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OF THE<br />



VOLUME 28<br />

1923<br />




Contents<br />

Books Added to the Library during the Year, by Classes:<br />

Agriculture. Forestry. Domestic Animals. . 180, 243, 292, 359, 419, 531<br />

Americanization and Immigration 10, 102, 223, 347, 465, 515<br />

Architecture 24, 71, 115, 186, 250, 296, 366, 428, m, 538<br />

Biography 28, 77, 120, 191, 256, 302, 372, 435, 486, 542<br />

Blind, Books for the 127, 198,308,378,445, 551<br />

Bohemian Language, Books in the 264<br />

Botany 173, 236, 410, 524<br />

Building and Construction 247, 537<br />

Business. Communication.. .21,67, 113, 181,244,293, 360,421,478, 532<br />

Chemical Technology 22,68, 114, 182,245,294,363,424,479,534<br />

Chemistry 15, 58, 108, 168, 233, 353, 408, 472, 522<br />

Churches 156<br />

City Plans 249,481<br />

Commerce. Transportation 12, 56, 164, 229, 285. 403, 468, 519<br />

Croatian Language, Books in the 82, 264<br />

Crystallography 60, 109, 170, 354<br />

Domestic Economy. Child Welfare 243, 420<br />

Drama. Theatre 28, 76, 119, 190, 255, 301, 370, 434, 486, 541<br />

Economics 11, 54, 102, 160, 224, 282, 347, 398, 465, 515<br />

Education 12, 56, 105, 163, 227, 284, 348, 401, 467, 517<br />

Electrical Engineering 179,241,477, 530<br />

Engineering 19, 65, 112, 177, 240, 290, 357, 415, 475, 528<br />

Ethics 7,51, 148,217,279,336,394,460,511<br />

European War 34, 82, 127, 198, 444<br />

Fiction 3, 48, 95, 144, 212, 276, 331, 388, 455, 508<br />

Fine Arts 23, 69, 114, 184, 248, 295, 365, 427, 480, 537<br />

Folklore. Customs. Costume. Etiquette 56, 105, 164, 230, 468, 469<br />

Foreign Fiction 5<br />

French Fiction 146,215,333,392<br />

Gardens. Parks 366, 427<br />

Genealogy. Names. Heraldry.<br />

Flags." 78, 123, 193, 258, 304, 438, 488, 544<br />

General Works 6, 50. 97, 147, 215, 278, 334, 393, 458, 510<br />

Geologv. Meteorology. Physical<br />

Geography 17, 62, 110, 171, 235, 354, 409, 473, 523<br />

German Fiction 97, 146, 392<br />

History 33.80, 125. 196,261,307,376.441,491,546<br />

Humor 256

Books Added to the Library during the Year, by Classes—continued.<br />

Hungarian Language, Books in the 82, 309<br />

Italian Fiction 50, 146, 215, 278<br />

Jews and Judaism 157, 396<br />

Language 13, 57, 106, 164, 230, 285, 350, 403, 469<br />

Law. International Conferences<br />

9, 55, 103, 162, 226, 283, 346, 400, 463, 514<br />

Literature 25, 75, 117, 188, 253, 298, 369. 431, 483, 540<br />

Lithuanian Language, Books in the 309, 377, 445<br />

Maps 29,79,374<br />

Mathematics 14, 107, 166, 232, 405, 471, 520<br />

Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene<br />

19, 64, 112, 175, 238, 289, 356, 413, 474, 526<br />

Military and Naval Science 104, 227, 348, 467, 517<br />

Mineralogy 15, 61, 109, 170, 234, 354, 408, 522<br />

Mines and Mining 180<br />

Motor Vehicles 242. 419<br />

Moving Pictures 253<br />

Music 73, 116, 187, 251, 297, 367, 430, 483, 539<br />

Mythology 157<br />

Palmistry. Spiritualism 459, 511<br />

Philosophy. Psychology 6, 51, 98, 147, 216, 278. 334, 393, 459, 511<br />

Photography 73, 367, 429<br />

Physics 58, 108, 166, 232, 287, 353, 406, 471, 521<br />

Poetry 27, 118, 189, 254, 301. 370, 434, 485, 541<br />

Polish Language, Books in the 83,264,310,377<br />

Politics and Government. . . .9, 53, 101, 159, 222, 281, 346, 397, 463, 514<br />

Printing 21, 245, 363, 424<br />

Prohibition 99<br />

Public Speaking. Readers 27, 76<br />

Recreation 74, 117, 187,251,298,369,431,483,540<br />

Religion 7, 52, 99, 151, 218. 280, 342, 394, 460, 512<br />

Roumanian Language, Books in the 320<br />

Russian Language, Books in the 34,83,266,321,378<br />

Science 13.57, 107, 165,231,286,350,404.470.519<br />

Scriptures 155<br />

Servian Language, Books in the 128, 267<br />

Sociology 9, 53, 100, 158. 220. 281, 344. 396, 462, 513<br />

Spanish Fiction 97, 146, 392<br />

Travel and Description 30, 79, 123, 193, 258, 304, 374, 438. 488. 545<br />

Ukrainian Language, Books in the 321, 549<br />

Useful Arts 18, 63, 111, 173,237,288,355,411,473,524<br />

Wireless Telegraphy 20, 362, 423. 534<br />

Women 13, 57, 106. 230.285,350.403.469.519<br />

Yiddish Language, Books in the 34, 86, 131. 267<br />

Young People's Books 35, 88, 132, 200, 268, 323. 379, 447, 493. 552<br />

Zoology 173, 237. 411

Library News and Notices:<br />

The Bulletin Index 47<br />

Catalogue of the Carnegie Library School 143<br />

An Exhibition of Material Representing Colleges 275<br />

Index to Books in Foreign Languages Listed in the<br />

Monthly Bulletin, through 1923 504<br />

New Publications of the Library 212, 387, 455, 503<br />

Periodicals Recently Added 3, 47, 143,' 275,' 387^ 503<br />

Vacation Book Privileges 211<br />




VOL. 28 JANUARY 1923 NO - l<br />

Periodicals Recently Added -<br />

Publications of the Library -<br />

Books Recently Added to the<br />

Library<br />

Americanization and Immigration<br />

- - - - - -<br />

Architecture - - - - -<br />

Biography - - - - - -<br />

Business. Communication -<br />

Chemical Technology - - -<br />

Chemistry -<br />

Drama. Theatre -<br />

Economics - - - - -<br />

Engineering - - - - -<br />

European War - - - -<br />

Fiction - - - - - -<br />

Fine Arts - - - - - -<br />

Foreign Fiction - - - -<br />

General Works - - - -<br />

Geology. Meteorology -<br />

History - - - - - - -<br />

Page Page<br />

3<br />

41<br />

10<br />

24<br />

28<br />

21<br />

22<br />

15<br />

28<br />

11<br />

12<br />

19<br />

7<br />

34<br />

3<br />

23<br />

5<br />

6<br />

17<br />

33<br />



1923<br />

Language - - - - -<br />

Literature - - - - - -<br />

Mathematics - - - - -<br />

Medicine, Physiology, Hygiene<br />

Mineralogy - - - - -<br />

Philosophy -<br />

Poetry - - - - - -<br />

Politics. Law. Government -<br />

Printing - - - - - -<br />

Public Speaking. Readers<br />

Religion - - - - - -<br />

Russian Language, Books in<br />

the - - - - - - -<br />

Science - - - - - - -<br />

Transportation - - - -<br />

Travel and Description -<br />

Useful Arts -<br />

Wireless Telegraphy<br />

Yiddish Language, Books in<br />

the - - - - - - "<br />

Young People's Books -<br />

13<br />

25<br />

29<br />

14<br />

19<br />

15<br />

6<br />

27<br />

9<br />

21<br />

27<br />

7<br />

34<br />

13<br />

9<br />

12<br />

30<br />

18<br />

20<br />

13<br />

34<br />


Board of Trustees<br />

S. H. CHURCH, President<br />

ANDREW W. MELLON, Vice-President<br />

J. D. HAILMAN, Secretary<br />

JAMES H. REED, Treasurer<br />








Library Committee<br />

J. J. TURNER, Chairman<br />



Director<br />


Central Library, Schenley Park<br />

Branch Libraries<br />

Lawrenceville Branch, 279 Fisk Street<br />

West End Branch, Wabash and Neptune Streets<br />

Wylie Avenue Branch, Wylie Avenue and Green Street<br />

Mount Washington Branch, 315 Grandview Avenue<br />

Hazelwood Branch, 4748 Monongahela Street<br />

East Liberty Branch, Station Street and Larimer Avenue<br />

South Side Branch, Carson and Twenty-second Streets<br />

Homewood Branch, Hamilton and Lang Avenues



Published monthly, except in August and September, by the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. President,<br />

S. H. Church, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue; Secretary,<br />

J. D. Hailman; Treasurer, James H. Reed, 1027 Carnegie Building; Director, John H.<br />

Leete, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue.<br />

Subscription 50 cents a year.<br />

Vol. 28 January 1923 No. 1<br />

Periodicals Recently Added<br />

The following periodicals have recently been added to the<br />

list of those regularly received in the Periodical Room:<br />

Chemical Warfare. Edgewood, Md.<br />

Coal Mine Management. Chicago.<br />

Journal of Personnel Research. Baltimore.<br />

Books Recently Added to the Library<br />

An r or b prefixed to the call number indicates that the book must be<br />

called for and used in the Reference or the Technology Room; j that it is<br />

especially suitable for children; and q that it is quarto sice or larger.<br />

Fiction<br />

Balmer, Edwin. B216b<br />

The breath of scandal [a novel]. Little.<br />

The "theme is the decay of the older ideals of marriage, the dangers to the young<br />

of divorce., .and the changing attitude of the children themselves towards life and its<br />

duties." Literary review, 1922.<br />

Banning, Mrs Margaret (Culkin). B228s<br />

Spellbinders [a novel]. Doran.<br />

"The participation of women in political affairs and its influence upon the relations<br />

of the sexes form the theme of this novel of life in a city of the Middle West." New<br />

York times, 1922.<br />


4<br />


Barrington, Mrs Emilie Isabel (Wilson). B267L<br />

"The ladies!" a shining constellation of wit and beauty. Atlantic<br />

Monthly Press.<br />

Poignantly appealing portrait sketches of wits and beauties from the life and the<br />

literature of the 18th century—Mrs Pepys, the beautiful Gunnings, Elizabeth Bennet<br />

Darcy from Jane Austen's novel, and others. The author's aim was not^ that of "historical<br />

exactitude" but rather to transform certain fleeting glimpses of historical tradition<br />

into living portraits. Condensed from Boston evening transcript, 1922.<br />

Benet, Stephen Vincent. B4332y<br />

Young people's pride; a novel. Holt.<br />

A story of complications in the love affairs of two young men, induced in the one<br />

case by pride in the face of professional failure, in the other by humility in the consciousness<br />

of war-time lapses.<br />

Blackwood, Algernon. B517ex<br />

The extra day [a novel]. Macmillan.<br />

A fanciful story of three small English children and their uncle, an ideal playmate,<br />

who taught them the joy of "wondering" and brought them the long-awaited "extra day."<br />

Broughton, Rhoda. B781aL<br />

Alas! a novel. United States Book Co.<br />

Davis, Richard Harding. D323b<br />

The bar sinister [and other stories], with an introduction by Winston<br />

Churchill. Scribner.<br />

Other stories: A question of latitude.—The spy.—The messengers.—A wasted day.<br />

—A charmed life.—The amateur.—The make-believe man.—Peace manoeuvres.<br />

Ewart, Wilfrid. E962w<br />

Way of revelation; a novel of five years. Appleton.<br />

A "narrative of what happened to a group of English men and women in those<br />

fateful years between 1914 and 1919. Mr. Ewart's story deals entirely with members<br />

of the upper social stratum and has a fine air of authenticity, whether it concerns itself<br />

with their attitude towards life before the breaking of the storm or with their actions<br />

and reactions upon the bloody battlefields of Ypres and the Somme." Literary review,<br />

1922.<br />

Farnol, Jeffery. F245p<br />

Peregrine's progress. Little.<br />

The adventures of the nephew of a too-fond aunt, when he ventures out into the<br />

world to make a man of himself. The period and some of the characters are the same<br />

as in the author's "The broad highway."<br />

Fisher, Mrs Dorothea Frances (Canfield). F532ro<br />

Rough-hewn. Harcourt.<br />

This is in the nature of a prelude to the author's "The brimming cup," giving in<br />

detail the biographies of Neale and Marise from childhood to the time of their engagement.<br />

Fletcher, Joseph Smith. F635md<br />

The middle of things. Knopf.<br />

Detective story.<br />

Gibbs, Ge<strong>org</strong>e, b. 1870. G364h<br />

House of Mohun. Appleton.<br />

The story of a modern "flapper" and of how she found herself in times of trouble<br />

and distress.<br />

Hutchinson, Vere. H971s<br />

Sea wrack [a novel]. Century.<br />

The scene "is laid on the northeastern coast of England, where the battle between<br />

the hungry waves of the North Sea and the fishing and farming folk is incessant and<br />

ruthless." New York times, 1922.


Johnson, Owen. J363sk<br />

Skippy Bedelle; his sentimental progress from the urchin to the<br />

complete man of the world. Little.<br />

Lynde, Francis. L992w<br />

The wreckers. Scribner.<br />

A railroad story.<br />

Marshall, Archibald. M4163pi<br />

Pippin. Dodd.<br />

A leisurely story of the wanderings of a young farmer lad among the highways and<br />

byways of England, of many curious folk he met, and the stories they told him.<br />

Prouty, Olive Higgins. P972s<br />

The star in the window; a novel. Stokes.<br />

Recounts what happened to a carefully guarded and secluded New England girl<br />

when she broke away from home ties to learn the ways of the world by going to live<br />

in a "girls' home" in Boston.<br />

Stevenson, Burton Egbert. S847ki<br />

The kingmakers. Dodd.<br />

A story of international intrigue centering in an attempt to restore the former king<br />

to the throne of a small European principality which had become a republic as a result<br />

of the great war.<br />

Swinnerton, Frank Arthur. S9782t<br />

The three lovers. Doran. *<br />

A charming young girl living a Bohemian life in London has three lovers. The contrast<br />

of their widely differing motives and characters and the working out of the love<br />

interest make up this novel.<br />

Thurston, Ernest Temple. T4352m<br />

The miracle [a novel]. Appleton.<br />

An Irish story in which all misfortunes are attributed to the evil work of tlie<br />

fairies.<br />

Wassermann, Jakob. W278w<br />

The world's illusion; authorized translation by Ludwig Lewisohn.<br />

2v. Harcourt.<br />

Weyman, Stanley John. W586o<br />

Ovington's bank. Longmans.<br />

The extreme inflation of investments in the early 19th century and the antagonism<br />

between the old landed gentry and the new leaders of trade form the theme of the story.<br />

Young, Francis Brett. Y372r<br />

The red knight; a romance. Dutton.<br />

A man with an inherited romantic spirit plunges into the thick of a political revolution.<br />

Complications which affect the outcome of the struggle result from his love for a<br />

woman of the opposing party.<br />

Foreign Fiction<br />

Bruno, Giordano. 843 B83<br />

Le tour de la France; ed. for school use by L. C. Syms. Amer.<br />

Book Co.<br />

Vacaresco, Helene. 843 VI1<br />

Le sortilege.<br />

Volkmann, Richard von. 833 V374<br />

Traumereien an franzosischen kaminen; marchen.


General Works<br />

qr 097 B63<br />

Bookplate magazine [quarterly]. July 1919-Sept. 1921. v.1-2, no.1-8.<br />

1919-21.<br />

No more published.<br />

Brubacher, Abram Royer, ed. q 031 B82<br />

The volume library; a concise, graded repository of practical and<br />

cultural knowledge designed for both instruction and reference. 1922.<br />

Educators Assoc.<br />

Pearson (J.) & Co. qr 018.4 P3So<br />

One hundred and eighty-eight manuscripts, bindings, books and<br />

autograph letters, including the magnificent Calvillo Pontifical, written<br />

and illuminated in Spain (1365-1370).<br />

Quentin-Bauchart, Ernest. qr 010 Q25<br />

Les femmes bibliophiles de France (16e, 17e & 18e siecles). 2v.<br />

1886.<br />

Biographical notices, with catalogues of the more important collections, descriptions<br />

of the notable books, and references to the present owners.<br />

Philosophy<br />

Brooks, C. Harry. 131 B77<br />

The practice of autosuggestion by the method of Emile Coue, with a<br />

foreword by Emile Coue. 1922. Dodd.<br />

Haldane, Richard Burton Haldane, viscount. 149 H15<br />

Philosophy of humanism and of other subjects. 1922. Yale University<br />

Press.<br />

"The philosophy which Lord Haldane advocates is...a modernized form of Hegelianism,<br />

and in this volume he is concerned to show that, rightly interpreted, many results<br />

of modern science support the claims of Absolute Idealism. After explaining his<br />

general standpoint, which he calls humanism, and presents as a distrust of abstractions,<br />

he discusses successively physics, biology, and psychology." Nation and Athenceum, 1922.<br />

O'Leary, DeLac3 T Evans. igg 023<br />

Arabic thought and its place in history. 1922. Paul. (Trubner's<br />

oriental series.)<br />

A treatise on Arabic thought of the early centuries of the Christian era<br />

"Seeks to accomplish three main things: in the first place, to describe the transmission<br />

of Hellenistic thought by Syriac, Arabic, and Hebrew-speaking authors; secondly,<br />

0 note any development which it may have received from these; and thirdly, to state<br />

the influence which it exercised on Muslim and Christian theology ind<br />

Hji^;ct;n .i,~,,


Ethics<br />

Most of the books on this subject were purchased from a fund given to the Library<br />

for this purpose by Mr J. L. Black in memory of James Ernest Schwartz.<br />

Alger, William Rounseville. 177 A39s<br />

The solitudes of nature and of man; or, The loneliness of human<br />

life. 1867. Roberts.<br />

Gargaz, Pierre Andre. 172 G18<br />

A project of universal and perpetual peace; printed by Benjamin<br />

Franklin at Passy in the year 1782, here reprinted, together with an<br />

English version, introduction & typographical note by G. S. Eddy.<br />

1922. Eddy.<br />

Contains facsimile reproductions of the original title-pages.<br />

Jouffroy, Theodore Simon. 171 J46m<br />

Moral philosophy; extracts; tr. by R. N. Toppan. 1862. Privately<br />

printed.<br />

Marden, Orison Swett. 174 M37se<br />

Self-discovery; or, Why remain a dwarf? 1922. Crowell.<br />

Patri, Angelo. 173 P29<br />

Child training. 1922. Appleton.<br />

Advice, informally given and lightened with frequent anecdotes, to parents and<br />

teachers of children.<br />

Saitta, Giuseppe. 171 S15<br />

Lo spirito come eticita. [1921.]<br />

Religion<br />

Browne, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Forrest, bp. 204 B81<br />

Importance of women in Anglo-Saxon times: The cultus of St.<br />

Peter and St. Paul, and other addresses. 1919. Soc. for Promoting<br />

Christian Knowledge. (Studies in church history.)<br />

Other addresses: The early connection between the churches of Britain and Ireland.—The<br />

See of Crediton, A.D. 909.— Desiderius Erasmus.<br />

Burton, Edward. r 273 B95<br />

Inquiry into the heresies of the apostolic age. in eight sermons<br />

preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1829. 1829. Collingwood.<br />

(Bampton lectures.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Dadson, Arthur J. 213 D13<br />

Evolution and religion. 1893. Swan.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A severe attack upon the Christian religion which the author considers false, superstitious,<br />

and antagonistic to the progress of knowledge.


284 D89<br />

Duncan, Walter Wofford T.<br />

Our Protestant heritage; three sermons at Emory Methodist Episcopal<br />

Church. Pittsburgh, Penn. 1922. Methodist Book Concern.<br />

Contents: The intellectual heritage of Protestantism.—The moral heritage of Protestantism.—The<br />

spiritual heritage of Protestantism.<br />

Ellwood, Charles Abram. 261 E53<br />

The reconstruction of religion; a sociological view. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: The religious revolution.—The social significance of religion.—The social<br />

significance of Christianity.—Our semi-pagan civilization.—Positive Christianity the religion<br />

of humanity.—The essentials of a social religion.—Religion and family life.—Religion<br />

and economic life.—Religion and political life.—Religion and social pleasure.—The<br />

opportunity of the church.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

McConnell, Francis John, bp. 251 M138<br />

The preacher and the people. 1922. Abingdon Press.<br />

Mozley, James Bowling. 231 M94<br />

Eight lectures on miracles preached before the University of Oxford.<br />

1872. Scribner. (Bampton lectures.)<br />

Paulus, Nicolaus. 282 P32<br />

Indulgences as a social factor in the middle ages; tr. by J. E. Ross,<br />

with a foreword by E. C. Barker. 1922. Devin.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Peters, John Punnett. 220.9 P458<br />

Bible and spade; lectures delivered before Lake Forest College on<br />

the foundation of William Bross. 1922. Scribner. (Bross library, v.10.)<br />

"Shows how recent research in Palestine, Egypt and Mesopotamia has thrown new<br />

light on the Bible, and especially on the Old Testament.. .Professor Peters writes for<br />

laymen." Spectator, 1022.<br />

Phelps, William Lyon. 221.9 P49<br />

Human nature in the Bible. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Appeared in the "Ladies' home journal," v.38-39, Nov. 1921-Oct. 1922.<br />

Studies of characters of the Old testament.<br />

Renan, Ernest. 270.1 R33ap3<br />

Die apostel; uebersetzt von Carl Rose. 1867.<br />

"Anmerkungen," 32 pages at end of book.<br />

Vaux, William. 265 V23<br />

The benefits annexed to a participation in the two Christian sacraments,<br />

of Baptism and the Lord's supper; considered in eight sermons<br />

preached before the University of Oxford. 1826. Oxford University<br />

Press. (Bampton lectures.)<br />

Wild, Laura Hulda. 220 8 W71<br />

Literary guide to the Bible; a study of the types of literature present<br />

in the Old and New testaments. 1922. Doran.<br />

Contents: Introduction: The Bible as literature.-Folk-lore.-Story telling-History.—Hebrew<br />

poetry.—Dramatic literature.—Wisdom literature—Oratory—Essay<br />

"Books to consult" at the cud of each chapter; "Biblical references "" p 273-/75


Sociology<br />

Canada—Statistics bureau. r 317.1 C166<br />

Census of industry, 1917. 4 pts. in lv. 1919.<br />

pt.i. Agricultural statistics.<br />

pt.2. Dairy factories.<br />

pt.3. Fisheries statistics.<br />

pt.4. Lumber, lath, shingles, etc.—Cooperage.—Planing mills, sash and door factories,<br />

etc.—Pulp and paper.—Wood distillation.<br />

French and English text.<br />

Syracuse, N. Y. Moral Survey Committee. r 351.76 S99<br />

The social evil in Syracuse; being the report of an investigation of<br />

the moral condition of the city conducted by a committee of eighteen<br />

citizens. 1913. Privately printed.<br />

qr 326.05 W27<br />

Washington, D. C. National era [weekly], Dec. 2, 1847-Dec. 20, 1849.<br />

v.l, no.48-v.3, no.51. 1847-49. Noble.<br />

Many numbers wanting.<br />

Ed. by G. Bailey, jr. with J. G. Whittier as corresponding editor.<br />

World Metric Standardization Council. 389 W89<br />

World metric standardization; an urgent issue; a volume of testimony<br />

urging worldwide adoption of the metric units of weights and<br />

measures—meter—liter—gram; comp. by Aubrey Drury in collaboration<br />

with Clifton Hildebrand [and others]. 1922.<br />

"Look it up; world metric literature clues," p.439-495.<br />

Politics. Law. Government<br />

Allin, Cephas Daniel. 342.94 A43<br />

The early federation movement of Australia. 1907. British Whig<br />

Pub. Co.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Bovee, Marvin H. 343.2 B66<br />

Christ and the gallows; or, Reasons for the abolition of capital<br />

punishment. 1870. Masonic Pub. Co.<br />

Burnett, Edmund Cody, ed. qr 328.73 B93<br />

Letters of members of the Continental congress, v.l. 1921. (Carnegie<br />

Institution of Washington. Publication no.299.)<br />

Cochran, William Cox. 326 C64<br />

The Western Reserve and the fugitive slave law; a prelude to the<br />

Civil war. 1920. Privately printed. (Western Reserve Historical Society.<br />

Collections. Publication no.101.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

The same r 326 C645


Democratic National Convention. r 329 3 D423<br />

'<br />

Official report of the proceedings of the Democratic national convention<br />

held in San Francisco, Cal., June 28-July 6, 1920, resulting in<br />

the nomination of J. M. Cox (of Ohio) for president and F. D. Roosevelt<br />

(of New York) for vice-president. [1920.] Bookwalter.<br />

Hall, Hessel Duncan. 325 3 H17<br />

-<br />

British commonwealth of nations; a study of its past and future development.<br />

[1920.] Methuen.<br />

"Select bibliography," p.379-381.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"It is with...the problem of international government presented by the relationships<br />

between the Dominions and the United Kingdom, that this book is mainly concerned.<br />

Its aim is to trace the rise of this problem, to give... [an] account of the developments<br />

of the last few years, to investigate the various aspects of the problem as it faces us<br />

to-day, and to suggest the general lines along which the British Commonwealth should<br />

develop in the future, not merely in respect of its internal relations, but also in respect<br />

of its relations with the all-inclusive League of Nations." Preface.<br />

I<strong>org</strong>a, Nicolae. 327.4 125<br />

Histoire des relations entre la France et les Roumains; preface de<br />

Charles Bemont. 1918.<br />

Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney. 342.4 M46<br />

How England is governed. 1922. Knopf.<br />

Contents: The making of a citizen.—The government of the city.—Law and justice.<br />

—The government of the nation.<br />

Webb, Sidney James, & Webb, Mrs Beatrice (Potter). 365 W36<br />

English prisons under local government, with preface by Bernard<br />

Shaw. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Contents: The maintenance of prisons in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.—The<br />

state of the prisons, 1700-73.—John Howard.—Parliamentary action, 1774-91.—National<br />

prisons (the hulks and Millbank).—Prison administration from 1774 to 1816.—The renewal<br />

of parliamentary activity, 1811-23. — Rival policies in prison administration.—<br />

Central supervision and control: first period, 1835-64.—Penal servitude.—Central supervision<br />

and control: second period, 1865-77.—The Act of 1877 and the Du Cane regime.<br />

—Epilogue.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Americanization and Immigration<br />

Burgess, Thomas. 325.73 B89f<br />

Foreign-born Americans and their children; our duty and opportunity<br />

for God and country from the standpoint of the Episcopal<br />

church. [1921.] Department of Missions and Church Extension of<br />

the Episcopal Church.<br />

Contents: Our immigrant neighbors.—Americanization.— Religion.—Our church's<br />

responsibilities.<br />

"Best books to read," p.80.<br />

Davis, Jerome. 325 73 D31f<br />

The Russian immigrant. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

"Bibliography," p.215-219.<br />

A study of the social forces influencing the mind of the Russian immigrant for or<br />

against America—industrial conditions, housing, relieimi = *r*A Bn„;~\ • • .<br />

relationships with the government. S * 3 " d b ° L ' al "^n.zat.ons, and

Economics<br />


Broomhall, Ge<strong>org</strong>e J. S. r 338.1 B77<br />

Annual price of wheat for 122 calendar years in United Kingdom and<br />

United States. [1921.] Corn trade news.<br />

Chart; size, ig$i x 25^ inches, folded in folio cover.<br />

Bruere, Robert Walter. 338.2 B82<br />

The coming of coal. 1922. Association Press.<br />

Contents: Challenge of power.—Coming of coal.—Drama of civilization.—Coal in<br />

America.—Awakening of the miners.—Struggle for <strong>org</strong>anization.—Rise of democracy-<br />

Rivals of coal.—The technical revolution.—The strait gate.<br />

"What to read," p.114-119.<br />

Prepared for the educational committee of the Commission on the church and social<br />

service of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.<br />

Dickinson, Zenas Clark. 330.1915 D55<br />

Economic motives; a study in the psychological foundations of<br />

economic theory, with some reference to other social sciences. 1922.<br />

Harvard University Press. (Harvard economic studies, v.24.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Goodrich, Carter Lyman. 331.88 G62<br />

The frontier of control; a study in British workshop politics. 1921.<br />

Harcourt.<br />

"Note on sources," p.267-271.<br />

Thesis for Ph. D., University of Chicago.<br />

Industrial Relations Association of America. r 331.88 1242<br />

Annual convention, 1920. 1920.<br />

Rist, Charles. r 336.43 R49<br />

Les finances de guerre de l'Allemagne. 1921.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Smith, John Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 332.6 S65<br />

Organised produce markets. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Investigates the spontaneous voluntary <strong>org</strong>anizations which the dealers in wheat,<br />

cotton, coffee, wool, iron, and other commodities have found it convenient to make, in<br />

order to facilitate and regularize their manifold transactions, and examines the part<br />

played by, and the results of "futures," "options," "straddles," rings, and corners.<br />

Condensed from New statesman, 1922.<br />

United States—State department. r 331 U255r<br />

[Reports on the labor situation in various countries.] 1919.<br />

Eleven pamphlets covering Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Great Britain,<br />

France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.<br />

Walker, Charles Rumford. 331.8 W16<br />

Steel; the diary of a furnace worker. 1922. Atlantic Monthly Press.<br />

This is the "record of a young Yale student who after service overseas, went to<br />

work as a 'clean-up man' in the pit, as a third helper on the open hearth furnace, on<br />

the stove gang, and as a hot-blast man on the blast furnace. His purpose was to learn<br />

the steel business and incidentally to try, as he says, 'to discover the forces getting<br />

ready at the bottom of things to make or break society,' not to propagate some neat<br />

formula or clear-cut programme. . .As the testimony of a witness who did not set out<br />

in quest of evidence for a preconceived doctrine or point of view, the book is a first-rate<br />

sociological document." Literary review, 1922.


inr J nr-iu i 332.7 W21<br />

Ward, Wilbert.<br />

American commercial credits, with a foreword by P.M.Warburg.<br />

1922. Ronald Press Co.<br />

The purpose of this book is to make available an explanation of commercial credit<br />

practices, a representative selection of typical credit instructions, and a summary of the<br />

leading precedents, for the use of bankers, merchants, and lawyers. Condensed from<br />

Preface.<br />

Education<br />

Chicago University.<br />

Alumni directory. 1919.<br />

r 378 - 7 C43aL<br />

Miller, Harry Lloyd. 371.3 M69<br />

Directing study; educating for mastery through creative thinking.<br />

1922. Scribner.<br />

Contents: A manual of suggestive procedures.—Administration of directing study.<br />

—The learning process.—Organizing principles and differentials.—The development of<br />

the work spirit.—Application of the social principle.—Initiative and authority.—Successes<br />

and failures in school work.—A shift of emphasis.<br />

Sharp, Dallas Lore. 370.4 S53e<br />

Education in a democracy. 1922. Houghton.<br />

Contents: The national school.—Education for democracy.—Education for individuality.—Education<br />

for authority.<br />

Stout, John Elbert. r 375 S88<br />

The development of high-school curricula in the North Central<br />

states from 1860 to 1918. 1921. University of Chicago. (Supplementary<br />

educational monographs, v.3.)<br />

Thesis for Ph.D., University of Chicago.<br />

"Bibliography," p.292-316.<br />

Williams College. r 378.7 W742aw<br />

The award of the Williams medal; victory celebration. 1919.<br />

Transportation<br />

Denfeld, Ge<strong>org</strong>e A. 385 D42<br />

A practical scientific treatise on traffic management. 1921. Privately<br />

printed.<br />

"References," p.364.<br />

Sharfman, Isaiah Leo. 3gj 553<br />

The American railroad problem; a study in war and reconstruction.<br />

1921. Century. (Century new world series.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"The author first traces briefly the history of railroads and of railroad regulation<br />

m this country prior to ,914. The remainder of the book provides a thorough analysis<br />

of the railroad problem as It presents itself today. The conditions and results of federal<br />

control and such questions as railroad nationalization, unification of lines rates and<br />

financial returns, abor and the continuity of service, the Transportation Act of 1020<br />

and the adjustments which accompanied the restoration of railroad properties to private<br />

management are set forth in detail. Public regulation is rezardeH „. «,« v\ . r<br />

but Professor Sharfman believes that the government ml ,' f , , 3S the best pollcy '<br />

j 11 11 j c • , B "- "ment must adopt a ess restrictive orogram<br />

and allow a reasonable degree of independence in management if private ownership<br />

is to be continued. American political science review TO?? ownership


Women<br />

Most of the books on this subject were purchased from a fund left to the Library for<br />

this purpose by Charles C. Mellor.<br />

Cassidy, James F. 396 C26<br />

The women of the Gael. 1922. Stratford Co.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A study of the position of women in Ireland from ancient times to the present day.<br />

Labarca Hubertson, Amanda. 396 Lll<br />

Actividades femeninas en los Estados Unidos. 1914. (Biblioteca<br />

de la Asociacion de Educacion Nacional, v.4.)<br />

"Bibliografia," p.i 77-178.<br />

Language<br />

Fraser, William Henry, & Squair, John. 445 F88n<br />

The new Fraser and Squair elementary French grammar, with new<br />

exercises by A. Coleman. 1921. Heath.<br />

Guerard, Albert Leon. 408.9 G95<br />

A short history of the international language movement. [1922.]<br />

Unwin.<br />

"Bibliographical notes," p.211-215.<br />

"Professor Guerard. . .has written an interesting book...on the old problem of an<br />

international or universal language. He starts out with the highly disputable theory that<br />

men who speak the same language are less likely to fight one another than those who<br />

speak different languages. He proceeds to rule out the natural languages—French,<br />

English.. .and Latin—as unsuitable for the purpose in view. Then he gives a detailed<br />

account of the various artificial languages that have been invented from time to time,<br />

especially within the last half century." Spectator, IQ22.<br />

Van Home, John, ed. 458 V19<br />

II ris<strong>org</strong>imento; selections. 1922. University of Chicago Press.<br />

(Chicago University Italian series.)<br />

Weld, Allen Hayden. r 425 W47<br />

Parsing book, containing rules of syntax and models for analyzing<br />

and transposing, with selections of prose and poetry from writers of<br />

standard authority. 1855. Sanborn.<br />

Wicherkiewicz, Wladislaus. 491.85 W66<br />

Polnische konversations-grammatik zum schul- und selbstunterricht.<br />

1892. (Methode Gaspey-Otto-Sauer.)<br />

Science<br />

Dixon, Henry Horatio. 581 D64<br />

Practical plant biology; a course of elementary lectures on the general<br />

morphology and physiology of plants. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Author is professor of botany in the University of Dublin and director of Trinity<br />

College Botanic Garden, Dublin.<br />

Lea, Frederick Charles. 532.5 L44e<br />

Elementary hydraulics for technical students. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Fairly comprehensive in scope, but much briefer than the author's "Hydraulics for<br />

engineers and engineering students."


Livingston, Burton Edward, & Shreve, Forrest. qr 581.153 L74<br />

The distribution of vegetation in the United States, as related to<br />

climatic conditions. 1921. (Carnegie Institution of Washington. Publication<br />

no.284.)<br />

"Literature cited," p.587-590.<br />

Maps—Europe. (1918.) r 572.94 M2<br />

Carte ethnographique de l'Europe [par] J. Gabrys. 1918.<br />

Size, 32 x 41 inches, folded in octavo cover; scale, about 75 miles to 1 inch.<br />

"Bibliographie," p.9-21.<br />

Nettelroth, Henry. qr 564 N24<br />

Kentucky fossil shells; a monograph of the fossil shells of the<br />

Silurian and Devonian rocks of Kentucky. 1889. (Kentucky geological<br />

survey.)<br />

Petrunkevitch, Alexander. 509 P4g<br />

Russia's contribution to science. 1920. (Connecticut Academy of<br />

Arts and Sciences. Transactions, v.23.)<br />

The same. (In Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. Transactions,<br />

v.23.) r 061 C75 v.23<br />

Presents a history of scientific education in Russia, with brief biographical sketches<br />

of eminent Russian scientists.<br />

Roy, Louis. r 531 R81<br />

Cours de mecanique rationnelle a l'usage des eleves de l'Institut<br />

electrotechnique et de mecanique appliquee [de l'Universite de Toulouse]<br />

et des candidats au certificat de mathematiques generales. 1921.<br />

United States—Ordnance office. r 535.8 U255<br />

Elementary optics and applications to fire control instruments. 1922.<br />

Bibliography, p.4.<br />

Mathematics<br />

Boutroux, Pierre Leon. r M 0 g Bgs<br />

L'ideal scientifique des mathematiciens dans l'antiquite et dans les<br />

temps modernes. 1920.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Harris, Ada Van Stone, & Waldo, L M. 511 07 H29n<br />

Number games for primary grades; designed to create an active interest<br />

in number and to make the child skillful in applying it directly<br />

and naturally through the "make-believe" element and the idea of<br />

friendly contest. 1917. Beckley.<br />

Stoddard, John Fair. c„ ~„^„<br />

T, . . r 511 S867am<br />

The American intellectual arithmetic, designed for the use of<br />

schools and academies; containing an extensive collection of practical<br />

questions, with concise and original methods of solution, which sim-<br />

locr, ^'Y ° f thC m ° S t im P° rtailt >es in written arithmetic. Ed 16<br />

1850. Nafis. (Stoddard's mental exercises.)


Chemistry<br />

Aluminum Company of America. qr 546.66 A47s<br />

Standard methods of analysis. [1921? Pittsburgh.]<br />

Selected methods which have proved their accuracy under varying conditions.<br />

Brooks, Benjamin Talbott. 547 2 B77<br />

The chemistry of the non-benzenoid hydrocarbons and their simple<br />

derivatives. 1922. Chemical Catalog Co.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"Chiefly a compilation of detailed information regarding a wide range of hydrocarbons<br />

and derivatives not included in what is usually referred to as the benzene<br />

series." Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry, 1922.<br />

Friend, John Albert Newton. 541.3 F95<br />

Chemistry of combustion. 1922. Van Nostrand. (Chemical monographs.)<br />

"Bibliography and notes," p.101-107.<br />

"Though this work is primarily a collection of lectures to students it should prove<br />

of value also to gasworks and other practising chemists." Gas engineer, 1922.<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Baenitz, Carl. r 549 B14L<br />

Lehrbuch der chemie und mineralogie in popularer darstellung;<br />

nach methodischen grundsatzen fiir gehobene lehranstalten, sowie zum<br />

selbstunterrichte. Ed.4, rev. & enl. pt.2. 1890.<br />

pt.2. Mineralogie.<br />

Bisching, Anton, & Kozeschnik, Franz. r 549 B49g<br />

Grundriss der mineralogie, gesteins- und bodenkunde; ein leitfaden<br />

fiir den unterricht an landwirtschaftlichen lehranstalten. 1892. (Deutsche<br />

landwirtschaftliche taschenbibliothek, 36. heft.)<br />

Brard, Cyprien Prosper. r 549 B712m<br />

Mineralogie appliquee aux arts; ou, Histoire des mineraux qui sont<br />

employes dans I'agriculture, l'economie domestique, la medicine, la fabrication<br />

des sels, des combustibles et des metaux, l'architecture et la<br />

decoration, la peinture et le dessin, les arts mecaniques, la bijouterie<br />

et la joaillerie; ouvrage destine aux artistes, fabricans et entrepreneurs.<br />

3v. 1821.<br />

Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis Olivier Legrand. r 549 D45<br />

Manuel de mineralogie: Text. 2v. 1862-74.<br />

Atlas. 1862.<br />

Bound with v.2 of the text.<br />

With v.2 is also bound his "Memoire sur I'emploi du microscope polarisant" and<br />

"Anfangsgriinde der krystallographie," by C. F. Naumann.<br />

Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis Olivier Legrand. r 549 D45<br />

Memoire sur I'emploi du microscope polarisant et sur I'etude des<br />

proprietes optiques birefringentes propres a determiner le systeme<br />

cristallin dans les cristaux naturels ou artificiels. 1864.<br />

Bound with v.2 of his "Manuel de mineralogie."


Gurich, Ge<strong>org</strong> Julius Ernst. r 549 G97m<br />

Das mineralreich. [1895?] (Hausschatz des wissens, pt.4, v.6.)<br />

Hochstetter, Ferdinand von, & Bisching, Anton. r 549 H65L2<br />

Leitfaden der mineralogie und geologie fiir die oberen klassen der<br />

mittelschulen [hrsg.] von Franz Toula und Anton Bisching. Ed. 19.<br />

1906.<br />

Contains "Analytische tabelle," by Franz Toula.<br />

The same. Ed.13. 1898 r 549 H65L<br />

Hornstein, Ferd. Friedr. r 549 H81k<br />

Kleines lehrbuch der mineralogie; unter zugrundelegung der neueren<br />

ansichten in der chemie fiir den gebrauch an hoheren lehranstalten.<br />

Ed.5, rev. & enl. 1898.<br />

Kobell, Franz von. r 549 K35m<br />

Die mineralogie; leichtfasslich dargestellt mit riicksicht auf das<br />

vorkommen der mineralien, ihre technische beniitzung, ausbringen der<br />

metalle, &r. Ed.3. 1864.<br />

The same. Ed.2. 1858 r 549 K35m2<br />

Lacroix, Alfred. qr 549.969 L12<br />

Mineralogie de Madagascar, v.l. 1922.<br />

v.i. Geologie, Mineralogie descriptive.<br />

A thorough treatment, with many sketches and plates and a few maps.<br />

Ludwig, Christian Friedrich. r 549 L97h<br />

Handbuch der mineralogie nach A. G. Werner. 2v. 1803-04.<br />

"Auswahl einer brauchbaren litteratur fiir angehende mineralogen," v.i, P315-<br />

346; "Beylagen zu der auswahl einer brauchbaren litteratur fiir angehende mineralogen "<br />

v.c, P.190-20S.<br />

Schmid, Bastian. r 549 S348L<br />

Lehrbuch der mineralogie und geologie fiir hohere lehranstalten<br />

2 pts. in 2v. [1904.]<br />

v.i. Mineralogie.<br />

v.2. Geologie und palaontologie.<br />

Schodler, Friedrich Karl Ludwig. r 549 S36e<br />

Elements of mineralogy and geology; ed. from the fifth German<br />

edition by Henry Medlock. 1851.<br />

Uhrrnann Virgil. r 549 U18m<br />

Mineralogie und gesteinslehre. 1894. (Landwirtschaftliche unterrichtsbucher.)<br />

Zaengerle, Max.<br />

Lehrbuch der mineralogie unter zugrundelegung der neueren M<br />

s.chten in der chemie fur den unterricht an technische, lehranstalten<br />

realschulen und gymnasien. Ed.3, rev. 1880 euranstairen,<br />

Zippe, Franz Xaver Maximilian<br />

Anleitung zur gestein- und bodenkunde; oder. Das wichtLsS ITs<br />

der mineralogie und geognosie fur gebildete leser aller S I<br />

sondere fur landwirthe, forstmanner und bautechnike, 1846


Geology. Meteorology<br />

American Association of Petroleum Geologists. r 553.2805 A51<br />

Bulletin, 1917-19. v.1-3. 1917-19.<br />

v.i, ioi?, title reads "Bulletin of the Southwestern Association of Petroleum Geologists."<br />

Corder, Geo. A. r 550 C81m<br />

The miner's geology and prospector's guide for mining students,<br />

miners, prospectors and explorers. 1907. Spon.<br />

Engel, Theodor. r 550 E63w2<br />

Die wichtigsten gesteinsarten der erde nebst vorausgeschickter einfiihrung<br />

in die geologie. Ed.2, rev. & enl. [1901.]<br />

The same. 1897 r 550 E63w<br />

Geikie, Sir Archibald. 550 G28o<br />

Outlines of field-geology. Ed.5. 1902. Macmillan.<br />

The same. Ed.2, rev. & enl. 1879 r 550 G28o<br />

Goldreich, Armin H. r 553.2 G58<br />

Die kohlenvers<strong>org</strong>ung Europas. 1918.<br />

Keilhack, Konrad. qr 550 K16L2<br />

Lehrbuch der praktischen geologie; arbeits- und untersuchungsmethoden<br />

auf dem gebiete der geologie, mineralogie und palaeontologie,<br />

mit beitragen von E. von Drygalski [und anderen]. Ed.2. 1908.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

The same. 1896 r 550 K16L<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Logan, William Newton. r 553.28 L77<br />

Petroleum and natural gas in Indiana; a preliminary report. 1920.<br />

Fort Wayne Printing Co. (Indiana—Conservation department. Publication,<br />

no.8.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.13.<br />

Luckiesh, M. 551.5 L97<br />

The book of the sky; a resume of personal experience and observation.<br />

1922. Dutton.<br />

A popular account of meteorological phenomena, with some attention to aerial flight.<br />

"The aim of this volume is to aid the general reader in becoming more interested in<br />

cloudland." Foreword.<br />

Maps—Pennsylvania. (1921.) qr 553.28 M16<br />

Oil and gas fields of Pennsylvania; comp. under the direction of G.<br />

B. Richardson. 1921. [Govt. Print. Off.]<br />

Roll map; size, 22^4 * 39^ inches; scale, about 7J-2 miles to 1 inch.<br />

Preliminary edition, issued by the United States geological survey.<br />

Maucher, Wilhelm. r 550 M48L<br />

Leitfaden fiir den geologie-unterricht an berg- und hiittenschulen<br />

und anderen technischen lehranstalten. 1907.


Ridgway, John Livesy. r 550.7 R43<br />

Preparation of illustrations for reports of the United States geological<br />

survey, with brief descriptions of processes of reproduction<br />

1920. Govt. Print. Off.<br />

Issued by the United States geological survey<br />

Describes approved methods, discussing these in relation to the author the draffs<br />

Stevenson, John James, b. 1841. „, „<br />

Interrelations of the fossil fuels. 1916-21. New Era Print; r<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes Printing Co.<br />

.016^,""^ I "" " Pr ° CeedmgS ° f «" America Philosophical Society," yss_5/<br />

data presented." American journal of science, 192^ '° brmging t0gether «"e<br />

Useful Arts<br />

Bailey, Liberty Hyde.<br />

The apple-tree. 1922. Macmillan CTt,» 634.112 B16<br />

"Underneath the bloom of sen.nne !l ( ^ C0Untr -V books, no.l.)<br />

cuhura, science, popu.arl^pl^^^^&%£££ %.•»* * * ° f * *<br />

Geer, William Chauncey.<br />

The reign of rubber. 1922 Century 678 ° 27<br />

^t^tzzr:rLt=:: •srit the mar ^' ci >- - <br />

rich Company.<br />

e autn °r is vice-president of the B. F. Good-<br />

Iowa—Labor statistics, Bureau of<br />

^ Directory of manufacturing establishments, 1921. 1921. '


Medicine, Physiology, Hygiene<br />

qr 016.6176 124<br />

Index of the periodical dental literature published in the English language,<br />

including publications in England. Scotland, Canada, Australia,<br />

New Zealand and the United States, for the years, 1911-20; a classified<br />

subject index on the plan of the Dewey decimal classification, an alphabetical<br />

author index, a list of dental books published during the same<br />

period. 1921-22. Dental Index Bureau.<br />

Published under the direction of the American Institute of Dental Teachers<br />

Compiled by A. D. Black.<br />

Noorden, Karl Harko von. r 616.631 N42<br />

New aspects of diabetes; pathology and treatment; lectures delivered<br />

at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and published<br />

by their authority. 1912. Treat.<br />

Summerville, Amelia. 613 S95<br />

Why be fat? rules for weight-reduction and the preservation of<br />

youth and health. 1916. Stokes.<br />

Advice on diet, supplemented by menus and receipts.<br />

United States—Census bureau. qr 614.16 U25s<br />

Special tables of mortality from influenza and pneumonia in Indiana,<br />

Kansas and Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 1 to Dec. 31, 1918. 1920.<br />

United States—Public health service. r 612.6 U255<br />

High schools and sex education; a manual of suggestions on education<br />

related to sex; ed. by B. C. Gruenberg. 1922.<br />

Prepared in collaboration with the United States bureau of education.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter.<br />

"Bibliography," p.96-98.<br />

Engineering<br />

Brandt, Otto, ed. r 621.7209 B69<br />

Zur geschichte der deutschen eisengiessereien; festschrift zur funfzigsten<br />

hauptversammlung des Vereins Deutscher Eisengiessereien<br />

giessereiverband, 1869-1920. [1920.]<br />

Chapman, Lawrence B. 621.12 C36<br />

The marine power plant. 1922. McGraw.<br />

Text-book, reviewing thermodynamics anil combustion, discussing and comparing<br />

the prime movers used in ship propulsion, and explaining the auxiliary machinery.<br />

r 623.47 C42<br />

Chemical warfare; published monthly by the enlisted men of Edgewood<br />

Arsenal, Edgewood, Md., March 1919. v.l, no.5. 1919.<br />

Special, final issue, concerned with the history, personnel, and achievements of<br />

Edgewood Arsenal.<br />

Dolezalek, Karl. qr 625.13 D69<br />

Der eisenbahntunnel; ein leitfaden des tunnelbaues. v.l. 1919.<br />

Contains bibliographies.


