most important architectural firms in late 19th century <strong>Cleveland</strong>. They designed over<br />
twenty houses along Euclid Avenue's Millionaires Row, several buildings for Case Institute of Technology, Western<br />
Reserve University, and Oberlin College, and large commercial buildings including the Blackstone Power Block. They<br />
designed several churches including the Euclid Avenue Congregational Chruch, the Franklin Avenue Congregational<br />
Church, the Olivet Baptist Church, and Trinity Baptist Church. Beyond <strong>Cleveland</strong> they had commissions in Oberlin,<br />
Delaware, and Ashland, Ohio, and Palm Beach, Florida. The office staff included Benjamin Hubbell, W. Dominck Benes,<br />
John Edelmann, Albert Skeel, Frank Hall, and Herbert Briggs. The firm would become Coburn, Barnum and Benes, when<br />
W. Dominick Benes was made parner in 1896, and became Coburn, Barnum, Benes, and Hubbell when Benjamin Hubbell<br />
became a partner in 1895. The firm dissolved when Forrest Coburn died in 1896. Several of the firm's architectural plans<br />
can be found at the Western Reserve Historical Society library.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
A.A. Wright Residence 1880 123 Forest Street Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Baptist Church 1894 11003 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bishop William Leonard Residence 1890 3054 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Block for George Evans 1893-4 6902-8 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bousfield Residence 1883 3804-6 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brick block for L.E. Holden on 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Business block on Huron Road for the<br />
Co-operative Building Co<br />
Business block on River Street for J.B.<br />
Perkins<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
C.M. Spitzer Residence 1879 2830 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
C.W. Bingham Residence 1894 Palm Beach FL Demolished<br />
Calvary Baptist Church 1894 -5 3550 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case Institute of Technology –<br />
Chemistry Laboratory<br />
Case Institute of Technology – Electrical<br />
LaboratoryWRU<br />
Case Institute of Technology –<br />
Mechanical Laboratory<br />
1892 2090 Adelbert Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1897 2104 Adelbert Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1891-2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Cesar Grasseli Residence 1882 2275 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles H. Benjamin Residence 1892 2093 Adelbert Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Church for <strong>Cleveland</strong> Baptist<br />
Missionary Society (First Swedish<br />
Baptist Church)<br />
Clevleand Medical College - Second<br />
Building<br />
1894 5701 White Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1892 717 - 21 Bolivar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for James Wood 1891 4431 Lorain Avenue (altered) <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for John Zabel 1891 - 2 2562-72 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for William<br />
Grosse<br />
1891 4744-50 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Congregational Church 1892 209 Center Street Ashland OH Standing<br />
Crittenden Building addition nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
CWRU - Guilford Cottage Addition 1894 11112 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
D.H. Beckwith Drug Store 1892-3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double House 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for George<br />
Warmington<br />
1880 4906 - 8 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Double residence for P.J. Donovan 1894 1822-4 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for S.D. Dodge 1888 1762-6 East 17th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for William Goodwin 1882 3702 - 8 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. Albert J. Cook Residence 1890 3290 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. Beckwith (Double) Residence 1883 2116-22 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. N. Schneider Residence 1881 3125 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.J. Blandin Residence 1880 2200 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
E.M. Stover Residence 1892-3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.W. Waller Residence 1895 250 South Prospect Ravenna OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
East Rockport School 1879 1456 Warren Road Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Edson Cass Residence 1893 -4 11459 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
eleven frame dwellings for Col. O.<br />
Payne<br />
1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Avenue Congregational Church 1887 9606 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Exchange Building 1890 1762 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.A. Wyman Residence 1881 5914 Longfellow <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory and Warehouse for H.B.<br />
Perkins<br />
1894 326 - 40 Frankfort Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Congregational Church 1883 4425 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Congregational Church 1893 4425 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Forest Coburn Residence 1888 6100 Franklin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Franklin Block 1888 1213 West 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frederick Sears Residence 1895 1941 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frontenac Apartments for W.G. Rose 1895 719 - 23 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Furniture Block 1882 1431 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Garfield Residence Library Addition - 1886 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George Christian Residence 1894-5 7341 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George H. Warmington Residence 1888 6603 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George McKay Residence 1881 1915 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George W. Howe Residence 1892-4 2248 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Greiner Block 1889 2600 - 14 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Guilford Cottage - CWRU 1892 11112 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Henry Becker Residence 1893 7211 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Henry Becker Residence 1894 7211 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry C. Hawkins Residence 1880 -1 1933 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry C. Studley Residence 1894 2159 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hermann Block 1889 2526 Market Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hiram Little Residence 1881 7615 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
House on Sibley Street for Frank<br />
Aldrich<br />
1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
House on Sibley Street for Frank Hall 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Immanuel Baptist Church 1894 1285 Parkwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.H. McBride Residence 1881 6111 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John and Martha Pankin Residence 1889 1443 West 85th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John and Martha Parkin Residence 1897 1443-5 West 85th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Roemer Residence 1892 1915-7 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joshua Gregg Residence 1893 9409 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Julius Lamprecht Residence 1892 1856 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
L.A. Hall Residence - 1880 730 Dunham Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lee McBride Residence 1881 6107 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Margaret Oerl Residence 1890 2443 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mary Perkins Lawton Office nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Merrell Block 1895 1904 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mizpah Bohemian Church 1892 3736 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
N.W. Cutter Residence 1880 -1 1946 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
North Presbyterian Church 1886-7 4001 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Oberlin College unk <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Office building for Henry C. Rouse 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Olivet Baptist Church 1894 5022 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Olney Gallery 1892 2241 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Otis Block nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
P.J. McMyler Residence 1893 18091 Detroit Avenue Lakewood Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Patrick Donovan Residence (double) 1893 1822-4 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Perkins Block 1894 326-340 Frankfort Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Prof. F.M. Comstock Residence 1893 2085 Cornell Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rawson Collins Residence 1880 -1 2183 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence Nd 2830 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for A.G. Harbaugh 1888 2022 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Buckland Bower 1890 2175 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Buckland Bower 1890 2167 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for David Griese 1893 1760 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Harriet Turreff 1897 1903 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Pankhurst 1888 3206-8 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John W. Heisley 1882 2411 Baldwin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. A.M. Buell 1888 1763 East 17th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for the Church of the<br />
Blessed Hospital<br />
Coburn, Barnum and Benes<br />
Birth/Established: 1895 Death/Disolved: 1896<br />
1888 3502 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Thomas Axworthy 1880 3806 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Thomas Axworthy 1880 3802 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Titus Ingraham 1891 6110 West Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Western Reserve<br />
University<br />
1892 11109 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
River Street Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S.T. Wellman Residence 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Samuel Burrows Residence 1895 2061 Cornell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sargent Block 1888 1708-10 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and office building for N.O. Stone 1889 314 - 8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and tenement for John Zabel 1892 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Sturges Hall 1883-4 Oberlin OH Demolished<br />
Tenement for J.H. Wigman 1888 2160 E.38th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Frontenac Apartments 1895 719-27 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Third Evangelical Reformed Church 1882 1567 East 36th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Thomas Larter Residence 1892 1898 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
three frame tenements for I.P. Lamson 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two dwellings on Case for C.B. Cobb 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two family residence for John Parkin 1896 4312 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.H. Little Residence 1880 Delaware OH Unknown<br />
W.J. Morgan Residence 1890 8615 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warren Opera House 1886 Warren OH Demolished<br />
Washington H. Lawrence Residence 1895 23200 Lake Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Western Reserve Medical School 1887 1355 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Western Reserve University - Guilford<br />
Cottage<br />
1891-2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William A. Leonard Residence 1890 3054 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William H. Brown Residence 1880 391 Scoville Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William H. Silverthorn Residence 1893 -4 1945 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Starkweather Residence 1893-4 17868 Lake Avenue Lakewood Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
William Wright Residence 1897 8612 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Willson Avenue Riding School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1894 8303 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Architect W. Dominic Benes joined Forrest Coburn and Frank Barnum as partners in this architectural firm in 1895.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Coburn, Barnum, Benes and Hubbell<br />
Birth/Established: 1896 Death/Disolved: 1897<br />
Biography: Architect Benjamin S. Hubbell joined Forrest Coburn, Frank Barnum, and W. Dominic Benes as partners in this<br />
architectural firm in 1896. The firm would dissolve after the death of Forrest Coburn in 1897. The firm would be renamed<br />
F. S. Barnum Company, W. Dominic Benes and Benjamin Hubbell would form the firm of Hubbell and Benes.<br />
Charles Cole<br />
Goodrich House 1896 602-18 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hollenden Hotel addition 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeling of block on Euclid Ave for<br />
W.B. Davis<br />
Residential alterations for H.W. White<br />
on<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: November 1849 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church 1895 15837 Euclid East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
YMCA Broadway Branch 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Watterson Residence 1897 8128 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Melius Collart Residence 1896 1448 West 81st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Remodeling of residence for Prof J.W.<br />
Langley<br />
Remodelling of residence for S. T.<br />
Wellman<br />
1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1896 8803 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Ben Patterson 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Thomas Episcopal Church 1896 214 East 2nd Street Port Clinton OH Standing<br />
Western Reserve Historical Society 1898 10702 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Charles Cole was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect from 1885 to 1909. In 1893 he formed a partnership with Ora Williams<br />
that lasted one year. He spent four years as a contractor. In 1901 he returned to the architectural profession opening an<br />
office in the Colonial Arcade.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Block for C.A. Cook 1894 -5 11636 Detroit <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles W. Stearns Stone Yard Office 1887 1681 Merwin Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1887 3417 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH altered<br />
Commercial Building for Aadam<br />
Metzger<br />
1895 3304 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. George Turrill Residence 1895 1697 East 115th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edward Leighton Residence 1886 1560 East 47th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H enry Hebebrand Residence 1893 1756 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John F. Dowie Residence 1888 1549 East 47th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mrs. W.E. Ransom Residence 1886 2372 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Alfred Symes 1898 1539 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charles C. Hills 1894 -5 1848 Page East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Dowie 1893 1563 East 47th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Dowie 1893 1565 East 47th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Richard Wills Residence 1892 2211 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William H. King Residence 1886 2382 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Charles C Colman<br />
Birth/Established: July 23, 1890 Death/Disolved: July 13, 1978<br />
Biography: Charles C. Colman was a graduate of the Cornell University - College of Architecture. He worked in the office of Olmsted<br />
Brothers in Brookline, Massachusetts and Abram Garfield. He opened the firm of Charles Colman in 1919. He was a<br />
veteran of World War I, advancing to the rank of Lieutenant. He worked at the Federal Housing Administration in from<br />
1935 until 1943.. His office was in the 1900 Euclid Building. He lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> at 13708 Ardoon Road, later moving<br />
to 1515 Kemper Road.<br />
Ora Coltman<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1860 Death/Disolved: 1940<br />
Biography: Ora Coltman was a well known <strong>Cleveland</strong> artist born in Shelby, Ohio who was also a draftsman and an attorney. He was a<br />
member of the A.S.L. of New York, and a member of the Water Color Society of <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He lived on Mayfield Road in<br />
Little Italy, where Coltman Road was named after him.<br />
Harry A Cone<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
William P. Johnson Residence 1893 1906 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Strangward Residence 1906 1045 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Herman Friedman Residence 1919 2866 Fairfax <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
J. Reder Residence 1923 2641 Dartmoor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
L.W. Flesheim Residencer 1919 2565 Norfolk Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Myer Weingarten Residence 1945 3621 Severn Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
R.C. Rudolph Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ramsdell Brothers 1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence nd 16220 Parkland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1927 3058 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 3140 Falmouth Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for William E. Coleman 1916 6721 Ottawa Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Sam L. Kloffer Residence 1934 3404 Blanche Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Sophie Landu Residence 1945 3661 Severn Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
SW Flesheim Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Telling Belle Vernon Store nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Unknown 1959 - 60 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Library - Jefferson<br />
Branch<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Library - Superior<br />
Branch<br />
Birth/Established: February 12, 1880 Death/Disolved: February 7, 1971<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1919 1347 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Harry A. Cone was listed as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1905 to 1922. He developed a large Jewish<br />
clientele and was the architect of B' Nai Jeshurun Temple (now Shiloh Baptist Church), Mt. Sinai Hospital on East 37th<br />
Street, the Synagogue at Woodland and Kennard, and Sherrah Terrah Synagogue in Canton. He also designed a number of<br />
homes and commercial buildings. After 1922 he became Vice President of the Representative Construction Company. He<br />
also designed numerous residential, commercial and industrial buildings. He retired to Miami Beach, Florida in 1943<br />
where he died in 1971.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building for Robert Mac<br />
Taggart<br />
1910 6110 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartments for N. Halada 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
B' Nai Jeshurum 1912 13000 Penobscot <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
B.F. Klein Residence 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Boiler House addition for <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
and Sandusky Brewery<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building 1917 5822 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1916-8 2600 Carroll Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Dr. E.<br />
Womacka<br />
1909 4206-8 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for Joseph Halada 1906 3401 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Max<br />
Wasserman<br />
Commercial building for store and<br />
bowling alley<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1915 8510 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
David Haber Residence 1906 10404 South Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
E.E. Allyne Residence 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edward and Lilian Humel Reisdence 1908 16905 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Edward W. Klein Residence 1906 10308 South Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Factory for Bronze Gear and Castings 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fred Martin Residence 1908 1420 Ansel Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Glenber Brass Manufacturing Company 1914 5097 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Henry J. Mandlebaum Residence 1906 10210 Westchester <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
I. Flesheim Residence 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jewish Orphan Infant Home 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Schuster Residence 1907 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Joseph Gross Residence 1906 10321 Westchester <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Joseph Norton Residence 1908 13215 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Kneseth Kneseth Israel Synagogue 1908 2555 East 46th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L.N. Gross Residence 1906 1850 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Market House 1918 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mt. Sinai Hospital 1907 2371 East 37th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pearl Amusement Co Roller Rink<br />
(Aragon Ballroom)<br />
1905 3179 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1910 1061 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1913 1065 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1922 1077 East 98th Street NRHP <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17725 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17801 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17802 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17805 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17806 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17809 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17810 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17813 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17814 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17817 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17821 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17822 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17900 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17901 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17904 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Theo Conner<br />
Birth/Established: 1882 Death/Disolved: 1942<br />
Biography: Theo Conner was born in Ireland and raised in Ontario. He was active in the architectural profession beginning in 1904.<br />
Charles Schweinfurth employed him where he was a designer of Trinity Cathedral. He later established his own office and<br />
is listed in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1908 until 1939 as an architect. He was an enthusiastic hockey fan, who<br />
had some responsibility for bringing professional hockey to <strong>Cleveland</strong>, with a team in the International League.<br />
Copper & Conrad<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography:<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1922 17905 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17908 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 17909 Ingleside <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence and garage for for I.<br />
Lefkevitz<br />
1917 Canton OH Demolished<br />
Residence and garage for Max Rudner 1917 Canton OH Demolished<br />
Residence for C. Rim 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mae B. Lewis 1908 1604 Hazel Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Morris Treuhaft 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Ralph Hecker 1908 2096 Abington Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sherra Terah Synagogue 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Shiloh Baptist Church (built as B’Nai<br />
Jeshurun Temple)<br />
1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Wendelin Parochial School 1905 2285 Columbus Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Terrace for M. Weinberger 1908 10 suites <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for Sol Moses 1906 1842-8 East 73rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Theatre 1911 7636-50 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Two family residence for J.H. Dubsky 1915 3134 West 52nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Utopian Club 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse for S.P. Heller 1914 2059 Hamilton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building 1914 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1917 7700 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Charles, John<br />
and Oscar Lay<br />
Bethany Baptist Church (Lion<br />
Evangelical Church)<br />
1912 - 3 1357 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
1914 1209 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Del Prado Apartment Building Addition 1916 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hotel Belmont <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hotel Carter <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Clark's Yorktown Remodeling 1939 11702 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood Ohio Standing<br />
John Henning Anderson Residence 1937 18127 West Clifton Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Lakewood Hospital Addition 1938 14519 Detroit Avenue Lakewood Ohio Standing<br />
Ohio Bell 1938 Ravenna OH unknown<br />
Ohio Bell 1937 Kent OH unknown<br />
Ohio Bell 1938 Salem Ohio unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Munroe Walker W Copper Jr.<br />
Birth/Established: 1898 Death/Disolved: 1985<br />
Biography: Monroe W. Copper Jr. was born in Philadelphia and was a 1918 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of<br />
Architecture. He left school for the navy and served in the Atlantic during World War I. He later became a member of the<br />
Naval Reserve returning to active service during World War II. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1920 to work for Walker and<br />
Weeks where he worked on plans for the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Library and the Federal Reserve Bank. He also worked for<br />
architects Howell & Thomas. In 1924 he opened a practice with Donald O. Dunn, which lasted until Dunn's death in 1932.<br />
He specialized in elegant traditional residences in the Georgian and French style. He designed over 2,000 homes, 59<br />
churches, 11 restaurants, and nine commercial buildings. He was a member of the firm of Copper and Conrad from 1934 to<br />
1940. He was a member of the firm of Copper, Wade & Peck in 1945, later Copper & Wade and finally Copper, Wade,<br />
Copper & Rhaynes.<br />
Copper, & Wade<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Bertram Rothwell Residence 1923 15020 Shore Acres <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bolton Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Bonnie Bell Headquarters Nd Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Brantley Road opposite University<br />
School<br />
1927 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Christ Episcopal Church nd Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Clark's Shakertown nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Edward Wiebenson Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Firestone Residence nd Akron OH Unknown<br />
G.T. Ogden Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Hoover Residence Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
John Anderson Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
John Keine Residence 1941 1300 Inglewood <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mayfield Methodist Church 1947 Mayfield OH Standing<br />
Monroe Copper Residence 1932 Gates Mills OH Standing<br />
Mrs. A. Squire Ogden Residence 1924 15019 Shore Acres <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Oglebay Residence Nd Wheeling, WV WV Unknown<br />
Pebble Brook Farm for Griefe Raible 1949 9760 Mayfield Road Chesterland OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2708 Inverness <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2867 Montgomery <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 1306 Brantley <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2711 Cranlyn <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 20030 McCauley <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2724 Claythorne <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 18927 Shelburne <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 20700 Brantley <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 2741 Sherbrooke <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 21006 Brantley <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1924 18414 Lynton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1926 18009 Fenway Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 3046 Woodbury Road Shaker Heights O Standing<br />
Residence 1924 3046 Woodbury Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Stiles Curtis Smith Residence 1925 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Biography: Architectural firm that included Munroe Copper and Robert Verne Wade. Their offices were at 10528 Wilbur in the<br />
University Circle area.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Copper, & Wade<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography: Architectural firm that included Munroe Copper and Robert Verne Wade.<br />
Copper, Wade & Peck<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography: Architectural firm that included Munroe Copper, Jr, Robert Verne Wade and Russell Ralph Peck.<br />
Copper, Wade, & Copper<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography:<br />
Copper, Wade, Copper & Raynes<br />
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography:<br />
St. Martin's Episcopal Church 1955 6295 Chagrin River Road Bentleyville Ohio Standing<br />
Storer Broadcasting Company 1955 1630 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Demolished<br />
Westlake Methodist Church 1955 27650 Center Ridge Road Westlake Ohio Standing<br />
John William Cresswell Corbusier<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Mayfield Methodist Church 1946 Mayfield OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: October 31, 1877 Death/Disolved: 1928<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: John William Cresswell Corbusier was a native of Rochester, New York and a graduate of the Mechanics Institute who<br />
gained practical experience in Buffalo, New York and New York <strong>City</strong>, where he worked in the office of Cass Gilbert. He<br />
became the lead draftsman in the office of H.V.B. Magonigle who won the competition for the McKinley Memorial in<br />
Canton. While in this office he won the gold metal of the New York architectural league. He married the daughter of H.F.<br />
Lyman of the Upson - Walton Company. He spent two years in Paris after his marriage, where he continued his study of<br />
the gothic cathedral. Upon his return to the United States he settled in <strong>Cleveland</strong>, associating with Ralph Adams Cram in<br />
erecting the Church of the Covenant, and with Henry Vaughn on the Flora Stone Mather Chapel of Adelbert College. He<br />
later went into partnerships with George S. Page and then with William E. Foster. He was a noted church architect. He<br />
moved to Hudson in 1911 where he was instrumental in early historic preservation efforts, designing several structures that<br />
fit into the character of the early Western Reserve architecture of the town. He was an accomplished singer and was in<br />
charge of music at the First Congregational Church in Hudson. Corbusier died of a heart attack while dancing at the<br />
Hudson Club at the age of forty-nine. According to his obituary he also designed several unidentified churches in St. Louis,<br />
Pittsburgh, Orlando, FL, Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, Toledo, and Massillon.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Bert W Corning<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Church of the Good Shepherd Parish<br />
House<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: May 6, 1919<br />
1917 1100 Stockton Street Jacksonville FL Standing<br />
Church of the Good Shepherd Sanctuary 1928 1100 Stockton Street Jacksonville FL Standing<br />
Church of the Good Shepherd<br />
Worsham Hall<br />
