Guide TO MadisOn COunTy, aLabaMa - Huntsville/Madison County ...

Guide TO MadisOn COunTy, aLabaMa - Huntsville/Madison County ...

Guide TO MadisOn COunTy, aLabaMa - Huntsville/Madison County ...


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2012-2013 <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>TO</strong><br />


<strong>MadisOn</strong> <strong>COunTy</strong>, <strong>aLabaMa</strong><br />

a smart place to live, work and play<br />

a PubLiCaTiOn Of The ChaMber Of COMMerCe Of hunTsviLLe/<strong>MadisOn</strong> <strong>COunTy</strong>

2 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com<br />


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8 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

Contents<br />

12 | WeLCOMinG enTrePreneurs<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s a great place for a startup<br />

16 | HigH-res talent<br />

Simulation expertise is attracting gaming interest<br />

22 | LOW COsT LifesTyLe<br />

Businesses and employees say the area is easy on the wallet<br />

26 | a baLanCed PLaCe<br />

New arrivals are impressed with what they find<br />

32 | buiLdinG GreaT Minds<br />

Schools deliver the kind of smart students area demands<br />

38 | bOdy & Mind<br />

Your health care is in good hands here<br />

42 | federaL CiTy<br />

Redstone Arsenal vital to the nation’s security<br />

48 | We Can dO iT<br />

Cummings Research Park a center of technical creativity<br />

54 | daZZLinG shOPPinG<br />

Area’s variety is delightfully surprising<br />

58 | PLayTiMe<br />

Plenty to do in your leisure hours<br />

64 | deMOGraPhiCs<br />

65 | ChaMber sTaff<br />


Opened in 2010, the davidson Center for the arts is a 21,000-square-foot<br />

expansion of the huntsville Museum of art that includes eight galleries<br />

and walls of windows overlooking big spring international Park.<br />

Photo by John Perry.<br />

2012-2013 <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>TO</strong><br />

hunTsviLLe<br />

<strong>MadisOn</strong> <strong>COunTy</strong>,<br />

<strong>aLabaMa</strong><br />

www.huntsvillealabamausa.com | 256.535.2000 Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> | 9<br />

v<br />

Published by<br />

The huntsville Times<br />

2317 Memorial Parkway sW<br />

huntsville, aL 35801<br />

256.532.4250 phone<br />

256.532.4183 fax<br />

v<br />

viCe PresidenT Of adverTisinG<br />

natalie Pruitt<br />

adverTisinG ManaGers<br />

becky fentress | Chad Ludwig<br />

Lauren O’neil | Lori Ziegelmann<br />

edi<strong>TO</strong>riaL direC<strong>TO</strong>r | Jim steele<br />

WriTers<br />

Kimberly ballard | deborah bennick<br />

bob Labbe | diana LaChance<br />

Lee anne Letize | anna Thibodeaux<br />

arT direC<strong>TO</strong>r | Leslie franklin<br />

GraPhiC desiGn | Kelly Perry<br />

PhO<strong>TO</strong>GraPhy direC<strong>TO</strong>r<br />

Michael Mercier<br />

v<br />

2012-2013 <strong>Guide</strong> to huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong>, alabama is published<br />

by The <strong>Huntsville</strong> Times for<br />

the Chamber of Commerce of<br />

huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

for membership information, contact:<br />

The Chamber of Commerce<br />

of huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

225 Church street<br />

huntsville, aL 35801<br />

256.535.2000 phone<br />

256.535.2015 fax<br />

www.huntsvillealabamausa.com<br />

for more information about this<br />

publication, call 256.532.4250.<br />

The <strong>Huntsville</strong> Times also produces<br />

area guides, magazines, and other<br />

specialty publications.<br />

Copyright©2012 The <strong>Huntsville</strong> Times.<br />

all rights reserved. reproduction in whole or<br />

in part without written permission is prohibited.

welCome<br />

Thank you for picking up this copy of the 2012-13 <strong>Guide</strong> to <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong>, A Smart Place to Live, Work and Play. This publication is designed to<br />

provide information to newcomers and long-time residents alike about what<br />

drives our local economy and makes the <strong>Huntsville</strong> Metropolitan Area such a<br />

dynamic business community.<br />

Throughout the guide you will see – in words and photos – what drives our<br />

technology-based economy, such as Redstone Arsenal and Cummings Research<br />

Park. Likewise, the area continues to attract people from across the country<br />

based on excellent salaries and career opportunities as well as our high quality<br />

of life, low cost of living, short commute times and a thriving arts and recreation<br />

community.<br />

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the <strong>Huntsville</strong> Metropolitan Statistical<br />

Area surged in growth to become Alabama’s second largest metro. That growth<br />

is fueled by a diversity of industry, including aerospace, defense, biotechnology,<br />

computer science and advanced manufacturing.<br />

As the lead economic development organization for <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>, the Chamber’s primary mission is to<br />

prepare the community for economic growth, attract new employers and help existing industries expand. We accomplish<br />

this thanks to Chamber members and public partners investing in the <strong>Huntsville</strong> Regional Economic Growth Initiative<br />

(HREGI), which allows us to recruit targeted industries; help existing employers meet their expansion needs;<br />

promote the community’s image nationally and internationally; work with our local and regional universities and<br />

colleges for economic and workforce development; and continue to create a platform of economic diversity.<br />

Your Chamber of Commerce is here to provide you with information and personalized service to meet your needs.<br />

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information at 256-535-2000 or visit our<br />

website at www.huntsvillealabamausa.com. We believe that when it comes to business<br />

and career opportunities, you will discover the truth in what we say: The sky is NOT<br />

the limit in <strong>Huntsville</strong> and <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>!<br />

Jim Bolte<br />

dear friend,<br />

2012 Chair of the Board<br />

Chamber of Commerce of <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

10 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com


Welcoming<br />

Entrepreneurs<br />

HuNTsVillE’s a gREaT plaCE fOR a sTaRTup<br />

By Diana LaChance<br />

The entrepreneurial spirit in huntsville has<br />

spawned well-known startups like adTran,<br />

digium and the hudsonalpha institute for<br />

biotechnology.<br />

This spirit is encouraged by a readily accessible<br />

corps of experienced entrepreneurs and by a city<br />

that embraces growth and is quick to help business<br />

people with strong ideas and a strong drive to<br />

succeed. This environment has created fertile<br />

ground for new businesses, both large and small.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> is firmly wedded to the idea that<br />

business growth means community growth, and<br />

in 2010 the success of that model became evident<br />

when the rocket City became the second largest<br />

metropolitan area in alabama. it also led fDi<br />

magazine to name huntsville one of the Top 5<br />

small Cities of the future in north & south<br />

america in april 2011 and Forbes to name it one of<br />

the Top 20 Leading Metros for business just three<br />

months later.<br />

Growth in huntsville and <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> took<br />

flight in the 1950s when Dr. Wernher von Braun<br />

and his team inspired the nation with the race to<br />

the moon and turned huntsville into the<br />

birthplace of the nation’s space industry. That<br />

created a long tradition of technological<br />

innovation in space and defense that continues<br />

today. illuminating that designation, Microsoft<br />

cofounder Paul G. allen announced in late 2011<br />

that his commercial spaceflight startup stratolaunch<br />

systems would locate in huntsville.<br />

“huntsville has a long history of rocket<br />

research and development, including von braun’s<br />

redstone rocket and numerous others, so it<br />

seemed logical that the development of this<br />

system could benefit from the experience in the<br />

n steve Cook, left, director of space technologies at<br />

dynetics and Gary Wentz, president and CeO of<br />

stratolaunch systems. Commercial space venture<br />

stratolaunch systems, cofounded by Microsoft<br />

cofounder Paul allen and commercial spacecraft<br />

designer burt rutan, has chosen huntsville as its<br />

headquarters. dynetics is a key part of the<br />

company’s space vehicle development.<br />

Photo by Glenn Baeske.<br />

area,” said stratolaunch President and CeO Gary<br />

Wentz, a former chief engineer at nasa.<br />

“furthermore, the experience required to<br />

combine a large rocket with an airplane is not<br />

found in most cities, but huntsville has a unique<br />

blend of both. With the magnitude of space and<br />

aviation programs and projects in the area, the<br />

city offered our team the opportunity to leverage<br />

a highly skilled workforce who has spent decades<br />

supporting nasa and the army programs at<br />

redstone arsenal.”<br />

a local company providing stratolaunch<br />

systems expertise is dynetics, which is charged<br />

with the technical integration and development<br />

of the mating and integration hardware. although<br />

dynetics’ director of space Technologies steve<br />

Cook said he can’t speak directly as to why the<br />

company was chosen as a partner, he does have a<br />

few ideas.<br />

“dynetics has a long history of dropping very<br />

large payloads from aircraft over the last 10 years,<br />

and we build and integrate small satellite systems,”<br />

Cook said. “so we have experience with the payload<br />

side of this, and we understand the market.”<br />

The company completed construction on a<br />

new 225,000-square-foot prototyping facility<br />

located in Cummings research Park this year.<br />

“it’s a huge facility with extensive laboratory<br />

and manufacturing capabilities, as well as the<br />

capability to house the engineering and project<br />

management staff,” said Cook. “and it’s good for<br />

our customers because they don’t have to travel<br />

halfway across the country to get hardware built.”<br />

it’s also good for the city, he adds.<br />

“With the current federal deficit and the city’s<br />

strong ties to the federal government, bringing in<br />

more non-federal dollars is an important way to<br />

even out the ups and downs of the federal<br />

budget,” said Cook.<br />

and the partnership with stratolaunch systems<br />

takes that diversification one step further.<br />

“huntsville has long been a leader in government<br />

space, but this partnership will now<br />

establish it as a leader in commercial space,”<br />

he said. “More related industries will take note<br />

because of it. and that’s good for everyone –<br />

current businesses and future opportunities.”<br />

reaching out into the future was on the mind of<br />

well-known huntsville entrepreneur Jim hudson,<br />

too, when he founded the 150-acre hudsonalpha<br />

institute for biotechnology to explore genomics<br />

– the study of genes, gene sequences and their<br />

functions ¬– and to foster a new kind of relationship<br />

between research and business geared to<br />

fast-throughput processes designed to speed<br />

scientific discoveries into new products.<br />

12 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

The institute has as its core missions science and<br />

research, education and economic development.<br />

for hudson, the decision to locate the campus<br />

in the rocket City was not a difficult one, based<br />

on his past experience.<br />

“separately, Lonnie McMillian, co-founder of<br />

hudsonalpha, and i started several companies in<br />

huntsville, all of which were successful,” he said.<br />

“so it was only natural that when we decided to<br />

start a major research institute, it should be located<br />

within the community that had been so supportive.”<br />

indeed, he said, it’s the community’s “no-nonsense,<br />

can-do attitude” as well as the way everyone<br />

roots for and appreciates success that make the<br />

huntsville area the best ever for a startup company.<br />

Many of the scientists who have since joined<br />

the institute have come to the same conclusion<br />

– and cite the institute itself as a critical element<br />

to their success.<br />

“in just the last five years, the number of new<br />

biotech companies has gone up significantly<br />

where hudsonalpha institute for biotechnology<br />

has served as the magnet and nurturing<br />

environment,” said Khursheed anwer, president<br />

and chief scientific officer of egen inc., a<br />

specialty biopharmaceutical company that<br />

operates out of hudsonalpha.<br />

and it doesn’t hurt that the city at large is so<br />

conducive to start-ups either, he added,<br />

mentioning growth opportunities and affordable<br />

cost of living as two key advantages.<br />

Like anwer, Mike Walters also credits the<br />

institute with creating a fertile environment for<br />

new companies. Walters serves as the chief<br />

strategy officer of Kailos genetics, another<br />

hudsonalpha mainstay that focuses on putting<br />

genetics into practice through its proprietary<br />

targeted enrichment technology.<br />

“Kailos Genetics is a living and thriving<br />

example of the vision behind hudsonalpha,”<br />

he said. “early on, those who saw the opportunity<br />

for a genomics-based institute in huntsville<br />

envisioned researchers within the institute<br />

sharing space and innovative science with<br />

commercial companies. and because our<br />

underlying technology is the product of work<br />

done by hudsonalpha scientist K.T. varley, Kailos<br />

Genetics chose to locate at the institute.”<br />

and like anwer, Walters said he’s found ample<br />

support outside of the institute as well.<br />

“We have individuals in huntsville who have<br />

realized financial independence and who don’t stop.<br />

They are committed to giving back to create a more<br />

diverse economic base for our future,” he said.<br />

That commitment paves the way for future<br />

generations of entrepreneurs.<br />

“The talent pool of professionals here has the<br />

entrepreneurial spirit, talent and desire to fuel<br />

this next step,” Walters said.<br />

Marshall schreeder Jr., Managing Partner of<br />

Conversant bio, a fellow hudsonalpha-based<br />

startup that supplies u.s.-sourced human clinical<br />

specimens for research and development<br />

applications worldwide, compares this mentality<br />

to “a rising tide that lifts all boats.”<br />

he said he has continued to be amazed by the<br />

unbelievable level of support for entrepreneurs in<br />

huntsville.<br />

n Glenn Clayton,<br />

founder and CeO<br />

of appleton Learning,<br />

says locating his<br />

company in huntsville<br />

was a “no-brainer.”<br />

*<br />


www.huntsvillealabamausa.com | 256.535.2000 Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> | 13<br />


“from local executives and fellow entrepreneurs<br />

to investors and groups like hudsonalpha,<br />

upcaret Partners, biztech and suds, huntsville<br />

has many people who actively seek to help new<br />

and growing businesses in our community,”<br />

schreeder said.<br />

“i am happy to call huntsville home for my<br />

company.”<br />

also benefiting from that rising tide are the<br />

many aspiring engineers currently enrolled as<br />

students in huntsville’s institutions of higher<br />

learning. and in turn, said adTran vice President<br />

of engineering Carrier networks Clint Coleman, the<br />

city’s university system is a great benefit to<br />

companies wanting to start operations in huntsville.<br />

adTran is a Fortune 500 huntsville success<br />

story. founded by Mark smith and incorporated<br />

in 1985, the company saw opportunity in at&t’s<br />

divestiture of its regional bell Operating<br />

Companies and began operations in 1986. the<br />

split created an opening for the company to start<br />

supplying networking equipment, and today<br />

adTran is a leading global provider of intelligent<br />

networking and communications solutions used<br />

by some of the world’s largest service providers.<br />

“The universities here are producing a lot of<br />

engineers,” Coleman said. “The university of<br />

alabama in huntsville is one of the places where<br />

we recruit, and we hire a lot of graduates. in fact,<br />

whenever we go back and look at our recruiting<br />

statistics, uahuntsville is usually the leader in the<br />

number of students we recruit, compared to<br />

other schools like Mississippi state and auburn.”<br />

in return, he said, the city supports the<br />

company’s recruiting.<br />

“Our leaders recognize that companies like<br />

adTran are providing jobs and tax revenue to<br />

the city to allow for growth, so they foster an<br />

entrepreneurial spirit and they invite entrepreneurism,”<br />

he said.<br />

an example of that entrepreneurial drive is<br />

Mark spencer, who started out as a college<br />

student trying to figure out a way to be able to<br />

make long-distance phone calls cheaply or for<br />

free using a computer. That college curiosity led<br />

spencer to develop open-source telephony<br />

n Michelle and Justin Givens found<br />

resources to help start Michelle’s<br />

business, image in a box, at the<br />

Women’s business Center of<br />

north alabama.<br />

Photo by Glenn Baeske.<br />

software that is today called asterisk and locate<br />

his company Digium, which was founded in 1999,<br />

in huntsville.<br />

The company today has a broad product line<br />

that includes both software and hardware<br />

products for small, medium and large businesses.<br />

While in his startup phase, spencer relied heavily<br />

on adTran’s smith and others locally for<br />

expertise, and he said that ready resource<br />

remains a great community asset.<br />

“We have a whole culture of entrepreneurial<br />

mentorship here, so people who have established<br />

businesses spend a lot of time helping those who<br />

are just starting,” said spencer, who is now<br />

digium’s CeO.<br />

“When i was starting my company, plenty of<br />

people were available who i could network with. i<br />

could just call them up out of the blue and say<br />

‘hey, i’m going through some challenges and i’m<br />

looking for advice.’ They would meet with me,<br />

even if they didn’t know me.”<br />

Lower commute times for employees, lower<br />

housing costs compared to metropolitan areas of<br />

similar size, and tax abatement programs for<br />

businesses are all benefits to locating in <strong>Huntsville</strong>.<br />

“There are a lot of reasons for businesses to<br />

locate here,” said randy Piechocki, president of<br />

PaLCO, a reverse logistics company. “huntsville is<br />

very conducive to startups, from being a good<br />

source of talent and networking opportunities to<br />

having a strong infrastructure in terms of<br />

communications.”<br />

PaLCO Chair and CeO Janice Migliore said<br />

diversity in business ownership has been of<br />

longstanding importance in the area.<br />

“i believe the trail in huntsville had already<br />

been blazed by other women owners since the<br />

very early years of von braun and his team and by<br />

redstone arsenal,” said Migliore. “and because of<br />

these established years of success, the support<br />

for diversity-owned companies is now evident<br />

throughout the community and through the<br />

continued work of the huntsville leadership.”<br />

it also helps that the city has a strong<br />

collaborative business culture that allows<br />

companies, diversity-owned or otherwise, to rely<br />

on and learn from one another.<br />

“The networking opportunities, leadership<br />

support and labor skills have made my job easier<br />

as a business owner,” she said. “i can contact<br />

other huntsville businesses, the Chamber, or<br />

huntsville leaders and have questions answered<br />

and solutions found.”<br />

huntsville has worked hard to enable and<br />

support diversity owned startups through the<br />

Chamber of Commerce of huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> and the Women’s business Center of<br />