, . • i r 622.34 E64<br />

Engineering and mining journal. "<br />

Fifty kinks in metal mining; a collection of tried and tested time<br />

and labor saving stunts comp. from recent issues of Engineering and<br />

mining journal. 1920. McGraw.<br />

Lincoln Electric Co. Cleveland. Q r 621.392 L71<br />

Electric arc welding. Ed.6. 1921.<br />

Illustrated description of equipment, methods, and results.<br />

Japiot, Marcel, & Ferrand, A. r 621 - 33 J 18<br />

La traction electrique aux Etats-Unis. 1921.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Maps—New York (state). (1921.) V 621 34 M 1<br />

-<br />

State of New York; stations and transmission lines used in public<br />

service, 1919. 1921. [Govt. Print. Off.]<br />

Roll map; size, 40^ x 53 inches; scale, about 7'A miles to 1 inch.<br />

Issued by the United States geological survey.<br />

Maps—Pennsylvania. (1921.) qr 621.34 M2<br />

Stations and transmission lines used in public service, 1920. 1921.<br />

[Govt. Print. Off.]<br />

Roll map; size, 21V2 x 39^2 inches; scale, about 71/2 miles to 1 inch.<br />

Issued by the United States geological survey.<br />

Maps—Virginia. (1922.) qr 621.34 M3<br />

State of Virginia; base comp. in 1914 by A. F. Hassan; stations and<br />

transmission lines used in public service in 1921. 1922. [Govt. Print.<br />

Off.]<br />

Roll map; size, 26^4 x 60% inches; scale, about 7yi miles to 1 inch.<br />

Issued by the United States geological survey and the Virginia geological survey.<br />

Morse, William Francis. r 628.4 M92<br />

A report and survey with recommendations upon the municipal<br />

refuse collection and disposal of the city of Bridgeton, New Jersey.<br />

1920. [Bridgeton Board of Health.]<br />

Contains also a list of the author's works and activities.<br />

Ohio—Miami conservancy district. qr 627.1405 018<br />

Bulletin [monthly], Aug. 1918-date. v.i-date. 1918-date.<br />

Permanent International Association of r 627 P43w<br />

Navigation Congresses.<br />

Works connected with ocean and inland navigation; notes on the<br />

works in progress or completed in 1913. [1914.]<br />

Four pamphlets covering France, Algeria, Corsica, Tunisia and Principality of<br />

Monaco; Belgium and The Netherlands; Brazil and Canada; Germany, Flungarv, Switzerland,<br />

and Turkey.<br />

Bound with these are the Report of the Executive committee and the Minutes of the<br />

meeting of the Permanent international board held at Brussels on May 28, 1914.<br />

Wireless Telegraphy<br />

Irwin, John R. 654 j ug<br />

Radio; a practical manual with questions and answers 19" Clode<br />

Non-technical. Includes both radio-telephony and radio-telegraphy. Gives the fire<br />

protection regulations adopted by the National Board of Fire Underwriters ana extracts<br />

from the United States and International radio regulations. extracts


Mills, John. 654.61 M69<br />

Letters of a radio-engineer to his son. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

Author is in the engineering department of the Western Electric Company. The<br />

present work is characterized by the clearness of the author's previous scientific books<br />

and is as simple as is consistent with reasonably thorough explanation. Contains many<br />

sketches and gives suggestions for experimental work.<br />

Snodgrass, Rhey T. & Camp, V. F. 654.624 S67<br />

Radio receiving for beginners. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

"Serves admirably as an opening volume...and by provoking a desire for more detailed<br />

knowledge probably will stimulate the sale of more advanced works. There are<br />

some excellent instructions for tuning regenerative sets and operating amplifiers." Wireless<br />

age, 1922.<br />

Taussig, Charles William. 654.61 T24<br />

Book of radio; a complete, simple explanation of radio reception<br />

and transmission, including the outstanding features of radio service<br />

to the public by private and government agencies, [with] foreword by<br />

J. C. Edgerton. 1922. Appleton.<br />

Printing<br />

Hague, Clifford Wilson. 655 H14<br />

Textbook of printing occupations. 1922. Bruce Pub. Co.<br />

For beginning classes in public and vocational schools. The three major divisions—<br />

composition, imposition, and platen-press work—are so arranged that each may be studied<br />

independently. Two sections are given to the manufacture and uses of paper and printing<br />

inks.<br />

Updike, Daniel Berkeley. r 655.1 U26<br />

Printing types, their history, forms and use; a study in survivals.<br />

2v. 1922. Harvard University Press.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Purpose is to explain why printing types are of the forms used to-day. To this end<br />

the author deals briefly with the technique of type manufacture and very fully with<br />

historic and artistic aspects.<br />

Business. Communication<br />

r 659.03 C86a<br />

Crain's market data book and directory of class, trade and technical<br />

publications. "Ed.2. 1922.<br />

The same. 1921 r 659.03 C86<br />

Classified list of professions, trades, and industries which offer fertile fields for<br />

merchandising. Each topic in the list is accompanied by brief data indicating the extent<br />

of the industry, and followed by a list of the journals, and directories with their advertising<br />

rates.<br />

Firestone Ship by Truck Bureau. r 656.724 F51<br />

Bulletin, no.1-6, 8. 1919-21.<br />

no.i. Ship by truck among farmers through cooperative associations.<br />

no.2. How and where to establish motor truck routes.<br />

no.3. The motor truck at the coal mines.<br />

no.4.<br />

no.4.<br />

The<br />

r ne<br />

farmer<br />

iarmei<br />

and<br />

auu<br />

the<br />

inc<br />

motor<br />

uiu.ui<br />

truck<br />

I. ,...,*.<br />

no.5. The relation of costs to motor truck transportation.<br />

no.6.<br />

no<br />

Consolidated rural schools and the motor truck.<br />

Marketing live stock by motor truck.


tr A- A wii' q657 R49<br />

Risque, Ferdinand William. ^ r<br />

Bookkeeping and business management. 1922. U. P- C. oo .<br />

, - • , , , • u . i,^c little to do with<br />

Deals pretty fully with modern practice in bookkeeping, but nas<br />

business management in general.<br />

Rowe, Harry Marc.<br />

657 R79<br />

Bookkeeping and accountancy; complete text, presenting the art of<br />

bookkeeping in accordance with the principles of modern accountancy.<br />

1910-21. Rowe.<br />

Script by C. P. Zaner.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.654 U25<br />

List of references on international communication (exclusive of the<br />

postal service). ' 1920.<br />

Mimeograph copy.<br />

[Wagemaker, Isaac] qr 651.5 W12<br />

Comprehensive text book on business and office systematizing, vertical<br />

filing systems, filing devices, card ledger systems, profit showing<br />

system for a wholesale or manufacturing business, etc.; a book of<br />

reference for progressive business men and business students, v.l.<br />

1907. [Privately printed.]<br />

Chemical Technology<br />

Bertelsmann, Wilhelm. r 665.7 B46p<br />

La production du gaz d'eclairage; traduction frangaise publiee avec<br />

autorisation de I'auteur et annotee par Jacques Bouvier. 1914-21.<br />

"Bibliographie" at the end of most of the sections.<br />

Dyes, Wilhelm A. r 660 D98<br />

International handbook [of] the world's chemical industry and<br />

trade, 1913/14-1919/20. Ed.E. v.l. 1921.<br />

Title also in French and German.<br />

Contains bibliographies.<br />

Cyclopedic arrangement, alphabeted under German titles though parts of the text<br />

are in French or English. Most of the material is industrial and economic rather than<br />

technical.<br />

Guillet, Leon, & Portevin, Albert. qr 669.042 G96<br />

An introduction to the study of metallography and macrography;<br />

tr. by Leonard Taverner, with an introduction by H. C. H. Carpenter.<br />

1922. Bell.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Well illustrated text-book. Theory is presented with the realization that the ultimate<br />

aim is practical application to industry,<br />

qr 669.102 J15<br />

Jahrbuch eisen und stahl: schwerindustrie, 1921/22. [1921.]<br />

Directory of thc German iron and steel industry, giving considerable information in<br />

regard to the <strong>org</strong>anization and equipment of various plants.<br />

Pan American Petroleum & Transport Company. r 665.5 P21<br />

Mexican petroleum; description of properties of the Pan American<br />

Petroleum & Transport Company (Feb. 2, 1916) and principal subsidiaries<br />

and other data [ed. by W.J.Archer]. 1922.<br />

Contains map in pocket.


Sauer, Karl. r 669.1 S25<br />

Leitfaden der huttenkunde fiir maschinentechniker. 1920.<br />

"Literatur," p.128.<br />

Truttwin, Hans. r 667.26 T78<br />

Enzyklopadie der kiipenfarbstoffe; ihre literatur, darstellungsweisen.<br />

zusammensetzung eigenschaften in substanz und auf der faser, unter<br />

mitwirkung von R. Hauschka-Wien. 1920.<br />

Fine Arts<br />

Beruete y Moret, Aureliano de. qr 759.6 G75b<br />

Goya as portrait painter [tr. from the Spanish by Selwyn Brinton].<br />

1922. Houghton.<br />

"Bibliography," p.195-199.<br />

Beruete y Moret, Aureliano de. qr 759.6 B46<br />

Spanish painting; ed. by Geoffrey Holme. 1921. (Studio. Special<br />

number, 1921.)<br />

[Blakeslee, Theron J.] qr 759 B52<br />

Early English, Dutch and Flemish paintings at the Blakeslee galleries.<br />

1900. [Little.]<br />

[Blakeslee, Theron J.] qr 759 B52e<br />

Exhibition of early English, Dutch and Flemish paintings at the<br />

Blakeslee galleries. 1898. [Little.]<br />

Cook county, 111.—Forest preserve commission. r 711 C77<br />

Forest preserves of Cook county, owned by the Forest preserve district<br />

of Cook county in the state of Illinois. 1921.<br />

Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. qr 739 C78<br />

Bronzes from Ceylon, chiefly in the Colombo Museum. 1914. Colombo<br />

Museum. (Colombo Museum, Colombo, Ceylon. Memoirs.<br />

Series A, no.l.)<br />

Field, Wooster Bard. q 744 F45<br />

Architectural drawing, with an introduction and article on lettering<br />

by T. E. French. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"Reference books," p.147-150.<br />

Designed "to provide for the student those things which are of fundamental importance<br />

in his initial study of the subject, together with a careful presentation of some<br />

of the more important points that are usually left for him to acquire during his office<br />

experience." Preface.<br />

Fuchs, Emil. q 735 F97<br />

Work of Emil Fuchs, illustrating some of his representative paintings,<br />

sculpture, medals and studies; issued on the occasion of an exhibition<br />

of his works under the auspices of Messrs Cartier, Feb. 7th to<br />

March Sth, 1921. 1921. [Bartlett Orr Press.]<br />

The same qr 735 F97


xr u AI , 786.3 H192<br />

Hambourg, Mark. ,<br />

How to play the piano, with practical illustrations and diagrams ana<br />

an abridged compendium of five-finger exercises, scales, thirds, arpeggi,<br />

octaves as practised by him. 1922. Doran.<br />

Holloway, Edward Stratton.<br />

747 H7 3<br />

The practical book of furnishing the small house and apartment.<br />

1922. Lippincott.<br />

Holme, Geoffrey, ed.


Close, Bernard Wells, ed. qb 728.8 C61<br />

American country houses of today; small houses, bungalows, etc.<br />

1922. Architectural Book Pub. Co.<br />

Made up of plans and views of 80 houses, with an introductory article on home<br />

building by Alfred Busselle.<br />

Hart, Hastings Hornell, comp. qr 725.6 H31<br />

Plans and illustrations of prisons and reformatories. 1922. Russell<br />

Sage foundation.<br />

Keefe, Charles S. ed. q 728 K15<br />

The American house; being a collection of illustrations & plans of<br />

the best country & suburban houses built in the United States during<br />

the last few years. 1922. U. P. C. Book Co.<br />

The same qb 728 K15<br />

Saladin, Henri. b 723.3 S15<br />

L'architecture. 1907. (Manuel d'art musulman, v.l.)<br />

"Bibliographie," pref. p. 15-23.<br />

Literature<br />

Bethune, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Washington. 815 B46<br />

Orations and occasional discourses. 1850. Putnam.<br />

Bowen, Benjamin B. 818 B66<br />

A blind man's offering. 1852. Privately printed.<br />

Contains his "Fairy waltz" (music), p.430-432.<br />

A collection of reminiscences, short stories, essays, and poems.<br />

Croce, Benedetto. 851 D23zcr2<br />

Poetry of Dante; tr. by Douglas Ainslie. 1922. Holt.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

This "study of Dante has the effect...of clearing away a mass of inessentials and<br />

exposing the essential, that is Dante the poet." Outlook (London), 1922.<br />

Fellowes, Edmund Horace. 821.09 F34<br />

The English madrigal composers. 1921. Clarendon Press.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Goldberg, Isaac. 869 G57<br />

Brazilian literature, with a foreword by J. D. M. Ford. 1922. Knopf.<br />

"Selective critical bibliography," p.293-297.<br />

The first part consists of an outline history of the literature of Portuguese-speaking<br />

Brazil; the second part of analyses of the works of ten representative writers.<br />

Hamilton, William Hamilton. 821 M44zh<br />

John Masefield; a critical study. [1922.] Allen.<br />

"Bibliography," p.153-155-<br />

Lasserre, Pierre. 840.4 L34<br />

Les chapelles litteraires. 1920.<br />

Contents: Paul Claudel.—Francis Jammes.—Charles Peguy.<br />

Lucas, Edward Verrall. 824 L969g<br />

Giving and receiving; essays and fantasies. 1922. Doran.


T u r i, r- it, , c i 827 B381zL<br />

Lynch, John Gilbert Bohun.<br />

Max Beerbohm in perspective, with a prefatory letter by M. B. 1^1.<br />

Heinemann. .<br />

Contents: The writings of Max Beerbohm.-The caricatures of Max.-A postscript.<br />

"Bibliography," p.177-181.<br />

n/r /^i M 1 r- 11 q 817 M13<br />

McClure, Alexander Kelly. ^<br />

"Abe" Lincoln's yarns and stories; a complete collection of the<br />

funny and witty anecdotes that made Lincoln famous as America's<br />

greatest storv teller, with introduction and anecdotes; the story of Lincoln's<br />

life told by himself in his stories, wit and humor of the war, the<br />

courts, the backwoods and the White house. 1901. Neil.<br />

Murray, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Gilbert Aime. 824 M977<br />

Tradition and progress. 1922. Houghton.<br />

Contents: Religio grammatici: the religion of a "man of letters."—Aristophanes<br />

and tbe war party.—The Bacchae of Euripides.—The Stoic philosophy.—Poesis and<br />

mimesis.—Literature as revelation.—The soul as it is and how to deal with it.—National<br />

ideals: conscious and unconscious.—Orbis terrestris.—Satanism and the world order.<br />

Page, Thomas Nelson. 851 D23zp<br />

Dante and his influence; studies. 1922. Scribner. (Virginia University.<br />

Barbour-Page foundation.)<br />

Plato. 888 P68pb<br />

Plato's best thoughts; comp. from Prof. Jowett's translation of the<br />

Dialogues of Plato by C. H. A. Bulkley. 1876. Scribner.<br />

Richardson, William Lee, & Owen, J. M. 809 R41<br />

Literature of the world; an introductory study. 1922. Ginn.<br />

Contents : Introduction.—Literature of the Orient.—The Bible as literature.—Greek<br />

literature.—Latin literature.—Italian literature.—Spanish literature.—French literature.<br />

—German literature.—Russian literature.—Scandinavian literature.—English literature.<br />

—Irish literature.—American literature.—A closing word.<br />

"Reference list" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Rouveyre, Andre Louis Marie. 840.4 R78<br />

Souvenirs de mon commerce. 1921.<br />

Contents: Retour a Remy de Gourmont.—Au bras de Guillaume Apollinaire.—A<br />

1'extremite corporelle de Moreas.—Jules Soury heurte.<br />

Southgate, Henry, comp. 808.8 S72<br />

What men have said about woman; a collection of choice thoughts<br />

and sentences, with illustrations by I. D. Watson. 1865. Routledge.<br />

Van Dyke, Henry. 814 V18co<br />

Companionable books. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Contents: The book of books.—Poetry in the Psalms.—The good enchantment of<br />

Dickens.—Thackeray and real men.—Ge<strong>org</strong>e Eliot and real women.—The poet of immortal<br />

youth (Keats).—The recovery of joy (Wordsworth).—"The glory of the imperfect"<br />

(Browning).—A quaint comrade by quiet streams (Walton).—A sturdy believer<br />

(Samuel Johnson).—A Puritan plus poetry (Emerson). — An adventurer in a velvet<br />

jacket (Stevenson).<br />

Zesch, Ferd. O. comp. 830.8 Z54<br />

Teutonia; poesie und prosa, zur unterhaltung in vereinen und geselligen<br />

kreisen. 1894.


Public Speaking. Readers<br />

Burton, Alexander. 808.55 B95s<br />

Speeches; their preparation and their delivery. 1922. Clode.<br />

Parker, Richard Green, & Watson, J. M. r 808.8 P24n<br />

National third reader, containing a simple, comprehensive and practical<br />

treatise on elocution, numerous and progressive exercises in reading<br />

and recitation and copious notes on the pages where explanations<br />

are required. 1869. Barnes. (National series of readers and spellers.)<br />

Parker, Richard Green, & Watson, J. M. r 808.8 P24<br />

National fifth reader, containing a complete and practical treatise<br />

on elocution, select and classified exercises in reading and declamation,<br />

with biographical sketches and copious notes; adapted to the use of<br />

students in literature. 1868. Barnes. (National school series.)<br />

Sanders, Charles Walton. r 808.8 S21u<br />

Union fifth reader, embracing a full exposition of the principles of<br />

rhetorical reading, with numerous exercises for practice, both in prose<br />

and poetry from the best writers and with literary and biographical<br />

notes, for the higher classes in schools, academies, etc. 1869. Ivison.<br />

(Sanders' union series of readers.)<br />

Poetry<br />

Browning, Mrs Elizabeth (Barrett). 821 B81L<br />

Last poems, with a memorial by Theodore Tilton. 1862. Miller.<br />

Crapsey, Adelaide. 811 C86<br />

Verse. 1922. Knopf.<br />

Dargan, Mrs Olive (Tilford). 811 D25L<br />

Lute and furrow [and other poems]. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Davis, Mary Gould, comp. 821.08 D321<br />

The girl's book of verse; a treasury of old and new poems, with an<br />

introduction by Dorothy Canfield. 1922. Stokes.<br />

The same j 821.08 D32<br />

Drinkwater, John, b. 1882. 821.08 D82<br />

Way of poetry; an anthology for younger readers. 1922. Houghton.<br />

"Acknowledgments," pref. p.5-6.<br />

Rowton, Frederic. 821.08 R81<br />

The female poets of Great Britain; chronologically arranged with<br />

copious selections and critical remarks, with additions by an American<br />

editor. 1854. Baird.


Drama. Theatre<br />

Alden, Raymond Macdonald. 822.33 D67<br />

Shakespeare. 1922. Duffield. (Master spirits of literature.)<br />

"Bibliographical notes," p.361-370.<br />

In addition to the life of Shakespeare, his mental and moral qualities, and the<br />

characteristics of the age, the author considers successively the poems, the chronicle<br />

histories, the comedies, the tragedies, and the tragi-comedies. In doing so he adheres to<br />

a modest and scholarly attitude founded upon copious reading and long reflection and<br />

characterized by a lively distrust of the unproved and unprovable. Condensed from<br />

Literary review, 1922.<br />

Crommelynck, Fernand. 842 C89<br />

Le cocu magnifique; farce en trois actes. 1921.<br />

Dell, Floyd. 812 D41k<br />

King Arthur's socks, and other village plays. 1922. Knopf.<br />

Other plays: Human nature.—The chaste adventures of Joseph.—The angel intrudes.—<br />

Legend.— Sweet-and-twenty.—-A long time ago.— Enigma.— Ibsen revisited.—<br />

The rim of the world.—Poor Harold.<br />

Dimick, Howard T. 808.27 D59m<br />

Modern photoplay writing; its craftsmanship; a manual demonstrating<br />

the structural and dramatic principles of the new art as practiced<br />

by the modern photoplaywright. 2v. in 1. 1922. Reeve.<br />

Ervine, St. John Greer. 822 E78s<br />

The ship; a play in three acts. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Galsworthy, John. 822 G15Lo<br />

Loyalties; a drama in three acts. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Biography<br />

Individual Biography<br />

Barres, Maurice. 92 B263t<br />

Thibaudet, Albert. La vie de Maurice Barres. 1921. (Trente ans<br />

de vie frangaise, v.2.)<br />

A critical study of this modern French novelist.<br />

Calve, Emma. 92 C141<br />

My life; tr. by Rosamond Gilder. 1922. Appleton.<br />

Appeared in the "Saturday evening post," v.195, July 22-Sept. 23, 1922.<br />

Edwards, Jonathan. r 92 E315w<br />

Woodbridge, Jonathan Edwards. The memorial volume of the<br />

Edwards family meeting at Stockbridge, Mass., Sept. 6-7. A. D. 1870.<br />

1871. Congregational Pub. Soc.<br />

Consists chiefly of articles and addresses on Jonathan Edwards, his life, character,<br />

and work, with some additional historical and genealogical information concerning his<br />

descendants.<br />

Jefferson, Thomas. 92 J2323mu<br />

Muzzey, David Saville. Thomas Jefferson. 1918. Scribner. (Figures<br />

from American history.)<br />

The author's aim has been to present a readable, popular account of the life and<br />

political services of Jefferson without any attempt to make any original contribution to<br />

Jeffersonian scholarship. Condensed from Preface.


Lane, Franklin Knight. 92 L235<br />

Letters; personal and political; ed. by A. W. Lane and L. H. Wall.<br />

1922. Houghton.<br />

Franklin K. Lane (1864-1921) was secretary of the interior in President Wilson's<br />

cabinet from 1913 to 1920.<br />

Locke, John. 92 L759L<br />

Lettres inedites a ses amis Nicolas Thoynard, Philippe Van Limborch<br />

et Edward Clarke; publiees avec une introduction et des notes<br />

explicatives par Henry Ollion, avec la collaboration de T. J. De Boer.<br />

1912.<br />

McCoy, Isaac. 92 M1422w<br />

Wyeth, Walter N. Isaac McCoy; early Indian missions: Isaac<br />

McCoy—Christiana McCoy; a memorial. 1895. Privately printed.<br />

(Missionary memorials.)<br />

An account of the life and service of this early 19th century missionary and his<br />

wife among the Indians of the Middle West.<br />

Macoun, John. 92 M2192<br />

Autobiography of John Macoun, Canadian explorer and naturalist,<br />

assistant director and naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada,<br />

1831-1920, with introduction by E. T. Seton; a memorial volume. 1922.<br />

Ottawa Field-naturalists' Club.<br />

Contains also "Biography of Prof. John Macoun, 1904-1920," by W. T. Macoun.<br />

Riley, James Whitcomb. 92 R458di<br />

Dickey, Marcus. The maturity of James Whitcomb Riley; fortune's<br />

way with the poet in the prime of life and after, with illustrations<br />

painted under the poet's direction by Will Vawter. 1922. Bobbs.<br />

Thomas, Augustus. 92 T3735<br />

The print of my remembrance. 1922. Scribner.<br />

An informal autobiography by an American playwright who is (1922) executive<br />

chairman of the Producing Managers' Association. The pages of this entertaining book<br />

abound in reminiscences of the theatrical world in the period from 1870 to 1910 and<br />

make known the circumstances of the writing and production of his sixty plays.<br />

Trudeau, Edward Livingston. 92 T776c<br />

Chalmers, Stephen. The beloved physician, Edward Livingston<br />

Trudeau. 1916. Houghton.<br />

An appreciative sketch of the character and accomplishments of the founder of the<br />

sanatorium for tuberculosis patients at Lake Saranac.<br />

Collected Biography<br />

r 920 D23<br />

Dansk biografisk haandleksikon; redigeret af Svend Dahl og P. Engelstoft.<br />

v.l. 1920.<br />

v.i. Aaberg-S0ren Hansen.<br />

Maps<br />

Maps—Poland. (1920.) r 912.438 M2<br />

Poland; a sketch map comp. by Henryk Arctowski. 1920. General<br />

Drafting Co.<br />

Size, 22"4 x 24J4 inches, folded in octavo cover; scale, approximately 22^ miles to<br />

1 inch.


r 912.8 M6<br />

Maps—South America. (1921.) ,<br />

Map of South America prepared especially for the National g<br />

graphic magazine. 1921. National Geographic Soc.<br />

° r ^- , ,,i/ inrhes folded in octavo cover; scale,<br />

1„<br />

about 13s<br />

nun... TT- miles<br />

miles<br />

to<br />

to<br />

I men.<br />

s<br />

II<br />

of So<br />

[map]<br />

Travel and Description<br />

General<br />

Bainbridge, Mrs Lucy Elizabeth (Seaman). 910 B16<br />

Round the world letters. 1882. Lothrop.<br />

Brooks, James. * W B7 J 32<br />

A seven months' run up and down and around the world. 1872.<br />

Appleton.<br />

Written in letters to the "New York evening express."<br />

Europe<br />

Baker, James, lieut.-col. 914.96 B17<br />

Turkey. 1877. Holt.<br />

Contains maps.<br />

Bartol, Cyrus Augustus. 914 B28<br />

Pictures of Europe; framed in ideas. 1855. Crosby.<br />

Bouton, John Bell. 914 B65<br />

Roundabout to Moscow; an epicurean journey. 1887.<br />

Haight, Elizabeth Hazelton. 914.5 H14<br />

Italy old and new. 1922. Dutton.<br />

Contents: A piazza in Rome.—Due- cuori, una capanna.—The joys of an orario.<br />

The madonna of Pompeii.—A visit to ancient Ostia.—Italian crowds and their temper.—<br />

Tea-drinking in Rome.—The aspirations of Italian women.—La bella Zara.—Epic days.<br />

—Spring in Sicily and the carrying off of the maid.—Re-reading Catullus in Sirtrio.—<br />

The Rome that Horace knew.—Slabsides and the Sabine farm.—Ovid in Sulmona.—<br />

Vergil as a guide in Italy.<br />

Mallet, Paul Henry. 913.48 M29<br />

Northern antiquities; or, An historical account of the manners,<br />

customs, religion and laws, maritime expeditions and discoveries, language<br />

and literature of the ancient Scandinavians (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians<br />

and Icelanders), with incidental notices respecting our Saxon<br />

ancestors; tr. from the French by Bishop Percy. 1847. Bohn. (Bohn's<br />

antiquarian library.)<br />

Maurel, Andre. 914.5 M49p<br />

Petites villes d'ltalie. 4v. 1920. (Bibliotheque de geographie et<br />

voyages.)<br />

Peixotto, Ernest Clifford. 914.6 P37<br />

Through Spain and Portugal. 1922. Scribner.<br />

While there are frequent historical anecdotes and some allusions to native manners<br />

and customs, the chief interest is in the art and architecture of the countries visited.<br />

Illustrations in black and white by the author.


Sears, Robert. r g14 §43<br />

Scenes and sketches in continental Europe; embracing descriptions<br />

of France, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Sicily, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland,<br />

together with interesting notices of their principal cities and<br />

towns. 1847. Privately printed.<br />

Treves, Sir Frederick. 914.94 T73<br />

The Lake of Geneva. [1922.] Funk.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

The author who is an "expert in the art of writing pleasantly about pleasant places<br />

...has gone round the whole lake, describing the towns and villages as he saw them...<br />

and adding notes both from familiar sources and from local histories which are not so<br />

well known." Spectator, 1922.<br />

United States<br />

r 917.3 A6492<br />

Appletons' hand-book of American travel; northern and eastern tour,<br />

including New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode<br />

Island, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and the British<br />

dominions; a guide to Niagara, the White mountains, the Alleghanies,<br />

the Catskills, the Adirondacks, the Berkshire hills, the St.<br />

Lawrence, Lake Champlain, Lake Ge<strong>org</strong>e, Lake Memphremagog. Saratoga,<br />

Newport, Cape May, the Hudson and other famous localities, with<br />

full descriptive sketches of the cities, towns, rivers, lakes, water-falls,<br />

mountains, hunting and fishing grounds, watering-places, sea-side resorts<br />

and all scenes and objects of importance and interest within the<br />

district named, with maps and various skeleton tours; revised for summer<br />

of 1873, with appendix. 1873. Appleton.<br />

r 917.3 A649<br />

Appletons' hand-book of American travel; western tour, embracing<br />

eighteen through routes to the West and far West, tours of the Great<br />

lakes and rivers and all local routes of the states of Ohio, Indiana,<br />

Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas,<br />

Nebraska, Colorado, Nevada, California and Oregon and territories of<br />

Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Utah and Washington; a complete<br />

guide to the Rocky mountains, Yosemite valley, Sierra Nevada, the<br />

mining regions of Utah, Nevada, etc. and other famous localities, with<br />

full descriptive sketches of the cities, towns, rivers, lakes, water-falls,<br />

mountains, hunting and fishing grounds and all places and objects of<br />

interest within the district named, with maps and diagrams. 1871. Ap­<br />

pleton.<br />

Bowles, Samuel. r 917.88 B66<br />

The Switzerland of America; a summer vacation in the parks and<br />

mountains of Colorado. 1869. Bowles.<br />

Charleston, W. Va. Directories. r 917.54 C37<br />

R. L. Polk & Co.'s Charleston directory, 1920. 1920. Pittsburgh.


Other Countries<br />

Blunt, Lady Anne (Noel). 915 6 B57<br />

'<br />

Bedouin tribes of the Euphrates; ed. with a preface and some account<br />

of the Arabs and their horses, by W. S. B. 1879. Harper.<br />

Contains map.<br />

Humboldt, Alexander von. 917.2 H92<br />

Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain; tr. from the original<br />

French by John Black. 2v. in 1. 1811. Riley.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Statistical and geographical information concerning Mexico.<br />

Marsh, James Reid. 915.1 M41<br />

The charm of the Middle Kingdom. 1922. Little.<br />

An informal account of the author's sojourn in China, with many anecdotes illustrative<br />

of the manners and customs of the people.<br />

Moore, Phil H. 799 M87<br />

With gun and rod in Canada. 1922. Houghton.<br />

Tales of adventures not only in various parts of Canada but in the United States<br />

as well. Contains, in addition, advice for the city man in the wilds on how to handle a<br />

canoe, a gun,—or a guide.<br />

O'Brien, Frederick. 919.63 012at<br />

Atolls of the sun. 1922. Century.<br />

"Experiences in visiting some of the less well known islands of the South Seas are<br />

here described.. .with characteristic vividness and charm of style." Outlook, 1922.<br />

[Schaw, Janet.] 917.297 S31<br />

Journal of a lady of quality; being the narrative of a journey from<br />

Scotland to the West Indies, North Carolina and Portugal, in the years<br />

1774-1776; ed. by E.W.Andrews in collaboration with C.M.Andrews.<br />

1922. Yale University Press.<br />

Contents: The voyage to the West Indies.—Antigua and St. Christopher.—Residence<br />

in North Carolina.—Sojourn in Lisbon.<br />

"Exceptional powers both of observation and of description, keen sense of humour<br />

and unfailing courage under difficulties, combine to make Miss Schaw's account of her<br />

journey of much value as well as interest." English historical review, 1922.<br />

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. 919.8 S81h<br />

Hunters of the great north. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

The same j 919.8 S81<br />

An account of the explorer's first Arctic expedition in 1906-07. He describes in<br />

detail his travels in dog sledges and skin boats and his experiences while learning to live<br />

ike a real Eskimo. To this narrative have been added three chapters telling how he<br />

learned to hunt canbou, seals, and polar bears. Two maps and other illustrations.<br />

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. 91Q g ggi_<br />

The northward course of empire, with an introduction by E W<br />

Nelson. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

"Bibliography," p.271-274.<br />

Develops further the author's theory, suggested in "The friendly Arctic " that the<br />

far northern regions can be so developed as to maintain life and become a factor in the<br />

economic world. '" ine

History<br />

BOOKS ADDED—JANUARY .1923 33<br />

General<br />

Wells, Herbert Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 909 W49s<br />

A short history of the world. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

This is not an abstract or condensation of the author's "Outline of history" but a<br />

much more generalized history, planned and written afresh. Condensed from Preface.<br />

Europe<br />

Boulenger, Jacques Romain. 944.03 B65<br />

The seventeenth century; tr. from the French. [1920.] Heinemann.<br />

(National history of France.)<br />

"Works to consult" at end of each chapter.<br />

A "study of the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XIV. M. Boulenger is. .. successful...in<br />

sketching the course of events in bold outline while emphasizing the dominant<br />

personalities of the period." Spectator, 1920.<br />

Breasted, James Henry, & Robinson, J. H. 940 B71<br />

History of Europe; ancient and medieval: earliest man, the Orient,<br />

Greece and Rome, by J. H. Breasted; Europe from the break-up of the<br />

Roman empire to the French revolution, by J. H. Robinson. 1920. Ginn.<br />

Contains maps.<br />

"Bibliography," p.647-665.<br />

Cresson, William Penn. qr 940.9 C87<br />

The Holy alliance; the European background of the Monroe doctrine.<br />

1922. Oxford University Press; Amer. Branch. (Carnegie Endowment<br />

for International Peace—Division of international law. Publications.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.139-141.<br />

Robinson, James Harvey, & Beard, C. A. 940.9 R55<br />

History of Europe; our own times: the eighteenth and nineteenth<br />

centuries, the opening of the twentieth century and the world war.<br />

1921. Ginn.<br />

Contains maps.<br />

"Bibliography," p.1-6, at end of book.<br />

United States<br />

Beauchamp, William Martin. r 973.3 B346<br />

Revolutionary soldiers resident or dying in Onondaga county, N. Y.,<br />

with supplementary list of possible veterans based on a pension list of<br />

F. H. Chase, Syracuse, N. Y. 1913. McDonnell. (Onondaga Historical<br />

Association, Syracuse, N. Y. Publications, v.l, no.2.)<br />

Supplement. (Onondaga Historical Association. Annual<br />

volume, 1914, p.188-214.) r 974.7 025 1914<br />

Wilder, Daniel Webster. r 978.1 W71<br />

The annals of Kansas. 1875. Kansas Pub. House.


Other Countries<br />

962 B57<br />

Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen.<br />

Secret history of the English occupation of Egypt; being a personal<br />

narrative of events. 1922. Knopf.<br />

This indictment of England's actions in Egypt in the early 8o's was written in 1895<br />

and first published in England in 1907.<br />

European War<br />

Daniels, Josephus. 940.915 D22<br />

Our navy at war. 1922. Doran.<br />

An account of the part played by the United States navy in the great war. The<br />

author was secretary of the navy in President Wilson's cabinet.<br />

Wister, Owen. 940.919 W819<br />

Neighbors henceforth. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

The plight of France, the deed of Germany, and the international destiny of the<br />

United States are the main themes of this volume, the last of a series of which the first<br />

is "The pentecost of calamity" and the second, "A straight deal."<br />

Books in the Russian Language<br />

Balmont, Konstantin Dimitrievich, comp. 808.1 B21<br />

Iz mirovoi poezii. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "From the poetry of the world."<br />

Mamin Sibiriak, Dmitrii Narkisovich. 891.73 M31p<br />

Padaiushchiia zviezdy.<br />

Title translated: "Falling stars."<br />

Mamin-Sibiriak, Dmitrii Narkisovich. 891.73 M31z<br />

Zoloto; roman.<br />

Title translated: "Gold."<br />

Petrograd, Tekhnologicheskii Institut Imperatora Nikolaia I. 925 P46<br />

Semidesiatiliatilietnii iubileT. 1903.<br />

Title translated: "The seventieth jubilee."<br />

Rathaus, Dimitri. goj 7, JJTI<br />

Moi piesni.<br />

Title translated: "My songs."<br />

Books in the Yiddish Language<br />

T. . . , , , 296 J32<br />

Jiskor; e.n buch des gedenkens an gefallene wachter und arbeiter in<br />

Palastina. 1918.<br />

Kassel, David. 892 M<br />

far ovenden un verweilungen. 1918.<br />

Title translated: "For evenings and recreation."


Kotik, I. 92 K394<br />

Meine zichronos. 2v. 1913-14.<br />

Title translated: "My memories."<br />

Twain, Mark, (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). 892.53 T89<br />

Der prinz un der betler.<br />

Translation of his "The prince and the pauper."<br />

Ziper, I. B. 892.52 Z68<br />

Di Schine in golus.<br />

Title translated: "The Holy Spirit in exile."<br />

Young People's Books<br />

Baker, Olaf. j B175d<br />

Dusty Star; illustrated by Paul Bransom. Dodd.<br />

Appeared in the "Ladies' home journal," v.39, Sept.-Dec. 1922.<br />

An Indian boy and his wolf cub grow up together in such close companionship that<br />

the boy learns to be half a wolf. Driven away from the Indian camp by the hatred of<br />

Sitting-Always, Dusty Star becomes the Little Brother to all the forest folk; but when<br />

evil days come upon his people he and Kiopo return with their "medicine" to bring deliverance<br />

to the tribe.<br />

Baynes, Ernest Harold. j B338p<br />

Polaris; the story of an Eskimo dog, with many illustrations from<br />

photographs by L. B. Baynes [and others]. Macmillan.<br />

A true story of a real dog so beautiful that he was called Polaris the Glorious, told<br />

by his master who watched him grow up from a little puppy.<br />

Colum, Padraic. j C727c<br />

The children who followed the piper; illustrated by Dugald Walker.<br />

Macmillan.<br />

Among the children who followed the pied piper through the mountain and down<br />

into the Wood of Daylight-Gone were Valentine, the emperor's son, John Ball, the<br />

miller's son, and little Golden Hood. This is the story of their strange adventures in<br />

the Dark Forest and of how they found their way back into the world of men.<br />

Davis, Mary Gould, comp. j 821.08 D32<br />

The girl's book of verse; a treasury of old and new poems, with an<br />

introduction by Dorothy Canfield. 1922. Stokes.<br />

The poems, ranging in time from the "Song of Solomon" to Hilda Conkling's<br />

"Spring song" are arranged in four groups under the headings: Melody.—The pipes of<br />

Pan.—Enchantment.—Stories.<br />

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. j D775w<br />

The white company; pictures by N. C. Wyeth. Cosmopolitan Book<br />

Corporation.<br />

The adventures of a company of free-lances fighting for fun and booty in the wars<br />

of the Black Prince. Thirteen full-page plates in color.<br />

Fabre, Jean Henri. j 540 Fllw<br />

The wonder book of chemistry; tr. from the French by F. C. Bicknell.<br />

1922. Century.<br />

In the form of conversations between Uncle Paul and his two nephews. They perform<br />

together various simple experiments with air, water, phosphorus, sulphur, and other<br />

substances, using apparatus of their own devising.


wii o 1 r> . A j 398 F48m<br />

Fillmore, Parker Roysted.<br />

J<br />

Mighty Mikko; a book of Finnish fairy tales and folk tales, with<br />

illustrations and decorations by Jay Van Everen. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason. J 92 G875w<br />

Wallace. Dillon. Story of Grenfell of the Labrador: a boy's life of<br />

Wilfred T. Grenfell. 1922. Revell.<br />

An account of Dr Grenfell's life and adventures among the fisher folk of Labrador.<br />

The author has lived among the people, shared their hardships, and witnessed with his<br />

own eyes some of the marvelous achievements of "the deap-sea doctor."<br />

Hall, Jennie. j 913 H17b<br />

Buried cities, with many drawings and photographs from original<br />

sources. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: POMPEII: The Greek slave and the little Roman boy; Vesuvius; Pompeii<br />

today.—OLYMPIA: Two winners of crowns; How a city was lost.—MYCENAE: How a<br />

lost city was found.<br />

The pictures of places, buildings, statues, coins, gems, household utensils, and other<br />

objects of interest are arranged in groups following the stories and each has an explanatory<br />

note.<br />

Jewett, Eleanore Myers. j 398 J31w<br />

Wonder tales from Tibet; illustrations by Maurice Day. 1922. Little.<br />

Contents: The clever prince and the stupid brother.—The white bird's wife.—The<br />

promise of Massang. — How six friends sought adventure. — The secret of the Khan's<br />

barber.—The prince with the golden mouth.—The strange adventure of Schalu's wife.—<br />

The fortunes of Shrikantha.—Sunshine and moonshine.<br />

Long, long ago, in a far country dwelt a strange and mysterious creature, the<br />

Siddhi-kur, all gold and emerald, with a head that looked like mother-of-pearl, and a<br />

crown upon it. These are some of the stories of wonder and magic told to his captor,<br />

the ever-persevering Khan's son, as he was being carried from his garden of ghost children<br />

to live in the cool grove on the shining mountain beside the good Nagarguna.<br />

Lewis, Mrs Isabel Eleanor (Martin). j 523 L67<br />

Astronomy for young folks. 1922. Duffield.<br />

"Tables," p.261-267.<br />

The first chapters are arranged by months and give diagrams and directions for<br />

identifying the principal constellations and also some of the stories and legends connected<br />

with these star groups. Additional chapters deal with the moon, Jupiter, Saturn, comets,<br />

meteorites, and other astronomical subjects.<br />

Lofting, Hugh. j L771v<br />

Voyages of Doctor Dolittle; illustrated by the author. Stokes.<br />

In which Tommy Stubbins, the cobbler's son, becomes assistant to the famous animal<br />

doctor and accompanies him on a voyage to Spidermonkey island where the naturalist<br />

becomes Jong Thmkalot, king of all the Moving Land, and with the help of the Great<br />

Glass Sea-snail learns the language of the shell-fish.<br />

Lucas, Edward Verrall, & Lucas, Mrs Elizabeth (Griffin). j 790 L96a<br />

What shall we do now? over five hundred games and pastimes; a<br />

book of suggestions for children's games and employments [rev ] by<br />

Dorothy Canfield. 1922. Stokes.<br />

There are drawing, writing, thinking, guessing, and acting games as well as games<br />

for parties picnics, and other special occasions. Includes chapters on indoor ' o <br />

tions, candy-making, books and reading, gardening, and the care of pets \n earth.<br />

edition was published with the title "Three hundred games and pastimes."


Matthews, Brander, comp. j 811.08 M47a<br />

Poems of American patriotism; illustrated by N. C. Wyeth. 1922.<br />

Scribner.<br />

The poems are arranged in the order of the events which they celebrate, so that the<br />

collection forms, as nearly as possible, a history of America as told by her poets. A few<br />

selections included in the earlier edition have been omitted and others commemorating<br />

heroes or incidents of the last forty years have been added. Pictures in color.<br />

Meigs, Cornelia. j 793.1 M57h<br />

Helga and the white peacock; a play in three acts for young people,<br />

with a frontispiece by Ruth Bingham, photographs by Margaret<br />

Browne and notes on production from the Poughkeepsie community<br />

players. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

A fairy tale play. Helga is a human child who has been stolen by the trolls. She<br />

can be saved from becoming like them only if her twin brother who goes in search of<br />

her is successful in his quest. Other characters are the West Wind, the Grey Goose,<br />

the peacock, and the Spider Woman, the grandmother of all the trolls.<br />

Molesworth, Mrs Mary Louisa. j M789so<br />

Stories; comp. by Sidney Baldwin, with pictures by Edna Cooke.<br />

Duffield.<br />

Contents: The cuckoo clock.—The six poor little princesses.—Too bad.—Carrots.—<br />

Mary Ann Jolly.—-Basil's violin. — The reel fairies. — The blue dwarfs. — Good night<br />

Winny.<br />

Newberry, Perry. j N262b<br />

Black Boulder claim; illustrated by Henry Pitz. Penn Pub. Co.<br />

Experiences of two boys prospecting for gold in the mountains of California.<br />

Olcott, Frances Jenkins, ed. j 923 023g<br />

Good stories for great birthdays; arranged for story-telling and<br />

reading aloud and for the children's own reading. 1922. Houghton.<br />

The same rj 923 023g<br />

"Over 200 stories celebrating 23 great birthdays of patriot-founders and upbuilders<br />

of the Republics of both North and South America. . .The arrangement follows the<br />

school-year, beginning in October with Columbus." Foreword.<br />

Suggestive story programs and a subject index are added.<br />

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis. j R656wr<br />

The wreck-hunters. Lothrop. (Museum series.)<br />

A story of treasure trove. With the author, one may share in the rescue of the<br />

Ocean Fay stranded upon a Bahaman reef, dive for the buried gold of a pirate ship, or<br />

help in raising a Spanish galleon. Old time wrecking methods and modern ways of<br />

salvaging are both described.<br />

Slaughter, Mrs Gertrude Elizabeth (Taylor). j 822.33 HX<br />

Shakespeare and the heart of a child; illustrated by Eric Pape. 1922.<br />

Macmillan.<br />

Contents: Shakespeare by the sea.—Shakespeare in Italy.—-Shakespeare in France.<br />

—In Shakespeare's country.—With Shakespeare at home.<br />

Barbara loved the plays of Shakespeare; she knew bits of them by heart, and her<br />

friends were of all ages and conditions. The scenes and the characters were made still<br />

more real to her by visits to the Roman forum, fair Verona, the magical city of Venice,<br />

France and England. Good pictures.<br />

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur. j 919.8 S81<br />

Hunters of the great north. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

An account of the explorer's first Arctic expedition in 1906-07. He describes in<br />

detail his travels in dog sledges and skin boats and his experiences while learning to live<br />

like a real Eskimo. To this narrative have been added three chapters telling how he<br />

learned to hunt caribou, seals, and polar bears. Two maps and other illustrations.


Stroebe, Clara, ed. J 398 S91d<br />

Danish fairy book; tr. by F. H. Martens, with illustrations in colour<br />

by G. W. Hood. 1922. Stokes.<br />

398 S91n<br />

Stroebe, Clara, ed. J<br />

Norwegian fairy book; tr. by F. H. Martens, with illustrations in<br />

colour by G. W. Hood. 1922. Stokes.<br />

Teasdale, Sara, comp. j 821.08 T26<br />

Rainbow gold; poems old and new, selected for boys and girls, with<br />

illustrations by Dugald Walker. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Bibliography, p.259-263.<br />

Poems, the compiler says, "that would have pleased the child I used to be and the<br />

boy who was my playmate." Selections from some of the newer writers, such as "Jim<br />

Jay" by Walter de la Mare, "A song of Sherwood" by Alfred Noyes, and "The terrible<br />

robber men" by Padraic Colum are included as well as old favorites.

Rules for Lending Books<br />

i. Hours. The adult Lending Rooms of the Central and branch<br />

libraries are open daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., Sundays and holidays<br />

excepted. The Children's Rooms in the branches are closed after 6 p. m.<br />

The Central Children's Room is open daily except Sundays and holidays<br />

from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.<br />

2. Borrowers. Any resident or taxpayer of Pittsburgh is entitled<br />

to borrow books from the Library by signing the proper application<br />

and agreement and receiving a borrower's card. In the case of a child<br />

under fourteen years of age the application must also be signed by the<br />

parent or guardian.<br />

Non-residents who can call at the Library for their books may<br />

obtain a borrower's card on payment of one dollar a year in advance.<br />

For non-residents who wish their books sent by mail or express the<br />

annual fee is two dollars. If a non-resident is employed or attending<br />

school in the city the guaranty of a resident tax-payer will be accepted<br />

instead of this fee.<br />

Temporary residents may borrow books on making a deposit of<br />

five dollars, or more if deemed desirable, this sum to be returned to the<br />

depositor upon surrender of his borrower's card.<br />

3. Borrowers' cards. A borrower's card may be used at the Central<br />

and branch libraries.<br />

Each borrower is responsible for all books charged on his card.<br />

Change of residence must be reported immediately.<br />

Lost cards should be reported at once. Adult cards will be replaced<br />

fourteen days after notice of such loss. Juvenile cards will be replaced<br />

fourteen days after notice of loss is given upon the payment of a fine<br />

of five cents, or replaced without payment six months after notice of<br />

loss is given.<br />

4. Issue of books. Holders of adult cards may borrow as many<br />

books of non-fiction as are needed at one time, together with two books<br />

of fiction, only one of which shall have been published within the current<br />

or the preceding year. Holders of juvenile cards may borrow two<br />

juvenile books at one time.<br />

Books may be kept two weeks, except some new and popular<br />

books, which may be kept but seven days. Magazines are lent for<br />

seven days only.<br />



5. Renewals. Non-fiction and certain standard fiction may be<br />

once renewed for two weeks from the date on which the request for<br />

renewal is received.<br />

Requests for renewal may be made in person, by mail, or by telephone.<br />

In each case the call number of the book, the number of the<br />

borrower's card, and the date on which the book is due must be given.<br />

In return the borrower will receive a renewal card, which must be<br />

brought with the book when it is returned.<br />

6. Reserves. Books may be reserved at the Library by payment<br />

of one cent for a postal card notice. As soon as the book is returned<br />

to the Library, this postal card will be mailed to the person making<br />

the request, and the book will be reserved two days. Requests for<br />

reserves may be made by telephone, in which case the cost of the postal<br />

card will be collected when the borrower calls for the book.<br />

7. Fines. A fine of two cents a day (including Sundays and holidays)<br />

must be paid on each book kept overtime. The holder of a<br />

juvenile card may forfeit the use of his card for six months from the<br />

date upon which an overdue book is returned in place of payment of<br />

this fine. If a book is not returned within three weeks after the date<br />

on which it is due, a messenger will be sent for it. This messenger has<br />

authority to collect the fine incurred and an additional fee of twentyfive<br />

cents for messenger service.<br />

A borrower must pay for books lost or injured while charged on<br />

his card. No books may be borrowed until fines and claims for damages<br />

have been paid.<br />

No claim can be established because of the failure of the Post<br />

Office to deliver notices to or from the Library.

Publications of the Library Now in Print<br />

Prices. Where two prices are given, the first is that for which<br />

the publication is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net,<br />

except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more.<br />

Remittances must be made in advance, payable to Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh. All publications not marked * may be had free at the<br />

Library, or will be sent postpaid for 5 cents each.<br />

*Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.<br />

FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 1907. vol. 1-3. 3,890 pp. $12.00.<br />

SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 1908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00.<br />

THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 1914. vol. 6-8. 3,475 pp. $8.00.<br />

FOURTH SERIES, 1912-1916. 1921-22. vol. 9-10. 1,947 pp. $6.50.<br />

Bound in buckram. Include full author and subject indexes. Volume II, which<br />

will include Biography, Books for the Blind, and Indexes of the Fourth<br />

Series, not yet published.<br />

The Classified Catalogue is issued also in separate parts; the First,<br />

Second, and Third Series in pamphlets, the Fourth Series in signatures<br />

ready for binding. Detailed information as to the contents and prices<br />

of the separate parts will be sent on receipt of a two cent stamp with<br />

a request for the Classified Catalogue price list.<br />

Monthly Bulletin. 50 cents a year, postpaid.<br />

Not published in August and September.<br />

Annual Reports, lst-26th, 1896-1921. Sent free upon request.<br />

Except the 3d, 6th and 20th, which are out of print.<br />

*Annotated Catalogue of Books Used in the Home Libraries and<br />

Reading Clubs. 1905. 110pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents.<br />

*Books by Catholic Authors in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; a<br />

Classified and Annotated List. 1921. 325pp. 35 cents; postpaid,<br />

50 cents.<br />

Books in the Library of the American Philatelic Society. 1910. 20 pp.<br />

*Carnegie Institute and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Handbook).<br />

1922. 72 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 40 cents.<br />

*Catalogue of Books for the Blind. 1922. 123 pp. 25 cents; postpaid,<br />

30 cents.<br />

In separate pamphlets, according to type. Free to blind borrowers.<br />

Catalogue of the Carnegie Library School; a school for training in<br />

General Library Work, Library Work with Children, and School<br />

Library Work. Sent free upon request.<br />



•Debate Index. 1919. 116pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

The Function of the Public Library in a Democracy; by John H. Leete.<br />

1920. 20 pp.<br />

Rules for Filing Cards in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Carnegie<br />

Library of Pittsburgh. 1921. 32 pp.<br />

What a Public Library Finds to Do; by Elisa May Willard. 1917. 18 pp.<br />

Reference Lists<br />

Books on Gardens and Landscape Gardening. 1922. 9 pp.<br />

*Choice of Vocation; a Selected List of Books and Magazine Articles<br />

for the Guidance of Students. 1921. 50pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents.<br />

Housing. 1912. 45 pp.<br />

Immigration. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Lives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36pp.<br />

*Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scientists,<br />

Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh. 1915. 189 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Vocational Guidance. Supplement. 10 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec.<br />

1915.)<br />

History<br />

Braddock's Expedition. 11pp. (Monthly Bulletin. Nov. 1906.)<br />

England and the English; a Few Suggestions for Reading. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Expedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp.<br />

Expeditions of General Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764.<br />

11pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec. 1909.)<br />

•Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Expedition<br />

against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents. (Monthly Bulletin, Feb.-May 1909.)<br />

•Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special<br />

Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pittsburgh.<br />

1911. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid. 25 cents.<br />

The Pilgrims; Selected Material for Use in Connection with the Pilgrim<br />

Tercentenary Celebration. 1920. 13 pp.<br />

Pittsburgh in 1816. 1916. 75 pp.<br />

Washington's Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. 15 pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, Feb. 1908.)<br />

The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1906.)