1920-1 1100 Stockton Street Jacksonville FL Standing<br />
Church of the Savoir 1926-8 2531 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Ellsworth Hall Western Reserve<br />
Academy<br />
1922 178 College Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Evangelical Church of the Holy Trinity 1913-4 50 North Prospect Akron, Ohio OH Standing<br />
First Presbyterian Church of the<br />
Covenant<br />
1929 250 West 7th Street Erie PA Standing<br />
First Congregational Church Addition 1919 47 Aurora Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Grace Lutheran Church 1924 Washington DC Standing<br />
Grace Lutheran Church 1927 13001 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Greater Friendship Baptist Church 1926 12305 Arlington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J.W.C. Corbusier Residence c 1911 226 College Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Lakewood Baptist Church 1917 14721 Detroit Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church - 1925 12800 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Oviatt Street School c 1920 34 Oviatt Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Residence - 17050 South Park c 1912 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Salmon Halle Residence 1928-9 2701 Park Drive Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Seymour Hall 1913 115 College Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Springfield Presbyterian Church 1922-3 207 West 6th Street Jacksonville FL Standing<br />
St. John's Evangelical Church 1926-7 Oak Harbor OH Standing<br />
St. John's Lutheran Church 1927 Zanesville OH Standing<br />
St. Paul Lutheran Church 1926 - 7 127 Cherry Road NE Massillon OH Standing<br />
Trinity Lutheran Church 1922 16400 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Biography: Burt W. Corning was born in Mecosta County, Michigan of Irish lineage. He went to the country schools to the age of<br />
fifteen and began teaching in the district schools. He entered into an apprenticeship to the builder's trade. In 1891 he went<br />
into business as a contractor and builder in Grand Rapids, Michigan. In 1899 he became a practicing architect, opening an<br />
office in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was the first man to introduce the private porch to apartment buildings in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was the<br />
director of the Niagara Realty Company. His office was located at East 105th Street and Superior Avenue.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment building 1909 1981 Ford Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1913 1351 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1913 1365 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1913 1377 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1917 2707 Lancashire <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for Dorr Wolcott 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for E. Scharpsteen 1914 1934 E. 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Apartment Building for F.J. Cronk 1908 10317 Kempton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for James Burr 1911 6202 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for James Burr 1911 6202 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment building for McQuigg 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for William<br />
Schmehl<br />
1904 1885-7 E. 90th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment house for J.B. Freeman 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Frank Ubersox<br />
Corning, Florence and Corning<br />
Birth/Established: 1916 Death/Disolved: 1917<br />
1910 9801-9 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1917 12321 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for Dr. W.C.<br />
Webber<br />
Commercial Building for George<br />
Brown<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1914 10622 Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Residential Building 1911 11221-3 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial residential building for<br />
G.E. Milligan<br />
Commercial residential building for<br />
J.C. McClure<br />
1908 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Crawford Tilden Apartment Building 1908 1831 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dorn School of Expression and<br />
Dramatic Art<br />
1913 7306 Detroit <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. O.A. Palmer Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. O.A. Palmers Hospital nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ella Ramsdell Residence 1906 1279 E.105th Street, <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four story apartment for Jesse Nichols,<br />
Jr<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four suite terrace 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four suite terrace for F.J. Land 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Glenola Apartments nd 1832 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
N.C. Colgan Residence 1904 1336 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Neil Colgan Residence 1904 1336 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Poinciana Apartment Building 1910 1875 Belmore East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Republic Apartment Building nd 1886 East 101st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1912 9106-8 Parkgate <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Charles Grip 1906 10220 Parkgate Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Charles Gripe 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Emma Reeves 1905 10619 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. E. Staiger 1904 1329 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence on 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1905 2801-9 Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Terrace 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for A.E. Dudley 1906 11420 Fairchild <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for Casper Aul 1905 10507-17 Lee <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for J.Brown 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for J.H. Paine 1905 1953 East 73rd near Hough <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for J.W. McClure 1905 2159-66 E.87th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for W.M. Duncan 1905 7604-16 Linwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace on for Mrs. Salter 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wiedeman Residence 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wolcott Apartments nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: This was an architectural firm that included Burt Corning, Vance Florence, and Verne Corning, son of Burt. The firm was<br />
in existence in 1916 and 1917.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Two suite apartment 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Warehouse 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Robert Crabb<br />
Birth/Established: 1848 Death/Disolved: July 6, 1916<br />
Biography: The English - born Robert Crabb was listed as a carpenter contractor in the 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory and as an<br />
architect in city directories from 1906 until his death in 1916.<br />
Charles Frank Cramer<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment for James Leighton 1899 3197-3203 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment house 1898 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brighton Flats 1901 3269 West 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brighton Flats for Miller & Forbes 1901 3269 West 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> & Sandusky Brewing<br />
Company<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
George Matchett<br />
Commercial / residential building for<br />
James Leighton<br />
Birth/Established: 1863 Death/Disolved: after 1930<br />
Biography: C. Frank Cramer was a native of Racine, Wisconsin and was raised and educated there. In 1882 he was a draughtsman in<br />
the office of Joseph Blackburn and in 1886 formed a partnership with Godfrey Fugman that lasted until 1897. A booklet on<br />
the works of Cramer and Fugman was published. He left the architectural firm in 1898 for duty in the U.S. Army during<br />
the Spanish American War. In 1900 he was the Superintendent of Construction of United States Public Buildings. In 1930<br />
he was living in Lorain with his daughter Grace Smith.<br />
Cramer and Fugman<br />
Birth/Established: 1886 Death/Disolved: 1897<br />
1910 2705 Carroll Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1898 - 9 8501 - 3 Quincy Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 7023-9 Central <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial building 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1912 1016-24 Main Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for Koblitz Bros. 1902 1265-9 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Residential Building for<br />
George Matchett<br />
1898 9702 - 6 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry H. Platt Residence 1901 1894 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment building for Lillian<br />
Rost<br />
1906-7 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
three story apartment 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Cramer and Fugman were in existence between 1886 and 1897. The principles of the firm were Charles Frank Cramer and<br />
Godfrey Fugman. The firm's work was highlighted in a publication Greater <strong>Cleveland</strong> Architecture, that included many<br />
commercial buildings and residences.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Addition to Commerical - Residential<br />
Building for Philip Kraft<br />
1895 1835-41 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Adella Apartments 1895 450-62 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barn for Baehr Brewery 1892-3 1541 West 27th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bell Block 1892 1763 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bender Block 1890 2528-36 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Business block for I. Bruno $10,000 1893 828 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C. Frank Cramer Residence 1894 - 5 2247 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Central Patrol Station #1 1894 418-20 Champlain <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Voth Residence 1891 1882 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Crematory Building 1893 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Station #16 1888 7911 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Columbia Building 1890 5601 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Charles Heiser<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Christ Malt<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Christ Malt<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
George Meinel<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
John Meinel<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Maz Greenhut<br />
1891 4825 - 31 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1890 7400 - 06 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1896 7402 - 4 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1889 5361 - 5 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1889 5361 - 3 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1896 4601 - 3 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1895 1738 Columbus Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial building for A.H. May 3<br />
story brick 40 x 87<br />
1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for H. Machke 1888 3700-2 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Henry Claus 1894 4124-30 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for Walker &<br />
Rogge<br />
Commercial building for Wm Tinker<br />
40 x 80 $5800<br />
Commerical - Residential Building for<br />
Philip Kraft<br />
<strong>Commission</strong> House for Messers. Levy<br />
& Stearn<br />
1888 3622 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 1835 - 41 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1891 200-40 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double frame dwelling for Mrs. Rier 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Charles Saeltzer 1891 2078 - 80 West 21st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. John Lueke Residence 1894 1780 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Town Hall 1894 21050 North Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Baptist Church 1888 - 4516 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frederick Scheuermann Residence 1889 2139 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Faulhaber Residence 1889 3022 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Oswald Residence 1888 3212 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
German Publishing House 1889 2969-73 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing altered<br />
Godfrey Fugman Residence 1895-6 2257 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Haffner Block 1890 4419-21 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hannah Apartment Building for Hanna<br />
Block Estate<br />
1896 1122 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.O. Greene Carriage Company 1895 1212 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John H. Lowrie Residence 1890 6212 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Kuschmann Residence 1889 6610 Kinsman <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Meyer Residence 1890 3230 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John S. Hill Residence "The Eyrie" 1894 399 Bratenahl Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L.W. Heimseth Residence 1888 2639 East 51st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Leisy Family Mausoleum 1892-3 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Loew Block 1891 2142 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mechanics Bank Building Hall 1890 5501-5603 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Memorial Hall Baldwin College 1896 50 Seminary Street Berea OH Standing<br />
Mrs. Baehr Residence 1890 8309-11 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
National Saengerfest Hall 1893 2466 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Nazarene Baptist Church 1894 8415 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Produce Exchange Bank Building 1889 521 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pythian Temple 1895-6 911-9 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeling of Levy and Stearn<br />
Building<br />
1895 246-8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Christian Diemer 1888 2729 East 51st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Hector 1888 2539-45 West 7th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Frank Cudell<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for J.H. Lowrie 1891 6212 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residences for Sylvester Miller 1890 1947 - 9 East 73rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Savarin Building 1891 2012-6 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Savarin Building 1891 2012 - 6 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sommer Block 1890 2104 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John's Hospital 1891-2 7911 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Luke's Episcopal Church 1897 348 Robbins Avenue Niles OH Standing<br />
St. Paul's United Evangelical Church<br />
Rectory<br />
Standard Sewing Machine Company<br />
Office Building<br />
Birth/Established: 1844 Death/Disolved: 1916<br />
Biography: Frank Cudell was born in Aix la Chapelle, Germany. He studied architecture there and left Germany in 1866, initially<br />
settling in New York, working in the office of architect Leopold Eidlitz. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1867 where he worked in<br />
the offices of local architects. In 1871 he opened his own office, soon forming a partnership with J.N. Richardson under the<br />
name of Cudell & Richardson. He was naturalized as an American citizen on June 22, 1871. In 1878 he invented a sewer<br />
gas trap. In 1890, because of his health, he turned his interest in the business over to Richardson. He remained active in<br />
civic affairs, presenting an alternative to the Group Plan. In 1902 he proposed building a city hall on Public Square. He<br />
filed a lawsuit against the <strong>City</strong> regarding the selection of J. Milton Dyer as the architect for <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Hall. He<br />
bequeathed his entire estate to the <strong>City</strong>, after the death of his widow in 1937, including his home that has become Cudell<br />
Recreation Center, two apartment buildings on West Boulevard, and shares of <strong>Cleveland</strong> Railway stock. The Cudell clock<br />
tower was erected as a memorial to him in 1917.<br />
Cudell and Richardson<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: 1890<br />
1894 2712 Scovill <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1895 6406 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and Hall for Christian Stocke 1890 6017 - 9 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Meriden Block for G.E. Howe 1888 3955-67 Payne Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Witzel Block 1891 3100-4 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Twelfth Precinct Patrol Station 1894 8316 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Vacha Moorish Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Vogt Block 1888 3303-7 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
W.C. Langenau Residence 1894-5 13315 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wetzel Block 1891 2734-42 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William C. Bolles Residence 1892 5715 Thackery <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William G. Perry Residence 1894 1619 East 49th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William G. Perry Residence 1894 1619 East 49th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Cudell and Richardson was active from 1871 to 1890. This firm designed commercial buildings and residences during the<br />
height of the Victorian era. It also designed several churches in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and surrounding communities, several of which<br />
had strong German congregations. It is best remembered for its large commercial buildings. These included the Root &<br />
McBride Building (1884), the George Worthington Company Building (1882), the Perry Payne Building (1889), the<br />
Beckmann Building (1888), and B.S. Hippler's Block.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
B.S. Hippler's Block nd 813-5 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barn for Jacob Goldsmith 1889 2200 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Beckman Building 1888 387-409 West Superior <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Block for George Johnson 1882 707- 5 West St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bradd's Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bradley Building 1887 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brick block for Mr. Scofield 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brick Block for William Body 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Business Block nd 262 Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
56 of 210
Edward A Curtis<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Carriage Manufactury nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Frederick<br />
Baggett (later Metzner Block)<br />
Commercial Building for Thomas<br />
Lauter<br />
Birth/Established: January 10, 1893 Death/Disolved: 1937<br />
1880 1901 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1885 811 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Excelsior Club 1887 3754 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for <strong>Cleveland</strong> Varnish<br />
Company<br />
1889 3111 East 87th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Franklin Circle Christian Church 1874- 1883 1688 Fulton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fred Pelton Residence 1883 2548 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George R. Canfield Residence 1889 2355 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Worthington Company Building 1882 802-32 St. Clair NW <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Germania Hall 1881 2416 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Haltnorth nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hannes Tiedemann Residence 1881 4318 Franklin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hannes Tiedemann Summer Residence 1880 12028 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Jewish Orphan Asylum 1888 4900 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lamson & Sessions nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Masonic Temple nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
McBride Brothers nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Merits Joseph Residence (Educational<br />
Alliance)<br />
nd 2104 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Morgan Lithograph Building 1886 1362 - 80 East 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
N.O. Stone Block 1889 314-8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Odd Fellows Hall 1874 1500 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Perry Payne Building 1888 740 Superior NW <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Peter Deimer Residence 1872 6409 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ralph Worthington (later Lucretia<br />
Garfield) Residence<br />
1881 3848 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ralph Worthington Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Samuel W. Sessions 1888 2323 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Root and McBride Building 1884 1220 West 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Scottish Rite Cathedral nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Seminary Building 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Severance Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Seymour Block for Belden Seymour 1876 2513-25 Detroit <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John's Roman Catholic Church 1875-8 Glandorf OH Standing<br />
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church 1873 2301 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church 1873-4 Monroeville OH Standing<br />
St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church 1879-81 Ft. Laramie OH Standing<br />
St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church 1874 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Tenement for John Ruedy 1888 2693 East 53rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Edward A. Curtis was born in Salem, Ohio and was listed as a architect in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1914 until<br />
1924.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartments for Edward Curtis 1923 253 East 156th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Edward Curtis 1923 247 East 156th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial / residential building 1917 7813 Lexington <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1916 11317 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Joseph Daniels<br />
Birth/Established: Unknown Death/Disolved: Unknown<br />
Biography: Joseph Daniels was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect in the late 19th century. He appears in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories as a<br />
draftsman in 1882. He is listed as an architect by 1891. He was a partner of Joseph Blackburn.<br />
Monroe Ensign Deane<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: July 13, 1876 Death/Disolved: September 27, 1936<br />
Biography: Monroe Ensign Deane was an Ohio-born architect who appears in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories as an architect from 1924<br />
until his death in 1936. He worked for Harold Burdick in 1925. He is noted as a registered architect in the Ohio Architect<br />
November 1940 listing. He died at Mount Sinai Hospital.<br />
Bartholomew S DeForest<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Dwelling 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four apartment buildings 1917 966, 963, 958, 955 Waldo <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four family residence 1914 668 East 94th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four family residence 1914 684-6 East 94th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four family residence 1914 680- 2 East 94th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residential 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residential Commercial Building for<br />
M. Galnick<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1827 Death/Disolved: 1886<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Louise Gott 1891 6311 Quimby Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
U.S. Baking Company 1892 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland Hills School 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1929 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 17300 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 18040 South Woodland Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2830 Atteboro Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2721 Sherbrooke Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 20101 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1925 3080 Laurel Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 15900 South Woodland Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 17600 Parkland Drive Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 2713 Belvoir Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1930 16850 Parkland Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Biography: B.S. DeForest was a native of New York State. He was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect from 1876 until his death in 1886.<br />
He was a veteran of the Civil War. He wrote "Random Sketches and Wandering Thoughts or What I saw in camp; With a<br />
historical sketch of the Second Oswego Regiment, Eighty First New York". His architectural practice occurred in the era<br />
before building permits, so we know of one building that he designed.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Herman Dercum<br />
Birth/Established: May 23, 1879 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Herman Dercum was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong> of German-born parents and was educated at Cornell University with a B.S. in<br />
architecture granted in 1902 and a M.S. in architecture granted in 1903. He was listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories as an<br />
architect from 1907 to 1939. He was a partner with George Beer from 1907 to 1929. He lived at 1956 West Boulevard in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong>. He moved to Longview, Washington and worked as an architect for Long?Bell Lumber Company in the<br />
1940?s. His wife Carlotta lived until the age of 104 and died in Goldendale, Washington in 1987.<br />
Dercum and Beer<br />
Birth/Established: 1917 Death/Disolved: 1939<br />
Biography: Dercum and Beer was in business from 1907 to 1939, ten years after the 1929 death of partner George W. Beer. The firm<br />
was known for its Craftsman style residences, built in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights, Shaker Heights, and Lakewood. It was also the<br />
architect of significant buildings in <strong>Cleveland</strong> including the Cudell Clock Tower, the Penton Office Building, and the Hotel<br />
Linn.<br />
Antonio Di Nardo<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Carl W. Gehring Residence 1910 13475 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Commercial building addition 1917 3167 Fulton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Country Home for Judge W.A. Babcock nd Gates Mills OH Demolished<br />
Crannell Morgan Residence 1908 118 Mayfield Avenue Akron OH Standing<br />
Cudell Clock Tower 1917 1390 West Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Dr. Guy Lovett Residence 1925 2877 Brighton Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Globe, Machine and Stamping 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.D. Messick Residence -Fontenay<br />
Road<br />
Birth/Established: February 1, 1889 Death/Disolved: 1948<br />
1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hotel Linn 1908 1285 West 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J.H. Rogers nd Shaker Heights OH unknown<br />
Joseph C. Huber Residence 1910 1432 Nortland Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Penton Press and Plate Building 1924 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Penton Publishing 1925 1213 W. 3rd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Reasner Residence 1923 10216 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1910 1533 East 115th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1914 11310 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1914 2115 Elandon Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 1524 East 115th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence nd 18901 North Park Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence fo George D. Jones 1907 10418 Somerset <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Bertha Backus 1917 2717 Lancaster Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Guarantee Building<br />
Company<br />
1927 2926 Torrington Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for John A. Zangerle 1915 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mr. Gender 1907 17829 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mrs. Fenton 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for O. Krause 1907 17841 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
S.A.P. Schrayer Residence nd OH Demolished<br />
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church 1935 340 North Main Street Hudson OH Standing<br />
Store and apartment for George D.<br />
Jones<br />
1907 1076-80 E. 105th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Walter S. Pope Residence 1915 2271 North St. James <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
59 of 210
Biography: Antonio Di Nardo was born in Italy and came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1916 after attending the University of Pennsylvania. While<br />
in Philadelphia he was associated with the firms Durking, Okie & Ziegler; Cove and Stewardson; and Paul Cret. In New<br />
York he worked in the office of Arnold W. Brunner. He was also involved in the early planning of Fairmount Road Village<br />
(also known as Belgian Village). He was a member of the firm of Koehl & DiNardo in 1924.<br />
John W Dolman<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1867 Death/Disolved: 1925<br />
Biography: John W. Dolman was active as an architect from 1891 to 1901. He was the architect of several fire department facilities<br />
throughout the city.<br />
Francis K. Draz<br />
Ashwood Apartments 1928 2822 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Belgian Village nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Black Residence nd - Mansfield OH Unknown<br />
George Andomeit Residence 1932 Gates Mills OH Demolished<br />
Great Lakes Exposition Transportation<br />
Building<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: November 1, 1894 Death/Disolved: September 9, 1974<br />
Biography: Francis Draz was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and raised in Mt. Vernon, New York. He went to Carnegie Tech in<br />
Pittsburgh. He was a member of the firm of Small, Small, Reeb, and Draz. He lived on Falls River Road in Chagrin Falls.<br />
Donald O Dunn<br />
Birth/Established: 1892 Death/Disolved: June 17, 1932<br />
Biography: Donald O. Dunn was born in New York <strong>City</strong> and was educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He settled in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1917, working with Hubbell & Benes from 1917 to 1919, with Franz Warner during 1919, and then Walker<br />
and Weeks from 1919 to 1926. While at Walker and Weeks he became junior partner where he was in charge of plans for<br />
Hathaway Brown School, the University School, Wesleyan College for Women. He went into a partnership with Munroe<br />
Copper in 1926 that lasted until the end of his life in 1932. He was a member of the American Institute of Architects, Delta<br />
Tau Delta Fraternity, the Frieze and Cornice Honorary Architectural Club, the University and Hermit Clubs. He lived in<br />
Shaker Heights.<br />
William H Dunn<br />
Birth/Established: 1847 Death/Disolved: 1906<br />
1930 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Augustine's Church 1924-5 204 Sixth Street Barberton OH Standing<br />
St. Cecilia Church nd 10400 Stoepel Avenue Detroit MI Unknown<br />
St. Hugo of the Hills 1931-6 2215 Opdyke Road Bloomfield Hills MI Standing<br />
St. Margare of Hungary Catholic<br />
Church<br />
1929 - 30 2917 East 116th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Engine House #23 1894 8501 Madison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Engine House #24 1894 3725 Pearl Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fire Department Headquarters 1894 328 38 West St. Clair <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: William H. Dunn was the architect of several important religious buildings and for the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Board of Education. He<br />