north alabama.<br />

14 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

nancy Washington vaughn’s 2011 startup,<br />

Legal advantage human resources solutions<br />

LLC, is an example.<br />

“The professional development workshops<br />

offered by local experts at the Chamber of<br />

Commerce of huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> and<br />

the Women’s business Center of north alabama<br />

have been beneficial to me as i established my<br />

practice,” said vaughn. “and i am pleased to<br />

have the opportunity to provide professional<br />

development training at the Chamber of<br />

Commerce this year by conducting six employment<br />

and human resources law workshops<br />

created for businesses.”<br />

There are many resources available to<br />

huntsville business owners, said sara alavi,<br />

who relied on city resources to help her open<br />

silhouette boutique nine months ago.<br />

“they have really helped a first-time business<br />

owner like myself,” she said. “The Chamber of<br />

Commerce’s events are a great way to network<br />

and learn about all the wonderful local businesses<br />

in the area, while the Women’s business Center of<br />

north alabama has really been a wonderful<br />

resource for not only helping me start my business,<br />

but also to develop ideas and help it grow.”<br />

That appreciation is shared by Michelle Givens,<br />

owner of image in a box, another recent startup<br />

that provides businesses with graphic design, web<br />

development and corporate branding services.<br />

“The Women’s business Center of north<br />

alabama gave us the resources to start our business<br />

– help with coming up with a business plan, putting<br />

Customer Focused, Employee Driven<br />

n digium CeO Mark spencer says the availability of<br />

fellow businesspeople who are willing to help those<br />

starting out is a big plus for the area.<br />

Photo by Glenn Baeske.<br />

us in contact with an accountant, a lawyer and help<br />

with writing contracts,” said Givens.<br />

appleton Learning founder and CeO Glen<br />

Clayton said locating his academic coaching/test<br />

preparation/academic assessment /school<br />

partnership company in huntsville was a<br />

no-brainer.<br />

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“as our company expands across the country,<br />

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High-Res Talent<br />

simulaTiON ExpERTisE is aTTRaCTiNg<br />

gamiNg iNTEREsT<br />

By Kimberly Ballard<br />

an interesting thing happened over the past<br />

50 years that coincided with huntsville helping<br />

nasa explore space, make it to the moon and<br />

then to build and maintain the international<br />

space station.<br />

Here on earth, 1950s pinball machines were<br />

evolving into arcade games and arcade games<br />

were morphing into atari interactive home game<br />

consoles, and consoles have blossomed into high<br />

tech electronic digital games that are downloadable<br />

to personal computers, laptops and mobile<br />

devices like iPhones and iPads.<br />

Gaming concepts, strategies and themes are<br />

still consistently based on the good guys beating<br />

the bad guys in galactic battles and futuristic<br />

apocalyptic wars, but modern gamers take on the<br />

roles of schwarzenegger-like superheroes and<br />

time-weary warriors and soldiers.<br />

during that time, huntsville was polishing a<br />

gleaming reputation in the space and defense<br />

industries for high-end visualization and graphics<br />

created by the city’s modeling and simulation<br />

experts. Maybe starting with something as simple<br />

as a conceptual rendering scratched out in scant<br />

detail on a cocktail napkin, or a crude model of<br />

perhaps nothing more than wooden crates nailed<br />

together to form a squat tripod with no legs,<br />

huntsville’s design engineers have constantly sought<br />

to project their vision into something tangible.<br />

inside their heads, a newly conceived lunar<br />

electric rover is already in motion, bumping along<br />

the dusty, cratered surface of a mock moon, or a<br />

meaner, more angular department of defense<br />

military fighter rides the clouds against a violent<br />

morning sunrise, or a bulbous toy-like launcher is<br />

jettisoning above a metallic city of the future.<br />

“nasa’s demand for realism pushes our<br />

modeling and simulation limits,” said Kenneth<br />

smith, vice president of analytical Mechanics<br />

associates inc. (aMa), a world-class provider of<br />

engineering, iT, visualization and business analytical<br />

services to the u.s. government and<br />

commercial organizations. “The industry expects<br />

it, and software makes it possible.”<br />

n The rocket City space Pioneers iPad Game created<br />

by analytical Mechanics associates inc. is a<br />

downloadable app designed to spark interest in the<br />

space program among young children.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

it was only a matter of time and inspiration<br />

before the incredible detail that is valued by<br />

nasa and the department of defense met up<br />

with the incredible realism required in the modern<br />

gaming world. and huntsville’s graphics and<br />

modeling and simulation guys just couldn’t help<br />

themselves. The work they were doing for the<br />

government was just too good to resist taking it<br />

to a different level.<br />

“i was looking at the sTeM (science, technology,<br />

engineering and math) element of these creations,”<br />

said Tim Pickens, dynetics commercial space<br />

advisor and chief propulsion engineer. “The lunar<br />

electric rover simulation was a perfect concept for<br />

education outreach, so i said to Kenneth smith,<br />

‘Let’s do a simple video game targeting fourth and<br />

fifth-graders in which you launch from earth and<br />

eventually land on the moon.’ ”<br />

Called the rocket City space Pioneers iPad<br />

Game and produced by aMa, it is now a downloadable<br />

app for all ages, designed to spark interest in<br />

the space program among young children.<br />

The game is actually three games in one.<br />

the first is called launcher, and players launch<br />

their spacecraft from rocket City, dodging space<br />

junk in order to get into orbit around the moon.<br />

in the second game, called Lander, players guide<br />

their landers to a safe touchdown on the moon’s<br />

surface. Game three is called rover, and players<br />

race their lunar rovers on the surface of the moon.<br />

Players must also conquer many mission<br />

challenges along the way.<br />

The rocket City space Pioneers team is led by<br />

members working at Dynetics, but is a joint effort<br />

between Teledyne brown engineering, andrews<br />

space, spaceflight services, Draper laboratory,<br />

Moog, Pratt & Whitney rocketdyne, the<br />

university of alabama in huntsville, the von<br />

braun Center for science & innovation and the<br />

huntsville Center for Technology.<br />

The team’s primary mission is to win a $30<br />

million Google Lunar X PriZe, an international<br />

competition to safely land a robot on the surface<br />

of the moon, travel 500 meters over the lunar<br />

surface, and send images and data back to earth.<br />

for its part, aMa has a number of mobile apps in<br />

its portfolio. The Lookshare app for the blind and<br />

GPs Lookaround app are both for commercial<br />

use. shedMobile is for engineers only, and Pav<br />

(Personal air vehicle) racing nasa Cup has<br />

limited accessibility.<br />

another huntsville company, aegis<br />

Technologies, has considerable expertise in<br />

nanotechnology modeling and simulation.<br />

aegis provided 3d model content from its<br />

in-house 3d elements Model Library for the<br />

iPad military simulation game known as<br />

armedforcehd, according to aegis business<br />

development director Georgina Chapman. sold<br />

16 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com




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0000277731-01<br />


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0000267212-01<br />

0000267213-01<br />

n John Ottander, Tim Pickens, Ken smith<br />

and stephen young play the new rocket<br />

City space Pioneers game.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

and distributed on iTunes, the game is produced<br />

by airborne Games LLC.<br />

aegis’ 3d elements is a real-time library of 3d<br />

models used by analysts for homeland defense<br />

security applications. Optimized for the<br />

simulation and training market, the models were<br />

used previously in vbs2 game-based training<br />

environments, but this was the first time they<br />

were used in an iPad game application.<br />

“We are very excited to be included in the<br />

armedforcehd game,” said david King, aegis<br />

vice president of simulation development.<br />

“airborne Games was great to work with and<br />

very knowledgeable in game theory and<br />

techniques, making it helpful to our team.”<br />

The quantity and quality of the military<br />

models aegis has in the 3d elements library<br />

provides a game company instant content<br />

optimized for a real time environment.<br />

“That makes it very attractive to a gaming<br />

publisher,” said scott Passon, aegis director of<br />

sales. “airborne leveraged the multiple levels of<br />

details we provided, allowing them to fine-tune<br />

game play performance. airborne also used<br />

high-resolution models for still renderings and<br />

lower levels of details in the real-time environment,<br />

which saved them a lot of money during<br />

their production phase.”<br />

another homegrown gaming company,<br />

gabriel interactive, was founded in 1999 by<br />

seasoned game development professional

Michael root, who owns the firm with his wife,<br />

dana. The company designs and produces<br />

electronic video games for the mainstream<br />

market. Michael, a veteran and a fan of the old<br />

atari games, built a team of business professionals,<br />

game developers, and designers who helped<br />

launch his first commercial product.<br />

some of Gabriel’s games are quite popular.<br />

robot arena i and ii, stunt spectacular, ride!,<br />

Carnival Cartoon and a John deere farm<br />

simulation series are sold at Wal-Mart, Target,<br />

best buy and staples. Gabriel has published<br />

games under the atari (infogrammes), valusoft<br />

and activision names.<br />

in 2011, the company received $1.7 million<br />

from the national Cancer institute for an<br />

anti-smoking game for girls that is being<br />

developed by dana root. The goal of the game<br />

is to communicate the myths and dangers<br />

associated with smoking to preteen girls in a<br />

fun, interactive way. it is currently in field<br />

testing trials, and she is pursuing a means to<br />

get the new game and some of the company’s<br />

existing educational games approved for<br />

school curriculums.<br />

“Currently, we are not producing mega-level<br />

games,” dana said. “Ours are casual games that<br />

are fun to play and affordable for kids.”<br />

all Gabriel interactive games are PC-based,<br />

but the firm is a registered XBox360 designer<br />

and has licenses for nintendo and Wii. n<br />

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0000278319-01<br />


Low Cost<br />

Lifestyle<br />

BusiNEssEs aNd EmplOyEEs say THE<br />

aREa is Easy ON THE wallET<br />

By Anna Thibodeaux<br />

according to the vice president and principal of<br />

decibel, the huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> business<br />

community enjoys close cooperation with elected<br />

officials at local, state and national levels.<br />

sally Colocho knows this firsthand. it is a<br />

primary reason decibel research is in the<br />

rocket City.<br />

she also said area businesses have a good<br />

understanding of when it is time to compete and<br />

when it’s time to work together for the benefit of<br />

the community.<br />

Cost has certainly been another factor that’s<br />

helped retain decibel, as well as many other<br />

companies.<br />

“Cost is now a significant driver in many of the<br />

acquisitions in which we are involved,” Colocho<br />

said. “With cost receiving more emphasis, it<br />

means we have to closely evaluate our internal<br />

cost structure to ensure we stay competitive.”<br />

The huntsville area has earned national<br />

recognition for its lower cost of living and lower<br />

costs of doing business.<br />

“Costs are still lower overall than many other<br />

places of similar customer presence, especially<br />

the national Capital region,” said Colocho.<br />

“There is great support from the community,<br />

the costs are still lower than many places, there is<br />

a talented pool of employees, and significant<br />

customers in the geographic region for both<br />

government and commercial opportunities, all in a<br />

beautiful and safe place to live and raise a family.”<br />

Michelle Jordan, huntsville’s director of<br />

economic development, said the city’s overall<br />

cost of living is about 90 to 95 percent of the<br />

u.s. average.<br />

“Our greatest advantage is in housing costs,<br />

which are about 80 percent of the national<br />

average,” Jordan said.<br />

n Cooperative local officials, good business relationships<br />

and low costs make huntsville ideal for decibel<br />

research. the firm’s board of directors is, from left,<br />

eric Cochran, Jeff gronberg, earl reed, Keith Hardy,<br />

dr. enrico Poggio and sally Colocho.<br />

Photo by Michael Mercier.<br />

That means a family selling a home somewhere<br />

else and buying a house in the huntsville<br />

region could save on average 20 percent. an<br />

average home priced at $100,000 nationally<br />

would cost $80,000 in <strong>Huntsville</strong>, compared to<br />

$250,000 in Washington, d.C. This advantage<br />

contributed to Cnn/Money naming huntsville<br />

one of the nation’s most affordable communities<br />

in 2010.<br />

equally successful has been the huntsville<br />

area’s impressive growth in its high-tech sector,<br />

which has become a strong economic magnet.<br />

that growth has benefited gurmej sandhu, who<br />

launched sigmatech inc. in 1986 to build on a<br />

career supporting nasa’s Marshall space flight<br />

Center and the army research, development and<br />

engineering Center.<br />

“it is a great place to start a business,” sandhu<br />

said. “Get involved in industry and government<br />

22 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

organizations to meet people, learn the market<br />

and establish a network.”<br />

especially in today’s tough economy,<br />

huntsville’s lower-cost edge has proven helpful to<br />

the city’s startups, he said.<br />

“There are resources available and you have<br />

access to one of the world’s leading science and<br />

technology business parks in Cummings research<br />

Park,” said sandhu, also the company’s chairman.<br />

“as a business startup, you have access to fortune<br />

500 companies, u.s. space and defense agencies<br />

and competitive higher education institutions<br />

such as the university of alabama in huntsville.”<br />

in recruiting new employees, sandhu said he<br />

believes huntsville’s lower cost of living plays a<br />

role because they see the differences in terms of<br />

housing, commutes and quality of life.<br />

in the past 50 years, this city in northern<br />

alabama has evolved from a cotton capital to the<br />

rocket City to a high-technology hub. The u.s.<br />

army’s aviation and Missile Command is housed<br />

in the nearby redstone arsenal, and the federal<br />

government employs more than 8 percent of the<br />

local workforce.<br />

The city’s thriving engineering community and<br />

tradition of innovation have made it an incubator<br />

for tech entrepreneurs. this is especially significant<br />

to Colocho’s company, which specializes in radar<br />

systems and sensor technology advancements.<br />

Their location positioned the company to provide<br />

hands-on technology development engineering<br />

support to customers at the Missile defense<br />

agency (Mda), strategic Missile defense<br />

Command (sMdC), Missile and space intelligence<br />

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0000267216-01<br />


Center (MsiC) and the u.s. army aviation and<br />

Missile research development and engineering<br />

Center (aMrdeC), all based in the area.<br />

“huntsville is a center for federal space, missile<br />

and sensor work,” she said. “Those federal<br />

organizations and agencies most in need of the<br />

expertise we provide are located in huntsville.<br />

being able to meet and work directly with our<br />

customers and their supporting contractors on a<br />

daily basis fosters excellent working relationships.”<br />

in addition to customer access, huntsville<br />

provides a highly educated and expertly skilled<br />

employee base. When considering potential<br />

locations for her business, Colocho said the choice<br />

was easy.<br />

“based on our experiences in the industry here,<br />

there was never a thought of starting anyplace<br />

else, though we have kept our eyes open for<br />

opportunities to expand with branch offices in<br />

other areas that would help us to support and<br />

grow our customer base,” she said. “several of us<br />

worked at other companies in the past that were<br />

not based in <strong>Huntsville</strong> but had offices here.”<br />

sandhu agrees the rocket City provided a<br />

great environment to start and grow a small<br />

business.<br />

“Today, sigmatech is one of the most mature<br />

government contracting small businesses in<br />

huntsville, operating for over 25 years,” he said.<br />

“There have been challenges, but we have<br />

adapted to evolving economic and market<br />

changes, varying growth phases and regulatory<br />

requirements to expand services and provide<br />



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solutions for customers.”<br />