Publications of Interest to Engineers<br />

Air-Brakes. 1915. 55 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1915.)<br />

Air Conditioning. 1914. 55 pp.<br />

Brick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 26 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan.<br />

1912.)<br />

By-Product Coking. 1915. 40 pp.<br />

Case-Hardening. 1918. 10 pp.<br />

Electric Driving In Rolling-Mills and Foundries. 11pp. (Monthly<br />

Bulletin, Nov. 1907.)<br />

Engineering Ethics. 1917. 17 pp.<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. 48 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1908.)<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. Supplement. 1911. 19 pp.<br />

The Gyroscope. 1917. 23 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Index to Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.<br />

Volumes 1 to 20, 1880-1904; Compiled by Harrison W.<br />

Craver. 1906. 144 pp. $1 postpaid.<br />

•Index to the Classified Catalogue of the Technology Department.<br />

1916. 63 pp. 10 cents; postpaid, 15 cents.<br />

Lampblack. 1919. 8 pp.<br />

List of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. 1910<br />

17pp.<br />

Literature of the Coal Industry for 1921; by E. H. McClelland. 1922.<br />

12 pp.<br />

Market Prices Appearing Currently in Technical and Trade Journals.<br />

1918. 6 pp.<br />

Mica. 12 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Oct. 1908.)<br />

Refuse and Garbage Disposal. 1909. 39 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan<br />

1909.)<br />

Review of Iron and Steel Literature for 1921; by E. H. McClelland.<br />

1922. 18 pp.<br />

Road Dust Preventives. 1916. 39 pp.<br />

•Sand; its Occurrence, Properties and Uses. 1918. 72pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Scientific and Technical Reference Books. 19 pp. (Monthly Bulletin,<br />

Nov. 1916.)<br />

•Sewage Disposal and Treatment. 1910. 96pp. 15 cents; postpaid,<br />

20 cents.<br />

Smoke Prevention. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1907.)<br />

Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 7pp. (Monthly Bulletin, March<br />

1908.)<br />

Steam Turbines. 21pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1904.)


•Technical Book Review Index, vol.i-date, March 1917-date. 50 cents<br />

a year, postpaid.<br />

No.1-3, March, April, May, 1917, published in the Monthly Bulletin of those<br />

months, 5 cents each, postpaid.<br />

Vol.1, no-4-vol.6, 110.2 (July 1917-June 1922), issued separately, quarterly, 15<br />

cents each, postpaid.<br />

Trees and Forestry. 1917. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Water-Glass; Compiled by Morris Schrero. 1922. 87 pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Library 'Work with Children<br />

•Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the<br />

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight<br />

Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. 1907. 331 pp. 35 cents;<br />

postpaid, 50 cents.<br />

•Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library<br />

of Pittsburgh. 1920. Volume 1: Author List and Title<br />

List. 465 pp. $1; postpaid, $1.15. Volume 2: Subject Index.<br />

332 pp. 75 cents; postpaid, 85 cents.<br />

Favorite Books of Well Known People When They Were Boys and<br />

Girls; Compiled by Elva S. Smith. 1922. 18 pp.<br />

Patriotism Through Literature; by Elva S. Smith. 1919. 17 pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, June 1919.)<br />

Stories from the Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Storv-Telling<br />

1914. 38 pp.<br />

Stories from the Greek Myths. 1912. 29 pp.<br />

Stories from the Iliad and the Odyssey. 1912. 30 pp.<br />

Stories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-Telling. 1914. 22 pp.<br />

•Stories to Tell to Children. 1921. 72 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Leaflets<br />

Amusing Fiction. 1922.<br />

Books for Gifts to Boys and Girls.<br />

1922.<br />

Children's Books for Christmas<br />

Gifts. 1914.<br />

A Few Books on Iron and Steel<br />

1918.<br />

Gardens of Spain. 1922.<br />

New Americans. 1920.<br />

Present Day Problems in Citizenship.<br />

1919.<br />

January S, 1922.<br />

Vacation Reading. 1922.<br />

Vocational Suggestions. 1919.<br />

Advertising.<br />

Civil Engineering.<br />

Machine Shop Work.<br />

Medicine.<br />

Printing.<br />

Truck Gardening.<br />

Why Go to College? 1922.



VOL 28 FEBRUARY 1923 NO. 2<br />

The Bulletin Index - - -<br />

Periodicals Recently Added -<br />

Publications of the Librarv<br />

Books Recently Added to the<br />

Library<br />

Architecture - - - - -<br />

Biography -<br />

Business. Communication -<br />

Chemical Technology -<br />

Chemistry -<br />

Commerce. Transportation<br />

Costume. Etiquette - - -<br />

Croatian Language, Books in<br />

the - - - - - -<br />

Crystallography -<br />

Drama. Theatre<br />

Economics -<br />

Education - - - - -<br />

Engineering - - - - -<br />

Ethics - - - - - -<br />

European War -<br />

Fiction - - - - - -<br />

Fine Arts - - - - - -<br />

Genealogy - - - - -<br />

General Works -<br />

Geology - - - - -<br />

History - - - - - -<br />

Page Page<br />

47<br />

47<br />

89<br />

71<br />

77<br />

67<br />

68<br />

58<br />

56<br />

56<br />

82<br />

60<br />

76<br />

54<br />

56<br />

65<br />

51<br />

82<br />

48<br />

69<br />

78<br />

50<br />

62<br />

80<br />



1923<br />

Hungarian Language, Books<br />

in the - - - - -<br />

Italian Fiction<br />

-<br />

Language -<br />

Literature - - - -<br />

Medicine. Physiology.<br />

giene - - - - -<br />

Mineralogy -<br />

Music - - - - -<br />

Philosophy -<br />

Photography -<br />

Physics - - - - -<br />

Polish Language, Books in<br />

Politics and Government<br />

Readers - - - - -<br />

Recreation -<br />

Hy-<br />

Religion -<br />

Russian Language, Book s in<br />

the - - - - -<br />

Science -<br />

Sociology -<br />

Travel and Description - -<br />

Useful Arts - - - -<br />

Women - - - - -<br />

Yiddish Language, Books in the<br />

Young People's Books -<br />

-<br />

the<br />

-<br />

82<br />

50<br />

57<br />

55<br />

75<br />

79<br />

64<br />

61<br />

73<br />

51<br />

73<br />

58<br />

83<br />

53<br />

76<br />

74<br />

52<br />

83<br />

57<br />

53<br />

79<br />

63<br />

57<br />

86<br />


Board of Trustees<br />

S. H. CHURCH, President<br />

ANDREW W. MELLON, Vice-President<br />

J. D. HAILMAN, Secretary<br />

JAMES H. REED, Treasurer<br />








J. J. TURNER, Chairman<br />

Library Committee<br />



Director<br />


Central Library, Schenley Park<br />

Branch Libraries<br />

Lawrenceville Branch, 279 Fisk Street<br />

West End Branch, Wabash and Neptune Streets<br />

Wylie Avenue Branch, Wylie Avenue and Green Street<br />

Mount Washington Branch, 315 Grandview Avenue<br />

Hazelwood Branch, 4748 Monongahela Street<br />

East Liberty Branch, Station Street and Larimer Avenue<br />

South Side Branch, Carson and Twenty-second Streets<br />

Homewood Branch, Hamilton and Lang Avenues



Published monthly, except in August and September, by the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. President,<br />

S. H. Church, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue; Secretary,<br />

J. D. Hailman; Treasurer, James H. Reed, 1027 Carnegie Building; Director, John H.<br />

Leete, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue.<br />

Subscription 50 cents a year.<br />

Vol. 28 February 1923 No. 2<br />

The Bulletin Index<br />

The Index to the Monthly Bulletin for 1922, with the Title-<br />

Page and Contents, will be mailed with this issue of the Bulletin<br />

to libraries and institutions. A limited number of copies<br />

are reserved for individual subscribers who may desire them.<br />

These will be mailed with the March Bulletin if application<br />

for them is made. The supply is, however, small, so that the<br />

request should be made promptly if the Index is desired.<br />

Periodicals Recently Added<br />

The following periodicals have recently been added to the<br />

list of those regularly received in the Periodical Room:<br />

Bookman's Journal and Print Collector. London.<br />

Federal Tax Bulletin. Chicago.<br />

Foundry Trades Journal. London.<br />

International Book Review. New York.<br />

Journal of Social Forces. Chapel Hill, N. C.<br />

Public Ownership. Chicago.<br />

La Revue de l'Art Ancien et Moderne. Paris.<br />


Books Recently Added to the Library<br />

An r or b prefixed to the call number indicates that the book must be<br />

called for and used in the Reference or the Technology Room; j that it is<br />

especially suitable for children; and q that it is quarto size or larger.<br />

Fiction<br />

Allinson, Mrs Anne Crosby (Emery). A437r<br />

Roads from Rome. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: The estranger.—A poet's toll.—The phrase-maker.—A Roman citizen.—<br />

Fortune's ledger.—A road to Rome.<br />

Sketches of Roman life in the days of the Ciesars.<br />

Ashmun, Margaret Eliza. A827s<br />

Support. Macmillan.<br />

This novel is concerned with tbe ethical right of a woman to accept support from<br />

the man whom she has divorced.<br />

Austen, Jane. A933L<br />

Love & freindship, and other early works now first printed from<br />

the original ms., with a preface by G. K. Chesterton. Chatto.<br />

Other early works: Lesley castle.—The history of England.—Collection of letters.<br />

—Scraps.<br />

These early writings of Jane Austen are wholly delightful in themselves and they<br />

show already in the bud those qualities of irony and humour which are the flower of<br />

her later work. Condensed from Saturday review. J922.<br />

Bouvet, Marguerite. B661p<br />

Pierrette. McClurg.<br />

The story of a little French girl and her widowed mother and of how they found<br />

their happiness in being honest in time of temptation.<br />

Daskam, Josephine Dodge, afterward Mrs Bacon. D273wh<br />

While Caroline was growing. Macmillan.<br />

"A rather ingenious series of incidents in the life of an American girl child, which<br />

show the effect she and other children have upon the grown-up people with who'm they<br />

come into touch, and the effect upon the child's mind of her experiences " Outlook<br />

(London), 1911.<br />

De La Mare, Walter John. D388r<br />

The return [a novel], Collins.<br />

A curious and unusual story in which the central figure is the victim of a facial and<br />

physical change so complete as to disguise his identity. Condensed from Spectator ,910<br />

Ferber, Edna F371gi<br />

Gigolo [and other stories]. Doubleday.<br />

Contents: The afternoon of a faun.-OId man Minick.-Gigolo.-Not a day over<br />

traveT BIrl - A,n '< *» wonderful 1-The sudden "sixties.-H I Should<br />



Hichens, Robert Smythe. H5222d<br />

December love. Doran.<br />

A character study of a woman of 60 who still desires life and youth and love.<br />

James, Henry, 1843-1916. J164st<br />

Stories revived. 3v. Macmillan.<br />

v.i. The author of "Beltraffio."—Pandora.—The path of duty.—A light man.—A<br />

day of days.<br />

v.2. Ge<strong>org</strong>ina's reasons. — A passionate pilgrim. — A landscape-painter. — Rose-<br />

Agathe.<br />

v.3. Poor Richard.—The last of the Valerii.—Master Eustace.—The romance of<br />

certain old clothes.—A most extraordinary case.<br />

Little, Frances, (pseud, of Mrs Fannie (Caldwell) Macaulay). L7432J<br />

Jack and I in Lotus land. Harper.<br />

Pictures of life in modern Japan after the great war. The love story of two young<br />

Americans and the further adventures of the Lady of the Decoration furnish the materials<br />

for the rather slight story element.<br />

Maran, Rene. M358b<br />

Batouala [tr. by A. S. Seltzer]. Seltzer.<br />

A realistic novel of native life in the French Congo. The author, a French negro,<br />

received the Goncourt prize for this work.<br />

Poe, Edgar Allan. P74HL<br />

Tales of adventure and exploration. Scribner. (Works, v.S.)<br />

Contents: Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.—The journal of Julius Rodman.<br />

"Notes," P.355-36L<br />

Robertson, M<strong>org</strong>an. R541d<br />

Down to the sea [stories]. Harper.<br />

Contents: The closing of the circuit.—A cow, two men and a parson.—The rivals.<br />

—A chemical comedy.—A hero of the cloth.—The subconscious Finnegan.—The torpedo.<br />

—The submarine.—Fifty fathoms down.—The enemies.—The vitality of Dennis.—The<br />

helix.—The shark.—The mutiny.<br />

Somerville, Edith OZnone, & Ross, Martin, (pseud, of S696e<br />

Violet Martin).<br />

An enthusiast. Longmans.<br />

Tormay, Cecile. T633o<br />

The old house; a novel; tr. from the Hungarian by E. Torday.<br />

McBride.<br />

The atmosphere of fatality involving helpless human beings is preserved throughout<br />

this sympathetic and sorrowful history of the gradual downfall of a family through three<br />

generations.<br />

Walpole, Hugh. W1862ca<br />

The cathedral; a novel. Doran.<br />

The cathedral with its mass, its height, its crowding beauties, and its great tradition<br />

dominates this story of an English cathedral town, which relates the sins and the conquests<br />

of the men and the women who are the servants of the cathedral. Condensed<br />

from Atlantic monthly, 192s.<br />

Ward, Mrs Humphry. W214ha<br />

Harvest [a novel]. Dodd.<br />

A story of England in war time, with the unraveling of the mystery which surrounds<br />

a woman farmer as the basis of the plot.


Italian Fiction<br />

Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta). 853 A61f<br />

II fuoco.<br />

Wilkins, Ernest Hatch, & Altrocchi, Rudolph, ed. 853 W72<br />

Italian short stories. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.)<br />

Contents: Idilio di Pulcinella, by Matilde Serao. — L'assassino degli alberi, by<br />

Grazia Deledda.—Eden anto; Quiete meridiana nell' Alpe, by Antonio Fogazzaro.—La<br />

visita del Prefetto; II dramma di iersera, by Renato Fucini.—Cavalleria rusticana, by<br />

Giovanni Verga.—Gli idolatri; I seminatori, by Gabriele d'Annunzio.<br />

Contains notes.<br />

General Works<br />

Baer (Joseph), & Co. qr 016.093 B14c<br />

Codices manu scripti saeculorum 9 ad 19; Incunabula xylographica<br />

et typographica, annorum 1450 ad 1500. [1921.] (Catalogue 675.)<br />

Gregory, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. qr 032 G86<br />

Dictionary of arts and sciences; 1st American from the 2d London<br />

ed. v.l, 3. 1815-16. Pierce.<br />

Holliday, Robert Cortes, & Van Rensselaer, Alexander. 029 H72<br />

The business of writing; a practical guide for authors. 1922. Doran.<br />

Contents: Approaching the modern editor.—Approaching the modern publisher.—<br />

The field of the literary agent.—Why be an author?—Seeing a book through the press.<br />

—Publishing your own book.—Marketing and publishing plays.—Contracts and royalties.<br />

—Questions of copyright.—Photoplay writing and the photoplay market.—Book reviewing<br />

and other literary chores.—Limitations of the syndicate field.—The new bookshops.<br />

"Bibliography," p.271-281; "List of magazines," p.282—284.<br />

Marshall, Jane R. G comp. r 028.5 M41<br />

A list of books for high school libraries in Indiana; issued by L. N.<br />

Hines. 1920. Privately printed. (Indiana—Public instruction department.<br />

Bulletin, no.45.)<br />

Massachusetts—Education department. 021.3 M45<br />

Library service for schools; a manual for teachers and librarians to<br />

be kept in the school or library. 1920. (Bulletin, 1920, no.9.)<br />

Published by the Division of public libraries and the Division' of elementary and<br />

secondary education and normal schools.<br />

The same.<br />

.r 021.3 M45<br />

Peterhead, Scotland—Free library. r 027 4 P455<br />

Peterhead free library demonstration, 8th Aug. 1891. 1891. ' Scott.<br />

Reprinted from Peterhead sentinel.<br />

Contains an address by Andrew Carnegie.<br />

Washington (state) University—Library 020.7 W27<br />

school alumni association.<br />

A call to librarianship; issued to the educated young men and<br />

women of the state of Washington. 1919.<br />

The same<br />

r 020.7 W27


Philosophy<br />

Bacon, Francis. 192 B13ad<br />

Advancement of learning; ed. by Joseph Devey. 1902. Collier.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Elliott, Charles Wyllys. r 133 E52<br />

Mysteries; or, Glimpses of the supernatural; containing accounts of<br />

the Salem witchcraft, the cock-lane ghost, the Rochester rappings, the<br />

Stratford mysteries, oracles, astrology, dreams, demons, ghosts, spectres,<br />

&c. 1852. Harper.<br />

Geiger, Joseph Roy. qr 149 G27<br />

Some religious implications of pragmatism. 1919. University of<br />

Chicago Press. (Philosophic studies, no.9.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Thesis for Ph. D., Chicago University.<br />

Smith, Henry Bradford. 160 S64<br />

A first book in logic. 1922. Harper.<br />

"Bibliography," p.173.<br />

Ethics<br />

Most of the books on this subject were purchased from a fund given to the Library<br />

for this purpose by Mr J. L. Black in memory of James Ernest Schwartz.<br />

Allen, Frederick James. 174 A42<br />

Studies of occupations in agriculture, forestry and animal industry.<br />

1921. Harvard University.<br />

Contains references.<br />

Prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of vocational guidance, Graduate school<br />

of education, Harvard University.<br />

Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo. 171 B483<br />

Lezioni di filosofia della morale fatte all' Universita di Torino. 1896.<br />

Lynch, Arthur. 171 L99<br />

Ethics; an exposition of principles. 1922. Cassell.<br />

Mangold, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Benjamin. qr 176 M33<br />

Children born out of wedlock; a sociological study of illegitimacy,<br />

with particular reference to the United States. 1921. University of<br />

Missouri. (Missouri University. Studies; social science series, v.3, no.3.)<br />

"Selected bibliography," p.196-201.<br />

Nordau, Max. 170.4 N43<br />

Morals and the evolution of man; a translation of "Biologie der<br />

ethik" by M. A. Lewenz. 1922. Cassell.<br />

Contents: The phenomenon of morality.—The immanence of the concept of morality.—The<br />

biological aspect of morality.—Morality and law.—Individual morality and<br />

collective immorality.—Freedom and responsibility.—Morality and progress.—The sanctions<br />

of morality.<br />

Rosmini Serbati, Antonio. 171 R735<br />

II principio della morale; a cura di Giovanni Gentile. 1921.<br />

"Nota bibliografica," p.219-220.


„ ... T r 171 S649<br />

Smith, Isaac Gregory.<br />

Characteristics of Christian morality; considered in eight lectures<br />

preached before the University of Oxford, in the year 1873. 1876.<br />

Parker. (Bampton lectures.)<br />

Thompson, Clifford Griffeth.<br />

m W84zt<br />

The ethics of William Wollaston. 1922. Badger.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Thesis for Ph. D., Yale University.<br />

A treatise on "The religion of nature delineated" (ri7i W84), the principal work<br />

of this English philosopher (1659-1724).<br />

Religion<br />

266 B25e<br />

Barnes, Lemuel Call.<br />

Elemental forces in home missions. 1912. Revell.<br />

208 B37<br />

Beecher, Henry Ward.<br />

Royal truths. 1866. Ticknor.<br />

Extracts, usually not longer than a paragraph or two, from his sermons.<br />

Blaikie, William Garden. 221.9 B52<br />

David, king of Israel; the divine plan and lessons of his life. 1856.<br />

Hamilton.<br />

Brougham, Henry Peter, baron Brougham and J'aux. 210 B77<br />

Natural theology; comprising a discourse of natural theology, dialogues<br />

of instinct and dissertations on the structure of the cells of bees<br />

and on fossil osteology. Griffin.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Hyde, John. r 298 H99<br />

Mormonism; its leaders and designs. 1857. Fetridge.<br />

Peters, John Punnett. 223 P45<br />

The Psalms as liturgies; being the Paddock lectures for 1920. 1922.<br />

Macmillan.<br />

Schoff, Wilfred Harvey. 220.8 S36<br />

The ship "Tyre"; a symbol of the fate of conquerors as prophesied<br />

by Isaiah, Ezekiel and John and fulfilled at Nineveh, Babylon and<br />

Rome; a study in the commerce of the Bible. 1920. Longmans.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Somervell, D. C. 270 S69<br />

Short history of our religion, from Moses to the present day. 1922. Bell.<br />

Contents: The preparation for Christianity. — The first four centuries of Christianity.—The<br />

mediaeval church and the reformation.—Great Britain since the reformation.<br />

"Books recommended" at the end of each part.<br />

Streeter, Burnett Hillman, ed. 231 S91<br />

The Spirit; the relation of God and man, considered from the standpoint<br />

of recent philosophy and science. 1921. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: Immanence and transcendence, by A. Seth Pringle-Pattison.— God in<br />

action, by Lily Dougall.—The psychology of power, by J. A. Hadfield.—What happened<br />

at Pentecost, by C. A. A. Scott.—The psychology of grace: how God helps; The psychology<br />

of inspiration: how God teaches, by C.W.Emmet.—The language of the soul:<br />

some reflections on the Christian sacraments, by Lily Dougall.—Spiritual experience;<br />

Spirit and matter, by A. Clutton-Brock.—Christ the constructive revolutionary, by B. H.<br />



Sociology<br />

Annuaire international de statistique; pub. par 1'Office permanent le<br />

1 Institut International de Statistique, 1916-21. v.1-8. 1916-21<br />

Bacon, Corinne, comp.<br />

Standard catalog, sociology section; one thousand titles Yf "tnem^st<br />

ueslKn 1918 W U f Ul ^ T ^ ^^ a " d «*"^£<br />

questions. 1918. Wilson. (Standard catalog series.)<br />

Barnich, Ge<strong>org</strong>es.<br />

Essai de politique positive basee sur 1'energetique sociale de&Jlwy<br />

avec tableau de synthese sociale. 1919. cue son ay,<br />

Goring, Charles Buckham.<br />

The English convict (new issue with an introduction by Karfpearson);<br />

a statistical study. 1919.<br />

An abridged edition.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

League of Red Cross Societies.<br />

The national Red Cross Society; an outline for discussion of its<br />

program and <strong>org</strong>anisation for peace time activities; meeting of the<br />

general council, March 1920. 1920.<br />

Issued by the Department of <strong>org</strong>anisation.<br />

Politics and Government<br />

New York (state)—Judiciary committee. (Assembly.) r 353 9 N263<br />

Proceedings in the matter of the investigation by the Assembly of<br />

the state of New York as to the qualifications of Louis Waldman<br />

August Claessens, S. A. DeWitt, Samuel Orr and Charles Solomon to<br />

retain their seats in said body. 3v. 1920.<br />

Rochester (N. Y.) Bureau of Municipal Research. r 352.2 RS7<br />

Report on a survey of the Police bureau of the city of Rochester<br />

N. Y.; submitted to the mayor, the commissioner of public safety and<br />

the chief of police. 1921.<br />

United States—Budget bureau. qr 351.72 U25a<br />

Message of the president of the United States, transmitting the<br />

alternative budget for the service of the fiscal year ending Tune 30<br />

1923. 1921.<br />

bud ^" CludeS the alternative budget and the report of the director of the Bureau of the<br />

United States—Budget bureau. qr 351.72 U25b<br />

Message of the president of the United States, transmitting the<br />

budget for the service of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1923. 1921.<br />

Includes the budget and the report of the director of the Bureau of'the budget.<br />

United States—Judge advocate general. r 353.6 U2534a3<br />

Digest of opinions of the judge advocate general of the army, comprising<br />

bulletins, War department, 1917, nos.26, 34, 42, 49, 54, 67 72


United States—Judge advocate general—continued. r 353.6 U2534a3<br />

and 75, together with digests of certain other opinions published in<br />

Opinions of judge advocate general, v.l, 1917, April 1, 1917 to Dec. 31,<br />

1917. 1920.<br />

United States—Reclassification of salaries, r 351.1 U256<br />

Joint commission on.<br />

Report; submitting a classification of positions on the basis of<br />

duties and qualifications, and schedules of compensation for the respective<br />

classes. 1920. (66th cong. 2d sess. House. Doc. no.686.)<br />

r 325.73 V26<br />

Verdict of public opinion on the Japanese-American question; a symposium<br />

instituted by Cornelius Vanderbilt, jr., and founded on P. B.<br />

Kyne's novel "The pride of Palomar." [1921.] Privately printed.<br />

Weale, B. L. Putnam, (pseud, of Bertram Lenox Simpson). 327 W35i<br />

An indiscreet chronicle from the Pacific. 1922. Dodd.<br />

A study of the political and diplomatic situation in the Far East, especially in reference<br />

to the Washington conference in 1921. The author is an Englishman serving in<br />

the political section of the office of the president of China.<br />

Willoughby, Westel Woodbury. r 342.51 W76<br />

Constitutional government in China; present conditions and prospects.<br />

1922. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.<br />

Issued in the Pamphlet series by the Division of international law of the Carnegie<br />

h-ndowment for International Peace.<br />

Willoughby, Westel Woodbury, & Rogers, Lindsay. 342 W76<br />

An introduction to the problem of government. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"Deals with political theory and practice in the light of the world's experience The<br />

book is not a systematic treatise in the ordinary sense; it does not purpose to include<br />

the whole range of governmental activity. As its title implies it is an 'introduction' to<br />

he general problem of governing a free people...The authors have singled out pracically<br />

al the great questions of government which are engaging the public interest<br />

today. It is a book for the live teacher and student of contemporary affairs—not for<br />

the antiquanan or the delver into origins." American political science review, 1922.<br />

Economics<br />

Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. r 331 87 A48r<br />

^To^ic. GeUeraI executive board to the biennial convention<br />

(4th), 1920. 1920.<br />

Thes^me (lst-3d), 1914-18. (In its Documentary history, 1914-18.<br />

1916-18.)<br />

r 331.87 A48<br />

International labour directory, 1921. 1921 r ,,, n7 T->A<br />

Published by the International Labour Office.<br />

W<br />

Kansas—Industrial relations court. r ,,, , ^,0<br />

Annual report (1st), 1920. 1921.<br />

Includes the "Report" of the Public utilities commission.<br />

Labor age [monthly], Oct. 1917-date. v.6-date 1917-date r *« T^0<br />

Feb.-March, Tune-Oct IOZI Tulv rco, u •<br />

1917-19. published bi'month y/except fune July AueuT^'d « ,<br />

V.6-7, Oct. I9:7-May r^^^d^^O^^SS^"^v.8-I0)<br />

no.,, Dec. :oI9-May I9J1| title reads "Socialist review »<br />

f 335 I248


Maryland—Labor and statistics board. r 331 jyr43<br />

Annual report (27th-30th), 1918-21. 1919-22.<br />

New York, Cotton Exchange. r 33g j xrofi<br />

Ceremonies attending the leaving of the old and opening of the new<br />

cotton exchange on Thursday, April 30, 1885, also Annual report for<br />

year ending May 26, 1885. [1885.]<br />

Orton, William Aylott. 331 Q2gg<br />

Labour in transition; a survey of British industrial history since<br />

1914. 1921. Allan.<br />

"Selected authorities," p.268-271.<br />

Pritchard, Myron Thomas, & Turkington, G. A. 331.84 P95<br />

Stories of thrift for young Americans. 1915. Scribner.<br />

Rignano, Eugenic 336 2 R45<br />

Per una riforma socialista del diritto successorio. [1920.]<br />

United States—Comptroller of the treasury. r 331.2 U251<br />

Second supplement to the government salary tables showing 97^<br />

per cent of basic salaries in accordance with the provisions of the civilservice<br />

retirement act approved May 22, 1920. 1920.<br />

United States. Statutes. r 338.8 U2538f<br />

The Federal antitrust laws with amendments; list of cases instituted<br />

by the United States and citations of cases decided thereunder or relating<br />

thereto. 1920.<br />

Issued by the Department of justice.<br />

Westergaard, Harald Ludvig. r 330.9 W56<br />

Economic development in Denmark before and during the world<br />

war. 1922. Clarendon Press. (Carnegie Endowment for International<br />

Peace—Division of economics and history. Publications.)<br />

Law<br />

Horack, Frank Edward. r 345 H79<br />

Child legislation in Iowa. [1921.] Iowa University. (Iowa University.<br />

Studies in child welfare, v.l, no.6.)<br />

Littell, Clair Francis. 341.3 L74<br />

The neutralization of states; a study in diplomatic history and international<br />

law. 1920. Privately printed.<br />

"Bibliography," p.171-176.<br />

Thesis for Ph. D., Columbia University.<br />

Massachusetts—Education department. r 342.7 M45<br />

Thirty lessons in naturalization and citizenship; an outline for<br />

teachers of adult immigrants. [1921.] (Bulletin, 1921, v.6, 110.6.)<br />

Nims, Harry Dwight. r 347.7 N35<br />

Law of unfair competition and trade-marks, with chapters on goodwill,<br />

trade secrets, defamation of competitors and their goods, registration<br />

of trade-marks under the Federal trade-mark act, price cutting,<br />

etc. 1921. Baker.


Andersen, William Niclaus.<br />

Education<br />

r 372 4 A54<br />

-<br />

Determination of a spelling vocabulary based upon written correspondence.<br />

[1921.] Iowa University. (Iowa University. Studies in<br />

education, v.2, no.l.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.63-66.<br />

Canada—Statistics bureau. r 379.71 C16<br />

Historical statistical survey of education in Canada; pub. by<br />

authority of Sir G. E. Foster. 1921.<br />

The report is the work of S. A. Cudmore, chief, and M. C. Maclean, assistant chief<br />

of the Branch of education statistics, Dominion bureau of statistics.<br />

Coker, William Chambers, & Hoffmann, Eleanor. 371.6 C67<br />

Design and improvement of school grounds. 1921. (North Carolina<br />

University. Extension bureau. Special series, no.l.)<br />

"Reference books," p.48.<br />

Johnston, Charles Hughes, and others. 379.17 J36j<br />

Junior-senior high school administration. 1922. Scribner.<br />

"Bibliography," p.30l-39S-<br />

Commerce. Transportation<br />

Boston—Transit commission. r 385 B64<br />

Legislation, court decisions, contract for the use of the subway<br />

authorized by chapter 548, acts of 1894, contract for the use of the<br />

tunnel and subway authorized by chapter 534, acts of 1902 [and] lease<br />

of the East Boston tunnel, authorized by chapter 500, acts of 1897.<br />

1905. Doyle.<br />

Jones, Clement Wakefield. 387 J39<br />

British merchant shipping. 1922. Arnold.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Written to furnish for the beginner in a steamship office a compendium of things<br />

he ought to learn if he wants promotion, and to explain to the general reader the daily<br />

round of happenings in the shipping business. Condensed from Preface.<br />

United States—Federal trade commission. r 385 U252<br />

Report on private car lines, June 27, 1919. 1920.<br />

pt.i. General survey of private car lines.<br />

pt.2. The packer car lines and their relations to the public.<br />

pt.3. Nonpacker car lines.<br />

Costume. Etiquette<br />

[Braddy, Nella.] 395 Bfi7b<br />

The book of business etiquette. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

Contents: The American business man.-The value of courtesy—Putting courtesy<br />

into busmess.-Persor.ality.-Table manners—Telephones and front doors—Traveling<br />

and selling—The business of writing—Morals and manners—"Big business ."-In a de<br />

partment store—A whde with a traveling man—Tables for two of more—Ladies first?<br />

Carr, Lucien. r 3gj Q22<br />

Dress and ornaments of certain American Indians. 1897 Press of<br />

Charles Hamilton.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Reprinted from the "Proceedings" of the American Antiquarian Society at the<br />

semiannual meeting, April 1897, «=>oweiy, at tne


Crowther, Mrs Mary M. (Owens). 395 C89<br />

The book of letters; what letters to write for every purpose, business<br />

and social; the etiquette of correspondence. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

The same r 395 C89<br />

Women<br />

Most of the books on this subject were purchased from a fund left to the Library for<br />

this purpose by Charles C. Mellor.<br />

Concannon, Mrs Helena. 395 C74<br />

Daughters of Banba. 1922. Gill.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Gleanings from the legends and the history of Ireland concerning the lives and<br />

brave deeds of her women.<br />

Scotland—Agriculture board. r 331.4 S42<br />

Report of the Committee on women in agriculture in Scotland. 1920.<br />

H. M. Stationery Off.<br />

United States—Women's bureau. r 331.4 U2532p<br />

Preliminary report of a survey of wages, hours and conditions of<br />

work of the women in industry in Ge<strong>org</strong>ia, 1920/21. 1921.<br />

Language<br />

Collar, William Coe, & Daniell, M. G. 475 C69<br />

First year Latin; revised by Thornton Jenkins. 1918. Ginn.<br />

Sargent, Epes. 422 S24<br />

A school manual of English etymology and text-book of derivatives,<br />

prefixes and suffixes, with numerous exercises for the use of schools.<br />

1873. Butler. (New American series.)<br />

Schoell, Franck Louis. 448 S36<br />

Le folklore au village; an elementary French reader. 1922. Putnam.<br />

A collection of French superstitions, legends, fairy tales, animal tales, etc., adapted<br />

for use by American students.<br />

Science<br />

Bewick, Thomas. qr 598.2 B46<br />

A history of British birds. 2v. 1885. Quaritch. (Works; memorial<br />

edition, v.1-2.)<br />

v.i. Land birds.<br />

v.2. Water birds.<br />

"Letterpress: v.i by R. Beilby; v.2 by H. Cotes." Dictionary of national biography.<br />

Vezo, L. r 510 V29<br />

Les mathematiques de l'ouvrier moderne a l'usage des apprentis,<br />

ouvriers et contremaitres de l'industrie, des ecoles d'apprentissage et<br />

des cours de perfectionnement professionnel. [2v.] 1921.<br />

v.i. Arithmetique.—Algebre.<br />

v.2. Geometric


Ware, William Robert. 1 515 7 W22<br />

;<br />

Shades and shadows, with applications to architectural details and<br />

exercises in drawing them with the brush and pen. pt.i. 1912. Weber.<br />

pt.i. Rectilinear figures, with an appendix upon projections and perspective and a<br />

note upon trigonometrical terms.<br />

Physics<br />

Beilby, Sir Ge<strong>org</strong>e Thomas. 539.2 B38<br />

Aggregation and flow of solids; being the records of an experimental<br />

study of the micro-structure and physical properties of solids<br />

in various states of aggregation, 1900-21. 1921. Macmillan.<br />

"List of papers by the author which are referred to in this book," p.255-256.<br />

"The book does not consist of a reprint of the original papers, but it contains their<br />

matter, rearranged and co-ordinated, with additional evidence and illustrations. . .It<br />

makes no pretence to be a critical review of the subject.. .but the monograph represents<br />

a personal record of original work...which makes it a model of research as well as an<br />

important contribution to molecular physics and to metallurgy." C. H. Desch, in Journal<br />

of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1922.<br />

King, Horace Williams, & Wisler, C. O. 532.5 K26<br />

Hydraulics. 1922. Wiley.<br />

A text-book for beginning courses in hydraulics. "Deals with the fundamental<br />

principles of hydraulics and their application in engineering practice. Though many<br />

formulas applicable to different types of problems are given, it has been the aim of the<br />

authors to bring out... the underlying principles. . .rather than to emphasize the importance<br />

of the formulas themselves." Preface.<br />

Kinney Manufacturing Company, Boston. r 532.54 K27<br />

Friction pressure loss in oil pipe lines [comp. by R. S. Danforth].<br />

1920.<br />

Laws and formula; with tables and charts for their application.<br />

Levasseur, Albert. r 537.85 L662<br />

Les metallurgies electrolytiques et leurs applications. 1921.<br />

Luckiesh, M. r 535.333 L97<br />

Ultraviolet radiation; its properties, production, measurement and<br />

applications. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Brief and not highly technical.<br />

United States—Standards, Bureau of. 536.52 U25<br />

Pyrometrie practice, by P. D. Foote [and others]. 1921. (United<br />

States—Standards, Bureau of. Technologic papers, no.170.)<br />

The same. (In United States—Standards, Bureau of. Technologic<br />

papers, no.170.) qr 53fJ g U25t y 14> nQ m<br />

Chemistry<br />

Aston, Francis William. CIOAOC<br />

T 4. moo A r 541 - 2 A8 5<br />

Isotopes. 1922. Arnold.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A consideration of substances with identical rk,V,l ,„j<br />

but differing in atomic weight. identical chemical and spectroscopic properties<br />

"He has continued the investigation beenn bv S;,- T T TI<br />

and extended its methods, greatly InUr^Z iaea^ie d e S s Wmad 1 " 0 ^<br />

handsome contr.but.on to knowledge." Chemical age (London) ^922 * *'**


Bary, Paul. r S4U2 B2g<br />

Les colloides, leurs gelees & leurs solutions. 1921.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Bernthsen, August. r 547 B45t2<br />

Text-book of <strong>org</strong>anic chemistry; the English translation from the<br />

German, ed. and rev. by J. J. Sudborough. [Enl. ed.] 1922. Van<br />

Nostrand.<br />

Deserves a place among the very best of the advanced text-books.<br />

Blyth, Alexander Wynter, & Blyth, M. W. r 543.5 B57a<br />

Poisons; their effects and detection. Ed.5, rev. & enl. 1920. Griffin.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Standard work on toxicology. Comprehensive in scope. Deals briefly with occurrence<br />

and properties of poisonous substances and very fully with their physiologic effects.<br />

Concerned primarily with effects on man, but in many cases includes effects on<br />

lower animals, also. Treats, in detail, of the separation and estimation of poisons.<br />

Cohen, Ernst Julius, & Schut, W. qr 541.1 C66<br />

Piezochemie kondensierter systeme. 1919.<br />

"Erganzungen der literaturangaben," p.434-437.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Fry, Harry Shipley. 541.2 F97e<br />

Electronic conception of valence and the constitution of benzene.<br />

1921. Longmans. (Monographs on in<strong>org</strong>anic and physical chemistry.)<br />

"References," p.294-297.<br />

"Although all the views advocated in this work may not carry conviction, it contains<br />

much that is very suggestive; the arguments are developed with ingenuity, and <strong>org</strong>anic<br />

chemists will find that the book is one that can be read with considerable interest."<br />

Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, 1921.<br />

Kling, Andre, ed. r 543.1 K32<br />

Methodes actuelles d'expertises employees au Laboratoire municipal<br />

de Paris et documents sur les matieres relatives a I'alimentation. v.l.<br />

1921.<br />

v.i. Produits animaux, conserves.—Salaisons et produits conserves.<br />

Kolthoff, I. M. r 545.5 K37<br />

Der gebrauch von farbenindicatoren; ihre anwendung in der neutralisationsanalyse<br />

und bei der colorimetrischen bestimmung der wasserstoffionenkonzentration.<br />

1921.<br />

Bibliography at the end of each chapter.<br />

Lowy, Alexander, & Downey, T. B. r 547 L96<br />

Study questions in elementary <strong>org</strong>anic chemistry. 1921. Van Nostrand.<br />

"Literature for collateral study," p.89-91.<br />

Prepared for use in connection with the elementary course in <strong>org</strong>anic chemistry,<br />

given to students in various schools at University of Pittsburgh.<br />

Scott, Wilfred Welday, and others, ed. r 543 S43a<br />

Standard methods of chemical analysis; a manual of analytical<br />

methods and general reference for the analytical chemist and for the<br />

advanced student. Ed.3, rev. & enl. 2v. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

"General references," v.i, p.713-714-<br />

Comprehensive collection of selected methods. Edited by the associate professor of<br />

chemistry, Colorado School of Mines.


Washburn, Edward Wight. 541 - 1 W2 J<br />

Introduction to the principles of physical chemistry, from the standpoint<br />

of modern atomistics and thermodynamics; a course of instruction<br />

for students intending to enter physics or chemistry as a profession.<br />

Ed.2, rev. & enl. 1921. McGraw.<br />

"References" at end of most of the chapters.<br />

A text-book possessing great merit, but presupposing considerable knowledge ot<br />

mathematics.<br />

Crystallography<br />

Goldschmidt, Victor. qr 548 G58e<br />

Einleitung in die formbeschreibende krystallographie; sonderausgabe<br />

der einleitung zum Index der krystallformen der mineralien. 1887.<br />

"Literatur," p.150-153.<br />

The same. 1886. (In his Index der krystallformen der mineralien,<br />

v.l, p.1-156.) qr 548 G58 v.l<br />

Lang, Viktor von. r 548 L23<br />

Lehrbuch der krystallographie. 1866.<br />

Linck, Gottlob Eduard. qr 548 L71<br />

Grundriss der kristallographie fiir studierende und zum selbstunterricht.<br />

Ed.3, rev. 1913.<br />

Miller, William Hallows. r 548 M69<br />

Lehrbuch der krystallographie; fibers, und erweitert durch J. Grailich.<br />

1856.<br />

Patton, Horace Bushnell. r 548 P31<br />

Lecture notes on crystallography. [Ed.2.] 1905. Van Nostrand.<br />

Reeks, Margaret. r 548.7 R28<br />

Hints for crystal drawing, with a preface by J. W. Evans. 1908.<br />

Longmans.<br />

An aid to the student of mineralogy in making drawings of crystal forms and combinations.<br />

Graphical problems are clearly explained.<br />

"The author, who has had a long and varied experience in mathematical drawing<br />

of every description, has devoted herself with her usual energy to the drawing of crystals<br />

in clinographic projection... She has been able to give the student the advantage of<br />

numerous practical expedients which will greatly facilitate his work and in some cases<br />

she has made distinct contributions to mathematical draftsmanship." Preface by John<br />

IV. Evans.<br />

Soret, Charles. r j4g 071<br />

Elements de cristallographie physique. 1893.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Twrdy, Konrad. r 54g Tg3<br />

Methodischer lehrgang der krystallographie; ein lehr- und iibungsbuch<br />

zum selbstunterrichte fur alle freunde der mineralogie, insbesondere<br />

fur lehramtscandidaten und als repetitorium fur studierende<br />

hoherer lehranstalten. 1900.<br />

Viola, Carlo Maria. ,.,„ „„.<br />

r A - i i • ,, qr 548 V34<br />

Grundziige der kristallographie. 1904.<br />

Contains bibliographies.


Vogelsang, Herman Peter Joseph. r 548 V36<br />

Die krystalliten; hrsg. von Ferdinand Zirkel. 1875.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Volger, Ge<strong>org</strong> Heinrich Otto. r 548 V37<br />

Die krystallographie; oder, Formenlehre der stoffeinigen naturkdrper;<br />

leicht fasslich bearbeitet fiir den offentlichen unterricht und das<br />

privatstudium, zugleich als hiilfsbuch bei der benutzung der namhaftesten<br />

mineralogischen handbucher und als schliissel zu den verbreitetsten<br />

krystallographischen methoden. 1854.<br />

Woodward, Charles Josiah. r 548 W86<br />

Crystallography for beginners, with an appendix on the use of the<br />

blowpipe and the determination of common minerals, after the method<br />

of Albin Weisbach. 1896. Simpkin.<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Breithaupt, Johann Friedrich August. r 549 B72vo<br />

Vollstandige charakteristik des mineral-system's. Ed.3. 1832.<br />

Fuchs, Carl Wilhelm C. r 549 F97<br />

Anleitung zum bestimmen der mineralien; hrsg. von August Streng.<br />

Ed.3, rev. & enl. 1890.<br />

Haidinger, Wilhelm Karl, ritter. r 549 H14<br />

Anfangsgriinde der mineralogie; zum gebrauche bei vorlesungen.<br />

1829.<br />

"Liste von einigen brauchbaren mineralogischen werken," p.317-318.<br />

Hussak, Eugen. r 549.1 H96<br />

Determination of rock-forming minerals; authorized translation<br />

from the first German edition by E. G. Smith. 1886. Wiley.<br />

"Bibliography to part 2," p.197-214.<br />

Jameson, Robert. r 549 J16t<br />

Treatise on the external, chemical and physical characters of minerals.<br />

Ed.3. 1817. Constable.<br />

Richards, Ralph Webster. r 549.1 R41<br />

Synopsis of mineral characters alphabetically arranged for laboratory<br />

and field use. 1907. Wiley.<br />

Robinson, Samuel. r 549.03 R55<br />

Catalogue of American minerals, with their localities; including all<br />

which are known to exist in the United States and British provinces<br />

and having the towns, counties and districts in each state and province<br />

arranged alphabetically, with an appendix containing additional localities<br />

and a tabular view. 1825. Cummings.<br />

Walchner, Friedrich August. r 549 W15<br />

Handbuch der gesammten mineralogie in technischer beziehung<br />

zum gebrauche bei seinen vorlesungen und zum selbststudium, mit besonderer<br />

berucksichtigung der mineralogischen verhaltnisse des grossherzogthums<br />

Baden, v.l. 1829.


r 549 W53<br />

Werner, Abraham Gottlob.<br />

Letztes mineral-system; aus dessen nachlasse auf oberbergamtliche<br />

anordnung herausgegeben und mit erlauterungen versehen. 1817.<br />

Geology<br />

Barnes, Charles Lightfoot.<br />

r . 55 ° ®25<br />

Rock history; a concise note-book of geology, having special reference<br />

to the English and Welsh formations. 1884. Stanford.<br />

r 5S3 1 C83a<br />

'<br />

Cotta, Bernhard von.<br />

Die lehre von den erzlagerstatten. Ed.2, rev. & enl. 2v. in 1.<br />

1859-61.<br />

Contains bibliographies. _<br />

The same. 1855<br />

r S 53 "Literatur," p.278-326.<br />

1 C83<br />

'<br />

Cronshaw, Harry Brenan.<br />

r 553 23 C89<br />

-<br />

Oil shales. 1921. Murray. (Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom,<br />

the Colonies and India. Monographs on mineral resources, with<br />

special reference to the British empire.)<br />

Prepared under the direction of the Mineral resources committee of the Imperial<br />

institute with the assistance of the scientific and technical staff.<br />

"References to literature on oil shales," p.75-80.<br />

Brief review, concerned mainly with sources of supply.<br />

Crosby, William Otis. q r 557.44 C89<br />

Contributions to the geology of eastern Massachusetts.<br />

(Boston Society of Natural History. Occasional papers, v.3.)<br />

Contains map in envelope.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

1881.<br />

India—Geological survey.<br />

r 555.4 124<br />

Sketch of the mineral resources of India, by T. H. Holland. 1908.<br />

Paul.<br />

"Literature," p.77-86.<br />

Jannettaz, fidouard. r 552 J18<br />

Les roches; description et analyse au microscope de leurs elements<br />

mineralogiques et de leur structure, gisements, emplois. Ed.2, rev. 1884.<br />

Katzer, Friedrich. r 553.2 K13<br />

Die fossilen kohlen Bosniens und der Hercegovina. 2v. 1918-21.<br />

v.i. Die altercn, einschliesslich eozanen kohlen des ganzen landes und die oligomiozanen<br />

kohlen mittcl- und nordwestbosniens.<br />

v.2. Die oligomiozanen kohlenvorkommen west-, ost- und siidbosniens sowie der<br />

Hercegovina und die pliozanen kohlen des ganzen landes.<br />

Leonhard, Gustav von. r 550 L623a<br />

Grundziige der geognosie und geologie; ed. by Rudolf Hoernes.<br />

Ed.4, rev. & enl. 1889.<br />

Contains bibliographies.<br />

The same. Ed.3, rev. & enl. 1874 r 550 L623<br />

Meunier, Stanislas. r 552.6 M65<br />

Cours de geologie comparee professe au Museum d'Histoire Naturelle.<br />

1874.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Discussion of the physical, chemical, and geological characteristics of meteorites.


Roberts, Robert Davies. r 550 R53<br />

The earths history; an introduction to modern geology. 1893<br />

Scribner. (University extension manuals.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Rosenbusch, Karl Heinrich Ferdinand. qr 552 R72a2<br />

Elemente der gesteinslehre. Ed.3, rev 1910<br />

Thesame. Ed.2. 1901 .' qr 552 R72a<br />

Thesame. 1898 qr 552 R72<br />

Schroter, Johann Samuel. r 55993 S38<br />

Lithologisches real- und verballexikon, in welchem nicht nur die<br />

synonymien der deutschen, lateinischen, franzosischen und hollandischen<br />

sprachen angefuhrt und erlautert, sondern auch alle steine und<br />

versteinerungen ausfiihrlich beschrieben werden. 8v. in 4. 1772-88<br />

Title-page of v.i reads "Lithologisches reallexikon, in welchem so wohl die lithographic<br />

als auch die noth.gsten wahrheiten der lithogeognosie enthalten sind."<br />

United States—Geological survey. qr 553 U252<br />

World atlas of commercial geology. 2 pts. in lv. 1921.<br />

pt.i. Distribution of mineral production.<br />

pt.2. Water power of the world.<br />

The text of part one discusses briefly the location, technology, and uses of mineral<br />

products Maps indicate location and, in some cases, consumption. Part two considers<br />

both developed and undeveloped water-power resources.<br />

Useful Arts<br />

Cescinsky, Herbert, & Webster, M. R. qr 681 C33<br />

English domestic clocks. Ed.2. 1914. Routledge.<br />

Champlain Silk Mills. r 677.3 C35<br />

The handbook of spun silk; containing the essential facts about its<br />

nature and uses, together with a reference table of comparative sizes<br />

1922.<br />

Kansas City, Mo. Chamber of Commerce. r 670.2 K12<br />

What Kansas City makes and sells to the world; a directory of<br />

Kansas City manufacturers and commodities, March 1920. 1920.<br />

Privately printed.<br />

Marcotte, Ed. & Berehare, E. qr 691 M37<br />

Les materiaux des constructions mecaniques et aeronautiques; calculs<br />

de resistance, etude des matieres premieres, essais des bois, essais<br />

des metaux et de leurs alliages. 1921.<br />

"Bibliographie," p.401.<br />

Robb, John F. and others. r 608.73 R53<br />

Patent essentials for the executive, engineer, lawyer and inventor;<br />

a rudimentary and practical treatise on the nature of patents, the<br />

mechanism of their procurement, scientific drafting of patent claims,<br />

conduct of cases and special proceedings, including forms. 1922. Funk.


