Babalwa Ngonyama CA(SA) Babalwa is passionate about ... - Unisa
Babalwa Ngonyama CA(SA) Babalwa is passionate about ... - Unisa
Babalwa Ngonyama CA(SA) Babalwa is passionate about ... - Unisa
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<strong>Babalwa</strong> <strong>Ngonyama</strong> <strong>CA</strong>(<strong>SA</strong>)<br />
<strong>Babalwa</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>passionate</strong> <strong>about</strong> her job and the<br />
advancement of female Chartered<br />
Accountants(<strong>CA</strong>s) as strategic dec<strong>is</strong>ion-makers in<br />
Business. That <strong>is</strong> why she was involved in<br />
founding the African Women Chartered<br />
Accountants (AW<strong>CA</strong>).<br />
The need to do something different from your usual h<strong>is</strong>tory and<br />
physics in school has led <strong>Babalwa</strong> to where she <strong>is</strong> now.<br />
As a partner at Deloitte, <strong>Babalwa</strong> <strong>is</strong> responsible for the Auditing of<br />
financial services institutions like banks, Insurance companies,<br />
Private Equity, Micro Lending and Stock Brokers. The job entails<br />
acting as a steward for the shareholders in ensuring that the<br />
financial statements fairly present the true financial position of the<br />
company.<br />
A few years ago, she was invited by the four founder members of<br />
AW<strong>CA</strong> to form part of the task team that performed preliminary<br />
research and held initial d<strong>is</strong>cussions on the necessity for a forum<br />
like AW<strong>CA</strong>. Leading the task team, <strong>Babalwa</strong> was appointed to the<br />
board where she was subsequently appointed as Chairman.<br />
AW<strong>CA</strong> was founded in 2002 with the objective of primarily<br />
facilitating and advancing the appointment of female <strong>CA</strong>s as<br />
dec<strong>is</strong>ion makers. With over 90 women <strong>CA</strong> members throughout<br />
South Africa, the company <strong>is</strong> managed by an eight member board.<br />
“African women make up less than 1% of the <strong>CA</strong>s in the country,<br />
and as such, AW<strong>CA</strong> has positioned itself to serve as a support base<br />
for qualified woman <strong>CA</strong>s, creating and maintaining a database for<br />
African women <strong>CA</strong>s, develop profiles of these women, contribute to<br />
national policy formulation on gender, economic and socio-economic<br />
matters, while creating awareness and providing support to African<br />
Woman <strong>CA</strong>s in the rural areas, and recogn<strong>is</strong>e and honour the<br />
achievements of women,” <strong>Babalwa</strong> says.<br />
Th<strong>is</strong> dynamic woman <strong>is</strong> now the ex founding chairman of AW<strong>CA</strong> and<br />
<strong>is</strong> currently on the presidents club of the forum and acts as an<br />
adv<strong>is</strong>ory board to the new chairman.<br />
What are the challenges facing aspiring African women <strong>CA</strong>s?<br />
It <strong>is</strong> widely recogn<strong>is</strong>ed that there are some hurdles to overcome<br />
before qualifying as a <strong>CA</strong>. That <strong>is</strong> why organ<strong>is</strong>ations such as <strong>SA</strong>I<strong>CA</strong>
and ABA<strong>SA</strong> continue to work tirelessly in increasing the number of<br />
Africans qualifying as <strong>CA</strong>s.<br />
Some <strong>is</strong>sues facing qualified women <strong>CA</strong>s include:<br />
• Coping with new working environment, e.g. cultural<br />
differences;<br />
• Dealing with prejudices against women and Africans in the<br />
white male dominated corporate South Africa;<br />
• Lack of opportunities for networking with other African women<br />
<strong>CA</strong>s;<br />
• Lack of support system /mentorship from other women who<br />
have been in similar situations;<br />
• Professional competition gets tougher and members of other<br />
race groups are quicker in gaining professional confidence;<br />
and<br />
• Having to fight to establ<strong>is</strong>h credibility and trust in the<br />
corporate world.<br />
Why <strong>CA</strong> (<strong>SA</strong>) as a career choice?<br />
It <strong>is</strong> a superb career choice as it <strong>is</strong> very challenging, sat<strong>is</strong>fying and<br />
rewarding. Being a <strong>CA</strong>(<strong>SA</strong>) requires courage, focus and a lot of<br />
determination. Make sure that it <strong>is</strong> something you like, th<strong>is</strong> way<br />
your chances of success will be greatly enhanced. The challenge<br />
once th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> accompl<strong>is</strong>hed <strong>is</strong> to lift other women while climbing the<br />
corporate ladder – by so doing you will be lifted further.