Opportunity, according to Jordan, tops a list of<br />

reasons businesses choose to start in the area.<br />

They also include technology base, federal<br />

aerospace and defense programs, a growing<br />

population and strong economy. since 2005,<br />

private businesses in the huntsville metro area<br />

have grown by nearly 8 percent.<br />

“This is a much higher growth rate than the<br />

rest of alabama which, at less than 1 percent,<br />

hardly grew at all during the same time frame,”<br />

she said. “it is more on line with other centers of<br />

technology like raleigh, n.C., and austin, Texas,<br />

where companies are creating jobs through<br />

innovation and the spinoff of new technology.”<br />

alabama’s lower tax base and overall lower<br />

rate of pay than many other areas have been<br />

advantageous, too. Jordan said the area’s quality<br />

of life and value, including a world-class research<br />

park, government and university research, a<br />

highly technical workforce and other key assets<br />

turn the idea of “low cost into high value.”<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s entrepreneurial attitude,<br />

success with business startups, mentoring and<br />

small business programs have all also contributed<br />

to the area’s growth.<br />

anticipated business growth and expansion is<br />

huntsville’s testimony to its nurturing business<br />

environment. economic forecasts show<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> continuing to benefit from the<br />

activities at redstone arsenal and growth in<br />

technology fields such as life sciences and<br />

information technology, Jordan said.<br />

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Moody’s has placed huntsville in its Top 10<br />

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outlook is positive as a place to make new<br />

investments.<br />

“however, we are always mindful of the role<br />

and dependence we have on aerospace and<br />

defense programs and their propensity to face<br />

cycles of ups and downs,” Jordan said. “We are<br />

continuing to work to diversify the economy and<br />

bring in new industries and grow new businesses<br />

even as we seek to grow activities at redstone.”<br />

“We are expecting additional growth in 2012,<br />

with growth projected on some of our existing<br />

tasks and also with new work,” sandhu said.<br />

“Geographically, in addition to huntsville, we<br />

expect to add employees in the national Capital<br />

region and Colorado springs, Colo.”<br />

decibel also anticipates growth, further<br />

supporting the Tennessee valley’s business-friendly<br />

environment. While a quarter of the company’s<br />

planned facility was completed in Cummings<br />

research Park in 2009, plans are to expand.<br />

“We are proud to announce that we will begin<br />

work on this final portion of the building in april<br />

and will have it ready for occupancy by October,”<br />

Colocho said. “We are currently pursuing new<br />

efforts in <strong>Huntsville</strong> to support Updated early<br />

Warning radar at Mda, d3i (space, cyber and<br />

missile defense technology) at sMdC and<br />

several additional opportunities at aMrdeC and<br />

MsiC (Missile and space intelligence Center)<br />

that we hope will drive the need for the additional<br />

space.” n<br />

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0000277805-01<br />


n Kevin Mcghaw got a job offer and was<br />

pleasantly surprised when he and his<br />

wife rotrice made the trip from<br />

Washington, d.C., to check out<br />

huntsville. now the McGhaw family<br />

are among the many newcomers to<br />

the area. rotrice and Kevin McGhaw<br />

stand behind their children,<br />

Kaiya and Kevin Jr.<br />

Photo by Bob Gathany.<br />

A Balanced Place<br />

NEw aRRiVals aRE impREssEd wiTH<br />

wHaT THEy fiNd<br />

By Diana LaChance<br />

huntsville has earned an impressive array of<br />

accolades over the years, including being named<br />

by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance as one of the<br />

country’s Top 10 Cities for raising families and by<br />

Cnn/Money as one of the nation’s Most<br />

affordable Cities.<br />

huntsville has been atop the latter’s list of<br />

one of america’s Top 25 Places to retire for the<br />

past two years running. but people who move<br />

to the huntsville/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> area often<br />

find something extra beyond what the<br />

accolades can convey, and they discover a fuller<br />

understanding of exactly what these impressive<br />

achievements mean.<br />

Take it from aaron King, Kevin McGhaw and<br />

becky Pillsbury, all of whom began their lives and<br />

their careers elsewhere, but ended up relocating<br />

to huntsville in recent years.<br />

For aaron King, a former army officer and<br />

West Point graduate, moving to huntsville<br />

probably seemed like just another stop on the<br />

military train.<br />

“i’ve lived in san diego, indianapolis, Lawton,<br />

West Point, and a dozen other cities and towns<br />

around the united states,” he said.<br />

but what he discovered when he got here was<br />

a place like no other he’d lived. “i have found home<br />

here in huntsville,” he said. “i can honestly say<br />

there is no other place i would rather call home.”<br />

King and his family, wife Kristen and<br />

3-year-old daughter elizabeth, arrived in the<br />

rocket City in July 2011. he had been recruited<br />

for the position of director of transition for<br />

huntsville City schools by superintendent dr.<br />

Casey Wardynski to help with the “transformational<br />

reform and system overhaul.”<br />

despite holding a master’s degree in<br />

educational leadership, King said, “i had<br />

apprehensions, as anyone might.” Today, those<br />

apprehensions have given way to pride at what<br />

has been accomplished – “the district went from<br />

$19.5 million in the red to over $3 million in the<br />

black” – and optimism for the future.<br />

“as a school system, we are on the move and<br />

we’ll soon pass the rest of the state,” he said.<br />

“We are looking to be the best school system in<br />

the country, and that’s just one of our goals.”<br />

King is quick to share credit, however. he said<br />

that a lot of the success is due to the city<br />

leadership’s support and involvement.<br />

“i cannot tell you how many times i have had<br />

the opportunity to sit and talk with the mayor,<br />

city council, county commissioners and state<br />

representatives. for most cities this size, that’s<br />

26 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

unusual,” he said. “The best part is that they<br />

actually listen and tend to make sound<br />

judgments based on the best information<br />

available. i cannot say enough good things<br />

about the Chamber and our local businesses;<br />

they are all working diligently to aid us in the<br />

revamp of our schools.”<br />

he added that the commitment among the<br />

leadership extends to the community as a<br />

whole. “i think huntsville’s leaders are doing a<br />

fine job in making the city a great place to live,”<br />

said King. “i’m impressed with the transparency<br />

of the city’s officials, the police department<br />

and the fire department, as well as our<br />

elected leaders.”<br />

he and his wife especially appreciate the city’s<br />

“small-town feel,” he said, and spend many a<br />

warm evening “taking walks in our neighborhood<br />

and in general just spending time together.” in<br />

short, said King, “i feel lucky to be in the position<br />

i am in and even luckier to lay my head down in<br />

one of the greatest cities in the united states:<br />

huntsville, alabama.”<br />

Like King, Kevin McGhaw is another recent<br />

transplant. he, his wife rotrice, and two children<br />

moved to <strong>Huntsville</strong> in the winter of 2008 when<br />

he took a position at Marshall space flight<br />

Center as legislative affairs specialist for nasa.<br />

although he was excited about his new job<br />

opportunity, he was less than enthusiastic about<br />

the move it entailed.<br />

“it wasn’t an anti-alabama stance,” he said.<br />

“i just didn’t know anything about huntsville.<br />

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i had grown up in Washington, D.C., and figured<br />

i’d grow old there and maybe move to Miami…<br />

i didn’t know a soul here!”<br />

it wasn’t until he received the job offer and he<br />

and his wife came down to take a closer look at<br />

huntsville that he realized what he’d be missing<br />

out on by not moving. “We went to bridge street,<br />

Jones valley – we loved it! <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>,<br />

huntsville, the whole region,” he said.<br />

so he and his wife made an agreement: if<br />

the city was able to meet their top three<br />

criteria, they would move here. Those criteria:<br />

a church home where they could feel like they<br />

were part of a community, a school system<br />

that would challenge their kids and a great<br />

home in a great neighborhood where their kids<br />

could play.<br />

nearly five years later, the Mcghaw family<br />

said they’re here to stay. “The things we’re<br />

looking for in quality of life, we’ve found right<br />

here,” said McGhaw.<br />

That’s because the city has exceeded<br />

McGhaw’s criteria. “The role that faith plays here<br />

is very different from D.C., and for us that’s a huge<br />

positive,” he said. “it speaks to the kind of environment<br />

in which you want to raise your kids.”<br />

On top of that, he feels safe here.<br />

“There are so many families here – my son has<br />

three friends within a 10-house radius, and three<br />

of my daughter’s best friends live in the<br />

neighborhood, so they can walk to their friends’<br />

house and we’re more at ease about them<br />

making it there,” he said.<br />

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and for McGhaw and rotrice, there’s one<br />

other noticeable improvement: Their commute<br />

times. On a good day in d.C., it would take him<br />

50 minutes to an hour to get to work. That meant<br />

regularly missing his kids’ after-school activities.<br />

“now i can coach my kid’s little league<br />

football team,” he said. “i’m able to take the kids<br />

to bible study and choir practice and saxophone<br />

lessons.”<br />

as for rotrice, she now works from home.<br />

“That absolutely adds to our quality of life,”<br />

said McGhaw.<br />

McGhaw anticipates that quality will improve,<br />

thanks to what he’s seen since becoming the<br />

legislative affairs specialist.<br />

“i work with the mayors of both <strong>Madison</strong> and<br />

huntsville, as well as the county commissioner,<br />

and they have a team approach to leadership,”<br />

he said. “The borders aren’t as important to them<br />

as improving the quality of life for the region. i<br />

just can’t commend enough the way the three<br />

have worked together in collaboration. They<br />

collectively go to the state or d.C. to lobby for<br />

resources because it’s best for the entire region<br />

– that’s unique.”<br />

some stores and restaurants close earlier at<br />

night than in d.C., but McGhaw said that is a<br />

small trade-off.<br />

“yes, things do close a little early or don’t<br />

open on sunday, but the people here want to<br />

go to their kids’ games like i want to go to<br />

mine,” he said. “and it’s that community<br />

support, even among people who don’t have<br />

kids, that makes the city such a great place to<br />

raise a family.”<br />

McGhaw suggests potential residents check<br />

out the area for a day or two.<br />

“if your job is relocating and you’re apprehensive,<br />

just fly down and visit,” he said. “i suspect<br />

you will leave with a very different perspective.”<br />

That’s advice becky Pillsbury probably should<br />

have taken before she and her husband, Jim,<br />

decided to buy a retirement property in<br />

Kentucky. as a military family, the Pillsburys had<br />

lived all over the country, but had decided to<br />

spend their sunset years on a golf course<br />

residence they had purchased while Jim was<br />

stationed in Kentucky.<br />

Then in 2003, Lt. Gen. Pillsbury was promoted<br />

to commander of redstone arsenal and the<br />

army aviation and Missile Command.<br />

“We were here for all of six months when Jim<br />

looked at me and said ‘We’d better sell that<br />

property in Kentucky and buy something here,’ ”<br />

becky said. “and i said, ‘you’re absolutely right.’<br />

it was that quick.”<br />

becky wasn’t initially thrilled about the move<br />

to northern alabama. for one thing, she didn’t<br />

know much about it. her only exposure to<br />

huntsville had been a short visit with her son and<br />

daughter to the u.s. space and rocket Center<br />

while Jim was deployed during the Gulf War.<br />

for another thing, she and Jim had only<br />

recently moved to Germany, where she said she<br />

“still had so much to buy and see and do!” but<br />

she put those unfulfilled aspirations aside for her<br />

28 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

n Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jim Pillsbury, his wife, becky,<br />

and daughter Katherine spend time at home<br />

with their dogs, Pepper in the back and Trooper<br />

in the front. The Pillsburys already had a r<br />

etirement home purchased in Kentucky,<br />

but once Jim was promoted to commander<br />

of redstone arsenal, the family fell in love<br />

with huntsville.<br />

Photo by Dave Dieter.<br />

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n Kristen, elizabeth and aaron King arrived in<br />

huntsville in 2011. aaron says he has “found<br />

home here in huntsville” after having lived in<br />

over a dozen other cities and towns around<br />

the united states.<br />

Photo by Dave Dieter.<br />

husband, who she said had no such qualms.<br />

“Jim had been here many times before and<br />

was so excited about coming here,” said becky.<br />

“he knew the command was open and he was<br />

just thrilled he’d been given the honor of<br />

earning it.”<br />

Once they got here, becky never looked back.<br />

she was also particularly impressed with the level<br />

of volunteerism among residents.<br />

“it’s a city where people who come here want<br />

to be involved and see what a marvelous place it<br />

is and want to make it better,” she said. “This is a<br />

town of fixers.”<br />

a fixer herself, Becky and some colleagues<br />

founded still serving veterans (ssv) in 2005, an<br />

advocacy center for wounded or disabled<br />

veterans which has brought $21 million back to<br />

the tennessee Valley through benefits, jobs and<br />

training. but as much as becky was growing to<br />

love the city, the military had other plans for<br />

the Pillsburys.<br />

www.decosimo.com/huntsville | 256.517.1111<br />

30 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com<br />


after less than four years here, Jim received<br />

another promotion, this time as deputy<br />

commanding general of the army Materiel<br />

Command (aMC), and the family moved up to<br />

fort belvoir, outside of Washington, dC.<br />

“When we were sent to d.C., we found out<br />

they were moving the aMC to huntsville as part<br />

of the 2005 base realignment and Closure,”<br />

becky said, “so we were thrilled to know we<br />

would be coming back.”<br />

in the interim, the Pillsburys continued to stay<br />

in touch with the friends they had made in huntsville.<br />

becky also stayed active in ssv.<br />

“i was still helping in d.C., with good access to<br />

our state’s senators and congressmen,” she said.<br />

Jim, meanwhile, traveled back and forth<br />

regularly for work.<br />

“and every time Jim would come back to<br />

huntsville, he would bring someone with him,”<br />

said becky. “and almost every one of them<br />

ended up moving here!”<br />

To those who had yet to make the visit, becky<br />

said she would “describe huntsville as d.C.<br />

without all the traffic, without all the people and<br />

located in the bible belt. it’s got all the things you<br />

want from a large town in a small town.”<br />

by the time the Pillsburys themselves<br />

returned in January 2011, they were ready to<br />

stay. Jim officially retired that July and they<br />

ended up settling just outside the huntsville city<br />

limits on two acres right on the flint river. “<br />

a dollar goes a lot further in huntsville than<br />

it does in d.C.,” becky said. “you can travel 45<br />

minutes out of town here and get 12 acres and a<br />

house twice the size of the one you’d find for the<br />

same price there.”<br />

They also managed to entice their son and<br />

daughter to settle here.<br />

“it’s very unusual for military children to be in<br />

the same town where their parents retire, but my<br />

son ended up moving here, getting married and<br />

becoming a lawyer, and my daughter moved<br />

here after graduating from college and now<br />

works here, too,” she said. “even my daughterin-law’s<br />

sister moved here – it’s almost like we’re<br />

starting our own community.”<br />

What keeps them all here is easy for her to<br />

describe.<br />

“We love how diverse it is here, and that there<br />

are people who are so different from each other,”<br />

said becky. “We love the fact that we can see<br />

broadway plays, but also go up to Monte sano<br />

and see the city lights down below.”<br />

The military community is also an important<br />

component.<br />

“We still love supporting the military, and we<br />

still feel welcome to come and help with different<br />

events on post, celebrating the promotions and<br />

retirements,” she said.<br />

Then there’s always the commute.<br />

“When we would go to the theater in d.C., it<br />

took about two and a half hours round trip,” she<br />

said. “here, from the time we leave the theater<br />

to the time we walk into the house, it takes 15<br />

minutes. if that’s not quality of life, i don’t know<br />

what is!” n<br />

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n Lilly McKay harris, left, J.J. Gomez and<br />