worked in the office of Levi T. Scofield for seventeen years. He designed St. Stanislaus Church in 1886, the Convent of the<br />
Good Shepherd, St. Wendelin Church, and St. Mary's Church in Lorain. He was the <strong>City</strong> building inspector under Mayors<br />
Babcock (1887-8) and Gardner (1885-1886, 1889 -1891). He was also superintendant of school buildings and was<br />
responsible for <strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Schools from 1884 to 1894. He boarded on Quincy Avenue in 1900 and was never<br />
married. He owned one sixth of the Fulton Tool Company. He died 3 April 1906 and is buried in Calvary Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Dunn and Copper<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Addition to Holy Rosary Church 1896 12001 Mayfield Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Additions to the Convent of the Good<br />
Shepherd<br />
Birth/Established: 1926 Death/Disolved: 1932<br />
1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bolton School addition 1894 2094 E.90th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Central High School Annex<br />
(demolished)<br />
1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Manuel Training School 1893 -4 5805 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Dennis Flannery<br />
1888 3604 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1888 3604 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for Dennis<br />
Flannery<br />
1888 3604 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Denison School Annex 1892 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for James Scanlon 1889 4602 - 8 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dunham School Annex 1893 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East Madison School Annex 1893 1130 Addison Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Apartment Building for James<br />
Rochford<br />
1900 11466 - 8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fairmount School 1891 1950 East 107th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four story apartment building for<br />
Hazard Realty<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Giddings School 1890 2250 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hough School 1887 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hough School addition 1893 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kentucky School 1891 3900 Reservoir <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mayflower School 1894 2640 E. 31st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Miles Park School 1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pearl Amusement Roller Rink 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
R.B. Hayes School 1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rectory for St. Colman Roman<br />
Catholic Church<br />
1889 2027 West 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.H. Ely 1882 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Mullens 1900 1618 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sackett School 1891 3349 Sackett Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
South Case School 1890 2312 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
South High School 1894 7351 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Bernard's 309 7th Street Zanesville OH Standing<br />
St. Catherine Hall 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Colman's Parsonage 1889 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Edward's School 1903 2062 Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Mary's Church 1895 300 W. 8th Street Lorain OH Demolished<br />
St. Stanislaus Church 1886 3649 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Wendelin Roman Catholic Church 1903 2259-81 Columbus <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment for H. Hackman 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and Hall for W.H. Dunn 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tremont School addition 1891 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Waring School 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warren School 1892 4105 Warren Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland School 1891 9511 Buckeye Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Zanesville High School <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Zion Lutheran School 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
61 of 210
Biography: Active from 1926 until 1932 this firm was formed by Donald Dunn and Munroe Copper. It would dissolve with the death<br />
of Donald Copper in 1932. The firm designed houses in Shaker Heights, <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights, Waite Hill and Wadsworth,<br />
that were often featured in Bystander and <strong>Cleveland</strong> Town Topics magazine.<br />
James R. Duthie<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: April 13, 1891 Death/Disolved: December 12, 1939<br />
Biography: James Duthie was born in Harriman, Tennessee. He enlisted in the army during World War I. He was a member of the<br />
firm of Fox, Duthie and Foose, and later Fox and Duthie. He resided at 3102 Warthington in Shaker Heights.<br />
W Stillman Dutton<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: 1914<br />
Biography: W. Stillman Dutton was active as a <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect from 1893 until 1912. In 1893 he was a member of the firm of<br />
Watterson and Dutton. He lived at 1064 East 97th Street. His office was first in the Society for Savings and then the New<br />
England Building.<br />
J Milton Dyer<br />
Don Young Residence 1930-1 542 Broad Street Wadsworth OH Standing<br />
Edgar Weil Residence 1930 20030 Marchmont Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Greif Raible Residence Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
H.V. Haas Residence 1930 2955 Glengarry Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
J.W. Morrison Residence 1930 2729 Ashley Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Joseph H. Thompson Residence 2900 Claremont Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Manikiki Country Club 1929 35501 Eddy Road Willoughby OH Standing<br />
Prescott Ely Residence 1926 19700 Shelburne Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1931 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1927 3120 Falmouth Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 15020 Shore Acres Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Residence for George Price 1927 3266 Ingleside Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for I.R. Martin 1927 18009 Fernway Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John A. McGean 1929 2655 North Park Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Warren Griffin King 1929 Waite Hill OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Wilbur Brooks 1929 18926 Shelbourne Road Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Stillwell Residence 1927 20814 Brantley Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Wayne Young Residence 1926 221 East Broad Street Wadsworth OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment House for Nellie Teichman 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building on East 4th Street 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong>, Terminal and Valley Depot 1897 829 Canal Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
East End Savings Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank Goheen Residence 1895 1897 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Passenger Depot for Erie Railroad<br />
Company<br />
Birth/Established: April 22, 1870 Death/Disolved: May 1957<br />
1897 3097 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence Nd Salineville OH Demolished<br />
Residence Nd Gates Mills OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Amelia Ambose 1901 1856 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores for L.F. & S. Burgess 1896 2163 - 7 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
62 of 210
Biography: J. Milton Dyer was born in Middletown, Pennsylvania where his father had a hardware business. In 1881, his family<br />
moved to Willson (E.55th Street) and Woodland Avenue area, then known as Rock's Corners. He attended Central High<br />
School. He went to work for Brown Hoisting where he earned a scholarship to the Case Institute of Technology. He<br />
continued to work there during the summer. In 1906, the Architectural Record published an article on his work where he<br />
was highlighted as one of a growing number of professionally educated architects settling in smaller American cities.<br />
Significant architectural talent came out of his office including Frank Walker, Harry Weeks, and Reynold Hinsdale. He also<br />
worked for Warner & Swassey for several years.<br />
He lived on East 71st Street until the last few years of his life. He never married, living with his mother until her death in<br />
1923 and then with his sister until her death in 1954. He then went on to live in a rest home in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He was<br />
not listed as a registered architect in the November 1940 Ohio Architect listing. He died at the age of eighty-seven and is<br />
buried in Woodland Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Anderson Hall - Asheville School 1899 Asheville NC Standing<br />
Brooklyn Bank Building 1904 3764 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brooklyn Heights Cemetery Mausoleum nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Brown Hoisting Machine 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Burns Residence 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Central National Bank nd 300-8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>City</strong> Hospital Dormitory 1906-7 Warrensville OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Athletic Club 1911 1118 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Hall 1916 601 Lakeside Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Coast Guard Station 1940 1 Lake Erie <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Columbia Electric Building building<br />
wings<br />
1901 4403 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1914 5713-17 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.W. Moore Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edmund Burke Residence 1910 11125 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
First Methodist Church 1905 3000 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
First National Bank nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Francis Line Residence 1908 1574 East 108th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
G. F. Gund Residence 1907 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
George Kuhlman Car Company 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George N. Chandler Residence - 1902 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Gillsy Hotel 1907 1891-21 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Guardian Trust Building 1904 322-6 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H. H. Johnson Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Osborn Residence 1909 11101 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Herrick Library 1902 Wellington OH Standing<br />
Hotel 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James Ferris Residence 1909 10924 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lake County Courthouse nd Painesville OH Standing<br />
Loftus Cuddy Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
M.T. Silver & Company 1911 2310-20 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mill Street School 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
National Malleable Castings 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
National Malleable Castings Office 1906 Sharon PA Demolished<br />
Peerless Motor Car Factory 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Premier Industries 1920 4409 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ramsey Apartment anad Store Building nd Alliance OH Unknown<br />
Republic Oil Company 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Reserve Terminals 1912 1300 East 45th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for A. Chisholm 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Samuel Dodge Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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George Ebeling<br />
Birth/Established: June 17, 1889 Death/Disolved: November 16, 1951<br />
Biography: George Ebeling was a West Virginia-born architect. In 1917 he was self employed as an architect with offices in the<br />
McClain Building in Wheeling, West Virginia. He would later move to <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was a partner with George Greible<br />
for one year.<br />
John Edelmann<br />
Birth/Established: 1857 Death/Disolved: 1900<br />
Biography: John Edelmann was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He spent time in <strong>Cleveland</strong>, Chicago, and New York. In 1873 he went to work for<br />
William Le Baron Jenney, where he met Louis Sullivan. Politically radical, he helped form the Socialist League in New<br />
York. He was also an excellent free hand artist. In 1880 in Chicago Dankmar Adler hired him as an office foreman. Louis<br />
Sullivan was hired as a draftsman at Edelmann's suggestion. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1881 where he joined the firm of<br />
Coburn and Barnum as a foreman. He returned to Chicago to work in the office of S.S. Beman. During the late 1880's he<br />
was living in New York <strong>City</strong>. In 1894 he was in Forest Hill, New Jersey.<br />
Arthur C Edwards<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Several rooms of Case School of<br />
Applied Science<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: January 31, 1948<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Small store for Samuel Dodge 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Spirit of Progress 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Paul's Episcopal Church - 1907 300 East Exchange Street Akron OH Demolished<br />
Stables and garage for Mt. Townsend 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Standard Manufacturing nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sterling Welch Store 1909 1235 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Summit County Courthouse 1906-8 209 South High Street Akron OH Standing<br />
Swassey Observatory 1909 Granville OH Standing<br />
Tavern Club 1905 3522 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Taylor's Department Store and Arcade 1907 630 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Terrace for Mr. A. Silverberg 1905 1841 E. 73rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Treadway Residence 1904 8911 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
U.S. Treasury Building 1915 301 Pine Street San Francisco CA Standing<br />
Venice Apartments 1922 8409 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.F. Dodge Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warner and Swassey Addition nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warrensville Farm - Infirmary Group nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warrensville Farm - Tubercular<br />
Hospital<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warrensville Farm - Workhouse Group nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Westminster Presbyterian Church 1907 1443 Addison Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Windemere Presbyterian Church 1904 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Stephens and Widlar Building 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wilshire Building 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Arthur C. Edwards was born in Lansing, Michigan. He was educated in public schools and completed a two-year course of<br />
technical training. He also apprenticed as a carpenter, and then engaged in contracting for ten years. He left <strong>Cleveland</strong> in<br />
1926. He moved to Toledo where he died in 1948. He was not listed in the November 1940 listing of registered architects<br />
that appeared in Ohio Architect.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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John Eisenmann<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment House for M. Levine 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment House for S. Kline 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Charles Heer Residence 1908 1477 Arthur Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
H.G. Henderson<br />
Birth/Established: 1852 Death/Disolved: January 6, 1924<br />
1907 Chagrin Falls OH Unknown<br />
Harry Kilpatrick Residence nd 1639 Lincoln Avenue Lakewood Standing<br />
M.S. Dennis Residence nd 1460 Marlowe <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Metzner Building addition 1910 1897-1905 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mr. Levini's Residence Addition 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of C.L. Biggs 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
T.G. Simmons Residence nd 15709 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: John Eisenmann was born in Detroit and educated in Monroe, Michigan. He graduated from the University of Michigan in<br />
1871. He served as the assistant United States engineer in the lake survey service. He then went to Europe to study<br />
architecture, graduating from the Polytechinical School at Stuttgart. He then took a course at the Massachusetts Institute of<br />
Technology. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1878. In 1882 he accepted a position as professor of engineering at Case School of<br />
Applied Science. In 1887 he went into private practice. He was the landscape architect and superintendent of parks while<br />
Wade Park was improved and was the supervising architect for the Board of Education from 1883 until 1889. He<br />
supervised the construction of many local schools, as well as hospitals, churches, and other small public buildings in<br />
Pennsylvania and other states. He is best known as the architect, along with George Smith, of the Old Arcade, the stellar<br />
example of that building type in the country.<br />
He was appointed by Governor McKinley as member of the state house commission and was the architect of the Ohio<br />
Building at the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo (1900). In 1903 Mayor Tom Johnson appointed him to a new building<br />
code commission.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Addition to commercial building for<br />
the Bradley Estate<br />
Alterations to commercial building for<br />
Weber, Lind & Hall<br />
Brick store and dwelling for Guardian<br />
Trust<br />
1892 1279 - 83 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 70 - 74 Public Square <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brownell School 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Buhrer School 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case School of Applied Science<br />
(demolished)<br />
1885 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Childrens Ward fpr <strong>City</strong> Hospital 1897 3345 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clark School 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Dorcas Home for Sick and<br />
Destitute Women<br />
1891 - 2 1380 Addison Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong>, Frog & Crossing 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Bradley Estate 1892 1279 - 83 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Erastus<br />
Cushing<br />
1890 115-7 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Buildng for Pabst Brewing 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Conrad Thoma Reisdence 1902 2357 - 9 Payne Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Duke School 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dunham School 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.R. Hull & Dutton Building 1897 2025 Ontario Steet <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
East Madison School 1889 1130 Addison Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Esmond Apartments 1898 4806 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Factory Building for Victory Oil 1904 1530 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Hezikah Eldredge<br />
Birth/Established: 1795 Death/Disolved: 1845<br />
Biography: Hezikah Eldredge was born in Salisbury, Connecticut and spent his youth in Weedsport, New York. He had moved to<br />
Rochester, New York in 1829 where new carpentry opportunities existed after the opening of the Erie Canal. Following his<br />
first wife's death in 1834 he remarried and moved to Ohio <strong>City</strong>, which was also experiencing growth with the opening of<br />
the Ohio and Erie Canal. At Ohio <strong>City</strong> he established a shop and lumberyard.<br />
John H Elliot<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Farmers and Drovers Stock Yard Co 1898 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jackson Street School 1896 ? Painesville OH Standing<br />
Joseph Turner and Sons Manufacturing 1889 5932 Broadway rear <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kinsman School Addition 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Light Manufacturing Building for<br />
Maurice & Ignatz Stone<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1862 Death/Disolved: February 27, 1945<br />
1902 1213 Wesr 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lincoln School 1883, 1900 2520 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lincoln School 1883 2520 E.83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Marion School 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ohio Building 1900 Buffalo NY Demolished<br />
Ohio Masonic Home 1890-2 2655 West National Road Springfield OH Standing<br />
Pardee Residence 1903 10220 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Powerhouse and 5 story commercial<br />
building for Bradley est 47 x 195<br />
$22,000<br />
1892 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John O. Ensign 1890 1966 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sibley (Jane Addams School) 1884-5 4940 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stanard School 1885 5360 Stanard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Tenement for C.W. Collister 1898 1168 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Arcade 1890 401 Euclid Avenue (with George Smith) <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Three story dry goods for H.K. Cushing 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wagner Manufacturing 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse for Henry & Betsy Cushing 1890 2040 East 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse for Morris Bradley Trustee 1896 21 Noble <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West High School 1883 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West Side Library (Cinecraft) 1897 2515 Franklin Blvd. <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Taylor and Sons 1891 2 story frame stables 38 x 1000 $7,000 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Zion Lutheran Church 1883 Monroe MI Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Centre Block of Stores<br />
(demolished)<br />
1834-6 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1825 Rochester NY Demolished<br />
Holland Land Office nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. John's Episcopal Church 1835 2905 Church Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
U.S. Bank of Buffalo Buffalo, New<br />
York<br />
1836 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Vineyard Lane Bridge 1845 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: John H. Elliot was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada of American born parents. He arrived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> with Wilm Knox<br />
in 1888. He handled the design aspects for the firm. In <strong>Cleveland</strong> he lived at 1573 East 93rd Street. He retired to St.<br />
Petersburg, Florida in 1925, where he died in 1945.<br />
Junior W Everhard<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
66 of 210
Birth/Established: July 19, 1890 Death/Disolved: March 11, 1976<br />
Biography: Junior W. Everhard was a South Dakota-born architect. He was a 1913 graduate of Hiram College and also received<br />
degrees from Carnegie Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania. He worked for the Miami Valley<br />
Conservation District in Dayton, Ohio in the late teens. In 1930 he lived at 9213 Clifton Boulevard, later moving to 6824<br />
Forview Road in Brecksville. He was a member of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Kiwanis Club, the YMCA, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Engineering<br />
Society, the American Institute of Architects, and an elder of Franklin Circle Christian Church. He died in St. Luke's<br />
Hospital and is buried in Hiram Cemetery in Hiram, Ohio.<br />
William Stanley Ferguson<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: May 8, 1880 Death/Disolved: 1954<br />
Biography: William Stanley Ferguson was an architect, engineer, and inventor who was born in St. Thomas, Ontario and educated in<br />
the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Public Schools. He invented two-rope ore digging buckets, and the Ferguson re-inforced dock, used<br />
throughout the United States. He became the President of the W.S. Ferguson Company in 1910. From 1924 to 1929 he<br />
was the Director of Public Service for the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Cleveland</strong>, President and General Manager of the Memphis Hy-Lands<br />
Company, the Roland Realty Company, the Roland Improvement Company, the Weona Realty Company, and Steemoil<br />
Burner Company. He was Vice President of the Dock and Teminal Engineering Company. He was on the board of<br />
directors of the National Town and Country Club. He lived at 26151 Lake Shore Boulevard in 1930. His office was in the<br />
1900 Euclid Building. He is listed as a registered architect in the November 1940 Ohio Architect list.<br />
Ferguson and Cameron<br />
Heights Christian Church 1933 17300 Van Aken Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Hiram College Administration Building Hiram OH Unknown<br />
Hiram College Gymnasium Hiram OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1924 11508 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Towslee School 1956 3555 Center Road Brunswick OH Standing<br />
Triumph the Church 1930 9218 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Avon Lake Theatre 1949 33487 Lake Road Avon Lake Ohio Unknown<br />
C.H. Conners Dancing Academy 1919 6445 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Motor Sales Company 1919 - 20 3950 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building 1923 2000 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Templar<br />
Realty<br />
Commercial Building fro Standard<br />
Drugs<br />
Birth/Established: 1907 Death/Disolved: 1907<br />
1921 6820 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cresswell Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Factory for Mason Tire and Rubber 1917 705 Lake Street Kent OH Demolished<br />
Liquid Carbonic Corporation 1929 1318 West 58th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Medical Centre Building 1923 1001 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ohio Buick 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Welfare Building restaurant 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Harry Ferguson and James Cameron. It was only listed in the 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
Directory.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
67 of 210
F Stillman Fish<br />
Birth/Established: 1883 Death/Disolved: 1957<br />
Biography: F. Stillman Fish attended parochial schools in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and went to St. Ignatius College. In 1902, he went to work as a<br />
draftsman in the office of Searles and Hirsh and, three years later, went to work for Steffens and Steffens. In 1908 he went<br />
to Columbia University to pursue studies in architecture. This was followed by four years in the New York branch of the<br />
Beaux Arts Society. After completion of studies he was associated with the firms of Grosvenor Atterbury, Ernest Greene,<br />
Reed & Stem, and Woodruff Leeming. After returning to <strong>Cleveland</strong> he was associated with Charles Schneider and William<br />
Lougee. He was a member of the Beaux-Arts Society of New York and the Knights of Columbus. He lived at 2945<br />
Corydon Road in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He is listed as a registered architect in the November 1940 issue of Ohio Architect.<br />
He retired in 1952.<br />
Adrian Foose<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment House 1914 1373 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Churches in New York <strong>City</strong> and Boston Nd New York <strong>City</strong> NY<br />
Residence 1922 14416 Drexmore Road Shaker Heights O Standing<br />
Residence for A. Pawlak 1917 15506 Ridpath <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.H. Howard 1917 13057 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.H. Howard 1917 13051 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.H. Howard 1917 13047 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for H.H. Howard 1918 13207 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
St. Ignatius Parish Church 1925 - 1930 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. James Church 1925 - 35 17514 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
St. Paul's Church 1930 1231 Chardon Road Euclid OH Standing<br />
St. Timothy's Church 1924 4341 East 131st Street Garfield Heights OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: March 29, 1884 Death/Disolved: March 31,1969<br />
Biography: Adrian Foose born in Wheeling, West Virginia. He was associated with the architectural firms of Crowell and Little, Fox,<br />
Duthie & Fox; and Koehl & Foose. He retired from Warner & Swassey in 1949 and moved to Los Angeles. He died in<br />
Laguna Hills, California.<br />
Sampson James Fountain<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: November 15, 1881 Death/Disolved: August 15, 1914<br />
Biography: Sampson J. Fountain was a native of Camden, Alabama. He received an engineering degree from the A&M College of<br />
Texas and a degree in architecture from the University of Illinois. He was appointed as the <strong>City</strong> Architect of Manila by the<br />
American government. He later entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1908 to work in the<br />
offices of J. Milton Dyer. In that office he worked on the interior arcade of the Sterling & Welch store. He formed a<br />
partnership with Arthur F. Moratz about 1910. In <strong>Cleveland</strong> he lived at 10521 Tacoma Avenue in Glenville.<br />
Fountain & Moratz<br />
Birth/Established: 1910 Death/Disolved: 1914<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was established by Sampson Fountain and Arthur Moratz. It was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1910 until<br />
1914. The firms work was featured in the February 1912 issue of the Ohio Architect and Builder. The firm was later<br />
purchased by Paul Cahill.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Nd Chicago IL Unknown<br />
Church Nd Hennepin IL Unknown<br />
First Christian Church Nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
68 of 210
George Fox<br />
Birth/Established: August 10, 1881 Death/Disolved: December 12, 1952<br />
Biography: George Fox was a native of Berlin Heights, Ohio. He was the Chief Draftsman for the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Board of Education in<br />
1918. He remained in that position in the 1920 census. He would later be a member of the architectural firm of Fox, Duthie<br />
& Foose, and then Fox & Duthie. In the 1940's he was a member of a firm with Henry Fox.<br />
Fox and Duthie<br />
Birth/Established: 1934 Death/Disolved: 1940<br />
Biography: This was an architectural firm that included George Fox and James Duthie. The firm took this name after Adrian Foose left<br />
the partnership.<br />
Fox, Duthie, and Foose<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
First Presbyterian Church Nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
Hospital Nd Fort Madison IA Unknown<br />
Residence of Dr. E.W. Gurley Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of Dr. H.M. Schufell Nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
Residence of Edson L. Cannon 1910 10937 Drexel Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence of F.A. Emmerton Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of Miss D.A. McCall Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of Mr. Newton B. Wall Nd Shaker Lakes OH Unknown<br />
Residence of W.A. Sherman Nd Euclid OH Unknown<br />
St. Francis Hospital Nd Taylorville IL Unknown<br />
St. John's Church Nd Cullon OH Unknown<br />
St. Paul's M.E. Church Nd Houston TX Unknown<br />
St. Philomena Parish Buildings Nd East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Birth/Established: 1926 Death/Disolved: 1932<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: Fox, Duthie, and Foose was a firm that existed in the late 1920's and early 1930's and which specialized in residential<br />