Stout, Arlow Burdette. 635 S88<br />

Gardening; an elementary school text treating of the science and<br />

art of vegetable growing. 1922. World Book Co. (New-world science<br />

series.)<br />

"As nearly complete as any one book on gardening could be; it is scientifically accurate,<br />

and the contents have been made applicable to all sections of the country.. .The<br />

book is designed for junior high school grades." General science quarterly, 1922.<br />

qr 677.05 T32<br />

Textile world [weekly], 1921-date. v.59-date. 1921-date.<br />

v.59, no.1-5, Jan. 1-29, 1921, title reads "Textile world journal."<br />

Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene<br />

American Drug Manufacturers' Association. r 615.1 A51<br />

Origin and history of all the pharmacopeial vegetable drugs, chemicals<br />

and preparations, with bibliography, v.l. 1921. Caxton Press.<br />

v.i. Vegetable drugs, by J.U.Lloyd.<br />

"Bibliography," p.357-424.<br />

Confined to the history of crude drugs of the "Pharmacopceia of the United States,"<br />

eighth and ninth decennial revisions. Botanical descriptions are omitted. Many references<br />

are embodied in the text but no attempt has been made to provide a complete bibliography.<br />

American Drug Manufacturers' Association. r 615.05 A5123p<br />

[Proceedings of the] annual meeting (7th, 9th), 1918, 1920. [1918-20.]<br />

Anderson, Harry B. r 614.2 A54<br />

State medicine a menace to democracy. 1920. Citizens Medical<br />

Reference Bur.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

[Christian, Eugene.] r 613.2 C45h<br />

How to live 100 years; what to eat according to your age, your occupation<br />

and the time of the year. 1914. Christian Dietetic Soc.<br />

Gradwohl, Rutherford Birchard Hayes, & Blaivas, A. J. r 612.12 G76<br />

Newer methods of blood and urine chemistry. 1917. Mosby.<br />

Contains bibliographies.<br />

Holt, Luther Emmett. 612.39 H74<br />

Food, health and growth; a discussion of the nutrition of children<br />

1922. Macmillan.<br />

Lectures delivered at Leland Stanford Junior University in December 1921, on the<br />

fundamental principles of nutrition in relation to health.<br />

Libby, Walter. 610.9 L68<br />

History of medicine in its salient features. 1922. Houghton.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Traces the history of medicine from the earliest Egyptian and Babylonian records<br />

f * outstanding developments in the world war. Based on lectures delivered<br />

oetoie the School of medicine, University of Pittsburgh.<br />

Monaghan, Elizabeth A. 6132 Mgl<br />

What to eat and how to prepare it, with a preface by S. G. Banks.<br />

\922. Doran.<br />

A clear presentation of the relation of food to health, based on Alfred W McCann',<br />

Science of eating." Menus and receipts are included. McCann s


XT<br />

r 614.27 N47a<br />

Nostrums and quackery; articles on the nostrum evil and quackery<br />

reprinted from the Journal of the American Medical Association. 2v.'<br />

1912-21. Amer. Medical Assoc.<br />

V.I is a second edition, with additions, of the work issued in ion<br />

v.2 edited by A. J. Cramp.<br />

Reveals chemical composition, estimates cost, and discusses objectionable publicity<br />

methods. Includes cures for cancer, consumption, asthma, coughs, obesity, headaches<br />

rheumatism, and other ailments.<br />

Sprigge, Samuel Squire. 610 S76<br />

Physic and fiction. [1921.] Hodder.<br />

A series of essays on subjects in themselves unrelated, but each having a medical<br />

bearing. Illustrated by quotations from well known stories.<br />

Williams, Edward Huntington. 613 8 W74<br />

Opiate addiction; its handling and treatment. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

The author views drug addiction as a disease presenting abnormal mental and<br />

physical conditions comparable to insanity. His treatise covers the nature of the disease<br />

methods of treatment, and comments on typical cases.<br />

Engineering<br />

American Society of Sanitary Engineering. r 628.05 A512<br />

Report of proceedings of annual meetings (13th-16th), 1918-21<br />

1922.<br />

Angle, Glenn D. r 621.43275 A58<br />

Airplane engine encyclopedia; an alphabetically arranged compilation<br />

of all available data on the world's airplane engines. 1921. Otterbein<br />

Press.<br />

Includes all types of engines, obsolete and modern, regarding which information<br />

could be found. Consists of brief descriptions, in most cases accompanied by illustrations.<br />

Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria (1st). qr 620.5 C74<br />

Trabajos, 1919. 4v. 1920.<br />

v.i. Obras publicas e industrias de transportes.—Material de transportes y construccion<br />

naval.—Mecanica, motores y maquinas-herramientas.<br />

v.2. Minas y metalurgia.—Fisica y quimica industriales.—Electrotecnia.<br />

v.3. Industria agricola y sus derivadas.—Industria forestal y sus derivadas.—Aplicaciones<br />

de la industria nacional a las artes de la guerra.<br />

v.4. Ensenanza tecnica elemental y superior.—Organizacion del trabajo, higiene y<br />

prevision sociales.—Economia y legislacion industrial.<br />

Published under the auspices of the Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles de Espana.<br />

Danty-Lafrance, Louis. r 621.94 D23<br />

L'art du tourneur sur metaux. [1921.]<br />

r 622.02 D48<br />

Deutschlands bergwerke und hutten; jahr- und adressbuch der gesamten<br />

bergwerks- und hutten-industrie Deutschlands, 1921/22. 2v. 1921.<br />

Favary, Ethelbert. 629.11011 F28<br />

Motor vehicle engineering; the chassis. 1922. McGraw.<br />

The same r 629.11011 F28<br />

An excellent presentation of theoretical principles, primarily for the designer.


Gibson, Arnold Hartley. qr 621.341 G36<br />

Hydro-electric engineering, v.l. 1921. Blackie.<br />

v.i. Civil and mechanical, by H. D. Cook and A. H. Gibson.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Contains both theoretical and descriptive matter and is intended for the designing<br />

and operating engineer as well as for the student.<br />

Heise, Fritz, & Herbst, Friedrich. r 622 H42<br />

Lehrbuch der bergbaukunde, mit besonderer beriicksichtigung des<br />

steinkohlenbergbaues. Ed.4, rev. & enl. v.l. 1921.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Thesame. Ed.2. 2v. 1911-13 r 622 H42a2<br />

v.2 is rev. & enl.<br />

The same. v.l. 1908 r 622 H42a<br />

Lobben, Peder. r 621.08 L75a<br />

Machinists' and draftsmen's handbook, containing tables, rules and<br />

formulas, with numerous examples explaining the principles of mathematics<br />

and mechanics as applied to the mechanical trades. Ed.3, rev.<br />

1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Martel, Louis. r 622 M42<br />

Traite pratique d'exploitation des mines; la technique du mineur.<br />

2v. 1920.<br />

v.i. Notions generales, abatage, soutenement.<br />

v.2. Crensement des galeries et des tunnels, foncage des puits en tous terrains.<br />

"Index bibliographique" at the end of chapters.<br />

Moil, A. r 622 M77<br />

Mining and mining investments. 1904. Methuen.<br />

National Twist Drill and Tool Company. r 621.943 N15<br />

Milling cutters and milling. [1922.]<br />

Useful data based on lengthy practical experience supplemented by research work<br />

at the University of Michigan.<br />

Oetling, Carl. qr 621.736 015<br />

Schmiede und schmiede-technik; ein handbuch fiir betriebsleiter,<br />

schmiedemeister und studierende. v.l. 1920.<br />

v.i. Die brennstoffe. die erwarmungsvorrichtungen fiir teste brennstoffe und<br />

zugehorige messinstrumente, handbediente vorrichtungen, werkzeuge, maschinen ausschliesslich<br />

druckluftmaschinen, sowie zugehorige prufvorrichtungen, transport- und bedienungsmittel.<br />

A fairly thorough work on f<strong>org</strong>e shop methods. Though essentially a practical<br />

work, it pays considerable attention to scientific control of operation, through chemical<br />

analysis of fuels and furnace gases, and instrument control of furnace temperatures.<br />

Thompson, Karl Owen. 620 7 T38<br />

Technical exposition; a textbook on the application of exposition to<br />

technical writing, designed for students in scientific, agricultural and<br />

engineering colleges. 1922. Harper.<br />

"Books suggested for consultation" at the end of each chapter<br />

A guide to such writing as is concerned primarily with explanation of underlying<br />

laws and princ.ples-a style much used in scientific and technical papers and in business<br />

reports. The author is associate professor of English at Case School of Applied Science.<br />

United States—Ordnance office. r 623.43 U255t<br />

Theory and design of recoil systems and gun carriages. 1921.


Business. Communication<br />

Bennett, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Edward. 657 B43<br />

Advanced accounting. 1922. McGraw.<br />

Based on the course in advanced accounting given in the College of business adininis<br />

ration at Syracuse University. Gives a brief review of fundamental principle,<br />

considerable detail on the principles of corporate accounting, and several chapters on<br />

statement analysis and fiduciary work.<br />

French, William Leslie. 652 4 F92<br />

Psychology of handwriting, with many facsimiles of handwriting<br />

which illustrate the principles of this useful science. 1922. Putnam.<br />

"Each chapter contains some of the underlying principles of handwriting psychology<br />

as applied to some phase of human endeavor, commercial advancement, or protection and<br />

such information as is relative to characteristic traits, aptitudes and talents which are<br />

revealed. Preface.<br />

Hayward, Walter Sumner, & White, Percival. 658.612 H37<br />

Chain stores; their management and operation, with chapters by<br />

J. S. Fleek and H. Maclntyre. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"Bibliography," p.393-399.<br />

Written for the executives at chain-store headquarters, the branch managers, and<br />

independent retailers interested in the possibilities of combination and scientific control<br />

Separate chapters present the characteristics and problems of various types of chain<br />

stores.<br />

Livermore & Knight Company—Catalog department. r 659.132 L74<br />

Constructive psychological and mechanical analysis of catalog<br />

Ed.2. 1922.<br />

Suggestions for making trade catalogues concise and convincing.<br />

Opdycke, John Baker. 652 026b<br />

Business letter practice, with an introductory symposium on business<br />

letter writing, by J. H. Appel [and others], [1922.] Pitman.<br />

Attempts "to provide not only many good letters for study and dictation, but also<br />

considerable exposition of the principles that underlie business letter composition."<br />

Preface.<br />

Orwin, Charles Stewart. r 657.524 028<br />

Farming costs. 1921. Clarendon Press.<br />

"Bibliography," p. 116-137.<br />

Based 011 study of conditions in England.<br />

Rittenhouse, Charles Forest, & Percy, A. L. 657 R51<br />

Accounting problems: intermediate. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"Bibliography" at end of each section of pt.2.<br />

"Essentially a compilation of problems and exercises illustrated by model statements<br />

of various types, rather than a presentation of accounting theory." Preface.<br />

qr 659.05 S57<br />

Signs of the times [monthly]; the national journal of display advertising,<br />

1919-date. v.31-date. 1919-date.<br />

United States—Safety bureau. r 656.4 U256<br />

Summary of accident investigation reports, no.1-12, July 1919-June<br />

1922. 1919-22.<br />

Formerly published as an appendix to the "Accident bulletin" of the United States<br />

interstate commerce commission (qr 656.4 U25).<br />



Watts, Frank. 658.7 W33<br />

Introduction to the psychological problems of industry. 1921. Macmillan.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter except the last.<br />

Attempts to apply the methods of psychological investigation to the conditions and<br />

problems of industrial life. Discusses industrial fatigue, motion study, vocational selection,<br />

management, industrial unrest, and the creative impulse in industry.<br />

Weseen, Maurice Harley. 652 W54<br />

Everyday uses of English. 1922. Crowell.<br />

Part one is devoted to a study of effective composition as applied to business communications,<br />

giving form letters to illustrate correct usage. Contains a chapter on<br />

business reports. Part two discusses vocabulary, construction of sentences and paragraphs,<br />

punctuation, and the preparation of manuscripts.<br />

Chemical Technology<br />

Cruess, William Vere, & Christie, A. W. r 664.8 C89<br />

Laboratory manual of fruit and vegetable products. 1922. McGraw.<br />

(Agricultural publications.)<br />

"Selected references," p.107-109.<br />

Guide to manufacture, preservation, and examination of many canned and dried<br />

food products. Includes some very special subjects such as candied fruits and essential<br />

oils, and has a chapter on preparation of museum specimens.<br />

Davis, Arthur Chambier. 666.9 D31a<br />

Manufacture of Portland cement. Ed.3, rev. & enl. 1922. Falconer.<br />

Deals fully with properties and tests, considerably more than half the volume being<br />

given up to these subjects. Does not include slag cement.<br />

Galassini, Alfredo. qr 669.1 G14<br />

Elementi di siderurgia e di tecnologia meccanica; metalli e leghe,<br />

siderurgia, fucinazione, trattamenti termici, prove dei materiali, fonderia,<br />

lavoro a freddo, lavorazione del legno. 1920.<br />

Wide in scope, giving much information on ferrous and non-ferrous metals.<br />

qr 660.5 G43<br />

Giornale di chimica industriale ed applicata [monthly], 1920-date v2date.<br />

1920-date.<br />

Published by the Societa di Chimica Industriale, Milan and the Associazione Ita-<br />

Ch?m' dl ^ TT- ? en f r ^ e Cd A PP' lcata . R °; also the official <strong>org</strong>an of Associazione<br />

dustriali Chtaici 3nd Federazione Nazionale delle Associazione fra In-<br />

Larcheveque Marc. r g66 n L32<br />

lerres refractaires. Ed.2. [1921?]<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Occurrence, properties, and tests.<br />

Massenz, Arturo. ~-„ ,„ »,„,<br />

T<br />

r 669.17 M45<br />

Lavoraz.one e tempera degli acciai; indurimento superficiale del<br />

ferro e cementazione. Ed.4, rev. & enl. 1921. (Manuali Hoepli.)<br />

National Carbon Company, Inc. , 66U2fi „„<br />

The carbon electrode. 1922.<br />

Useful information on development, manufacture, and use of furnace electrodes.


Passardi, Vitaliano, & Angeletti, Dante. r 666.1 P28<br />

Le industrie del vetro. New ed. 1921. (Biblioteca di ragioneria applicata.<br />

Monografia 59.)<br />

"Bibliografia," p.115.<br />

Deals very briefly with the history and more fully with manufacturing and business<br />

methods.<br />

qr 660.5 R23<br />

Raw material [monthly], March 1919-date. New ser. v.i-date. 1919date.<br />

Supersedes the "Metal record and electroplater."<br />

Rouelle, Jean Baptiste Celestin. r 669.12 R77<br />

La fonte; elaboration et travail. 1921. (Collection Armand Colin.<br />

Section de chimie.)<br />

"Bibliographie," p.187.<br />

Deals briefly with manufacture of cast-iron, and its use in the foundry.<br />

Thomssen, Edgar Ge<strong>org</strong>e. r 668.1 T39<br />

Soap-making manual; a practical handbook on the raw materials,<br />

their manipulation, analysis and control in the modern soap plant.<br />

1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

About half of the book is concerned with materials and manufacture; the remainder<br />

with chemical analysis.<br />

Published originally in "American perfumer and essential oil review."<br />

Ukers, William Harrison. qr 663.93 U22<br />

All about coffee. 1922. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal Co.<br />

"A coffee bibliography," p.738-768.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

The character of the book justifies its title. It is a model of thoroughness and sets<br />

a standard seldom attained in the production of special monographs. From the botany<br />

to the merchandising of coffee, no topic seems to have been omitted or inadequately<br />

treated.<br />

qr 661.9705 Z43<br />

Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte kohlensaure-industrie; central-<strong>org</strong>an fiir<br />

kohlensaure-, mineralwasser-, brauselimonaden-, sodawasser-, schaumwein-,<br />

eis- u. fruchtsafte-fabrikanten, sowie fiir apotheker, chemiker,<br />

bierbrauer, gastwirte, kiihlanlagenbesitzer etc., mit dem beiblatt: "Die<br />

industrie comprimirter gase" [semi-monthly], 1896-1900. 2.-6. jahrgang.<br />

1896-1900.<br />

Fine Arts<br />

The books designated by the letter b at the beginning of the coil number were purchased<br />

from the fund left to the Library by J. D. Bernd and devoted to Architecture and<br />

Decoration<br />

Bobrinskii, Aleksiei Aleksandrovich, graf. qr 709.47 B57<br />

Russian peasant art. [1922.] Perleberg.<br />

Bourgoin, Jules. qb 745 B65e<br />

Les elements de l'art arabe; le trait des entrelacs. 1879.<br />

Broderies chinoises.


Burbank, Emily. 747 B88<br />

Be your own decorator. 1922. Dodd.<br />

In addition to general rules of decorating this book gives in detail plans for furnishing<br />

rooms of various sorts for various needs. Illustrated.<br />

Christiania, Kunstindustrimuseet. qr 746 C45<br />

Gamle norske billedtsepper; udgivne van H. Grosch. 1901.<br />

Norwegian and German in parallel columns.<br />

Cornelius, Charles Over. q 749 C82<br />

Furniture masterpieces of Duncan Phyfe; measured detail drawings<br />

by S. J. Rowland. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

Duncan Phyfe was an American cabinet-maker of the early 19th century.<br />

Dumonthier, Ernest. qr 745.1 D89<br />

fitoffes d'ameublement; style empire. [1914.]<br />

At head of title: Mobilier National.<br />

qr 746 E89<br />

Les etoffes de la Chine; tissus & broderies, preface et notice de H.<br />

d'Ardenne de Tizac.<br />

Jenner, Mrs Katharine Lee (Rawlings). 755 J26<br />

Our Lady in art. 1910. McClurg. (Little books on art.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.197-198.<br />

Lepage P. c. qb 745 L62<br />

La decoration primitive; Afrique.<br />

Manchester, England—Art gallery. r 708.2 M32h<br />

Handbook to the permanent collection of the Manchester city art<br />

gallery; comp. by J. E. Phythian. 1910.<br />

T .... . qb 749 M75<br />

Le mobilier des palais de Versailles et des Trianons; styles Louis XIV<br />

Lotus XV, Louis XVI et empire. [2v.] 1911. (Les grands palais de<br />

France.)<br />

v.i. Meublesv.2.<br />

Bronzes et vases.<br />

MO T UHer ' J - r q 709.47 M94<br />

Lart au Caucase. 1907.<br />

paint^TandV^e^^ •»


Roche, Odilon. qr 74g R56<br />

Les meubles de la Chine.<br />

qr 732 S43<br />

Sculptures civaites par Auguste Rodin [et autres]. 1921. (Ars<br />

Asiatica. Etudes et documents, no.3.)<br />

A collection of plates with brief text.<br />

Verneuil, Maurice Pillard. qr 745 V27e<br />

Etoffes japonaises, tissees & brochees; quatre-vingts planches precedees<br />

d'une preface de G. Migeon. [1910.]<br />

Vienna, Kaiserlich-Konigliches bsterreichisches r 708.3 V318<br />

Museum fiir Kunst und Industrie.<br />

Illustrierter katalog der ornamentstichsammlung, erwerbungen seit<br />

dem jahre 1871; bearbeitet von Franz Ritter. 1889.<br />

Architecture<br />

The books designated by the letter b at the beginning of the call number were purchased<br />

from the fund left to the Library by J. D. Bernd and devoted to Architecture und<br />

Decoration.<br />

qb 720.944 A673<br />

L'architecture et la decoration franchises aux 18e et 19e siecles. v.1-3.<br />

[1908-21.]<br />

Berti, Giuseppe. qr 724.1 B46<br />

L'architettura e la scultura a Venezia attraverso i secoli, con prefazione<br />

di Giuseppe Lavini; il rinascimento.<br />

Contet, Frederic. qr 729.97 C76<br />

Documents de ferronnerie ancienne; epoques Louis XV et LouisXVI.<br />

4v. 1912-21. (v.l, 1920.)<br />

v.i. Amiens, Bordeaux, Chartres, Paris, Rouen, Toulouse, Versailles.<br />

v.2. Amiens, Bordeaux, Paris, Reims, Rouen, Tours, Versailles.<br />

v.3. Compiegne, Dampierre, Dijon, Nancy, Paris, Reims, Sevres, Sens, Tours.<br />

v.4. Beaune, Beauvais, Bayeux, Caen, Dijon, Oisilly, Paris, Vaubadon, Versailles.<br />

Dimier, Louis. qb 728.3 D59<br />

Fontainebleau; les appartements de Mme d'fitampes, de Mme de<br />

Maintenon, des princes, la salle de bal, chapelles Saint-Saturnin, le<br />

boudoir turc, jardins de la renaissance a Louis XVI. 1921. (Les<br />

grands palais de France.)<br />

Dimier, Louis. qr 729 D59<br />

Le style Louis XIV; l'hotel Lauzun; decorations interieures, panneaux<br />

sculptes et arabesques. 1912.<br />

Eggers, Otto R. qb 724.9 E35<br />

Sketches of early American architecture, with a series of descriptive<br />

monographs by W. H. Crocker. 1922. The American architect.<br />

Enlart, Camille. 723.5 E64<br />

Origines francaises de l'architecture gothique en Italic 1894. (Bibliotheque<br />

des ecoles franchises d'Athenes et de Rome.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.


729 G36<br />

Gibbs, James. V<br />

Rules for drawing architecture; reprint of the orders. The Reprint<br />

Co.<br />

Jackson, Sir Thomas Graham. qb 724.1 J12<br />

The renaissance of Roman architecture. 2 pts. in 2v. 1921-22.<br />

Cambridge University Press.<br />

v.i. Italy.<br />

v.2. England.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Lund, Fredrik Macody. qb 726 L97<br />

Adquadratum; a study of the geometrical bases of classic & medieval<br />

religious architecture, with special reference to their application in the<br />

restoration of the cathedral of Nidaros (Throndhjem) Norway. 2v.<br />

1921. Batsford.<br />

v.i. Text.<br />

v.2. Plates.<br />

Martin, Camille. qb 723.5 M42<br />

L'art gothique en France; l'architecture et la decoration. 1913.<br />

Martin, Camille. qb 724.1 M42<br />

La renaissance en France; l'architecture et la decoration. 2v. in 4.<br />

1911-21.<br />

v.2 ed. by Camille Enlart.<br />

Planat, Paul Amedee. qb 720.944 P68s6<br />

Le style Louis XVI; recueil de motifs choisis d'architecture au 18e<br />

siecle; palais, chateaux, monuments publics, hotels particuhers, maisons,<br />

eglises, couvents, chapelles, hopitaux, edifices militaires, places monumentales,<br />

fontaines, palais de justice, etc. 1905.<br />

Planat, Paul Amedee, & Rumler, E. qb 720.944 P68s4<br />

Le style Louis XIV; recueil de motifs choisis d'architecture au 17e<br />

siecle; palais, chateaux, monuments publics, hotels particuhers, maisons,<br />

eglises, chapelles, places monumentales, etc. 1912.<br />

Rumler, E. qb 720.944 R86<br />

Le style Louis XV; recueil de motifs choisis d'architecture au 18e<br />

siecle; palais, chateaux, monuments publics, hotels particuhers, maisons,<br />

eglises, chapelles, fontaines, palais de justice, etc. 1914.<br />

Vacquier, J. qb 728.8 Vll<br />

Les anciens chateaux de France; l'lle de France; notices historiques<br />

et descriptives. 4v. 1920-22.<br />

v.i. Asnieres.—Ermenonville.— Le Marais. — Louveciennes. — Montreuil. —Villarceaux.<br />

v.2. Bevilliers-Breteuil.—Champs.—Courbevoie.—Montmorency.—Rocquencourt.<br />

v.3. Bagatelle.—Chantilly.—Sainte-James.<br />

v.4. Anet.—Dampierre.—Ficouen.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Vacquier, J. qr 729 v n<br />

Le style empire; decorations exterieures et interieures, mobilier,<br />

bronzes. 2v. 1914-20.<br />

v.i, ed.3, 1920.


Photography<br />

Sinclair, James A , d. m m<br />

Bromoil and oil prints and how to make them. 1920. Sinclair.<br />

Smith, Herbert Warren. ---


Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievich. qM 782.57 R46nm<br />

La nuit de mai; opera en trois actes (d'apres un conte de Gogol);<br />

traduction frangaise de J. Sergennois, traduction allemande de Hans<br />

Schmidt; partition de piano par le compositeur. 1895. Belaieff.<br />

Russian, German and French words.<br />

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievich. qM 782.57 R46n<br />

La nuit de Noel; opera en quatre actes (neuf tableaux) d'apres<br />

Gogol; texte et musique; parties des solos; partition de piano par<br />

I'auteur et Nadejda Rimsky-Korsakow. 1895. Belaieff.<br />

Russian words.<br />

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievich. qM 782.57 R46p<br />

Pskovityanka (Ivan the Terrible); lyric drama in three acts (based<br />

upon Mey's drama); English translation by Rosa Newmarch [vocal<br />

score], 1912. Breitkopf.<br />

Italian and English words.<br />

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievich. qM 782.57 R46s<br />

Sadko; legende lyrique, paroles frangaises de Michel Delines; partition<br />

pour chant et piano. 1897. Belaieff.<br />

Russian and French words.<br />

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nicolai Andreievich. qM 782.57 R46z<br />

Die Zarenbraut; oper in vier aufziigen; clavierauszug, fiir clavier<br />

allein ubertragen von A. N. Schaefer. 1899. Belaieff.<br />

Russian and German words.<br />

Books about Music<br />

Davidson, Gladys. 782.57 D29<br />

Stories from the Russian operas. Lippincott.<br />

Parker, Henry Taylor. 780.4 P23<br />

Eighth notes; voices and figures of music and the dance. 1922. Dodd.<br />

Brief comments on the art of many of the musicians of the present day, including<br />

such names as Caruso, Galli-Curci, Stokowski, Paderewski, Kreisler, Zimbalist, and<br />

many others. The author is music critic for the Boston evening transcript and in its<br />

columns most of this material originally appeared.<br />

Recreation<br />

Baker, Sir Samuel White. ngg R17<br />

The rifle and the hound in Ceylon. 1869. Lippincott.<br />

Hare, Walter Ben. 7n, , uo,<br />

„,. , , 793.1 H26m<br />

Minstrel encyclopedia. 1921. Walter H. Baker Co.<br />

Haughton, Percy Duncan. 796 32 R3S<br />

Football and how to watch it. 1922. Jones<br />

The author was football coach at Harvard from 1908 to 1916.<br />

Smith, Erroll A.<br />

Checker classics; the exnert's IniiHhnni- ^1 \ . '<br />

... . expert s Handbook of American match games<br />

with analyses, notes and diagrams. 1922. Kidd.


Literature<br />

Clark, Glenn. 808.3 C52<br />

A manual of the short story art. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Hearn, Lafcadio. 821.09 H38p<br />

Pre-Raphaelite and other poets; lectures; selected and ed. with an<br />

introduction by John Erskine. 1922. Dodd.<br />

Contents: Studies in Rossetti.—Note upon Rossetti's prose.—Studies in Swinburne.<br />

—Studies in Browning.—William Morris.—The poetry of Ge<strong>org</strong>e Meredith.—"The shaving<br />

of Shagpat."—A note on Robert Buchanan.—Robert Bridges.<br />

Herodotus. 888 H47hc2<br />

Herodotus, books 6 and 7; a new and literal version by Henry Cary,<br />

with an introduction by Edward Brooks. 1899. McKay. (Pocket<br />

literal translations of the classics.)<br />

Jones, Robert Webster. 817 J41<br />

Light interviews with shades. 1922. Dorrance.<br />

The "shades" interviewed include Bluebeard and Queen Elizabeth on marriage,<br />

Shakespeare on the movies, and King Cole on the prohibition question. The author is<br />

a Pittsburgh newspaper man.<br />

Lysias. 885 L99<br />

The orations of Lysias; literally translated. 1898. Hinds. (Handy<br />

literal translations.)<br />

Nepos. 878 N23c<br />

Cornelius Nepos; literally tr. with notes by J.S.Watson. Hinds.<br />

(Handy literal translations.)<br />

Perez de Ayala, Ramon. 861 P427<br />

El sendero andante; poemas. 1921.<br />

Plato. 888 P68ap<br />

Apology, Crito and Ph^edo of Socrates; literally tr. by Henry Cary,<br />

with an introduction by Edward Brooks. 1897. McKay. (Pocket literal<br />

translations of the classics.)<br />

Polti, Ge<strong>org</strong>es. 808 P77<br />

The art of inventing characters; tr. by Lucile Ray. 1922. Reeve.<br />

Sallust. 878 S16c<br />

Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jugurthine war; literally tr. with explanatory<br />

notes by J. S. Watson. Hinds. (Handy literal translations.)<br />

Scribner, Henry Sayre.<br />

r 875 C47zs<br />

Cicero as a Hellenist. [1920. Privately printed. Pittsburgh.]<br />

Reprinted from the "Classical journal," v.16, no.2, Nov. 1920.<br />

Tacitus. 878 Tllo<br />

On oratory; literally tr. with notes and explanations. Hinds.<br />

(Handy literal translations.)<br />

Wheeler, Harold Leslie, comp.<br />

r 0 16 - 8 W61<br />

Contemporary novels and novelists; a list of references to biographical<br />

and critical material. 1921. (Missouri University—School<br />

of mines and metallurgy. Bulletin; general series, v.12, no.3.)


r 808 W93<br />

Writer's monthly; a journal for all who write, 1921-date. v.l7-date.<br />

1921-date.<br />

Xenophon.<br />

8g 8 X17i<br />

The institution of Cyrus; or, Cyropaedia, books l^t; literally tr. with<br />

notes by J.S.Watson and Henry Dale. v.l. Hinds. (Handy literal<br />

translations.)<br />

Readers<br />

Maglathlin, Henry B. r 808.8 M25<br />

The national speaker; containing exercises, original and selected in<br />

prose, poetry and dialogue, for declamation and recitation; and an elocutionary<br />

analysis, exhibiting a clear explanation of principles, with<br />

rules for each element of oral expression, practically illustrated in a<br />

systematic course of lessons. 1854. Davis.<br />

Willson, Marcius. r 808.8 W76fi<br />

Fifth reader: on the original plan of the school and family series,<br />

embracing, in brief, the principles of rhetoric, criticism, eloquence and<br />

oratory, as applied to both prose and poetry; the whole adapted to elocutionary<br />

instruction. 1870. Harper. (Willson's intermediate series.)<br />

Drama. Theatre<br />

Barrie, Sir James Matthew. 822 B26d<br />

Dear Brutus; a comedy in three acts. 1922. Scribner. (Uniform<br />

edition of the plays.)<br />

Bucknill, Sir John Charles. 822.33 HC3<br />

The medical knowledge of Shakespeare. 1860. Longman.<br />

Culbertson, Ernest Howard. 812 C91<br />

Goat alley; a tragedy of negro life. 1922. Kidd.<br />

Hamlin, Mary P. 812 H22r<br />

The Rock; a play in three acts showing the character development<br />

of Simon Peter. 1921. Pilgrim Press.<br />

Prize play, Drama League of America.<br />

Jones, Howard Mumford. 822.33 D68<br />

The king in Hamlet. 1918. Texas University. (Texas University.<br />

Bulletin; comparative literature series, no.l.)<br />

Attempts to show that the acting versions of this play are wrong in subordinating<br />

the character of Claudius.<br />

Lavedan, Henri Leon fimile. 842 L38m<br />

Le marquis de Priola; piece en trois actes, en prose. [1902.]<br />

London County Council. 792 L82<br />

The site of the Globe playhouse, Southwark; with an appendix by<br />

the architect to the council on the architecture of the building. [1921.]<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.


Moses, Montrose Jonas, ed. 808.2 M93<br />

Representative one-act plays by continental authors; selected, with<br />

biographical notes. 1922. Little.<br />

Contents: Countess Mizzie, by Arthur Schnitzler.—Death and the fool, by Hugo<br />

von Hofmannsthal.—The blind, by Maurice Maeterlinck.—The birthday party, by Hjalmar<br />

Bergstrom.—The Theatre-libre.—The woman who was acquitted, by Andre de<br />

Lorde.—Five little dramas: Along the quays; For ever and ever; Where shall we go?<br />

The afternoon walk; Not at home, by Henri Lavedan.—Francoise' luck, by Ge<strong>org</strong>es de<br />

Porto-Riche.—Morituri: Teias, by Hermann Sudermann.—The court singer, by Frank<br />

Wedekind.-—Sacred ground, by Giuseppe Giacosa.—An incident, by Leonid Andreyev.—<br />

A merry death, by Nikolai Evreinov.—By their words ye shall know them, by Serafin<br />

and Joaquin Quintero. — The lover, by Gregorio Martinez Sierra. — Simoom, by J. A.<br />

Strindberg.<br />

"Bibliographies," p.451-463.<br />

Biography<br />

Individual Biography<br />

Boone, Daniel. 92 B631w<br />

White, Stewart Edward. Daniel Boone, wilderness scout. 1922.<br />

Doubleday.<br />

The same j 92 B631w<br />

This account of Boone's life and work emphasizes the fundamental qualities which<br />

made him not only a great hunter and a master of woodcraft and of Indian warfare,<br />

but the "leading and most romantic figure" of those rough pioneer days when the almost<br />

unknown country west of the Alleghanies was being opened up for settlement.<br />

Caruso, Enrico. 92 C243k<br />

Key, Pierre Van Rensselaer. Enrico Caruso; a biography [written]<br />

in collaboration with Bruno Zirato. 1922. Little.<br />

Drew, John. 92 D8212<br />

My years on the stage, with a foreword by Booth Tarkington. 1922.<br />

Dutton.<br />

Havelock, Sir Henry. 92 H357b<br />

Brock, William. A biographical sketch of Sir Henry Havelock.<br />

1858. Carter.<br />

Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857) was an English soldier who served for 30 years<br />

in India. This biography stresses the religious side of his life and character.<br />

Lincoln, Abraham. 92 L715he<br />

Herndon, William Henry, & Weik, J. W. Lincoln, the true story of<br />

a great life; the history and personal recollections of Abraham Lincoln.<br />

3v. [1888.] Herndon's Lincoln Pub. Co.<br />

Thesame. 2v. 1900. Appleton r 92 L71Sh<br />

Herndon was Lincoln's law partner for 20 years.<br />

Paracelsus, Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus 92 P228s<br />

Bombast von Hohenheim, called.<br />

Stillman, John Maxson. Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim<br />

called Paracelsus; his personality and influence as physician, chemist<br />

and reformer. 1920. Open Court Pub. Co.<br />

"Bibliography," p.181-184.<br />

92 S564s<br />

Sibley, Henry Hastings.<br />

Shortridge, Wilson Porter. The transition of a typical frontier,<br />

with illustrations from the life of Henry Hastings Sibley, fur trader,


Sibley, Henry Hastings—continued. 92 SS64s<br />

first delegate in Congress from Minnesota territory and first governor<br />

of the state of Minnesota. 1919. Collegiate Press.<br />

"Bibliography," p.174-182.<br />

Thesis for Ph. D., University of Minnesota.<br />

Vest, Abraham. r 92 V287f<br />

[Fitts, Hervey, & Richards, W. C] Abraham Vest; or, The cast-off<br />

restored; a true narrative. 1847. Putnam.<br />

Washington, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 92 W272t<br />

Thayer, William Roscoe. Ge<strong>org</strong>e Washington. 1922. Houghton.<br />

"A well-written, fairly proportioned, and thoroughly orthodox history, which records<br />

with accuracy and with a good sense of relative values the principal facts of Washington's<br />

life and the leading events of the period of his public activity. The author.<br />

avows that he... is endeavouring to humanize the demi-god or superman Washington ' to<br />

portray the father of his country as a flesh-and-blood man who was far removed from<br />

the inaccessible personage of heroic proportions but of shadowy outlines, of popular misconception.<br />

' American historical review, 1923.<br />

West, Sir Algernon. 92 W561p<br />

Private diaries; ed. by H. G. Hutchinson. 1922. Dutton.<br />

1 „ ^ ir A1 «ernon w


Maps<br />

Maps—Pennsylvania. (1919.) qr 912.748 M66<br />

Map of Pennsylvania, showing state highways; adopted under the<br />

Sproul road bill approved May 31, 1911 and subsequent amendments<br />

and tentative plan of primary system corrected to Dec. 31, 1919.<br />

[1919.]<br />

Roll map; size, 17x28^ inches; scale, about 10 miles to 1 inch.<br />

Travel and Description<br />

Europe<br />

England—Admiralty. r 914.93 E64<br />

Manual of Belgium and the adjoining territories; prepared by the<br />

Geographical section of the Naval intelligence division, Naval staff, Admiralty.<br />

[2v.] 1922. (I. D. 1168-1168A.)<br />

v.2 is an atlas of 19 maps.<br />

"Bibliography," v.i, p.574-582.<br />

Hielscher, Kurt. 1 r 914 6 H52<br />

-<br />

Picturesque Spain; architecture, landscape, life of the people. [1922.]<br />

Brentano.<br />

United States<br />

,. TV 917.3 A58<br />

Angell, Diego.<br />

La republica stellata. [1918.]<br />

rpopX/'accoSnt'oTthe history, institutions, political ideals, and nationa, char-<br />

acteristics of the United States.<br />

Jeffers, Le Roy. . 917 3 J23<br />

'<br />

The call of the mountains; rambles among the mountains and canyons<br />

of the United States and Canada. 1922. Dodd.<br />

The author is secretary of the Bureau of Associated Mountaineering Clubs ot<br />

^£r=,;^=s stz£SJ£ ttssawJ<br />

with photographs of mountain scenery.<br />

9173 S54<br />

Shepherd, C. K.<br />

Across America bv motor-cycle. 1922. Longmans.<br />

T h s 0 " b a a nEnglish of fil is mauily ^oncernec1 with his own adventures<br />

and mishaps on a three months trip from New \ork to San Francisco.<br />

Venango county, Pa. Directories. r 917 4896 2<br />

'<br />

Derrick Publishing Co.'s directory of Venango county, Pa.. 1918/19.<br />

1918.<br />

Other Countries<br />

913.85 B48i<br />

^tTl'anTexplorations in the highlands of Peru. 1922. Houghton.<br />

?%^&£P£* ,^-ting some of^he results ^J-^<br />

^S^^-SS^-'^U-M^Sl National Geographic Society.<br />



Latourette, Kenneth Scott. r 915.2 L35<br />

Japan; suggested outlines for a discussion of Japan, her history,<br />

culture, problems and relations with the United States. [1921.] Privately<br />

printed.<br />

"A selected bibliography of books on Japan," p-37-39-<br />

McEvoy, Thomas Jefferson. 918 M15<br />

South America. 1920. Privately printed. (McEvoy's essentials of<br />

geography, no.9.)<br />

Ossendowski, Ferdinand. 915.17 029<br />

Beasts, men and gods. 1922. Dutton.<br />

The author is a Polish scientist who has spent most of his life in Russia. This book<br />

recounts his adventures when, fleeing from the Bolsheviki, he forsook the luxuries of<br />

civilization for a year and a half to wander through the wilds of Siberia and China. It<br />

has interest in store for the casual seeker for entertainment and real value for the student<br />

anxious for news of conditions which obtain in Russia, Siberia, and Mongolia today.<br />

Condensed from Literary review, 1922.<br />

Tasmania. 919.46 T22<br />

Handbook of Tasmania [with] addenda. 1914-19.<br />

Contains maps.<br />

History<br />

General<br />

Fueter, Eduard. 909.8 F97<br />

World history, 1815-1920; tr. by S. B. Fay. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

Professor Fueter, "a Swiss and the author of the scholarly Geschichte der Neueren<br />

Historiographies.was well fitted to undertake [this task]...It would be difficult to<br />

find a better balanced short account." American historical review, 1923.<br />

Europe<br />

Beard, Charles Austin. 940 93 334<br />

Cross currents in Europe to-day. 1922. Jones.<br />

Contents: Diplomatic revelations: Franco-Russian.—Diplomatic revelations- English<br />

understandings.—Diplomatic revelations: The Central Powers.—The economic outcome<br />

of the war.—The new constitutions of Europe.—The Russian revolution.—The rise<br />

of new peasant democracies.—Socialism and the labor movement.—America and the balance<br />

of power.<br />

"Authorities," p.273-278.<br />

Guedalla, Philip. 944.07 G95<br />

The second empire; Bonapartism, The prince, The president, The<br />

emperor. 1922. Putnam.<br />

"Authorities," p.441-450.<br />

, " It , is , . n0t ' j, ndeed ' P r «isely a history of the Second Empire It is rather a biography<br />

of him who came to be called Nannleon TTT r u- 1 ratner a Diog<br />

years when he bore the ,;,i " 1 r «apoleon III... [reaching] its apotheosis.. .in the<br />

,ears when he bore the title of Emperor of the French." Atlantic monthly ,923<br />

Mihukov, Pavel Nikolaevich. „.- ,,,a<br />

r> ,- J 1 "7 Moo<br />

Russia to-day and to-morrow. 1922 Macmillan<br />

^"1x^01^<br />

policy of Bolsheviks.-Anti-Bolshcvist'Russfa-Th? Tlv "f^alities—The foreign<br />

-Russia to-morrow.-Russia Siberia 1 w !• M °l boI shevsm.—The famine.<br />

world's civilization. ' ' JaP3n ' Wash '»Ston.-Russia's contribution to the<br />

"The historical value...is due chiefly f„ *i<br />

and to the testimony of a man who fonti " importance of contemporary events,<br />

months of ,017." AfnerlZhJ^tXZ^T V"** 1 ""* '" " ,e evolutionary


Stephens, Winifred. 944.04 S835<br />

Women of the French revolution. 1922. Chapman.<br />

Contents: Introduction: Woman's part in the revolution. — Women agitators —<br />

Salons and salonnieres—Clubs and club women.—Women writers.—Madame Roland —<br />

The story of the revolution told by its women writers.—Minor women writers of the<br />

revolution.—Women at arms.—Charlotte Corday—Women and religion.—The rise and<br />

fall of the women's party.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

United States<br />

Beecher, Henry Ward. 973 7 B378<br />

Freedom and war; discourses on topics suggested by the times.<br />

1863. Ticknor.<br />

Brown, Everett Somerville. 973.4 B78<br />

Constitutional history of the Louisiana purchase, 1803-1812. 1920.<br />

University of California Press. (California University. Publications<br />

in history.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.197-209.<br />

Dahlinger, Charles William. 974.886 D15f<br />

Fort Pitt. 1922. Privately printed. Pittsburgh.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Appeared in "Western Pennsylvania historical magazine," Jan. and April, 1922.<br />

Densmore, Frances. 970.6 D43n<br />

Northern Ute music. 1922. Govt. Print. Off. (United States-<br />

Ethnology bureau. Bulletin no.75.)<br />

The same. 1922. (In United States—Ethnology bureau. Bulletin<br />

no.75.) r 572.05 U25b no.75<br />

Landers, Warren Prince, ed. r 974.4 B761L<br />

Brockton and its centennial; chief events as town and city 1821—<br />

1921; the <strong>org</strong>anization and story of its one hundredth anniversary, June<br />

12-18, 1921. 1921. Privately printed.<br />

"The book of the pageant of Brockton, written by S. C. Gruver," p. 106-176.<br />

Sorrel, G. Moxley. 973.7 S71<br />

Recollections of a Confederate staff officer, with introduction by<br />

J. W. Daniel. 1917. Neale Pub. Co.<br />

Van Tyne, Claude Halstead. 973.3 V19c<br />

The causes of the War of independence. 1922. Houghton. (A<br />

history of the founding of the American republic, v.l.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"Its chief service is to correlate and synthesize the results of special researches into<br />

Revolutionary history made by a host of students. .. [during the last twenty years] and,<br />

by showing the essential harmony of their conclusions, to give to their findings a new<br />

validity. The general reader and the busy teacher will thus find this volume a convenient<br />

and trustworthy short-cut to an extensive and somewhat specialized literature."<br />

American historical review, 1923.<br />

Wagner, A. E. and others. r 974.816 W13<br />

The story of Berks county (Pennsylvania). 1916. Eagle Book and<br />

Job Press-.<br />

Wayland, John Walter. r 975.5 W35<br />

A history of Rockingham county, Virginia. 1912. Ruebush.


Other Countries<br />

Gubbins, John Harington. 952 G95m<br />

The making of modern Japan; an account of the progress of Japan<br />

from pre-feudal days to the constitutional government & the position<br />

of a great power, with chapters on religion, the complex family system,<br />

education, &c. 1922. Lippincott.<br />

European War<br />

Addams, Jane. 940.916 A22p<br />

Peace and bread in time of war. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

This book is "the outgrowth of an attempt to write a brief history of the efforts for<br />

peace made by a small group of women in the United States during the European War,<br />

and of their connection with the women of other countries, as together they became <strong>org</strong>anized<br />

into the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom." Foreword.<br />

American Academy of Political and Social Science. 940.923 A51<br />

Financing the war. 1918.<br />

v.75, Jan. 1918, of the "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social<br />

Science."<br />

The same. (In American Academy of Political and Social Science.<br />

Annals, v.75.) r 306 A51 v.75<br />

Johnsen, Julia E. comp. 940.923 J35<br />

Cancellation of the allied war debt. 1922. Wilson.<br />

"Some good magazine articles," p.2.<br />

The same r 940.923 J35<br />

Contains a statement of the debts due to the United States and reprints of three<br />

articles on the subject.<br />

United States—President. (Woodrow Wilson.) r 940.916 U25e<br />

Expenditures of the American commission to negotiate peace; message<br />

transmitting a complete statement for the entire period of its<br />

existence from Dec. 1, 1918 to Dec. 31, 1919. 1920. (66th cong. 3d<br />

sess. Senate. Doc. no.330.)<br />

Williams, H. G. comp. r 940.9137 W74<br />

"Tank corps activities," "A. E. F." 1920. Privately printed.<br />

Books in the Croatian Language<br />

Bible—Old testament. Psalms. Croatian. 225.5 B47c<br />

Psalmi Davidovi. 1913.<br />

Bound with Bible—New testament. Croatian. Sveto pismo.<br />

Bible—New testament. Croatian. 225.5 B47c<br />

Sveto pismo; novi zavjet gospoda nasega Isukrsta. 1913.<br />

With this is bound "Psalmi Davidovi."<br />

Haggard, Sir Henry Rider. 891.8933 H14<br />

Salamonovi rudnici; Africka pripovijest.<br />

Translation of his "King Solomon's mines."<br />

Books in the Hungarian Language<br />

Rady, Albert. " " *" 62i.43 Ri3<br />

A negyutemu gyorsfutasu benzinmotorok; szerkezeti elve, mflkodese<br />

es kezelese; atdolgozta es sajto ala rendezte Sporzon Pal. 1918.


Books in the Polish Language<br />

Dabrowski, Marjan. 940.91 Dll<br />

Zolnierz 1 brygady. 1919.<br />

Title translated: "Soldier of the ist brigade."<br />

Dostoyeffsky, Feodor Mikhailovitch. ggi 83 J374<br />

Biesy. 8v. in 2.<br />

Title translated: "The possessed."<br />

Feldman, Wilhelm. 8gl gl p,,<br />

Wybor poezyj mlodej Polski (1886-1918). [1918.]<br />

Title translated: "Selected poetry of young Poles."<br />

q 943.8 H62<br />

Historya polityczna Polski. pt.i. [1920.] (Encyklopedya Polska v 5<br />

pt.i.)<br />

pt.i. Wieki srednie (Middle ages).<br />

Title translated: "Political history of Poland."<br />

Jasinski, Kazmierz Julian. 891.81 J21<br />

Stara gwardya; elegja rycerska. 1904.<br />

Title translated: "The old guard; an elegy on knighthood."<br />

Seignobos, Charles. 940.9 S45p<br />

Dzieje polityczne Europy wspolczesnej, 1814-1899; przez Jana<br />

Steckiego. 2v. in 1. 1900.<br />

"Bibljografja" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Title translated: "Political history of Europe, 1814-1899."<br />

Sierakowski, Adam Hr. 910 S57<br />

Listy z podrozy; i podroz do ziemi swietej.<br />

Title translated: "Letters of a traveler."<br />

Books in the Russian Language<br />

Akhmatova, Anna. 891.71 A31<br />

Chetki; stikhi.<br />

Title translated: "The rosary; poems."<br />

Balmont, Konstantin Dimitrievich. 891.71 B21<br />

Dar zemlie. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Gift to the earth."<br />

Blavatsky, Mme Helene Petrovna (Hahn). 212 B54f<br />

Iz peshcher i debrei Indii; zagadochnyia plemena na "golubykh<br />

gorakh"; durbar v lagorie.<br />

Title translated: "From the caverns and jungles of India."<br />

Blok, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. 891.71 B55<br />

Stikhotvoreniia. 3v. 1922.<br />

Title translated: "Poems."<br />

Bunin, Ivan Aleksyeyevich. 891.78 B88g<br />

Gospodin iz San-Frantsisko. 1920.<br />

Title translated: "The gentleman from San Francisco."<br />

Bunin, Ivan Aleksyeyevich. 891.73 B88f<br />

Nachal'naia liubov.<br />

Title translated: "The first love."<br />



Bunin, Ivan Aleksyeyevich, ed.<br />

Russkie pisateli. 1921.<br />

891.72 B88r<br />

Contents: Brigadir; Nedorosl', D. I, Fonvizina.—IAbeda, V. V. Kapnista. Gore<br />

ot uma, A. S. Griboiedova.<br />

Title translated: RUSSIAN WRITERS: The brigadier and The minor, by D. I. Fonvizin;<br />

Slander, by V. V. Kapnist; The misfortune of being clever, by A. S. Griboiedov.<br />

Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich.<br />

Sochineniia. 14v.<br />

Title translated: "Works."<br />

891.73 C41w<br />

Denikin, Anton Ivanovich. q 947 J342<br />

Ocherki russkoi smuty. v.l, pt.1-2. [1921.]<br />

v.i. Krushenie vlasti i armii, fevral'-sentiabr', 1917.<br />

Title translated: "Sketches on the Russian revolution."<br />

Drozdov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich.<br />

Schast'e v zaplatakh.<br />

Title translated: "Happiness in lags."<br />

891.73 D83h<br />

Garin, N.<br />

Gimnazisty.<br />

Title translated: "The school boys."<br />

891.73 Gl8s<br />

Gessen, Iosif Vladimirovich.<br />

Arkhiv russkoi revoliutsii. 4v. in 2. 1921-22.<br />

Title translated: "Archives of the Russian revolution."<br />

q 947 Q33<br />

Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievitch. 891 7g G„<br />

Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. lOv. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Complete collected works."<br />

Herzen, Aleksandr Ivanovich. 891 7g H4g{<br />

Byloe i dumy; pervoe polnoe izdanie. 5v.<br />

Title translated: "Facts and thoughts."<br />

1921.<br />

Karabchevsku, N. Platonovich.<br />

Chto glaza moi vidieli. 2v. 1921.<br />

92 K132<br />

v.i. V dietstvie.<br />

v.2. Revoliutsiia i Rossiia.<br />

Title translated: "What my eyes saw."<br />

Kramarenko, Ge<strong>org</strong>ii A.<br />

q 914.7 K41<br />

T. . . H J1T.1 JVT1<br />

Kamchatka, moe puteshestvie i moia okhota na medv.edei i gornvkh<br />

baranov v 1918 g.; dnevnik lS-lietniavo shkol'nika<br />

^%£«?£'yJ7SSt£? my travels and hunting of bears and — in<br />

K r o!7' P ; N - , , 891.73 K41<br />

in 4v.<br />

Ot dvuglavavo orla k krasnomu znameni, 1894-1921; roman 8 pts<br />

Title translated: "From the imperial eagle to the red flag."<br />

Krasnov, P. N.<br />

Za chertopolokhom; fantasticheskiT roman<br />

Title translated: "Behind the thistles."<br />

Kulikovskii, Viacheslav. SQ. ,, „,„ ,<br />

Adoniram; roman iz zhizni Drevniavo Vostoka.<br />

Kulikovskii, Viacheslav<br />

Eia griekh.<br />

891 ' 73 K 891.73 K41b<br />

«5h<br />

Title translated: "Her sin."<br />

F :


Kulikovskii, Viacheslav.<br />

Zhenshchina kotoraia izmienila.<br />

Title translated: "The woman who deceived."<br />

Lappo-Danilevskaia, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna<br />

(Liutkevich).<br />

Krushenie (armiia).<br />

Title translated: "The catastrophe (army)."<br />

Lappo-Danilevskaia, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna<br />

(Liutkevich).<br />

Razval, 1916-17 g. [v.l.]<br />

Title translated: "The ruin, 1916-17."<br />

Lazarevskn, Boris Aleksandrovich.<br />

Dusha zhenshchiny, i drugie razskazy. v.l.<br />

Title translated: "A woman's soul, and other stories."<br />

Lermontoff, Mikhail Yurievitch.<br />

Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. 4v. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Complete collected works."<br />

Mel'nik, Tat'iana Evgenievna (Botkina).<br />

q 947 M59<br />

Vospominaniia o tsarskoi sem'ie i eia zhizni do i poslie revoliutsii.<br />

1921.<br />

Title translated: "Memoirs of the czar's family and its life before and after the<br />

revolution."<br />

Merezhkovskn, Dmitrii Sergieevich.<br />

14 dekabria.<br />

Title translated: "The fourteenth of December."<br />

Nazhivin, Ivan Fiodorovich.<br />

Kamennaia baba; razskazy.<br />

Nazhivin, Ivan Fiodorovich.<br />

Pered katastrofoi; razskazy.<br />

Title translated: "Before the catastrophe."<br />

Nazhivin, Ivan Fiodorovich.<br />

Vo mglie griadushchavo; poviesti.<br />

Title translated: "In the misty future."<br />

Nazhivin, Ivan Fiodorovich.<br />

Zapiski o revoliutsii. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Memoirs of the revolution."<br />

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergievitch.<br />

Polnoe sobranie sochinenii. 5v. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Complete collected works."<br />

Russkaia lietopis' s 1917 goda. v.l. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Russian chronicles."<br />

Ryss, Petr.<br />

Russkii opyt; istoriko-psikhologicheskii ocherk russkoi<br />

1921.<br />

Title translated: "The Russian experiment; an historical-psychological sketch of<br />

the Russian revolution."<br />

Sal'kova, E. M. comp.<br />

Sbornik stikhotvorenii izviestnykh russkikh poetov. 192L<br />

Title translated: "A collection of the poems of famous Russian poets."<br />

891.73 K435<br />

891.73 L31c<br />

891.73 L31r<br />

891.73 L44<br />

891.78 L63p3<br />

891.73 M63<br />

891.73 N16k<br />

891.73 N16b<br />

891.73 N16<br />

947 N16<br />

891.78 P98s3<br />

q 947 R92<br />

947 R99<br />

revoliutsii.<br />

891 71 S16<br />



Sieverianin, Igor'. 891.71 S57<br />

Menestrel'; novieishiia poezy. v.12. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Minstrels; new poetry."<br />

Tolstoi, Aleksiei Nikolaevich. 891.72 T58b<br />

Gor'kii tsviet; p'esy. 1922.<br />

Title translated: "The bitter blossom."<br />

Tolstoi, Aleksyei Konstantinovich, count. 891.73 T588p<br />

Kniaz Serebrianyi; poviest' vremen Ioanna groznavo.<br />

Title translated: "Prince Serebryani."<br />

Urvantsov, Lev. 891.72 U27b<br />

Blagodat' (eia chernovaia rabota); komediia v chotyrekh dieistviiakh.<br />

Urvantsov, Lev. 891.73 U27i<br />

P'ianyi mir; roman.<br />

Title translated: "The intoxicated world."<br />

Urvantsov, Lev. 891.72 U27v<br />

Viera Mirtseva (ugolovnoe dielo); p'esa v 4-kh aktakh.<br />

Title translated: "Vera Mirtzeva."<br />

Urvantsov, Lev. 891.72 U27s<br />

Zvierek (u bielavo kamnia); p'esa v chetyrekh dieistviiakh.<br />

Title translated: "The small beast (near the white stone)."<br />

Witte, Sergiei IUlievich. 92 W827m<br />

Vospominaniia. 2v. 1922.<br />

Title translated: "Memoirs."<br />

Zakrzhevskaia, A. pseud. 891.71 Z19<br />

Piesni solntsa i nochi. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Songs of the sun and night."<br />

Books in the Yiddish Language<br />

Christiansen, Broder. 701 C45<br />

Kunst; di filosofie fun kunst. 2v. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek,<br />

v.9-10.)<br />

Title translated: "Art."<br />

Dunajow, W. A. & Nikitsky, A. A. 320 D89<br />

Shtat-wissenshaft. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.8.)<br />

Title translated: "Science of the state.'-'<br />

Einhorn, D. 893.51 E41m<br />

Meine lieder. [1911.]<br />

Title translated: "My poems."<br />

Glatstein, J. 8g2 51 Q46<br />

[Lieder.]. 1921.<br />

Title translated: "Poems."<br />

Glossman, Boris. 892 S3 G51d<br />

Beginen.<br />

Title translated: "The dawn."<br />

Goldenweiser, A. A. 572 Q57<br />

Antropologie. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.3.)