esther Martinez, all age 10, check out the<br />

new laptops issued to Jill Cox’s fifth-grade<br />

classroom at Chaffee elementary school.<br />

Photo by Glenn Baeske.<br />

Building Great Minds<br />

sCHOOls dEliVER THE KiNd Of smaRT<br />

sTudENTs aREa dEmaNds<br />

By Deborah Bennick<br />

no one in huntsville will blink if you say you<br />

want to grow up to be a rocket scientist. after<br />

all, this has been the home of rocket scientists<br />

for decades.<br />

Or maybe you want to pursue medical<br />

research, or helicopter design, or weather, or<br />

agriculture. how about robotics? With high-tech<br />

jobs booming here, area schools and universities<br />

constantly tweak and develop curricula to<br />

help students prepare for careers in a cuttingedge<br />

workforce.<br />

among the latest moves on K-12 and<br />

university campuses: integrating more technology<br />

into classrooms, increasing the number of<br />

advanced placement courses, making career<br />

readiness programs accessible to more students,<br />

and adding more graduate degree programs.<br />

Local companies with international reputa-<br />

tions embrace the schools on many levels,<br />

whether it’s to help develop curriculum, involve<br />

students in research, mentor interns, sponsor<br />

competitions or offer volunteers as math tutors.<br />

Well-developed cooperative education programs<br />

give university students a head start on their<br />

careers, and often a job at graduation.<br />

students can be found building missiles on the<br />

u.s. army’s redstone arsenal, designing<br />

propulsion systems for the national aeronautics<br />

and space administration, or studying genetics at<br />

the hudsonalpha institute for biotechnology.<br />

high school and college teams hone their design,<br />

build and test skills in such competitions as the<br />

Great international Moonbuggy race, nasa’s<br />

discovery/new frontiers program or the firsT<br />

LeGO League robotics contest.<br />

in response to industry suggestions, the two<br />

largest public school systems are revamping<br />

career readiness programs as well as adding<br />

college prep classes. high schools have engineering,<br />

medical and construction academies, as well<br />

as courses in modeling and simulation, computer<br />

programming, genetic technologies, computer<br />

networking and robotics.<br />

“We are integrating career readiness into our<br />

schools versus having a separate school for<br />

career and technical education,” says huntsville<br />

City schools superintendent dr. Casey<br />

Wardynski. “We are also increasing the use of<br />

technology within our curriculum for career/<br />

technical education.”<br />

Moving the classes out to high schools makes<br />

them accessible to more students who can<br />

graduate and go right to work for contractors<br />

handling government projects.<br />

32 | Chamber of CommerCe of huntsville / madison <strong>County</strong> 256.535.2000 | www.huntsvillealabamausa.com

“The programs that we moved out to the<br />

schools have taken off,” says Ken Kubick, director<br />

of personnel/pupil services for the <strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> School System.<br />


This system of about 23,000 students is going<br />

wireless in all schools and issuing a netbook or<br />

pad-style computer to every student in grades 5<br />

through 12. Each fall the new fifth- and ninthgrade<br />

classes are assigned the computers they<br />

will carry for four years, with fifth-graders<br />

switching machines when they get to ninth grade.<br />

“There are so many resources that the<br />

student can get through their computer, and<br />

this puts it in their hands,” says Keith Ward,<br />

system spokesman.<br />

A couple months after getting the computers,<br />

fifth-grade teacher Jill Cox reports a positive<br />

response from her Chaffee Elementary School<br />

students, who use them for most subjects. “Now<br />

that we have them, I can’t imagine teaching<br />

without them. It’s so much fun.”<br />

Superintendent Wardynski says the system is<br />

also focused on the Common Core Standards,<br />

nationally developed standards that have been<br />

adopted by the State of Alabama. “This is a key<br />

focus, especially for children moving to <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

from different areas … because they will hopefully<br />

see consistency with curricula and standards from<br />

where they moved.”<br />

The system turns to business and industry<br />

leaders and the universities to develop curricula,<br />

particularly for its career-focused programs.<br />

Special tracks focus on such expertise as<br />

cyber-security, biomechanical systems engineering,<br />

computer-aided design, robotics, digital<br />

media and nursing. There are plans to add courses<br />

in game technology, medical technology and<br />

police/fire services.<br />

The system includes seven high schools (one<br />

an International Baccalaureate World School),<br />

five magnet programs and preschool classes. For<br />

17 years SchoolMatch has given it the “What<br />

Parents Want” award, and Expansion Management<br />

magazine ranks it among the top systems<br />

in the nation.<br />

In 2010, 84 percent of graduates continued<br />

their education at post-secondary institutions and<br />

41 percent earned scholarships, according to the<br />

2009-2010 Annual Report.<br />

Grissom High School regularly makes the list<br />

of best high schools in America by Newsweek<br />

Magazine. The Washington Post Challenge 2011<br />

also tapped Grissom as one of the best. New<br />

Century Technology High School is sixth on the<br />

2011 list of “Most-Connected Classrooms” by<br />

U.S. News & World Report.<br />


The second-largest system in the county<br />

serves more than 20,000 students in campuses<br />

spread around the county, outside the city limits<br />

of <strong>Huntsville</strong> and <strong>Madison</strong>.<br />

The system is “continually ranked as one of<br />

the best across the state of Alabama,” Kubik says.<br />

The system embraces the Alabama Math, Science<br />

and Technology Initiative and the Alabama<br />

Reading Initiative.<br />

Scores for national standardized tests are<br />

“way above average,” according to Geraldine<br />

Tibbs, director of communications and public<br />

relations. Math and science teachers have<br />

earned national “Teacher of the Year” acclaim,<br />

and there is a Blue Ribbon School and three Blue<br />

Ribbon Lighthouse Schools. Part of a larger U.S.<br />

Dept. of Education effort to identify and<br />

disseminate knowledge about best school<br />

leadership and teaching practices, Blue Ribbon<br />

Schools are recognized by the National Blue<br />

Ribbon Schools Program as having students who<br />

achieve at very high levels and/or where the<br />

achievement gap is narrowing.<br />

Engineering, medical and construction<br />

academies set up at the high schools are staffed<br />

with professionals who garnered years of<br />

experience in their field before earning teaching<br />

certificates, Kubik says.<br />

Plenty of jobs in the <strong>Huntsville</strong> area require<br />

skills on high-tech equipment without a college<br />

degree. Career Technical Center classes let<br />

students practice on the computerized machinery<br />

they will use after graduation. Local companies<br />

such as Brown Precision Inc. and Dixie Metalcraft<br />

Corp. actively recruit graduates to work on<br />

medical and aerospace machining for commercial<br />

and government contracts, according to<br />

instructor Jeff Breece.<br />


Topping 9,000 students, this system<br />

established in 1998 achieves standardized test<br />

scores for all grades tested that are above the<br />

national average.<br />

At the high school level, the emphasis on<br />

career training helps students get an early start<br />

through courses in engineering, biomedical<br />

technology and health sciences. Students<br />

interact with engineers and medical experts<br />

through partnerships with such employers as<br />

n The University of Alabama in <strong>Huntsville</strong> offers<br />

various co-op programs in association with local<br />

industry for its students, like this student working<br />

at ADTRAN.<br />

www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 33

n Victor Obadina researches the spectral<br />

properties of glasses doped with metallic<br />

particles at the Chambers Building on the<br />

Alabama A&M University campus.<br />

Photo by Glenn Baeske.

NASA, Raytheon, Miltec Corp., SAIC and local<br />

hospitals.<br />

“We are working to have every career<br />

technical program end in a senior project or<br />

internship, ” says Camille Wright, director of<br />

secondary instruction. “Every student should<br />

have two to three courses in a certain pathway”<br />

by graduation.<br />

The emphasis on professional fields pays off<br />

come graduation time. In 2011, students were<br />

offered $31 million in scholarships and 93 percent<br />

of the graduates went on to two- or four-year<br />

colleges, including four to military academies.<br />

Newsweek magazine, The Washington Post<br />

and U.S. News & World Report all routinely rank<br />

Bob Jones High School as one of America’s best<br />

high schools.<br />

Recognizing that technology helps keep<br />

students engaged, Superintendent Dr. Dee<br />

Fowler says students in grades 7 through 12 are<br />

encouraged to bring laptops, smart phones and<br />

other devices to school.<br />

Every classroom is networked with Internet<br />

access, online resources and cable TV access.<br />

The system’s use of advanced technology has<br />

gained state and national recognition.<br />


Private schools encourage students to explore<br />

ways they can give back to their community while<br />

they pursue academic goals.<br />

A Valley Fellowship Christian Academy team’s<br />

water purification system won a NASA-sponsored<br />

competition, but more importantly, it can be put<br />

to use when the school does mission work in<br />

South America’s Amazon region.<br />

“We’re trying to instill in the students how they<br />

can contribute to society,” says Patti Simon,<br />

administrator for the school and president of the<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> Private Schools Association.<br />

“Science goes hand in hand with practical ways to<br />

help the community.”<br />

As well as participating in industry-sponsored<br />

competitions, Simon says private schools enlist<br />

parents to share their professional knowledge, as<br />

two engineer fathers did during six-week teaching<br />

stints at Valley Fellowship.<br />

The independent and religiously affiliated<br />

schools in the area serve ages pre-kindergarten<br />

through high school. Information about individual<br />

schools can be found on the Web site for the<br />

private school association (www.huntsvillemadisonprivateschools.org).<br />

Each spring the<br />

association organizes a Parade of Schools, when<br />

the schools are opened for tours.<br />

The 50-year-old Randolph School serves<br />

kindergarten through 12th grade with a college<br />

preparatory curriculum. It has twice been named<br />

a national School of Excellence by the U.S.<br />

Department of Education.<br />

Collaborations with the local arts community<br />

and the University of Alabama in <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

enhance the curriculum, while computer labs, a<br />

wireless network and a laptop program for grades<br />

8-12 put students in touch with technology.<br />

On the west side of <strong>Huntsville</strong>, <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Academy offers an advanced placement<br />

curriculum and dual enrollment with Calhoun<br />

Community College and the University of<br />

Alabama in <strong>Huntsville</strong>. Out-of-town trips expose<br />

students to history, art, marine biology, and<br />

academic and art competitions. An exchange<br />

student program, mission trips and an emphasis<br />

on community service provide new experiences.<br />

n <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> Career Technical center<br />

student Landon Holman programs a<br />

computer numeric control (CNC) machine.<br />

Photo by Michael Mercier.<br />

www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 35


Accredited colleges, universities and technical<br />

schools in the area involve students and<br />

professors in cutting-edge military, biotechnical<br />

and scientific projects.<br />

The University of Alabama in <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

The University of Alabama in <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s<br />

research expenditure increases regularly, with this<br />

year’s $85 million going toward projects within<br />

the individual colleges and in independent<br />

research centers, laboratories and institutes.<br />

Research focuses include applied optics,<br />

information technology, modeling and simulation,<br />

nano devices and space propulsion. The<br />

atmospheric science department is ranked one of<br />

the best in the nation.<br />

Part of the University of Alabama system,<br />

UA<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s five colleges – Engineering, Nursing,<br />

Business Administration, Science and Liberal Arts<br />

– serve around 7,700 students, about 1,600 of them<br />

graduate level. The school offers 67 degree-granting<br />

programs, and plans to add master’s degrees in<br />

earth system science and integrated science,<br />

.......................................................<br />

.......................................................<br />

.......................................................<br />



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technology, engineering and math.<br />

UA<strong>Huntsville</strong> has one of the largest cooperative<br />

education programs in the Southeast,<br />

according to spokesman Ray Garner. Each year,<br />

around 400 students spend time immersed in<br />

their field of interest at such places as ADTRAN,<br />

BellSouth, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and<br />

Honda Manufacturing of Alabama.<br />

Back in the classroom, student teams tackle<br />

real-world problems put to them by corporations,<br />

Army agencies and NASA. Mentors from the<br />

agencies judge their work, Garner says.<br />

For 2012, U.S. News & World Report ranks<br />

UA<strong>Huntsville</strong> 190th on its list of 1,600 best<br />

national universities and puts the engineering<br />

school’s graduate program in the top 100. In other<br />

accolades, the school has been named among<br />

the best educational values by Consumer Digest<br />

magazine, USA Today and Princeton Review.<br />

Popular Science magazine named the<br />

Propulsion Research Center the third “Most<br />

Awesome Lab in 2011,” part of its “Best Places to<br />

Pursue Science” feature. Further bolstering the<br />

research reputation is The Carnegie Foundation<br />

0000271004-01<br />

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0000279100-01<br />

for the Advancement of Technology, which<br />

recently upgraded the school’s status by putting it<br />

in the highest classification for research. This<br />

category puts it in the top 3 percent of four-year<br />

accredited public universities in the Untied States.<br />

Alabama A&M University<br />

Alabama A&M University spreads its<br />

disciplines over five colleges: Agricultural, Life<br />

and Natural Sciences; Arts and Sciences; Business<br />

and Public Affairs; Education, Humanities and<br />

Behavioral Sciences; and Engineering, Technology<br />

and Physical Sciences. This land grant<br />

university provides a variety of research facilities<br />

for students and local industry to utilize, including<br />

a wind tunnel and an agricultural research station.<br />

Its programs for food science and safety, plant<br />

and soil science, animal science and forestry<br />

funnel students into other prominent fields in<br />

Alabama, such as animal production, agriculture<br />

and protection of forest resources.<br />

The campus serves nearly 7,000 undergraduate<br />

and graduate students, with most classes<br />

having fewer than 40 students.<br />

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Oakwood University<br />

Oakwood University is a historically black Seventh-Day Adventist<br />

college that promotes compassionate Christian values while educating<br />

students in 47 different programs, among them chemistry, math and<br />

computer science, nursing and business. Students are regularly involved in<br />

disaster relief and community work. U.S. News & World Report ranks<br />

Oakwood as one of the best regional universities in the South.<br />

Also located in <strong>Huntsville</strong> are Calhoun Community College, J.F. Drake<br />

State Technical College, the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Regional Medical Campus and Virginia College at <strong>Huntsville</strong>.<br />