design. The principles of the firm were George Fox, James Duthie, and Adrian Foose.They designed several homes in<br />
Shaker Heights and eastern suburbs. Adrian Foose would leave the firm and it became Fox & Duthie.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Fred Roosa Residence 1930 14600 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Gall Building 1929 3238 East 140th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Milverton Apartment 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Raloph Dusseau Residence 1929 18111 Scottsdale Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1929 Euclid OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 18311 Scottsdale Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 Euclid OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2670 Eaton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 23700 Stanford <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 19614 Scottscale Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1930 17011 Lomond Boulevard Shaker Heights O Standing<br />
Residence 1928 22126 Calverton Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for O.H. Koelker 1929 3264 Avalon Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Shaker Block 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Union Trust Company 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
69 of 210
Alfred A French<br />
Birth/Established: 1861 Death/Disolved: 1943<br />
Biography: Albert .A. French began his profession in Toronto, where he built a number of churches and business blocks. He<br />
established himself in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1892, where he was initially joined by his brother W. French, who acted as<br />
superintendant of construction. A & W. French was succeded by the firm of French and Chapman.<br />
French & LaChance<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Union Trust Company 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
3 story apt for Francz Bros 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
3 story apt for Francz Bros 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
3 story brick factory for Bishop &<br />
Babcock<br />
1901 1303 East 49th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building 1906 1543 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building 1907 1547 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1907 1547 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for Louis Morris 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House for W.H. Garlock 1894 559 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barber Shop for J. Schwartz 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brock Carriage Company 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building on Detroit for Robert Duffy 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Business and apartment block for<br />
Milton Morton<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Brass and Iron Bedstead<br />
Company<br />
1895 3961 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1901 1693 Merwin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Com-res bldg for J.H. Champ 4 story 1896 1713 - 21 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial block 1898 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building on 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial/ apartment building 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.D. Shattuck Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.D. Smith Residence on Euclid<br />
Heights<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory addition 1898 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hotel for H.T. Loomis 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.E. Terry Residence 1894 1884 East 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kinsman Street M.E. Church Addition 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mariva Apartments for W.D. Drake 1899 2472 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pohlman Residence 1903-4 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Dr. F. Fagan 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Howells 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rose & Burdick Double Residence 1892 2028-30 East 100th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second Congregational Church 1904 North Olmsted OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment building for M.M.<br />
Levison<br />
1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for T.A. Clark 1904 11825 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Terrace on Outhwaite Street for Carl<br />
Reiger<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Mariva Apartments 1899 6212 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Three story brick and stone apt 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
70 of 210
Birth/Established: Death/Disolved:<br />
Biography:<br />
French and Chapman<br />
Birth/Established: 1893 Death/Disolved: 1894<br />
Biography: This architectural firm included Albert French and Ernest Chapman.<br />
French, A & W.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1891 Death/Disolved: 1892<br />
Biography: Brothers Alfred and Walter French were partners in an architectural firm in the early 1890's. Alfred French would go on to<br />
partner in the firms of French & La Chance, and French & Chapman and then form his own firm.<br />
Godfrey Fugman<br />
Dettelback Block 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Burdick and Rose Nd Streator OH Demolished<br />
E.C. Bates Residence Nd Alliance OH Demolished<br />
Freedom Christian Assembly 1894 765 East 154th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Haber Block Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Smyth Residence Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
N.W. Hower Residence Nd Burbank OH Demolished<br />
Rose & Burdick Doulbe Residence 1892 2028 - 30 East 100th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second Reformed Church 1893 3801 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Second Reformed Church and<br />
Parsonnage<br />
Whitaker Apartment House for Charles<br />
& Ann Whitaker<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Machine Shop and Boiler Works (River<br />
Works & Boiler Company) for Thomas<br />
Teare and Matthew Thomas<br />
Birth/Established: September 22, 1858 Death/Disolved: September 3, 1935<br />
Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1894 1025 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 1201 - 7 Old River Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for I.S. Oberbrunner 1891 2644 - 6 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residendce for Joseph J. Adams 1891 1947 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Godfrey Fugman was born in Wurtemberg, Germany. He was educated in Stuttgart and came to the United States in 1881.<br />
He is first listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories in 1885. From 1886 to 1897 he was a partner with C. Frank Cramer, until<br />
Cramer left to serve in the Spanish American War. Cramer and Fugman were mostly known for their commercial<br />
buildings. He was a partner with Emile Uhlrich from 1899 to 1903. Fugman & Uhlrich became known for religious<br />
buildings both for Roman Catholic and Protestant congregations, including St. Michael's School on Scranton Road, St.<br />
Procop's Church on West 41st Street, the Independent Evangelical Protestant Church on West 44th Street, and Ss. Cyril and<br />
Methodius in Youngstown. Most notably they designed the Art Noveau J.L. Hudson Store on Euclid Avenue. The firm's<br />
buildings had a European influence in their design. The Fugman & Uhlrich partnership ended in 1903. Uhlrich went on to<br />
practice individually while Fugman formed a short - lived partnership with Harry Cone in 1905 before he also went on to<br />
practice individually. He also became heavily involved in constructing buildings on investment real estate he owned.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Business block for I. Bruno $10,000 1893 828 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Crematory Building 1893 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1895 1738 Columbus Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
71 of 210
Fugman and Cone<br />
Birth/Established: 1905 Death/Disolved: 1906<br />
Biography: Godfrey Fugman formed an architectural partnership with Harry A. Cone in June 1905.<br />
Fugman and Uhlrich<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Dr. J. H. Lueke 1894 1780 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Joseph Strauss 1894 3812 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Saengerfest Hall 1893 2466 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and tenements 1894 4120 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1899 Death/Disolved: 1903<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by German - born Godfrey Fugman and French - born Emile Uhlrich and was in<br />
existance between 1899 and 1903. Buildings by this firm had a very European flare. Notably they included the Art<br />
Nouveau J. L. Hudson store and St. Michael's School on Scranton Road. Fugman and Uhlrich developed an alternative to<br />
the Group Plan that called for mall directly north of Public Square, terminating in a railroad station on the lakefront. A<br />
rendering of their proposal appeared in the Ohio Architect and Builder. It had a much more European appearance, with a<br />
domed <strong>City</strong> Hall and Public Library. It also had sites for a music hall and art museum.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Addition to Zion Evangelical Lutheran<br />
Church<br />
1899 3437 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building for Krause Furniture 1903 5804 - 8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Calvary Cemetery Keepers Residence 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Creamatory 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Godfrey Fugman<br />
1900 6602 - 8 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ditsch Hall 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank Mares Residence 1898 6117 Morton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
German American Club House 1904 44 - 50 South Exchange Street Akron OH Demolished<br />
Independent Evangelical Protestant<br />
Church<br />
1899 2104 West 44th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J. O'Donnell Residence 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.L. Hudson Store 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Parsonage for Zion Evangelical<br />
Lutheran Church<br />
Residence and office for Geroge<br />
Hopkins<br />
1899 1452 East 36th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for A.M. Haber 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for A.S. Honk 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Frank Mares 1898 6117 Morton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for J. Carroll 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Joseph Noehelfer 1901 Cincinnati OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Kees 1899 3117 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for William Yost 1899 2673 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
School for St. Elizabeth Roman<br />
Catholic Church<br />
1900 2711 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
South Brooklyn Town Hall 1898 2306 Broadview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
South Brooklyn Town Hall 1904 2306 Broadview <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Cyril and Methodius Church 1904 252 East Wood Street Youngstown OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
72 of 210
Harold Ott Fullerton<br />
Birth/Established: October 18, 1895 Death/Disolved: August 5, 1965<br />
Biography: Harold Ott Fullerton was born in Youngstown. He received a B.S. in architecture and architectural engineering from the<br />
University of Michigan. He enlisted in World War I and served in the engineering corps. He was a member of the<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Real Estate Board. He lived at 2459 Overlook Road in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. Later moving to a residence in<br />
Fairhill Village. After leaving <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1932 he settled in Albany, New York.<br />
Harry Aldus Fulton<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church 1903 1757 Mills Avenue Norwood OH Standing<br />
St. Elizabeth's School 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Francis of Assissi Church 1901 2135 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. John the Baptist Greek Catholic<br />
School and Rectory<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: October 19, 1884 Death/Disolved: December 10, 1961<br />
1900 8021 Rawlings Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church 1901 5830 Cable Ave <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Mary's Church 1902-3 506 Fourth Street Marietta OH Standing<br />
St. Michael's School 1906 3146 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Procop's Catholic Church 1899 3181 West 41st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Procop's School 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and flats for John Jacob 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two story frame dwg 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two story frame dwg for John Weizer 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Zion Church 1899 3437 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Draper Hall Addition 1946 Albany NY Unknown<br />
Fairhill Village 12309 - 12511 Fairhill Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J.W. Ryan Residence 1928 Willougby OH Unknown<br />
Jeffersonville Youngville Central<br />
School<br />
nd Jeffersonville NY Unknown<br />
Lake Forest Country Club 1930 100 Lake Forest Drive Hudson Ohio Standing<br />
Residence 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for I.C. Hinig 1926 1259 Oakridge <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.H. Kleinman 1928 16400 Eldamere Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.H. Kleinman Realty 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for S.H. Kleinman Realty 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Richardson Hall Annex 1956 Albany NY Unknown<br />
Theo De Witt Residence 1929 Rocky River OH Unkown<br />
Willaim H. Ramsay Residence 1927 2691 Scarborough Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Biography: Harry A. Fulton was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. He joined William Reed Taylor (1884-1964) in forming<br />
the architectural firm of Fulton & Taylor in 1913. Paul Cahill joined the firm from 1921-3 when it was known as Fulton,<br />
Taylor & Cahill. Fulton & Taylor remained partners until 1934. In 1957 Fulton formed the firm of Fulton, Del Motte,<br />
Nassau & Associates. He was known as the dean of school architects. He was the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Board of Education architect<br />
during the Works Progress Administration. His firm designed several schools for <strong>Cleveland</strong>, the suburbs, and outlying<br />
communities. He was a member of Acadia Country Club, a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of First Presbyterian<br />
Church in East <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He lived at 19600 Upper Valley Drive in Euclid. He was listed as a registered architect in the<br />
Ohio Architect November 1940. He died on December 10, 1961 in Leeburg, Florida where he is buried.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
73 of 210
Fulton and Taylor<br />
Birth/Established: 1913 Death/Disolved: 1934<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Harry A. Fulton and William Reed Taylor existing between 1913 and 1934. The<br />
firm designed numerous school buildings in <strong>Cleveland</strong> suburbs, and throughout Northeast Ohio.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Admiral King High School nd Lorain OH Standing<br />
Akron Towel and Supply 1918 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Beehive School Addition 1925 4345 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Beehive School Addition 1931 4345 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Buhrer School Addition 1939 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case School Addition 1939 1525 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Central High School 1940 2225 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Columbia Township School (Fulton<br />
Taylor, Cahill)<br />
Fulton, Taylor and Cahill<br />
1921 Columbia Township OH Unknown<br />
Commercial building addition 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dike School 1939 2500 East 64th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dunham School Addition 1938 6600 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Fairview Park High School 1928 Fairview Park OH Standing<br />
Fields Elementary School 1928 North Ridgeville OH Standing<br />
Franklin D. Roosevelt School 1939 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Garfield Heights High School 1928 Garfield Heights OH Demolished<br />
Goldwood Elementary School c. 1928 21600 Center Ridge Road Rocky River OH Standing<br />
J.C. Newman Cigar Company 1919 280 North Main Street Marion OH Unknown<br />
KSU buildings nd Kent OH Unknown<br />
Lathrop Elementary School 1929 61 Roosevelt Drive Painesville OH Standing<br />
Mayfield Middle School 1924 1123 SOM Center Mayfield Heights OH Standing<br />
McKinley School 1922 3349 West 125th Street (Fulton, Taylor & Cahill)` <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Miles Park School Addition 1939 9215 Miles Park Ave <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Nathaniel Hawthorne School 1917 3575 West 130th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
North Ridgeville Hich School 1927 North Ridgeville OH Standing<br />
R. B. Hayes School Addition 1938 3900 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeling Belle Centre High School 1918 Belle Centre OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Robert Boggis 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Robert Boggis Residence 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Rock Creek School Addition 1923 2987 High Street Rock Creek <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Rocky River High School nd 20951 Detroit Road Rocky River OH Standing<br />
Shore High School Addition 1925 291 East 222nd Street Euclid OH Standing<br />
Shore High School Addition 1929-30 291 East 222nd Street Euclid OH Standing<br />
Shore High School Addition 1947 291 East 222nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Cantius Roman Catholic<br />
Church<br />
1925 906 College Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Patrick Parsonage 1917 Belle Centre OH Demolished<br />
Temporary Episcopal Church 1918 Denison OH Unknown<br />
Valley Forge High School nd Parma Heights OH Standing<br />
Walton School 1938 3427 Walton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West 9th Street Terminal Warehouse 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland School Addition 1939 - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
74 of 210
Birth/Established: 1921 Death/Disolved: 1923<br />
Biography: Architect Paul Cahill joined Harry A. Fulton and William Reed Taylor in forming the firm of Fulton, Taylor and Cahill. It<br />
was listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1921 until 1923.<br />
Henry Charles Gabele<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: July 20, 1887 Death/Disolved: December 13, 1958<br />
Biography: was born in Massillon. He was a member of the firm of Gabele and Potter. He worked for the Austin Company during<br />
World War II. He lived at 1270 East 89th Street. He died in St. Vincents Charity Hospital.<br />
Gabele and Potter<br />
Brownhelm School 1922 Brownhelm Township, Lorain County OH Standing<br />
Columbia Township School 1921 Columbia Township - Lorain County OH<br />
Birth/Established: 1918 Death/Disolved: 1918<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Henry Gabele and J. Ellsworth Potter that was active in 1918. It would later be<br />
known as Potter & Gabele with listings in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1924 until 1932.<br />
Oscar L Gaede<br />
Birth/Established: July 25, 1885 Death/Disolved: April 11, 1933<br />
Biography: Oscar L. Gaede was an alumnus of Western Reserve University and Case School of Applied Science. He was a member of<br />
the Builders Exchange and the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Athletic Club. He was the father of <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect Robert Gaede.<br />
Abram Garfield<br />
Birth/Established: November 21, 1872 Death/Disolved: October 16, 1958<br />
Biography: Abram Garfield was born in Washington, D.C., the youngest son of President James Abram Garfield. He was educated at<br />
Williams College and the Massachusetts Institution of Technology. He practiced architecture in <strong>Cleveland</strong>, beginning in<br />
1898. He was a member of the firm of Meade and Garfield from 1898 until 1905, when he went into business for himself.<br />
In 1936 the firm became known as Garfield, Harris, Robinson & Schafer, and in 1957 Garfield, Harris, Schafer, Flynn &<br />
Williams. He served on the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> from 1928 to 1942. He was appointed to the National<br />
Council of Fine Arts in 1909, and served on the National <strong>Commission</strong> on Fine Arts from 1925 to 1930. He was one of the<br />
original sponsors of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> School of Architecture at Western Reserve University. He was a member of the Union,<br />
Tavern, Rowfant, Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs and the Country Club of <strong>Cleveland</strong>. His office was in the National <strong>City</strong> Bank<br />
Building and he lived on 9718 Lake Shore Boulevard in Bratenahl.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Babies Dispensary & Hospital 1908 13415 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Babies Dispensary & Hospital 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Babies Dispensary & Hospital addition 1917 13415 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Blossom Recreation Center 1930 24400 Cedar Road Beachwood OH Standing<br />
Clifford Neff Residence 1918 343 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Country Club nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Diagonistic Laboratory Building <strong>City</strong><br />
Hospital<br />
Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dormitory and Science Building Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.E. :House Residence 1928 1379 Yellowstone <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Faxon Thomas Residence nd 10 Bluff View Chattanooga TN Unknown<br />
Garfield Library 1903 7300 Center Street Mentor OH Standing<br />
Higbee Department Store (altered) 1910 1225 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Hiram College Dormitory and Science<br />
Building<br />
Garfield, Harris, Robinson, Schafer<br />
Birth/Established: 1935 Death/Disolved: 1958<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Abram Garfield, George Harris, Alexander Robinson, Gilbert P.Schafer. It was<br />
formed in 1935 and existed under this name until Abram Garfield's death in 1958. The firm which still exists, now known<br />
as Westlake, Reed, Leskosky Architects, celebrated its one hundreth anniversary in 1905.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Garfield, Stanley - Brown, Harris, Robinson<br />
Birth/Established: 1926 Death/Disolved: 1934<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Abram Garfield, Rudolph Stanley - Brown, George Harris, and Alexander Robinson<br />
and was in existence between 1930 and 1934.<br />
George B. Post and Sons<br />
Nd Hiram OH Unknown<br />
John Oliver Residence (Willdwood) 1908 7645 Little Mountain Road Mentor OH Standing<br />
Kenyon College nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Lake Erie College Dormitory 1917 Painesville OH Unknown<br />
Lake Erie College Gymnasium and<br />
Music Building -<br />
nd Painesville OH Unknown<br />
Lakewood <strong>City</strong> Hall <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Leonard Hall 1924 Gambier OH Standing<br />
Maternity Hospital Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. John Hay Residence 1910 10915 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
National Union Fire Insurance Home<br />
Office Building<br />
nd Pittsburgh PA Unknown<br />
Pebble Hill Plantation nd Thomasville GA Unknown<br />
Residence 1919 1300 South Ocean Drive Palm Beach FL Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2879 Fontenay Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mary Crowell 1906 1865 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Samuel Mather Hall 1925 Gambier OH Standing<br />
Stern & Mann Department Store 1925 Canton OH Standing<br />
Storehouse for American Red Cross 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tuberculosis Preventorium Building Nd Warrensville OH Demolished<br />
W.D.B. Alexander House 1903 2348 Overlook Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Western Reserve University Dormitory<br />
Mather College<br />
Western Reserve University Institute of<br />
Pathology Building - <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1911 2053 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cuyahoga County Administration<br />
Building<br />
1956 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
F.W.Woolworth 1949-50 306-18 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Federal Building 1937 - 8 648 Mission Street Ketchikan Alaska Standing<br />
Lakewood Public Library 1956 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Post Office 1933 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Robert Livingston Ireland Residence 1925 19100 North Park Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
76 of 210
Birth/Established: 1909 Death/Disolved: 1929<br />
Biography: George B. Post and Sons was an architectural firm from New York <strong>City</strong>. It opened a <strong>Cleveland</strong> office in 1909 in the<br />
Scofield Building that was closed in 1929. <strong>Cleveland</strong> architect Charles Schneider once headed the <strong>Cleveland</strong> office.<br />
William P Ginther<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Bartlett Building <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trust unk <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trust Bank 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trust Bank Building 1908 900 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fenn Tower 1929-30 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fenway Hall 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hotel Statler 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mt. Sinai Administration Building 1916 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.G. Russell 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Second National Building 1911 159 South Main Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Wade Park Manor 1923 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Williamson Building 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wurlitzer Building <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: March 21, 1858 Death/Disolved: 1933<br />
Biography: William P. Ginther, a devout Roman Catholic, was based in Akron. He William P. Ginter was based in Akron. He<br />
designed numerous Roman Catholic churches, schools and rectories in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and had a long list of churches he<br />
designed throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, California, Virginia, and New York. He worked in the office of Frank<br />
Weary from 1879 until 1886. He made a tour of Europe in 1889, including Rome, Milan, Venice, Cologne, Paris, London<br />
and Berlin.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Church of Immaculate Conception 1907 Canton OH Demolished<br />
Church of the Good Shepherd 1901 550 Clark Street Toledo OH Standing<br />
Holy Cross Church nd Glouster OH Unknown<br />
Holy Family Church 1912 - 4 122 West 8th Street Tulsa OK Standing<br />
Holy Family Church nd 325 East North A Street Gas <strong>City</strong> IN Unknown<br />
Holy Name Church nd 409 South 5th Street Steubenville OH Unknown<br />
Holy Name School nd 415 S. 5th Street Steubenville OH Unknown<br />
Holy Rosary Church nd 131 East Wood Street Lowellville OH Unknown<br />
Holy Trinity Church 1906 7211 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Immaculate Conception Church 1908 Johnstown PA Standing<br />
Immaculate Conception Church nd Ozark OH Unknown<br />
Immaculate Conception School nd 1920 Market Avenue Canton OH Unknown<br />
Immaculate Conception School nd Wellsville OH Unknown<br />
Immaculate Conception School nd 310 Rice Avenue Youngstown OH Unknown<br />
Immaculate Heart of Mary nd 3058 Brereton Street Pittsburgh PA Standing<br />
Most Holy Rosary Church nd Johnsonburg PA Unknown<br />
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1903 1607 Columbus Ashtabula OH Unknown<br />
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel nd Warren OH Unknown<br />
Our Lady of Sorrows 1900 1514 West 6th Ashtabula OH Standing<br />
Sacred Heart Church 1906-7 340 Center Street St. Mary's PA Standing<br />
Sacred Heart Church nd 126 Burt Street Coshocton OH Unknown<br />
Sacred Heart of Jesus nd Shelby Settlement OH Unknown<br />
St. Adalbert's Parochial Residence 1907 2349 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Aloysius School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
77 of 210
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
St. Aloysius School nd 310 W. 5th Street East Liverpool OH Unknown<br />
St. Andrew's Church nd 631 North Jefferson Roanoke VA Standing<br />
St. Anne's Church nd 921 East Avenue Erie PA Standing<br />
St. Anthony's Church nd Cambridge Springs PA Unknown<br />
St. Bernard Church 1902 - 1905 240 South Broadway Akron OH Standing<br />
St. Bernard's Rectory 1905 47 East State Street Akron OH Standing<br />
St. Bernard's School nd 500 South Broadway Akron OH Unknown<br />
St. Bernard's School nd New Washington OH Unknown<br />
St. Clare's Church nd Oxnard CA Unknown<br />
St. Colman's School 1904-5 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Columba's Church 1903 156 West Wood Youngstown OH Standing<br />
St. Cyril & Methodius Church 1902 305 Center Street Barberton OH Standing<br />
St. Francis Xavier nd Chicago OH Unknown<br />
St. Francis's Church nd Carthagena OH Unknown<br />
St. John the Baptist Church nd 168 East Lincoln Columbus OH Unknown<br />
St. John's Church 1896 500 Jackson Street Defiance OH Unknown<br />
St. John's Church nd 325 North Market Logan OH Unknown<br />
St. John's School nd 713 McKinley Canton OH Unknown<br />
St. Joseph's Church 1906 3330 Lake Avenue Ashtabula OH Demolished<br />
St. Joseph's Church nd Randolph OH Unknown<br />
St. Joseph's Church nd 8 Park Street Perry NY Unknown<br />
St. Joseph's Church nd 138 West Mound Street Circleville OH Unknown<br />
St. Joseph's Convent Addition 1907 St. Mary's PA Standing<br />
St. Joseph's School nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
St. Joseph's School nd Tiffin OH Unknown<br />
St. Louis Church nd 913 Grape Street Gallipolis OH Unknown<br />
St. Luke's Church nd 307 Market Street Danville OH Unknown<br />
St. Martin's Church 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Mary's Church 1893 669 West Avenue Norwalk OH Standing<br />
St. Mary's Church 1903 303 South Monroe Street Antwerp OH Demolished<br />
St. Mary's Church 1904 Payne OH Unknown<br />
St. Mary's Church 1910 Junction OH Unknown<br />
St. Mary's Church 1914 - 6 750 South Main Street Akron OH Standing<br />
St. Mary's Church 1909 - 15 44 North Main Street Cortland NY Standing<br />
St. Mary's Church nd Clinton NY Unknown<br />
St. Mary's Church nd 1011 Church Avenue McKees Rocks PA Standing<br />
St. Mary's School 1917 Akron OH Standing<br />
St. Mary's School nd Conneaut OH Unknown<br />
St. Mary's School nd Elyria OH Unknown<br />
St. Michael's Church 1905 317 E. Madison Gibsonburg OH Standing<br />
St. Michael's Church nd North Ridge OH Unknown<br />
St. Nicholas Church 1902 200 East Cross Street Miller <strong>City</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Patrick's Church nd 328 East Patterson Bellefontaine OH Unknown<br />
St. Patrick's Church 1893 130 East 4th Street Erie PA Standing<br />
St. Patrick's Club House 1903 3700 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Paul's Church nd 241 South Main Street North Canton OH Standing<br />
St. Peter's Church 1911 104 West First Street Mansfield OH Standing<br />
St. Peter's School nd 700 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Avenue Canton OH Unknown<br />
St. Philip's Church 1903 50 West Crafton Avenue Pittsburgh PA Standing<br />
St. Philip's Neri nd Murray <strong>City</strong> OH Unknown<br />
St. Procop's Parish School 1907 3185 West 41st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Procop's Parochial Residence 1907 3183 West 41st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Rosa's School nd Lima OH Unknown<br />
St. Stephen's Church 1906 21 State Street Oil <strong>City</strong> PA Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Morris Gleichman<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
St. Stephen's School nd Niles OH Unknown<br />