Gratz, Heinrich.<br />

933 G81<br />

Di Yiddishe geschichte. liv. in 6. [1914.]<br />

Title translated: "Jewish history."<br />

Herbert, Solomon.<br />

575 H46e<br />

Evoluzion. 1919. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.1-2.)<br />

Imber, Samuel I.<br />

892.51 I23r<br />

Roisenbletter. [1914.]<br />

Title translated: "Rose leaves."<br />

Jerusalem, Wilhelm.<br />

102 J28f<br />

Filosofie. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.5.)<br />

Kalif.<br />

892.57 Kile<br />

Ernst un spass; a samlung fun felitonen, satiren un humoresken. 1913.<br />

Kapel, A - 892.58 K13<br />

Di Yiddishe jugend; samelbuch. [1910.]<br />

Title translated: "The Yiddish youth."<br />

Kassel, David. 892.53 K138u<br />

Unter a weisen forhang.<br />

Title translated: "Under a white curtain."<br />

Kautsky, Karl. 170 K14<br />

Etik. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.6.)<br />

Korolenko, Vladimir. 892.53 K38s<br />

Sibirer derzehlungen.<br />

Title translated: "Siberian stories."<br />

Korolenko, Vladimir. 892.53 K38p<br />

Turme-wanderungen.<br />

Title translated: "Prison wanderings."<br />

Leivick, H. 892.52 L56g<br />

Der geilom. 1921.<br />

McDougall, William. 150 M14ps<br />

Psychologie. 1920. (Wissenshaftliche bibliotek, v.4.)<br />

Mastbaum, J. 892.53 M46<br />

Drei doros. 2v.<br />

Title translated: "Three generations."<br />

Michalewitch, P. 304 M66<br />

Soziologishe etuden in politishe skizzen. [1921.]<br />

Title translated: "Sociological studies."<br />

Napoleon I, emperor of the French. 92 N129rs<br />

Ross, Heinrich. Napoleon in Russland. [1921.]<br />

Title translated: "Napoleon in Russia."<br />

Niger, S. Q 892.5 N33p<br />

Der Pinkos; yahrbuch far der geshichte der Yidisher literatur un<br />

shprach, far folklar, kritik un bibliografie.<br />

Niger, S. 892.5 N33<br />

Wegen Yiddishe schreiber; kritische artiklen. 2v. [1912.]<br />

Title translated: "About Yiddish writers."<br />

Nordau, Max. 834 N43s<br />

Ausgewehlte shriften. v.l.<br />

Title translated: "Selected writings."<br />


88<br />


Sabatti.<br />

Di neshome fun a froi.<br />

Title translated: "The soul of a woman."<br />

Schiirer, Emil.<br />

Geschichte fun Yiddishen folk aus der zeit fun bith shni.<br />

Title translated: "History of the Jewish people in the time of Christ<br />

Spinoza, Benedictus de.<br />

Stupnitzky, S. I. Baruch Shpinoza.<br />

Title translated: "Benedict Spinoza."<br />

Tolush.<br />

Der yam roisht.<br />

Title translated: "Ocean-roar."<br />

Turgenief, Ivan Sergevitch.<br />

Erev milchome.<br />

Title translated: "On the eve of the war."<br />

Vinnichenko, Vladimir.<br />

Erlich zu sich alein.<br />

Title translated: "True to himself."<br />

Wallace, Lewis.<br />

Jerusholim un Raum. 3v. in 1.<br />

Translation of his "Ben-Hur."<br />

Yihushsohn, B.<br />

In's rebin's hauf.<br />

Title translated: "In the rabbi's court."<br />

892.53 Sll<br />

933 S39<br />

2v.<br />

92 S7582s<br />

892.53 T589<br />

892.53 T85o<br />

892.53 V34<br />

892.53 W17b<br />

892.53 Y26<br />

Young People's Books<br />

Boone, Daniel. j 92 B631w<br />

White, Stewart Edward. Daniel Boone, wilderness scout. 1922.<br />

Doubleday.<br />

This account of Boone's life and work emphasizes the fundamental qualities which<br />

made him not only a great hunter and a master of woodcraft and of Indian warfare, but<br />

the "leading and most romantic figure" of those rough pioneer days when the almost<br />

unknown country west of the Alleghanies was being opened up for settlement.<br />

Drinkwater, John, b. 1882.<br />

j 821.08 D82<br />

The way of poetry; an anthology for younger readers. 1922.<br />

Houghton.<br />

Poems, chiefly from English authors, with an introductii about the enchantment<br />

of poetry and the way a poet does his work.<br />

O'Conor, Norreys Jephson.<br />

j 398.2 013<br />

Battles and enchantments; retold from early Gaelic literature. 1922.<br />

Houghton.<br />

Relates in prose and in verse the deeds of the ancient Dedannans, a people who<br />

knew not only the arts of peace and the science of war, but in magic "surpassed the<br />

sages of the arts of heathdom." The last chapter is of special interest for its account<br />

of the origin of the fairies.<br />

Scoville, Samuel, b. 1872.<br />

j 591.5 S43<br />

Wild folk. 1922. Atlantic Monthly Press.<br />

"The Clcanlys" are the raccoons and the first chapter describes their life on the<br />

barrens and how the father coon fought his great fight against odds with the hounds.<br />

Other chapters: Blackbear.—The seventh sleeper.—High sky.—The little people.—<br />

The path of the air.—Blackcat.—Little death.—Blackcross.— Sea otter.<br />

Good pictures of animals by C. L. Bull and Carton Moore-Park.

Publications of the Library Now in Print<br />

Prices. Where two prices are given, the first is that for which<br />

the publication is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net,<br />

except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more.<br />

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SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 1908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00.<br />

THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 1914. vol. 6-8. 3,475 pp. $8.00.<br />

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Bound in buckram. Include full author and subject indexes. Volume n, which<br />

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The Classified Catalogue is issued also in separate parts; the First,<br />

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Monthly Bulletin. 50 cents a year, postpaid.<br />

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*Books by Catholic Authors in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; a<br />

Classified and Annotated List. 1921. 325pp. 35 cents; postpaid,<br />

50 cents.<br />

Books in the Library of the American Philatelic Society. 1910. 20 pp.<br />

•Carnegie Institute and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Handbook).<br />

1922. 72pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 40 cents.<br />

•Catalogue of Books for the. Blind. 1922. 123 pp. 25 cents; postpaid.<br />

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•Debate Index. 1919. 116pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

The Function of the Public Library in a Democracy; by John H. Leete.<br />

1920. 20 pp.<br />

Rules for Filing Cards in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Carnegie<br />

Library of Pittsburgh. 1921. 32 pp.<br />

What a Public Library Finds to Do; by Elisa May Willard. 1917. 18 pp.<br />

Reference Lists<br />

Books on Gardens and Landscape Gardening. 1922. 9 pp.<br />

•Choice of Vocation; a Selected List of Books and Magazine Articles<br />

for the Guidance of Students. 1921. 50 pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents.<br />

Housing. 1912. 45 pp.<br />

Immigration. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Lives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36pp.<br />

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Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh. 1915. 189 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Vocational Guidance. Supplement. 10 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec.<br />

1915.)<br />

History<br />

Braddock's Expedition. 11pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1906.)<br />

England and the English; a Few Suggestions for Reading. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Expedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp.<br />

Expeditions of General Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764.<br />

11pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec. 1909.)<br />

•Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Expedition<br />

against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents. (Monthly Bulletin, Feb.-May 1909.)<br />

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Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pittsburgh.<br />

1911. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents.<br />

The Pilgrims; Selected Material for Use in Connection with the Pilgrim<br />

Tercentenary Celebration. 1920. 13 pp.<br />

Pittsburgh in 1816. 1916. 75 pp.<br />

Washington's Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. 15 pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, Feb. 1908.)<br />

The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1906.)


Publications of Interest to Engineers<br />

Air-Brakes. 1915. 55 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1915.)<br />

Air Conditioning. 1914. 55 pp.<br />

Brick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 26 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan.<br />

1912.)<br />

By-Product Coking. 1915. 40 pp.<br />

Case-Hardening. 1918. 10 pp.<br />

Electric Driving In Rolling-Mills and Foundries. 11 pp. (Monthly<br />

Bulletin, Nov. 1907.)<br />

Engineering Ethics. 1917. 17 pp.<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. 48 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1908.)<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. Supplement. 1911. 19 pp.<br />

The Gyroscope. 1917. 23 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Index to Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.<br />

Volumes 1 to 20, 1880-1904; Compiled by Harrison W.<br />

Craver. 1906. 144 pp. $1 postpaid.<br />

•Index to the Classified Catalogue of the Technology Department.<br />

1916. 63 pp. 10 cents; postpaid, 15 cents.<br />

Lampblack. 1919. 8 pp.<br />

List of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. 1910<br />

17 pp.<br />

Literature of the Coal Industry for 1922; by E. H. McClelland. 1923.<br />

16 pp.<br />

Market Prices Appearing Currently in Technical and Trade Journals.<br />

1918. 6 pp.<br />

Mica. 12 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Oct. 1908.)<br />

Refuse and Garbage Disposal. 1909. 39 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan.<br />

1909.)<br />

Review of Iron and Steel Literature for 1922; by E. H. McClelland.<br />

1923. 19 pp.<br />

Road Dust Preventives. 1916. 39 pp.<br />

•Sand; its Occurrence, Properties and Uses. 1918. 72pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Scientific and Technical Reference Books. 19 pp. (Monthly Bulletin,<br />

Nov. 1916.)<br />

•Sewage Disposal and Treatment. 1910. 96pp. 15 cents; postpaid,<br />

20 cents.<br />

Smoke Prevention. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1907.)<br />

Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 7 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, March<br />

1908.)<br />

Steam Turbines. 21 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1904.)


•Technical Book Review Index, vol.i-date, March 1917-date. 50 cents<br />

a year, postpaid.<br />

No.1-3, March, April, May, 1917, published in the Monthly Bulletin of those<br />

months, 5 cents each, postpaid.<br />

\ ol.i, no.4-vol.6, no.3 (July 1917-Sept. 1922), issued separately, quarterly, 15<br />

cents each, postpaid.<br />

Trees and Forestry. 1917. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Water-Glass; Compiled by Morris Schrero. 1922. 87 pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Library Work with Children<br />

•Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the<br />

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight<br />

Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. 1907. 331 pp. 35 cents;<br />

postpaid, 50 cents.<br />

•Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library<br />

of Pittsburgh. 1920. Volume 1: Author List and Title<br />

List. 465 pp. $1; postpaid, $1.15. Volume 2: Subject Index.<br />

332pp. 75 cents; postpaid, 85 cents.<br />

Favorite Books of Well Known People When They Were Boys and<br />

Girls; Compiled by Elva S.Smith. 1922. 18 pp.<br />

Patriotism Through Literature; by Elva S. Smith. 1919. 17pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, June 1919.)<br />

Stories from the Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Story-Telling.<br />

1914. 38 pp.<br />

Stories from the Greek Myths. 1912. 29 pp.<br />

Stories from the Iliad and the Odyssey. 1912. 30 pp.<br />

Stories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-Telling. 1914 22 pp<br />

•Stories to Tell to Children. 1921. 72 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Leaflets<br />

Amusing Fiction. 1922. Vacation Reading. 1922.<br />

Books for Gifts to Boys and Girls „<br />

1922. ' Vocational Suggestions. 1919.<br />

r,,.,, , _, Advertising.<br />

Children s Books for Christmas r- -i T? •<br />

Gifts. 1914. Cvil Engineering.<br />

. ^ „ , Machine Shop Work.<br />

A Few Books on Iron and Steel. Afedicine<br />

1918 - Printing.<br />

Gardens of Spain. 1922. Truck Gardening.<br />

New Americans. 1920. Why Go to College? 1922<br />

Present Day Problems in Citizenship.<br />

1919.<br />

February io, 1923.



VOL - 28 MARCH 1923 NO. 3<br />

Books Recently Added to the<br />

Library<br />

Page<br />

Americanization and Immigration<br />

- - - - - 102<br />

Architecture - - - - - 115<br />

Biography - - - - - 120<br />

Blind, Books for the - - - 127<br />

Business. Communication 113<br />

Chemical Technology - - 114<br />

Chemistry - - - - - 108<br />

Crystallography - 109<br />

Drama. Theatre - 119<br />

Economics - 102<br />

Education - - - - - 105<br />

Engineering - - - - - 112<br />

European War - 127<br />

Fiction - - - - - - 95<br />

Fine Arts - - - - - 114<br />

Folklore. Customs - - - 105<br />

General Works - - - - 97<br />

Geology. Meteorology. Physical<br />

Geography - - - 110<br />

German Fiction - 97<br />

History - - - - - - 125<br />

Language - - - - - - 106<br />



1923<br />

Page<br />

Law. International Conferences<br />

- - - - - - 103<br />

Literature - - - - - -117<br />

Mathematics - 107<br />

Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene<br />

- - - - - - 112<br />

Military and Naval Science - 104<br />

Mineralogy - - - - - 109<br />

Music - - - - - - - 116<br />

Names - - - - - - 123<br />

Philosophy. Psychology - 98<br />

Physics - - - - - - 108<br />

Poetry - - - - - - - 118<br />

Politics and Government - 101<br />

Prohibition - - - - - 99<br />

Recreation - - - - - 117<br />

Religion - - - - - - 99<br />

Science - - - - - - 107<br />

Servian Language, Books in the 128<br />

Sociology - - - - - - 100<br />

Spanish Fiction - - - - 97<br />

Travel and Description - - 123<br />

Useful Arts - - - - - 111<br />

Women - - - - - - 106<br />

Yiddish Language, Books in the 131<br />

Young People's Books - - 132

Board of Trustees<br />

S. H. CHURCH, President<br />

ANDREW W. MELLON, Vice-President<br />

J. D. HAILMAN, Secretary<br />

JAMES H. REED, Treasurer<br />








Library Committee<br />

J. J. TURNER, Chairman<br />



Director<br />


Central Library, Schenley Park<br />

Branch Libraries<br />

Lawrenceville Branch, 279 Fisk Street<br />

West End Branch, Wabash and Neptune Streets<br />

Wylie Avenue Branch, Wylie Avenue and Green Street<br />

Mount Washington Branch, 315 Grandview Avenue<br />

Hazelwood Branch, 4748 Monongahela Street<br />

East Liberty Branch, Station Street and Larimer Avenue<br />

South Side Branch, Carson and Twenty-second Streets<br />

Homewood Branch, Hamilton and Lang Avenues<br />




Published monthly, except in August and September, by the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. President,<br />

S. H. Church, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue; Secretary,<br />

J. D. Hailman; Treasurer, James H. Reed, 1027 Carnegie Building; Director, John H.<br />

Leete, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue.<br />

Subscription 50 cents a year.<br />

Vol. 28 March 1923 No. 3<br />

Books Recently Added to the Library<br />

An r or b prefixed to the call number indicates that the book must be<br />

called for and used in the Reference or the Technology Room; j that it is<br />

especially suitable for children; and q that it is quarto size or larger.<br />

Fiction<br />

Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman. A568y<br />

Yellow butterflies. Scribner.<br />

Appeared in the "Ladies' home journal," y.39, Nov. 1922.<br />

The story of how an American mother came to believe that it was her son whose<br />

body was laid to rest in the Unknown Soldier's grave.<br />

Beerbohm, Max. B3812z<br />

Zuleika Dobson; or, An Oxford love story. Heinemann.<br />

A satirical extravaganza relating what happened to the undergraduate body when<br />

the irresistibly beautiful Zuleika descended upon Oxford during Eights week. Condensed<br />

from Athenceum, 1911.<br />

B4664<br />

Best British short stories of 1922; ed. by E. J. O'Brien and John<br />

Cournos. Small.<br />

Contents: Where was Wych street? by Stacy Aumonier.—The looking-glass, by J.<br />

D Beresford.—The olive, by Algernon Blackwood.—Once a hero, by Harold Brighouse.<br />

—"The pensioner," by William Caine.—Broadsheet ballad, by A. E. Coppard.—The<br />

Christmas present, by Richmal Crompton.—Seaton's aunt, by Walter de la Mare.—The<br />

reaper, by Dorothy Easton.—The song, by May Edginton.—A hedonist, by John Galsworthy—The<br />

Bat and Belfry inn, by Alan Graham.—The lie, by Holloway Horn.—A<br />



Best British short stories of 1922—continued. ? 4( ? 64<br />

girl in it, by Rowland Kenney .-The backstairs of_ the . ^ * * " " " • £ £ £ * - T S<br />

-The birth of a masterpiece, by Lucas Malet.-"Gemus," by Elinor Mordaunt The<br />

devil to pay, by Max Pemberton.-Empty arms, by Roland Pertwee.-Lena Wrace, by<br />

' May Sinclair.-The dice thrower, by Sidney Southgate-The stranger woman by GB.<br />

Stern.-The woman who sat still, by Parry Truscott.-Major W.lbraham, by Hugh Wal-<br />

P ° le 'Vearbook contains Index of the British and Irish short stories, July 1921 to June<br />

1922.<br />

Brown, Alice. B783 °<br />

Old Crow. Macmillan.<br />

The combined effect on John Raven of the disillusions of the great war and the<br />

philosophy of life found in the manuscripts of an old recluse, forms the theme of this<br />

story of New England life.<br />

Buckrose, J. E. (pseud, of Mrs Annie Edith (Foster) Jameson). B857k<br />

A knight among ladies. Doran.<br />

The scene is laid in a quiet English village which, however, the hero, an eligible<br />

bachelor of studious habits, finds a center of intrigue due to the plots and counterplots<br />

of the feminine element. Condensed from Literary review, 1922.<br />

Delafield, E. M. (pseud, of Edmee Elizabeth D387o<br />

Monica De la Pasture).<br />

The optimist [a novel]. Macmillan.<br />

A character study of a man whose philosophy of life was "an invincible faith in<br />

the ultimate Tightness of all things," and the effect of his optimism on the lives of his<br />

children.<br />

Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, baron. D9262do<br />

Don Rodriguez; chronicles of Shadow valley. Putnam.<br />

A narrative of the adventures of a young Spaniard who, in the Golden Age of<br />

Spain, goes forth to the wars to seek fame and a castle.<br />

Green, Anna Katharine, afterward Mrs Rohlfs. G827f<br />

The filigree ball; a full and true account of the solution of the<br />

mystery concerning the Jeffrey-Moore affair. Bobbs.<br />

Hergesheimer, Joseph. H469L<br />

Linda Condon. Knopf.<br />

Appeared in "Everybody's magazine," v.40-41, June-Dec. 1919.<br />

A "picture of a woman whose real interest in life is a complete and unswerving<br />

devotion to her own beauty." New York times, 1919.<br />

Hoax [a novel]. Doran. H647<br />

The experiences, ambitions, and love affairs of the young hero, an embryo novelist,<br />

are told by his pal-father.<br />

McFee, William. M159co<br />

Command. Doubleday.<br />

Appeared in "Harper's magazine," v.144-145, May-Nov. 1922.<br />

A novel of adventure on the sea and in the Near East in war time.<br />

Mclntyre, John Thomas. M173ast<br />

Ashton-Kirk, secret agent. Penn Pub. Co.<br />

Detective story.<br />

Murry, John Middleton. M9782t<br />

The things we are; a novel. Dutton.<br />

A psychoanalytic novel relating "the story of a young man who has been unfitted<br />

for the harsh experiences of adult life by an excess of maternal love, told by describing<br />

successive states of mind of the subject, with the necessary minimum of reference to<br />

outward events." Literary review, 1922.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 97<br />

Putnam, Mrs Nina (Wilcox). P992L<br />

Laughter limited [a novel]. Doran.<br />

Appeared in the "Saturday evening post," v.195, Aug. 12-Sept. 23, 1922.<br />

The ups and downs of a young girl in her attempts to attain to movie stardom.<br />

Webster, Henry Kitchell. W383j<br />

Joseph Greer and his daughter; a novel. Bobbs.<br />

Appeared in the "Pictorial review," v.23-24, Aug.-Nov. 1922, under the title "The<br />

Greers."<br />

A story of the clashes between two essentially similar, striking, and dynamic characters.<br />

Condensed from Literary review, 1922.<br />

West, Rebecca. W561j<br />

The judge [a novel]. Doran.<br />

That "every mother is a judge who sentences the children for the sins of the father"<br />

is the thesis that the author presents. The story tells how the love of the hero for his<br />

sweetheart is overshadowed by his almost abnormal love for his mother.<br />

German Fiction<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833' BS78f<br />

Der flurschiitz; roman.<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833 B578g<br />

Grete Fillunger; roman.<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833 BS78ha<br />

Die harte scholle; ausgewahlte romane und novellen, mit einem<br />

vorwort von Rudolf Krauss.<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833 B578h<br />

Hessenluft; novellen.<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833 B578o<br />

Die oberwalder; roman.<br />

Bock, Alfred. 833 B578s<br />

Der schlund; roman.<br />

Jansen, Werner. 833 J18b<br />

Das buch liebe; Gudrunroman.<br />

Spanish Fiction<br />

Blasco Ibanez, Vicente. 863 BS4p<br />

El prestamo de la difunta; novelas.<br />

General Works<br />

Boston—Public library. r 017.1 B64c<br />

Collezione dei libri italiani moderni che trovansi nella libreria pubblica<br />

della citta di Boston. 1922.<br />

Boston—Public library. r 012 D23b<br />

Dante; a list of books in the Public library of the city of Boston,<br />

prepared in commemoration of the six hundredth anniversary of the<br />

poet's death, 1321-1921. 1921. (Brief reading lists, no.19.)<br />

Brown University—John Carter Brown Library. r 027.7 B77<br />

Annual report, 1910/11-date. 1911-date.


r 013 L92s<br />

Louisville, Ky.—Free public library.<br />

Some books and pamphlets, music, magazines and newspapers by<br />

negro writers, composers and editors in the Colored department. 1921.<br />

71 N25<br />

Nevins, Allan. °<br />

The Evening post; a century of journalism. 1922. Bom.<br />

A history of this New York newspaper since its foundation in 1801 by Alexander<br />

Hamilton The author has tried to select the most important, interesting, and illuminating<br />

aspects and episodes and to treat them with a careful regard for the perspective<br />

of local and national history.<br />

Pittsburgh Library Association. r 018.1 P67<br />

Catalogue of the Pittsburgh Library Association of the city of Pittsburgh,<br />

Penn'a. 1886. Barrows. Pittsburgh.<br />

Power, Ralph Lester. r 027 P87<br />

Libraries of Los Angeles and vicinity. 1921. University of Southern<br />

California Press.<br />

Smith,' Henry Justin. 070 S64<br />

"It's the way it's written"; Notes on the literary equipment of a<br />

newspaper man; The great opportunity in the profession for excellent<br />

writing; A few suggestions; an address delivered before the Joseph<br />

Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, Chicago, Nov. 3,<br />

1921. 1921. Privately printed. (Chicago daily news reprints, no.2.)<br />

United States—Library of Congress. r 025.171 U25n<br />

Notes on the care, cataloguing, calendaring and arranging of manuscripts,<br />

by J. C. Fitzpatrick. 1921.<br />

Wilson, G. F. r 012 H888w<br />

A bibliography of the writings of W. H. Hudson. 1922. Bookman's<br />

journal.<br />

Philosophy. Psychology<br />

Bevan, Edwyn Robert. 188 B46<br />

Stoics and sceptics; four lectures delivered in Oxford during Hilary<br />

term 1913 for the common university fund. 1913. Clarendon Press.<br />

Contents: Zeno and the stoa.—The stoa.—Posidonius.—The sceptics.<br />

Firth, Violet M. 150 F52<br />

The machinery of the mind, with a foreword by A. G. Tansley.<br />

[1922.] Allen.<br />

"Bibliography," p.97-102.<br />

Written for those who, without any previous knowledge, desire to gain an idea of<br />

the way in which modern psychology regards the human mind. Condensed from Foreword.<br />

Kirk, Mrs Ella M. (Boyce). 131 K284<br />

My pilgrimage to Coue. 1922. Amer. Library Service.<br />

Prince, Morton, cd. 132 P95c<br />

Contributions to psychology; psychopathology of everyday life and<br />

others. 1918. Badger.<br />

Appeared in the "Journal of abnormal psychology," v.12.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 99<br />

Sies, Mrs Alice Mae (Corbin). 136.74 S57<br />

Spontaneous and supervised play in childhood. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

"Bibliography," p.427-438.<br />

Town, Clara Harrison. r 136.7 T66<br />

Analytic study of a group of five and six-year-old children. [1921.]<br />

University of Iowa. (Iowa University. Studies in child welfare, v.l,<br />

no.4.)<br />

"References," p.86-87.<br />

Prohibition<br />

Franklin, Fabian. 178 F87<br />

What prohibition has done to America. 1922. Harcourt.<br />

Contents: Perverting the constitution.—Creating a nation of lawbreakers.—Destroying<br />

our Federal system.—How the amendment was put through.—The law makers and<br />

the law.—The law enforcers and the law.—Nature of the prohibitionist tyranny.—One<br />

half of one per cent.—Prohibition and liberty.—Prohibition and socialism.—Is there any<br />

way out ?<br />

Methodist Episcopal Church—Board of temperance, qr 178 M64<br />

prohibition and public morals.<br />

How prohibition works in American cities, by Deets Pickett, with<br />

foreword by W. F. McDowell. [1921?]<br />

Religion<br />

Abbott, Lyman. 252 A13<br />

Signs of promise; sermons preached in Plymouth pulpit, Brooklyn,<br />

1887-9. 1889. Fords.<br />

Bernard, Thomas Dehany. 225.7 B45<br />

The progress of doctrine in the New testament. 1867. Carter.<br />

(Bampton lectures.)<br />

Bible—Old testament. 221 B47s<br />

The Septuagint version of the Old testament, according to the<br />

Vatican text; tr. into English with the principal various readings of the<br />

Alexandrine copy and a table of comparative chronology, by L.C. L.<br />

Brenton. 2v. 1844. Bagster.<br />

Bonney, Charles Carroll. r 206 B62<br />

World's Congress addresses; delivered to the World's Parliament<br />

of Religions and the Religious Denominational Congresses of 1893,<br />

with the closing address at the final session of the World's Congress<br />

auxiliary. 1900. Open Court Pub. Co.<br />

Printed as a memorial of the significant events of the Columbian year.<br />

Bostrom, Otto Henry. qr 222.4 B64<br />

Alternative readings in the Hebrew of the books of Samuel. 1918.<br />

Augustana Book Concern. (Augustana Library. Publications, 1,0.8.)<br />

Published by the authority of the Board of directors of Augustana College and<br />

Theological Seminary, Rock Island, 111.<br />

Coffin, Henry Sloane. 204 C66<br />

What is there in religion? 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: Refreshment.—Cleansing.—Power.—Illumination.—Fertility.—Buoyancy.<br />

Serenity and adventure.—Beauty.—Division and unity.—Change and perm.arience.


Godrycz, John A. 282 G55g<br />

Greater extension and development of church influence. [1919.]<br />

People's Friend Pub. Co.<br />

From the Roman Catholic point of view.<br />

Intercollegiate Zionist Association of America. r 296 1248<br />

Kadimah, 5678-1918. 1918. Federation of Amer. Zionists.<br />

qr 205 K26<br />

The Kingdom [monthly], June 1893-May 1895. 2v. in 1. 1893-95.<br />

Pittsburgh.<br />

Publication discontinued with v.2, no.12, May 1895.<br />

National Committee of Northern Baptist qr 266 N15<br />

Laymen—Survey committee.<br />

Survey of the fields and work of the Northern Baptist convention.<br />

[1919.]<br />

Slater, Thomas Ebenezer. 294 S63<br />

The higher Hinduism in relation to Christianity; certain aspects of<br />

Hindu thought from the Christian standpoint. 1902. Stock.<br />

Van Doren, Alice B. 266 V18<br />

Lighted to lighten the hope of India; a study of conditions among<br />

women in India. 1922. Central Committee on the United Study of<br />

Foreign Missions.<br />

qr 266 W898<br />

World outlook [monthly], Jan.-Oct. 1920. v.6, no.1-9. 1920.<br />

Publication ceased with issue for Sept.-Oct. 1920.<br />

Merged iu the "Christian herald."<br />

Sociology<br />

Barnes, Harry Elmer. r 302 B25<br />

The social history of the western world; an outline syllabus. 1921.<br />

Appleton.<br />

Contains bibliographies.<br />

Brend, William Alfred. qr 368 B72<br />

Public health and the national insurance act of Great Britain. Privately<br />

printed.<br />

Chapter 7 of his "Health and state."<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Commission for Relief in Belgium. qr 361.93 C59<br />

Executive personnel, balance sheet and accounts, French government<br />

accounts, Belgian government accounts, supporting schedules,<br />

statistical data; covering six years, Oct. 1914 to 30th Sept. 1920. [1921.<br />

M. B. Brown Printing & Binding Co.]<br />

Darrow, Clarence Seward. 364 D26<br />

Crime; its cause and treatment. 1922. Crowell.<br />

Out of his extensive experience as an attorney on criminal cases, the author has<br />

here summarized in a clear, convincing way, the modern viewpoint as to the problem of<br />

crime. He would meet the problem by changing public opinion as to human responsibility<br />

for crime, and urges a greater knowledge of the criminal and of the causes that<br />

produce him. Condensed from Literary review, 1922.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 101<br />

Gunn, Mrs Harriette (Bronson). 364 G97<br />

In the shadow of the wall. 1922. Christopher Pub. House.<br />

Stories of conversion and repentance among prisoners, told by the wife of a prison<br />

chaplain.<br />

Rodo, Jose Enrique. 304 R59<br />

Ariel; tr. with an introductory essay by F. J. Stimson. 1922.<br />

Houghton.<br />

An essay on the art of living; a plea for the life of the spirit. Incidentally the<br />

author indicts North America as an example of what becomes of a democracy when it<br />

worships Caliban and f<strong>org</strong>ets Ariel. Condensed from Literary review, 1923.<br />

Twombly, Clifford Gray, and others. r 351.76 T93<br />

A report on vice conditions in the city of Lancaster, Pa. 1913.<br />

Privately printed.<br />

Wyman, Walter F. 382 W98<br />

Export merchandising. 1922. McGraw.<br />

A text-book designed to be of use both to the college student and to the American<br />

manufacturing exporter.<br />

Politics and Government<br />

Fuller, Joseph Vincent. 327.43 F98<br />

Bismarck's diplomacy at its zenith. 1922. Harvard University<br />

Press. (Harvard historical studies, v.26.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.339-352.<br />

Covers in detail the period from August 1885 to February 1888.<br />

Gibbons, Herbert Adams. 327 G36<br />

An introduction to world politics. 1922. Century. (Century political<br />

science series.)<br />

Contains maps.<br />

"Bibliography," p.577-588.<br />

Krabbe, Hugo. 320.15 K39<br />

The modern idea of the state; authorized translation, with an introduction<br />

by G. H. Sabine and W. J. Shepard. 1922. Appleton.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"A protest against the absolutist theory of sovereignty, and a constructive attempt<br />

...to provide a substitute theory. The substance of his doctrine is that the basis of the<br />

modern state must be sought in the sense of right." American political science review,<br />

1922.<br />

Mowat, Robert Balmain. 327 M94<br />

A history of European diplomacy, 1815-1914. 1922. Arnold.<br />

The author, an English scholar, finds that the old diplomacy "did magnificently";<br />

that the causes of war lay and still lie in the clashing of self-interests, the passion of<br />

nationality, and the feeling of revenge; and that for the future he sees hope only in the<br />

co-operation of the old diplomacy and a league of nations.<br />

Murray, William Spencer. qr 351.8 M97<br />

Government owned and controlled compared with privately owned<br />

and regulated electric utilities in Canada & the United States. 1922.<br />

National Electric Light Assoc.


Americanization and Immigration<br />

Bachrach, Minnie Hildred. q r 325.73 B12<br />

The immigrant on the Hill [written] under the direction of Dr<br />

Agnes Byrnes. [1921. Pittsburgh.]<br />

"Bibliography," p.31.<br />

Thesis for M. A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Myers, Ella Burns. qr 325.73 M99<br />

Some Italian groups in Pittsburgh. 1920. Carnegie Institute of<br />

Technology. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

Thesis for M. A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Rose, Philip M. 325.73 R71<br />

The Italians in America, with an introduction by C. H. Sears. 1922.<br />

Doran. (The new Americans series.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.149-151.<br />

Economics<br />

American Academy of Political and Social Science. q 330.9 A51n<br />

The new South. 1910.<br />

Contents: Cotton in Southern agricultural economy, by Harvie Jordan.—The negro<br />

and agricultural development, by A. H. Stone.—Financing the cotton crop, by H. S. Reed.<br />

—The sugar cane industry, by G. T. Surface.—The decadence of the plantation system,<br />

by U. B. Phillips.—Agricultural revolution a necessity, by C. H. Poe.—New farm crops<br />

for the South, by S. M. Tracy.—Sure bases of a greater South, by G. G. Dawe.—Forest<br />

resources and conservation, by J. H. Finney.—Reclamation and drainage, by Sledge<br />

Tatum.—The power resources of the South, by F. S. Washburn.—Southern railroads and<br />

industrial development, by W. W. Finley.—Good roads movement in the South, by J. H.<br />

Pratt.—The inland waterways of the South, by J. F. Ellison.—Future of the South Atlantic<br />

ports, by Thomas Purse.—The negro's part in Southern development, by B. T.<br />

Washington. — Effects of industrialism upon political and social ideas, by Holland<br />

Thompson.—-Labor supply and labor problems, by E. M. Banks.—The need of agricultural<br />

education, by D. Y. Thomas.—Child labor in the South, by A.J. McKelway.—Economic<br />

needs of the South, by W. H. Glasson.—New politics for the South, by J. W.<br />

Garner.<br />

v<br />

-35i Jan. 1910, of the "Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social<br />

Science."<br />

The same. 1910. (In American Academy of Political and Social<br />

Science. Annals, v.35.) r 306 A51 v.35<br />

Ely, Richard Theodore. 336.22 E57<br />

Taxation of land. 1922. National Tax Assoc.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Reprinted from "Proceedings" of the National Tax Association, v.14.<br />

Hobson, John Atkinson. 331 H65i<br />

Incentives in the new industrial order. [1922.] Parsons. (New<br />

era series, v.15.)<br />

Contents: Collapse of the old order. — Economic activities and their incentives.—<br />

Psychological tests of the new industrial order.—Brains in industry.—Incentives to the<br />

efficiency of labour.—The interests of consumers.—The government of industry.<br />

Hoyne, Thomas Temple. 332.6 H86<br />

Speculation; its sound principles and rules for its practice. 1922.<br />

Economic Feature Service.<br />

Contents: Speculation and economic fallacies.-—Principles and rules of speculation.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 103<br />

Igel, Amelia. qr 331 I17<br />

Study of unemployment in Pittsburgh [written] under the direction<br />

of Dr Agnes Byrnes. [1921. Pittsburgh.]<br />

"Unemployment bibliography," p.95-97.<br />

Thesis for M. A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Carbon copy.<br />

Knauth, Oswald Whitman. r 330.1 K33<br />

Distribution of income by states in 1919. 1922. Harcourt. (National<br />

Bureau of Economic Research. Publications, no.3.)<br />

Lanier, Henry Wysham. 332.1 L264<br />

Century of banking in New York, 1822-1922. 1922. Doran.<br />

McAdow, Finley H. 332.7 Mil<br />

Mercantile credits; a practical study of the credit man's work. 1922.<br />

Ronald Press Co.<br />

MacLean, Annie Marion. 331 M19<br />

Our neighbors. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Sympathetic, intimate sketches of life among the poor in American towns and cities.<br />

Pennsylvania State Chamber of Commerce. r 336.748 P39<br />

State budget systems; a budget plan for Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania's<br />

appropriation methods and budget systems in the states. 1922.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Pinkerton, Allan. r 331.89 P63<br />

Strikers, communists, tramps and detectives. 1878. Carleton.<br />

Accounts of strikes, riots, and revolutions in various parts of the world, and of the<br />

part played in quelling some of them by the Pinkerton detectives. Includes several<br />

chapters on the railroad strike in Pittsburgh in 1877.<br />

Rorty, Malcolm Churchill. 330.4 R69<br />

Some problems in current economics. 1922. Shaw.<br />

Contents: Industrial history.—Social and industrial <strong>org</strong>anization.—Production and<br />

distribution.—Some pertinent statistics.—Facing the facts.<br />

Shearman, Henry Percy. 330 S53<br />

Practical economics. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"References" at the end of most chapters.<br />

The aim in this text-book has been to state as simply and concisely as possible, the<br />

general laws and principles underlying and governing the production and distribution of<br />

wealth in the United States. Business <strong>org</strong>anization is given particular attention, and the<br />

connection between theory and practice has been kept in view. Condensed from Preface.<br />

The author is (1922) professor of economics in Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />

Wells, Louis Ray. 330.9 W49<br />

Industrial history of the United States. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

"General references" and "Studies" at the end of each chapter.<br />

A text-book for high school students.<br />

Law. International Conferences<br />

Eastman, Frank Marshall. qr 347.99 E18<br />

Courts and lawyers of Pennsylvania; a history, 1623-1923. 4v. 1922.<br />

Amer. Historical Soc.


Federal Trade Information Service. r 341.1 F31<br />

Treaties and resolutions of the Conference on the Limitation of<br />

Armament as ratified by the United States Senate; facts and tables.<br />

1922.<br />

Munro, Henry Fraser. r 341.1 M96<br />

The Berlin Congress. 1918.<br />

Issued by the United States department of state.<br />

A study of its methods of procedure.<br />

Norton, Thomas James. 342.73 N46<br />

The constitution of the United States; its sources and its application.<br />

1922. Little.<br />

Panunzio, Constantine M. r 347.1 P22<br />

Deportation cases of 1919-1920; a study. 1921. Commission on the<br />

Church and Social Service.<br />

Robertson, William Ge<strong>org</strong>e Aitchison. 340.6 R54<br />

Aids to forensic medicine and toxicology. 1922. Bailliere.<br />

Smith, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Joseph, defendant. 343.1 S64<br />

Trial of Ge<strong>org</strong>e Joseph Smith; ed. by E. R. Watson. [1922.]<br />

Canada Law Book Co. (Notable British trials.)<br />

Spencer, William Homer. 347.7 S746<br />

Law and business. 2v. 1921-22. University of Chicago Press.<br />

"Intended primarily for use in schools of business.. .Prepared to serve as a basis of<br />

instruction in the legal aspects of business." Author's preface.<br />

Washington, D. C. Conference on the Limitation of r 341.1 W27<br />

Armament, 1921-22.<br />

Conference on the limitation of armament; President's address to<br />

the Senate, Letter of the secretary of state submitting treaties to the<br />

president, Invitations to the conference, Proceedings of plenary sessions<br />

of conference, Minutes of Committee on limitation of armament, Minutes<br />

of Committee on Pacific and Far Eastern questions, Report of<br />

American delegation, including treaties and resolutions. 1922. (67th<br />

cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no.126.)<br />

Military and Naval Science<br />

England-War office. qr 355 g42 E M<br />

Officers [who] died in the great war, 1914-1919 1919<br />

[Ta r kata ' Y 'J. ' 355.62 T14<br />

Conscription system in Japan. 1921. Oxford University Press,<br />

Amer. Branch. (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace-Division<br />

of economics and history. Publications )<br />

Issued in the series Japanese monographs<br />

•90S arrs?udyo h fThefr a Urmfc^etrThf Pt ^ """j"-* tat "« n ^ d<br />

e by Mr Takata under<br />

the supervision of Mr GotorrOgawa. *** d °"<br />

United States—Navy department. r 3Sg s U 2 S L<br />

Landing-force manual, United States navy, 1920. 1921.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 105<br />

Education<br />

Burdge, Howard Griffith. 371.42 B89<br />

Our boys; a study of the 245,000 sixteen, seventeen and eighteen<br />

year old employed boys of the state of New York. [1921. J. B.<br />

Lyon Co.]<br />

At head of title: New York. Military training commission. Bureau of vocational<br />

training.<br />

Learned, William Setchel, & Sills, K. C. M. 379.71 L45<br />

Education in the maritime provinces of Canada. 1922. Carnegie<br />

Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (Carnegie Foundation<br />

for the Advancement of Teaching. Bulletin, no.16.)<br />

The same. (In Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.<br />

Bulletin, no.16.) qr 371.17 C21b no.16<br />

Patty, Willard W. q 379.19 P31<br />

Outline course in citizenship training for part-time schools. 1921.<br />

(California University—Vocational education division. Part-time news<br />

notes, no.6.)<br />

Issued by the University of California in co-operation with the State Board of Education.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Russell, William Fletcher. 379.73 R91<br />

Education in the United States, with an appendix on how the Russian<br />

immigrants can make use of the American educational system.<br />

1920. Amer. National Red Cross.<br />

Added title-page and text in Russian.<br />

Scott, Harriet Maria, & Buck, Gertrude. 372 S42<br />

Organic education; a manual for teachers in primary and grammar<br />

grades. 1901. Heath. (Heath's pedagogical library, v.35.)<br />

"Books of reference," p.320-337.<br />

Southern California University. r 378.7 S72<br />

Exercises in dedication of Ge<strong>org</strong>e Finley Bovard administration<br />

auditorium, Hoose hall of philosophy and Stowell hall of education,<br />

University of Southern California, June 19-23, 1921; ed. by R. T.<br />

Flewelling. [1921? University of Southern California Press.]<br />

Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. qr 378.7 W569<br />

The Argo; Westminster College annual, 1921. 1921.<br />

Published by the junior class of Westminster College.<br />

Folklore. Customs<br />

Armiger. r 395 A72<br />

Titles; being a guide to the right use of British titles and honours.<br />

[1918.] Black.<br />

Pitre, Giuseppe. 398 P66<br />

Fiabe, novelle e racconti popolari siciliani, con discorso preliminare,<br />

grammatica del dialetto e delle parlate siciliane, saggio di novelline<br />

albanesi di Sicilia e glossario. 4v. 1875. (Biblioteca delle tradizioni<br />

popolari siciliane, v.4—7.)<br />

v.i. Delle novelle popolari.—Saggio d'una grammatica.—Fiabe, novelle e racconti.<br />

v.2-4. Fiabe, novelle, racconti, etc.


Women<br />

Most of the books on this subject were purchased from a fund left to the Library for<br />

this purpose by Charles C. Mellor.<br />

396 A26<br />

Agenda femina; petite encyclopedie de la femme [1922]. 1921.<br />

Holliday, Carl. 396 H72g<br />

Woman's life in colonial days. 1922. Cornhill Pub. Co.<br />

Contents: Colonial woman and religion.—Colonial woman and education—Colonial<br />

woman and the home.—Colonial woman and dress.—Colonial woman and social life—<br />

Colonial woman and marriage.—Colonial woman and the initiative.<br />

"Bibliography," p.313-314.<br />

Royden, Agnes Maude. 396 Rglw<br />

Women at the world's crossroads. 1922. Womans Press.<br />

Contents: The world at the crossroads.—Christian patriotism.—Woman's service<br />

law<br />

race -- Woman s servic

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 107<br />

Science<br />

Bazley, Thomas Sebastian. qr 523.8 B33<br />

Stars in their courses; a two-fold series of maps, with a catalogue,<br />

showing how to identify, at any time of the year, all stars down to the<br />

5.6 mag. inclusive of Heis, which are clearly visible in English latitudes.<br />

1878. Triibner.<br />

r 570.5 B48<br />

Biologisches zentralblatt [monthly], April 15, 1881-1918. v.1-38. 1882-<br />

1918.<br />

V.i—31, April 15, 1881-1911, issued semi-monthly.<br />

v.1-36, April 15, 1881-1916, title reads "Biologisches centralblatt."<br />

Hyman, Libbie Henrietta. q 591.4 H99<br />

Laboratory manual for comparative vertebrate anatomy. 1922.<br />

University of Chicago Press.<br />

"References," pref. p.n.<br />

Presents not only detailed "laboratory directions for the dissection of the various<br />

systems, but. . .also.. .in connection with each system a very brief, generalized, and<br />

simplified account of the development and evolution of that system." Preface.<br />

Jones, H. Spencer. 520 J41<br />

General astronomy. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Written to serve as a complete view of the science. Includes the most recent developments.<br />

Rohde, Eleanour Sinclair. q 580.9 R62<br />

The old English herbals. 1922. Longmans.<br />

"Bibliographies," p.189-235.<br />

Illustrated review of manuscript and printed herbals, with a chapter devoted to such<br />

foreign works as have some connection with the history of the English herbal.<br />

Sykes, Sir Frederick Hugh. 533.609 S98<br />

Aviation in peace and war. 1922. Arnold.<br />

Lectures delivered at Cambridge University by the late chief of tbe air staff.<br />

Briefly traces the history of aviation, describes the advances during the world war, and<br />

discusses future possibilities.<br />

Wilder, Harris Hawthorne. r 591.4 W71<br />

History of the human body. 1909. Holt.<br />

Mathematics<br />

Archimedes. qr 513 A67o<br />

Les ceuvres completes d'Archimede; traduites du Grec en Francais<br />

avec une introduction et des notes par Paul Ver Eecke. 1921.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Davis, Ellery Williams, & Brenke, W. C r 517 D31<br />

Calculus; ed. by E. R. Hedrick. 1913. Macmillan.<br />

Myers, Ge<strong>org</strong>e William. 513 M99<br />

Geometric exercises for algebraic solution; second-year mathematics<br />

for secondary schools. 1907. University of Chicago Press.<br />

(Chicago University. School of education manuals; secondary texts.)<br />

Peck, William Guy.<br />

r 517.1 P36<br />

Practical treatise on the differential and integral calculus, with some<br />

of its applications to mechanics and astronomy. 1871. Barnes.


Robinson, Horatio Nelson. r 5U R55 P<br />

The progressive higher arithmetic for schools, academies and mercantile<br />

colleges; combining the analytic and synthetic methods and<br />

forming a complete treatise on arithmetical science and its commercial<br />

and business applications. 1868. Griggs. (Robinson's mathematical<br />

series.)<br />

Key to the progressive higher arithmetic for teachers<br />

and private learners. 1870. Ivison. (Robinson's mathematical<br />

series.) r 511 R55pa<br />

Physics<br />

Foote, Paul Darwin, & Mohler, F. L. 535.84 F74<br />

Origin of spectra. 1922. Chemical Catalog Co. (American Chemical<br />

Society. Monograph series.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes. "References" at the end of some of the chapters.<br />

Discusses briefly the theoretical developments in the study of spectra, and presents<br />

experimental aspects of the problem. Only the essential steps in mathematical analysis<br />

are given.<br />

Nordmann, Charles. 531.18 N43<br />

Einstein and the universe; a popular exposition of the famous<br />

theory; tr. by Joseph McCabe, with a preface by the Viscount Haldane.<br />

[1922.] Unwin.<br />

"I know no book better adapted than the one now translated to give the average<br />

English reader some understanding of a principle, still in its infancy, but destined, as<br />

I believe, to transform opinion in more regions of knowledge than those merely of<br />

mathematical physics." Preface by Viscount Haldane.<br />

Peck, William Guy. r 531 P36<br />

Elementary treatise on mechanics for the use of colleges and schools<br />

of science. 1874. Barnes.<br />

Turriere, fimile. r 535.8 T87<br />

Optique industrielle. v.l. 1920.<br />

v.r. Verres et verreries d'optique, objectifs photographiques, teleobjectifs.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Chemistry<br />

Byers, Horace Greeley. 544 599<br />

An outline of qualitative analysis of in<strong>org</strong>anic substances including<br />

the rare elements. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Text-book based on over twenty years teaching of chemistry. Differs from many<br />

other texts in the order of presentation, giving (1) acid analysis, (2) metal analysis,<br />

(3) complete analysis.<br />

Palmer, Leroy Sheldon. 547 73544 P19<br />

Carotinoids and related pigments; the chromolipoids. 1922. Chemical<br />

Catalog Co. (American Chemical Society. Monograph series.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.279-295.<br />

The samc r 547.78544 P19<br />

Purvis, John Edward. & Hodgson, T. R. 543 p98<br />

The chemical examination of water, sewage, foods and other substances.<br />

Ed.2, enl. 1922. Cambridge University Press. (Cambridge<br />

public health series.)