Calhoun Community College<br />

Calhoun Community College’s three campuses offer 49 associate<br />

degree programs and 52 career/certificate programs. The largest<br />

two-year college in the state, Calhoun focuses on careers in the area,<br />

with programs in nursing, aerospace technology, automation and<br />

robotics, and biotechnology. It offers a pre-engineering degree to prepare<br />

students who plan to transfer to a four-year institution to earn an<br />

engineering degree.<br />

The applied technology program offers a major in renewable energy<br />

technology, including study of solar, wind and hydropower energy, so<br />

students can pursue careers in the green energy workforce.<br />

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0000279596-01<br />

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0000278487-01<br />

0000279586-01<br />

Calhoun serves more than 12,000 students and has a cooperative<br />

education program.<br />

J.F. Drake State Technical College<br />

J.F. Drake State Technical College works closely with local industry,<br />

offering training for current and future employees. Business, engineering,<br />

manufacturing and applied technology, health sciences, salon management<br />

and culinary arts/hospitality services departments prepare students to enter<br />

the workforce with an associate degree. n<br />

515 Fountain Row • downtown <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

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0000278901-01<br />

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0000278916-01<br />

0000279667-01<br />


Body & Mind<br />


By Kimberly Ballard<br />

With two first-rate regional medical centers, a<br />

groundbreaking cancer treatment/research<br />

center and a world-class biomedical industry<br />

growing out of the HudsonAlpha Institute for<br />

Biotechnology, <strong>Huntsville</strong> beats five of six<br />

comparable technology communities in<br />

city-to-city comparisons of key consumer costs in<br />

healthcare.<br />

According to the American Chamber of<br />

Commerce Research Association’s Cost of Living<br />

Index, <strong>Huntsville</strong> costs are lower than Austin,<br />

Texas; Charlotte, N.C.; Raleigh, N.C.; Richmond,<br />

Va.; and San Jose, Calif.<br />

Newcomers to <strong>Huntsville</strong> who are concerned<br />

about replacing trusted doctors and reliable<br />

medical care for existing health conditions and<br />

problems that may later arise can put their body<br />

and mind at ease. For those who need reassur-<br />

ance about quality care and living arrangements<br />

for aging parents or family members, <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

offers sweeping options in assisted living,<br />

rehabilitation and in-home elderly care.<br />

Or, if you are anxious about access to<br />

alternative medical techniques and services,<br />

specialized women’s health care or comprehensive<br />

options for aesthetic and personal care<br />

services, worry no more.<br />


According to Pam Hudson, CEO of Crestwood<br />

Medical Center, the <strong>Huntsville</strong> area is fortunate to<br />

have so many options for most any health care<br />

need.<br />

“The competitive environment of health care<br />

and the broad spectrum of specialties available in<br />

our community results in state-of-the-art care for<br />

n A Crestwood Medical Center surgical team<br />

works with equipment. Crestwood CEO<br />

Pam Hudson says <strong>Huntsville</strong> is fortunate to<br />

have so many healthcare options.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

patients,” Hudson said. “This is what Crestwood’s<br />

mission is all about − a passionate and skilled<br />

team serving our community by providing quality<br />

care and service excellence for all patients and<br />

their families who choose our hospital.”<br />

Anyone considering <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> as a place to live or work shouldn’t be<br />

concerned about access to quality health care,<br />

said David Spillers, CEO of <strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital,<br />

Alabama’s second largest hospital system.<br />

“We are very blessed to have advanced<br />

services and highly trained physicians that you<br />

wouldn’t usually find in a community our size,”<br />

he said.<br />

Spillers said one reason for this benefit is that<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital has grown from a local<br />

hospital to a regional facility serving all of the<br />

Tennessee Valley.<br />

38 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

“We are still community owned, but we have<br />

seen our community and our service area expand<br />

in recent years,” he said.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital Health System today<br />

includes hospital affiliates in neighboring<br />

communities in Athens, Decatur and Sheffield,<br />

as well the new <strong>Madison</strong> Hospital, which opened<br />

in February.<br />

Recognized by Blue Cross Blue Shield as a<br />

“Tier 1” hospital, Crestwood Medical Center is<br />

designated a Blue Distinction Center for bariatric<br />

surgery, knee and hip replacement and spine<br />

surgery, and as a Center of Excellence for<br />

bariatric surgery.<br />

The recent renovation of Crestwood’s new<br />

maternity center provides mothers and their<br />

newborns the most advanced environment for<br />

labor and delivery available anywhere. It<br />

features Labor, Delivery, Recovery and<br />

Postpartum (LDRP) rooms, which allow the<br />

patient to remain in one room throughout all<br />

four phases of the birthing process. LDRP rooms<br />

permit a more stable environment for mother<br />

and child, while leaving plenty of room for<br />

visiting family members and guests.<br />

Also, Crestwood Medical Center recently<br />

acquired Robotic Assisted Surgery capabilities.<br />

“I am pleased that we have been able to<br />

acquire the da Vinci Robot, affectionately known<br />

as ‘Rosie,’” said Susan Bryce, Crestwood’s<br />

assistant chief nursing officer and director of<br />

perioperative services. “This acquisition further<br />

expands the ability of our surgeons to provide a<br />

level of technology that helps to keep our patients<br />

closer to home when the robotic technology is<br />

the best option for our patients.”<br />

The da Vinci is the perfect case of less being<br />

more − less invasive, less bleeding, less pain, less<br />

scarring − all benefits that translate into quicker<br />

recovery times.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital is likewise focused on<br />

quality care and excellent service.<br />

“Just recently, <strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital was ranked<br />

No. 1 in heart surgery in Alabama for 2012,<br />

according to Healthgrades,” Spillers said.<br />

In addition, <strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital for Women &<br />

Children is one of three pediatric hospitals in<br />

Alabama, and more babies are delivered there<br />

than any other facility in the state. <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

Hospital also serves as the region’s trauma center.<br />

“All things considered, our community stands<br />

out in the Southeast and nationally,” Spillers said.<br />

“And one of the reasons is the availability of excellent<br />

health care services.”<br />


The significance of Clearview Cancer<br />

Institute’s research and Phase I clinical trials<br />

cannot be overstated. Their commitment to<br />

research involves an integrated cancer treatment<br />

program that includes medical oncology<br />

and hematology (study of blood), radiation<br />

oncology and gynecologic oncology. Treating<br />

more than 350 patients a day, Clearview has a<br />

staff of 14 physicians located in the<br />

115,000-square-foot facility.<br />

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<strong>Huntsville</strong>, Alabama 35802<br />

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530 Discovery Drive • <strong>Huntsville</strong>, Alabama 35806 • 256/922-0720<br />

www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 39<br />

0000269571-01<br />

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0000276326-01<br />

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when you live at Providence Place.<br />

Pre-leasing for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes will begin in late summer for Fall 2012 move-ins. Be among the fi rst to experience<br />

life at a different level with #1 customer service at Providence Place Apartments.<br />

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0000271007-01<br />

“It is extremely important for cancer patients<br />

who move to <strong>Huntsville</strong> to know that if you are<br />

out of options or seeking another opinion,<br />

Clearview provides Phase I clinical trials that offer<br />

promising new cancer treatments not yet<br />

available for general use,” said Leslie Vallely,<br />

Clearview public relations director and a breast<br />

cancer survivor.<br />

After more than 25 years of cancer research,<br />

Clearview is responsible for more than 30<br />

scientific breakthroughs of new FDA-approved<br />

cancer fighting treatments. Those include<br />

Herceptin for breast cancer; Gleevec for Chronic<br />

Myeloid Leukemia; Rituxan for lymphomas;<br />

Avastin for colon and lung cancers; and Gemzar<br />

for pancreatic cancer.<br />

Clearview also offers Phase I–IV interventional<br />

treatments and diagnostic research in outpatient<br />

settings. Additional services include imaging, full<br />

laboratory services, genetic counseling and<br />

education and supportive care services.<br />


In support of <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s critical care facilities,<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> has a wide range of family care and<br />

specialty services available. Family walk-in clinics<br />

and urgent care centers scattered across the city<br />

provide on-the-spot doctor’s attention as an<br />

alternative to emergency room visits.<br />

Several women’s health facilities provide<br />

friendly, comfortable environments where the<br />

staff members know their patients by name, and<br />

women feel free to discuss female issues with<br />

someone who listens and understands. From<br />

obstetrics with 3D ultrasound capability to full<br />

gynecological concerns like menopause and<br />

menopause-related problems, adolescent<br />

gynecology, birth control, pelvic screening and<br />

childbearing advice, <strong>Huntsville</strong> offers the finest in<br />

women’s health.<br />

Back and neck pain sufferers will find comfort<br />

in several experienced chiropractic specialists in<br />

the <strong>Huntsville</strong> area. Providing non-surgical,<br />

evidence-based alternatives to back and neck<br />

pain, chiropractic care now has a symbiotic<br />

relationship with physicians. <strong>Huntsville</strong> chiropractic<br />

professionals use cutting-edge techniques<br />

including research-based decompression therapy<br />

to ease disc pain; the McKenzie exercise and<br />

physical therapy method; popular active-release,<br />

movement-based soft tissue massage; and simple<br />

adjustments for joint pain.<br />

If you prefer holistic or alternative forms of<br />

medical care, <strong>Huntsville</strong> residents will find<br />

herbal-based medicine, acupuncture for pain relief,<br />

as well as health food stores and organic markets<br />

with products that promote natural healing.<br />


When it comes to extreme personal makeovers<br />

for health, wellness, anti-aging and<br />

aesthetics, <strong>Huntsville</strong> provides one of only two<br />

fully integrated spa, salon, ambulatory cosmetic<br />

surgery and aesthetic dentistry clinics in the<br />

United States.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> has full cosmetic surgery centers<br />

where SmartLipo procedures remove love<br />

handles, leg fat and flab from your arms;<br />

tummy-tucks, face-lifts and procedures to make<br />

you look 10 years younger.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> residents have access to the most<br />

advanced aesthetic procedures as well, including<br />

CO2 fractional laser resurfacing and total face<br />

rejuvenation, full mouth reconstruction, implants,<br />

veneers, root canals, teeth bleaching treatments<br />

and a full range of salon services, weight-loss<br />

programs, skin care products, facials, massage,<br />

chemical peels, laser hair removal, fillers and<br />

injectables, manicures and pedicures.<br />

Because nutrition is tied in every way to<br />

disease prevention and management, <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

has licensed registered dieticians who work<br />

closely with doctors, hospitals, local gyms and the<br />

school system to show patients and consumers<br />

how their nutritional intake can change the way<br />

they feel, and even affect medical diagnoses.<br />

Susan Scott, a licensed registered dietician<br />

and owner of SCS Nutrition One of <strong>Huntsville</strong>, has<br />

written a children’s cooking program called<br />

“Know What’s Cooking,” and is currently<br />

promoting it to educate children about what they<br />

are eating and how to cook it.<br />

“I recently saw a child about 6 years old<br />

looking at the bell peppers in the grocery produce<br />

department,” Scott said. “She asked her mom<br />

whether they could buy one so she could taste it.<br />

It was distressing to watch the parent dismiss her<br />

interest in fresh, healthy vegetables, when at the<br />

checkout, I saw her allow the child a candy bar.<br />

Those are the behaviors I wish I could change.”<br />


According to CNNMoney.com, <strong>Huntsville</strong> is<br />

one of the nation’s Leading Places to Retire.<br />

Many families relocate their aging relatives<br />

when they move, and here they find a broad<br />

selection of options.<br />

Faith-based continuing care retirement<br />

communities (CCRC) with independent apartments<br />

are available for spry seniors. Assisted-living<br />

units aid those who need some help, memory-care<br />

facilities serve Alzheimer’s patients and facilities<br />

with skilled care help those who need it.<br />

The life care CCRC concept and its tax<br />

advantages are positive and affordable.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> also offers transitional care and<br />

rehabilitation facilities for people recovering<br />

from surgery, recuperating after a stroke or a<br />

heart attack or healing from a broken hip. With<br />

plenty of physical, occupational, and speech<br />

therapy, wound care, and respiratory care<br />

services available in the city, stronger elderly<br />

citizens with few if any medical problems may<br />

consider an in-home personal care professional<br />

or companion.<br />

Home care professionals do not provide<br />

medical assistance, but run errands, care for pets,<br />

prevent clients from being injured and help them<br />

bathe, cook, eat and deal with incontinence<br />

issues if necessary.<br />

Also, several area hospice facilities provide loving<br />

end-of-life care. n<br />

40 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

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n Stationary bicycle riders<br />

Walter Baker, George<br />

Elrod and Dori Kooi get a<br />

workout at <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

Hospital Wellness Center.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

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Federal City<br />

REDS<strong>TO</strong>NE ARSENAL VITAL <strong>TO</strong> THE<br />


By Anna Thibodeaux<br />

With nearly 35,000 workers, Redstone Arsenal<br />

has evolved into a multi-faceted, multi-functional<br />

cluster of organizations serving as one of the U.S.<br />

Army’s most extensive facilities and a major<br />

economic generator for the Tennessee Valley.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Mayor Tommy Battle readily calls<br />

Redstone Arsenal the area’s major economic<br />

driver, bolstered by $60 billion annually<br />

running through the arsenal. Of this total,<br />

nearly $12 billion boosts the area economy in<br />

payroll and products.<br />

Redstone Arsenal has translated into jobs and<br />

innovation, and is the reason the Rocket City “has<br />

more engineers per capita than anywhere in the<br />

U.S.,” Battle said. Additionally, he said gaining<br />

the Army’s four-star command made <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

much more important strategically, resulting in<br />

the staffing of 12 general officers at the arsenal.<br />

The move has given <strong>Huntsville</strong> more presence<br />

with the military, especially the U.S. Army Space<br />

and Missile Defense Command (SMDC). It has<br />

also generated income that drives local<br />

businesses and is the reason many people and<br />

businesses locate in the area. More than 450<br />

aerospace and defense contracting companies<br />

are located here, according to the Chamber of<br />

Commerce of <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>. Many<br />

of these companies perform technology research<br />

and development in support of arsenal activities.<br />

Redstone Arsenal employs more than 15,000<br />

contractors in direct support of its daily<br />

operations. The sizeable pool of technical<br />

expertise, maintained through aerospace and<br />

defense contracts, helps provide the <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

community with the highest concentration of<br />

engineers in the country and is vital to supporting<br />

n Redstone Arsenal has nearly 35,000<br />

workers and pumps nearly $12 billion<br />

into the area economy annually.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

the Department of Defense and NASA contract<br />

programs, as well as many other commercial<br />

technology applications.<br />

Cummings Research Park (CRP) provides<br />

Redstone Arsenal’s Department of Defense,<br />

Army, NASA and Department of Justice<br />

organizations with critical support in engineering,<br />

science and other core technical areas. CRP<br />

began as a public-private initiative and the park<br />

has become a symbol for the “synergistic<br />

growth” of the Tennessee Valley. The park<br />

continues to attract and retain the world’s major<br />

technology and research development companies<br />

to support customers, many with activities<br />

based on Redstone Arsenal.<br />

Col. John S. Hamilton, commander of the<br />

U.S. Army Garrison-Redstone Arsenal, said the<br />

relationship is symbiotic.<br />

42 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

“Team Redstone is very proud of the<br />

contributions provided through the skill, energy<br />

and ingenuity of the Redstone Arsenal workforce,<br />

who come to us from all over the<br />

Tennessee Valley,” Hamilton said.<br />

The combined workforce salary for military,<br />

government civilians and on-site contractors is<br />

about $3.1 billion a year. Of the $9.8 billion<br />

Alabama receives in federal dollars, Redstone<br />

Arsenal receives $5.8 billion of it. Redstone<br />

Arsenal’s role in the Army has considerable<br />

potential for growth as the nation relies more on<br />

science and technology for advantage on the<br />

battlefield. This role can also grow as the<br />

installation’s efforts impact the civilian world,<br />

similar to the Army’s development in the late<br />

1960s of a Cold War communications network<br />

that grew into what is now the Internet. A<br />

continued investment in science, technology,<br />

research, development and testing can be<br />

transformational and better the nation and U.S.<br />

capabilities.<br />

As an installation, Hamilton said Redstone<br />

Arsenal is unique.<br />

“Engineering and science remain the primary<br />

skill sets required for the ongoing research and<br />

development in rockets, missiles, aviation and<br />

other very technical disciplines on Redstone<br />

Arsenal,” he said. “The transformational<br />

synergies created through adding new organizations<br />

and their functions are truly extraordinary.”<br />

The synergies are translating into impressive<br />

growth opportunities for an entrepreneur,<br />

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How Redstone ARsenAl gRew into A<br />

MAjoR FedeRAl CoMplex<br />

BRAC 1988: Gained Central Test Measurement & Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE) Activity from<br />

Lexington-Bluegrass Army Depot<br />

BRAC 1991: Gained Armament, Munitions & Chemical Command (AMCCOM) from Rock<br />

Island, Material Readiness Support Activity from Lexington-Blue Grass Army<br />

Depot (was slated for Letterkenny in BRAC 1988) and Logistics Control Activity<br />

from Presidio (later became LOGSA)<br />

BRAC 1993: Reversed the decision to move AMCOM from Rock Island to Redstone Arsenal<br />

BRAC 1995: Gained the Aviation mission component of the Aviation & Troop Command,<br />

Aviation Research & Development Center, and PEO Aviation from St. Louis, Mo.,<br />

and merged with Missile Command, Missile RDEC and formed AMCOM and<br />

AMRDEC<br />

BRAC 2005: Gained the headquarters of Army Materiel Command, U.S. Army Space & Missile<br />