St. Thomas the Apostle nd Columbus OH Unknown<br />
St. Vincent de Paul's School nd Akron OH Unknown<br />
St. Vincent's Orphan School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
St. Wendelin's School nd - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Birth/Established: April 10, 1866 Death/Disolved: December 15, 1931<br />
Biography: Morris Gleichmann was born in Austria-Hungary and came to the United States with his parents at the age of six. He was<br />
educated in the <strong>Cleveland</strong> public schools. He is listed as a draftsman in the 1884 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory, eventually<br />
working for the architect Edward Ruprect. In 1889 he moved to Seattle, Washington Territory, where he formed the<br />
partnership Gleichmann, Lane and Mendel with former <strong>Cleveland</strong>er Samuel Lane. They returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> by 1892.<br />
Upon his return, Gleichmann formed a partnership with Charles S. Pennington, initially living with relatives at 77 Bridge<br />
Street. He later formed a partnership with W.R. Chestney. His building designs reflected progressive designs that were<br />
prevalent in the west as practiced by Bernard Maybeck and Greene and Greene. He was the architect and designer of a onethousand<br />
foot high Tower of Babel for the Paris Exposition of 1900. He was a member of the Forest <strong>City</strong> Blue Lodge<br />
Masons and the Scottish Rite and politically he was a Republican. He lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> at 866 East 105th Street until<br />
1914. He moved on to New York <strong>City</strong> where he practiced architecture until 1930. He died in 1931 and is buried in New<br />
York.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
addition to warehouse owned by S.<br />
Kohn & Son - 390 Woodland<br />
1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1909 1274 East 102nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brick, stone and steel business block<br />
for James Benda $12,000 Inland 7.1895<br />
Cigar Box Factory for Rickersburg<br />
Brothers<br />
1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1896 1607 Marion <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clubhouse for Utopian Club 1895 3112 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial and residential building<br />
for the Dieboldt Brewing Company<br />
1899 4239 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for B.C. Elsamer 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for Diebolt<br />
Brewing<br />
Commercial Building for estate of<br />
Aaron Trather<br />
Commercial Building for Sandrowitz<br />
Brothers<br />
Commercial Residential Building for<br />
the United Realty Construction<br />
Company<br />
1899 4239 - 41 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1893 2147-59 Ontario <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1895 587 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1914 10402 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dwelling for A. Kohn 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Empire Theatre Nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Joe Bendan 1895 726 Johnson Court <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fire Station #16 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fire Station #18 1898 3409 Orange <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fred Elsasser Residence 1895 1408-12 West 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hazeldell School 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Horace Rossitter Residence 1895 1440 West 81st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ignatz Koblitz Residence 1896 3601 Beyerle Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Keith's Prospect Theatre 1911 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
L& J Wohl's Hungarian Restaurant 1903 1280 West 3rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lafayette Theatre Nd - <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Livestock Exchange Building 1911 3200 West 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Majestic Theatre 1907 1775-83 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Gleichman and Chestney<br />
Birth/Established: 1894 Death/Disolved: 1894<br />
Biography: After Morris Gleichman returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong> from Seattle he formed a partnership with W. R. Chestney, it was listed in<br />
the 1894 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory.<br />
Jonathan Goldsmith<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Mayflower Flats 1899 3406 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Parkwood School 1899 1171 Parkwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
S. Kohn and Sons Commercial Building 1907 - 8 10503 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment building 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartments for John Kehres 1895 1209-11 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartments for Matthew<br />
Burrick<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1783 Death/Disolved: 1847<br />
1894 1219 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and tenement for David Grossman 1897 4417-23 Payne Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Walnut Avenue Business Block 1909 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West <strong>Cleveland</strong> Banking Center 1893 10101 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Young Residence 1895 11114 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Young Residence 1895 11114 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ohavei Emuna Anshe Russian Jewish<br />
Synagogue Addition<br />
1894 2530 East 22nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Jonathan Goldsmith was born in Milford, Connecticut and moved to Ohio in 1811. He was a master builder active in Lake<br />
County and <strong>Cleveland</strong> between 1819 and 1843. He designed over thirty houses in Painesville and ten houses in <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
in the late Federal and early Greek Revival style. He was the son-in-law of architect Charles Heard. He died in Painesville<br />
and is buried in the Painesville Township Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Charles Hickox Residence c 1835 1201 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. Charles Livingston Residence c 1827 Painesville OH Demolished<br />
Dr. Everett Denton 1816 55 Mentor Avenue Painesville OH Standing<br />
Dr. John Matthews Residence 1829 309 West Washington Street Painesville OH Standing<br />
Eber D. Howe Residence 1822 215 Mentor Avenue Painesville OH Standing<br />
Heard - Minch House c 1830 9647 Mentor Avenue Mentor OH Demolished<br />
Isaac Gilbert Residence c 1827 Painesville OH Standing<br />
John M. Woolsey Residence 1837 - 8 1211 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joseph Sawyer Residence c 1820 9364 Forsythe Road Mentor OH Standing<br />
Judge Aaron Wilcox Residence 1826 - 7 Painesville OH Standing<br />
Lewis - Morley House 1836 Painesville OH Standing<br />
Lyman Kendall Residence c 1833 - 7 540 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Nathan Corning Residence c 1830 8353 Mentor Avenue Mentor OH Standing<br />
Nathan Perry Residence c 1830 2157 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Peter Weddell Residence 1832 - 3 3333 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Robert Moody Residence 1819 172 East 2nd Street Painesville OH Demolished<br />
Robinson Elwell House c 1833 Willougby OH Standing<br />
Samuel Cowles Residence 1833 - 4 622 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sherlock J. Andrews Residence c 1833 - 5 400 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Thomas Kelley Residence 1834 - 5 1723 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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John H Graham<br />
Birth/Established: September 11, 1880 Death/Disolved: July 8, 1954<br />
Biography: John H. Graham was born in Waynesburg, Pennsylvania and received a BA and a MA in architecture form Cornell<br />
University. He was married to Jessie Orton in 1910. He was listed as an architect beginning in the 1916 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />
Directory. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Athletic Club, the Lakewood Elks Club and Acacia County<br />
Club. In 1927 his office was located at 1610 Euclid Avenue and he lived at 3025 Fairfax in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights.<br />
Edward T.P. Graham<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Truman Handy Residence 1837 800 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Canterbury School 1928 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Coventry Library 1926 1925 Coventry Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Fairmount Presbyterian Church 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Film Exchange Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Film Exchange Building 1920 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
H.C. Haight Residence 1920 Canton OH Standing<br />
John H. Graham Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Laurel School Kindergarten Building 1917 1 Lyman Circle Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Laurel School Main Building 1917 1 Lyman Circle Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Laurel School Residence Hall 1917 1 Lyman Circle Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
M.D. Building Remodeling 1922 3912 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Pompeiian Manufacturing Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1912 1097 East 98th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Clark Adams 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for N.S. Lewis 1918 3026 Brighton Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Sam Slothky Residence 1931 1276 Oakridge <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Solon Center Block 1929 Solon OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: 1964<br />
Biography: Edward T. P. Graham was a Boston-born architect who remained living in Cambridge. He graduated from Harvard<br />
College in 1900 and studied in Europe for two years. He opened a Boston office in 1904. He maintained a <strong>Cleveland</strong> office<br />
and was associated with the F. Stillman Fish Company.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Boston <strong>City</strong> Hall Annex nd Boston, MA MA Standing<br />
Boston <strong>City</strong> Hospital nd Boston MA Standing<br />
Brusch Medical Center nd Boston, MA MA Standing<br />
Cathedral Latin High School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Church of the Holy Name 1938-9 West Roxbury, MA MA Standing<br />
Forsythe Dental School 1912 140 The Fenway Boston, MA MA Standing<br />
Hagerty School 1910 110 Cushing Street Cambridge MA Standing<br />
Holy Ghost Church unk 518 Washington Street Whitman MA Standing<br />
Holy Name Church and Rectory nd 1689 Centre Street West Roxbury MA Standing<br />
Jefferson Park Housing Project nd Cambridge, MA MA Standing<br />
Mary Immaculate of Lourdes Church 1909 270 Eliot Street Newton MA Standing<br />
Mercy Hospital nd Portland ME Standing<br />
Mt. St. Joseph Academy nd Brighton MA Standing<br />
Our Lady of Lourdes Church 1931 - 2 45 Brook Street Jamaica Plain New York Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
81 of 210
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Our Lady of Peace School 1922 12411 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Registry of Motor Vehicles nd Boston, MA MA Standing<br />
St. Cyril and Methodius 1931 12608 Madison Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
St. Elizabeth's Hospital nd Brighton MA Standing<br />
St. Ignatius Parish Church 1925 - 30 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. James Church 1925 - 1934 17514 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
St. James Church and Rectory nd 779 Fellsway Medford MA Standing<br />
St. James Rectory 1952 17514 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
St. Joseph's Catholic Church 1921 - 32 2427 Tuscarawas Street West Canton OH Standing<br />
St. Joseph's Hospital nd Lowell MA Standing<br />
St. Margaret's Church 1955-8 109 Winn Street Burlington MA Standing<br />
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church 1915 - 6 750 South Main Street Akron OH Standing<br />
St. Patrick's Church 1923 - 5 1420 l Oak Hill Youngstown OH Standing<br />
St. Paul's Church 1916 29 Mt. Auburn Cambridge MA Standing<br />
St. Paul's Church and Rectory nd 29 Mt. Auburn Street Cambridge MA Standing<br />
St. Rose Lower Church 1927 11405 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Alfred Hoyt Granger<br />
Birth/Established: 1867 Death/Disolved: 1939<br />
Biography: Alfred Hoyt Granger was born in Zanesville, Ohio and was the great grandnephew of General William Tecumseh Sherman<br />
and Secretary of State John Sherman. He graduated from Kenyon College and studied architecture at the Massachusetts<br />
Institute of Technology and abroad. He lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1893 to 1898, where he originally was in business by<br />
himself and later formed a partnership with Frank Meade. While in <strong>Cleveland</strong> he designed the Euclid Heights<br />
development. In 1898 he moved to Chicago and began the firm of Frost and Granger. In Chicago that firm designed the<br />
Northwestern Railroad Terminal, and the Northern Trust Bank Building. They also designed the Union Station at Omaha,<br />
Nebraska and the Milwaukee Road station in Minneapolis. He was a captain of engineers in World War I and served as<br />
chairman of a construction committee for the war industry board. In 1919 he became a member in the firm of Granger and<br />
Bollenbacher. He was the author of several books and served as Chairman of the jury that chose the design for the Chicago<br />
Tribune Tower.<br />
Granger and Meade<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Alton Dustin Residence 1895 1833 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Barn for H.G. Dalton 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for J.H. Brown<br />
and W.L. Rice<br />
Birth/Established: 1896 Death/Disolved: 1897<br />
1895 922 Superior / 1681 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.E. Abbott Residence 1895 1870 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Henry Dalton Residence 1894 1887 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Res for Luther Allen, brick, brownstone 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for David J. Norton 1894 1940 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. M.J. Kline 1894 1752 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Samuel Mather coachmans cottage 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Granger and Meade was formed in 1896. The firm principles were Alfred Hoyt Granger and Frank Meade. The firm was<br />
dissolved when Alfred Hoyt Granger moved to Chicago. The firm specialized in residential architecture.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Alexander Taylor Residence 1897 2171 Overlook Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Alterations to Mary Himes Residence 1896 2403 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
82 of 210
Charles Raggio Greco<br />
Birth/Established: October 15, 1873 Death/Disolved: 1963<br />
Biography: Charles Greco was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts of Italian parentage. He practiced in Boston and lived in Winchester,<br />
Massachusetts. He studied architecture at the Lawrence Scientific School. From 1893 until 1899 he worked in the office of<br />
Wair & Cutter. He was later employed by Peabody & Stern. In 1907 he started his own practice. He opened a <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
office in the 1920's. His most notable local work was the Temple on East 105th Street. He also designed the Temple on<br />
the Heights and several residences in <strong>Cleveland</strong> suburbs and in Akron. He was a member of the Boston Society of<br />
Architects, the Boston Rotary Club, the Catholic Union, and the Knights of Columbus.<br />
Alfred Green<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Charles Cheney Residence 1896 11125 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G. Cady Residence 1896 Wickliffe OH Demolished<br />
German American Club 1896 - 7 4711 Lake Shore Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.M. Fisher Residence 1896 Akron OH Demolished<br />
Hal Morris Residence 1896 Wickliffe OH Demolished<br />
Harry Vail Residence 1896 - 7 1952 East 75th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Kenyon Painter Residence 1896 2432 Euclid Ave <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Luther Allen Residence 1896 - 7 7609 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Myron T. Herrick Residence 1897 2187 Overlook Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
O.F. Gordon Residence 1896 2155 Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Ernest Pfluegger 1896 Akron OH Demolished<br />
S.r. Calloway Residence 1897 3436 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.H. Humiston Residence 1896 - 7 2041 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.R. Lincoln Residence 1896 2185 Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
David G. Skall Residence 1924 2236 Demington Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
E.J. Kulas Residence nd Gates Mills OH Standing<br />
Eugene K. Hayes Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Harvey Firestone Residence c 1926 50 Twin Oaks Road Akron OH Standing<br />
Mandlebaum Residence 1920 2219 Chestnut Hills <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Montefiore Home for Aged 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Mt. Sinal Hospital Nurses Residence 1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1923 2243 Elandon <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1923 2248 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1926 2012 Denton <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 3021 Attleboro <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1920 2236 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1922 2244 Harcourt <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1928 2901 South Park Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 2839 South Park Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for J.B. Livingston 1917 Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mr. Corso 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
St, Catherine School 1924 3429 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Mary's School 1917 Painesville OH Demolished<br />
Temple on the Heights 1928 3130 Mayfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Temple Tifereth Israel 1923 - 4 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1834 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
83 of 210
Biography: Alfred Green was born in England. He was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> as a builder and architect in the late 1860's until 1873 when<br />
his name disappears from <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories. He was the architect of several major local churches, both Catholic<br />
and Protestant. According to the 1880 Census, he was living in Philadelphia.<br />
Robinson Greene<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: July 27, 1877 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Robinson Greene was an architect who appears in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1918 to 1920, with offices in the<br />
Williamson Building and a residence on Woodland Avenue.<br />
Vincent Gregg<br />
Second Baptist Church 1868 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Malachi Roman Catholic Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church 1871 3602 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for Cedar Coventry Land<br />
Company<br />
Birth/Established: 1849 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence for F.G. Marsh 1918 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Residence for J. H. Nesbitt 1917 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Residence for V. Emmons 1917 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Residence for William Voss 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of H.A. Stall 1918 Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence of H.J. Paumier 1918 Canton OH Unknown<br />
Residence of J.P. Kaiser 1918 Elyria OH Unknown<br />
Residence of L.A. Corlett 1918 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Residence of P.H. Palmer 1918 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Residence of R.W. Griswold 1918 Ashtabula OH Unknown<br />
Residence of S. C. Kerr 1918 Steubenville OH Unknown<br />
Residence of S.E. Tucker 1918 Oil <strong>City</strong> PA Unknown<br />
Residence of T. Corrigan 1918 Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
Residence of T. Ward 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of W.C. Grayell 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of W.C. Schroeder 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence of W.N. Perrin 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Three family for Mrs. R.A. Delamater 1918 Akron OH Unknown<br />
Twelve service stations for Lubric Oil<br />
Company<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Two dwellings 1918 11613 Locust <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Biography: Vincent Gregg was a New Jersey-born architect who is listed in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1892 to 1898. He<br />
specialialized in industrial buildings. He left <strong>Cleveland</strong> and appears in the 1900 Census living in Chicago.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Paper Company 1892 3 story warehouse 40 x 123 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Manufacturing building for the<br />
Kimbale Estate 4 story 96 x 58 $12,000<br />
1890 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
National Cash Register 1895 Dayton OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Lanson O'Connors 1890 1933 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
84 of 210
Gregg and LaChance<br />
Birth/Established: 1896 Death/Disolved: 1896<br />
Biography: This architectural firm was formed by Vincent Gregg and W.W. LaChance, it lasted for about a year in 1896.<br />
George Allen Grieble<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for William Bogey 1890 6214 Butler <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
White Sewing Machine factory 1891 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woolen Mill for Collings Taylor &<br />
Company<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1874 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1891 2236 Clarkwood <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for E. Heyse 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Brick and stone store building 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Frank Hankett<br />
1896 7604 Central Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
National Cash Register 1895 Dayton OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Malcomb Campbell 1896 11225 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: George Allen Grieble was born near Delaware, Ohio in September 1874. He went to the public schools in Delaware and<br />
attended Ohio Wesleyan University for two years. He was a veteran of the Spanish - American War serving in Puerto Rico.<br />
Initially he worked for the state of Ohio as superintendent of construction, overseeing the construction of public<br />
institutions. In that position he oversaw the cottages at Xenia, the chapel of the Girls Industrial Home at Delaware, the<br />
Lancaster cottages on the Boys Farm, and chapel building. He completed a course in architecture from the International<br />
School of Correspondence.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Shops nd Lorain OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Bottling Works nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
CTS Building 1920 1396 East 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing altered<br />
Doan and Dehr Blocks nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Eton and Rugby Apartments 1925 7338, 7448 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Euclid - 71st Street Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fidelity Building 1919 1940 East 6th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Gordon Square Theatre 1911 6405 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harp Apartments 1908 1389 West 64th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hotel for A. Dreher and Sons 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hotel for Perry Remick 1917 Ashtabula OH Unknown<br />
Jones Business Block nd Ashtabula OH Unknown<br />
Lincoln Building 1920 616-750 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing altered<br />
Nickolls Apartment House nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Nineteen Hundred Building 1910 1900 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Office Building 1917 1200 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Olympia Theatre 1913 3337 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Pennfield Avenue Bank nd Lorain OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Samuel Morris 1908 1794 Nichol Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for T.G. Sloan 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Retort Coke Oven Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Saltsman Block 1908 7813-23 Madison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Carl H Griese<br />
Birth/Established: 1821 Death/Disolved: 1909<br />
Biography: Carl H. Griese was born in Holstein, Germany and came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1850-1. He worked as a mason and carpenter and<br />
gradually developed a business as architect and builder. In 1860 he was an officer of the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Board of Education.<br />
As one of the early contractors, he erected many of the mansions on Euclid Avenue. He went into partnership with Albert<br />
G. Weile that lasted until 1878. He was in business by himself until 1891 when he disappears from the Directory listing.<br />
Throughout his life in <strong>Cleveland</strong> he lived on Case Avenue (now East 40th Street). He had nine children. His sons David<br />
and Gottlieb were general contractors with the firm of D & G. Griese.<br />
Griese & Weile<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Servants Quarters for the Euclid Doan<br />
Company<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1868 Death/Disolved: 1879<br />
Biography: Partnership of Carl Griese and Albert Weile, who began as masonry contractors and were later listed as architects. They<br />
worked for the <strong>City</strong> School's, and designed many Lutheran Churches, both in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and throughout the country.<br />
Purley H Griffin<br />
Birth/Established: 1870 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1908 10124 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sloan Building 1917 823 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Store addition and alteration 1917 710-2 Huron Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
U.S. Tool 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case School - 1875 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Police Department - Second<br />
Precinct Station<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Police Department -Third<br />
Precinct Station<br />
1870 - 2 2357 Rockwell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1870 - 2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for John Warner 1869 1748-54 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Paul Schmidt 1869 111-5 West Prospect <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fifth Ward Schoolhouse 1868 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Holy Cross Lutheran Church 1869 2650 Miami Avenue St. Louis MO Standing<br />
Immanuel Evangelical Church 1879 2928 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Philip Gaensslen Residence 1868 3050 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Residence and Commercial Building<br />
for Marie Theobald<br />
1881 4421 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for James Shipherd 1869 1002 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Sixth Ward Schoolhouse 1866 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Lorenz Lutheran Church 1879 - 1880 10145 West Tuscola Frankenmuth MI Standing<br />
Stephen Buhrer Residence 1868 4606 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Standing<br />
Theil College - Greenville Hall 1872 - 1874 Greenville Pennsylvania Standing<br />
Trinity Evangelical Church 1873 2057 West 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Trinity Lutheran Church 1871 - 2 Akron Ohio Demolished<br />
Truman Dunham Residence 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Purley Griffin was active as an draftsman and architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1912 until 1917. He is listed as living in San<br />
Diego, California in the 1920 census working as a draftsman.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Duplex for Adeline Schultz 1918 10403 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Van Dorn and Baer Residence nd 5807-11 Hawthorne <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Wilbur M Hall<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: 1920<br />
Biography: A Tennessee - born architect that worked for F.S. Barnum & Company from 1898 until 1902. He is listed as an architect in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories from 1904 until 1919. In 1910 he was living with his parents at 1454 Ridgewood in Lakewood.<br />
James M Hamilton<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
W. Ralph Horton Residence 1907 10117 South Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1876 Death/Disolved: 1941<br />
Biography: James M. Hamilton was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He received his professional training at the Massachusetts Institute<br />
of Technology where he pursued a special course in architecture. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1901 and traveled in Europe<br />
throughout 1903 and 1904. He returned to <strong>Cleveland</strong>, where he worked for Meade and Garfield. When Garfield left the<br />
firm in 1911, it became known as Meade and Hamilton. He was a member of the Hermit Club and Second Presbyterian<br />
Church. He died at St. Vinent's Charity Hospital in 1941 and was buried in Lindenwood Cemetery in Fort Wayne, Indiana.<br />
George F Hammond<br />
Birth/Established: 1855 Death/Disolved: 1938<br />
Biography: George F. Hammond was an important classical architect active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1886 to 1926. He was born in Roxbury,<br />
Massachusetts and attended Roxbury Latin School, Roxbury High School, the Massachusetts Normal Art School, and the<br />
Boston Evening Drawing School. In 1876 he worked as a draftsman in the Boston office of William G. Preston and in the<br />
office of William Ware. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1885 as a member of the firm of Koehler & Hammond. That firm lasted<br />
for one year. He would then go into business for himself. He designed hospitals, schools, factories, and power plants in<br />
many parts of the country. He lived at 1863 Caldwell Road in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He died in Falls Village, Connecticut<br />
although his obituary says Pittsfield, Mass.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
6 room addition to <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights<br />
School<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
6 room addition to Dawning School 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Abigail C.O.Smith Residence - 1890 - 1 2768 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Administration Building 1911 - 4 Kent OH Standing<br />
Baldwin Wallace College - Science Hall 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bank Building for Merchant Banking 1891 730 - 4 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Business Block 1902 Massillon OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Gas, Light, and Coke<br />
Company<br />
1891 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Stone Company 1907 Berea OH Demolished<br />
East Market School nd Warren OH Demolished<br />
Electric Building 1898 - 1900 700 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
F.C. Case Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.H. Glidden Residence 1892 2239 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Federal Building 1905 - 6 65 South Fifth Street Zanesville OH Standing<br />
George Fish Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Gibson and Price Company Warehouse 1892 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Gillsy Hotel nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Glidden and Joy Varish Company<br />
Office<br />
Glidden and Joy Varnish Company<br />
Boilerhouse<br />
1888 2686 Lisbon <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1888 2686 Lisbon <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
87 of 210
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Glidden and Joy Varnish Company<br />
Warehouse<br />
George J. Hardway<br />