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 109<br />

Venable, Francis Preston. 546.83 V25<br />

Zirconium and its compounds. 1922. Chemical Catalog Co. (American<br />

Chemical Society. Monograph series.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.149-169.<br />

History, occurrence, properties, and compounds, with chapters on analytical methods<br />

and technical applications.<br />

Crystallography<br />

Butschly, O. r 548 B98<br />

Uebersichtstabelle der krystallisirten mineralien zum gebrauch bei<br />

krystallographischen uebungen. 1866.<br />

Hilton, Harold. r 548.7 H56<br />

Mathematical crystallography and the theory of groups of movements.<br />

1903. Clarendon Press.<br />

Maskelyne, Mervin Herbert Nevil Story. r 548 M44<br />

Crystallography; a treatise on the morphology of crystals. 1895.<br />

Clarendon Press.<br />

Miller, William Hallows. r 548 M69t<br />

Traite de cristallographie; traduction francaise par H. de Senarmont.<br />

1842.<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Attwood, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. r 549.1 A88<br />

Practical blowpipe assaying. 1881. Van Nostrand.<br />

"Books consulted in the preparation of this work," pref. p.7.<br />

British Museum. (Natural history.) Mineralogy department, r 549 B75<br />

Introduction to the study of minerals, with a guide to the mineral<br />

gallery, by L. Fletcher. Ed.12. 1908.<br />

Brochant de Villiers, Andre Jean Frangois Marie. r 549 B759<br />

Traite elementaire de mineralogie, suivant les principes du Professeur<br />

Werner, redige d'apres plusieurs ouvrages allemands, augmente<br />

des decouvertes les plus modernes et accompagne de notes pour accorder<br />

sa nomenclature avec celle des autres mineralogistes frangais<br />

et etrangers. 2v. 1801-03.<br />

Helmhacker, Rudolf. r 549 H42<br />

Tafeln zur bestimmung haufig vorkommender mineralien mittelst<br />

der einfachsten versuche, zum gebrauche in mineralogischen uebungsstunden<br />

besonders fiir anfanger. 1874.<br />

Hickethier, Gustav. r 549 H52<br />

Bilder aus der gesteinslehre; ein methodischer leitfaden fiir den<br />

mineralogischen unterricht an gymnasien. 1886.<br />

Hirschwald, Julius. r 549 H61<br />

Das mineralogische museum der Koniglichen Technischen Hochschule,<br />

Berlin; ein beitrag zur topographischen mineralogie, sowie ein<br />

leitfaden zum studium der sammlungen. [1885.]<br />

Hussak, Eugen. r 549.1 H96an<br />

Anleitung zum bestimmen der gesteinbildenden mineralien. 1885.<br />

"Literatur-verzeichniss," p. 172-187.


r 549 K35L<br />

Kobell, Franz von.<br />

Lehrbuch der mineralogie in leichtfasslicher darstellung; volhg neu<br />

bearbeitet von K. Oebbeke und E. Weinschenk. Ed.6. 1899.<br />

Laube, Gustav Karl. r 549 L36<br />

Hilfstafeln zur bestimmung der mineralien; zum gebrauche fiir<br />

anfanger in mineralogischen iibungsstunden. Ed.2, rev. 1879.<br />

Scheerer, Theodor. r 549.1 S31<br />

Introduction to the use of the mouth-blowpipe; to which is added a<br />

description of the blowpipe characters of the more important minerals,<br />

by H. F. Blanford. Ed.3, rev. 1875. N<strong>org</strong>ate.<br />

Shepard, Charles Upham, 1804-86. r 549 S54t2<br />

Treatise on mineralogy. Ed.3. 1857. [Privately printed.]<br />

Thesame. Ed.2. 1844. Maltby r 549 S54t<br />

With this is bound his "Treatise on mineralogy, second part."<br />

Geology. Meteorology. Physical Geography<br />

British Museum. (Natural history.) Mineralogy department, r 552 B75<br />

Introduction to the study of rocks, by L. Fletcher. 1898.<br />

England—Admiralty. r 551.56 E64<br />

Notes on climate and other subjects in eastern Mediterranean and<br />

adjacent countries. [1916.]<br />

Maps in pocket.<br />

Geological Society of London. r 550.6 G29a<br />

The charter and bye-laws. 1911.<br />

The same. 1889 r 550.6 G29<br />

Geological Society of London. r 550.6 G29L2<br />

List of [fellows], Sept. 1917. [1917.]<br />

The same, June 30th, 1914. [1914.] r 550.6 G29L<br />

» Geological Society of London. r 550.5 G2993<br />

Quarterly journal, 1889-1918. v.45-74. 1889-1919.<br />

Contains "Proceedings" of the society.<br />

Index to v.1-50, 1854-94, comp. and ed. by L. L. Belinfante.<br />

Gibson, Charles R. 553.2 G36<br />

Romance of coal; a popular account of the origin & nature of coal,<br />

the forces & qualities, destructive or beneficial, which lie latent in it &<br />

the great variety of uses to which they may be turned in science, art<br />

& industry. 1923. Lippincott.<br />

Includes coal mining and gives considerable attention to products and by-products<br />

of coal.<br />

Huntington, Ellsworth, & Visher, S. S. 551.569 H94<br />

Climatic changes; their nature and causes. 1922. Yale University<br />

Press. (Yale University. Theodore L. Glasgow memorial publication<br />

fund.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"This book not only discusses climatic changes, but considers the causes of earthquakes<br />

and attempts to show how climatic changes may be related to great geological<br />

revolutions in the form, location, and altitude of the lands. Thus the book has a direct<br />

bearing on all the mam physical factors which have molded the evolution of <strong>org</strong>anic life<br />

including man." Preface.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 111<br />

Kinahan, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Henry. r 551.43 K26<br />

Valleys and their relation to fissures, fractures and faults. 1875.<br />

Triibner.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Miiller, Albrecht. r 553.19 M95<br />

Die erzgange; vortrag. 1880.<br />

Teall, Jethro Justinian Harris. qr 552.1 T26<br />

British petrography, with special reference to the igneous rocks.<br />

1888. Dulau.<br />

Contains a "Glossary of terms used in describing rocks, by F. H. Hatch," p.423-451.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Thornton, John. r 551.4 T41<br />

Elementary physiography; an introduction to the study of nature.<br />

Ed.10, rev. 1899. Longmans. (Longmans' elementary science manuals.)<br />

Uhlig, Viktor. qr 553.1 U18<br />

Nutzbare mineralien. [1895?] (Erdgeschichte, pt.2.)<br />

Wiltshire, Thomas. r 553.2 W77<br />

History of coal; an introductory lecture delivered before the principal,<br />

members of the staff and students of the evening classes of<br />

King's college on October 4th, 1878, at the commencement of the<br />

winter session. 1878. Spon.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Woodward, John, 1665-1728. r 551 W86<br />

Essay towards a natural history of the earth and terrestrial bodyes,<br />

especialy minerals, as also of the sea, rivers and springs, with an account<br />

of the universal deluge and of the effects that it had upon the<br />

earth. Ed.3. 1723. Bettesworth.<br />

Useful Arts<br />

Austin, William E. . 675.6 A93<br />

Principles and practice of fur dressing and fur dyeing. 1922. Van<br />

Nostrand.<br />

"Bibliography," p.185-186.<br />

Contains brief descriptions of various furs, but the methods of dressing and dyeing<br />

are treated in a general way, not for individual furs.<br />

Browne, Susanna Shanklin. 641 B81<br />

Plain sailing cook book; a collection of simple recipes for beginners<br />

in cookery. 1922. Scribner.<br />

The same j 641 B81<br />

Gives lists of utensils and materials required for each receipt and describes plainly<br />

the various steps in the process of preparing the food.<br />

Rawlley, Ratan C. 677.3 R23<br />

Economics of the silk industry; a study in industrial <strong>org</strong>anisation.<br />

1919. King.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Thesis for Sc.D. (Economics), University of London.<br />

An economic analysis of both the silk-producing and the silk-manufacturing industries.<br />

The subject is discussed under five main headings: history, economic environment,<br />

production, consumption, and systems of marketing and distribution.


Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene<br />

Fisher, Boyd.<br />

614 - 8 F5 3<br />

Mental causes of accidents. 1922. Houghton.<br />

"The self-guided approach to psychology," p.287-314.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

An analysis of the psychological side of industrial accidents. Discusses in detail<br />

mental factors which may affect various types of workmen and suggests remedies.<br />

Hall, Isaac Walker, & Herxheimer, Gotthold. r 616 H17<br />

Methods of morbid histology and clinical pathology. 1905. Lippincott.<br />

References, p.269-282.<br />

Young Women's Christian Associations, United r 612.6 Y36r<br />

States—Social morality committee.<br />

Report, June 1917 to July 1919, government lecture program included.<br />

[1919.]<br />

Engineering<br />

Bryson, Thomas. 622.33 B84c<br />

Colliery fireman's pocket book. 1921. Wall.<br />

An aid to preparation for examination for the colliery fireman's certificate. Covers<br />

mine gases and their detection, the principles of mine ventilation, and coal mining<br />

methods.<br />

Canada—Statistics bureau. r 621.311 C16<br />

Central electric stations in Canada. 2 pts. in lv. 1919. (Census of<br />

industry, 1917.)<br />

pt.i. Statistics.<br />

pt.2. Directory (Jan. i, 1919), by J. T. Johnston, issued as Water resources paper,<br />

no.27 (Canada—Water power branch).<br />

Prepared in collaboration with the Dominion water power branch, Department of<br />

the interior, the Ontario hydro-electric power commission, the Quebec streams commission,<br />

the New Brunswick water power commission and the Nova Scotia water power<br />

commission.<br />

Carter, Frederick William. 621.33 C23<br />

Railway electric tr.action. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"An exhaustive treatise on the tractive features of railway electrification, giving<br />

methods of calculation and discussion of current practice in design." Power, 1922.<br />

Collins, Joseph Henry. r 622 C71<br />

First book of mining and quarrying, with the sciences connected<br />

therewith; for use in primary schools and self-instruction. 1872. Lockwood.<br />

(Weale's educational series.)<br />

Darcy, Henry. qb 628.1 D24<br />

Les fontaines publiques de la ville de Dijon; exposition et application<br />

des principes a suivre et des formules a employer dans les questions<br />

de distribution d'eau. [2v.] 1856.<br />

v.i. Text.<br />

v.2. Atlas.<br />

Gillmore, Quincy Adams. r 620.132 G41<br />

Report on the compressive strength, specific gravity and ratio of<br />

absorption of the building stones in the United States. 1876. Van<br />

Nostrand.<br />

Official report to the chief of engineers, U. S. army.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 113<br />

Highsmith, J. H. r 622 338 HS3<br />

Appraisal of oil production; a series of tables for use in determining<br />

monthly depletion rates, based on past performance and forecasting<br />

future yields of oil producing properties, with an introduction by R. S.<br />

Blatchley. 1921. Privately printed.<br />

McFarlane, William. 621.3 M15<br />

Electricity in steel works; describing current practice in the generation<br />

of electricity at steel works, the electric driving of rolling mills,<br />

the use of lifting magnets and the electric lighting of steel works. 1921.'<br />

Pitman. (Pitman's technical primers.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.105-106.<br />

Brief and non-technical.<br />

Pull, Ernest. r 621-9 pgg<br />

Modern workshop practice; a practical text-book for the use of<br />

engineers, apprentices and students in technical institutes. Ed.6, rewritten<br />

& enl. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Written by the workshop superintendent of London County Council School of Engineering<br />

and Navigation. Describes and illustrates British machine tools and shop appliances.<br />

Thomas, James Bertram. qr 629.12014 T37<br />

Powering of ships. 1921. Scott.<br />

"Bibliography," p.291-293.<br />

A highly technical work on ship resistance and design. Does not deal with power<br />

or propulsion.<br />

Weingreen, Joshua. 621.311 W45a2<br />

Electric power plant engineering. Ed.3. 1922. McGraw.<br />

Does not consider prime movers and pays little attention to generators. Concerned<br />

mainly with arrangement and operation of switch-gear. Describes a number of typical<br />

stations, giving lay-outs.<br />

Business. Communication<br />

American Writing Paper Company, Holyoke, Mass. r 659 A51b<br />

Building a printing business, by Robert Ruxton. no.1-4. 1922.<br />

Distributed by Typothetae of Western Pennsylvania.<br />

American Writing Paper Company, Holyoke, Mass. r 659 A51s<br />

Salesmanship in print; a course in writing printed salesmanship &<br />

a course in selling printed salesmanship, written exclusively for U. T.<br />

A. printers, by Robert Ruxton. no.1-6. 1922.<br />

Distributed by Typothetae of Western Pennsylvania.<br />

Polakov, Walter Nicholas. 658.7 P75<br />

Mastering power production; the industrial, economic and social<br />

problems involved and their solution. 1921. Engineering Magazine Co.<br />

"Footnotes," p.437-447, contains bibliographies.<br />

A logical presentation of the need for more efficient utilization of existing materials,<br />

equipment, and labor under present conditions. Avoids discussion of engineering details<br />

and stresses management.<br />

Reed, William B. 657.622 R28<br />

Bituminous coal mine accounting. 1922. McGraw.<br />

Expanded from a series of articles published in "Coal review." Discusses the<br />

various items which make up an adequate accounting scheme and gives the necessary<br />

forms. The author is (1922) secretary of the National Coal Association.


Sand, Rene.<br />

r 658.7 S21<br />

Organisation industrielle, medecine sociale et education civique en<br />

Angleterre et aux £tats-Unis. 1920.<br />

pt.i. L'industrie.<br />

pt.2. La medecine sociale.<br />

pt.3. L'education.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Vanderblue, Homer Bews. 658.1625 V18r<br />

Railroad valuation by the Interstate commerce commission. 1920.<br />

Harvard University Press.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Reprinted from the "Quarterly journal of economics," November 1919 and February<br />

1920. Includes the valuation provisions of the Transportation act of 1920 and the text<br />

of the valuation section (19a) of the Interstate commerce act of 1913, and explains the<br />

methods of the Interstate commerce commission in railroad valuation.<br />

Chemical Technology<br />

Eckel, Edwin Clarence. 666.9 E25a<br />

Cements, limes and plasters; their materials, manufacture and properties.<br />

Ed.2, rev. 1922. Wiley.<br />

References at the end of most of the chapters.<br />

The same r 666.9 E25a<br />

The scope is too comprehensive to permit detailed consideration, but the concise<br />

method of treatment, the bibliographic material, and the tabulated data make the book<br />

a valuable work of reference.<br />

Foucard, A. r 669.851 F82<br />

Technologie de la f<strong>org</strong>e; les tuyeres; preface de V. Nardon. 1921.<br />

"Bibliographie," p.90.<br />

Description of numerous types of horizontal, vertical, and inclined tuyeres, discussion<br />

of choice and position of tuyeres, and special consideration of blast-furnace tuyeres.<br />

Sexton, Alexander Humboldt. 662.6 S51<br />

Fuel and refractory materials; revised and enlarged by W. B. Davidson.<br />

[Ed.3.] 1921. Van Nostrand.<br />

Deals mainly with preparation, properties, and utilization of various fuels. Very<br />

brief attention to refractories, including bricks and crucibles.<br />

Fine Arts<br />

Canada—Federal plan commission. qr 710 C167<br />

Report on a general plan for the cities of Ottawa and Hull. 1915.<br />

Conway, Sir William Martin. qr 7599 E99c<br />

The Van Eycks and their followers. 1921. Murray.<br />

A study of the work of the early Flemish painters. Illustrated.<br />

Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey. 71g 2 Q941<br />

Our state flowers, the floral emblems chosen by the commonwealths.<br />

[1917. National Geographic Soc]<br />

Pages 48.-517 of v.3i, no.6, June .9.7, of the "National geographic magazine."<br />

The samc • r 716.2 G94<br />

The samc. (In National geographic magazine, v.31,<br />

no6) r 910.5 N15 v.31

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 115<br />

Hetherington, A. L. qr 738 H4g<br />

The early ceramic wares of China, with an introduction by R. L.<br />

Hobson. 1922. Benn.<br />

"Select bibliography," p.155-156.<br />

Hind, Arthur Mayger. qr 767 P64h<br />

Giovanni Battista Piranesi; a critical study, with a list of his published<br />

works and detailed catalogues of the prisons and the views of<br />

Rome. 1922. Cotswold Gallery.<br />

"Bibliography," pref. p.7-8.<br />

Piranesi (1720-78) was an Italian architect and engraver. This is a study of his<br />

work as an engraver. Illustrated.<br />

Layard, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Somes. qr 762 L81L<br />

The headless horseman; Pierre Lombart's engraving, Charles or<br />

Cromwell? with an introduction by Campbell Dodgson. [1922.] Stokes.<br />

Mauclair, Camille. 759.4 M48e<br />

Les etats de la peinture frangaise de 1850 a 1920. 1921. (Collection<br />

Payot.)<br />

Robaut, Alfred. qr 759.4 D387r<br />

L'oeuvre complet de Eugene Delacroix; peintures, dessins, gravures,<br />

lithographies catalogue et reproduit; commente par Ernest Chesneau,<br />

ouvrage publie avec la collaboration de Fernand Calmettes. 1885.<br />

Stbcklein, Hans. qr 739 S86<br />

Meister des eisenschnittes; beitrage zur kunst- und waffengeschichte<br />

im 16. und 17. jahrhundert. 1922.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Van Rensselaer, Stephen. r 738.2 V19<br />

Check list of early American bottles and flasks. 1921. Privately<br />

printed.<br />

Architecture<br />

The books designated by the letter b at the beginning of the call number were purchased<br />

from the fund left to the Library by J. D. Bernd and devoted to Architecture and<br />

Decoration.<br />

Allen, Lewis Falley. r 728.6 A42<br />

Rural architecture; a complete description of farm houses, cottages<br />

and out buildings, with lawns, pleasure grounds and parks, the flower,<br />

fruit and vegetable garden; also, useful and ornamental domestic animals<br />

for the country resident; also, the best method of conducting<br />

water into cattle yards and houses. 1852. Judd.<br />

American Face Brick Association. q 728 A512f<br />

Face brick bungalow and small house plans. 4 pts. in lv. 1921.<br />

... qb 720.5 A6745<br />

Architectural sketch-book, July 1873-Dec. 1875. v.1-3, no.6. 1873-75.<br />

Ed. by the Portfolio Club.<br />

Armanet, Crescent. b 726 A72<br />

Church of Our Lady of Esperanza. 1921. Privately printed.<br />

A historical and descriptive account of this New York church, with particular attention<br />

to its treasures in the way of furnishings, windows, and paintings.


Day, J. Ingersoll, comp. r 725 D33<br />

A few of the buildings constructed by Wm. Miller & Sons Co.<br />

Pittsburgh, Pa. Privately printed. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

Dbhring, Karl. qb 722.4 D68<br />

Buddhistische tempelanlagen in Siam. 3v. 1920. (Indische kulturkreis<br />

in einzeldarstellungen.)<br />

"Kurzes literaturverzeichnis," v.i, p.286-287.<br />

Eberlein, Harold Donaldson. qb 728.8 E218<br />

Villas of Florence and Tuscany. 1922. Lippincott.<br />

Fairbridge, Dorothea. qb 720.968 F15<br />

Historic houses of South Africa, with a preface by General J. C.<br />

Smuts. 1922. Milford.<br />

Garnett, Porter. q 728.8 G19<br />

Stately homes of California, with an introduction by Bruce Porter.<br />

1915. Little.<br />

Describes some of the larger and finer homes of the state, paying particular attention<br />

to the gardens which are attached to them. Illustrated.<br />

Kimball, Sidney Fiske. qb 728 K25<br />

Domestic architecture of the American colonies and of the early<br />

republic. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Penanrun, David de, and others. qb 720.7 P38<br />

Les architectes eleves de l'ficole des Beaux-arts, 1819-1894; preface<br />

de Charles Garnier. 1895.<br />

Retail Lumber Dealers' Association, Pennsylvania. q 728 R35<br />

Pennsylvania homes; a select collection of practical designs for<br />

moderately priced homes. 1922. Pittsburgh.<br />

Royet, Louis Eugene. b 726 R81<br />

Notice sur l'abbaye de Notre-Dame d'lssoudun. 1857.<br />

Extract from the "Compte rendu des travaux de la Societe du Berry."<br />

Weaver, Lawrence. q 728.8 W36<br />

Small country houses; their repair and enlargement; forty examples<br />

chosen from five centuries. 1914. Country Life. ("Country life" library<br />

of architecture.)<br />

Music<br />

Scores<br />

Beethoven, Ludwig van. M 785.5 B38g<br />

Die geschopfe des Prometheus; ouverture zum ballet. Op.43. Eulenburg.<br />

(Eulenburg's kleine orchester-partitur-ausgabe.)<br />

Berlioz, Hector. M 785.2 B45<br />

Drei orchesterstiicke aus Fausts verdammung: Ungarischer marsch,<br />

Sylphentanz, Tanz der irrlichter. Eulenburg. (Eulenburg's kleine orchester-partitur-ausgabe.<br />

Verschiedene werke, no.l.)

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 117<br />

r 783.9 K28<br />

Kirisuko-kyo sambika; a collection of hymns and tunes. 1896. Amer.<br />

Baptist Missionary Union in Japan.<br />

Text of hymns in Japanese.<br />

Books About Music<br />

Bussler, Ludwig. 781.5 B96<br />

Theory and practice of musical form, on the basis of [his] "Musikalische<br />

formenlehre," for instruction in composition both in private<br />

and in classes, by J. H. Cornell. 1883. Schirmer.<br />

r 780.5 H93<br />

Htinis musik-jahrbuch der Schweiz; l'annuaire Suisse de la musique,<br />

1919/20. 1920.<br />

Palmer, Horatio Richmond. 781 P19<br />

Theory of music; a practical guide to the study of thorough-bass,<br />

harmony, musical composition and form, for those who wish to acquire<br />

a knowledge of the fundamental principles of the science in a short<br />

time, either with or without the aid of a teacher, including 730 questions<br />

which are illustrated by 582 examples selected from the works<br />

of the best writers on musical science. 1876. Church.<br />

Tapper, Thomas. 780.4 T19<br />

The music life and how to succeed in it. 1892. Presser.<br />

Contents: The mission of music.—Personalities.—Phases.—Some special themes.—<br />

Helps.—Situation.—A bunch of letters.—The last talks.<br />

Recreation<br />

Barnes, Gerald. 796.95 B25<br />

Swimming and diving. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Cortissoz, Royal. 796.35 C82<br />

Nine holes of golf. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Informal essays, not on how to play golf, but on how to enjoy it even though a<br />

"duffer."<br />

Ferguson, Wynne. 795 F38<br />

The 1922 rules and laws of auction bridge. 1922. Privately printed.<br />

Literature<br />

Arnold, Thomas, 1795-1842. r 828 A75<br />

Miscellaneous works, with nine additional essays not included in the<br />

English collection. 1845. Appleton.<br />

Bowen, Benjamin Lester, ed. 850.8 B66<br />

First Italian readings; selected and ed. with notes and vocabulary.<br />

1897. Heath. (Heath's modern language series.)<br />

English Association, London. r 820.5 L52<br />

The year's work in English studies, 1919-20; ed. by Sir Sidney Lee.<br />

1921. Oxford University Press.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"A descriptive and critical record of the published fruits of English scholarship at<br />

home and abroad." Preface.


Esling, Mrs Catharine H. (Waterman), cd. r 820.8 E82<br />

The religious offering. 1840. Marshall.<br />

A collection of prose and verse.<br />

Hudson, Mrs Mary (Clemmer) Ames. 814 H88<br />

Outlines of men, women and things. 1873. Hurd.<br />

Contents: Arlington in May.—Northern Vermont in August.—Newport in September.—Indian<br />

summer in Virginia.—Charles Sumner's home.—Grand Duke Alexis in New<br />

York —A rainy morning in the country.—Margaret Fuller Ossoli.—A French journalist.<br />

—Fanny Fern —Horace Greeley and Edwin Forrest.—Lola Montez.—Things gone by.—<br />

The fallen man.—Physical basis of statesmanship.—Instinctive philosophers and statesmen.—Pin-money.—Breadmaking.—Our<br />

kitchens.—Caste in sex.—Woman suffrage —<br />

Una and her paupers.—Let us live.<br />

804 M22<br />

Macy, John Albert.<br />

The critical game [and other essays]. 1922. Boni.<br />

Other essavs: Dante in English.—Dante's political philosophy.—Nietzsche—Tolstoy.—Maeterlinck's<br />

essays.—Joseph Conrad.—A Conrad miscellany. — Strindberg.<br />

Tagore —Remy de Gourmont.—Swift's relations with women.—William James, man of<br />

letters.— Biographies of Poe.— Biographies of Whitman.—G. E. Woodberry.—Abraham<br />

Cahan.—Thomas Hardy.—Ge<strong>org</strong>e Borrow.—Shelley.—H. G. Wells and Utopia.—John<br />

Masefield.—Shakespeare and the scribes.—Ge<strong>org</strong>e Moore and other Irish writers.—James<br />

Joyce.—D. H. Lawrence.<br />

Masson, Thomas Lansing. 817 M46o<br />

Our American humorists. 1922. Moffat.<br />

Comments on more than 30 American humorists, most of whom are still living. The<br />

author has been since 1893 literary and managing editor of "Life."<br />

National Dante Committee. 851 D23zn<br />

Dante; a guide to further study, introduction by J. H. Finley. 1921.<br />

Kenedy.<br />

Prepared by Contessa Irene di Robilant.<br />

Willson, Marcius. r 808.8 W76f2<br />

Fourth reader. 1860. Harper. (Harper's school and family series.)<br />

Woollcott, Alexander. 823 D55zw<br />

Mr Dickens goes to the play. 1922. Putnam.<br />

This is an attempt to collect from the records of Dickens' life, from his letters, and<br />

from his works all that he did or said in relation to the theatre.<br />

Poetry<br />

Hardy, Thomas. 821 H26L<br />

Late lyrics and earlier, with many other verses. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Madariaga, Salvador de, comp. 861.08 M23<br />

Spanish folk songs; selected and translated with an introduction.<br />

[1922.] Constable.<br />

Milton, John. 821 M71s<br />

The sonnets of Milton, with introduction & notes by T. S. Smart.<br />

1921. Maclehose.<br />

Wagner, Charles Abraham. 811 W13<br />

Poems of the soil and sea. 1922. Knopf.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 119<br />

Drama. Theatre<br />

Baird, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Mahaffey Patterson. 812 B16m<br />

Mirage. 1922. Kidd. (Stewart Kidd modern plays.)<br />

Bax, Clifford. 822 B33<br />

Old King Cole. 1921. Daniel. (Plays for a people's theatre, 15.)<br />

Benavente y Martinez, Jacinto. 862 B42s<br />

The smile of Mona Lisa; a play in one act; tr. from the Spanish by<br />

J. A. Herman. 1919. Four Seas Co. (Contemporary series.)<br />

Brighouse, Harold. 822 B748p<br />

Plays for the meadow and plays for the lawn. 1921. French.<br />

(French's acting edition, no.2589.)<br />

Contents: Maypole morning.—The Paris doctor.—The prince who was a piper.—<br />

The man about the place.<br />

Carpenter, S. G. & Welsford, E. H. 793.1 C22<br />

"The Christmas mystery"; a series of Bethlehem tableaux, with<br />

prologue, carols, hymns and dialogue arranged for parish players.<br />

1921. Heffer.<br />

Chambers, Charles Haddon. 812 C35aw<br />

The awakening; a play in four acts. 1903. Baker.<br />

Freeman, Ethel Hale. 812 F91<br />

Dramatization of Monsieur Beaucaire; made from Booth Tarkington's<br />

popular novel with the consent of that author, his publishers and<br />

his collaborators in the play of the same title popularized by the late<br />

Richard Mansfield. 1916. Baker.<br />

Jacobs, William Wymark, & Hubbard, P. E. 822 J13L<br />

A love passage; a comedy in one act; adapted from W.W.Jacobs'<br />

story of that title. 1913. French. (French's acting edition, no.2437.)<br />

Leonard, Sterling Andrus, ed. 822 L62<br />

The Atlantic book of modern plays, with introduction, comment<br />

and annotated bibliography. 1921. Atlantic Monthly Press.<br />

Contents: The philosopher of Butterbiggens, by Harold Chapin.—Spreading the<br />

news, by Lady Gregory.—The beggar and the king, by Winthrop Parkhurst.—Tides, by<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Middleton.—He, by Eugene O'Neill.—Campbell of Kilmhor, by J. A. Ferguson.<br />

—The sun, by John Galsworthy.—The knave of hearts, by Louise Saunders.—Fame and<br />

the poet, by Lord Dunsany.—The captain of the gate, by B. M. Dix.—Gettysburg, by<br />

Percy Mackaye. — Lonesome-like, by Harold Brighouse. — Riders to the sea, by J. M.<br />

Synge.—The land of heart's desire, by W. B. Yeats.—The riding to Lithend, by Gordon<br />

Bottomley.<br />

"Bibliography of plays for reading in high schools," p.298-324.<br />

MacMillan, Mary Louise. 812 M21t<br />

Third book of short plays. 1922. Stewart.<br />

Contents: The weak-end.—The storm.—In heaven.—When two's not company.—<br />

Peter Donelly.—An apocryphal episode.—Standing moving.<br />

Millay, Edna St. Vincent. 812 M68t<br />

Two slatterns and a king; a moral interlude. 1921. Kidd. (Stewart<br />

Kidd modern plays.)


Morley, Christopher Darlington. 812 M89<br />

Thursday evening [a comedy in one act]. 1922. Kidd. (Stewart<br />

Kidd modern plays.)<br />

Palmer, Josephine Ludlow, & Thorp, A. L. 812 P19<br />

The lighting of the Christmas tree; adapted from "The Christmas<br />

guest," by Selma Lagerlof. 1921. French. (Vassar series of plays.)<br />

Phillpotto, Edm. & Groves, Charles. 822 P5183<br />

A golden wedding; an original comedy in one act. 1899. French.<br />

Rackstraw, E. C. & Muskerry, William. 822 R12<br />

"Make-believe"; a comedietta. 1910. French. (French's acting edition,<br />

no.2368.)<br />

Ridgeway, William. q 809.2 R43<br />

The dramas and dramatic dances of non-European races, in special<br />

reference to the origin of Greek tragedy, with an appendix on the<br />

origin of Greek comedy. 1915. Cambridge University Press.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Smith, Harry James. 812 S64<br />

Mrs Bumpstead-Leigh; a comedy in three acts. 1917. French.<br />

(French's standard library edition.)<br />

Tarkington, Newton Booth. 812 T21gh<br />

The ghost story; a one-act play for persons of no great age. 1922.<br />

Kidd. (Stewart Kidd little theatre plays.)<br />

Vosburgh, Mrs Maude (Batchelder). 812 V38<br />

Miss Maria; comedy in one act, from Old Chester tales, by Margaret<br />

Deland. 1917. French.<br />

Biography<br />

Individual Biography<br />

Bonaparte, Charles Joseph. 92 B6183b<br />

Bishop, Joseph Bucklin. Charles Joseph Bonaparte; his life and<br />

public services. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Charles Joseph Bonaparte (1851-1921) was the grandson of Jerome Bonaparte and<br />

his American wife, Elizabeth Patterson. He practiced law in Baltimore, became prominent<br />

in the civil service reform movement, and served in Roosevelt's cabinet as secretary<br />

of the navy and later as attorney-general.<br />

Caird, Edward. 92 C1252J<br />

Jones, Sir Henry, & Muirhead, J. H. The life and philosophy of<br />

Edward Caird. 1921. Maclehose.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A Scotch philosopher (1835-1908), professor of moral philosophy at Glasgow University<br />

for 38 years, and master of Balliol College, Oxford.<br />

Catherine de Medicis. 92 C282v<br />

Van Dyke, Paul. Catherine de Medicis. 2v. 1922. Scribner.<br />

"Bibliography," v.2, p.407-426.<br />

A study of the life and character of this famous queen, which represents her as not<br />

nearly so wicked as history and tradition have often painted her.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 121<br />

Cleveland, Grover. 92 C582h<br />

Hugins, Roland. Grover Cleveland; a study in political courage.<br />

1922. Anchor-Lee Pub. Co. (Admirable Americans, no.l.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.94.<br />

A brief, laudatory biography.<br />

Daniel, Charles Henry Olive. r 92 D222<br />

The Daniel Press; memorials of C. H. O. Daniel. 1921.<br />

"A bibliography of the Daniel Press at Frome and Oxford, 1845-1919," by Falconer<br />

Madan, p.37-154.<br />

Eckardstein, Hermann, freiherr von. 92 E252<br />

Ten years at the court of St. James', 1895-1905; tr. and ed. by<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Young. 1922. Dutton.<br />

The author was attached, at times unofficially, to the German embassy in London.<br />

These memoirs reveal his strong sympathy for the English and his extremely outspoken<br />

disapproval of the methods of the kaiser and his advisers.<br />

Hinkson, Mrs Katharine (Tynan). 92 H567<br />

The wandering years. 1922. Houghton.<br />

A fourth volume of reminiscences. This records in intimate detail the doings of<br />

herself, .her family, and her friends in England, Scotland, the East, and Ireland during<br />

the years between the close of the great war and 1921.<br />

Huxley, Thomas Henry. 92 H983L<br />

Leighton, Gerald Rowley. Huxley; his life and work. [1912.] Jack.<br />

(The people's books.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.92-94.<br />

A "popular study...The biography is good, the relation to Darwin is well defined,<br />

and a just preference for Huxley's science over his philosophic and controversial works<br />

does not prevent an appreciation of their importance for contemporary thought." Athe*<br />

neeum, 1912.<br />

Lee, Gen. Robert Edward. 92 L5261r<br />

Riley, Franklin Lafayette, ed. General Robert E. Lee after Appomattox.<br />

1922. Macmillan.<br />

A collection of documents, letters, magazine articles, and personal reminiscences<br />

concerning General Lee's presidency of Washington University (now Washington and<br />

Lee) from 1865 to 1870.<br />

Lincoln, Abraham. 92 L715ste<br />

Stephenson, Nathaniel Wright. Lincoln; an account of his personal<br />

life, especially of its springs of action as revealed and deepened<br />

by the ordeal of war. 1922. Bobbs.<br />

"Bibliography," p.425-429.<br />

Lincoln, Abraham. 92 L715we<br />

Weik, Jesse William. The real Lincoln; a portrait. 1922. Houghton.<br />

The author collaborated with Herndon, Lincoln's law partner, in writing one of<br />

the early biographies of Lincoln. This present work attempts to give a more intimate<br />

view of the man, and carries the account of his life only as far as his departure from<br />

Springfield in 1861.<br />

Lloyd Ge<strong>org</strong>e, David. 92 L7532r<br />

Raymond, Edward Thompson. Mr Lloyd Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 1922. Doran.<br />

Mr Raymond's "book is not conceived in the spirit of undiscriminating compliment,<br />

but is a brilliant portrait of the former prime minister as the present day reveals him. . .<br />

Through all the career of Mr. Lloyd Ge<strong>org</strong>e, the author has given us frank illumination.<br />

For the final estimate he largely places upon us the duty of making our own conception."<br />

Boston evening transcript, 1922.


Napoleon I, emperor of the French. 92 N129sa<br />

Saint Denis, Louis fitienne. Napoleon from the Tuileries to St.<br />

Helena; personal recollections of the emperor's second mameluke and<br />

valet; translation from the French and notes by F. H. Potter, with an<br />

introduction by G. Michaut. 1922. Harper.<br />

Paine, Ralph Delahaye. 92 P1642<br />

Roads of adventure. 1922. Houghton.<br />

An autobiographical account of experiences as a member of the Yale crew and of<br />

adventures as a wai correspondent in Cuba, Haiti, and China, in the gold camps of the<br />

West, and in the gieat war.<br />

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da. 92 P182p<br />

Pyne, Zoe Kendrick. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina; his life and<br />

times. 1922. Lane.<br />

Biography of this Italian composer of the 16th century.<br />

Pennypacker, Galusha. r 920 P49<br />

Gilkyson, Hamilton H. The life and services of General Galusha<br />

Pennypacker. [1919. Chester County Historical Soc]<br />

Bound with "An account of twenty-one citizens of West Chester, Pennsylvania, now<br />

living, who are more than ninety years old," by G. M. Philips.<br />

General Pennypacker was a famous Pennsylvania veteran of the Civil war.<br />

Rodd, Sir James Rennell. 92 R584s<br />

Social and diplomatic memories, 1884-1893. 1922. Arnold.<br />

The author is an English diplomat and writer. During the period covered by this<br />

volume he held posts at Berlin, Athens, Rome, and East Africa.<br />

Rosen, Roman Romanovich, baron. 92 R723<br />

Forty years of diplomacy. 2v. 1922. Knopf.<br />

Baron Rosen was a Russian diplomat who served at various times in the United<br />

States, Japan, Mexico, and other countries. He was one of the plenipotentiaries at<br />

Portsmouth at the peace conference between Russia and Japan.<br />

Simmons, Edward. 92 S5923<br />

From seven to seventy; memories of a painter and a Yankee, with<br />

an interruption by Oliver Herford. 1922. Harper.<br />

Strachey, John St. Loe. 92 S894<br />

The adventure of living; a subjective autobiography (1860-19?2)<br />

1922. Putnam.<br />

Contents: How I came to the Spectator.—My physical home, my familv and my<br />

good fortune therein.—My father.—My father's stories of the Strachey family —Mv<br />

childhood and some psychological incidents.—The familv nurse.—Bovhood - poet'rv and<br />

metre.—Oxford.—A classical education.-An Oxford friendship.-Oxford memories —<br />

Press work in London.-The "Cornhill.''-Meredith Townsend.-My life in London' in<br />

the nineties.—The ethics of journalism.—The place of the journalist in modern life —A<br />

war ep,sode-my American tca-parties.-Idylls of the war.-Five great men.-Mv political<br />

opinions.—Unwritten chapters. ' pouu<br />

Straus, Oscar Solomon. no M1„<br />

TT J c , • • 92 ^9124<br />

Under four administrations; fromCleveland to Taft. 1922 Houghton<br />

Reco"ections of an American lawyer and diplomat who served under four presi'<br />

dents, at home and abroad, and had intimate personal relations with r.r A \ 5 ,<br />

mats, labor leaders, foreign rulers, leaders of i n ^ f l ^ ^ J S S ^ ' c ^<br />

who were the salt of the earth." Condensed from Preface unticketed citizens<br />

Tolstaia, Sofia Andreevna (Bers), grafinia. 92 T5882<br />

The autobiography of Countess Sophie Tolstoi, with preface and<br />

notes by Vasihi Spiridonov; tr. by S. S. Koteliansky and Leonard<br />

Woolf. 1922. Hogarth Press.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 123<br />

Collected Biography<br />

Sanderson, Edgar, and others. 920.7 S21<br />

Six thousand years of history, v.5. 1908. Nolan.<br />

v.5. FAMOUS WOMEN: Judith.—Aspasia.—Cornelia.—Cleopatra.—Ayesha.—Joan of<br />

Arc.—Isabella.—Catherine de'Medici.—Elizabeth.—Christina.—Madame de Maintenon.<br />

Mary Washington.— Maria Theresa.— Catherine II.— Marie Antoinette.— Josephine.—<br />

Victoria.<br />

Sherman, Stuart Pratt. 920 S553<br />

Americans. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Contents: Mr Mencken, the jeune fille and the new spirit in letters.—Tradition.—<br />

Franklin and the age of enlightenment.—The Emersonian liberation.— Hawthorne; a<br />

Puritan critic of Puritanism.—Walt Whitman.—Joaquin Miller; poetical conquistador of<br />

the West.—A note on Carl Sandburg.—Andrew Carnegie.—Roosevelt and the national<br />

psychology.—Evolution in the Adams family.—An imaginary conversation with Mr P. E.<br />

More.<br />

Willmott-Dixon, Willmott. 920.7 W758<br />

Queens of beauty and their romances. 2v. 1907. Hutchinson.<br />

Gossipy accounts of some of the English beauties of the 18th and 19th centuries.<br />

Names<br />

Gover, John Eric Bruce. r 929.4 G51<br />

The place names of Middlesex; including those parts of the county<br />

of London formerly contained within the boundaries of the old county.<br />

1922. Longmans.<br />

McQueen, Alexander. 929.4 M22<br />

How to name baby without handicapping it for life; a practical<br />

guide for parents and all others interested in "better naming." 1922.<br />

McQueen Pub. Co.<br />

Travel and Description<br />

General<br />

French, Joseph Lewis, ed. 910.4 F92<br />

Great pirate stories. 1922. Brentano.<br />

Contents: The Piccaroon, by Michael Scott.—The capture of Panama, 1671, by<br />

John Esquemeling.—The Malay proas, by J. F. Cooper.—The wonderful fight of the<br />

Exchange of Bristol with the pirates of Algiers, by Samuel Purchas.—The daughter of<br />

the great mogul, by Daniel Defoe.—Barbarossa—king of the Corsairs, by E. H. Currey.<br />

—M<strong>org</strong>an at Puerto Bello; The ways of the buccaneers, by John Esquemeling.—A true<br />

account of three notorious pirates, by Howard Pyle.—Narrative of the capture of the<br />

ship Derby, 1735, by Captain Anselm.—Francis Lolonois, the slave who became a pirate<br />

king, by John Esquemeling.—The fight between the Dorrill and the Moca.—Jaddi the<br />

Malay pirate.—The terrible Ladrones, by Richard Glasspoole.—The female captive, by<br />

Lucretia Parker.—The passing of Mogul Mackenzie, the last of the North Atlantic pirates,<br />

by A. H. Chute.—The last of the sea-rovers; the Riff coast pirates, by W. B. Lord.<br />

Europe<br />

Ditchfield, Peter Hampson. qr 914.2 D63<br />

The cottages and the -village life of rural England, with coloured<br />

and line illustrations by A. R. Quinton. 1912. Dent.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.


King, Jessie M. r 914.1 K26<br />

The city of the west [a book of drawings]. 1911. Phillips.<br />

Views of Glasgow, Scotland.<br />

Muirhead, Findlay, & Monmarche, Marcel, ed. 914.4 M95<br />

North-eastern France. 1922. Macmillan. (Blue guides.)<br />

"Books and maps," pref. p.57-58.<br />

Riggs, Arthur Stanley. 914.4 R45<br />

The beauties of France. [1915.] National Geographic Soc.<br />

v.28, no.5, Nov. 1915, of the "National geographic magazine."<br />

The same. (In National geographic magazine, v.28,<br />

no.5.) r 910.5 N15 v.28<br />

United States<br />

Camden, N. J. Directories. r 917.49 C14<br />

Boyd's greater Camden city directory, 1920. 1920.<br />

Drake, Durant. 917.3 073<br />

America faces the future. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: Liberty.—Equality.—Democracy.—Efficiency.—Patriotism.<br />

"Suggested readings" at the end of each chapter.<br />

A reminder of what American ideals are and a discussion of the extent to which<br />

they are being followed to-day in industry, social life, education, politics, and international<br />

relations.<br />

Hartford, Conn. Directories. r 917.45 H32<br />

Geer's Hartford directory, including West Hartford and East Hartford,<br />

1921/22. 1921.<br />

Shackleton, Robert. 917 53 SS2<br />

The book of Washington. 1922. Penn Pub. Co.<br />

Taft, William Howard. 917 53 Til<br />

Washington; its beginning, its growth and its future. [1915.] National<br />

Geographic Soc.<br />

v.27, no.3, March 19.5, of the "National geographic magazine."<br />

Ihe same. (In National geographic magazine, v.27,<br />

n °' 3) r 910.5 N15 v.27<br />

Other Countries<br />

Andrews, Clarence Edward.<br />

Old Morocco and the forbidden Atlas. 1922. Doran<br />

The romance and poetry of oriental countries „r

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 125<br />

Warshaw, Jacob. 918 W25<br />

The new Latin America, with an introduction by J. E. LeRossignol.<br />

1922. Crowell.<br />

Not a book of travel but a very close study of the economic and social development<br />

of the South American countries. It should be of use especially to business men who<br />

are looking toward a prospective Sooth American market for their goods. Condensed<br />

from Boston evening transcript, 1922.<br />

History<br />

General<br />

Burnham, Smith. 909 B93<br />

Our beginnings in Europe and America; how civilization grew in<br />

the Old World and came to the New. 1918. Winston.<br />

"Books for the teacher" and "Books for the children" at the end of each chapter.<br />

The same j 909 B93<br />

Shotwell, James Thomson. 901 S55<br />

An introduction to the history of history. 1922. Columbia University<br />

Press. (Records of civilization; sources and studies.)<br />

Contains bibliographies.<br />

"Though it ably fulfills its intention of summarizing in brief the method by which<br />

facts have been perpetuated and so have created history, it transcends its scientific<br />

function by virtue of the admirable manner of its presentation and becomes a stimulant<br />

to historical study itself." Literary review, 1923.<br />

Wallace, William Kay. 901 W17<br />

The trend of history; origins of twentieth century problems. 1922.<br />

Macmillan.<br />

The author's purpose is to discover the origins and background of present-day social<br />

phenomena by tracing their logical antecedents through the course of events. In so<br />

doing he considers the political philosophers of the middle ages, the revolutions of the<br />

18th and 19th centuries, the growth of nationalism, and the beginnings of internationalism<br />

in the 19th century.<br />

Europe<br />

Darton, Frederick Joseph Harvey. 942.3 D26<br />

The soul of Dorset. 1922. Houghton.<br />

The author has "tried to do or combine three things in each chapter of the book—<br />

to sketch very slightly the main tendency of English history in a series of epochs; to<br />

apply that history to its local exhibition in Dorset; and, finally, to describe a string of<br />

places, within the compass of a reasonable day's walk, in which some remains of the<br />

epoch dealt with are still patent." Preface.<br />

qr 949.4 D56<br />

Dictionnaire historique & biographique de la Suisse; publie avec la<br />

recommandation de la Societe Generale Suisse d'Histoire et sous la<br />

direction de Marcel Godet [et autres], avec de nombreux collaborateurs<br />

de tous les cantons; illustre de cartes et de nombreuses reproductions<br />

d'anciens documents dans le texte et hors texte. v.l. 1921.<br />

v.i. A-Baroche.<br />

Einstein, Lewis David. 942.04 E41<br />

The Italian renaissance in England; studies. 1913. (Columbia University.<br />

Studies in comparative literature.)<br />

Contents: The scholar.—The courtier.—The traveller.—The Italian danger.—The<br />

Italians in England; Churchmen, artists and travellers.—The Italian merchant in England.—Italian<br />

political and historical ideas in England.—The Italian influence in English<br />

poetry.—English Catholics in Rome.<br />

"Bibliography," p.391-409.


Myers, Philip Van Ness. 937 M99h<br />

History of Rome. 1917. Ginn.<br />

"General bibliography," p.227-231.<br />

Pollard, Albert Frederick. 942.05 P76e<br />

The Elizabethans and the empire. [1921.] Oxford University Press.<br />

(Raleigh lecture on history.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Reprinted from "Proceedings of the British Academy," v.io.<br />

Tilley, Arthur Augustus, ed. 944.02 T46<br />

Medieval France; a companion to French studies. 1922. Cambridge<br />

University Press.<br />

Contents: Geography, by L. Gallois.—History, by C. V. Langlois.—The army, by<br />

Pierre Caron —The navy, by Ch. de la Ronciere.—Industry and commerce, by L. Halphen.—Scholastic<br />

philosophy and universities, by A. G. Little.—Language and dialects,<br />

by A. Jeanroy. — Literature, by Lucien Foulet. — Architecture, by Sir T. G. Jackson. —<br />

Sculpture, glass, painting, by M. R. James.<br />

Toynbee, Arnold Joseph. 949.6 T67w<br />

The western question in Greece and Turkey; a study in the contact<br />

of civilisations. 1922. Constable.<br />

"A list of books," p.371-386.<br />

A study of events occurring in the Near and Middle East in the years just following<br />

the great war. The author bases his statements upon personal observations and investigation.<br />

He finds wrongs on both sides, atrocities committed by both sides, and tries to<br />

show that the real blame lies with the forced contact between two civilizations and with<br />

the vacillating policy of the Western powers.<br />

United States<br />

Rhodes, James Ford. 973.88 R38<br />

The McKinley and Roosevelt adminstrations, 1897-1909. 1922.<br />

Macmillan.<br />

West, Willis Mason. 973 W56s<br />

The story of American democracy; political and industrial. 1922.<br />

Small.<br />

Contains maps.<br />

A text-book setting forth American history from the colonization period to the close<br />

of the great war, with particular reference to the constant struggle for democracy in<br />

society, politics, and industry. Condensed from Foreword.<br />

Other Countries<br />

Hogarth, David Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 053 JJ68<br />

Arabia. 1922. Clarendon Press.<br />

A "sketch, in which an attempt is made to cover the history of Arabia from our<br />

earliest knowledge down to the entry of Arabs into the Great War " Prefatory nTte<br />

Locke, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Herbert. „-, -.--<br />

When Canada was New France. 1920. Dent.<br />

"Stories which illustrate references in this book," p.i43-,So- "Poems wrnVh ill,,.<br />

trate references in this book," p.151-155. ' roems which » lu s-<br />

Markham, Sir Clements Robert. 99g M,g<br />

The lands of silence; a history of Arctic and Antarctic exploration<br />

1921. Cambridge University Press.<br />

"Brief bibliography of Polar voyages and travels," p.514-518.

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 127<br />

European War<br />

Austro-Hungarian monarchy—Ministerium des K.<br />

und K. hauses und des aussern.<br />

r 940.912 A93au<br />

Austrian red book; official files pertaining to pre-war historv<br />

[1920.] Allen.<br />

3v.<br />

Raleigh, Sir Walter Alexander. 940.914 R16<br />

The war in the air; being the story of the part played in the great<br />

war by the Royal air force, v.l. 1922. Clarendon Press. (History of<br />

the great war.)<br />

v.i. The conquest of the air.—The aeroplane and the airship.—Flight in England<br />

—The beginnings of the air force.—The Royal Flying Corps.—The war: The Royal<br />

Flying Corps from Mons to Ypres.—The royal naval air service in 1914.—The expansion<br />

of the air force.<br />

Books for the Blind<br />

The Library has a collection of about 4,000 books and $ periodicals for the blind.<br />

The Pennsylvania Home Teaching Society and Free Circulating Library for the Blind<br />

supports in this district a teacher, herself totally blind, who, under the direction of this<br />

Library, visits the adult blind in their homes and teaches them to read. This service<br />

and the use of the books are absolutely free to all the adult blind in Pittsburgh and western<br />

Pennsylvania and the Director requests that names and addresses of such persons be<br />

sent to him in order that the teacher may call upon them.<br />

Revised Braille<br />

Grade one and a half<br />

Common prayer, Book of. qE 264 C73c<br />

Collects, epistles and gospels and the service of holy communion,<br />

according to the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United<br />

States of America. 2v. 1921. Amer. Printing House for the Blind.<br />

Dickens, Charles. qE D551c2<br />

Christmas carol; a ghost story of Christmas. Amer. Printing House<br />

for the Blind.<br />

Harte, Bret. qE H319h<br />

How Santa Claus came to Simpson's Bar. Amer. Brotherhood of<br />

Free Reading Matter for the Blind.<br />

Harte, Bret.<br />

Luck of Roaring Camp. Amer. Brotherhood of<br />

Matter for the Blind.<br />

Harte, Bret.<br />

Outcasts of Poker Flat. Amer.<br />

Matter for the Blind.<br />

Henry, O. (pseud, of Sydney Porter).<br />

Madame Bo-Peep of the ranches.<br />

Reading Matter for the Blind.]<br />

Irving, Washington.<br />

Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 1921.<br />

Blind.<br />

Brotherhood of<br />

[Amer.<br />

qE H319L2<br />

Free Reading<br />

qE H319o<br />

Free Reading<br />

qE H452ma<br />

Brotherhood of Free<br />

qE 817 I28L2<br />

Amer. Printing House for the

128<br />


Books in the Servian Language<br />

347.05 A72<br />

Arkhiv za pravne i drushtvene nauke; <strong>org</strong>an pravnog fakulteta Umverziteta<br />

Beogradskog, Dec. 25, 1913. v.16, no.5.<br />

Title translated: "Archives of law and other sciences."<br />

1913.<br />

„ A ,<br />

Bar, Andre.<br />

949.7 B23<br />

Mayska revolutsiya u Srbiyi. 1907.<br />

Title translated: "The May revolution in Servia."<br />

Barby, Henry. ^ B23S<br />

Srbi pod Yedrenom. 1913.<br />

Title translated: "Serbs under Adrianople."<br />

Batut, M. Jovanovic.<br />

176 B32<br />

Preporod'ay lekarske pouke mladezhi i roditel'ima. 1919.<br />

Title translated: "Medical studies for youths and parents."<br />

Bayic, Mirko. 891.8923 B33p<br />

Slike u rechi.<br />

Title translated: "Pictures in words."<br />

Bokic, Mikh. M. 891.8923 B59<br />

Iz politsiskov zhivota; anegdote, tsrte, epizode. 2 pts. in lv.<br />

Title translated: "From police life."<br />

Branine priche. v.3. [1907.] 891.8923 B71<br />

Dachic, Zhivoyin O. 891.8928 Dll<br />

S Bregalnitse i Vardara; beleshke iz nasheg posledn'eg rata. 1913.<br />

Title translated: "From Bregalnica and Vardar rivers."<br />

Dachic, Zhivoyin O. 891.8923 Dll<br />

Zlo i dobro u nashem narodu—proste priche iz zhivota nashega<br />

naroda.<br />

Title translated: "The bad and the good in our nation."<br />

Desanchic, Mikh. Polit. 949.7 D45<br />

Sve dosadan'e besede; sa povesnichkim tsrtama iz srpske politichne<br />

borbe od god. 1883-1898. 1899.<br />

Title translated: "Speeches."<br />

Despotovic, P. 891.8923 D47<br />

Zavyet Ivan'skoy gradini; bosanska pripovyetka.<br />

Title translated: "Celebration of St. John's day."<br />

Dimitriyevic, Laza M. 613 D59<br />

Kako zhivi nash narod; beleshke yednoga okruzhnog lekara. Ed.2,<br />

enl. 1893.<br />

Title translated: "How our people live."<br />

Gavrilovic, Andra. 891.8928 G24<br />

Sedamdeset anegdota iz zhivota srpskikh kn'izhevmka. 1911.<br />

Title translated: "Seventy anecdotes from the lives of Servian writers."<br />

Gravrilovic, Svetozar L. 891.8923 G81s<br />

Pripovetke.<br />

Contents: U izvidnitsi.—Mir u ratu.—U charki.—Na svom mestu.<br />

Title translated: "Stories."