Defense Command and U.S. Army Security Assistance Command, and gained the<br />

Missile Defense Agency, Redstone Test Center, Second Recruiting Brigade and<br />

Second Medical Recruiting Battalion.<br />

Total Redstone Arsenal workforce population has increased from about 24,500 in 2004 to about<br />

35,000 today.<br />

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0000266628-01<br />

0000265153-01<br />

n Helicopters await evaluation at the<br />

U.S. Army Test and Evaluation<br />

Command’s Rotary Wing Center on<br />

Redstone Arsenal.<br />

Photo by Michael Mercier.<br />

especially in the fields of science and engineering,<br />

and also logistics and management. The Aviation<br />

and Missile Command (AMCOM) Ombudsman<br />

Office fields inquiries from businesses interested<br />

in conducting business with AMCOM.<br />

Overall, Redstone Arsenal provides full-spectrum<br />

support to the nation’s defense from<br />

ballistic missile defense to space operations, to<br />

research and development, to test and<br />

evaluation, to logistics and acquisition centers,<br />

to foreign military sales and soldier recruitment<br />

for the Army. The installation has transformed<br />

from one of the Army’s best-kept secrets, in<br />

terms of locations to be stationed, to a national<br />

center of gravity of great strategic importance to<br />

the country.<br />

Compared to similar installations in<br />

landmass, Redstone Arsenal activities can be<br />

best compared to Aberdeen Proving Ground<br />

(APG), Md., or Rock Island Arsenal, Ill. Redstone<br />

Arsenal is about 38,125 acres while Aberdeen<br />

Proving Ground is about 72,000 acres (35,000<br />

acres of land and 37,000 acres of water) and<br />

Rock Island is about 1,000 acres. Additionally,<br />

Redstone Arsenal maintains more than 35,000<br />

employees compared to Aberdeen Proving<br />

Ground with more than 22,000 and Rock Island<br />

at 7,000.<br />

Better described as a federal office park,<br />

the arsenal is not a heavy troop installation<br />

such as forts Stewart, Hood or Bragg.<br />

Redstone retains fewer than 1,000 soldiers in<br />

uniform, who are mostly senior officers and<br />

non-commissioned officers. The arsenal<br />

workforce is already dominated by Department<br />

of Defense/Department of the Army<br />

civilians and contractors. Engineers, scientists,<br />

logisticians and contract-acquisition personnel<br />

are required to support Redstone Arsenal’s<br />

ongoing research and development, space<br />

operations, materiel management and<br />

homeland defense missions.<br />

44 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

The arsenal is also home to more than<br />

55 major organizations. They represent a<br />

significant contribution towards supporting<br />

U.S. national security. Generally, these<br />

organizations support five key operations:<br />

materiel management and acquisition; space<br />

operations and missile defense; intelligence<br />

and homeland defense; research, development,<br />

test and evaluation; and sustainment of<br />

Redstone Arsenal activities.<br />

“<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s Marshall Space Flight Center<br />

and Redstone Arsenal play an important role<br />

in our national discussion on technology and<br />

defense, and its successes are highly respected<br />

in Washington, D.C.,” said U.S. Rep. Robert<br />

Aderholt, R-Ala. “Redstone has a long-proven<br />

track record of creativity, talent and efficiency<br />

that is an example to other government entities<br />

throughout the South. Whether it be AMCOM,<br />

SMDC or MDA, <strong>Huntsville</strong> is playing as large a<br />

role in our nation’s security as any other region<br />

in America.”<br />

With the 2005 BRAC, (military base realignment<br />

and closure), Redstone Arsenal was<br />

positively impacted, as it was in previous BRAC<br />

decisions. New organizations transitioning to<br />

Redstone Arsenal as a result of BRAC 2005<br />

directives include the Army Materiel Command<br />

(AMC) headquarters, Army Security Assistance<br />

Command (USASAC) headquarters, SMDC<br />

headquarters, Second Recruiting Brigade and<br />

Second Medical Recruiting Battalion.<br />

Additionally, BRAC law significantly expanded<br />

the presence of the Missile Defense Agency<br />

(MDA) on Redstone Arsenal and merged the<br />

Aviation component of the Redstone Test Center<br />

(RTC) from Fort Rucker, Ala., to Redstone<br />

Arsenal. Although not part of BRAC law but<br />

attributable to BRAC actions, the Army recently<br />

moved the Army Contracting Command (ACC)<br />

and the Expeditionary Contracting Command<br />

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0000278876-01<br />

0000277913-01<br />


n Above, the lobby of the new Von Braun III<br />

complex at Redstone Arsenal includes a<br />

display of <strong>Huntsville</strong>-based space pioneer<br />

Dr. Wernher von Braun’s desk.<br />

n At right, U.S. Army Astronaut Col. Shane<br />

Kimbrough visits officers at the Program<br />

Executive Office for Aviation on the<br />

arsenal to recruit them as Army<br />

astronauts.<br />

n Below, the Boeing Co. transports a<br />

Ground-based Midcourse Defense<br />

training interceptor on I-565 on its way to<br />

the arsenal.<br />

Photos by Eric Schultz.<br />

46 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

n Rick Ward & Company performs<br />

at the annual Blues, Brews & BBQ<br />

on Redstone Arsenal as the crowd<br />

stays cool under umbrellas.<br />

Photo by Bob Gathany.<br />

It also brought AMC’s commander, Gen. Ann<br />

Dunwoody, the first four-star general to be<br />

assigned to Redstone Arsenal. BRAC funding<br />

for all construction projects on the arsenal<br />

amounted to about $426 million, and BRAC<br />

operations funding totaled about $422 million.<br />

However, the base realignment is not the<br />

only contributor to growth on Redstone<br />

Arsenal and in the Tennessee Valley. Redstone<br />

Arsenal is adding non-Department of Defense<br />

organizations. Among them are the Federal<br />

Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol,<br />

Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Despite<br />

this growth, the arsenal continues to maintain<br />

a large number of buildable acres on the<br />

installation, allowing for additional growth.<br />

Redstone Arsenal’s history sets it apart as<br />

a distinctive military installation, marking its<br />

beginnings at the outset of World War II as a<br />

chemical munitions manufacturing and storage<br />

complex supporting our soldiers overseas. The<br />

arsenal’s original mission was changed forever<br />

when Dr. Wernher von Braun and his team of<br />

scientists arrived after the war to continue<br />

their research on rockets. Army Gen. Holgar<br />

Toftoy, Gen. John Medaris and von Braun were<br />

essential to the early successes of the nation’s<br />

rocket programs.<br />

Redstone Arsenal grew in its importance<br />

when President Dwight Eisenhower established<br />

NASA in 1958. The arsenal emerged<br />

as a recognized leader in science, engineering,<br />

research and development in rocket, missile<br />

and aviation programs.<br />

Since that time, the unique synergies<br />

created among the arsenal’s many different<br />

organizations have provided valuable contributions<br />

to the nation’s defense and the area’s<br />

economy.<br />

“We’ll continue to grow,” Mayor Battle said.<br />

“We’ve successfully been through two BRACs<br />

and will see consolidation. We work hand-inglove<br />

with our arsenal.” n<br />


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0000278078-01<br />


we Can do it<br />



By LeAnne Letize McGee<br />

Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year is<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s vibrant and ever-growing hub for<br />

technology, research and development,<br />

Cummings Research Park.<br />

Boasting close to 300 businesses and 25,000<br />

employees, CRP is the second largest research<br />

park in the country and the fourth largest in the<br />

world. CRP’s well-established companies and<br />

new companies alike work hard to devise<br />

innovative solutions to complex problems,<br />

develop state-of-the-art technology to manage<br />

complex systems and make ground-breaking<br />

biotechnology discoveries. It is no wonder that<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> was recently named one of Forbes<br />

Top 20 Leading Metros for Business, and one of<br />

fDi magazine’s Top 5 Small Cities of the Future in<br />

North & South America.<br />

Started in 1962 as a way to keep government<br />

contracting firms close to their clients at<br />

Redstone Arsenal, CRP was created by Milton<br />

Cummings, then president of Brown Engineering<br />

(now Teledyne Brown Engineering Inc.), and his<br />

vice president Joseph C. Moquin. What Cummings<br />

and Moquin began with just 382 acres has<br />

grown over the years into 3,843 acres with two<br />

sprawling sections divided by the busy thoroughfare<br />

Research Boulevard.<br />

Today, companies looking to relocate or<br />

expand in CRP can choose from a full 500 acres<br />

and 90,000-100,000 square feet of office space at<br />

any given time.<br />

Growing businesses in <strong>Huntsville</strong> is not just<br />

good for CRP but is good for the whole community,<br />

said John Southerland, CRP’s director at the<br />

Chamber of Commerce of <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong>. “What this means for <strong>Huntsville</strong> is more<br />

jobs, more high-tech jobs, more high-paying<br />

jobs.” These high-tech jobs also bring other jobs<br />

n Founded in <strong>Huntsville</strong>, ADTRAN is now a<br />

leading global provider of networking and<br />

communications equipment and employs<br />

1,700 people. The firm has been named<br />

Alabama’s Large Manufacturer of the Year.<br />

Photo by Dave Dieter.<br />

in the community to support those workers, such<br />

as bankers, retailers, restaurants and more, said<br />

Southerland. “So the spin-off of all of that is<br />

continued growth in the community, and it’s the<br />

right kind of growth, very educated, highly-technical,<br />

highly-skilled workforce – we want to bring<br />

in these people who can benefit everyone in the<br />

community,” he said.<br />

As a model for transforming research into<br />

business success, CRP is restricted to technology<br />

industries, which means its workforce is very<br />

educated, highly technical, and highly skilled.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s concentration of high-tech<br />

workers is second in the nation only to San<br />

Jose’s Silicon Valley, according to the TechAmerica<br />

Foundation, and the area was recently<br />

recognized as one of the country’s leading<br />

“Hotbeds for High-Tech Growth” by AreaDevelopment<br />

magazine.<br />

48 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

Pairing these high-tech professionals with<br />

CRP’s award-winning research centers and<br />

acclaimed academic institutions creates high<br />

visibility and fosters collaboration between all<br />

CRP tenants, causing what Southerland calls a<br />

“natural synergy” at the park.<br />

“We have an amazing skill set out there in<br />

the park, everything from some of the world’s<br />

leading biotechnology and research scientists,<br />

to software engineer developers, to pioneers<br />

in modeling and simulation,” he said. “Getting<br />

all of these talented people together gives this<br />

community a gathering of intellectual<br />

capability that you just do not find in other<br />

parts of the country.”<br />

Becoming part of CRP is an ideal choice for<br />

technology-based businesses. In addition to the<br />

thriving intellectual environment that fosters<br />

innovation, and the proximity to the park’s other<br />

major players, CRP has a multitude of perks. It<br />

is centrally located within a community that is<br />

consistently ranked as one of the top places in<br />

the country to work, raise a family and retire.<br />

It is less than five minutes from the Redstone<br />

Arsenal, 10 minutes to the <strong>Huntsville</strong> International<br />

Airport, and it has easy access to all of<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s major roads. It has a great physical<br />

infrastructure and design that makes travel<br />

within the park easy.<br />

It has beautiful greenways and walking trails,<br />

and includes Bridge Street Town Centre, which<br />

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provides a variety of dining, retail and entertainment<br />

options as well as hotel accommodations.<br />

Most of the work coming out of CRP has<br />

historically been done by high-tech contracting<br />

firms that provide defense and aerospace<br />

support to Redstone Arsenal tenants such as<br />

the Department of Defense, the U.S. Army and<br />

NASA – winning <strong>Huntsville</strong> its recent ranking as<br />

the nation’s third largest aerospace and defense<br />

manufacturing hub by Business Facilities<br />

magazine – but CRP also includes research<br />

centers, biotechnical companies, academic<br />

institutions and commercial-sector companies.<br />

CRP’s rich diversity has contributed to its<br />

success, as evidenced by <strong>Huntsville</strong> making the<br />

USA Today Top 5 List of Communities Leading<br />

the Economic Recovery and its designation by<br />

Milkin Institute as one of the 10 Best Performing<br />

Cities in the Country for its creation and<br />

sustainment of American jobs.<br />

Though the various companies at CRP are<br />

diverse in their offerings, Southerland said they<br />

all share the same entrepreneurial vision.<br />

“The great thing about Cummings is that it is<br />

a place where the entrepreneurial spirit is<br />

cultivated,” he said. “It is a great combination of<br />

very smart people coming together and creating<br />

or developing an idea, or creating a product or<br />

new service, and then it grows from there.”<br />

The list of CRP companies that have enjoyed<br />

such growth is huge, but as a sampling Southerland<br />

names a few: ADTRAN Inc., AEgis Technologies<br />

n Cummings Research Park is the engine<br />

for <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s high-tech jobs that grow<br />

other businesses such as banks, retailers<br />

and restaurants, said John Southerland,<br />

CRP director.<br />

Photo by Eric Schultz.<br />

Group Inc., and LogiCore Corp.<br />

ADTRAN was founded in <strong>Huntsville</strong> in 1986<br />

and is a leading global provider of networking<br />

and communications equipment. Taking the<br />

spot as the cornerstone building at the center<br />

of the western portion of the park, ADTRAN<br />

has 1,700 employees, was named Alabama’s<br />

Large Manufacturer of the Year, and holds<br />

more patents than any large corporation<br />

headquartered in Alabama.<br />

ADTRAN continues to celebrate record<br />

revenue quarter after quarter, and is continuing<br />

to add to its workforce, thanks to its forwardthinking<br />

philosophy and the fact that it is not<br />

dependent on the federal budget for aerospace<br />

or defense, said Southerland.<br />

“That is the kind of diversification in the<br />

industry we love,” he said.<br />

AEgis is a rapidly-growing company that<br />

specializes in cutting-edge modeling and<br />

simulation and micro/nanoscale technology<br />

development. It was co-founded by Steve Hill<br />

in <strong>Huntsville</strong> in 1989.<br />

“AEgis is an industry leader in the world of<br />

modeling and simulation. It is exceptionally<br />



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high-tech and they are about as cutting-edge<br />

as it gets,” said Southerland.<br />

And there is no place AEgis would rather be<br />

than at CRP.<br />

“It is great to be co-located with lots of<br />

teammates and industry partners, and (the park)<br />

has a great IT infrastructure for high-tech<br />

business,” said Hill. “Also, the excellent reputation<br />

(of CRP) is helpful for people knowing about the<br />

park and where we are.”<br />

LogiCore Corp. was founded in <strong>Huntsville</strong> in<br />

2002 by Miranda Bouldin and is a technology<br />

services and solutions company that provides<br />

engineering and technical support services to the<br />

federal government, primarily in defense.<br />

It has 150 employees in four states and in<br />

several countries. Having just moved to CRP in<br />

2011, LogiCore has seen so much growth that it<br />

plans to build a new 35,000-square-foot building<br />

in the park. This is just the sort of growth<br />

Southerland likes to see at CRP.<br />

“It’s just great to see small local companies<br />

growing,” he said. “It shows you that you can be<br />

a big company and grow and prosper here, like<br />

Boeing, like Lockheed Martin, or you can be an<br />

entrepreneur here and start your own company<br />

and grow it.”<br />

Bouldin cannot say enough about the benefits<br />

of being in CRP.<br />

“The reason we moved over here is because<br />

it is a great central location for our customers,<br />

we are right around the corner from Redstone<br />

Arsenal, it has great visibility for the current prime<br />

contractors we work with, such as SAIC, AEgis,<br />

Dynetics, and it was just really a convenient area<br />

for us to be in based on where our customers are<br />

located,” she said.<br />

She encourages new businesses to make CRP<br />

their home.<br />

“It is a great area for entrepreneurs to move<br />

in, primarily because it gives you credibility and it<br />

shows you are committed to your business,” she<br />

said. “Moving out here said, ‘I am in this business,<br />

I am committed to growing my business, and I<br />

want to be amongst the other industry partners<br />

that can help me to grow my business.’”<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> is famous for its history with the<br />