Birth/Established: 1858 Death/Disolved: 1929<br />
1888 2686 Lisbon <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H. A. Everett Residence 1890 11235 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Holleden House addition 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hollenden House 1886 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hospital 1901 East Liverpool OH Demolished<br />
Hotel Nantucket 1883 Nantucket Maryland unknown<br />
Industrial Building 1909 2336-44 Canal Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Isaac Lamson Residence Alterations 1894 2330 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
James Gibbons & Company Barn 1891 2715 Harrison <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Kent Hall 1911 - 4 Kent OH Standing<br />
Kent State Normal College Master Plan nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lane Metropolitan Church 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lowry Hall 1911 - 4 Kent OH Standing<br />
Mayfield Presbyterian Church 1907 Mayfield OH Demolished<br />
McKinley High School 1916 800 Market Avenue North Canton OH Standing<br />
Merrill Hall 1911 - 4 Kent OH Standing<br />
Powerhouse for East <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
Railway Company<br />
1891 2181 Ashland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henry C. Overholt 1890 2307 W.14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henry Kitchen 1892 2099 East 96th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for R.P. Cattrall 1890 1834 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Sam Grossman 1907 Wickliffe OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Herron 1892 1946 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Roxboro Road School 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Roxboro School 1905 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
School 1901 Massillon OH Demolished<br />
School 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
School 1905 Chester OH Demolished<br />
South Brooklyn Public Library 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Stables and warehouse for the May<br />
Company<br />
1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stark County Courthouse Renovation 1890 - 3 Canton OH Standing<br />
Town Hall for the Village 1908 Mayfield OH Demolished<br />
Biography: George J. Hardway was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> from 1887 until 1905. He was a partner of Ora Williams from 1889 to 1891.<br />
The largest share of his work was on residences although he would occasionally design industrial or commercial buildings.<br />
He had also designed houses in Seattle, Washington and Odebolt, Iowa. From the buildings that we know he designed, his<br />
homes were often simpler in design. He avoided the Queen Anne style that was prevalent at the time. In 1892 he and<br />
Charles Tousley were the editors and publishers of the American Builder. He left <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1905 for New York <strong>City</strong>,<br />
where he had an office at 347 Fifth Avenue and lived in Great Neck on Long Island. He died at Great Neck in 1929 at the<br />
age of seventy-one.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Anna Miles Residence 1888 1864 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Frank S. Cody 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
B.L. Reynolds Residence 1888 - 9 1777 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Bell Residence 1901 1822 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Dental Manufacturing<br />
Company -<br />
1903 3307 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Curtiss Apartments for James Curtiss 1897 302-14 Summit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
88 of 210
Hardway and Rostenstock<br />
Birth/Established: 1899 Death/Disolved: 1901<br />
Biography: An architectural firm formed George Hardway and R. Rostenstock. The offices were in the Permanent Building. The firm<br />
existed between 1899 and 1901. R. Rostenstock returned to the profession of civil engineer.<br />
Hardway and Williams<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Frank Bruce Residence 1895 1937 East 73rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Frederick W. Smith Residence 1888 2057 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
G.E. Kelper Residence 1888 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George J. Hardway Residence 1889 1786 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Harvey Goulder Residence 1888 2043 East 81st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Iri Reynolds Residence 1888 - 9 2052 East 96th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence and barn for George Weeks 1888 1841 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Burnham King 1892 - 3 1850 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for F.C. Adams 1899 1945 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Hardway 1888 1905 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Hardway 1888 1911 East 86th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George Hardway 1892 - 3 8717 Blaine Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Hardway 1892 - 3 8807 Blaine Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for George Hardway 1892 - 3 8803 Blaine Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.S. Stevans 1888 2055 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John Hutchison 1889 6308 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Julia Nelson 1894 2100 East 21st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Marcel Mireau 1897 1432 Clark <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. Graham 1898 1408 East 85th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Rev. Alonzo Michael 1891 - 2 3231 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Richard Parmely 1888 2063 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Ambler 1893 8213 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Sandusky Opera House and Building 1900 Sandusky OH Demolished<br />
Seventh Ward Republican Wigwam 1888 2009 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Spencerian Business College addition 1901 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and apartments for George H.<br />
Burke<br />
Birth/Established: 1889 Death/Disolved: 1892<br />
1898 8616-8 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Bon Air Apartments 1899 3145 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Earl Apartments for Frank Cody 1899 3131 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Clause Residence 1896 2079 Murray Hill Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Mullins Residence 1892 6621 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Winona Apartments for Frank Cody 1899 2269 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: An architectural firm formed by George Hardway and Ora Williams that existed between 1889 and 1892. This firm<br />
specialized in single family houses.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartments for Louis Hausheer 1891 1800 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Parsons Residence 1891 1608 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Richard Residence 1891 1965 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Henry J Harks<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Clement L.V. Evans 1891 6516 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Johnson Hathaway<br />
Commercial building for George<br />
Anderson<br />
Commercial building for Hathaway and<br />
Johnson<br />
Birth/Established: 1865 Death/Disolved: 1913<br />
1891 10501 - 11 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cyrus Stanley Residence 1890 2069 Cornell <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Reisdence for George Paine 1890 1800 - 4 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East <strong>Cleveland</strong> Banking Company 1890 10519 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Edward Hoffman Residence 1889 1934 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Elbert Baker Residence 1891 2065 East 100th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Finley Parsons Residence 1891 1602 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Francis Chenoweth Residence 1890 9611 Anderson Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank Cattrall Residence 1891 2182 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George Collins Residence 1890 1813 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George Weeks Residence 1889 1841 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James Curry Residence 1889 1872 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Huber Residence 1891 7610 Cornelia Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Hutchison Residence 1889 6308 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Kern Residence 1890 6926 Claasen Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Letitia Williams Residence 1889 1812 East 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Martin Hurd Residence 1891 1716 East 89th Place <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Charles Pratt 1890 1791 Crawford Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Elizabeth Furnal 1890 1775-7 Randall Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Elizabeth Furnal 1890 1789-91 Randall Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Frank Adams 1890 1945 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Harry E. Hays 1890 6810 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for James D. Bridges 1890 1765 East 68th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for James O'Neil 1890 5507 Bridge Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John D. Bridges 1890 6804 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John D. Bridges 1890 6808 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John D. Bridges 1890 1761 East 68th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John D. Bridges 1890 1769 East 68th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Joseph Naftel 1889 3183 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Lorenz Feddersen 1891 7507 Redell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Midas Brooks 1890 4122 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Orville C. Allen 1889 2069 East 69th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Theodore Bate 1889 11425 Mayfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for W.H. Stinchcomb 1890 9405 Denison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William H. Garlock 1890 2347 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tenement for Theodore Bates nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Luff Residence 1896 2210 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Murray Barn 1889 1845 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Runyan Barn 1890 1868 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
William Sherwood Residence 1891 1802 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Williams Brothers Warehouse 1890 3014 Franklin Blvd rear <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Wilson G. Smith Residence 1891 1819 West 45th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
90 of 210
Biography: Henry J. Harks attended St. Peter's school and graduated from St. John's College. He studied architecture with B.<br />
Hoerstmann and was later a designer for the Woods-Jenks Company. He then studied with architect Samuel W. Lane. He<br />
was appointed building inspector by <strong>Cleveland</strong> Mayor Farley in 1899. In 1903 Mayor Tom Johnson appointed him to the<br />
three-member building code commission. He was the architect of several buildings for the Roman Catholic diocese,<br />
including St. Patrick's Church, St. Stephens School, St. Thomas Aquinas Church and School, and St. Vincent Hospital. He<br />
was a resident of the Belgrave, 8615 Wade Park Avenue. He lived in Chicago for a short period of time where he designed<br />
the church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He also had several commissions in Toledo that may have resulted from his<br />
brothers, who were priests at St. Michael's Church and St. Louis Church in Toledo. He was a widely known as a musician<br />
and organist in Catholic churches. He died at St. Alexis Hospital after an illness of several months. He was buried in<br />
Calvary Cemetery.<br />
Alfred Wilson Harris<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Brick church at 50 x 90 1896 Lorain OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Department 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Fire Department - Engine<br />
House #29<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
August Wiehm<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Ernest Hallon<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
Joseph Beltz<br />
Birth/Established: August 18, 1884 Death/Disolved: March 19, 1932<br />
1900 1314 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1898 7011 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1894 8901 Buckeye Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1895 7700 Kinsman Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for Michael J. Kelley 1898 1736 - 40 East 36th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Factory building on Michigan $15,000 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frame church in 1895 Elwood <strong>City</strong> PA Demolished<br />
Frank Buettner Residence 1895 5141 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
James Sheehan Residence 1894 5140 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Dietrich Residence 1895 7501 Quincy Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John P. Beckerle Residence 1896 7409 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John T. Hamelink Residence 1894 2749 Woodhill Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joseph Ranft Residence 1896 5714 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Notre Dame Convent 1902 - 4 Toledo OH Demolished<br />
res building for W.J. Delaney 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Anton Poelking 1897 1182 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Anton Poelking 1897 1220 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Frank Buttner 36 x 66 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Frank Dillhoefer 1895 5311 McBride Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Michael Kelley 1898 1736 - 40 East 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Alexis Hospiral Bolier Room 1897 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Alexis Hosptial 1896 5163 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Anne's School 1899 - 1900 2145 Forest Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Anthony's School 1899 - 1900 Toledo OH Standing<br />
St. Michael's School 1899 - 1900 Toledo OH Standing<br />
St. Michaels Church 1899 - 1900 Toledo OH Demolished<br />
St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church 1895 - 6 4427 Rocky River <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Stephen School 1897 1911-9 West 57th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Thomas Aquinas Church 1903 9205 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Thomas Aquinas Church & School 1898 9205 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Vincent's Hospital 1896 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
91 of 210
Biography: Alfred W. Harris was born in Tremont, Illinois. He served in the air force during World War I rising to the rank of Major.<br />
He worked in Peoria before coming to <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He lived at 9797 Newton Avenue, later moving to 18624 Winslow Road.<br />
He was one of the favorite architects of the Van Sweringen brothers. His son Alfred Wilson Harris, Junior (1910 - 1997)<br />
was also an architect.<br />
Charles W Heard<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Buiding 1929 2840 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1920 2622 North Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1920 2622 North Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1920 2636 North Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1920 2630 North Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1924 2867 Hampton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1930 13401 South Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1930 2805 Ludlow Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartments for Mrs. Walter Flanders 1918 Miami FL Unknown<br />
Apartments for W.D. B. Alexander 1918 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1927 18732 Chagrin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Buildings and apartments<br />
for S.H. Kleinman Realty<br />
Birth/Established: 1806 Death/Disolved: August 20, 1876<br />
1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Not Built<br />
Larchmere Morland Group 1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH never built<br />
Ludlow Gables 1927 13415 South Woodland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Ludlow Towers 1928 2825 - 35 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Moreland Courts 1922 13301 - 13901 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Moreland Courts Addition 1924 13301 - 13901 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Moreland Courts Addition 1929 13301 - 13901 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for S.H. Kleinman Realty 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.D.B. Alexande 1917 Miami FL Unknown<br />
Residence for W.D.B. Alexander 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Rockefeller Building Parking Garage 1921 621 Frankfort Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Shakertown Apartments 1930 2804 South Moreland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Van Aken Towers 1930 16300 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Van Aken Towers 1930 16300 Van Aken Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Charles W. Heard was born in Onondaga, New York. He settled in Painesville and learned the carpentry trade. He married<br />
Carolyn Goldsmith, daughter of Master Builder Jonathan Goldsmith in 1830. They moved to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1833, about the<br />
time the Ohio and Erie Canal opened and <strong>Cleveland</strong> experienced its first substantial population and economic growth. It<br />
soon passed Painesville in population and opportunity. The first city directory in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1837 lists Charles Heard as a<br />
carpenter and joiner. The 1845 directory listed him as a Master Builder. In 1846 and 1847 he was in partnership with<br />
carpenter Warham Warner. The 1850 <strong>City</strong> Directory shows him in the firm of Heard and Porter, architects and builders.<br />
That partnership lasted until 1864. He formed a partnership with his son-in-law Walter Blythe that lasted from 1866 to<br />
1871. From 1871 to the end of his life in 1876 he was the principle in the firm of Heard and Sons, when his sons Lucas<br />
Allen and Charles W. Heard Jr. joined the firm. He was active in the community serving as a member of the Board of<br />
Education and the Board of Alderman.<br />
He lived at 32 Euclid Street. His wife Caroline died on January 9, 1851. They had eight children; the youngest, Lucas<br />
Allen, was five when she died. By 1870 the census showed that his real estate was valued at $80,000 and that his seven<br />
adult children and two servants were living with him on Euclid Avenue. He died in 1876 leaving the unmarried children<br />
use of his home for seven years.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Case Block 1863 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Case Hall 1859 - 1867 233 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Lucas Allen Heard<br />
Birth/Established: 1846 Death/Disolved: 1893<br />
Biography: L. Allen Heard was the son of Charles Heard. He was in business with his father, at the end of his career, in the firm Heard<br />
and Son. After his father's death in 1876 Allen formed a partnership with George H. Smith. That firm lasted until Heard<br />
moved to Denver, Colorado in 1881. He died in a drowning accident in 1893 in Colorado.<br />
Heard and Blythe<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: 1871<br />
Biography: This was an architectural firm that was formed by Charles Heard and his son in law Walter Blythe. It existed between 1866<br />
and 1871.<br />
Heard and Porter<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Clara Morris School 1869 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Crittenden Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Eagle Street School 1864 610 Eagle Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Avenue Opera House 1875 2025 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jennings Place 1872 436 Casement Painesville OH Standing<br />
Lake Erie Female Seminary 1857 Painesville OH Standing<br />
Mayflower School 1869 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Merchants Bank of <strong>Cleveland</strong> 1849 512 West Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Merwin House 1838 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Merwin Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
New England Hotel nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ohio House - Centennial Exhibition 1876 Philadelphia PA Standing<br />
Payne Residence 1849 2121 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Perry & Payne's Block 1855 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Rockwell School 1864 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Salem Union School 1860 Fourth Street and School Salem, Ohio Salem OH Demolished<br />
St. Clair School 1868 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. James Episcopal Church 1866 Painesville OH Standing<br />
St. Mary's Methodist Episcopal Church 1870 4324 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Paul's Church 1848 - 51 340 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Starkweather Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
T.P. Handy Residence nd 1843 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Birth/Established: 1850 Death/Disolved: 1861<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: This was an architectural firm that was formed by Charles Heard, originally from Painesville and Simeon Porter from<br />
Hudson. Created in 1850 the firm existed until 1859, when it was dissolved. At that time both architects went into<br />
independent practice.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Central High School 1855 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Converse Block 1859 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
H.B. Hurlburt Residence 1855 3233 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mason Residence 1855 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Old Stone Church 1855 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Second Presbyterian Church 1852 OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Heard and Smith<br />
Birth/Established: 1876 Death/Disolved: 1880<br />
Biography: Heard and Smith was an architectural firm active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in the 1879 and 1880. The firm included L. Allen Heard, the<br />
son of Charles Heard who died in 1876, and George H. Smith. The firm had some important commissions including the<br />
Willson Avenue Baptist Church, the Hurlbut Chapel in Massillon, and the Idaka Chapel.<br />
Heard and Son<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: 1876<br />
Biography: This was an architectural firm that was formed by Charles Heard and his son L. Allen Heard. It was in existence from 1871<br />
until the death of Charles Heard in 1876.<br />
Reynold Hinsdale<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
St. Paul Church 1851 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Peter's Church 1857 1701 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Zenas Kent Residence 1855 - 9 1369 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four story commercial building on<br />
Heard estate<br />
Birth/Established: 1878 Death/Disolved: November 6, 1934<br />
1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hurlbut Chapel 1879 37 Second Street Massillon OH Demolished<br />
Idaka Chapel 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Willson Avenue Baptist Church 1879 2393 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Wilson Dodge Residence 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Biography: Reynold Hinsdale was born and educated in Utica, New York. He received architectural training in the New York School<br />
of Art. In New York <strong>City</strong>, he was associated with the firm of Clinton & Russell. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> about 1904 and<br />
was associated with J. Milton Dyer at some time. He established an office in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in the Erie Buiding. He resided at<br />
2924 Corydon Road in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He was a member of the American Institute of Architects and was listed as a<br />
registered architect in the November 1940 Ohio Architect listing. He died in Lakeside Hospital and is buried in Knollwood<br />
Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building for Joseph Baskin 1925 8024 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Eisler Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Elyria Telephone Exchange 1917 Elyria OH Demolished<br />
Factory for Ohio Investment Company 1918 9408 St. Catherine <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fenway Apartments nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Gebauer Chemical Company 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Glenville Presbyterian Church Addition 1911 711 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church nd 146 High Street Wadsworth OH Standing<br />
H.L. Haines Residence 1927 3275 Ingleside Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Harry Frankel Residence 1930 2964 Courtland Blvd Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Madison Public Library 1917 Madison OH Demolished<br />
Park Lane Villa 1922 - 3 10518 Park Lane <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1911 9218 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Willard Hirsh<br />
Birth/Established: 1872 Death/Disolved: January 11 1920<br />
Biography: Willard Hirsh was born in Syracuse, New York. He worked for Ernest Flagg of New York <strong>City</strong> and later, when in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong>, he worked for Charles Schweinfurth. In December 1895 he formed a partnership under the name Steffens,<br />
Searles & Hirsh (1895-1901).Later partnerships were Searles & Hirsh (1902-4), and Searles, Hirsh, & Gavin (1905-1910).<br />
From 1910 until his death he was in practice for himself. He lived at 1838 Rosemont in East <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He died of<br />
pneumonia on January 11, 1920 and is buried in Lake View Cemetery.<br />
Frederick F Hodges<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1912 9214 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9222 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9212 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9214 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9218 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9222 Kempton <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2345 Roxboro Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 16700 Parkland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1922 2950 Attleboro Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for E.M. Mohrman 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for J, Fish nd 3001 East Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence for J. Crawford, Jr. nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence of C.R. Megath nd Lakewood OH Unknown<br />
St. Ann's Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Syracuse Railway Terminal 1917 Syracuse NY Demolished<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building for Euclid Logan<br />
Realty<br />
Birth/Established: 1866 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1914 9513 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Trust 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fortieth Apartments 1913 2021 East 40th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Frederick Building 1912 2057-63 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Huron Road Hospital 1917 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Office Building for United Alloy Steel 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1912 2277 Stillman <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1916 2862 Fairmount <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1916 3100 Fairmount <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Charles Bradley 1917 Chagrin Falls OH Unknown<br />
Residence for H. Tutem 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for H. Tuteur 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Jno. Sprowl 1918 13128 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Mrs. Chester Blog 1919 2257 Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Mrs. Margaret Mael 1922 2256 Delaware <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
School addition 1917 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Sincere Building 1913 2077-9 East 4th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Telephone Exchange 1916 6338 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
United Alloy Steel Company 1917 Canton OH Unknown<br />
United Alloy Steel Factory and Office 1917 Canton OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
95 of 210
Biography: Frederick Hodges was a member of the firm of Hodges & Hodges, with his brother W.W. Hodges. After the firm broke up<br />
he went into business for himself. In 1910 the <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory lists him as a salesman in Olmsted Falls. The 1920<br />
census lists him as a farmer living in Burton, Geauga County, Ohio.<br />
William W Hodges<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Charles H. Loew Residence nd 15407 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Charles Roehl Residence 1904 1724 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.L. Emerson Residence nd 18128 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Standing<br />
G.A. Weitz Residence 1908 10405 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Joseph Reitz Residence 1904 3045 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Keyse Residence 1903 1708 Wooster Road Rocky River OH Standing<br />
Loew Supply and Manufacturing 1903 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mt. Vernon Apartment House 1903 2043 East 71st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Minnie Malden 1908 9914 South Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mrs. Miller 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Marietta Apartment House 1901 10621 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Hall Residence 1905 1344 Edanola <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Birth/Established: 1867 Death/Disolved: 25 May 1923<br />
Biography: W.W. Hodges was born in Troy, Geauga County, Ohio and went to grammar and high school in Hart, Michigan. He came<br />
to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1888 and took up the study of architecture. In June 1894 he and brother Fred F. Hodges formed the firm of<br />
Hodges and Hodges, that was dissolved in 1900 when he went into business for himself. He designed several churches and<br />
schools for the Roman Catholic diocese. He lived at 2062 West Boulevard.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment House 1904 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Belmore Apartments nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1918 5361 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East <strong>Cleveland</strong> Baptist Church 1902 - 3 14516 Euclid Avenue East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Emmanuel AME Zion Church 1903 5708 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Factory for James W. Rock 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
G.A. Weitz Residence 1908 - 9 10405 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
George Koch Residence 1903 15315 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Great Western Oil Company Rebuilding 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Holy Name School 1906 8328 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Palmer Manufacturing 1904 838 Bolivar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for George D. Koch 1903 15315 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mrs. M. Butler 1904 East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Peter Barts 1917 9611 Sophia Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for William Grief 1905 11834 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
St. Augustine Roman Catholic School 1907 1413 Howard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Francis School 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Francis Xavier Roman Catholic<br />
Church<br />
1907 418 West Liberty Street Medina OH Standing<br />
Summer Residence 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Supervising Architect for Our Lady of<br />
the Rosary Church<br />
1905 12021 Mayfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Terrace 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Terrace for Z.T. Armstrong 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Hodges and Hodges<br />
