polarimetry method

polarimetry method polarimetry method


________________________________________________________________________________ ANALYSIS OF FOOD AND NATURAL PRODUCTS LABORATORY EXERCISE Determination of Starch Content (Ewers’ Polarimetric Method) ___________________________________________________________ Exercise guarantor: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Marek Doležal, Ph.D.

________________________________________________________________________________<br />



Determination of Starch Content<br />

(Ewers’ Polarimetric Method)<br />

___________________________________________________________<br />

Exercise guarantor: Assoc.Prof. Ing. Marek Doležal, Ph.D.


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________<br />

Required knowledge ............................................................................................................................ 3<br />

Evaluative criteria ................................................................................................................................ 3<br />

Laboratory exercise content ................................................................................................................. 3<br />

Laboratory exercise schedule ............................................................................................................... 4<br />

Introduction—Method Principle ...................................................................................................... 4<br />

Introduction—Polarimetry ............................................................................................................... 4<br />

Experimental set-up—Preparation of solutions ............................................................................... 6<br />

Experimental set-up—Sample preparation and polarimetric measurement ..................................... 6<br />

Objectives......................................................................................................................................... 6

Required knowledge<br />

1. Starch – chemical structures of amylose and amylopectin.<br />

2. Conditions of starch hydrolysis.<br />

3. Polarimetric <strong>method</strong>s: principle of measuring the angle of polarisation or optical rotation,<br />

basic notions, related calculations.<br />

4. Solutions – basic calculations.<br />

Evaluative criteria<br />

- proved theoretical knowledge<br />

- quality of practical work execution<br />

- compliance with laboratory work rules (safety, order)<br />

- protocol – integrity of experimental data, results calculation and discussion<br />

Laboratory exercise content<br />

A. Determination of dry matter in cereal products, in accordance with standards for<br />

cereals and cereal products (based on ČSN ISO 712; adapted for teching purposes)<br />

B. Determination of Starch Content after Ewers (based on ČSN 56 0512-16; adapted for<br />

teching purposes)<br />

C.<br />

Specification:<br />

� Each student analyzes own sample (each student performs two determinations)<br />

� Starch content is determined in various cereal products<br />

� Water content is determined in various cereal products

Introduction—Method Principle<br />

Laboratory exercise schedule<br />

TASK DURATION (min) Note<br />

Introduction and testing 30 min<br />

Weighing of samples 30 min<br />

Hydrolysis of samples 30 min<br />

Drying of samples 120 min runs in parallel to hydrolysis<br />

Determination of starch 30 min<br />

Determination of water content 20 min<br />

Cleaning of the working space 20 min<br />

In the polarimetric (or Ewers’) <strong>method</strong>, the starch is released from the sample by boiling in<br />

dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl). This procedure effectively gelatinises the starch granules and<br />

simultaneously hydrolyses the starch to glucose in a single step. The acid also helps to break<br />

down the endosperm tissue, ensuring complete release of the starch granules from the protein<br />

matrix. Substances, which may interfere with the measurement, are removed by<br />

filtration/clarification and then glucose concentration is determined by measuring the angle of<br />

polarisation or optical rotation. Due to its simplicity this is a relatively inexpensive <strong>method</strong>.<br />

Introduction—Polarimetry<br />

Molecules that contain an asymmetric carbon atom (chiral compounds) have the ability to rotate<br />

plane-polarised light. A polarimeter is a device that measures the angle that plane-polarised light<br />

is rotated on passing through a solution. A polarimeter consists of a source of monochromatic<br />

light, a polariser, a sample cell of a known length, and an analyser to measure the angle of<br />

rotation (Fig. 1).

Light<br />

source<br />

Normal<br />

light<br />

Figure 1: Polarimeter schematics.<br />

Polariser Plane-polarised<br />

light<br />

Direction of light propagation<br />

Sample tube<br />

containing a chiral compound<br />

Plane-polarised Analyser<br />

light<br />

Detector<br />

The extent of polarisation is related to the concentration of the optically active molecules in<br />

solution by the Eq. 1<br />

t �� � � �c<br />

� � � , (1)<br />

�<br />

where � is the measured angle of rotation, � � t<br />

�<br />

� is the optical activity (which is a constant for each<br />

type of molecule), ℓ is the path length and c is the concentration. The overall angle of rotation<br />

depends on the temperature and wavelength of light used and so these parameters are usually<br />

standardised (e.g. 20°C and 589.3 nm (the D-line for sodium)).

Experimental set-up—Preparation of solutions<br />

� Solution A—1.124% HCl solution: Add approx. 300 mL of distilled water to a 500 mL<br />

volumetric flask; add 13.2 mL of HCl (36%) by a pipette. After mixing, make up the 500 mL<br />

by distilled water. (Note: this procedure must be done carefully in a working digester)<br />

� Solution B—30% ZnSO4 solution (Carrez I): 53.4 g ZnSO4·7 H2O and 46.6 mL of distilled<br />

water<br />

� Solution C—15% K4[Fe(CN)6] solution (Carrez II): 17.2 g K4[Fe(CN)6] · 3 H2O and 82.8 mL<br />

of distilled water<br />

Experimental set-up—Sample preparation and polarimetric measurement<br />

A portion of 5 g of a homogenised sample is weighed in a 100 mL Kohlrausch volumetric flask<br />

and its content is mixed with 25 mL of 1.124% HCl solution (solution A). After addition of another<br />

25 mL of 1.124% HCl solution (solution A), the suspension is heated on a boiling water bath for 15<br />

min (after 3 min the content of a volumetric flask is mixed to avoid coagulation). Once the<br />

hydrolysis is finished, 20 mL of 1.124% HCl solution (solution A) is added. After fast cooling<br />

(using a stream of flowing water), clarification using 5 mL of Carrez I (solution B) and 5 mL of<br />

Carrez II (solution C) solutions is performed (note: for each solution use a separate pipette).<br />

Finally, a volumetric flask is filled up by distilled water, its content is properly mixed, and filtrated<br />

using a filtration funnel. The obtained filtrate is then transferred to a polarisation tube (2 dm) and<br />

measured using a polarimeter.<br />

The obtained value is firstly corrected for a laboratory temperature (t) drift using Eq. 2<br />

corrected<br />

measured<br />

��S� � 0.<br />

0144�t<br />

� � ��S� � � �<br />

20 , (2)<br />

followed by multiplying by a factor of 0.3462.<br />

The amount of starch (X) in the sample is calculated using Eq. 3<br />

X �<br />

4<br />

10<br />

t<br />

�<br />

��<br />

�� � � � � m<br />

, (3)<br />

where � is calculated value of optical rotation, � � t<br />

� � is the optical activity (specific rotation)<br />

depending on the discharge lamp and wavelength of light used and variety of starch, ℓ is the path<br />

length (2 dm), and m is the sample weight (5 g). For a mercury discharge lamp and a wavelength<br />

(�) of 546.1 nm, the � � t<br />

� � values are 214.7, 216.3, 213.3, 213.1, 218.5, 217.0, and 215.5 for<br />

wheat, rye, barley, oaten, rice, maize, and unknown cereal starch, respectively. (Note: the<br />

correction for moisture content is not taken into account in this equation)<br />

Objectives<br />

� Prepare A, B, and C solutions.<br />

� Prepare the sample for the polarimetric measurement.<br />

� Calculate the starch content in the analysed sample.

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