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 129<br />

Hadzhic, Yovan. 949.7 H13<br />

Ustanak' srbskii pod Tsrn'im' D'ord'em'. v.l. 1862.<br />

Title translated: "Servian revolution under Black Ge<strong>org</strong>e."<br />

Ilic, Alekse. gi4.7 122<br />

Putne beleshke iz Rusiye.<br />

Title translated: "Travel notes from Russia."<br />

Iliyc, Dragutin Y. 891.8922 122<br />

Saul; drama u pet chinova. 1906.<br />

Title translated: "Saul."<br />

Karapandzhic, Voy. N. 891.8923 K132<br />

Sa Belog Grada; pripovetke iz beogradskov zhivota.<br />

Title translated: "From Belgrade."<br />

Kholechek, Yos. 891.8928 K24<br />

Za slobodu; slike i tsrte iz tsrnogorskikh i khertsegovachkikh<br />

boyeva protiv Turaka. v.2. 1881.<br />

Title translated: "For freedom."<br />

Komarchic, Laza. 891.8923 K373<br />

Dva amaneta; roman.<br />

Title translated: "Two bequests."<br />

Kostic, Tadiya P. 891.8923 K393<br />

Mali neimari; pripovetke.<br />

Title translated: "Little upbuilders."<br />

Krakov, Stanislav. 891.8923 K39<br />

Kroz buru; roman.<br />

Title translated: "Through the storm."<br />

Lazarevic, Laza. 891.8923 L44<br />

Beleshke iz okupiranov Beograda (1915-1918).<br />

Title translated: "Stories of the occupation of Belgrade."<br />

Lazarevic, Svetolik. 891.8921 L44<br />

Mala lazaritsa; pesme za narod. 1879.<br />

Title translated: "Little lazaritsa; songs for the people."<br />

Lazic, Sima Lukin. 891.8921 L445<br />

Divl'i chovek. 1901.<br />

Title translated: "Wild man."<br />

Ljubinko, pseud. 891.8922 L75f<br />

Za kral'a i otadzhbinu; alegoriya sa dvanayest slika i pevan'em.<br />

1899.<br />

Title translated: "For king and fatherland."<br />

Marshicanin, Bozho K. 949.7 M41<br />

Tayne dvora Obrenovica; [upravitel'eve beleshke od veridbe do<br />

smrti Kral'a Aleksandra], 2v. in 1.<br />

Title translated: "Secrets of the Obrenovitch court; notes from the marriage to<br />

the death of King Alexander."<br />

Michael Obrenovitch III, prince of Servia. 92 M6632m<br />

Milicevic, M. G. Knez Mikhailo u spomenima nekadashn'eg svog<br />

sekretara iz posledn'ikh devet godina knezheva zhivota. 1896.<br />

Title translated: "Prince Michael."


Naranchic, Dushan V. ed. 949.7 N13<br />

Slava Srbiya dirliva manifestatsiya frantsuskikh velikana. 1917.<br />

Title translated: "Famous Servia."<br />

Nushic, Branislav D'.<br />

914 96 N52<br />

-<br />

S Kosova na Sin'e more; beleshke s puta kroz Arbanase 1894. godme.<br />

1902.<br />

Title translated: "From Kossovo to the Adriatic sea."<br />

Obradovic, D. 891.8928 012<br />

Dositeyeve basne. v.l. 1894.<br />

Title translated: "Fables."<br />

Pavicevic, Micun M. 891.8921 P32<br />

Od Tsetin'a do N'uyorka; pismo maytsi pyesma za narod. 1916.<br />

Title translated: "From Cetinje to New York."<br />

Petrovic, Vel'ko. 891.8921 P46p<br />

Rodol'ubive pesme. 1912.<br />

Title translated: "Patriotic poems."<br />

Radosavl'evic, Zh. M. & Mitrovic, R. 891.8928 R13<br />

Materinsko tsarstvo; chutanka srpskukh matera. 1905.<br />

Title translated: "Mother's kingdom; a reading book."<br />

Rankovic, Svetolik P. 891.8923 R19<br />

Seoska uchitelitsa; roman.<br />

Title translated: "A village schoolmistress."<br />

Rashic, Vojislav V. 891.8928 R21<br />

Sa viteshkikh mayskikh grobova u solunu. [1919.]<br />

Title translated: "From the graves of heroes."<br />

Rayic, Aleksandar D. 331.86 R24<br />

Od uchenika do gospodara. 1911.<br />

Title translated: "From apprentice to master."<br />

Romanovic, Zh. M. 940 R66<br />

Pochetsi slovenske istoriye; nekolika predavan'a o slovenima do<br />

pokrshten'a.<br />

Title translated: "Early history of the Slavs."<br />

Sakher-Mazokh. 891.8923 S15<br />

Borba protiv Yezuita; ili, Chovek bez predrasuda; istoriyska pripovetka<br />

iz doba Tsaritse Mariye Tereziye.<br />

Title translated: "Against the Jesuits."<br />

Simic, Koste A. 134 S58d<br />

Devisova filosofiya smrti. 1908.<br />

Title translated: "Davis' philosophy of death."<br />

Simic, Koste A. 134 §58<br />

Spiritizam i yevand'el'a. 1911.<br />

Title translated: "Spiritism and the gospels."<br />

Simiceva, Mileva. 891.8922 S58<br />

Retka sreca; shal'iva igra u yednom chinu. [1900.]<br />

Title translated: "Rare luck."<br />

Stankovic, Todor P. 914 97 S78<br />

Putne beleshke po staroy Srbiyi, 1871-1898. 1910.<br />

Title translated: "Travel stories of old Servia."

BOOKS ADDED—MARCH 1923 131<br />

Tolstoi, Lyof Nikolaievitch, count.<br />

Kozatsi; kavkaska pripovetka.<br />

Title translated: "Cossacks."<br />

891.8923 T58k<br />

Tolstoi', Lyof Nikolaievitch, count. 891.8923 T58n<br />

Narodske priche; preveo sa Ruskova M. M. Vukicevic.<br />

Contents: Od chega l'udi zhive.—Gde ye I'ubav tu ye i bog.—Koliko choveku<br />

treba.—Gasi dok ne bukne.—Za tud' grekh.—Dva startsa.—Kumche.—Ivan Ludak.<br />

Title translated: "Stories from the people."<br />

Tomic, Yasha. 949.6 T59<br />

Rat na Kosovu i staroy Srbiyi, 1912. godine. 1913.<br />

Title translated: "War in Kossovo and old Servia in 1912."<br />

Torn'anski, Svetislav. 891.8923 T63w<br />

U ochekivan'u.<br />

Title translated: "Waiting."<br />

Tsar, Marko. 914.97 T78<br />

Nashe primorye slike i utistsi s Yadrana. 1910.<br />

Title translated: "Our coast picture."<br />

Tsar, Marko. 914.53 T78<br />

Venetsiya; uspomene s puta. 1891.<br />

Title translated: "Venice."<br />

Vesele pripovetke od abukazema.<br />

Title translated: "Short stories."<br />

Veselinovic, Janko M.<br />

Grad.<br />

Title translated: "Snowflakes."<br />

With this is bound his "Chicha Pera.'<br />

Vuchetic, Nikola.<br />

Za Srpstvo.<br />

Title translated: "For Servia."<br />

Yankovic, Militsa.<br />

Neznani yunatsi. 1919.<br />

Title translated: "Unknown heroes."<br />

Yelic, Milosav.<br />

Srbiyanski venats. 1919.<br />

Title translated: "Servian garland."<br />

Books in the Yiddish Language<br />

891.8923 V285<br />

891.8923 V28<br />

891.8923 V39f<br />

891.8928 Y14<br />

891.8921 Y23<br />

Prilutski, N. 296 P94<br />

Samelbucher far Idishen folklor, filologie un kulturgeshichte. 2v.<br />

in 1. 1912-17.<br />

Prilutski, N. 492.5 P94<br />

Yidishe dialektologishe forshungen. v.l. 1917.<br />

v.i. Konsonantism.<br />

Title translated: "Researches in Yiddish dialect."<br />

Prus, Boleslaw, (pseud, of Aleksander Glowacki). 892.53 P976<br />

Di kroin fun Mizraim. 3v. 1918.<br />

Title translated: "The crown of Egypt."


Young People's Books<br />

Aldon, Adair. j A364h<br />

The hill of adventure; illustrated by J. C. Shepherd. Century.<br />

The scene is in the Rocky mountains of Montana where two Eastern girls with an<br />

invalid aunt spend a summer. Here they find new friends and become involved in some<br />

unexpected and exciting events.<br />

Bible—Old testament. j 221 B47bb<br />

Bible stories in Bible language (the King James version); arranged<br />

and edited by L. M. Bryant. 1922. Appleton.<br />

Browne, Susanna Shanklin. j 641 B81<br />

Plain sailirrg cook book; a collection of simple recipes for beginners<br />

in cookery. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Gives lists of utensils and materials required for each receipt and describes plainly<br />

the various steps in the process of preparing the food.<br />

Bryant, Mrs Lorinda (Munson). j 759 B84<br />

Children's book of celebrated pictures. 1922. Century.<br />

Reproductions of 50 paintings, with descriptive notes and anecdotes of the artists.<br />

The pictures and text are on alternate pages.<br />

Burnham, Smith. j 909 B93<br />

Our beginnings in Europe and America; how civilization grew in<br />

the Old World and came to the New. 1918. Winston.<br />

"Books for the teacher" and "Books for the children" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Collins, Archie Frederick. j 654.1 C69r<br />

Radio amateur's hand book; a complete, authentic and informative<br />

work on wireless telegraphy and telephony. Rev. ed. 1922. Crowell.<br />

Hawksworth, Hallam. j 551 jj36<br />

Adventures of a grain of dust. 1922. Scribner. (Strange adventures<br />

in nature's wonderlands.)<br />

"Hide and seek in the library" at the end of each chapter.<br />

The different chapters, one for each month of the year, describe clearly the work<br />

of plants, animals, and other agencies, such as the wind and the rain, in helping to pre<br />

pare and fertilize the earth's soil. Well illustrated.<br />

Lamb, Charles, & Lamb, Mary. ; 82233 Hla<br />

Tales from Shakespeare, with pictures and illuminations by E S<br />

(Green) Elliott. 1922. McKay.<br />

An unusually beautiful edition with large clear type, full-page plates in color and<br />

other decorations in black and white. '<br />

Mother Goose melodies. j 398 g M93nuy<br />

Nursery rhymes, with drawings by L. L. Brooke. Warne<br />

,•„ Th f,r, S ? me rhym f S , a " d , P' lct , UT , e i ma >' be £°«nd in the three small volumes with subtitles:<br />

Rhymes and lullabies," "Songs and ditties," "Tales and jingles."<br />

Mother Goose melodies. ] 39g g Mg3nus<br />

Nursery rhymes, with drawings by L.L.Brooke; songs and ditties<br />

Warne.<br />

A small book with attractive pictures, some ,„ color and others in black and white.


Perkins, Mrs Lucy (Fitch). j P434sw<br />

The Swiss twins. Houghton.<br />

Ihe twins live in an old gray farmhouse on a mountain side in Switzerland. Caught<br />

by an avalanche in the high pasture where they are tending the herd, they bravely try<br />

to save the goats and find their way home by new and roundabout trails. Illustrated by<br />

the author.<br />

Rolt-Wheeler, Francis. j R656bm<br />

The boy with the U. S. miners. Lothrop. (U. S. service series.)<br />

Interwoven with the experiences of a young American boy who is entombed in a<br />

mine is much information about the methods of mining coal and gold and the development<br />

of safety devices.<br />

Schultz, James Willard. j S3872s<br />

Seizer of eagles, with illustrations by F. E. Schoonover. Houghton.<br />

A story of a Blackfoot Indian boy who wants to become a seizer of eagles, a difficult<br />

and dangerous calling held in great esteem in the tribe.<br />


Rules for Lending Books<br />

I. Hours. The adult Lending Rooms of the Central and branch<br />

libraries are open daily from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., Sundays and holidays<br />

excepted. The Children's Rooms in the branches are closed after 6 P. M.<br />

The Central Children's Room is open daily except Sundays and holi­<br />

days from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.<br />

2. Borrowers. Any resident or taxpayer of Pittsburgh is entitled<br />

to borrow books from the Library by signing the proper application<br />

and agreement and receiving a borrower's card. In the case of a child<br />

under fourteen years of age the application must also be signed by the<br />

parent or guardian.<br />

Non-residents who can call at the Library for their books may<br />

obtain a borrower's card on payment of one dollar a year in advance.<br />

For non-residents who wish their books sent by mail or express the<br />

annual fee is three dollars, with an additional deposit of two dollars to<br />

cover postage and fines. If a non-resident is employed or attending<br />

school in the city the guaranty of a resident tax-payer will be accepted<br />

instead of this fee.<br />

Temporary residents may borrow books on making a deposit of<br />

five dollars, or more if deemed desirable, this sum to be returned to the<br />

depositor upon surrender of his borrower's card.<br />

3. Borrowers' cards. A borrower's card may be used at the Central<br />

and branch libraries.<br />

Each borrower is responsible for all books charged on his card.<br />

Change of residence must be reported immediately.<br />

Lost cards should be reported at once. Adult cards will be replaced<br />

fourteen days after notice of such loss. Juvenile cards will be replaced<br />

fourteen days after notice of loss is given upon the payment of a fine<br />

of five cents, or replaced without payment six months after notice of<br />

loss is given.<br />

4. Issue of books. Holders of adult cards may borrow as many<br />

books of non-fiction as are needed at one time, together with two books<br />

of fiction, only one of which shall have been published within the current<br />

or the preceding year. Holders of juvenile cards may borrow two<br />

juvenile books at one time.<br />

Books may be kept two weeks, except some new and popular<br />

books, which may be kept but seven days. Magazines are lent for<br />

seven days only.


5. Renewals. Non-fiction and certain standard fiction may be<br />

once renewed for two weeks from the date on which the request for<br />

renewal is received.<br />

Requests for renewal may be made in person, by mail, or by telephone.<br />

In each case the call number of the book, the number of the<br />

borrower's card, and the date on which the book is due must be given.<br />

In return the borrower will receive a renewal card, which must be<br />

brought with the book when it is returned.<br />

6. Reserves. Books may be reserved at the Library by payment<br />

of one cent for a postal card notice. As soon as the book is returned<br />

to the Library, this postal card will be mailed to the person making<br />

the request, and the book will be reserved two days. Requests for<br />

reserves may be made by telephone, in which case the cost of the postal<br />

card will be collected when the borrower calls for the book.<br />

7. Fines. A fine of two cents a day (including Sundays and holidays)<br />

must be paid on each book kept overtime. The holder of a<br />

juvenile card may forfeit the use of his card for six months from the<br />

date upon which an overdue book is returned in place of payment of<br />

this fine.<br />

A borrower must pay for books lost or injured while charged on<br />

his card. No books may be borrowed until fines and claims for damages<br />

have been paid.<br />

No claim can be established because of the failure of the Post<br />

Office to deliver notices to or from the Library.

Schedule of Library Hours<br />

Central Library—Reference, Technology, and Periodical Rooms<br />

open week days from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M.; Sunday from 2 to 6 P. M. Lending<br />

Room and Children's Room open week days from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.<br />

(See schedule of holiday hours below.)<br />

Branch Libraries—Open week days from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Children's<br />

Rooms open from 9 A. M. to 6 p. M. (See schedule of holiday<br />

hours below.)<br />

New Year's Day. Central Library—Reading rooms open from 9 A. M.<br />

to 10 P. M. Lending Rooms closed. Branch Libraries—Reading rooms<br />

open from 2 to 6 P. M. NO books issued for home use.<br />

Washington's Birthday. All departments open as usual.<br />

Good Friday. All departments open as usual.<br />

Memorial Day. All departments closed.<br />

July Fourth. All departments closed.<br />

Labor Day. All departments open as usual.<br />

Thanksgiving Day. Central Library—Reading rooms open from 9<br />

A. M. to 10 p. M. Lending Rooms closed. Branch Libraries—Reading<br />

rooms open from 2 to 6 p. M. NO books issued for home use.<br />

Christmas. All departments closed from 6 P. M. December 24 to<br />

9 A. M. December 26.<br />


Publications of the Library Now in Print<br />

Prices. Where two prices are given, the first is that for which<br />

the publication is sold at the Library only. All prices are strictly net,<br />

except for individual publications ordered in lots of twenty or more.<br />

Remittances must be made in advance, payable to Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh. All publications not marked * may be had free at the<br />

Library, or will be sent postpaid for 5 cents each.<br />

•Classified Catalogue of the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh.<br />

FIRST SERIES, 1895-1902. 1907. vol. 1-3. 3,890 pp. $12.00.<br />

SECOND SERIES, 1902-1906. 1908. vol. 4-5. 2,020 pp. $5.00.<br />

THIRD SERIES, 1907-1911. 1914. vol. 6-8. 3,475 pp. $8.00.<br />

FOURTH SERIES, 1912-1916. 1921-22. vol. 9-10. 1,947 pp. $6.50.<br />

Bound in buckram. Include full author and subject indexes. Volume ir, which<br />

will include Biography, Books for the Blind, and Indexes of the Fourth<br />

Series, not yet published.<br />

The Classified Catalogue is issued also in separate parts; the First,<br />

Second, and Third Series in pamphlets, the Fourth Series in signatures<br />

ready for binding. Detailed information as to the contents and prices<br />

of the separate parts will be sent on receipt of a two cent stamp with<br />

a request for the Classified Catalogue price list.<br />

Monthly Bulletin. 50 cents a year, postpaid.<br />

Not published in August and September.<br />

Annual Reports, lst-26th, 1896-1921. Sent free upon request.<br />

Except the 3d and 20th which are out of print.<br />

•Annotated Catalogue of Books Used in the Home Libraries and<br />

Reading Clubs. 1905. 110pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 25 cents.<br />

*Books by Catholic Authors in the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh; a<br />

Classified and Annotated List. 1921. 325 pp. 35 cents; postpaid,<br />

50 cents.<br />

Books in the Library of the American Philatelic Society. 1910. 20 pp.<br />

*Carnegie Institute and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh (Handbook).<br />

1922. 72 pp. 35 cents; postpaid, 40 cents.<br />

•Catalogue of Books for the Blind. 1922. 123 pp. 25 cents; postpaid,<br />

30 cents.<br />

In separate pamphlets, according to type. Free to blind borrowers.<br />

Catalogue of the Carnegie Library School; a school for training in<br />

General Library Work, Library Work with Children, and School<br />

Library Work. Sent free upon request.<br />



•Debate Index. 1919. 116 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

The Function of the Public Library in a Democracy; by John H. Leete.<br />

1920. 20 pp.<br />

Rules for Filing Cards in the Dictionary Catalogues of the Carnegie<br />

Library of Pittsburgh. 1921. 32 pp.<br />

WhataPublicLibrary Finds to Do; by Elisa May Willard. 1917. 18 pp.<br />

Reference Lists<br />

Books on Gardens and Landscape Gardening. 1922. 9 pp.<br />

•Choice of Vocation; a Selected List of Books and Magazine Articles<br />

for the Guidance of Students. 1921. 50pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents.<br />

Housing. 1912. 45 pp.<br />

Immigration. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Lives and Letters; a Selected and Annotated List. 1910. 36 pp.<br />

•Men of Science and Industry; a Guide to the Biographies of Scientists,<br />

Engineers, Inventors and Physicians, in the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh. 1915. 189pp. 20 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Vocational Guidance. Supplement. 10 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec.<br />

1915.)<br />

History<br />

Braddock's Expedition. 11pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1906.)<br />

England and the English; a Few Suggestions for Reading. 1918. 12 pp.<br />

Expedition of General Forbes against Fort Duquesne. 1908. 20 pp.<br />

Expeditions of General Bouquet to the Ohio Country, 1763 and 1764.<br />

11 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Dec. 1909.)<br />

•Letters of General Forbes; Reprint of 35 Letters Relating to the Expedition<br />

against Fort Duquesne. 63 pp. 20 cents; postpaid,<br />

25 cents. (Monthly Bulletin, Feb.-May 1909.)<br />

•Pennsylvania; a Reading List for the Use of Schools, with Special<br />

Reference to Indian Warfare and the Local History of Pittsburgh.<br />

1911. 83 pp. 20 cents; postpaid. 25 cents.<br />

The Pilgrims; Selected Material for Use in Connection with the Pilgrim<br />

Tercentenary Celebration. 1920. 13 pp.<br />

Pittsburgh in 1816. 1916. 75 pp.<br />

Washington's Visits to Pittsburgh and the Ohio Country. 15 pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, Feb. 1908.)<br />

The Whiskey Insurrection. 9 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1906.)


Publications of Interest to Engineers<br />

Air-Brakes. 1915. 55 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1915.)<br />

Air Conditioning. 1914. 55 pp.<br />

Brick Manufacture and Bricklaying. 26 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan.<br />

1912.)<br />

By-Product Coking. 1915. 40 pp.<br />

Case-Hardening. 1918. 10 pp.<br />

Electric Driving In Rolling-Mills and Foundries. 11 pp. (Monthly<br />

Bulletin, Nov. 1907.)<br />

Engineering Ethics. 1917. 17 pp.<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. 48 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, July 1908.)<br />

Floods and Flood Protection. Supplement. 1911. 19 pp.<br />

The Gyroscope. 1917. 23 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Index to Proceedings of the Engineers' Society of Western Pennsylvania.<br />

Volumes 1 to 20, 1880-1904; Compiled by Harrison W.<br />

Craver. 1906. 144 pp. $1 postpaid.<br />

•Index to the Classified Catalogue of the Technology Department.<br />

1916. 63pp. 10 cents; postpaid, 15 cents.<br />

Lampblack. 1919. 8 pp.<br />

List of Technical Indexes and Bibliographies Appearing Serially. 1910<br />

17 pp.<br />

Literature of the Coal Industry for 1922; by E. H. McClelland. 1923.<br />

16 pp.<br />

Market Prices Appearing Currently in Technical and Trade Journals.<br />

1918. 6 pp.<br />

Mica. 12 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Oct. 1908.)<br />

Refuse and Garbage Disposal. 1909. 39 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Jan.<br />

1909.)<br />

Review of Iron and Steel Literature for 1922; by E. H. McClelland.<br />

1923. 19 pp.<br />

Road Dust Preventives. 1916. 39 pp.<br />

•Sand; its Occurrence, Properties and Uses. 1918. 72pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Scientific and Technical Reference Books. 19 pp. (Monthly Bulletin,<br />

Nov. 1916.)<br />

•Sewage Disposal and Treatment. 1910. 96pp. 15 cents; postpaid,<br />

20 cents.<br />

Smoke Prevention. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1907.)<br />

Sodium Nitrate Industry of Chile. 7 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, March<br />

1908.)<br />

Steam Turbines. 21 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, Nov. 1904.)


•Technical Book Review Index, vol.i-date, March 1917-date. 50<br />

a year, postpaid.<br />

No.1-3, March, April, May, 1917, published in the Monthly Bulletin of those<br />

months, 5 cents each, postpaid.<br />

Vol.i, no.4-vol.6, no.3 (July 1917-Sept. 1922), issued separately, quarterly, 15<br />

cents each, postpaid.<br />

Trees and Forestry. 1917. 18 pp. (Monthly Bulletin, May 1917.)<br />

•Water-Glass; Compiled by Morris Schrero. 1922. 87 pp. 15 cents;<br />

postpaid, 20 cents.<br />

Library Work with Children<br />

•Catalogue of Books, Annotated and Arranged, and Provided by the<br />

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh for the Use of the First Eight<br />

Grades in the Pittsburgh Schools. 1907. 331 pp. 35 cents;<br />

postpaid, 50 cents.<br />

•Catalogue of Books in the Children's Department of the Carnegie Library<br />

of Pittsburgh. 1920. Volume 1: Author List and Title<br />

List. 465 pp. $1; postpaid, $1.15. Volume 2: Subject Index.<br />

332pp. 75 cents; postpaid, 85 cents.<br />

Favorite Books of Well Known People When They Were Boys and<br />

Girls; Compiled by Elva S. Smith. 1922. 18 pp.<br />

Patriotism Through Literature; by Elva S. Smith. 1919. 17 pp.<br />

(Monthly Bulletin, June 1919.)<br />

Stories from the Ballads of Robin Hood; Outlines for Story-Telling.<br />

1914. 38 pp.<br />

Stories from the Greek Myths. 1912. 29 pp.<br />

Stories from the Iliad and the Odyssey. 1912. 30 pp.<br />

Stories from the Norse; Outlines for Story-Telling. 1914. 22 pp.<br />

•Stories to Tell to Children. 1921. 72 pp. 25 cents; postpaid, 30 cents.<br />

Leaflets<br />

Amusing Fiction. 1922.<br />

Books for Gifts to Boys and Girls.<br />

1922.<br />

Children's Books for Christmas<br />

Gifts. 1914.<br />

A Few Books on Iron and Steel.<br />

1918.<br />

Gardens of Spain. 1922.<br />

New Americans. 1920.<br />

Present Day Problems in Citizenship.<br />

1919.<br />

March 16, 1923.<br />

Vacation Reading. 1922.<br />

Vocational Suggestions. 1919.<br />

Advertising.<br />

Civil Engineering.<br />

Machine Shop Work.<br />

Medicine.<br />

Printing.<br />

Truck Gardening.<br />

Why Go to College? 1922.



VOL. 28 APRIL 1923 NO. 4<br />

Page<br />

Periodicals Recently Added 143<br />

Catalogue of the Carnegie Library<br />

School - - - - 143<br />

Publications of the Library - 205<br />

Books Recently Added to the<br />

Library<br />

Agriculture. Forestry - - 180<br />

Architecture - 186<br />

Biography - - - - - - 191<br />

Blind, Books for the - - 198<br />

Botany - - - - - - - 173<br />

Business. Communication - 181<br />

Chemical Technology - - 182<br />

Chemistry - - - - - - 168<br />

Churches - - - - - - 156<br />

Commerce - - - - - 164<br />

Crystallography - 170<br />

Customs. Costume. Etiquette 164<br />

Drama. Theatre - 190<br />

Economics - 160<br />

Education - 163<br />

Electrical Engineering - - 179<br />

Engineering - - - - - 177<br />

Ethics - - - - - - - 148<br />

European War - 198<br />

Fiction - - - - - - 144<br />

Fine Arts - - - - - 184<br />

Flags - - - - - - - 193<br />

French Fiction - - - - 146<br />



1923<br />

Page<br />

General Works - 147<br />

Geology. Physical Geography 171<br />

German Fiction - - - - 146<br />

History - - 196<br />

Italian Fiction - 146<br />

Jews and Judaism - - 157<br />

Language - 164<br />

Law. International Conferences 162<br />

Literature - - - - - 188<br />

Mathematics - - - - - 166<br />

Medicine. Physiology. Hygiene<br />

- - - - - - 175<br />

Mineralogy - - 170<br />

Mines and Mining - - - 180<br />

Music - - - - - 187<br />

Mythology - - - - - 157<br />

Philosophy. Psychology - 147<br />

Physics - - - - - - 166<br />

Poetry - - - - - - 189<br />

Politics and Government - 159<br />

Recreation - - - - - 187<br />

Religion - 151<br />

Science - - - - - - 165<br />

Scriptures - - - - - - 155<br />

Sociology - - - - - 158<br />

Spanish Fiction - 146<br />

Travel and Description - 193<br />

Useful Arts - - - - - 173<br />

Young People's Books - - 200<br />

Zoology - - - - - - 173

Board of Trustees<br />

S. H. CHURCH, President<br />

ANDREW W. MELLON, Vice-President<br />

J. D. HAILMAN, Secretary<br />

JAMES H. REED, Treasurer<br />








Library Committee<br />

J. J. TURNER, Chairman<br />



Director<br />

Branch Libraries<br />


Central Library, Schenley Park<br />

Lawrenceville Branch, 279 Fisk Street<br />

West End Branch, Wabash and Neptune Streets<br />

Wylie Avenue Branch, Wylie Avenue and Green Street<br />

Mount Washington Branch, 315 Grandview Avenue<br />

Hazelwood Branch, 4748 Monongahela Street<br />

East Liberty Branch, Station Street and Larimer Avenue<br />

South Side Branch, Carson and Twenty-second Streets<br />

Homewood Branch, Hamilton and Lang Avenues



Published monthly, except in August and September, by the Carnegie Library of<br />

Pittsburgh, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue, Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, Pa. President,<br />

S. H. Church, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue; Secretary,<br />

J. D. Hailman; Treasurer, James H. Reed, 1027 Carnegie Building; Director, John H.<br />

Leete, Carnegie Library, Forbes Street and Bellefield Avenue.<br />

Subscription 50 cents a year.<br />

Vol. 28 April 1923 No. 4<br />

Periodicals Recently Added<br />

The following periodicals have recently been added to the<br />

list of those regularly received in the Periodical Room:<br />

Fuel in Science and Practice. London.<br />

Gas World. London.<br />

Metal Industry. London.<br />

Nature Magazine. Washington.<br />

Newarker. Newark, N. J.<br />

Walker's Quarterly. London.<br />

Woman Engineer. London.<br />

Catalogue of the Carnegie Library School<br />

The Catalogue of the Carnegie Library School for the year<br />

1923-1924, the twenty-third year of the school, was issued in<br />

March. It will be sent free upon request.<br />


Books Recently Added to the Library<br />

An r or b prefixed to the call number indicates that the book must he<br />

called for and used in the Reference or the Technology Room; j that it is<br />

especially suitable for children; and q that it is quarto size or lar<br />

Fiction<br />

[Arnim, Mary Annette (Beauchamp), grafin von.] A749en<br />

The enchanted April, by the author of "Elizabeth and her German<br />

garden." Doubleday.<br />

The sunshine and enchantment of an Italian garden work changes in the lives and<br />

characters of four women, who, though strangers to one another, together lease an Italian<br />

castle for the month of April.<br />

Broun, Heywood. B7812b<br />

The boy grew older [a novel]. Putnam.<br />

A father's experiences in bringing up his son who is the offspring of a short-lived<br />

marriage between a newspaper "sports" writer and a Spanish dancer.<br />

Bryant, Marguerite. B8422r<br />

Richard. Duffield.<br />

The story of the regeneration of a criminal by a somewhat unusual form of punishment.<br />

Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. C4272ma<br />

The man who knew too much. Harper.<br />

Appeared in "Harper's magazine," v.140-145, April 1920-June 1922.<br />

Contains also his "The trees of pride."<br />

Detective stories in which the criminal is always allowed to go unpunished because<br />

the man who knows enough to solve the mystery foresees only too clearly the consequences<br />

if the solution is published.<br />

Cournos, John. C841b<br />

Babel. Boni.<br />

The third of the biographical novels concerning John Gombarov, following "The<br />

mask" and "The wall." In this he breaks away from home ties and seeks development<br />

of his powers among the intellectuals of Paris, London, and New York.<br />

Cournos, John. C841m<br />

The mask. Doran.<br />

The story of a Jewish family in Russia and in America, from the point of view of<br />

the young son of the family.<br />

Cournos, John. C841w<br />

The wall. Methuen.<br />

Continues the story of John Gombarov, begun in "The mask," here depicting his<br />

struggles in America to gain recognition as a writer and at the same time to do his duty<br />

by helping to support his step-father's family. '<br />


BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 145<br />

Daskam, Josephine Dodge, afterward Mrs Bacon. D273st<br />

Strange cases of Dr Stanchon. Appleton.<br />

Contents: The key.—The children.—The crystal.—The gospel.—The gypsy.—The<br />

warning.—The legacy.—The miracle.—The unburied — The oracles.<br />

Farjeon, Eleanor. F238m<br />

Martin Pippin in the apple orchard. Stokes.<br />

A fanciful, colorful story relating how Martin Pippin, weaver of tales and singer<br />

of songs, freed the lovely daughter of a farmer from her imprisonment in the well-house<br />

in the apple orchard.<br />

Gissing, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. G454h<br />

House of cobwebs, with an introduction by Thomas Seccombe.<br />

Constable.<br />

Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, (pseud. Peter Parley). r G628p<br />

Parley's present for all seasons. Appleton.<br />

Grey, Zane. G8872wa<br />

Wanderer of the wasteland. Harper.<br />

Hall, Amanda Benjamin. H1692h<br />

The heart's justice. Doran.<br />

The story of the conflict of emotions in a girl who marries not for love but out of a<br />

sense of filial duty. Condensed from New York times, 1922.<br />

Hull, Helen R. H914q<br />

Quest. Macmillan.<br />

A psychological novel giving "a full-length picture of a growing girl in regrettable<br />

surroundings." New York times, 1922.<br />

James, Henry, 1843-1916. J164aL<br />

Altar of the dead, and other tales. Macmillan.<br />

Other tales: The beast in the jungle.—The birthplace.—The private life.—Owen<br />

Wingrave.—Tbe friends of the friends.—Sir Edmund Orme.—The real right thing.—<br />

The jolly corner.—Julia Bride.<br />

Johnston, Mary. J3692fou<br />

1492 [a novel]. Little.<br />

The adventures of one who sailed with Columbus on his first voyage across the<br />

Atlantic.<br />

Nexo, Martin Andersen. N296dit<br />

Ditte: towards the stars; tr. by Asta and Rowland Kenney. Holt.<br />

Brings to an end the author's trilogy of the girl of whom he wrote in previous<br />

volumes, "Ditte: girl alive!" and "Ditte: daughter of man." It is a homely, vivid,<br />

eloquent epic of a woman crushed by poverty and hardships and forced out without<br />

training or knowledge to earn her living in a wolfish world. Condensed from New York<br />

times, 1922.<br />

Paltock, Robert. P212L<br />

Life & adventures of Peter Wilkins. Dent. (Everyman's library.)<br />

Phillpotts, Eden. P518re<br />

The red Redmaynes. Macmillan.<br />

Detective story.<br />

Saltus, Edgar Evertson. S179g<br />

The ghost girl. Boni.<br />

Mystery story.


Sinclair, May. S616a<br />

Anne Severn and the Fieldings. Macmillan.<br />

A psycho-analytical novel which deals with the relations of the heroine with the<br />

three sons of the family in which she had been brought up.<br />

Stern, Gladys Bronwyn. S8393r<br />

The room [a novel]. Knopf.<br />

Two episodes in the life of an English girl, in which her unusual insight into human<br />

nature forces her to sacrifice for the good of others the thing nearest her heart.<br />

German Fiction<br />

Andersen, Hans Christian. 833 A54au<br />

Ausgewahlte marchen; deutsch von Julius Reuscher.<br />

Ompteda, Ge<strong>org</strong>, freiherr von. 833 024wi<br />

Wie am ersten tag; roman.<br />

Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. 833 S3342<br />

Der geisterseher; aus den memoires des grafen von O**; abridged<br />

edition, with introduction, notes and vocabulary by E. S. Joynes. v.l.<br />

Heath. (Heath's modern language series.)<br />

Benoit, Pierre.<br />

L'Atlantide; roman.<br />

Duhamel, Ge<strong>org</strong>es.<br />

Les hommes abandonnes.<br />

French Fiction<br />

843 B44<br />

843 D88h<br />

Dumas, Alexandre, the elder. 843 D89de<br />

Les deux rois; ed. with notes by F. H. Hewitt. Longmans. (Episodes<br />

from Le vicomte de Bragelonne.)<br />

Gourmont, Remy de. g43 Q74<br />

Lettres a Sixtine.<br />

MacOrlan, Pierre.<br />

La cavaliere Elsa.<br />

Mauriac, Frangois.<br />

Preseances.<br />

Italian Fiction<br />

Annunzio, Gabriele d', (pseud, of Gaetano Rapagnetta).<br />

Notturno.<br />

Lipparini, Giuseppe.<br />

I 4 fanti; romanzo del dopoguerra.<br />

Spanish Fiction<br />

Baroja y Nessi, Pio.<br />

Las funas. (Memorias de un hombre de accion.)<br />

843 M21c<br />

843 M494<br />

853 A61no<br />

853 L733<br />

863 B25f

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 147<br />

General Works<br />

qr 020.2 A51<br />

American library directory, 1923; a classified list of 9200 libraries, with<br />

names of librarians. 1923. Bowker.<br />

Campbell, A. Albert. r 072 C15<br />

Belfast newspapers, past and present. 1921. Baird.<br />

Dana, John Cotton. r 026.658 D19<br />

On buying and using print; practical suggestions from a librarian to<br />

the business man. 1921. Wilson.<br />

Egan, Maurice Francis. 028 E34<br />

Confessions of a book-lover. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

Informal essays on the author's own reading; his boyhood reading, his taste in poets<br />

and novelists, and his favorites among other classes of books.<br />

Hyde, Dorsey William. r 026.658 H99<br />

Workshops for assembling business facts, with an introductory note<br />

by Herbert Hoover. 1921. Amer. Library Assoc. Pub. Board.<br />

Pamphlet on the work of special libraries.<br />

Lord, Chester Sanders. 070 L86<br />

The young man and journalism. 1922. Macmillan. (Vocational<br />

series.)<br />

The purpose of the author, for many years managing editor of the New York<br />

"Sun," is to indicate what journalism offers to young men as a means of livelihood,<br />

answering such questions as, What is the nature of the newspaper business? What are<br />

its rewards? How does a beginner get his start? What are the duties of each member<br />

of a big newspaper staff? Condensed from Literary review, 1922.<br />

Marchmont, Frederick, comp. r 012 C897<br />

The three Cruikshanks; a bibliographical catalogue describing more<br />

than 500 works, illustrated by Isaac, Ge<strong>org</strong>e & Robert Cruikshank, the<br />

introduction by Julian Moore. 1897. Spencer.<br />

Minnesota—Education department. r 028.5 M72<br />

Elementary school library list, 1921-1922; comp. by H.A.Wood.<br />

[1922.]<br />

Philosophy. Psychology<br />

Coue, fimile. 131 C83<br />

Self mastery through conscious autosuggestion. 1922. Amer. Library<br />

Service.<br />

Elliot, Hugh Samuel Roger. 150 E52<br />

Human character. 1922. Longmans.<br />

A discussion of the psychology of the emotions, the passions, the virtues, and the<br />

vices of mankind.<br />

Paton, Stewart. 132 P29s<br />

Signs of sanity and the principles of mental hygiene. 1922. Scribner.<br />

"A book which in popular form tries to bring some light into the confusion that<br />

rules in the current ideas concerning the dividing line between sanity and insanity and<br />

the relation of both to bodily health and to inheritance." Survey, 1922.


Pierce, Frederick. 130 P55<br />

Our unconscious mind and how to use it. 1922. Dutton.<br />

Contents: The operating tower.—Behind the scenes with a human mind.—Libido<br />

and the dominant wish.—The endocrine glands, compensation striving and false goals.—<br />

Autosuggestion.—Application to everyday life.—Making a contented human group.—The<br />

new psychology in advertising and selling.<br />

"Bibliography," p.321-323.<br />

Rivarol, Antoine. 194 R51<br />

Giuvres choisies, avec une preface par M. de Lescure. 2v. 1880.<br />

Stephen, Mrs Karin. 194 B45zst<br />

The misuse of mind; a study of Bergson's attack on intellectualism,<br />

with a prefatory letter by Henri Bergson. 1922. Paul. (International<br />

library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method.)<br />

Wells, Frederic Lyman. 150 W49<br />

Mental adjustments. 1922. Appleton. (Conduct of mind series.)<br />

Contents: Mental adaptation.—Use and waste in thought and conduct.—Symbolic<br />

association.—The continuity of emotion.—Types of dissociation.—Mechanisms in dissociated<br />

ideas.—Experimental approaches.—Balancing factors.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Ethics<br />

Most of thc books on this subject were purchased from a fund given to the Library<br />

for this purpose by Mr, J. L. Block in memory of James Ernest Schwartz.<br />

Ahrens, Heinrich. 171 A28<br />

Cours de droit naturel ou de philosophie du droit, complete, dans<br />

les principales matieres, par des apergus historiques et politiques. 2v.<br />

1875.<br />

"Bibliographie," v.i, p.325-330.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Blake, Buchanan. 171 B52<br />

The meaning of suffering in human life. 1922. Gardner.<br />

Contents: An introduction to our enquiry.—Suffering held to be the punishment<br />

of sin.—Suffering held to be a test of fidelity.—Suffering held to be involved in matter,<br />

and so necessary.—Suffering held to be a supreme mystery.—Suffering held to be the<br />

method of the Divine Disciple of men. and of wise chastening.—The forecasting of the<br />

true meaning of suffering in Greek tragedy and in later Jewish prophecy —The view<br />

that suffering is largely preventable.—The meaning of suffering in the light of Christ's<br />

teaching.—The meaning of suffering from the Christian standpoint illustrated in life.<br />

Bougie, Celestin Charles Alfred, & Beaunier, Andre. 170.8 B65<br />

Choix des moralistes frangais des 17e, 18e et 19e siecles. 1919.<br />

Contents: i7e SIECLE: Descartes.-Malebranche.—Mile de Scudery.—La Rochefoucauld.—Mme<br />

de Sable.—Nicole.—Bourdaloue.—Mme de Maintenon.—Saint-Evremond<br />

~r.?.R S 'il CL 1 ! Duguet -Rollin -Mme de Lambert.-Vauvenargue5.-Duc-loS.-Helvetius:<br />

—D Holbach— Rivarol.—Chamfort—Necker.—Bernardin de Saint-Pierre.— ioe SIECLE'<br />

Maine de Biran.-Joubert.-Jouffroy.-Lamennais.-Guizot.- Littre.- Prevost-ParadoL<br />

—Doudan.—Renan.—Amiel.—Bersot.<br />

Capelle, Pierre Adolphe. r 170 g Q18<br />

Dictionnaire de morale, de science et de litterature; ou, Choix de<br />

pensees ingenieuses et sublimes, de dissertations et de definitions extraites<br />

des plus celebres moralistes, orateurs, poetes et savans, pour<br />

servir de delassement aux etudes, former le cceur, orner l'esprit et<br />

nournr la memoire des jeunes gens. 2v. 1810.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 149<br />

Chollet, Joannes Arthurus, abbe. 171 C453<br />

De la notion d'ordre; parallelisme des trois ordres, de l'etre, du<br />

vrai, du bien.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Croce, Benedetto. 171 C88<br />

Frammenti di etica. 1922.<br />

Dennis, Mrs Muriel (White). 177 D43<br />

The training school of popularity; the letters of Jane Willard to<br />

Peggy Maclntyre, her adoree in high school. 1922. Doran.<br />

Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine. r 171 Fil<br />

De I'etat social de l'homme; ou, Vues philosophiques sur I'histoire<br />

du genre humain, precedees d'une dissertation introductive sur les<br />

motifs et l'objet de cet ouvrage. 2v. 1822.<br />

Ferguson, Adam. qr 171 F38<br />

Principles of moral and political science; being chiefly a retrospect<br />

of lectures delivered in the College of Edinburgh. 2v. 1792. Strahan.<br />

Gerard, Jules. 173 G31ma<br />

Maximes morales de la petite ecoliere frangaise; enseignement<br />

moral et civique des ecoles primaires; cours elementaire.<br />

Gerard, Jules. 173 G31m<br />

Maximes morales de l'ecolier frangais; enseignement moral et<br />

civique des ecoles primaires; cours moyen et superieur.<br />

Gerard, Jules. 173 G31mx<br />

Maximes morales de l'ecoliere frangaise; enseignement moral et<br />

civique des ecoles primaires de jeunes filles; cours moyen et superieur.<br />

Gerard, Jules. 173 G31<br />

Maximes morales du petit ecolier frangais; enseignement moral et<br />

civique des ecoles primaires; cours elementaire.<br />

Hazard, Rowland Gibson. 171 H37<br />

Two letters on causation and freedom in willing, addressed to John<br />

Stuart Mill, with an appendix on the existence of matter and our<br />

notions of infinite space. 1869. Lee.<br />

Jacobs, Leo. 171 J13<br />

Three types of practical ethical movements of the past half century.<br />

1922. Macmillan.<br />

"Bibliography," p.175-181.<br />

"The three movements studied. . .are the Christian Socialism of Maurice, Kingsley,<br />

and their followers, the social settlements like Hull House and Toynbee Hall, and the<br />

Ethical Culture Societies. Mr. Jacobs gives a brief historical review of each and an<br />

appraisal of its defects and virtues." Literary review, 1922.<br />

Joly, Henri. 170.8 J38<br />

Les moralistes frangais des 17e, 18e et 19e siecles; extraits avec introduction<br />

et notes. 1900.<br />

Contents: 17E SIECLE: Saint Francois de Sales.—Pascal. — La Rochefoucauld.—<br />

Nicole. — La Bruyere. — Saint fivremond.—Bourdaloue.—Malebranche.—Mme de Maintenon.—<br />

I8E SIECLE: Vauvenargues.—Marivaux. — Duclos.—Jean-Jacques Rousseau.—<br />

Champfort.—Rivarol.—19E SIECLE: Joseph de Maistre.—De Bonald — Joubert.— Bonstetten.—Mme<br />

Swetchine.—Frederic le Play.—Louis Veuillot.


Keratry, Auguste Hilarion. r 171 K19<br />

Inductions, morales et physiologiques. 1817.<br />

Contents: De l'etre proprement dit.—Du neant.—De l'etre materiel.—De l'etre<br />

spirituel.—De l'union de l'etre spirituel et de l'etre materiel.—De la separation de l'etre<br />

spirituel et de l'etre materiel.—De la restitution de l'etre spirituel et de l'etre materiel,<br />

ou de l'immortalite.<br />

Laing, Bertram M. 171 L16<br />

A study in moral problems. [1922.] Allen.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Leroux, Pierre. 171 L63<br />

De I'humanite, de son principe et de son avenir, ou se trouve exposee<br />

la vraie definition de la religion et oil Ton explique le sens, la suite et<br />

l'enchainement du Mosaisme et du Christianisme. 2v. 1845.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Levy-Wogue, Fernand, ed. 170.8 L66<br />

Pages et pensees morales; extraites des auteurs grecs, avec une<br />

introduction, des notices et des notes. [1897.]<br />

Greek text.<br />

"Liste des editions ayant servi de base a l'etablissement des textes et au commentaire,"<br />

p.8; "Table des auteurs, cites dans ce recueil," p.296-306.<br />

Limentani, Ludovico. 171 L71<br />

Moralita e normalita. 1920. (Studi sopra le valutazioni della condotta,<br />

no.l.)<br />

Monod, Adolphe. r 171 M83<br />

Le fatalisme; discours. 1858.<br />

Munson, Edward Lyman. 172.6 M96<br />

The management of men; a handbook on the systematic development<br />

of morale and the control of human behavior; prepared with the<br />

literary assistance of A. H. Miller. 1921. Holt.<br />

Considers the subject of the development of morale from the military standpoint.<br />

Pittsburgh—Public education board—Vocational r 174 P67<br />

guidance department.<br />

Vocational guidance in the Pittsburgh public schools. 1920. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

Puech, Aime, ed. 1 7Q g pgg<br />

Pages et pensees morales; extraites des auteurs grecs; recueillies et<br />

annotees. 1916.<br />

Greek text.<br />

Rendu, Ambroise Marie Modeste. 171 R33<br />

Traite de morale. 1840.<br />

Secretan, Charles. ,7, g446<br />

La philosophie de la liberte; cours de philosophie morale fait a<br />

Lausanne. 2v. 1849.<br />

Segur, Anatole Henri Philippe, marquis de. 171 S45<br />

La bonte et les affections naturelles chez les saints. 1888.<br />

Vidari, Giovanni. ,-. v,.<br />

Elementi di etica. 1922. (Manuali Hoepli.)<br />

"Indicazioni bibliografiche" at the end of each part.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 151<br />

Whedon, Daniel Denison. r 171 W59<br />

The freedom of the will as a basis of human responsibility and a<br />

divine government elucidated and maintained in its issue with the<br />

necessitarian theories. 1864. Carlton.<br />

Religion<br />

Adams, William, 1813-97. 265.1 A21<br />

A new treatise upon regeneration in baptism. 1871. Mallory.<br />

Armstrong, John, 1813-56. 264 A73<br />

Sermons on the festivals. 1858. Parker.<br />

Arnot, William. 248 A76<br />

Laws from heaven for life on earth, illustrations of the book of<br />

Proverbs. 1864. Nelson.<br />

Bickersteth, Edward Henry. 231 B47<br />

The rock of ages; or, Scripture testimony to the one eternal Godhead<br />

of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, with an<br />

introduction by the Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington. 1871. Dutton.<br />

Bolles, James Aaron. 265.5 B61<br />

Holy matrimony. 1870. Hurd.<br />

Browne, Edward Harold, & Ellicott, C. J. 220.1 B79<br />

The inspiration of Holy scripture. 1878. Whittaker.<br />

261 C45<br />

Christianity and problems of to-day; lectures delivered before Lake<br />

Forest College on the foundation of the late William Bross. 1922.<br />

Scribner. (Bross library, v.ll.)<br />

Contents: From generation to generation, by J. H. Finley.—Jesus' social plan, by<br />

C. F. Kent.—Personal religion and public morals, by R. B. Taylor.—Religion and social<br />

discontent, by P. E. More.—The teachings of Jesus as factors in international politics,<br />

with especial reference to Far-Eastern problems, by J. W. Jenks.<br />

Clarke, Henry William. 254 C53<br />

A history of tithes. 1891. Sonnenschein.<br />

Coxe, Arthur Cleveland, bp. 252 C85<br />

Sermons on doctrine and duty. 1855. Hooker.<br />

Dole, Charles Fletcher. 201 D69<br />

A religion for the new day. 1920. Huebsch.<br />

Farrar, Frederic William. 236 F25<br />

Mercy and judgment: a few last words on Christian eschatology,<br />

with reference to Dr Pusey's "What is of faith?" 1881. Dutton.<br />

Fosdick, Harry Emerson. 239 F79<br />

Christianity and progress. 1922. Revell. (Cole lectures.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Discusses Christianity as a progressive movement instead of a static finality, and<br />

the relations of Christianity to the idea of growth and the reactions of the church thereto.<br />

Condensed from Boston evening transcript, 1922.