Birth/Established: 1900 Death/Disolved: 1902<br />
Biography: This was a short lived partnership of brothers William W. Hodges and Frederick Hodges, that was in existence in 1900.<br />
Edward G. Hoefler<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartments and Store for George W.<br />
Kinsey<br />
Birth/Established: November 5, 1892 Death/Disolved: 1967<br />
Biography: In 1917 he was working for the Austin Company as an architect. He is listed as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories<br />
from 1923. He was a member of the firm of Best & Hoefler from 1923 until 1927, and in 1929 he was a member of the<br />
firm of Kalsch & Hoefler.<br />
Charles William Hopkinson<br />
Birth/Established: April 13, 1865 Death/Disolved: 1950<br />
1900 5605 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mrs. J.F. McHenry 1900 1860 East 24th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Randolph Apartment Building 1901 7405 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Thomas Manning Residence 1902 11210 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Charles William Hopkinson was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and went to the public schools here. He graduated from Cornell<br />
University in 1887 with a Bachelor of Science in Architecture. After spending three years in New York <strong>City</strong>, he opened a<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> office in 1890. He lived at 4718 Franklin Boulevard. His office was in the Rose Building. He was listed as a<br />
registered architect in the November 1940 Ohio Architect.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Adelbert College Armory - Gymnasium 1918 2118 Adelbert Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Alta House 1899 - 1900 12510 Mayfield Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Aoartment House for Henry Brooks 1894 3906 - 8 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House for Curtis Barrett 1896 5501 - 7 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Arnold Wooden Ware 1921 5209 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Arthur H. Bailey Residence 1897 6306 West Clinton Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Arthur Johnson Residence 1899 13502 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Arthur May Residence 1907 7418 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.B. Stowe Residence 1894 17884 Beach - Lakewood <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Carnegie Library 1916 15425 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Chapek Residence 1902 13307 Detroit Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Charles T. Williams Residence 1892 1949 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Children's Aid Society 1906 10411 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Clifton Club 1902 - 3 17894 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cogswell Hall 1913 7200 Franklin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Colonial Club House nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Building for<br />
C.W. Bingham<br />
1897 1373 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Convent for Order of St. Joseph 1905 - 7 3340 Rocky River <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Country Residence of H.P. McIntosh nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
DeKlyn Apartment House 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dr. F.E. Bunts Residence 1897 1821 E. 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Emma Morse Residence 1892 1924 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frank A. Arter Residence 1913 - 4 17300 South Park Blvd Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Frank Carpenter Residence 1898 - 9 11115 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Franklin Circle Masonic Temple 1932 2827 Franklin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Fred J. Fontius Barn 1895 1826 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fullerton Residence 1908 - 9 318 Reamer Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Gatehouse for Forest Hill (John D.<br />
Rockefeller Residence)<br />
George Martin Hopkinson<br />
1901 13652 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
George D. Bates Jr. Residence 1908 41 Putnam Road Akron OH Standing<br />
Haddam Building 1904 10500 - 10514 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henderson House 1917 Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Henry Brooks Residence 1899 1932 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Henry Harvey Residence 1892 - 3 1869 East 19th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Herman Kelley Residence 1905 6908 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hough Avenue Congregational Church 1898 8273 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Hugh Alan Galt Residence 1908 - 10 1175 West Market Street Akron OH Standing<br />
J.J. Tracy Residence 1905 3535 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John F. DeKlyn Residence 1895 1827 East 63rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lakeside Hospital Addition nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lakewood Congregational Church 1895 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lakewood High School Addition 1917 Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Laundry Building for Nathan Perry 1897 rear 1373 - 83 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lester J. Cobb Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lincoln School nd 15615 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Louis Berger Residence 1900 6116 Franklin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Madison School nd 16601 Madison Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Mining Engineering 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Mrs. H. Harvey Residence 1892 4608 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Oliver B. Perry Residence 1928 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Owl's Nest 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Professor W.I. Upton Residence 1907 Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Professor William Mosher Residence 1907 Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Remodeling of Residence for John<br />
Teagle<br />
1905 8418 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1911 11018 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Capt. Drake 1906 Gates Mills OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Henrietta Hopkinson 1897 2020 West 95th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for J. Crider 1910 13920 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Jeanette Wallace 1892 1432 West 65th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for M.W. Harvey 1890 4903 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Mary J. Ferris 1896 7307 - 11 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Ralph Toomey 1907 Dover OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Thomas G. Robinson 1898 1944 East 89th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Valentine Morris 1892 2238 East 70th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Restaurant for John Schuster 1913 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Riverside Cemetery Building 1896 3607 Pearl Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Robert B. Wallace Residence 1904 17836 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Sanford K. Barstow Residence 1896 11119 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Savage Residence c 1908 310 Reamer Oberlin OH Standing<br />
Schauffler Missionary Training School 1916 5111-9 Fowler Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Teagle Residence 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.J. Fontius Residence 1895 1826 East 93rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Warehouse for H.B. & M.P. Payne 1897 810 - 8 Rockwell Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
98 of 210
Birth/Established: February 10, 1883 Death/Disolved: September 7, 1962<br />
Biography: George M. Hopkinson was born in Hull, England. He immigated to the United States in 1903 and was naturalized as an<br />
American citizen in 1908. He was the <strong>Cleveland</strong> School Board Architect from 1926 to 1932, where he was in charge of<br />
building design during the districts last big era of expanison. He lived at 1981 Ford Road in University Circle. He moved to<br />
New York <strong>City</strong> in 1933 where he was assistant to the Vice President of Operations for Rockefeller Center. He was a<br />
member of the National Council on Schoolhouse Standards, and the American Institute of Architects. He was the author of<br />
many articles on the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings.<br />
Carl Howell<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Charles Dickens School 1927 3522 East 131st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Harvard School Addition 1927 6900 Harvard Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
James Ford Rhodes High School 1932 5100 Biddulph Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Hay High School 1929 2075 Stokes Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Marshall High School 1932 3952 West 140th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Louis Agassiz School 1929 3595 Bosworth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Louisa May Alcott School 1926 10710 Baltic Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Nathan Hale Junior High School 1929 3588 Martin Luther King Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Oliver Hazard Perry School 1927 18400 Schenely Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Robert Fulton School 1929 3291 East 140th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
South High (A. B. Hart Junior High)<br />
School<br />
Birth/Established: 1879 Death/Disolved: June 17, 1930<br />
Biography: Carl Howell was born in Columbus. He attended Ohio State University and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania<br />
School of Architecture in 1905. He won the Stewardson Scholarship for his design for "A Monument Commemorative of<br />
the Independence of Cuba" in 1905. He formed a partnership with Leicester Holland, known as Howell & Holland with<br />
offices at 712 Walnut Street in Philadelphia. He died on a vacation in Monrovia, California. He was buried in Columbus.<br />
Howell & Thomas<br />
Birth/Established: 1908 Death/Disolved: 1930<br />
1932 3901 East 74th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Thomas Alva Edison Greenhouse 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Thomas Alva Edison School (Boy's)<br />
Remodeling<br />
1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Thomas Alva Edison School Addition 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wilbur Wright Junior High School 1929 11005 Parkhurst <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Cullen Bryant School 1929 3121 Oak Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William Rainey Harper School 1927 5515 Ira Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Willson Junior High School Addition 1927 1625 East 55th <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Howell & Thomas was formed in Columbus in 1908 by Carl Howell and J. William Thomas who had been college<br />
roommates at the University of Pennsylvania. The firm specialized in residential architecture for upper income clients.<br />
Howell & Thomas moved to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1918. The move resulted from a contract from BR Deming for the development<br />
of the Euclid Golf residential subdivision along Fairmount Boulevard in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. The Euclid Golf development<br />
was built on John D. Rockefeller's former private golf course.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
A.R. Warner Residence 1916 2240 Elandon <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
A.S. Rodgers Residence nd 2854 Montgomery Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Alex Printz Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Alice B. Waters Residence 1909 1241 Lincoln Road Grandview Heights OH Standing<br />
Amos Barron Residence 1916 2233 Devonshire <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for Dr. C.H.<br />
Stinson<br />
1908 51 - 55 West Church Street Newark OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for H.E. Hedges 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartments 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
B.R. Deming Residence 1914 2485 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bonney House 1926 2355 Commonwealth Park South Bexley OH Standing<br />
Christian Narten Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Churches at Columbus, Canton and<br />
Oxford, Ohio<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Clyde S. Pelton Residence 1914 2270 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
East High School 1922 1500 East Broad Street Columbus OH Standing<br />
F.E. Cady Residence 1923 1285 Inglewood <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
George J. Arnold Residence nd 2590 Coventry Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
George Miller Residence 1915 2312 North St. James <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Greenwell Residence 1927 3116 Chadbourne Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Guildhall spaces on 10th floor of<br />
Landmark office building<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
H.H. Hammond Residence nd 2520 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Henry Curtiss Residence nd 2322 Delamere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
John L. Cannon Residence 1929 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Joseph Feiss Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Kenneth Wick Residence nd 2259 Delemere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Klages Family House 1927 - 8 311 North Drexel Avenue Bexley OH Standing<br />
Lakewood High School nd Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Library and Auditorium at Ohio State<br />
University<br />
nd Columbus OH Unknown<br />
Maramor Restaurant 1926 137 East Broad Street Columbus OH Demolished<br />
Modernization of Press Plant nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mrs. B.H. York Residence nd 2574 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mrs. Frances Allen Residence nd 2215 Delamere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mrs. W.C. Mason Residence nd 2227 Tudor Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Mrs. W.C. Scofield Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Nettie Hyde Residence 1924 1284 Inglewood <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
New York World Telegram Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Newark Arcade 1908 29 - 33 North 4th Street Newark OH Standing<br />
Newspaper buildings at Pittsburgh,<br />
Rochester, Brooklyn, <strong>Cleveland</strong>,<br />
Houston and Beaumont<br />
Oakwood Drive at edge of Country<br />
Club for Julius Feiss, Isadore Joseph,<br />
Will Halle, Aled Prinz<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Randolph G. Pack Residence nd 2224 Tudor Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1914 2263 Delamere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1915 2290 St. James Parkway <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 2529 Delmar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1917 2215 Delmar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1917 2235 Delaware Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1919 2368 Overlook Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 2834 Courtland <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 18401 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence nd 18401 North Park <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence 1924 18414 Parkland Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 3280 Maynard Road Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1924 18580 Parkland Drive Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for O.N. Townsend 1918 Zanesville OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.R. Gribben - 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residences 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Rev. Joseph Schrembs Residence 1924 18401 Shaker Boulevard Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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J W Hradek<br />
Birth/Established: 1856 Death/Disolved: 1936<br />
Biography: J.W. Hradek was Bohemian-born and came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1882 where he studied architecture. He was employed by<br />
Andrew Mitermiler for five years and Lehman and Schmitt for three years. In 1890, he went into business for himself. He<br />
was a member of the Knights of Pythias of the Uniformed Rank and a member of the International Order of Odd Fellows.<br />
He lived at 6603 Consul Avenue. He died on August 23, 1936. His funeral was held at A. Nosek and Sons Funeral Home<br />
on East 55th Street.<br />
Henry Hradilek<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Roland W. White Residence nd 2222 Delemere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Roy F. York Residence nd 2583 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Schoedinger & Company Funeral<br />
Chapel<br />
Shaker Courtland intersection home for<br />
J.J. Bernet, Denny<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: July 14, 1886 Death/Disolved: October 22, 1938<br />
1918 Columbus OH Standing<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Shaker Heights High School nd Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
St. Martin's Episcopal Church and<br />
Parish House<br />
1917 Shaker Heights OH Unknown<br />
St. Paul's Church nd Canton OH Unknown<br />
Thomas White Residence - nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Tom Sidlo Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
W. B. Alexander Residence 1917 2325 North St. James <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
William B. Cockley Residence nd 2220 Woodmere Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
YMCA buildings nd Zanesville OH Unknown<br />
YWCA 1928 3207 Franklin Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
John Beranek<br />
Commercial - residential for William<br />
Pollak<br />
Commercial residential building for<br />
Charles Prochaska<br />
Gymnastic Hall for Telocvinca Jednota<br />
Sokol Cech<br />
1889 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1891 6001-5 Woodland Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1894 8301 - 3 Quincy Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1892 4820 Wendall Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.F. Troyan Residence 1892 3293 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
John Beranek Reisdence 1890 3254 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Melzer Building 1909 5462-74 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Phineus Spencer Residence 1891 6515 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and apartments for Frank J.<br />
Svoboda<br />
1898 5373-9 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Theatre (in association with E. Huberty) 1912 3562 Fulton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Thomas Building 1915 5746-50 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Vincent Triska Residence 1896 5850 Cable Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Warehouse for Joseph Mares 1890 3628 - 32 Broadway <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: Henry Hradilek was born in Moraria, Austria - Hungary of Bohemian ancestors. He designed numerous single family<br />
homes in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He lived at 10712 Clifton Boulevard when he was drafted in the army during the First World<br />
War. During the War he was a member of Company A 308 Engineers. In 1930, he was living at 24763 Lake Road in Bay<br />
Village. He died at the Marine Hospital after a long illness.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
101 of 210
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment Building for Thomas<br />
Urbansky<br />
Apartment Building for Thomas<br />
Urbansky<br />
Apartment Building for Thomas<br />
Urbansky<br />
Benjamin S Hubbell<br />
Birth/Established: 1868 Death/Disolved: 1953<br />
Biography: Benjamin S. Hubbell was born in Leavanworth, Kansas and moved to <strong>Cleveland</strong> as a young man. He graduated from<br />
Cornell College in 1893 and received a master's degree in architecture there in 1894. He spent time in Zanesville and San<br />
Francisco before returning to <strong>Cleveland</strong>. In <strong>Cleveland</strong>, he was initially associated with the firm of Coburn and Barnum.<br />
After that firm dissolved, he and Dominick Benes formed the firm of Hubbell and Benes. He was elected as a Fellow in the<br />
American Institute of Architects. He lived at "Playmore" in Kirtland, where he would ride horses daily. He was<br />
instrumental in the planning and foundation of University Circle. He was a member of the Union Club and the Chamber of<br />
Commerce. His son Benjamin Hubbell continued in business. He was buried in Ithaca, New York.<br />
Hubbell and Benes<br />
Birth/Established: 1897 Death/Disolved:<br />
1914 2215 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1914 2219 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1914 1211-5 Fairfield Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bohemian Publishing Company 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Burt Federal Truck 1916 - 1917 1105 Carnegie Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clifflake Building 1927 8905 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Garage for Frank Svoboda 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
India Rubber Company Factory 1917 Kent OH Unknown<br />
Residence c/o <strong>Cleveland</strong> Machine Tool 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Arthur Schlee-Lot #90 1914 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for G. Hackerr 1916 3229 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for ida Sharp Nye 1915 2224 Grandview <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for John and Ruby Brown 1919 13145 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for John and Ruby Brown 1919 13151 Cedar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for John and Ruby Brown 1919 3084 Derbyshire Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mary Searles 1915 2300 Bellfield Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mary Wolf 1923 2091 L:amberton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Mr. Allinger 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Robert Hyde 1914 2640 Dartmoor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Storage Building for LEMP<br />
Improvement<br />
1915 2631 Ashton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1915 2637 Ashton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1915 2621 Ashton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1916 2632 Exeter Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1916 3301 Monmouth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Weizer Building 1928 11801 Buckeye Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Hubbell and Benes was one of the prominent <strong>Cleveland</strong> architectural firms from the early 20th century. Benjamin Hubbell<br />
and W. Dominick Benes had worked in the office of Coburn and Barnum before they formed the firm of Hubbell & Benes.<br />
They had several important commissions including the Citizens Building, the <strong>Cleveland</strong> Museum of Art, the West Side<br />
Market, the YMCA, the Ohio Bell Building, and the Illuminating Building. The firm also designed numerous homes,<br />
commercial buildings, and telephone exchange buildings. They were instrumental in the early planning for University<br />
Circle. Benjamin Hubbell retired in 1927, but the firm remained in business after the original partners died. In 1960 it was<br />
known as Hubbell, Benes & Hoff, with Benjamin Hubbell's son Benjamin S. Hubbell (1897-1988). The Western Reserve<br />
Historical Society has an extensive collection of the firm's drawings.<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
102 of 210
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Arthur M. Gordon Business Block nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Benes Residence 1905 17881 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Brayton Residence 1907 10803 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
C.L. F. Weiber Residence 1908 12574 Lake Avenue Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
Carabelli Commercial Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Carmi Thompson Residence 1923 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Citizens Building 1901 810 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Citizens Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Citizens Building Remodeling 1929 812 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Builders Supply Stable and<br />
Warehouse<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Museum of Art 1916 11150 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> School of Art 1904 1641 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> School of Art -Art Studio<br />
Building<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Co 1906 5300 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Company nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Company Eddy<br />
Exchange<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Company<br />
Fairmount Exchange<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Telephone Company St.<br />
Clair Exchange<br />
1907 12225 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
1916 13174 Cedar Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1920 12221 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Cliffside Office Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Commercial block for J.H. Wade 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial block for Joseph Carabelli 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Cornell Alumni Hall 1899 Ithaca NY Unknown<br />
Cornell University nd Ithaca NY Unknown<br />
Cutler Office Building 1915 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
D.L. Cockley Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Dr Stoner Residence 1927 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East End Baptist Church nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East End School 1906 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
East End School Association nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Equity Savings and Loan 1905 5701 Euclid <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F. A. Scott Residence nd Mentor OH Unknown<br />
F.G. Smith Residence nd Kirtland OH Unknown<br />
Frank P. Whitton Apartment Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fred C. Dorn Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Fries & Schele Department Store<br />
addition and alteratioon<br />
1912 1948 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
G.A. Kositzsky Cottage 1923 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
G.C. King III Residence 1925 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Gross and Riley Apartment Buildings nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
H.E. Gresham Residence 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Halcyon Flats nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Hathaway Brown School 1905 1945 East 97th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Hough Avenue Congregational Church 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Illuminating Building 1913 - 5 75 Public Square <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
J. H. Wade Farm Building nd Gates Mills OH Unknown<br />
J.C. Wallace Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
J.P. Murphy Melrose Apartment<br />
Building<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
103 of 210
Ernest Huberty<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
James C. Pettee Residence 1914 11610 Edgewater Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Jeptha Wade Estate - Valley Ridge<br />
Farm working buildings<br />
Birth/Established: August 26, 1878 Death/Disolved: September 29, 1965<br />
nd Hunting Valley OH Unknown<br />
Joseph Hummell Apartment Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Joshua Gregg Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Laurel School nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Masonic Temple 1919 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mather Gymnasium 1907 11120 Bellflower Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Mather Gymnasium 1907 11820 Bellflower <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Millford Plantation - Residence of J.H.<br />
Wade<br />
1903, 105, 1910 Thomasville GA Standing<br />
Mrs. Taylor Apartment Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
National Malleable Castings nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
National Malleable Castings- 10600<br />
Quincy Avenue<br />
1921 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
New England Apartment Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Office and storage for Julia Parks 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ohio Bell Central Exchange nd Massilon OH Unknown<br />
Parmely Herrick Estate nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Pearl Street Savings and Trust 1923 4175 Pearl and Broadview <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Plain Dealer Building Addition 1920-2 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodel of Fries and Schele 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Arthur O'Dell 1898 1709 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Arthur Odell 1892 1715 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Atthur Odell 1898 1725 East 82nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Benjamin Hubbell 1899 1672 East 117th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.H. Wade 1908 Gates Mills OH Unknown<br />
Residence for J.H. Wade 1909 10831 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence of J.W. Wade 1910 Gates Mills OH Unknown<br />
Residence of W.B. White 1899 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Rosedale Office Building nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Shaker Heights High School 1930 Shaker Heights OH Standing<br />
St. Lukes Hospital 1927 11311 Shaker Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Stephen L. Peirce Residence 1904 17856 Lake Road Lakewood OH Standing<br />
T.B. Stauffer Residence 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Taylor and Clinton Apartment<br />
Buildings<br />
nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
W.S. Tyler Office Building 1913 3601-5 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Wade Garretson Residence 1907 10804 Magnolia Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Wade Memorial Chapel 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
West Side Market 1907 - 10 1979 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
William H. Hunt Residence nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Woodland Avenue Savings and Trust nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
YMCA 1911 2200 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: Ernest Huberty worked as a draftsman for Lehman & Schmitt in 1895. He was listed as a draftsman from 1897 to 1904 in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories and as an architect from 1905 to the 1955 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directory. He was a registered<br />
architect according to the Ohio Architect November 1940 listing. He was a member of the firm of Huberty, Summerell &<br />
Gilman in 1911 and a partner with George S. Summerell in 1912. He lived at 8017 Whitethorn Avenue in the Hough<br />
neighborhood for most of his life.<br />
Building List<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
104 of 210
William Asa Hudson<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Commercial Building 1916 3451 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1917 12401 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for C.F. Brandt 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for J. Knaus 1905 6129-31 St. Clair Ave <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for R.A. Hendorf 1912 12407 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
F.J. Novak Block 1914 4101 Clark Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Factory 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Four suite apartment bldg fro ME<br />
Kindvater<br />
Birth/Established: July 31, 1890 Death/Disolved: March 13, 1975<br />
Biography: William Asa Hudson lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights and had an office in the Williamson Building. He designed several homes<br />
in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He later moved to California, where in the 1950-1 AIA Directory he is listed as a member of the<br />
Southern California Chapter with an office at 1567 North Beverly in Beverly Hills.<br />
William Asa Hudson<br />