space flight industry, which began more than 50<br />

years ago with the creation of the Marshall Space<br />

Flight Center. And although NASA has recently<br />

seen changes to its programs, 2012 is still an<br />

exciting year for aerospace in <strong>Huntsville</strong> and CRP,<br />

said Southerland.<br />

This is thanks to two new commercial space<br />

flight programs, the Stratolaunch and Sierra<br />

Nevada Corp.’s Dream Chaser, as well as NASA’s<br />

heavy-lift vehicle program.<br />

“We have several different things that are<br />

going on here now that are involving manned<br />

and unmanned spacecraft, government and<br />

commercial, which opens up a world of opportunities<br />

and possibilities that were not here just a<br />

year ago,” Southerland said.<br />

Stratolaunch is a partnership between<br />

Microsoft cofounder Paul G. Allen, and Dynetics,<br />

one of CRP’s pinnacle aerospace engineering<br />

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0000278347-01<br />

n LogiCore Corp. holds a<br />

ribbon-cutting at its<br />

headquarters at Cummings<br />

Research Park. Founded in<br />

2002, the company has 150<br />

employees in four states and<br />

is planning to build a new<br />

building at CRP.<br />

Photo by Bob Gathany.<br />

companies, to create a massive one-of-a-kind<br />

airplane that will launch rockets bearing mediumsized<br />

payloads into orbit. It will be headquartered<br />

in Dynetics’ new 226,500-square-foot, state-ofthe-art<br />

building that opened in April 2012.<br />

Sierra Nevada has an office in CRP and will<br />

be working with NASA to use the orbital crew<br />

vehicle called the Dream Chaser to develop the<br />

capability to transport astronauts and cargo to<br />

the International Space Station. The Dream<br />

Chaser will undergo wind tunnel tests at<br />

Marshall, and Marshall will provide engineering<br />

support and data processing.<br />

Meanwhile, NASA will be moving forward<br />

with the Space Launch System that replaces<br />

the Constellation program and will provide a<br />

heavy-lift vehicle for human space exploration.<br />

While defense and aerospace contractors<br />

make up a large portion of CRP companies and are<br />

responsible for its cutting-edge technology and<br />

systems, equally as impressive is the extremely<br />

fast-growing industry of biotechnology.<br />

It began booming when in 2008 the Hudson-<br />

Alpha Institute for Biotechnology opened on the<br />

western side of CRP on the park’s 150-acre<br />

biotech campus. The Institute has become a<br />

world leader in biotechnology and the work it is<br />

doing is phenomenal, said Southerland.<br />

“There is a bright future there at Hudson-<br />

Alpha,” he said. “Most of the companies there<br />

are fairly small and growing; they are doing some<br />

amazing things and are growing very quickly.”<br />

The Institute is split into two sections, with<br />

one side of its landmark building being used by<br />

for-profit businesses and the other side reserved<br />

for researchers. The building was designed to<br />

facilitate collaboration between the two sides.<br />

The Institute is clearly a world leader in biotechnology.<br />

“If you look at the area where the United<br />

States is still leading the pack globally – it is<br />

biotechnology, especially the study of the human<br />

genome,” said Southerland.<br />

“It is very open air with a lot of light and glass,<br />

and they share all of this common space where<br />

people can converge and chit-chat,” Southerland<br />

said. “Common areas were strategically designed<br />

to facilitate discussion and collaboration among<br />

the research, science and business staff. From<br />

the water coolers to the cafeteria, the people<br />

working at the Institute are all together.”<br />

This open, accessible communication is the<br />

best benefit of being part of CRP, said Randy<br />

Ward, president and chief operating officer of<br />

Diatherix, one of the fast-growing biotech<br />

companies at the Institute.<br />

“Where normally you would have to drive to a<br />

university somewhere and try to get permission<br />

to go in and talk to someone (about an idea or a<br />

research question), we just go over and talk to<br />

them,” he said of the researchers at the Institute.<br />

“It is amazing to have this in one building. There<br />

is nowhere like it.”<br />

Diatherix is growing at super-speed. It has<br />

recently tripled its volume and will soon expand<br />

52 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

into a larger space at the Institute. Its success and<br />

notoriety is helping to secure CRP’s reputation as<br />

a world leader in genomic research. “We bring<br />

people here from all over the United States, and<br />

(the Institute) gives so much validity to what we<br />

do. It just blows people away when they see<br />

this,” said Ward.<br />

Southerland said Diatherix is another example<br />

of CRP’s entrepreneurial spirit, and he is excited<br />

to see such explosive growth in biotechnology at<br />

CRP. Utilizing technology created by Hudson-<br />

Alpha researcher Dr. Jian Han, Diatherix’s lab<br />

provides the fastest large multiplex PCR infection<br />

testing in the United States (at just 6 hours time),<br />

is the only lab in the United States that can test a<br />

single human specimen utilizing molecular<br />

testing for 25 pathogens, and is the only one to<br />

test a specimen for viruses and bacteria at the<br />

same time.<br />

“The great thing about what they did was<br />

they took the technology of the scientific side of<br />

HudsonAlpha, which is a non-profit, and they<br />

took research done from Dr. Jian Han and they<br />

transferred that technology into something<br />

commercial that is changing the models for how<br />

doctors diagnose, and therefore treat, patients,”<br />

Southerland said.<br />

With extraordinary companies and institutions<br />

working together to meld big ideas with a<br />

‘can do’ spirit to serve the needs of government,<br />

technology, biotechnology, and more, the future<br />

of CRP is exciting. n<br />

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0000275802-01<br />


dazzling shopping<br />


By Kimberly Ballard<br />

Forbes cited <strong>Huntsville</strong> as one of the Top 10<br />

Smartest Cities in the world. With all that<br />

brainpower at work, <strong>Huntsville</strong> residents expect<br />

technologically advanced products and smart<br />

merchandise that represents the fruits of their<br />

intellectual endeavors.<br />

They enjoy a diverse selection of sophisticated<br />

shopping options that guarantee value and<br />

promise convenience. From high-ticket luxury<br />

items like automobiles, home furnishings and<br />

jewelry to everyday fashion, home décor and<br />

daily necessities, <strong>Huntsville</strong> gives its residents<br />

plenty of shopping opportunities, always within a<br />

15-minute drive from anywhere in the city.<br />


<strong>Huntsville</strong> provides diverse shopping experiences,<br />

all convenient from any part of town.<br />

Shoppers can spend a couple of hours<br />

browsing the traditional stores at Parkway Place<br />

Mall and then in 10 minutes find themselves<br />

strolling the waterside esplanade of Bridge<br />

Street Town Centre with its more than 70 upscale<br />

boutiques and specialty stores.<br />

Five minutes away from Bridge Street are<br />

stores found exclusively in <strong>Huntsville</strong> at <strong>Madison</strong><br />

Square Mall, while 13 minutes in a southeasterly<br />

direction is one of the city’s greatest shopping<br />

experiences for <strong>Huntsville</strong>-owned retail shops,<br />

offices and dining at Main Street South.<br />

“Parkway Place and <strong>Madison</strong> Square Mall<br />

each offer an array of stores that cannot be found<br />

anywhere else in the area,” said Jana Kuner,<br />

group marketing director for CBL & Associates<br />

Properties Inc., owners of both malls. “Each<br />

center offers extra amenities including indoor<br />

n Bridge Street Town Centre has more than 70<br />

boutique and specialty stores, and features a<br />

Monaco Pictures theater. Photo by Dave Dieter.<br />

play areas, food courts and soft seating.”<br />

Belk has a store at each of the shopping<br />

centers, providing apparel for the entire family,<br />

cosmetics, shoes and accessories, and a variety<br />

of house wares and decor.<br />

“With weather patterns like they are in the<br />

Tennessee Valley, we often find ourselves inviting<br />

shoppers to warm up, stay dry or beat the heat in<br />

our enclosed shopping centers,” Kuner said.<br />

“Main Street South is a hidden jewel, perhaps<br />

one of <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s most forward-looking<br />

shopping villages, built in the 1980s and designed<br />

with Main Street America in mind,” explained<br />

Michael McCurry of McCurry Real Estate Inc.,<br />

who bought Main Street South in 1999. A<br />

spectacular three-floor circular atrium houses<br />

many professional businesses.<br />

The main level is reserved for locally owned<br />

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art galleries, photography studios, restaurants<br />

and retail shops like Sabghi Jewelers, a full<br />

service store filled with hundreds of gemstones<br />

and diamonds, gold and silver chains and<br />

pendants, and watches in all price ranges.<br />

“Main Street South is quaint and has a quiet<br />

atmosphere where people can grab something<br />

delicious to eat while wandering in and out of the<br />

shops. Because it is such a beautiful setting, we<br />

have a lot of events here, including weddings,”<br />

McCurry said.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s newest shopping extravaganza<br />

lies on the edge of Cummings Research Park.<br />

One of the unique features of Bridge Street Town<br />

Centre is the open-air promenade lined with<br />

shops that delight any age group and restaurants<br />

to whet any appetite. At any given time, visitors<br />

will see children devouring yummy sweets from<br />

the Chocolate Crocodile, mom still in a swoon<br />

from a relaxing day at Blue Medspa, and dad<br />

hurrying everyone into Connor’s Steak House or<br />

P.F. Chang’s in time to catch the 7 p.m. showing<br />

at Monaco Theatre.<br />

“We have very active entertainment at<br />

Bridge Street, particularly at night,” said Marty<br />

Dubey, the center’s marketing director.<br />

“Gondola rides on the lake, the children’s<br />

carousel, and pavement performers almost<br />

every night make for a romantic date night,<br />

family night or group outing. We offer a<br />

complete shopping experience.”<br />

n Enjoying a meal at Lime Fresh in Bridge<br />

Street Town Centre are Ashley Blankenship<br />

of Grapevine, Texas, and Thomas Espy and<br />

Michael Streeter of <strong>Madison</strong>.<br />


Retail saw the emergence of superstores<br />

in the 1990s, ushering in an expectation of<br />

convenience and demand for integrated<br />

products with services to make shopping easier.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> retailers adopted the cost-effective<br />

“big city” model of one stop shopping that has<br />

significantly affected how shoppers buy products<br />

for their home.<br />

Setting up house is a top priority for new<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> residents. Those customers expect<br />

comparable design services that help them<br />

create practical, functional spaces in their<br />

kitchens, bathrooms, living areas, home offices,<br />

entertainment spaces and laundry rooms. Maxon<br />

Bromley, general manager of Valley Appliance,<br />

said there is more to buying kitchen appliances<br />

than deciding between a white top-mount or<br />

black bottom-mount refrigerator.<br />

“We are truly a one stop shop for sales, service<br />

and installation, but we also help customers<br />

design and remodel their bathrooms and<br />

kitchens, mudrooms – which usually house their<br />

washers and dryers – and we provide solutions<br />

for closets, cabinets, entertainment centers and<br />

even built-in bookcases,” he said.<br />

Any retailer in the area can provide the<br />

newest innovative green home appliance<br />

technology. Much of this technology is<br />

developed and produced in <strong>Huntsville</strong> at<br />

LG Electronics.<br />

Both Bassett Home Furnishings and Townhouse<br />

Galleries in <strong>Huntsville</strong> provide integrated<br />

interior design services along with retail<br />

furnishings for their customers.<br />

According to Jennifer Ryan, sales manager at<br />

Bassett, customers building or decorating and<br />

furnishing $400,000 homes are looking for more<br />

than a furniture store that sells a chair here and<br />

sofa there.<br />

“They want high quality customization and<br />

30-day delivery – and they get it,” Ryan explains.<br />

“We have professional design consultants on<br />

staff with many years of experience.”<br />

Providing full interior decorating and design<br />

services streamlines the process.<br />

“We develop relationships with our customers,<br />

go out to their homes and measure, help them<br />

stage a room one at a time, and determine what<br />

they like, and coordinate their tables, chairs,<br />

sofas, rugs, cushions and artwork,” Ryan said.<br />

“What’s more, if the customer happened to have<br />

a townhouse or beach house down on the coast<br />

or in another state, we can help them decorate it<br />

from here in North Alabama, and as long as there<br />

is a store in their area, have it drop shipped to<br />

their vacation home wherever that might be.”<br />


<strong>Huntsville</strong> can even provide the security<br />

conscious with an integrated home monitoring<br />

system with all the bells and whistles of an estate<br />

on Long Island.<br />

“We are a local company providing outstanding<br />

local installation, tech support, maintenance<br />

and monitoring,” said Billy Chancellor, owner of<br />

BBC Systems. “There is no automatic billing<br />

renewal and no buy-out on a contract. If you<br />

need advice or a service call, a real person<br />

answers the call.”<br />

Most families barely scratch the surface of<br />

what a wireless touch-screen home security<br />

system can provide, said Chancellor.<br />

“We have systems that control your air<br />

conditioning if you are away for a period of time,<br />

keeping it cool enough to keep the chocolate<br />

from melting, but warm enough to keep the<br />

power bill at a minimum,” he said.<br />

“They can control the inside and outdoor<br />

lights in case you don’t want people to know you<br />

are gone, and there are apps for your phone that<br />

allow you to control the electronics in the house<br />

from your phone.”<br />

The touchpad lets you leave messages for<br />

other family members and works from a central<br />

station with options for 24/7 monitoring.”<br />

Are you getting married or engaged? Do you<br />

have a family heirloom that needs reset or<br />

redesigned? <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s Donny Maleknia is a star<br />

jewelry designer who gave up microchips for<br />

“ice” chips, merging an artistic eye with a girl’s<br />

best friend. When customers pull up in front of<br />

Donny’s Diamond Gallery, they are greeted with<br />

a wave before entering the showroom and<br />

welcomed with a goblet of sparkling water<br />

served on gold embossed cocktail napkins.<br />

Then Donny walks customers through their<br />

56 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

expectations. “If you can dream it, Donny will<br />

create it,” said his wife and store manager,<br />

Fatemeh Nazarieh.<br />

It’s true what they say about Southerners<br />

loving their pickup trucks, but according to<br />

Paige Pearman Sandlin at Ray Pearman Lincoln<br />

Mercury, major car manufacturers have<br />

categorized <strong>Huntsville</strong> as a luxury car market.<br />

“<strong>Huntsville</strong> is a great city to purchase a<br />

vehicle,” she said. “We are just large enough to<br />

be considered a luxury market, but small enough<br />

to keep that intimate, hometown feel. Many of<br />

our dealerships are still family owned, so buyers<br />

deal with an experienced hometown dealer. You<br />

will find all the major manufactures and brands<br />

here in <strong>Huntsville</strong>, from economy to luxury, and<br />

you can buy at competitive prices.”<br />

Dealers include Mercedes Benz of <strong>Huntsville</strong>,<br />

Lexus of <strong>Huntsville</strong>, Bentley Cadillac, Smith<br />

Infinity and Woody Anderson Ford.<br />

Relocate America, a consumer-driven agency<br />

and resource for people relocating to different<br />

cities, named <strong>Huntsville</strong> one of the country’s Top<br />

10 Places to Live. <strong>Huntsville</strong> Mayor Tommy Battle<br />

said one reason for that is a smart populace.<br />

“<strong>Huntsville</strong>,” he said, “stretches the limits of<br />

our cerebral capacity with more PhDs and<br />

engineers in one city than anywhere else in the<br />

country.”<br />

Smart people make smart shoppers, and in<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> they find what their heart desires. n<br />

n Above, Parkway Place features a<br />

Belk and an array of other stores,<br />

as well as the all-climate shopping<br />

convenience of an indoor venue.<br />

n Below, cars pack the parking lots at<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> Square Mall, another indoor<br />

shopping experience. Both are owned<br />

by CBL & Associates Properties Inc.<br />

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playtime<br />

PLENTY <strong>TO</strong> DO IN YOUR LEISURE HOURS<br />

By Bob Labbe<br />

The old adage “so much to do, so little time”<br />

perfectly describes the <strong>Huntsville</strong> and <strong>Madison</strong><br />

<strong>County</strong> recreational scene.<br />

Arriving into one of the premier family-<br />

oriented communities in the South, one quickly<br />

sees and feels the wondrous ways of life that<br />

make North Alabama the place to be.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> provides a deluge<br />

of recreational opportunities for both youth and<br />

adults. For the second time in three years,<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> has been recognized as a “Playful<br />