Gasquet, Francis Aidan. 271 G21m<br />

Monastic life in the middle ages, with a note on Great Britain and<br />

the Holy see, 1792-1806. 1922. Bell.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A collection of articles written at various times during the last 40 years. The writer<br />

is a resolute champion of the pre-reformation church in England. Condensed from English<br />

historical review, 1922.<br />

Goulburn, Edward Meyrick. 237 G73e<br />

Everlasting punishment; lectures delivered at St. James's church,<br />

Piccadilly, on the six first Sundays after Trinity, in the year 1880. 1880.<br />

Pott.<br />

Contents: Everlasting punishment not inconsistent with God's justice.—Everlasting<br />

punishment not inconsistent with God's love.—Everlasting punishment not inconsistent<br />

with God's purpose in creation.—Lessons of the story of the crucified malefactors.—<br />

Scriptural modifications of the difficulty.<br />

Goulburn, Edward Meyrick. 252 G73f<br />

Farewell counsels of a pastor to his flock; nine sermons preached<br />

at St. John's, Paddington. 1867. Rivingtons.<br />

Contents: Absolution.—Ritualism.—The doctrine of the eucharist.—The atonement.<br />

—The stability of an orthodox faith.—The stability of personal religion.—On preaching<br />

Christ crucified.—The responsibility of hearers.<br />

Hall, John, 1829-98. 251 H17<br />

God's word through preaching. 1875. Dodd. (Yale lectures on<br />

preaching.)<br />

Hamilton, James, 1814-67. 223.8 H21<br />

The royal preacher; lectures on Ecclesiastes. 1857. Carter.<br />

Hills, G. Heathcote. 252 H56<br />

The church in the house; fifteen short sermons. 1902. Combe.<br />

Contents: The Lord is at hand.—The Christmas creation.—The truth as it is in<br />

Jesus.—No form or comeliness.—The man in men.—Barrabas or Jesus.—The ascent of<br />

man-—The true estimate of human nature.—Contact with Jesus.—God's coming to His<br />

ow "; —L , azar , us ' —The strait gate.—Unbelief the result of immorality.—God's workman<br />

—Ihe church in the house.<br />

Holland, Henry Scott. 252 H72c<br />

Creed and character; sermons. 1887. Scribner.<br />

Contents: Apostolic witness.—The church in the Gospels.—Conversion.—Newness<br />

of life.—Ihe Christian life here on earth.<br />

Holland, Henry Scott. 252 H72<br />

On behalf of belief; sermons preached in S. Paul's cathedral concerning<br />

the resurrection, concerning the church, concerning human<br />

nature. 1889. Whittaker.<br />

Horsley, Samuel, bp. 232 Hgln<br />

Nine sermons on the nature of the evidence by which the fact of<br />

our Lord's resurrection is established and on various other subjects'<br />

to which is prefixed a dissertation on the prophecies of the Messiah<br />

dispersed among the heathen. 1816. Swords.<br />

Horsley, Samuel, bp 252 m u<br />

Sermons. Washbourne.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 153<br />

Howarth, Mrs Eleanor Katherine (Paget). 220.9 H84<br />

A geography of the Bible; ed. by O.J. R. Howarth. 1922. Clarend<br />

Press.<br />

Jones, Henry, b. 1852. 204 J41<br />

A faith that enquires; the Gifford lectures delivered in the University<br />

of Glasgow in the years 1920 and 1921. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contents: The value and need of free enquiry in religion.—The sceptical objections<br />

to enquiry in religion stated and examined.—The nature of religion.—The contrast of<br />

the finite and infinite.—The way we know.—Scientific hypothesis and religious faith.—<br />

Religious life and religious theory.—Morality and religion.—Morality a process that always<br />

attains.—The world of the individualist.—The world of the idealist.—The standard<br />

of value.—The perfect as spiritual process.—The absolute and the natural world.—God<br />

and man's freedom.— Contingencies.— God and the absolute. — The immortality of the<br />

soul.—The results of our enquiry.<br />

Laborde, Jean Joseph. 230.2 Lll<br />

The impossibility of the immaculate conception as an article of<br />

faith, to which is added the author's letter to the pope; tr. and ed. with<br />

notes by A. C. Coxe. 1855. Hooker.<br />

Liddon, Henry Parry, canon. 252 L68se<br />

Sermons preached before the University of Oxford, chiefly during<br />

the years 1863-1865. 1868. Dutton.<br />

Contents: God and the soul.—The law of progress.—The freedom of the spirit.—<br />

Immortality.—Humility and action.—The conflict of faith with undue exaltation of intellect.—The<br />

lessons of the holy manger.—The divine victim.—The risen life.—Our<br />

Lord's ascension the church's gain.<br />

Lord, David N. r 213 L86<br />

Geognosy; or, The facts and principles of geology against theories.<br />

1857. Knight.<br />

Loserth, Johann. 270.5 L89<br />

Wiclif and Hus; tr. by M. J. Evans. 1884. Hodder.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Magee, William Connor, abp. 252 M24<br />

Christ the light of all Scripture; ed. by Charles S. Magee. 1892.<br />

Whittaker.<br />

Merrill, William Pierson. 251 M63<br />

The freedom of the preacher. 1922. Macmillan. (Lyman Beecher<br />

lectures on preaching, for the year 1922.)<br />

Moberly, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 252 M75b<br />

Brighstone sermons. 1869. Rivington.<br />

Moberly, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 252 M75<br />

Sermons preached at Winchester college. 1844. Rivington.<br />

Newnham, Philip Harikinson. 264 N28<br />

The All-Father; sermons preached in a village church, with preface<br />

by Edna Lyall. 1889. Longmans.<br />

230 N45<br />

Norris, John Pilkington.<br />

Rudiments of theology; a first book for students. 1876. Dutton.


Odenheimer, William Henry. 264 014<br />

The origin and compilation of the prayer book, with an appendix<br />

containing various historical facts and documents connected with our<br />

liturgy. 1859. Burns.<br />

Perry, William Stevens, bp. 252 P44L<br />

Life lessons from the book of Proverbs. 1873. Whittaker.<br />

Contents: The words of the wise; or, Proverbs of experience.—Treasure in the<br />

house; or, Proverbs of home life.—Closer than a brother; or, Proverbs of friendship.—<br />

The reward of the diligent; or, Proverbs of industry.—The suicide of the soul; or,<br />

Proverbs of purity.—The principal thing; or, Proverbs of wisdom.—The struggle with<br />

the strong; or, Proverbs of counsel.—The false balance; or, Proverbs of trade.—Wine a<br />

mocker; or, Proverbs of temperance.—The issues of life; or, Proverbs of restraint.—<br />

The better choice; or, Proverbs of integrity.—The shining path; or, Proverbs of holiness.<br />

— The exaltation and reproach of a nation; or, Proverbs of politics.—Greater than<br />

Solomon.<br />

Porteus, Beilby, bp. 252 P83s<br />

Sermons on several subjects, v.l. 1813. Cadell.<br />

Potter, Henry Codman, bp. 255 P85<br />

Sisterhoods and deaconesses at home and abroad. 1873. Dutton.<br />

Reeves, John, 1752-1829, comp. 264 R28<br />

An introduction to the common prayer, containing observations on<br />

the services for morning and evening, Sundays and holydays, with notes<br />

on the epistles and gospels and on the Psalms. 1840. Taylor.<br />

Richardson, Nathaniel Smith. 239 R41<br />

The churchman's reasons for his faith and practice. 1866. Pott.<br />

Royden, Agnes Maude. 261 R81<br />

Political Christianity. 1923. Putnam.<br />

Contents: Political Christianity. — Justice: human and divine.—The passion of<br />

Christ.—Christ and the unemployed.—St. Patrick's day, 1921.—The cry of Russia.—<br />

Disarmament and the Washington conference.—Party politics.—The care of the insane.<br />

Royden, Agnes Maude. 248 R81<br />

Prayer as a force. 1923. Putnam.<br />

Contents: Worship.—The God within us.—What is prayer?—What is faith?—The<br />

power of faith.— Unanswered prayers.— Prayer for others.— To whom do we pray?—<br />

The God within us and the God without.—The eternal God.<br />

Sadler, Michael Ferrebee. 265 S12o<br />

The one offering; a treatise on the sacrificial nature of the eucharist.<br />

1875. Bell.<br />

Sadler, Michael Ferrebee. 265 S12s<br />

The second Adam and the new birth; or, The doctrine of baptism as<br />

contained in Holy scripture. 1867. Bell.<br />

Salmon, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 252 S17<br />

Non-miraculous Christianity, and other sermons preached in the<br />

chapel of Trinity College, Dublin. 1881. Macmillan.<br />

Storr, Vernon Faithfull. 211 S88<br />

The moral argument for theism. 1921. Longmans. (Liverpool<br />

Diocesan board of divinity publications, 24.)<br />

"Books recommended," p.6o.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 155<br />

Strong, Augustus Hopkins. 204 S92<br />

Christ in creation and ethical monism. 1919. Roger Williams<br />

Press.<br />

Contents: Christ in creation.—Ethical monism.—Ethical monism once mure.—God's<br />

self-limitations.—Christ and the truth.—The authority of Scripture.—Modern tendencies<br />

in theological thought.—The fall and the redemption of man in the light of evolution.—<br />

Fifty years of theology.—State and church in 1492 and in 1892.—Our Baptist advantage<br />

in America.—The decree of God the great encouragement to missions.—The love of<br />

Christ the great motive to missions.—The Holy Spirit the one and only power in missions.—Qualifications<br />

for the ministry.—Ernest Renan, his life and his life of Jesus.—<br />

Reminiscences of C. G. Finney.—Love abounding in knowledge.—Jesus' argument for<br />

the resurrection.—The Scripture doctrine of eternal punishment.—Addresses to successive<br />

graduating classes of the Rochester Theological Seminary.<br />

Thomas a Kempis. 242 T37of<br />

Of the Imitation of Christ; tr. from the Latin by John Payne. 1783.<br />

Crukshank.<br />

Wilberforce, Samuel, bp, 252 W69<br />

Addresses to the candidates for ordination, on the questions in the<br />

ordination service. 1860. Parker.<br />

Contents: The inward call.—The glory of God.—The sufficiency of the Holy scriptures.—The<br />

ministration of doctrine, sacraments and discipline.—The driving away of<br />

erroneous and strange doctrines.—Private monitions and exhortations to the sick and to<br />

the whole.—Private ministrations to the sick and to the whole.—Diligence in prayer.—<br />

Diligence in the study of Holy scripture.—Diligence in study.—Being ensamples to the<br />

flock of Christ.—Maintaining quietness and peace.—Obedience to ordinary and other<br />

chief ministers.<br />

Scriptures<br />

Bible—Old testament. 221.5 B47<br />

The book of Yahweh (the Yahwist Bible); fragments from the<br />

primitive document in seven early books of the Old testament, by an<br />

unknown genius of the ninth century B. C, arranged by Clarimond<br />

Mansfield. 1922. Cornhill Pub. Co.<br />

Bible—Old testament. Genesis. 222.1 B47gn<br />

Genesis printed in colors, showing the original sources from which<br />

it is supposed to have been compiled, with an introduction by E. C.<br />

Bissell. 1892. Belknap.<br />

Bible—Old testament. Psalms. 223.2 B47t<br />

A translation of the Syriac Peshito version of the Psalms of David,<br />

with notes critical and explanatory by Andrew Oliver. 1841. Dutton.<br />

Bible—New testament. Gospels. 226.1 B47g<br />

A harmony of the gospels for students of the life of Christ; based<br />

on the Broadus Harmony in the revised version, by A. T. Robertson.<br />

1922. Doran.<br />

Burgess, Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 226 4 B89<br />

-<br />

Gospel of St. Luke, with critical notes; also, six charges delivered<br />

to the clergy of his diocese. 1880. Randolph.<br />

Hazard, Marshall Custiss. 220 - 2 H37<br />

A complete concordance to the American standard version of the<br />

Holy Bible; a help specially designed to promote the study and to aid


Hazard, Marshall Custiss—continued. 220.2 H37<br />

in the clear understanding of the word of God; contains about 300.000<br />

references, arranged under 16,000 headings and sub-headings; includes<br />

the alternative marginal readings; gives the pronunciation and meaning<br />

of all proper names and places, with biographical and geographical<br />

information which make it serve as a Bible dictionary as well as a concordance.<br />

1922. Nelson.<br />

The same r 220.2 H37<br />

Pusey, Edward Bouverie. 224 P98<br />

The minor prophets, with a commentary explanatory and practical<br />

and introductions to the several books. 2v. 1885. Funk.<br />

v.i. Hosea.—Joel.—Amos.—Obadiah.—Jonah.<br />

v.2. Micah.—Nahum.—Habakkuk.— Zephaniah.—Haggai.—Zechariah.—Malachi.<br />

Shepperson, Sister Mary Fides, ed. 221 S549<br />

Selections from the Scriptures; gleanings from the Old testament.<br />

1915. Ainsworth. (Lakeside series of English readings.)<br />

Churches<br />

Anderson, James Stuart Murray. 283 A54<br />

History of the Church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies<br />

of the British empire. 3v. 1856. Rivington.<br />

Beardsley, Eben Edwards. 283 B34<br />

The history of the Episcopal church in Connecticut. 2v 1874<br />

Hurd.<br />

Bode, John Ernest. r 283 B58<br />

Absence of precision in the formularies of the Church of England,<br />

scriptural and suitable to a state of probation; in eight sermons<br />

preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1855. 1855.<br />

Wright. (Bampton lectures.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Brown, William Adams. 261 B79ch<br />

The church in America; a study of the present condition and future<br />

prospects of American Protestantism. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

of rtTr ^ ' T M - in T thiS £"* iS ^ largdy ° n the author ' s experience as secretary<br />

of the General War-Time Committee of the Churches and as chairman of the Committee<br />

on the War and the Religious Outlook. cummuce<br />

Carwithen, John Bayly Somers. 283 C24<br />

History of the Church of England. 2v. 1849. Parker.<br />

Dau, William Herman Theodore, ed. r 284 1 D27<br />

Ebenezer; reviews of the work of the Missouri synod during three<br />

quarters of a century. 1922. Concordia Pub. House."<br />

Holmes, John Haynes 280 H?3<br />

Mew churches for old; a plea for community religion 19" Dodd<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes. '

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 157<br />

Lightfoot, Joseph Barber. 262 1 L6g<br />

The Christian ministry. Whittaker.<br />

[Mines, Flavel Scott.] 285.1 M72<br />

A Presbyterian clergyman looking for the church. 2v. in 1. 1853<br />

General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union.<br />

National Lutheran Council. r 284.1 N15<br />

Annual report (4th), 1920/21. [1921.]<br />

Palmer, William, 1803-85. 282 P19L<br />

Letters to N. Wiseman on the errors of Romanism, in respect to the<br />

worship of saints, satisfactions, purgatory, indulgences and the worship<br />

of images and relics. 1843. Robinson.<br />

Pressense, Edmond de. 270 8 P92<br />

Rome and Italy at the opening of the CEcumenical council, depicted<br />

in twelve letters written from Rome to a gentleman in America; tr. by<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Prentice. 1870. Carlton.<br />

Quirinus, pseud. 282 Q44<br />

Letters from Rome on the council; reprinted from the Allgemeine<br />

zeitung. 1870. Rivington.<br />

Selborne, Roundell Palmer, earl of. 283 S46<br />

Defence of the Church of England against disestablishment, with<br />

an introductory letter to W. E. Gladstone. 1886. Macmillan.<br />

Wheeler, Mrs Mary Sparkes. 266 W612<br />

First decade of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the<br />

Methodist Episcopal church, with sketches of its missionaries, introduction<br />

by Bishop J. F. Hurst. 1881. Phillips.<br />

Mythology<br />

Halevy, M. K. qr 292 H16<br />

Mythology and the siege of Troy, with illustrations after paintings<br />

in the great galleries in America and Europe, v.2^1. 1892. Barrie.<br />

Pinelli, Bartolommeo. qr 292 P67<br />

Mitologia illustrata, con introduzione e testo descrittivo di Angelo<br />

de Gubernatis. v.l. [1897.]<br />

Jews and Judaism<br />

Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. 296 P46<br />

Status of the Jews in Egypt, with a foreword by Sir Philip Sassoon.<br />

[1922.] Allen. (Arthur Davis memorial lecture, no.5.)<br />

"References in text," p.41-42.<br />

"Ancient Hebrew papyri"; provisional translation by H. Hirschfeld, p.43-44.<br />

A rapid review of the social, religious, and political position of the Jews in Egypt<br />

from the days of Abraham through the first centuries of the Christian era. • . •


Sociology<br />

Chicago Commission on Race Relations. r 326 C432<br />

The negro in Chicago; a study of race relations and a race riot.<br />

1922. University of Chicago Press.<br />

Contents: The Chicago riot, July 27-Aug. 2, 1910.—Other outbreaks in Illinois.—<br />

The migration of negroes from the South.—The negro population of Chicago.—The negro<br />

housing problem.—Racial contacts.—Crime and vicious environment.—The negro in industry.—Public<br />

opinion in race relations.—Summary of the report and recommendations<br />

of the commission<br />

Detweiler, Frederick German. 326 D48<br />

The negro press in the United States. 1922. University of Chicago<br />

Press.<br />

"Bibliography," p.270-272.<br />

A study of the newspapers published by and for negroes. Considers their history,<br />

their number and influence, the nature of their news and comments, and their attitude<br />

towards problems of the day, especially the race question.<br />

European Relief Council. r 361 E93<br />

Report on the national collection by the Control committee to the<br />

European Relief Council. [1921.]<br />

Graham, John William. 355.62 G77<br />

Conscription and conscience; a history, 1916-1919. [1922.] Allen.<br />

"Authorities," p.381-382.<br />

This book was written at the request of representatives of the conscientious objectors<br />

to conscription in England during the recent war. The author was during the war chairman<br />

of the Friends' Peace Committee and served on other committees which <strong>org</strong>anized<br />

relief for the resisters. Condensed from Preface.<br />

Porter, Elizabeth Lane. qr 325.73 P83<br />

The possibilities of educational and recreational work among immigrant<br />

women on the Hill. 1920. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Thesis for M.A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Red-cross Society. (United States. American National 361 R261<br />

Red Cross.)—Pittsburgh chapter.<br />

The Pittsburgh chapter, American Red cross; a history of the<br />

activities of the chapter from its <strong>org</strong>anization to January 1, 1921, with<br />

an appendix containing all available names of those who rendered Red<br />

Cross service during that period. 1922. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

The same r 361 R261<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.3 U254L<br />

List of references on city and country life. 1921.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.364 U254<br />

List of references on crime and criminology in the United States,<br />

with special reference to statistics. 1922.<br />

Mimeogiaph copy.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.3965 U254<br />

List of references on women in the Federal civil service. 1922.<br />

Typewritten copy.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 159<br />

United States—President. (James Buchanan.) r 308 U25m<br />

The messages of President Buchanan, with an appendix containing<br />

sundry letters from members of his cabinet at the close of his presidential<br />

term, etc.; comp. by J. B. Henry. 1888.<br />

Politics and Government<br />

Beer, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Louis. 325.3 B38<br />

The origins of the British colonial system, 1578-1660. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"Analyzes with great thoroughness and skill the origins of British policy, tracing<br />

step by step the growth of certain financial and commercial principles that were to be<br />

the bases, at a later time, of a definite colonial system." American historical review,<br />

1909.<br />

Bowers, Claude Gernade. 329 B66<br />

The party battles of the Jackson period. 1922. Houghton.<br />

"Books, papers and manuscripts cited and consulted," p.483-487.<br />

"The object is to describe the great personal and party battles of the period in terms<br />

of human passions and motives, rather than in language of constitutional law or even<br />

of formal biography; and, although Jackson is the hero throughout, the announced purpose<br />

to paint the great historical personages of the time—Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Adams,<br />

Van Buren—as they really were...is measurably attained. The first three, at least,<br />

come off considerably diminished in grandeur." Literary review, 1923.<br />

Burns, Cecil Delisle. 351.8 B93<br />

Government and industry. [1921.] Allen.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"Studies those recent developments in industrial life and structure which have produced<br />

a more genuine intimacy between government and industry, and an increased<br />

participation of government in industry.. .It treats British experience in the main, with<br />

an occasional excursion into French and American." American economic review, 1922.<br />

Eno, William Phelps. 352.7 E65<br />

Science of highway traffic regulation, 1899-1920. 1920. Brentano.<br />

"List of books, pamphlets, articles and addresses on highway traffic regulation,"<br />

p.97-99.<br />

Hoover, Herbert Clark. 323.4 H77<br />

American individualism. 1923. Doubleday.<br />

Contents: American individualism.—Philosophic grounds.—Spiritual phases. — Economic<br />

phases.—Political phases.—The future.<br />

Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple, & Smith, R. D. q 342.7 J25<br />

We and our government. 1922. Boni.<br />

The same qj 342.7 J25<br />

A practical book explaining clearly how the government of the United States works<br />

and the principles upon which it is based. Here will be found definite answers to such<br />

questions as, how can citizenship be acquired, what are the qualifications of voters, what<br />

is the commission form of city government. The text is supplemented by more than<br />

500 illustrations and there are suggestive questions and problems for each of the 14<br />

chapters.<br />

Merriam, Charles Edward. 329 M63<br />

The American party system; an introduction to the study of political<br />

parties in the United States. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.


Mumford, Lewis. 320.1 M96<br />

The story of Utopias, with an introduction by H. W. Van Loon.<br />

1922. Boni.<br />

"Bibliography," p.309-315.<br />

An account of the chief model communities that have been devised in literature,<br />

from Plato to William Morris and H. G. Wells. The author treats his subject not merely<br />

descriptively but critically so that his book is not a summary or compilation of other<br />

men's work, but a work of real reflection and originality. Condensed from Literary<br />

review, 1923.<br />

Poore, Benjamin Perley, comp. qr 328.73 P81p<br />

The political register and congressional directory; a statistical<br />

record of the Federal officials, legislative, executive and judicial, of<br />

the United States of America, 1776-1878. 1878. Houghton.<br />

Economics<br />

[Allegheny County, Pa. Woman's Liberty qr 336.3 A42v<br />

Loan Committee.]<br />

[Volumes of victory; names of subscribers to the fifth victory<br />

liberty loan. 3v.]<br />

Manuscript copy.<br />

Andrews, John Bertram. 338.9 A56<br />

Labor problems and labor legislation. 1922. Amer. Assoc, for<br />

Labor Legislation.<br />

Contents: Employment.—Wages.—Hours.—Safety.—Health.—Self-government in<br />

industry.—Social insurance.—Enforcement of laws.<br />

"Brief list of selected readings," p.137-138.<br />

Bonnett, Clarence Elmore. 331 gg2<br />

Employers' associations in the United States; a study of typical<br />

associations. 1922. Macmillan.<br />

"References" at the end of each chapter.<br />

Cohen, Joseph Louis. 331 2 Cfifi<br />

Insurance against unemployment, with special reference to British<br />

and American conditions. 1921. King.<br />

"Chief books and papers used," p.525-532.<br />

Edwards, Ge<strong>org</strong>e William. 332 y E31<br />

Foreign commercial credits; a study in the financing of foreign<br />

trade. 1922. McGraw.<br />

Free^ Helen Elizabeth. qr 331 g3 Fgg<br />

A- i T\ C oZ iT T d OCCU P ations of ^e young people in the Hill<br />

district. 1920. [Pittsburgh.]<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Thesis for M.A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Johnsen, Julia E. comp. 33g<br />

Hi^sTI 0 ? ° f the , Hed d£bt; SPeeches of the Manu *l Training<br />

debates of°l 2r^l '" 'T • *"?" ** (M °° ^'^<br />

artic es Sfw', ^o«luct.on, briefs, references and selected<br />

„„.?;. [1922 ' ] Wilson. (Reference shelf, v.l, no 1 )<br />

bibliography," p.7-12.<br />

The same. . .<br />

r 336.3 J35<br />

high sch

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 161<br />

Joint Committee on the Cost of Living. r 331.83 J37<br />

Final report on the cost of living. [1921.] Allen.<br />

At head of title: Parliamentary committee, Trades Union Congress. Joint Committee<br />

on the Cost of Living.<br />

KixMiller, William, & Baar, Arnold. r 336.2 K31<br />

1923 United States income and war tax guide; based on revenue act<br />

of 1921 and 1922 regulations. 1922. Commerce Clearing House.<br />

Lauck, William Jett, & Watts, C. S. 331 L36<br />

The industrial code; a survey of the postwar industrial situation, a<br />

review of wartime developments in industrial relations and a proposal<br />

looking to permanent industrial peace. 1922. Funk.<br />

Contents: The postwar industrial situation.—The delayed peace and its effects.—<br />

War-time handling of the labor problem.—The supreme court of industry.—The need of<br />

an industrial code.—How to secure the code.—The right to <strong>org</strong>anize.—Collective bargaining.—The<br />

living wage.—The hours of labor.—The rights and relations of women in<br />

industry.—Control of industry—observance of contractural obligations—protection of the<br />

public interest and welfare.—The postwar development of a code.—Conclusions.<br />

Leites, K. r 330.9 L56<br />

Recent economic developments in Russia; ed. by Harald Westergaard.<br />

1922. Clarendon Press. (Carnegie Endowment for International<br />

Peace—Division of economics and history. Publications.)<br />

Lincoln, Edmond Earle. 332 L71<br />

Applied business finance. 1923. Shaw.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"The aim...is to discuss those problems of business finance which actually arise<br />

from day to day in the average industrial concern, including both manufacturing and<br />

trading enterprises. No attempt is made to center attention on the problems of very<br />

large <strong>org</strong>anizations as such, and only incidental mention is made of the financial problems<br />

of public utility concerns and holding companies." Preface.<br />

Livesey, W. 331.89 L74<br />

The mining crisis; its history and meaning to all workers. 1922.<br />

Simpkin.<br />

An account of the labor situation among the coal miners in England in 1920 and<br />

1921. The author was chief clerk to the Miners' Federation of Great Britain but resigned<br />

his position in order to set forth these views which diverge from the policies of<br />

those in control.<br />

Macassey, Sir Lynden. 331 Mil<br />

Labour policy—false and true; a study in economic history and industrial<br />

economics. [1922.] Butterworth.<br />

The author studies in turn the policies of the Labour party of England which he<br />

attempts to prove false, and those of the Government in which he finds much that is<br />

good. In a final section he sets forth his own suggestions for solving the problem.<br />

Smill, Eva. qr 331.8 S64<br />

The stogy industry on the Hill in Pittsburgh, Pa. 1920. [Pitts­<br />

burgh.]<br />

Contents: The industry on the Hill.—The history of the labor situation in the industry.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Thesis for M.A., Carnegie Institute of Technology.<br />

Steiner, William Howard. 332 - 7 S82<br />

The mechanism of commercial credit; terms of sale and trade acceptances.<br />

1922. Appleton.


Stocks, Mrs Mary Danvers (Brinton). 330.9 S86<br />

The industrial state; a social and economic history of England.<br />

[1920.] Collins' Clear-type Press.<br />

"Suggestions for more advanced reading," p.318-319.<br />

A text-book intended for continuation school pupils.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.333 U254<br />

List of references on the Torrens system of land registration (1911—<br />

1922). 1922.<br />

Mimeograph copy.<br />

Williams, Whiting. 331.8 W74h<br />

Horny hands and hampered elbows; the worker's mind in western<br />

Europe. 1922. Scribner.<br />

Wright, Ivan. 334.2 W93<br />

Bank credit and agriculture under the national and Federal reserve<br />

banking systems. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"Select bibliography," p.281-282.<br />

Law. International Conferences<br />

Attenborough, F. L. 346 A88<br />

The laws of the earliest English kings. 1922. Cambridge University<br />

Press.<br />

Contents: The Kentish laws.—The laws of Ine and of Alfred.—Treaties with the<br />

Danes.—The laws of Edward the elder and of ^Ethelstan.<br />

Beck, James Montgomery. 342.7 B36<br />

The constitution of the United States; a brief study of the genesis,<br />

formulation and political philosophy of the constitution of the United<br />

States, with a preface by the Earl of Balfour. [1922.] Doran. (Gray's<br />

Inn lectures.)<br />

Contents: The genesis of the constitution.—The formulation of the constitution.—<br />

The political philosophy of the constitution.—The revolt against authority.—The articles<br />

of confederation of 1781.—The constitution of the United States.<br />

Gray, John Chipman. . 340 Q.gj<br />

The nature and sources of the law [ed.] from the author's notes by<br />

Roland Gray. 1921. Macmillan.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

McBain, Howard Lee, & Rogers, Lindsay. 342 M12<br />

The new constitutions of Europe. 1922. Doubleday.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

mul^eTirFur^" 011 "".J^ ^"^ hiStOTy a " d P rm ' isi °"S of the constitutions promulgated<br />

in Europe since the great war, and separate chapters on the constitutions of<br />

^olZ^^rrlT^t thC " XtS ° f thC C ° nStitUti0nS in E - ish --.ation^aiii<br />

Player, Cyril Arthur. 341.1PM<br />

Arms-and the men; intimate personal glimpses of delegates ataches<br />

and unofficial personages at the Washington conference on the<br />

limitation of armament and Pacific and Far Eastern problems 192?<br />

lEvenmg News Assoc. Detroit.] (Detroit news reprints)<br />

A series of articles published in the "Detroit news," Nov. ,7, ,92,-Tan '3,

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 163<br />

Tanner, Joseph Robson. r 342.4 T18<br />

Tudor constitutional documents; A.D. 1485-1603, with an historical<br />

commentary. 1922. Cambridge University Press.<br />

"List of books," pref. p.17-22.<br />

"Salient statutes, parliamentary debates, cases, reports of treason trials, extracts<br />

from pamphlets, essays, and letters are marshalled to illustrate the foundations of the<br />

Tudor monarchy, the church settlements of Henry VIII. and his children, the functions<br />

of the king's secretary, and of the Council [etc.]...The extracts are carefully chosen,<br />

and little of importance in the printed sources has been omitted. . .The documents are<br />

accompanied by an historical commentary at the head of each section, full of detailed<br />

knowledge. . .The book...is frankly first of all a text-book for use of English university<br />

students." American historical review, 1922.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.3412 U25c<br />

Check list of documents relating to the Paris Peace Conference,<br />

1919. 1922.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

United States—Library of Congress. qr 016.34 U254<br />

List of references on respect for law, including public opinion as an<br />

aid to enforcement. 1922.<br />

Typewritten copy.<br />

Education<br />

Cambridge University, England. r 378.4 C14w<br />

War list of the University of Cambridge, 1914-1918; ed. by G. V.<br />

Carey. 1921.<br />

Cormack, Beale. 371.85 C81<br />

Initiation stunts; serious initiations, mock initiations, rough house<br />

initiations, fraternity customs, Greek letter fraternities, fraternity songs,<br />

toasts, yells and cheers, college yells and cheers, side degree stunts.<br />

1922. Fitzgerald Pub. Corporation.<br />

Lippincott, Horace Mather. r 378.7 P399L<br />

Ge<strong>org</strong>e Washington and the University of Pennsylvania. 1916.<br />

General Alumni Soc.<br />

Pennsylvania State College—Alumni association. qr 378.7 P39pe<br />

Penn State in the world war. 1921.<br />

Pennsylvania University. r 378.7 P399ge<br />

General alumni catalogue, 1917; comp. by W.J.Maxwell. [1917.]<br />

Stewart, Mrs Cora (Wilson). 379.2 S84<br />

Moonlight schools for the emancipation of adult illiterates. 1922.<br />

Dutton.<br />

376 W31<br />

Watson, Foster, ed.<br />

Vives and the renascence education of women. 1912. Arnold. (Educational<br />

classics.)<br />

Contents: Instruction of a Christian woman; Plan of girls' studies; Satellitium or<br />

Symbola, by J. L. Vives.—Richard Hyrde on the education of women.—The school of<br />

Sir Thomas More.-The learning of women, by J. L. V.yes.-The defence of good<br />

women, by Thomas Elyot.—Plan of boys' studies, by J. L. \ lves.<br />

"Bibliographical note," pref. p.13-15-

164<br />


Commerce<br />

Broodbank, Sir Joseph Guinness. q 387 B77<br />

History of the port of London. 2v. 1921. O'Connor.<br />

382 R72<br />

Rosenthal, Morris S.<br />

Technical procedure in exporting and importing. 1922. McGraw.<br />

"Bibliography," p.285-287.<br />

United States—War trade board. . r 382 U258<br />

Report. 1920.<br />

"Describes the administration and effect of war-trade control from June 15, 1917,<br />

to June 30, 1910." Letter of transmittal.<br />

Customs. Costume. Etiquette<br />

Dennison Manufacturing Company. 391 D43h<br />

How to make paper costumes. (Instruction books of "Dennison<br />

craft.")<br />

Dennison Manufacturing Company. 394 D43<br />

Suggestions for decorating and entertaining on Christmas, New<br />

Year's, Twelfth night, with definite and helpful instructions for carrying<br />

out suggestions. 1922.<br />

Dewey, Mrs Julia M. 395 D51h<br />

How to teach manners to school children. 1921. Noble.<br />

Fraternite Franco-Americaine. r 394 F88<br />

Memorial day in France; all American tombs decorated by French<br />

children. 1921.<br />

English and French text.<br />

Language<br />

Flaherty, Martin Charles. 423 F59<br />

How to use the dictionary. 1923. Ronald Press Co.<br />

The same r 423 F59<br />

Goldberger, Henry Harold. 428.2 G57am<br />

America for coming citizens. 1922. Scribner.<br />

A reader for foreigners, written in simple English and furnished with questions<br />

and exercises. The lessons aie concerned with various phases of American life, history,<br />

government, industries, and ideals.<br />

Sunden, Daniel Anton. 439.7 S95<br />

Svensk spraklara; i sammandrag for allmanna laroverken. 1916.<br />

Yasenisky, M. P. B. 491.79 Y17<br />

A pocket dictionary of the Ukrainian-English and English-Ukrainian<br />

languages, with short guide to Ukrainian pronunciation, pt.i. 1914,<br />

Ruthenian Book Store.<br />

pt.i. Ukrainian.English.<br />

Title also in Ukrainian.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 165<br />

Science<br />

Armitage, Francis Paul. 573 A73<br />

Diet and race; anthropological essays. 1922. Longmans.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Discusses the relation of diet to physique, color, and cranial form.<br />

Beck, Conrad. 578 B36<br />

The microscope; a simple handbook. 1921. Beck.<br />

A practical treatise on the construction and manipulation of microscopes. Discusses<br />

illuminating apparatus and sources of illumination, and describes accessories.<br />

Byrne, Oliver. qr 527 B99<br />

Treatise on navigation and nautical astronomy. 1877. Bentley.<br />

Curtis, Winterton Conway. 504 C93<br />

Science and human affairs from the viewpoint of biology. 1922.<br />

Harcourt.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Arranged under three subdivisions: the history and significance of science, the<br />

science of biology, and the present importance of science.<br />

Fleure, Herbert John. 572.94 F63<br />

Peoples of Europe. 1922. Oxford University Press.<br />

"Bibliographical notes," p.iog-no.<br />

Outlines the steps in the evolution of European races, their languages, religions,<br />

industries, and social life. The final chapter considers aspects of modern Europe.<br />

Gosse, Philip Henry. 578.9 G69<br />

Evenings at the microscope. 1902. Collier.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

A series of informal talks on zoological specimens examined with the aid of the<br />

microscope. Gives scattered information on manipulation of the microscope.<br />

Johnstone, James. 577.21 J37<br />

Mechanism of life in relation to modern physical theory. 1921.<br />

Longmans.<br />

"The special interest of this book is the author's attempt to bring biology into<br />

general line with the recent development of mathematics and physics. . .The argument<br />

is clear and sustained." London, Edinburgh and Dublin philosophical magazine, 1922.<br />

Keen, William Williams. 575 K15<br />

I believe in God and in evolution. 1922. Lippincott.<br />

The author, an anatomist and surgeon, approaches the subject of evolution by way<br />

of a study of comparative anatomy.<br />

First given as the commencement address at Crozer Theological Seminary in 1922.<br />

Paucot, Rene. r 507 P31<br />

Le role des sciences dans l'education. 1920.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Vinall, Joseph William Topham, & Snaith, G. L. 526.98 V33<br />

Open-air geography and topographical modelling; an introduction<br />

to field geography and army drawing for public schools, colleges and<br />

cadet units, with foreword by Nowell Smith. 1920. Blackie.<br />

"Some reference books on army drawing, etc.," p.209.<br />

Gives special attention to army work and considerable to field instruments. Considers<br />

the making and use of ordnance maps and relief maps.


Waters, H. H. 522.63 W29<br />

Astronomical photography for amateurs, with a preface by F. W.<br />

Longbottom. [1921.] Gall.<br />

"Full of practical hints and directions as to the methods of working, the type of<br />

camera necessary, and the exposures and apertures most suitable for photographing<br />

various objects." Nature, 1922.<br />

Mathematics<br />

Rugg, Harold Ordway, & Clark, J. R. 510 R84<br />

Fundamentals of high school mathematics; a textbook designed to<br />

follow arithmetic. 1921. World Book Co.<br />

Text-book for first year high school work, based on modern ideas in education. By<br />

the use of more words and fewer symbols, the authors seek to simplify the approach to<br />

problems in algebra, plane geometry, and graphs.<br />

Schron, Heinrich Ludwig Friedrich. qr 510.8 S3S<br />

Siebenstellige gemeine logarithmen der zahlen von 1 bis 108000 und<br />

der sinus, cosinus, tangenten und cotangenten aller winkel des quadranten<br />

von 10 zu 10 secunden. Ed.19, rev. 1881.<br />

Contains also his "Interpolationstafel zur berechnung der proportionaltheile, zunachst<br />

fiir seine siebenstelligen logarithmentafeln, dann auch zum allgemeinen gebrauch.''<br />

Sloane, Thomas O'Conor. 511 S63<br />

Rapid arithmetic; quick and special methods in arithmetical calculation,<br />

together with a collection of puzzles and curiosities of numbers.<br />

1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Smyth, William, 1797-1868. r 512 S66t<br />

Treatise on algebra for the use of schools and colleges. 1852.<br />

Sanborn.<br />

Wells, Webster. r 513 W49<br />

Elements of geometry. [Ed 2.] 1894. Leach. (Wells' mathematical<br />

series.)<br />

Physics<br />

Bingham, Eugene Cook. 539.62 B48<br />

Fluidity and plasticity. 1922. McGraw. (International chemical<br />

series.)<br />

"Bibliography and author index," p.347-429.<br />

"The author has brought together and attempted to co-ordinate the vast amount of<br />

information on the flow of materials under shearing stress which has hitherto been<br />

scattered through the journals; and the resulting volume is valuable and welcome. The<br />

subject matter falls into two categories—namely, instruments and methods for measuring<br />

rates of flow, together with the necessary mathematical theory; and the relations of<br />

the results of such measurements to the physical and chemical properties of the various<br />

fluid or semi-fluid materials in question." Chemical and metallurgical engineering, 1922.<br />

Crowther, James Arnold. 537 54. Qgg<br />

The principles of radiography. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Written to give a "non-mathematical account of the physical principles involved in<br />

the production of a radiogram, and m the construction and use of thc apparatus em<br />

ployed for the purpose." Preface.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 167<br />

Jaeger, Wilhelm Ludwig. qr 537.7 J14e<br />

Elektrische messtechnik; theorie und praxis der elektrischen und<br />

magnetischen messungen. Ed.2, enl. 1922.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Kausch, Oskar. r 536.42 K14<br />

Die herstellung, verwendung und aufbewahrung von fliissiger luft.<br />

Ed.5, enl. 1919.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Luckiesh, M. 535.735 L97<br />

Visual illusions; their causes, characteristics and applications. 1922.<br />

Van Nostrand.<br />

"References," p.246-247.<br />

"Describes in detail the various types of 'static' optical illusions. . .and lays emphasis<br />

upon their practical effects in everyday vision rather than upon the conflicting<br />

theoretical explanations which have been advanced to account for them. The discussion<br />

is introduced by two very clearly written chapters upon the mechanism of the eye and<br />

upon the general principles of monocular and binocular vision...The discussion of terrestrial<br />

and marine camouflage is of special interest." Journal of the Optical Society<br />

of America, 1923.<br />

Lummer, Otto. r 535 L97<br />

Grundlagen, ziele und grenzen der leuchttechnik; auge und lichterzeugung.<br />

1918.<br />

New and enl. ed. of "Ziele der leuchttechnik," 1903.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Millikan, Robert Andrews, & Gale, H. G. r 530.7 M697<br />

Laboratory course in physics for secondary schools. 1906. Ginn.<br />

Peck, William Guy. r 531 P36e<br />

Elements of mechanics for the use of colleges, academies and high<br />

schools. [Ed.2.] 1860. Barnes.<br />

Poor, Charles Lane. 531.18 P79<br />

Gravitation versus relativity; a non-technical explanation of the fundamental<br />

principles of gravitational astronomy and a critical examination<br />

of the astronomical evidence cited as proof of the generalized<br />

theory of relativity, with a preliminary essay by T. C. Chamberlin. 1922.<br />

Putnam.<br />

Silberstein, Ludwik. r 531.18 S58<br />

Theory of general relativity and gravitation, based on a course of<br />

lectures delivered at the Conference on recent advances in physics held<br />

at the University of Toronto in January 1921. 1922. Van Nostrand.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Presupposes mathematical training and is not for the general reader.<br />

Terry, Earle Melvin. 537.7 T31<br />

Advanced laboratory practice in electricity and magnetism. 1922.<br />

McGraw.<br />

A collection of laboratory exercises covering the work given to third year students<br />

in electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsin. Considerable space has been<br />

devoted to the electron tube, the fundamentals of the electron theory, and the passage<br />

of electricity through gases.


r-w n*rn V 532.54 T37<br />

Thomas (W. A.) & Co. i<br />

Thomas oil flow tables. 1921.<br />

BrieTtext Xmpanying 5- tables of oil flow in wrought-iron pipe of various diameters<br />

from one to 24 inches.<br />

„, , u r 531.18 W58<br />

Weyl, Hermann.<br />

Raum, zeit, materie; vorlesungen uber allgemeine relativitatstheone.<br />

Ed.4, enl. 1921.<br />

"Literatur," p.289-294.<br />

Chemistry<br />

Barker, Ge<strong>org</strong>e Frederic.<br />

r 546 B24<br />

Text-book of elementary chemistry, theoretical and in<strong>org</strong>anic. Ed.4.<br />

1871. Chatfield.<br />

Booth, James Curtis, & Morfit, Campbell. r 540.3 B63<br />

Encyclopedia of chemistry, practical and theoretical; embracing its<br />

application to the arts, metallurgy, mineralogy, geology, medicine and<br />

pharmacy. Ed.8. 1883. Baird.<br />

Bull, Percival Ge<strong>org</strong>e. 540 B87<br />

Chemistry of to-day; the mysteries of chemistry lucidly explained<br />

in a popular & interesting manner free from all technicalities & formulas.<br />

1923. Lippincott.<br />

Includes a brief history of chemistry, the usual information on elements and compounds,<br />

and the relation of chemistry to our daily life. Concludes with a brief account<br />

of recent discoveries and developments in modern research.<br />

Collins, Archie Frederick. r 540 C69w<br />

Wonders of chemistry. 1922. Crowell.<br />

Chapters on chemistry and its applications. The author writes entertainingly but<br />

lacks the background of the trained chemist.<br />

Denham, H. G. 546 D42<br />

An in<strong>org</strong>anic chemistry. 1922. Arnold.<br />

Eliot, Charles William, & Storer, F. H. r 546 E47<br />

Manual of in<strong>org</strong>anic chemistry, arranged to facilitate the experimental<br />

demonstration of the facts and principles of the science. Ed.3.<br />

1869. Ivison.<br />

Holmyard, E. J. 546 H73<br />

In<strong>org</strong>anic chemistry; a textbook for schools. 1922. Arnold.<br />

Particularly strong in the historical development of every phase of the subject. The<br />

book is divided into two main parts, one dealing with general theory, the other describing<br />

the elements, in the order of the groups of the periodic classification.<br />

Klimont, Isidor. r 547.7852 K32<br />

Der technisch-synthetische campher. 1921. (Chemische technologie<br />

in einzeldarstellungen. Spezielle chemische technologie.)

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 169<br />

Kraus, Charles August. 541.17 K41<br />

Properties of electrically conducting systems, including electrolytes<br />

and metals. 1922. Chemical Catalog Co. (American Chemical Society.<br />

Monograph series.)<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

"The monograph is restricted almost entirely to conductance and properties directly<br />

dependent thereupon, only very brief treatment being accorded to other matters of primary<br />

importance." Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1922.<br />

Muir, Matthew Moncrieff Pattison, & Wilson, D. M. r 541.16 M95<br />

Elements of thermal chemistry. 1885. Macmillan.<br />

"Titles of journals containing memoirs to which references are made," pref. p.15-16.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Newark, N. J.—Free public library. r 016.54 N26c<br />

Chemistry; books and periodicals relating to chemistry in all its<br />

aspects, especially in its industrial applications and the marketing of<br />

chemicals and chemical products; comp. for the New Jersey Chemical<br />

Society. 1921.<br />

Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co. r 540.3 P87<br />

P-W-R manual. 1920.<br />

Information regarding various drugs and chemicals. The appendix contains tables<br />

and conversion factors of value to the chemist and pharmacist.<br />

Scott, Richard John Ernst, comp. r 540 S42<br />

Questions in chemistry asked at the examinations held by the New<br />

York state board of medical examiners, complete, with references and<br />

answers to every question. 1903. Lea. (New York. State board<br />

examination series.)<br />

Smits, Andreas. 541.6 S66<br />

Theory of allotropy; tr. from the German with the author's sanction<br />

by J. S. Thomas. 1922. Longmans. (Text-books of physical chemistry.)<br />

"Does not purport to deal with investigations into the phenomena of allotropy; it is<br />

only concerned with the theory of allotropy, and only those experiments which make it<br />

possible to test the theory or which have been applied to that purpose are discussed."<br />

Preface.<br />

Turtle, John Betley. 547.78533 T89<br />

The analysis of rubber. 1922. Chemical Catalog Co. (American<br />

Chemical Society. Monograph series.)<br />

"Bibliography," p.121-138.<br />

"Primarily, this monograph is addressed to the chemists in the consumers' laboratories,<br />

and to those who, without any previous experience in the technology or analysis<br />

of rubber, may be called upon to deal with a problem in which the composition of<br />

rubber may play a more or less important part." Preface.<br />

United States Steel Corporation—Chemists' committee. 543.7 U25m<br />

Methods of the United States Steel Corporation for the commercial<br />

sampling and analysis of pig iron. [Ed.2.] 1922. Carnegie Steel Co.<br />

Standard methods recommended after consideration of all methods used in the<br />

various laboratories of the corporation.<br />

Williams, Rufus Phillips.<br />

Introduction to chemical science. 1888. Ginn.<br />

r 540 W74

170<br />


Crystallography<br />

Gurney, Henry Palin. r 548 G97<br />

Crystallography. [1873.] Soc. for Promoting Christian Knowledge.<br />

(Manuals of elementary science.)<br />

Miller, William Hallows. ' 548 M69tr<br />

Tract on crystallography designed for the use of students in the<br />

university. 1863. Deighton.<br />

Miller, William Hallows. r 548 M69tc<br />

Treatise on crystallography. 1839. Deighton.<br />

Muller, Johann Heinrich Jakob. r 548 M95g<br />

Grundziige der krystallographie. Ed.2, rev. & enl. 1868.<br />

Mineralogy<br />

Baumhauer, Heinrich Adolf. r 549 B327<br />

Kurzes lehrbuch der mineralogie (einschliesslich petrographie) zum<br />

gebrauch an hohern lehranstalten sowie zum selbstunterricht. Ed.2.<br />

1896.<br />

Leonhard, Gustav von. r 549 L623<br />

Grundziige der mineralogie. Ed.2, rev. 1860.<br />

Leonhard, Karl Casar, ritter von, and others. qr 549 L62<br />

Systematisch-tabellarische uebersicht und charakteristik der mineralkorper;<br />

in oryktognostischer und orologischer hinsicht. 1806.<br />

Nicol, James. r 549 N32<br />

Manual of mineralogy; or, The natural history of the mineral kingdom,<br />

containing a general introduction to the science and descriptions<br />

of the separate species, including the more recent discoveries and<br />

chemical analyses. 1849. Black.<br />

"List of works on mineralogy," pref. p.6.<br />

Phillips, William. r 549 P51eL2<br />

Elementary introduction to the knowledge of mineralogy, comprising<br />

some account of the characters and elements of minerals, explanations<br />

of terms in common use, descriptions of minerals, with accounts<br />

of the places and circumstances in which they are found and especially<br />

the localities of British minerals. Ed.2. 1819. [Privately printed.]<br />

The same, with notes and additions on American articles by S. L.<br />

Mitchell. 1818. Collins r 549 P51eL<br />

Rowe, Jesse Perry. r 549.1 R79<br />

Practical mineralogy simplified for mining students, miners and<br />

prospectors. 1911. Wiley.<br />

Wallerant, Frederic Felix Auguste. r 549 W18<br />

Traite de mineralogie. 1891.<br />

Zappe, Joseph Rudolph. r 549.03 Z32<br />

Mineralogisches hand-lexicon; oder, Alphabetische auf stellung und<br />

beschreibung aller bisher bekannten fossilien. Ed.2. 3v. 1817.

BOOKS ADDED—APRIL 1923 171<br />

Geology. Physical Geography<br />

Blaas, Josef. r 552 B M<br />

Katechismus der petrographie; lehre von der beschaffenheit, lagerung<br />

und bildungsweise der gesteine. 1882.<br />

Bruhns, Willy. r 5S2 Bg3<br />

Petrographie; gesteinskunde. 1903. (Sammlung G6schen.)<br />

Bibliography, p.8.<br />

Combeau, E. r 553.2 C73<br />

De la houille; ses producteurs dans le monde entier, son emploi, ses<br />

particularites. 1921.<br />

Deals with preparation, testing, and use of coal, and reviews briefly the coal resources<br />

of the world.<br />

De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas, comp. r 550 D38s<br />

Selection of the geological memoirs contained in the Annales des<br />

mines, together with a synoptical table of equivalent formations and<br />

M. Brongniart's table of the classification of mixed rocks 1824<br />

Phillips.<br />

Dron, Robert W. 553.2 D83<br />

Coal-fields of Scotland. Ed.2. 1921. Smith.<br />

Contains bibliographical foot-notes.<br />

Brief survey of formations in various districts. Presented largely by sections and<br />

geological maps.<br />

Droop, Carl Adolph. r 552 D83<br />

Die gesteinslehre; gemeinverstandliche geologie fiir schulen und<br />

sammler nebst anleitung zur anlage einer richtig geordneten gesteinsammlung.<br />

1897.<br />

Dryer, Charles Redway Wilmarth. r 551 D85<br />

Lessons in physical geography. 1901. Amer. Book Co.<