Birth/Established: July 31, 1890 Death/Disolved: March 13, 1975<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J. Spang Baking Company 1915 2905 Barber Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.H. Jones Residence 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1917 3848 West 44th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.H.Jones 1907 1874 Roxbury Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for Joseph O. Easterbrook 1914 3848 West 44th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Store and apartment for A. Milanick 1906 - 7 736 Starkweather <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Stores and apartments for A.<br />
Greenwaldt<br />
Theatre for A.T. Ptak (in association<br />
with J. W. Hradek)<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
1912 3562 Fulton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Townhouse for E. Brunskin 1908 4009-13 Franklin <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Biography: William Asa Hudson lived in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights and had an office in the Williamson Building. He designed several homes<br />
in <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights. He later moved to California, where in the 1950-1 AIA Directory he is listed as a member of the<br />
Southern California Chapter with an office at 1567 North Beverly in Beverly Hills.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence 1919 14528 Coit Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for A.A. Frayer 1919 1662 Belmar <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Alma Coyne 1916 2839 Avondale Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for August and Libbie King 1918 18028 Nottingham Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for B.L. Healey 1919 17807 Roseclifff Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for B.L. Healey 1917 17807 Rosecliff Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for C.H. Foote and R.T.<br />
Cooke<br />
1919 2979 Yorkshire Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for D.P. Wise 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Dr. Hall 1918 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for Dr. J.J. Thomas 1917 2617 Overlook Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Dr. J.J. Thomas 1918 2617 Overlook Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for E.M. Graves 1919 2736 Berkshire Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.S. Wallace 1918 21`82 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.S. Wallace 1918 2188 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.S. Wallace 1918 2194 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.S. Wallace 1917 2212 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.S. Wallace 1915 3320 Euclid Heights Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.W. Burnham 1919 1609 Crest Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
105 of 210
Ralph M Hulett<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Residence for G. Bunge 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Residence for H.R. Taylor 1916 2925 Scarborough Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for J. G. Telling 1916 1554 Compton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
Residence for Logan Realty 1916 3025 Lincoln Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Logan Realty 1916 3031 Lincoln Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
Residence for M.R. Sheldon 1919 2159 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
Residence for Maynard Sheldon 1919 2176 St. James Parkway <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Logan Realty<br />
Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Residence for the Shaker Heights<br />
Improvement Company<br />
Birth/Established: 1873 Death/Disolved: 19 January 1943<br />
1917 2605 Ashton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1916 2873 Scarborough Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 2580 Dartmoor Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
1919 2577 Exeter Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1916 3349 Fairmount Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1918 2512 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1918 2520 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 2591 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 2629 Lee Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1918 3189 Monmouth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 3289 Monmouth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1917 3307 Monmouth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
1916 3349 Monmouth Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1916 2513 Wellington Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
1918 2637 Wellington Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heigjhts OH Standing<br />
Residence for W,A, Hudson 1917 2194 St. James Parkway <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.A. Hudson 1917 2212 Chatfield Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence for W.A. Jones 1916 2569 Berkshire Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residences for the Property<br />
Development Company<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Biography: Ralph M. Hulett was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong> and attended West High School. He was first employed as a draftsman in the office<br />
of B.F. Van DeVelde for two years. He then worked for George H. Smith, followed by employment in the office of George<br />
H. Steffen. In 1900 he opened his own office which was later incorporated as the Ralph M. Hulett Company, general<br />
architectural, building and real estate business. He was a member of the firm of Matzinger and Hulett in 1905 and Hulett &<br />
Stanton in 1922. He was also a director in the Carpathian Realty Company and the Fire Safe Development Company. He<br />
died in Ellwood <strong>City</strong>, Pennsylvania and was buried in Riverside Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment building on Walnut Street 1910 Akron OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Central School nd Talmadge OH Unknown<br />
Christ Koblenzer Residence 1910 1707 Brainard Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
106 of 210
John J Husband<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Cornelius J. Lane Residence 1908 - 9 744-6 East 9lst Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Cyclone Woven Wire Fence Company 1910 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.C. Deibel Residence nd Akron OH Unknown<br />
Farmers and Merchants Bank 1907 3837 - 43 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J.J. O' Donnell Residence 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
K.W. Company Factory nd OH Unknown<br />
Laundry Building for Co-Operative<br />
Laundry<br />
Birth/Established: c1815 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
1918 OH Demolished<br />
Palm Apartment House nd OH Unknown<br />
Philip Binz Monumental Works 1909 3636 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Reel Theatre nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Remodeled Commercial Building 1917 745 Huron Rd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1915 2227 Elandon Drive <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Residence 1918 11848-50 Clifton Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for A.G. Klippel nd 12994 Clifton Boulevard Lakewood OH Standing<br />
Residence for F.C. Witthuhn 1907 Brooklyn Heights OH Unknown<br />
Residence for H. Hildebrandt 1917 3222 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John Kullman 1913 3524-6 Marvin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for John Millard 1912 3015-9 West 14th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for M. Hildebrandt 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residences for Carpathian Realty (10) 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Matthew's Lutheran Church<br />
Addition<br />
1915 3256 Scranton Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Stading<br />
Store and Apartments for J.C. Kopp 1909 3074-82 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
The Randolph Apartments 1905 7405 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Theatre 1917 1746 East 9th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Theatre for George Treka 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Two family residence for John Kullman 1913 3528-30 Marvin Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
W.S. Westhafer Apartments 1908 - 9 1553-7 East 118th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Waldorf Theatre nd Akron OH Demolished<br />
Warren Wire Fence Company addition 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Biography: John J. Husband was born in Virginia. He was listed as a builder and architect from 1844 until 1853 in Philadelphia <strong>City</strong><br />
Directories. He appears in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories as an architect from 1853 to 1861. Charles C. Miller worked as a<br />
draftsman in his <strong>Cleveland</strong> office. Miller later went to work as an architect in Toledo and Chicago and was the co-author of<br />
an architectural pattern book. In 1860 Husband was living alone in the Weddell House. From 1863 to 1890 he is listed as<br />
an architect and civil engineer in Baltimore. He had returned to work in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1865. According to newspaper<br />
accounts after the assasination of President Abraham Lincoln, Husband was overheard in a conversation. A gentleman said<br />
that the assasination was perfectly horrible. Husband replied, "Some might think so; others might not. For my part I think<br />
it a damned small loss." Because of the remarks he was roughed up by a mob. His name was chipped away from the<br />
cornerstone of the Cuyahoga County Courthouse. He returned to live in Baltimore where he was still living in 1890.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Cuyahoga County Courthouse (Third) 1858 - 60 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Euclid Street Presbyterian Church 1853 1420 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Methodist Episcopal Church 1850 Norfolk VA unknown<br />
Northern Ohio Lunatic Assylum 1852 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Ohio Demolished<br />
Public School Number 109 1876 Baltimore MD Demolished<br />
Southern Ohio Lunatic Assylum 1852 Dayton Ohio Unknown<br />
Trinity Church 1854 - 5 520 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
107 of 210
Joseph Ireland<br />
Birth/Established: June 17, 1843 Death/Disolved: November 17, 1905<br />
Biography: Joseph Ireland was a New York <strong>City</strong>-born architect that practiced in <strong>Cleveland</strong> between 1865 and 1885. Prior to coming to<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1865 he was associated with R.G. Hatfield in New York <strong>City</strong>. He was one of the finest architects in <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
in the post Civil War era. In <strong>Cleveland</strong>, he had several very important commissions, including the Geauga County<br />
Courthouse in Chardon, the National <strong>City</strong> Bank and Society for Savings Bank buildings, and several significant churches<br />
including the Case Avenue Presbyterian, Plymouth Congregational Church, Plymouth Congregational Church and the First<br />
Presbyterian Church in Warren. He moved back to New York <strong>City</strong> in 1885. He died in 1905 after a lingering illness at his<br />
residence at 494 - 4th Street in Brooklyn.<br />
Clarence Izant<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Case Avenue Presbyterian Church 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Charles Bissell Residence 1867 4611 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Daniel Eels Residence 1876 3201 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.I. Baldwin Block 1881 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
First Baptist Church 1889 Montclair NJ Unknown<br />
First Baptist Church 1891 265 Broadway New York <strong>City</strong> NY Unknown<br />
First Presbyterian Church 1878 256 Mahoning Avenue NW Warren OH Standing<br />
Franklyn Alcott Residence 1866 4820 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Geauga County Courthouse 1869 Chardon OH Standing<br />
Henry B. Perkins Residence 1870 Warren OH Standing<br />
Home for Indigent Women 1876 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
John Devereaux Residence 1873 3266 Euclid Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Memorial Presbyterian Chapel 1873-4 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Monroe Street Cemetery Entrance 1873-4 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Montclair Childrens Home 1893 Montclair NJ Unknown<br />
National Bank Building 1866-7 814 - 26 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Plymouth Congregational Church 1880 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
School 1869 Warren OH Standing<br />
School 1871 Warren OH Demolished<br />
Second Presbyterian Church 1878 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Society for Savings 1866 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Tabernacle Baptist Home for Young<br />
Women<br />
Birth/Established: 1884 Death/Disolved: 1949<br />
1893 New York <strong>City</strong> NY Unknown<br />
Terrace for I.B. Hubby 1880 2095 - 2013 East 30th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Retreat 1872 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Town Hall Remodeling 1874 Chagrin Falls OH Standing<br />
W.J. Wickham Residence 1880 Huron OH Unknown<br />
Biography: Clarence Izant was an architect and engineer who worked for the Austin Company. While there, he designed the original<br />
unit for Nela Park. He later went into private practice where he designed the East 70th Street plant for <strong>Cleveland</strong> Electric<br />
Illuminating Company. He left <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1916 and became works manager for the Corning Glass Company in Corning,<br />
New York. In 1923 he moved to Los Angeles, California where he headed his own company the Cochran - Izant Company.<br />
He served as president of the California Artist's Club and had many exhibitions of his etchings. He died in 1949 in<br />
Whittier, California.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Double residence for Miss Anna<br />
Granger<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Southern Theater 1915 3145 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Albert F Janowitz<br />
Birth/Established: January 1867 Death/Disolved: 1936<br />
Biography: Albert F. Janowitz was born in London of Bohemian parents. He and his parents immigrated to the United States in 1868.<br />
He was a draftsman in the offices of Coburn and Barnum (1888) and B.F. Vandevelde (1889). In 1894, he worked for the<br />
Peoria, Illinois-based architectural office of Wechselberger, Janowitz. He was active in <strong>Cleveland</strong> in the first three decades<br />
of the 20th century. He designed the B'Nai Jeshurun Temple and, most notably, Anshe Emeth Synagogue (now Cory<br />
Methodist Church). He was also the architect of several apartment buildings along Clifton Boulevard, Lake Avenue, and<br />
East Boulevard. He died May 23, 1936.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Anshe Emeth Synagogue (Cory<br />
Methodist Church)<br />
1921 1117 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Anshe Emeth Temple 1904 2541 Longwood Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Buidling for Max Lees 1912 6901 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Buidling for Max Lees 1912 6905 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment building 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1911 931 Ansel Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1911 7306 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1911 7310 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1911 7408 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1912 11009 - 11 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1912 11021 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1912 11111 - 27 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building 1917 9330 Amsborn Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1917 10808 Orville Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1918 2126 East 84th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building 1928 2536 Overlook <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for Aaron Shapiro 1916 410 Eddy Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for David Rubin 1917 1839 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for E. Gold and<br />
D.Dolinsky<br />
Apartment Building for M.J.<br />
Weinberger<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
1911 11025 - 7 Clifton Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for Max Morris 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for ME Messer 1911 12338 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Nathan Soffen 1916 11406 - 8 Miles Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment Building for W. Kominsky<br />
E.29th and Scovill<br />
1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for A. Permuth & Company 1908 5811 Lexington Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for A. Winisturi - 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for Lew Mintz 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment for Weiss and Schnitzer 1908 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Apartment House for Martin Schuller 1907 1167 - 9 East 58th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartment house for Mrs. A. Klinkner 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment house for Samuel Goldberg 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1912 2131 East 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1912 9208 Rosalind <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1912 11209 Ashbury Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1912 11203 Ashbury Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1912 965 - 7 Ansel Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1917 2193 Grandview <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments 1924 11095 - 11101 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Apartments for A. Wasserman 1915 2198 - 2200 East 76th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Bialosky Cohn 1914 2072 East 88th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Bialosky Cohn 1914 2070 East 88th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartments for Bialosky Cohn 1914 2077 East 88th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for C.S. Sharp 1915 9814 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Dave Rubin 1913 2042 East 77th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Joseph Arnoff 1914 1398 East 124th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Joseph Arnoff 1914 1394 East 124th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartments for Louis Abrams 1909 2201 West 83rd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Building 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Clifton Lake Apartments 1924 10911 Lake Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Com - res bldg for Tony Artino 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - Residential Buidling for<br />
Max Lees<br />
1912 6801 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial - residential Building 1917 1667 East 66th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
Carl Spack<br />
1913 3424 Poe Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial / residential building 1917 7809 Wade Park Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial / residential buildng 1917 1054 Lakeview Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building 1907 1802 Prospect Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1915 11207 - 11 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building 1921 3624 Memphis Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial Building for Joseph Arnoff 1915 11503 - 5 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial residential building 1917 3610 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial residential building for<br />
Louis Cohen<br />
1911 1031 - 5 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial storefront for S. Beck 1915 4811 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residence for J.E. Rich 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double Residences for Morris Amster 1917 2745 Hampshire <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Demolished<br />
Dwelling addition for Harry Bernstein 1900 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Eddy Euclid Building 1927 13741 - 817 Euclid Avenue East <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Elyno and Dorothea Apartments 1921 11107 - 11 Detroit Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Four family residence for S. Newman 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Fourteen houses for N. Straffer 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Frame house 1907 3635 Scovill Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Heights Theatre 1919 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
I.B. Heller Warehouse 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Madison Square Building 1915 7812 - 4 Hough Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Movie Theatre 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Movie Theatre 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1912 1005 East Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1912 9709 - 11 North Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1917 3793 West 25th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1917 Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1917 14413 Lake Shore Boulevard <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence 1919 9102 - 4 Parkside Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence 1920 1105 Parkside Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence fo Nathan Pirowarff 1914 10910 Morrison Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for Al Schnitzer 1914 968 East 90th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J. Hartman 1911 10317 Ostend Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J. Makoff 1906 1208 Case Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for T.J. Philips 1905 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment 1917 12810 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Store and apartment building 1904 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace for W.S. Freiberger 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
The Parkview Res Com Building 1908-9 1562 East 105th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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William Jansen<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Two Apartment Houses for Morris<br />
Arnoff<br />
Birth/Established: 1871 Death/Disolved: March 5, 1933<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Unknown<br />
Two family residence for Fred Rowe 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
West Park Theatre 1924 16915 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Biography: William Jansen was born in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He began his career in the office of Cudell and Richardson. After Cudell left the<br />
firm he was associated with John N. Richardson. After Richardson's death in 1902 he went into practice for himself. He<br />
established a practice mostly known for the design of Roman Catholic churches and associated religious buildings. He<br />
lived at 1348 East 91st Street. A devout Roman Catholic he attended mass daily at St. Thomas Aquinas Church before<br />
going to the office. He was listed as a registered architect in the Ohio Architect November 1940 listing. He died in 1933<br />
after a period of failing health. He is buried in Calvary Cemetery.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Bath and Tenement for A. Szalasko 1917 1379 1379 East 35th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Bath House and Apartment Building 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Comercial Building for Joseph Tatlak 1914 2223 Professor Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Commercial - residential building for<br />
Joseph Braum<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
Dangler Stove Warehouse 1912 5017 Perkins Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Double residence for Edward J.<br />
Kovanda<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Frame and brick dwelling 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Immaculate Conception Church 1927 225 South Sycamore Ravenna OH Standing<br />
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Church 1927 9614 Aetna Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Notre Dame School 1915 1325 Ansel Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Our Lady of Blessed Sacrement 1923 2350 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Our Lady of Lourdes School 1907 3406 East 55th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Pastoral residence for St. HyacinthÆs 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for J.P. Farrelly 1918 6804 Lansing Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence for John Trentener 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for R. F. Korzen 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Sisters of St. Francis Hospital 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Ss. Cyril and Methodius Parish House nd - Lakewood OH unknown<br />
Ss. Cyril and Methodius School nd - Lakewood OH Demolished<br />
St. Aloysius Church 1925 10932 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Benedict's School 1923 10615 Lamontier <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Casimir's Church 1918 8223 Sowinski Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Cecilia's Church School and Parish<br />
House<br />
1917 3276 East 152nd Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Cyril and Methodius School 1914 1639 Alameda Avenue Lakewood OH Standing<br />
St. Hyacinth School 1907 2965 East 61st Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Cantius Church 1908 2280 Professor Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Cantius Parish House 1909 2270 Professor Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Cantius School 1908 2280 Professor Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Nepomucene Church 1917 3785 Independence Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. John Nepomucene Parish House nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Slanislaus School 1922 6510 Baxter Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Stanislaus Convent 1917 6615 6615 Forman Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish House nd <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Thomas Aquinas School 1929 9015 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Vitus Roman Catholic Church 1932 6019 Glass Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
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John unknown Jasinski<br />
Birth/Established: 1885 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: John Jasinski was listed as an architect and draftsman in <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories. He was American born of Polish born<br />
parents. He worked mostly in the Slavic Village and St. Clair - Superior neighborhoods of <strong>Cleveland</strong>.<br />
Harry T Jeffery<br />
Birth/Established: 1876 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: Harry T. Jeffery was listed as an architect in the 1907 to 1938 <strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>City</strong> Directories. In 1907 he is listed as a member<br />
of the firm of Jeffery and Keller and in 1915 as a member of the firm of Keller and Smith.<br />
Levi Johnson<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
St. Vitus School 1912 6115 Glass Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
St. Wendelin School 1925 2235 Columbus Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Tenement Addition for Charles Selzak 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Apartment building 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for George W. Hale 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment building for J. Timendorfer 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Morse Building<br />
Company<br />
Birth/Established: 1786 Death/Disolved: 1871<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Building for Mr. Burenlaugh 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment Hotel 1917 1913 East 79th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Apartment House 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> Gun Club House 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial - residential building 1918 12009 St. Clair Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Boardman<br />
Realty Company<br />
1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial building for Neale Phypers 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Commercial Building for Perkins<br />
Building Company<br />
1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Doan Market House 1916 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Dwelling 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
E.D. Kern Residence 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
F.G. Holtcamp Residence 1927 3380 Norwood Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
George Buck Residence 1919 - 20 3386 Scarborough Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
H.G. Robbins Residence 1916 - 7 2250 Demington Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Hotel 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
IOOF Lodge Hall 1912 1957 East 59th Street <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
J. D'Ericco Residence 1919 - 20 2625 Edgehill Road <strong>Cleveland</strong> Heights OH Standing<br />
Lodge Building for Angelo Arata 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
New England Life Building 1923 1120 Chester Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Residence nd 16290 South Park Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence nd 2775 South Park Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence nd 17400 South Park Shaker Heights OH Demolished<br />
Residence for C.B. Smith 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Residence for W.H. Botten 1907 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
St. Clair Market House 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Terrace 1907-8 8103 8103 Cedar Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> <strong>Landmarks</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> - 601 Lakeside Ave. Room 519 - <strong>Cleveland</strong>, OH 44114 - 216-664-2531<br />
112 of 210
Biography: Levi Johnson was a Carpenter - Builder who was born in Herkimer County, New York. He came to <strong>Cleveland</strong> in 1806. He<br />
built the first frame building in <strong>Cleveland</strong> for an office for Judge Walworth. His early years were spent building houses in<br />
<strong>Cleveland</strong> and Newburgh. He received a contract from the Cuyahoga County <strong>Commission</strong>ers to build the first simple frame<br />
Courthouse in 1812-3. During the War of 1812 he became a ship builder. He was also the first Cuyahoga County coroner.<br />
In 1831 he contracted with the federal government to build a lighthouse on Water (now West 9th) Street. He lived in a<br />
house at the corner of Water (West 9th Street) and Lake (Lakeside Avenue) streets.<br />
Rowland Johnson<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: February 21, 1890 Death/Disolved: October 26, 1940<br />
Biography: Rowland Johnson was born in Riverside, California to Canadian parents. He was employed by Walker and Weeks. He<br />
specialized in the design of branch banks.<br />
John Kalsch, Jr.<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Birth/Established: August 18, 1890 Death/Disolved: unknown<br />
Biography: John Kalsch, Jr. was born in Badenvillirs, Meurthe - et - Moselle, France and came to this country at the age of one. His<br />
father was a gardener and florist employed by Daniel Hanna. The father later moved to Ravenna and Interlaken,<br />
Massachusetts. John Kalsch grew up and received his education in <strong>Cleveland</strong>. He was listed as an architect in <strong>Cleveland</strong><br />
<strong>City</strong> Directories from 1916 until 1932. He became a member of the firm of Kalsch & Haefler in 1929. His technical<br />
education was received in architect's offices. He went into business for himself in 1915, with offices at 4500 Euclid Avenue<br />
George Kauffman<br />
Johnson Block 1853 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Lighthouse 1831 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Lighthouse 1836 Sandusky OH Demolished<br />
Lighthouse 1840 Saginaw MI Demolished<br />
Lighthouse 1842-3 Western Sister Island OH Demolished<br />
Marine Block 1858 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Portage River Light House 1847 OH Demolished<br />
Winslow Residence 1832 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Demolished<br />
Guardian Trust Bank 1930 11718 - 26 Lorain Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Washington Savings Bank 1923 8017 Superior Avenue <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Standing<br />
Building List<br />
Structure Date Address <strong>City</strong> State Status<br />
Double Residence for Anna Todd 1917 <strong>Cleveland</strong> OH Unknown<br />
E.L. Cannon Building 1925 <strong>Cleveland<