City” by KaBOOM, a national nonprofit<br />

dedicated to saving play for America’s children,<br />

and it is among 100 cities in the United States<br />

that make play a priority and use innovative<br />

programs to get all members of the communities<br />

active, playing and healthy. <strong>Huntsville</strong> has been<br />

tabbed as “One of the Best Places to Live” by<br />

Men’s Journal and “One of the Nation’s Leading<br />

Places to Retire” by CNN/Money.<br />

“Time and time again our residents and<br />

newcomers tell us that the quality of life here is<br />

n Checking out camping equipment<br />

during a <strong>Huntsville</strong> Operation Green Team<br />

Play Day at Hays Nature Preserve’s<br />

Terrame Natural Playground are, from<br />

left, Tyler Wages, Carson Wages and<br />

Erika Ritchie.<br />

unparalleled,” said Tommy Battle, mayor of<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>. “There is truly something for<br />

everyone here. <strong>Huntsville</strong> has it all. The<br />

community is welcoming, open and inclusive.”<br />


If leisure style of recreational playtime is<br />

what you’re looking for, then look no further.<br />

There is truly something for everyone here,<br />

whether you enjoy peaceful walks along<br />

numerous greenways, fishing, hunting, hiking<br />

58 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

or the more involved recreational sports.<br />

The City of <strong>Huntsville</strong> has 66 public playgrounds<br />

- which encompass over 3,000 acres<br />

- and 24 <strong>Huntsville</strong> City School playgrounds.<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> has a wondrous play park for<br />

children with Kid’s Space, which is located at<br />

Memorial Parkway and Airport Road. <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

also boasts the special needs playground named<br />

Everybody Can Play at Brahan Spring Park,<br />

which is dedicated to those who are physically<br />

and mentally challenged. The park is easily<br />

accessible for all levels of children. The park is a<br />

collaboration of the City of <strong>Huntsville</strong> with the<br />

local Optimist and Kiwanis Clubs.<br />

Just 20 minutes from downtown <strong>Huntsville</strong>,<br />

the 250-acre Sharon Johnston Park lies nestled<br />

in the rolling hills of northeast <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>.<br />

The forested park with its stone and cedar<br />

fencing reflects the early settlement look.<br />

The park includes a 12-acre fishing lake,<br />

Olympic size swimming pool, campgrounds,<br />

picnic pavilions, shooting range, soccer fields,<br />

playground and a 5K walking/running course.<br />

All facilities are handicap accessible.<br />

n Kasey Schweitzer and son<br />

Brandon Wigginton enjoy a<br />

tire swing at the Everybody<br />

Can Play playground at<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>’s Brahan Spring Park.<br />

www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 59<br />


n <strong>Huntsville</strong> Mayor Tommy Battle visits with<br />

Brian Coats at the Everybody Can Play<br />

Playground, which offers playtime access to<br />

people with various physical challenges.<br />

Soft surfaces help prevent injuries.<br />

On the opposite side of <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> is the City of <strong>Madison</strong> with<br />

its array of facilities, which have been upgraded and expanded over the<br />

last two decades to accommodate the influx of residents in the city that<br />

borders <strong>Madison</strong> and Limestone Counties. Dublin Memorial Park<br />

includes indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gymnasium, Dublin<br />

Tennis Center, a new disc-golf course, Kid’s Kingdom playground and<br />

several soccer fields. <strong>Madison</strong> also has Palmer Park, which can host<br />

baseball, softball, soccer and football programs.<br />

Nearby <strong>Madison</strong> is the community of Monrovia/Harvest with Phillips<br />

Park, home to youth sports on athletic fields and indoor recreation<br />

center. The community continues to swell with families and so have the<br />

recreational facilities in an attempt to welcome the newest community<br />

members with enough programs to satisfy the most ardent of sports<br />

enthusiasts.<br />


The <strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> community has an assemblage of<br />

some of the newest, best kept greenways anywhere in the South.<br />

A greenway is a corridor of undeveloped land, as along a river or stream<br />

or between urban centers that is reserved for recreational use or<br />

environmental preservation. These provide the perfect setting for<br />

nature lovers of all ages, whatever the season. <strong>Huntsville</strong> alone has nine<br />

greenways covering over 26 miles of nature’s beauty.<br />


The City of <strong>Madison</strong> has more than six miles<br />

of trails with the addition of the newest greenway,<br />

Bradford Creek, which involves a two-mile<br />

path from Liberty Middle School south to I-565.<br />

A joint venture between <strong>Huntsville</strong> and<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> is the newly built Creekwood Park,<br />

located off Slaughter Road, which borders both<br />

cities. The park includes an 18-hole disc golf<br />

course, dog park, pavilions, playgrounds and an<br />

extension of the local greenway.<br />

The Land Trust of North Alabama has various<br />

public properties and five nature preserves to<br />

help residents and visitors experience the local<br />

treasures of nature. The newest Land Trust<br />

property is the Harvest Square Recreational<br />

Preserve, located alongside a lake in Harvest.<br />

Atop a beautiful mountain in <strong>Huntsville</strong>’s<br />

eastern side, Monte Sano State Park offers<br />

2,400 natural acres with 14 miles of trails. The<br />

park also offers cottages, camping, picnic areas<br />

and pavilions, playgrounds and an amphitheater.<br />

Newly restored, the historic Monte Sano Lodge<br />

again welcomes guests.<br />

Nevertheless, it’s the hiking and biking trails<br />

that may close the deal for outdoor enthusiasts<br />

considering relocating here. Stunning vistas<br />

have made the mountaintop important as a<br />

natural attraction. The trails range from mild<br />

elevation changes for walkers to rough terrain<br />

for the more serious hikers and bikers.<br />

The Green Mountain Nature Trail, a free<br />

attraction, is located in southeast <strong>Huntsville</strong>.<br />

Natural beauty radiates from trails and an<br />

abundance of plants and wildlife. A lake, pavilion<br />

chapel and covered bridge make for a perfect<br />

encounter for any recreational hiker and<br />

outdoors lover. The Hays Nature Preserve in<br />

Hampton Cove, built by the City of <strong>Huntsville</strong>,<br />

includes 1,000 acres.<br />


While conventional sports have and always<br />

will be a mainstay of recreational exploits, the<br />

great outdoors of the area is booming with<br />

those who look to being among nature.<br />

Along the shores of the 650-mile Tennessee<br />

River, Ditto Landing offers more than 500 acres<br />

of delightful scenery on or near the currents of<br />

the waterway. For boaters, Ditto Landing offers<br />

a full-service marina with wet slips, heated dry<br />

storage, the Alabama Marina Police and the<br />

U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.<br />

Arriving at the facility on Hobbs Island Road<br />

just off South Memorial Parkway, you wind your<br />

way through nature with bountiful trees, picnic<br />

areas and campgrounds before emerging at the<br />

marina, which offers 102 covered and 68<br />

non-covered wet slips. Adjacent to the marina is<br />

a dry storage building that can accommodate<br />

250 boats, personal watercraft and trailers.<br />

Ditto Landing is a complete recreational<br />

facility. The marina is a small part. The site<br />

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www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 61<br />

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n Kathryn Williams hits a shot at Becky Pierce<br />

Municipal Golf Course.<br />

includes a campground, recreational vehicle<br />

accommodations and three pavilions. The U.S.<br />

Coast Guard Auxiliary and the <strong>Huntsville</strong> Power<br />

Squadron each offer safe boating classes.<br />

The Tennessee River offers all types of<br />

freshwater fishing opportunities, but one of the<br />

best-kept secret fishing spots is <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Lake. Located near Gurley, 11 miles east of<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>, this 105-acre fishing bonanza holds<br />

six different kinds of fish.<br />

An accessible fishing pier allows anglers to<br />

drop their lines into the deepest of the waters of<br />

the lake, and launching ramp is available for<br />

those using boats. Once on the water, boaters<br />

must use trolling motors. If you’re ages 16 to 64,<br />

you’ll need a fishing license.<br />

For hunters, an array of game is available on<br />

thousands of acres. Hunters are required to<br />

obtain a hunting license and attend a hunter’s<br />

education class if born after Aug. 1, 1977.<br />

For a more adventurous route through<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong>’s outdoors, canoeing is available.<br />

North Alabama Canoe & Kayak, located just east<br />

of downtown <strong>Huntsville</strong> in the Brownsboro<br />

community, offers expert guides down the Flint<br />

River and Paint Rock River. Courses are available<br />

for a more venturesome trek on the backwaters<br />

leading to the Tennessee River. Additional details<br />

are available at www.nacktrips.com.<br />

62 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com


<strong>Huntsville</strong> has top-notch athletic facilities<br />

from new construction to renovation of existing<br />

facilities. <strong>Huntsville</strong> Tennis Center has 24 lighted<br />

rubico courts. Becky Pierce Municipal Golf<br />

Course is managed by Robertson Golf. Metro-<br />

Kiwanis Sportsplex is comprised of six lighted<br />

fields and is host to numerous league and special<br />

tournaments year-round.<br />

The natatorium is located at Brahan Spring<br />

Park and features swimming and diving all year<br />

round while hosting numerous swim competitions.<br />

The natatorium has been the home<br />

swimming hole for many collegiate and<br />

Olympic swimmers.<br />

The <strong>Huntsville</strong> Track Club, established in 1971,<br />

boasts over 1,300 members and hosts more than<br />

20 events annually, including three of the most<br />

decorated races in the south: the Cotton Row<br />

Run 10K, the Rocket City Marathon and the<br />

Sprint Triathlon.<br />

Disc golf has become very popular, and<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> sports several courses including<br />

layouts at Dublin Park in <strong>Madison</strong>, Creekwood<br />

located at the border of <strong>Huntsville</strong> and <strong>Madison</strong><br />

at the Indian Creek Greenway, Brahan Spring<br />

Park, UA<strong>Huntsville</strong> and on Redstone Arsenal.<br />

The area golf links include Hampton Cove<br />

Golf Course as part of the statewide Robert<br />

Trent Jones Golf Trail. Two championship<br />

courses provide golfers of all levels challenging<br />

and beautiful layouts.<br />

Additional public courses can be found<br />

throughout <strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> including <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

Municipal, Sunset Landing and The Links on<br />

Redstone Arsenal, which is scheduled to open to<br />

the general public through an extensive overhaul<br />

of current Redstone Arsenal properties in the<br />

next two years. Three private golf country clubs<br />

are also available within the city limits.<br />

For bowling enthusiasts, the area has five<br />

bowling centers including the Redstone Lanes<br />

Bowling Center, which services civilian and<br />

military employees and their families. Each<br />

bowling center has a pro shop with the latest<br />

equipment and a qualified instructor.<br />

Ice skating has always been a fun way to bring<br />

a little of the North down home to the South,<br />

and the multi-million dollar Benton Wilcoxon Ice<br />

Complex has proven that Southerners love the<br />

sport. The year-round dual rink offers recreational<br />

skating along with several adult and youth hockey<br />

leagues. All are held on two regulation-size rinks<br />

at the complex located on Leeman Ferry Road<br />

next to Joe Davis Stadium.<br />

“We have this topographical jewel box<br />

nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian<br />

Mountains, bordered by the Tennessee River<br />

and rich valley farmland. Our residents enjoy<br />

spending time taking advantage of our many<br />

outdoors parks and our Southern heritage to<br />

the fullest,” said Mayor Battle. n<br />

Research Park | <strong>Huntsville</strong><br />

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www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 63<br />

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demographics<br />

INCOME & AGE<br />


<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> $74,304<br />

City of <strong>Huntsville</strong> $67,940<br />

City of <strong>Madison</strong> $101,574<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Metro $71,906<br />

Source: 2010 American Community Survey<br />


<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> 334,811<br />

City of <strong>Huntsville</strong> 180,105<br />

City of <strong>Madison</strong> 42,938<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Metro<br />

Source: 2010 U.S. Census<br />

417,593<br />

HOME SALES FOR 2011<br />

number of houses sold 8,441<br />

Average selling price $161,252<br />

days on the Market 122<br />

number of Houses on the Market 7,450<br />

Median selling price $138,000<br />

Source: <strong>Huntsville</strong> Area Association of Realtors<br />

HUNTSVILLE’S INDICA<strong>TO</strong>RS<br />

2011 COST OF LIVING<br />

National Average=100<br />

Composite index 93.6<br />

grocery items 95.8<br />

Utilities 96.2<br />

transportation 101.8<br />

Healthcare 95.2<br />

Misc. goods & services<br />

Source: The Council for Community<br />

and Economic Research<br />

102.4<br />


total non-Agricultural<br />

employment 207,633<br />

Manufacturing 22,475<br />

non-manufacturing 185,158<br />

Civilian labor Force 210,164<br />

employment 93,824<br />

Unemployment 16,340<br />

Unemployment Rate 7.8%<br />

Source: Alabama Department of<br />

Industrial Relations, Annual Averages<br />


passengers 1,260,715<br />

Cargo weight 446,278,100<br />

Source: <strong>Huntsville</strong>-<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

Airport Authority<br />



U.s. Army/Redstone Arsenal *<br />

nAsA /<br />

30,000<br />

Marshall space Flight Center * 6,000<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> Hospital system 6,280<br />

the Boeing Company 2,600<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong> City schools 3,000<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> schools 2,389<br />

sAiC 2,242<br />

(science Applications international Corporation)<br />

City of <strong>Huntsville</strong> 2,206<br />

UA<strong>Huntsville</strong> 1,675<br />

sanmina-sCi Corporation 1,578<br />

teledyne Brown engineering 1,530<br />

AdtRAn, inc. 1,740<br />

CinRAM, inc. 1,450<br />

intergraph Corporation 1,325<br />

northrop grumman Corporation 1,252<br />

Verizon wireless 1,200<br />

<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong> Commission 1,122<br />

directV 1,100<br />

lockheed Martin Corporation 1,040<br />

Crestwood Medical Center 1,000<br />

toyota Motor Manufacturing 1,000<br />

January 2012, Chamber of Commerce of<br />

<strong>Huntsville</strong>/<strong>Madison</strong> <strong>County</strong><br />

* includes on-site contractors<br />

64 | CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty 256.535.2000 | www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com

Chamber staff<br />


Chip Cherry<br />

CCe, president & Ceo<br />

tammy gregory<br />

executive Assistant<br />

Ashley shady<br />

Resource desk Coordinator<br />

Becky Moretti<br />

Resource desk Assistant<br />


ethan Hadley<br />

Vice president, economic development<br />

john southerland<br />

director,<br />

Cummings Research park | project Manager<br />

lucia Cape<br />

Vp, workforce & industry Relations<br />

Ken smith<br />

director, Research & information services<br />

Harrison diamond<br />

project Manager<br />

Amy locke<br />

economic development, workforce &<br />

industry Relations Administrative Assistant<br />


patricia McCarter<br />

Communications director<br />

Kristi sherrard<br />

graphic designer<br />

Hiroko sedensky<br />

web designer<br />

Rêvé smith<br />

Communications specialist<br />


Mike ward<br />

Vice president, governmental Affairs<br />

tina leopold<br />

governmental Affairs Assistant<br />


Christy nalley<br />

director of Finance & Administration<br />

jamie gallien<br />

it Manager<br />

Mary Mcnairy<br />

Accounting specialist<br />

lori warner<br />

Accounting specialist<br />

joe watson<br />

Facilities supervisor<br />


Mike Brazier<br />

director, Membership<br />

donna McCrary<br />

Membership specialist<br />

Amy Brantley<br />

Membership sales<br />

Melissa putzier<br />

Membership sales<br />


pammie jimmar<br />

small Business Manager<br />

Mitzi Floyd<br />

small Business Coordinator<br />

Kathleen Byrne<br />

events Coordinator<br />

Amanda Bishop<br />

events Assistant<br />

www.<strong>Huntsville</strong>AlabamaUSA.com | 256.535.2000 CHAmber of CommerCe of HUntSville / mAdiSon CoUnty | 65

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